[R] rpostgresql - write table to specific tablespace?

2014-03-03 Thread julian.bothe
Hello everybody, 


is there a possibility to write a data.frame as a table  to a
postgresql-database on a specific table_space? 

As I see it, the normal dbWriteTable() function does not provide this
functionality. Can I do it using a form of dbSendQuery?


Lamentably, I did not find any information on this issue on the web.
Please correct me if I missed something.


All the best 




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Re: [R] issues with calling predict.coxph.penal (survival) inside a function

2013-11-18 Thread julian.bothe
and thanks for the answer.

1) I found a work-around - in  the end it is easier than thought before.
The only thing you have to do is to have the same variable name with the
new values.
So if predict(coxph.penal.fit, newdata[subset,]) does not work inside a
function,  the following works:

pred_function - function(coxph_model, newdata){
#things to do before
predict(coxph_model, newdata)


I attach a working example.

I am not sure, maybe this is even what is written in the help to
NextMethod ;)
 NextMethod works by creating a special call frame for the next method.
If no new arguments are supplied, the arguments will be the same in
number, order and name as those to the current method but their values
will be promises to evaluate their name in the current method and
environment. Any named arguments matched to ... are handled specially:
they either replace existing arguments of the same name or are appended to
the argument list. They are passed on as the promise that was supplied as
an argument to the current environment. (S does this differently!) *If
they have been evaluated in the current (or a previous environment) they
remain evaluated.* (This is a complex area, and subject to change: see the
draft ‘R Language Definition’.) (Help to NextMethod )

2) Terry, I am not sure about the work-around you provided in your mail. I
want to do subsetting on newdata, not on the model.
Additionally, when trying the example you provided, I received different
results. Example is attached.

Thanks and all the best


test1 - data.frame(time=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3),

# Fit a stratified model
fit1 - coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(sex), test1)

#fit stratified wih spline
fit2 - coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ pspline(x, df=2) + strata(sex), test1)

## work-around
predicting_function_which_works- function(model, newdata ){
  subs -vector(mode='logical', length=nrow(newdata))
  subs[3:length(subs)]- TRUE #try with first values set to false


  ret-vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(newdata_alt))
  ret[!subs]- NA
  ret[subs]- predict(model,newdata )

predicting_function_which_works(fit1, test1) # works

predicting_function_which_works(fit2,test1)  # works
predicting_function_which_works(fit2,data.frame(time=c(4,3,1,1,2), # works

## How I understood Terry's work-around. Provides different results and
doesn't consider subset

predicting_function_2 - function(model, newdata){
  subs -vector(mode='logical', length=nrow(newdata))
  subs[2:length(subs)]- TRUE

  newX - model.matrix(model)
  newY - model$y
  newfit - coxph(newY ~ newX, iter=0, init=coef(model))
  newfit$var - model$var



  print(paste( model, original prediction:, paste(predict(model),
  print(paste(newfit, original prediction:, paste(predict(newfit),

  ret - predict (newfit, newdata[subs,])

predicting_function_2(fit1, test1)


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Terry Therneau [mailto:thern...@mayo.edu]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. November 2013 16:31
An: r-help@r-project.org; julian.bo...@elitepartner.de
Betreff: Re: issues with calling predict.coxph.penal (survival) inside a

Thanks for the reproducable example.  I can confirm that it fails on my
machine using survival 2-37.5, the next soon-to-be-released version,

The issue is with NextMethod, and my assumption that the called routine
inherited everything from the parent, including the environment chain.  A
simple test this AM showed me that the assumption is false.  It might have
been true for Splus.  Working this out may take some time -- every other
one of my wrestling matches with predict inside a function has -- and
there is a reasonable chance that it won't make this already overdue

In the meantime, here is a workaround that I have sometimes used in other
Inside your function do the following: fit a new coxph model with fixed
coefficients, and do prediction on that.

myfun - function(oldfit, subset) {
newX - model.matrix(oldfit)[subset,]
newY - oldfit$y[subset]
newfit - coxph(newY ~ newX, iter=0, init=coef(oldfit))
newfit$var - oldfit$var

If the subset is all of a particular strata, as you indicated, then all of
the predictions will be correct.  If not, then those that make use of the
the baseline hazard (type=
expect) will be incorrect but all others are ok.

Terry Therneau

On 11/14/2013 05:00 

[R] issues with calling predict.coxph.penal (survival) inside a function - subset-vector not found. Because of NextMethod?

2013-11-13 Thread julian.bothe
Hello everyone, 


I got an issue with calling predict.coxph.penal inside a function. 


Regarding the context: My original problem is that I wrote a function that
uses predict.coxph and survfit(model) to predict

a lot of survival-curves using only the basis-curves for the strata (as
delivered by survfit(model) ) and then adapts them with 

the predicted risk-scores. Because there are cases where my new data has
strata which didn't exist in the original model I exclude 

them, using a Boolean vector inside the function.

