Re: [R] Non-Linear Regression Help

2017-05-10 Thread David Stevens
I have a fair bit of experience with both nls and rating curves. This is 
not a nls() problem, this is a model problem. The power law rating curve 
favored by hydrologists would not apply to your data as it's based on 
the idea that a log-log plot of discharge vs. stage, or state+a in your 
case is a straight line, statistical assumptions notwithstanding. A 
log-log plot of your data,


clear is not a straight line. The very large discharge at stage=6.53 vs. 
stage=6.32 says one of two things: 1) there is an error in the data 
(perhaps the 2592.05 should be 592.05) or 2) the river channel geometry 
has changed dramatically, as in overtopping its banks or perhaps there's 
a smaller central channel set into a larger flood channel, similar to 
the LA river of the movies. The way forward is 1) recheck your data or 
2) recheck your data and use a two-piece model with one piece for stage 
<= 6.32 and a second piece for stage > 6.32. For this second approach to 
work, you'll need more data than you have given us here.

BTW, nls() should work fine if the model/data combination meet the 
requirements of 1) the model 'fits' the data, 2) the residuals are 
NIID(0,sigma^2), the parameters C, a, and n are identifiable from the 
data (should be if the last point is excluded). As always, you'll need 
good starting values for the parameters (get them from a log-log plot). 
You may find, based on the residuals, that linear regression (lm, glm) 
are most appropriate so that the errors meet the criteria of constant 
variance. If none of this makes sense, buy and study the book

Nonlinear regression analysis: Its applications, D. M. Bates and D. G. 
Watts, Wiley, New York, 1988. ISBN 0471-816434.

The nls() application is the easy part.

Good luck

David Stevens

On 5/4/2017 4:58 PM, Zachary Shadomy wrote:
> I am having some errors come up in my first section of code. I have no
> issue in plotting the points. Is there an easier method for creating a
> non-linear regression using C*(x+a)^n. The .txt file is named
> stage_discharge with the two variables being stage and discharge.
> The data is a relatively small file listed below:
> stage discharge
> 6.53 2592.05
> 6.32 559.5782
> 5.96 484.2151
> 4.99 494.7527
> 3.66 456.0778
> 0.51 291.13
>> power.nls<-nls(stage_dischargee$discharge~C*(stage_discharge$stage+a)^n,
> data=stage_discharge, start=list(C=4, a=0, n=1))
>> C<-coef(power.nls)["C"]
>> a<-coef(power.nls)["a"]
>> n<-coef(power.nls)["n"]
>> plot(stage_discharge$stage, stage_discharge$discharge, pch=17, cex=1.25,
> ylab='Discharge (cfs )', xlab='Stage (ft)', font.lab=2, main='Boone Creek\n
> St age-Discharge Curve')
>> curve(C*(x+a)^n, add=TRUE, col="red")
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David K Stevens, P.E., Ph.D.
Professor and Head, Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah Water Research Laboratory
8200 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT  84322-8200
435 797 3229 - voice
435 797 1363 - fax

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Re: [R] Non-Linear Regression Help

2017-05-05 Thread J C Nash

If you insist on using nls() for anything that you don't understand
extremely well, you will end up with frustration. nls() uses the same
method K F Gauss used (with good understanding of the details) over
200 years ago. The Gauss-Newton approach inside works very well and
efficiently for problems where the assumptions are met, and terribly
most other times. But nls() does have some nice "extras", and rather
than rewrite all the code, we have a wrapnls() function for the codes
in the much more modern nlsr package. It tries (and mostly succeeds) in
getting analytic derivatives in cases like this. Note that nls(), when
you output the diagnostic, tells you that it is having trouble with
the numeric derivative.

I did the following:

1) made a csv file from the data in the posting (Shadomy17.csv)

2) edited the nls() call and added trace and try()

3) ran nlxb() from nlsr. Note that it uses a lot of iterations -- the
problem is quite close to singular. The singular values have NOTHING
to do with the individual parameters. Their display position is just
convenient. Together they show that the ratio of largest / smallest sv
(a measure of the condition number) is very large -- an ill-conditioned
problem. Now we know this -- there's no guessing and hand-waving.

Best, JN

Here's the (rather verbose) output

> library(nlsr)

> shadomy <- read.csv("./Shadomy17.csv")

> power.nls<-try(nls(discharge~C*(stage+a)^n, data=shadomy, start=list(C=4, 
a=0, n=1), trace=TRUE))
7585285 :  4 0 1

> print(power.nls)
[1] "Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) : \n  Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the 

[1] "try-error"

> tmp <- readline("Try a better approach")

> p.nlxb <- nlxb(discharge~C*(stage+a)^n, data=shadomy, start=list(C=4, a=0, 
n=1), trace=TRUE)
formula: discharge ~ C * (stage + a)^n
lower:[1] -Inf -Inf -Inf
upper:[1] Inf Inf Inf

