[R] Hazard ratio calculation and KM plot p-value:

2011-04-05 Thread Angel Russo
I have two questions:

1) Can anyone provide me with a reference regarding calculation of Hazard
ratio for two groups of data. How is it being manually calculated with an
example. Unlike median time ratio which is the ratio of median times in two
groups, at what time is the hazard ratio calculation done?

2) In kaplan-meier statistics of stratifying into two groups, a p-value is
often calculated (e.g. log-rank p-value). p-value is the test is how
significant the separation is between two groups compared to random. What is
random in kaplan-meier statistics. How is p-value calculated?

Thanks for everyone's time to read and hopefully respond as well.

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[R] hazard ratio between my groups

2011-02-10 Thread Angel Russo

I am interested in calculating hazard ratio of the stratified groups defined
by me.

binscores -

dd - data.frame(surv.time=OS, surv.event= status, strat=binscores)
km.coxph.plot(formula.s=Surv(surv.time, surv.event) ~ strat)

How do I calculate hazard ratio between the groups defined by me as above?
Thanks very much,

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[R] Hazard ratio

2009-12-10 Thread Ashta
Hi all,

I want to calculate  hazard  ratio within each covariate

Example, one covariate has 3 classes (1,2 and 3) and x2 has 2 classes

I want to compare the relative risk ratio within each class of the covariate.
 How do I get this result ? .

The other question is that how do I interpret  the second column in
the second panel  (i.e., exp(-coef))

I used the model
coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~ y1+x2)

   coef   exp(coef)  se(coef)   z  Pr(|z|)
y1-0.024084  0.976204  0.003077 -7.828 5.00e-15 ***
x2 0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665

 exp(coef)  exp(-coef)   lower .95upper .95
 y1  0.9762 1.0244   0.9703 0.9821
x2  1.0368  0.9645   0.8796 1.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [R] Hazard ratio

2009-12-10 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 10, 2009, at 8:33 AM, Ashta wrote:

Hi all,

I want to calculate  hazard  ratio within each covariate

Example, one covariate has 3 classes (1,2 and 3) and x2 has 2 classes

I want to compare the relative risk ratio within each class of the  

How do I get this result ? .

Code as factors instead of numeric.

The other question is that how do I interpret  the second column in
the second panel  (i.e., exp(-coef))

It is the effect of a decrease by one unit of that variable.

I used the model
coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~ y1+x2)

  coef   exp(coef)  se(coef)   z  Pr(|z|)
y1-0.024084  0.976204  0.003077 -7.828 5.00e-15 ***
x2 0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665

exp(coef)  exp(-coef)   lower .95upper .95
y1  0.9762 1.0244   0.9703 0.9821
x2  1.0368  0.9645   0.8796 1.

Thanks in advance

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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Re: [R] Hazard ratio

2009-12-10 Thread Ashta

Thank you very much for your response.

I fitted the model as  factor instead of numeric.

coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~factor(y1)+factor(x2)
   coef exp(coef)  se(coef)  z
factor(y1)2  0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665
factor(y1)3  -0.510124  0.600421  0.088901 -5.738  9.57e-09 ***
factor(x2)2  -0.510124  0.600421  0.088901 -5.738  9.57e-09 ***

What are those values?   Is it comparing in reference to the first
class of each covariate?

Thanks again.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Ashta sewa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to calculate  hazard  ratio within each covariate

 Example, one covariate has 3 classes (1,2 and 3) and x2 has 2 classes

 I want to compare the relative risk ratio within each class of the covariate.
  How do I get this result ? .

 The other question is that how do I interpret  the second column in
 the second panel  (i.e., exp(-coef))

 I used the model
 coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~ y1+x2)

           coef       exp(coef)  se(coef)       z          Pr(|z|)
 y1    -0.024084  0.976204  0.003077 -7.828 5.00e-15 ***
 x2     0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665

         exp(coef)  exp(-coef)   lower .95    upper .95
  y1      0.9762     1.0244       0.9703         0.9821
 x2      1.0368      0.9645       0.8796         1.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: [R] Hazard ratio

2009-12-10 Thread R Help
Yes, in this case it's comparing to the value '1'.  In general with
factors it's comparing to whatever level is missing.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Ashta sewa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you very much for your response.

 I fitted the model as  factor instead of numeric.

 coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~factor(y1)+factor(x2)
                               coef         exp(coef)  se(coef)      z
 factor(y1)2  0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665
 factor(y1)3  -0.510124  0.600421  0.088901 -5.738  9.57e-09 ***
 factor(x2)2  -0.510124  0.600421  0.088901 -5.738  9.57e-09 ***

 What are those values?   Is it comparing in reference to the first
 class of each covariate?

 Thanks again.

 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Ashta sewa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to calculate  hazard  ratio within each covariate

 Example, one covariate has 3 classes (1,2 and 3) and x2 has 2 classes

 I want to compare the relative risk ratio within each class of the covariate.
  How do I get this result ? .

 The other question is that how do I interpret  the second column in
 the second panel  (i.e., exp(-coef))

 I used the model
 coxfit1 - coxph(Surv(sdat$time, sdat$cens)~ y1+x2)

           coef       exp(coef)  se(coef)       z          Pr(|z|)
 y1    -0.024084  0.976204  0.003077 -7.828 5.00e-15 ***
 x2     0.036161  1.036822  0.083921  0.431   0.6665

         exp(coef)  exp(-coef)   lower .95    upper .95
  y1      0.9762     1.0244       0.9703         0.9821
 x2      1.0368      0.9645       0.8796         1.

 Thanks in advance

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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[R] hazard ratio of interaction Cox model

2007-12-18 Thread Giulia Barbati
Dear Forum,
I have a question about interaction estimate in the Cox model: 
why the hazard ratio of the interaction is not produced in the summary of the 
(Instead, the estimate of the coefficient is given in the print of the model.) 

# Example:



  coef se(coef) zp
NYHA=2   1.2540.584  2.15 0.031767
ASINI   0.6650.409  1.62 0.104247
RFP=20.7250.704  1.03 0.302578
FE_REC=2-1.6370.810 -2.02 0.043331
XX_PR2.1890.649  3.37 0.000748
XX_DISF  3.2331.000  3.23 0.001222
XX_PR * XX_DISF -2.8521.280 -2.23 0.025852


 Effects  Response : Surv(T_BASE, T_FIN, STATUS) 

 Factor LowHigh Diff.  Effect S.E. Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
 ASINI 2.0725 2.85 0.7775  0.52  0.32 -0.111.14
  Hazard Ratio  2.0725 2.85 0.7775  1.68NA  0.903.13
 XX_PR  0. 1.00 1.  2.19  0.65  0.923.46
  Hazard Ratio  0. 1.00 1.  8.92NA  2.50   31.86
 XX_DISF0. 1.00 1.  3.23  1.00  1.275.19
  Hazard Ratio  0. 1.00 1. 25.35NA  3.57  179.88
 NYHA - 2:1 1. 2.00 NA  1.25  0.58  0.112.40
  Hazard Ratio  1. 2.00 NA  3.50NA  1.12   11.00
 RFP - 2:1  1. 2.00 NA  0.73  0.70 -0.652.10
  Hazard Ratio  1. 2.00 NA  2.07NA  0.528.20
 FE_REC - 2:1   1. 2.00 NA -1.64  0.81 -3.23   -0.05
  Hazard Ratio  1. 2.00 NA  0.19NA  0.040.95

Adjusted to: XX_PR=0 XX_DISF=0  


Be a better friend, newshound, and 

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