I end up with a call like this: predict (coxph_model,
newdata[subscript_vector,] ) 


This works fine for coxph.model, but when I fit a model with a spline
(class coxph.penal), I get an error: 

Error in `[.data.frame`(newdata, [subscript_vector, ) : object
'[subscript_vector ' not found


I suppose this is because of NextMethod, but I am not sure how to work
around it. I also read a little bit about all those

But must confess I am not really into it. 


I attach a reproducible example. 

Any help or suggestions of work-arounds will be appreciated. 







platform   x86_64-w64-mingw32  

arch   x86_64  

os mingw32 

system x86_64, mingw32 


major  3   

minor  0.1 

year   2013

month  05  


svn rev62743   

language   R   

version.string R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)

nickname   Good Sport





# Create the simplest test data set 

test1 - data.frame(time=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3), 





# Fit a stratified model 

fit1 - coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(sex), test1) 



#fit stratified wih spline

fit2 - coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ pspline(x, df=2) + strata(sex), test1) 



#function to predict within


predicting_function - function(model, newdata){

  subs -vector(mode='logical', length=nrow(newdata))

  subs[1:length(subs)]- TRUE


  ret - predict (model, newdata=newdata[subs,])




predicting_function(fit1, test1) # works


predicting_function(fit2,test1) #doesnt work - Error in
`[.data.frame`(newdata, subs, ) : object 'subs' not found

# probably because of NextMethod




#12: `[.data.frame`(newdata, subs, )

#11: newdata[subs, ]

#10: is.data.frame(data)

#9: model.frame.default(data = newdata[subs, ], formula = ~pspline(x, 

#   df = 2) + strata(sex), na.action = function (object, ...) 

#   object)

#8: model.frame(data = newdata[subs, ], formula = ~pspline(x, df = 2) + 

#   strata(sex), na.action = function (object, ...) 

#   object)

#7: eval(expr, envir, enclos)

#6: eval(tcall, parent.frame())

#5: predict.coxph(model, newdata = newdata[subs, ])

#4: NextMethod(predict, object, ...)

#3: predict.coxph.penal(model, newdata = newdata[subs, ])

#2: predict(model, newdata = newdata[subs, ]) at #5

#1: predicting_function(fit2, test1)


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[R] Bug in Survival - predict.coxph with collapse? (related to question censor=FALSE and id options in survfit.coxph)

2013-09-23 Thread julian.bothe
Hello everyone, Hello Terry, 


Trying to find workarounds for the bug described in

I found another issue which might or might not be related and which I
think is a bug - unless I got the usage of the collapse argument in
predict.coxph totally wrong. 


Using predict.coxph with a collapse vector, it gives the error the
collapse-vector has the wrong length.

Using the example data given in

predict = predict(mod, newdata=datnew, collapse=datnew$id)

Error in predict.coxph(mod, newdata = datnew, collapse = datnew$id) : 

  Collapse vector is the wrong length


all the best 





### CODE #

# create data



n - 100 # sample size

x - rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) # covariate

z - rep(0, n) # start time

y - rexp(n, exp(x)) # event time

e - y  2 # censor at 2

y - pmin(y, 2) # observation time

dat - data.frame(x,z,y,e)



# fit cox model with start/stop format


mod - coxph(Surv(z, y, e)~x, data=dat)





# create prediction dataset with 3 individuals with

# x = 0 on (0,2)

# x = 1 on (0,2)

# x = 0 on (0,1) and x = 1 on (1,2)

datnew - data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,1), z=c(0,0,0,1), y=c(2,2,1,2), e=rep(0,4),




 Prediction ##


predict(mod, newdata=datnew)## works

predict(mod, newdata=datnew, collapse=datnew$id) ##error

predict(mod, newdata=dat[1:5,], collapse=c(1,2,3,4))  ## error

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Re: [R] prediction survival curves for coxph-models; how to extract the right strata per individual

2013-08-05 Thread julian.bothe
At first, I would like to plot the survival curves. After that , the main
use will be to calculate conditional probabilities - given that an
individual already survived x days, what will be the chance it survives
till day ,e.g., 100.

I 've already found a solution, though.

Of the - non-subscribed - survfit-object, the following functions select
the indices belonging to the individual.
Usage is e.g.:

stratas= extract_strata(coxph.3, data)

coxph.3.surfvit = survfit(coxph.3, newdata=data)
strata_subscripts = extract_strata_subscripts(coxph.3.surfvit)

plot(0,0, ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(-10,360))
for(i in 1:100) lines(coxph.3.surfvit$time[strata_subscripts[,stratas[i]]
  col = rainbow(100)[i])

Of course, this is not very effective, but it works. Optimisations could
be to work with basehaz and predict, instead of fitting a survfit-object.