[1] 1

[1] 1e-04

[1] 100

[1] 10

[1] 4

[1] 1

[1] 5000

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

vn:[1] "discharge" "C" "stage" "a" "n"
Finished masks check
datvar:[1] "discharge" "stage"
Data variable  discharge :[1] 2592.05  559.58  484.22  494.75  456.08  291.13
Data variable  stage :[1] 6.53 6.32 5.96 4.99 3.66 0.51
function (prm)
if (is.null(names(prm)))
names(prm) <- names(pvec)
localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)

no weights
lower:[1] -Inf -Inf -Inf
upper:[1] Inf Inf Inf
Start:lamda: 1e-04  SS= 7585285  at  C = 4  a = 0  n = 1  1 / 0
lamda: 0.001  SS= Inf  at  C = -843.56  a = 228.63  n = 123.33  2 / 1
lamda: 0.01  SS= Inf  at  C = -515.08  a = 148.03  n = 84.714  3 / 1
lamda: 0.1  SS= 9.0129e+100  at  C = -50.129  a = 37.016  n = 29.648  4 / 1
lamda: 1  SS= 8.5013e+47  at  C = 58.103  a = 30.986  n = 13.954  5 / 1
lamda: 10  SS= 4.2141e+31  at  C = 49.209  a = 45.025  n = 8.0734  6 / 1
lamda: 100  SS= 9.4088e+10  at  C = 17.369  a = 15.101  n = 2.9571  7 / 1
< print(p.nlxb)
nlsr object: x
residual sumsquares =  2468891  on  6 observations
after  31Jacobian and  51 function evaluations
  namecoeff  SE   tstat  pval  gradient
C17.2692  1404 0.0123  0.991  -733.5
a  -0.509779 60.67  -0.008403 0.9938   35772   
n2.44601 31.750.07704 0.9434 -126335  

> sink()

On 2017-05-04 06:58 PM, Zachary Shadomy wrote:

I am having some errors come up in my first section of code. I have no
issue in plotting the points. Is there an easier method for creating a
non-linear regression using C*(x+a)^n. The .txt file is named
stage_discharge with the two variables being stage and discharge.
The data is a relatively small file listed below:

stage discharge
6.53 2592.05
6.32 559.5782
5.96 484.2151
4.99 494.7527
3.66 456.0778
0.51 291.13


data=stage_discharge, start=list(C=4, a=0, n=1))

plot(stage_discharge$stage, stage_discharge$discharge, pch=17, cex=1.25,

ylab='Discharge (cfs )', xlab='Stage (ft)', font.lab=2, main='Boone Creek\n
St age-Discharge Curve')

curve(C*(x+a)^n, add=TRUE, col="red")

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Re: [R] Non-Linear Regression Help

2017-05-05 Thread PIKAL Petr

I am not an expert in nonlinear regression, but your data seems to be rather 
weird. Last five points has almost linear relationship, the first one is 
several times higher. If there is no error in your data, I doubt that you can 
model it by power equation.


> -Original Message-
> From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Zachary
> Shadomy
> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 12:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] Non-Linear Regression Help
> I am having some errors come up in my first section of code. I have no
> issue in plotting the points. Is there an easier method for creating a
> non-linear regression using C*(x+a)^n. The .txt file is named
> stage_discharge with the two variables being stage and discharge.
> The data is a relatively small file listed below:
> stage discharge
> 6.53 2592.05
> 6.32 559.5782
> 5.96 484.2151
> 4.99 494.7527
> 3.66 456.0778
> 0.51 291.13
> > power.nls<-
> nls(stage_dischargee$discharge~C*(stage_discharge$stage+a)^n,
> data=stage_discharge, start=list(C=4, a=0, n=1))
> > C<-coef(power.nls)["C"]
> > a<-coef(power.nls)["a"]
> > n<-coef(power.nls)["n"]
> > plot(stage_discharge$stage, stage_discharge$discharge, pch=17, cex=1.25,
> ylab='Discharge (cfs )', xlab='Stage (ft)', font.lab=2, main='Boone Creek\n
> St age-Discharge Curve')
> > curve(C*(x+a)^n, add=TRUE, col="red")
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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__ mailing lis

[R] Non-Linear Regression Help

2017-05-04 Thread Zachary Shadomy
I am having some errors come up in my first section of code. I have no
issue in plotting the points. Is there an easier method for creating a
non-linear regression using C*(x+a)^n. The .txt file is named
stage_discharge with the two variables being stage and discharge.
The data is a relatively small file listed below:

stage discharge
6.53 2592.05
6.32 559.5782
5.96 484.2151
4.99 494.7527
3.66 456.0778
0.51 291.13

> power.nls<-nls(stage_dischargee$discharge~C*(stage_discharge$stage+a)^n,
data=stage_discharge, start=list(C=4, a=0, n=1))
> C<-coef(power.nls)["C"]
> a<-coef(power.nls)["a"]
> n<-coef(power.nls)["n"]
> plot(stage_discharge$stage, stage_discharge$discharge, pch=17, cex=1.25,
ylab='Discharge (cfs )', xlab='Stage (ft)', font.lab=2, main='Boone Creek\n
St age-Discharge Curve')
> curve(C*(x+a)^n, add=TRUE, col="red")

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