Re: [R] Problem with mpi.close.Rslaves()

2008-07-17 Thread Lyman, Mark
I have found a solution that appears to work. Instead of calling
mpi.close.Rslaves() to shut down the slaves, I use
mpi.bcast.cmd(q(no)) and rely on the scheduler/mpirun to shut down
anything else. However, because I really don't know what I am doing, I
would appreciate it if anyone who sees something wrong with this would
let me know.


Mark Lyman, Statistician

ATK Launch Systems


(435) 863-2863

From: Lyman, Mark 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:06 AM
Cc: ''; Palmer, Michael
Subject: Problem with mpi.close.Rslaves()


I am running R 2.7.0 on a Suse 9.1 linux cluster with a job scheduler
dispatching jobs and openmpi-1.0.1. I have tried running one of the
examples at in Rmpi
and they seem to be working, except mpi.close.Rslaves() hangs. The
slaves are closed, but the master doesn't finish its script. Below is
the example script and the call to R. The job is being run on a single 4
processor machine. Any suggestions?


Also is Rmpi using rexec to communicate?  Can it use ssh if it doesn't



mpirun -np 4 -machinefile /var/spool/PBS/aux/90361.head
/apps/R/R270/bin/R CMD BATCH --save  Rmpi_test4.R


# Initialize MPI



# Function the slaves will call to perform a validation on the

# fold equal to their slave number.

# Assumes: thedata,fold,foldNumber,p

foldslave - function() {

# Note the use of the tag for sent messages: 

# 1=ready_for_task, 2=done_task, 3=exiting 

# Note the use of the tag for received messages: 

# 1=task, 2=done_tasks 

junk - 0 


done - 0 

while (done != 1) {

# Signal being ready to receive a new task 



# Receive a task 

task - mpi.recv.Robj(mpi.any.source(),mpi.any.tag()) 

task_info - mpi.get.sourcetag() 

tag - task_info[2] 


if (tag == 1) {

foldNumber - task$foldNumber


rss - double(p)

for (i in 1:p) {

# produce a linear model on the first i variables on 

# training data

templm - lm(y~.,data=thedata[fold!=foldNumber,1:(i+1)])

# produce predicted data from test data

yhat -

# get rss of yhat-y

localrssresult -

rss[i] - localrssresult



# Send a results message back to the master

results - list(result=rss,foldNumber=foldNumber)



else if (tag == 2) {

done - 1


# We'll just ignore any unknown messages






# We're in the parent.  

# first make some data

n - 1000  # number of obs

p - 30  # number of variables


# Create data as a set of n samples of p independent variables,

# make a random beta with higher weights in the front.

# Generate y's as y = beta*x + random

x - matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)

beta - c(rnorm(p/2,0,5),rnorm(p/2,0,.25))

y - x %*% beta + rnorm(n,0,20)

thedata - data.frame(y=y,x=x)


fold - rep(1:10,length=n)

fold - sample(fold)




# Now, send the data to the slaves





# Send the function to the slaves



# Call the function in all the slaves to get them ready to

# undertake tasks




# Create task list

tasks - vector('list')

for (i in 1:10) {

tasks[[i]] - list(foldNumber=i)



# Create data structure to store the results

rssresult = matrix(0,p,10)


junk - 0 

closed_slaves - 0 

n_slaves - mpi.comm.size()-1 


while (closed_slaves  n_slaves) { 

# Receive a message from a slave 

message - mpi.recv.Robj(mpi.any.source(),mpi.any.tag()) 

message_info - mpi.get.sourcetag() 

slave_id - message_info[1] 

tag - message_info[2] 


if (tag == 1) { 

# slave is ready for a task. Give it the next task, or tell it

# are done if there are none. 

if (length(tasks)  0) { 

# Send a task, and then remove it from the task list 

mpi.send.Robj(tasks[[1]], slave_id, 1); 

tasks[[1]] - NULL 


else { 

mpi.send.Robj(junk, slave_id, 2) 



else if (tag == 2) { 

# The message contains results. Do something with the results. 

# Store them in the data structure

foldNumber - message$foldNumber

rssresult[,foldNumber] - message$result


else if (tag == 3) { 

# A slave has closed down. 

[R] Problem with mpi.close.Rslaves()

