Re: [R] Aggregation across two variables in data.table

2017-12-14 Thread PIKAL Petr

Are you aware of function aggregate?

result <- with(data_tmp, aggregate(Theta, list(Marital, Education), mean))

should do the trick.


> -Original Message-
> From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Michael
> Haenlein
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:48 AM
> To:
> Cc: Michael Haenlein <>
> Subject: [R] Aggregation across two variables in data.table
> Dear all,
> I have a data.frame that includes a series of demographic variables for a
> set of respondents plus a dependent variable (Theta). For example:
>AgeEducation   Marital Familysize
> IncomeHousingTheta
> 1:  50 Associate degree  Divorced  4
>  70K+Owned with mortgage 9.14
> 2:  65  Bachelor degree   Married  1
> 10-15K Owned without mortgage 7.345036
> 3:  33  Bachelor degree   Married  2
> 30-40KOwned with mortgage 7.974937
> 4:  69  Bachelor degree Never married  1
>  70K+Owned with mortgage 7.733053
> 5:  54 Some college, less than college graduate Never married  3
> 30-40K Rented 7.648642
> 6:  35 Associate degree Separated  2
> 10-15K Rented 7.496411
> My objective is to calculate the average of Theta across all pairs of two
> demographics.
> For 1 demographic this is straightforward:
> Demo_names <- c("Age", "Education", "Marital", "Familysize", "Income",
> "Housing")
> means1 <- as.list(rep(0, length(Demo_names)))
> for (i in 1:length(Demo_names)) {
> Demo_tmp <- Demo_names[i]
> means1[[i]] <- data_tmp[,list(mean(Theta)),by=Demo_tmp]}
> Is there an easy way to extent this logic to more than 1 variable? I know
> how to do this manually, e.g.,
> data_tmp[,list(mean(Theta)),by=list(Marital, Education)]
> But I don't know how to integrate this into a loop.
> Thanks,
> Michael
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[R] Aggregation across two variables in data.table

2017-12-13 Thread Michael Haenlein
Dear all,

I have a data.frame that includes a series of demographic variables for a
set of respondents plus a dependent variable (Theta). For example:

   AgeEducation   Marital Familysize
1:  50 Associate degree  Divorced  4
 70K+Owned with mortgage 9.14
2:  65  Bachelor degree   Married  1
10-15K Owned without mortgage 7.345036
3:  33  Bachelor degree   Married  2
30-40KOwned with mortgage 7.974937
4:  69  Bachelor degree Never married  1
 70K+Owned with mortgage 7.733053
5:  54 Some college, less than college graduate Never married  3
30-40K Rented 7.648642
6:  35 Associate degree Separated  2
10-15K Rented 7.496411

My objective is to calculate the average of Theta across all pairs of two

For 1 demographic this is straightforward:

Demo_names <- c("Age", "Education", "Marital", "Familysize", "Income",
means1 <- as.list(rep(0, length(Demo_names)))
for (i in 1:length(Demo_names)) {
Demo_tmp <- Demo_names[i]
means1[[i]] <- data_tmp[,list(mean(Theta)),by=Demo_tmp]}

Is there an easy way to extent this logic to more than 1 variable? I know
how to do this manually, e.g.,
data_tmp[,list(mean(Theta)),by=list(Marital, Education)]

But I don't know how to integrate this into a loop.



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