But, here are the functions I use (still partly in german, nor well
documented, and no nice coding)

All the best


extract_strata - function( object, data){
  ## returns the correct stratum for every element of data
  ## Gibt für jedes Element von Data das zugehörige Stratum gemäß object

  if( inherits(object,coxph)){
terms_form = terms(object$formula, specials=strata)
  } else if (inherits(object,formula)){
terms_form = terms(object, specials=strata)
  } else stop(object muss von Klasse coxph oder formula sein)

  if(length(attr(terms_form, which=specials)$strata)==0) {
warning(Keine strata gefunden)
return (NULL)
  } else if(length(attr(terms_form, which=specials)$strata)1) {
warning(Mehr als ein Aufruf von strata gefunden, return NULL)
return (NULL)
  } else {
# strata-call parsen, im envrionment data ausführen, zurückgeben)
attr(terms_form,factors))[attr(terms_form, which=specials)$strata]),
envir=data) )


extract_strata_subscripts - function(survfit_object){
  if( !inherits(survfit_object,survfit.cox)) stop(survfit_object must
be of class \survfit.cox\)


  if( is.null(survfit_object$strata)){
warning(No Strata found)
  stratanames= names(survfit_object$strata)
  nstrata = length(stratanames)
  ntimes = length(survfit_object$time)

  strataborders = matrix(ncol=3, nrow=nstrata,
strata=stratanames,borders=c(min,max, length)))

  for(x in 2:nstrata){

strataborders[x,2]=strataborders[x-1,2]+ nrow(survfit_object[x]$surv)
strataborders[x,3] = nrow(survfit_object[x]$surv)

  ret_matrix=matrix(data=F,ncol=nstrata, nrow=ntimes)
  attr(ret_matrix, which=strataborders)= strataborders

  for(x in stratanames)
ret_matrix[( (1:ntimes)= strataborders[x,1])( (1:ntimes)=
strataborders[x,2]),x] =T


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Terry Therneau [mailto:thern...@mayo.edu]
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Juli 2013 16:12
An: r-help@r-project.org; julian.bo...@elitepartner.de
Betreff: Re: [R] prediction survival curves for coxph-models; how to
extract the right strata per individual

It would help me to give advice if I knew what you wanted to do with the
new curves.
Plot, print, extract?

A more direct solution to your question will appear in the next release of
the code, btw.

Terry T.

On 07/25/2013 05:00 AM, r-help-requ...@r-project.org wrote:
 My problem is:

 I have a coxph.model with several strata and other covariables.

 Now I want to fit the estimated survival-curves for new data, using

 But this returns a prediction for each stratum per individual. So if I
 have 15 new individuals and 10 strata, I have 150 fitted surivival
 curves (or if I don't use the subscripts I have 15 predictions with
 the curves for all strata pasted together)

 Is there any possibility to get only the survival curves for the
 stratum the new individual belongs to?

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[R] prediction survival curves for coxph-models; how to extract the right strata per individual

2013-07-24 Thread julian.bothe
Hello everyone, 


It somehow seems like a strange question, but I don't find the answer.

I think my question is the same
ser=23573 stephenb wanted  to ask in January, but it seems he didn't get
an answer (see


My problem is: 


I have a coxph.model with several strata and other covariables. 

Now I want to fit the estimated survival-curves for new data, using

But this returns a prediction for each stratum per individual. So if I
have 15 new individuals and 10 strata, I have 150 fitted surivival curves
(or if I don't use the subscripts I have 15 predictions with the curves
for all strata pasted together)


Is there any possibility to get only the survival curves for the stratum
the new individual belongs to? 


I think the newstrata argument at survfit.coxph should do this, but trying
to use the argument I get the message Warning message:

In survfit.coxph(coxph.3, newdata = activisale_join[1:15, ], na.action =
na.pass,  :

  newstrata argument under construction, value ignored

(below the documentation for survfit.coxph)


So did anyone a workaround? Or does anyone know a fast solution to
automatically use the right subscripts? (beside the one supplied by
Stephen, which seems to take a little bit too much time.)


All the best 




Ps.: I use survival in version 2.37-4


newstrata if the original coxph model had strata, should the predictions
be for all strata,

or only for those in newdata? The default for this is TRUE if either the
id or

individual argument is present, as these require strata for the resulting

to make sense. Otherwise the default is FALSE, which means to ignore any

strata variable in the newdata data set, and produce predicted survivals
for the

entire set of strata in the original model. In this case some components
of the

output will be matrices with one column for each row of newdata.