2008-07-16 Thread Lyman, Mark
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Suse 9.1 linux cluster with a job scheduler
dispatching jobs and openmpi-1.0.1. I have tried running one of the
examples at in Rmpi
and they seem to be working, except mpi.close.Rslaves() hangs. The
slaves are closed, but the master doesn't finish its script. Below is
the example script and the call to R. The job is being run on a single 4
processor machine. Any suggestions?


Also is Rmpi using rexec to communicate?  Can it use ssh if it doesn't



mpirun -np 4 -machinefile /var/spool/PBS/aux/90361.head
/apps/R/R270/bin/R CMD BATCH --save  Rmpi_test4.R


# Initialize MPI



# Function the slaves will call to perform a validation on the

# fold equal to their slave number.

# Assumes: thedata,fold,foldNumber,p

foldslave - function() {

# Note the use of the tag for sent messages: 

# 1=ready_for_task, 2=done_task, 3=exiting 

# Note the use of the tag for received messages: 

# 1=task, 2=done_tasks 

junk - 0 


done - 0 

while (done != 1) {

# Signal being ready to receive a new task 



# Receive a task 

task - mpi.recv.Robj(mpi.any.source(),mpi.any.tag()) 

task_info - mpi.get.sourcetag() 

tag - task_info[2] 


if (tag == 1) {

foldNumber - task$foldNumber


rss - double(p)

for (i in 1:p) {

# produce a linear model on the first i variables on 

# training data

templm - lm(y~.,data=thedata[fold!=foldNumber,1:(i+1)])

# produce predicted data from test data

yhat -

# get rss of yhat-y

localrssresult -

rss[i] - localrssresult



# Send a results message back to the master

results - list(result=rss,foldNumber=foldNumber)



else if (tag == 2) {

done - 1


# We'll just ignore any unknown messages






# We're in the parent.  

# first make some data

n - 1000  # number of obs

p - 30  # number of variables


# Create data as a set of n samples of p independent variables,

# make a random beta with higher weights in the front.

# Generate y's as y = beta*x + random

x - matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)

beta - c(rnorm(p/2,0,5),rnorm(p/2,0,.25))

y - x %*% beta + rnorm(n,0,20)

thedata - data.frame(y=y,x=x)


fold - rep(1:10,length=n)

fold - sample(fold)




# Now, send the data to the slaves





# Send the function to the slaves



# Call the function in all the slaves to get them ready to

# undertake tasks




# Create task list

tasks - vector('list')

for (i in 1:10) {

tasks[[i]] - list(foldNumber=i)



# Create data structure to store the results

rssresult = matrix(0,p,10)


junk - 0 

closed_slaves - 0 

n_slaves - mpi.comm.size()-1 


while (closed_slaves  n_slaves) { 

# Receive a message from a slave 

message - mpi.recv.Robj(mpi.any.source(),mpi.any.tag()) 

message_info - mpi.get.sourcetag() 

slave_id - message_info[1] 

tag - message_info[2] 


if (tag == 1) { 

# slave is ready for a task. Give it the next task, or tell it

# are done if there are none. 

if (length(tasks)  0) { 

# Send a task, and then remove it from the task list 

mpi.send.Robj(tasks[[1]], slave_id, 1); 

tasks[[1]] - NULL 


else { 

mpi.send.Robj(junk, slave_id, 2) 



else if (tag == 2) { 

# The message contains results. Do something with the results. 

# Store them in the data structure

foldNumber - message$foldNumber

rssresult[,foldNumber] - message$result


else if (tag == 3) { 

# A slave has closed down. 

closed_slaves - closed_slaves + 1 





# plot the results






Mark Lyman, Statistician

ATK Launch Systems


(435) 863-2863

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