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Re: [R] error in predict.gam used with bam

2013-07-17 Thread julian.bothe
Solved it!! ;)

The problem was that the test-data contained factor-levels the
training-data didn't.
So when trying to fit this new factor-levels to a model which didn't have
this levels, the error occurred.

When excluding the factor-levels not used when fitting the model or when
taking care all levels are used for modell-fitting, everything is fine.

All the best


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Simon Wood [mailto:s.w...@bath.ac.uk]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013 09:07
An: julian.bo...@elitepartner.de
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Betreff: Re: [R] error in predict.gam used with bam

Hi Julian,

Any chance you could send me (offline) a short version of your data, which
reproduces the problem? I can't reproduce it in a quick attempt (but it is
quite puzzling, given that bam calls predict.gam internally in pretty much
the same way that you are doing here).

btw (and nothing to do with the error) given that you are using R 3.0.1
it's a good idea to upgrade to mgcv_1.7-23 or above, for the following
reason (taken from the mgcv changeLog)


*** Fix of severe bug introduced with R 2.15.2 LAPACK change. The shipped
version of dsyevr can fail to produce orthogonal eigenvectors when
uplo='U' (upper triangle of symmetric matrix used), as opposed to 'L'.
This led to a substantial number of gam smoothing parameter estimation
convergence failures, as the key stabilizing re-parameterization was
substantially degraded. The issue did not affect gaussian additive models
with GCV model selection. Other models could fail to converge any further
as soon as any smoothing parameter became `large', as happens when a
smooth is estimated as a straight line.
check.gam reported the lack of full convergence, but the issue could also
generate complete fit failures. Picked up late as full test suite had only
been run on R  2.15.1 with an external LAPACK.


On 08/07/13 10:02, julian.bo...@elitepartner.de wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 I am doing a logistic gam (package mgcv) on a pretty large dataframe
 (130.000 cases with 100 variables).

 Because of that, the gam is fitted on a random subset of 1. Now
 when I want to predict the values for the rest of the data, I get the



 Error in predict.gam(gam.basis_alleakti.1, newdata =
 activisale_join[gam.basis_alleakti.1.complete_cases,  :

number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

 The following is the code:

 #formula with some factors and a lot of variables to be fitted

 gam.basis_alleakti.1.formula=as.formula( paste(verlängerung ~“,

paste( names(activisale_join)[c(2:10)], collapse=+),

 collapse=+)) # numeric variables, all count data


 # complete cases

 gam.basis_alleakti.1.complete_cases =

 # modell fitting works on random subset


   data = activisale_join[subset.1, ],

 # error, no idea why


 the prediction on the same subset (subset.1) works.

 It could be that this error is somewhat similar to that described as
 sidequestion in

 2618 8.html, where simon answered the following:

 “  Here is the error message I obtain:

   Error in predict.gam(x, newdata = newd, se.fit = TRUE, type = type) :
 number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
 - hmm, possibly a bug. I'll look into it.


 All the best


 Ps.:  version
 platform   x86_64-w64-mingw32
 arch   x86_64
 os mingw32
 system x86_64, mingw32
 major  3
 minor  0.1
 year   2013
 month  05
 svn rev62743
 language   R
 version.string R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
 nickname   Good Sport

 package mgcv version 1.7-22

   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK
+44 (0)1225 386603   http://people.bath.ac.uk/sw283


[R] error in predict.gam used with bam

2013-07-08 Thread julian.bothe
Hello everyone.

I am doing a logistic gam (package mgcv) on a pretty large dataframe
(130.000 cases with 100 variables).

Because of that, the gam is fitted on a random subset of 1. Now when I
want to predict the values for the rest of the data, I get the following



Error in predict.gam(gam.basis_alleakti.1, newdata =
activisale_join[gam.basis_alleakti.1.complete_cases,  :

  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

The following is the code:

#formula with some factors and a lot of variables to be fitted

gam.basis_alleakti.1.formula=as.formula( paste(verlängerung ~“,

  paste( names(activisale_join)[c(2:10)], collapse=+), ##factors

collapse=+)) # numeric variables, all count data


# complete cases

gam.basis_alleakti.1.complete_cases =
complete.cases(activisale_join[,all.vars(gam.basis_alleakti.1.formula) ])

# modell fitting works on random subset


 data = activisale_join[subset.1, ], family=

# error, no idea why


the prediction on the same subset (subset.1) works.

It could be that this error is somewhat similar to that described as
sidequestion in

8.html, where simon answered the following:

“  Here is the error message I obtain:

  Error in predict.gam(x, newdata = newd, se.fit = TRUE, type = type) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
- hmm, possibly a bug. I'll look into it.


All the best


Ps.:  version
platform   x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch   x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major  3
minor  0.1
year   2013
month  05
svn rev62743
language   R
version.string R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
nickname   Good Sport

package mgcv version 1.7-22

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