Re: [R] R problem nls

2012-04-09 Thread Carlos Ortega

And regarding how to extend the nls algorithm to a larger dataset it is a
question of indicating in the nls() functions which data.frame to use.
In you example you were using a small set of x's ad y's, so if you want to
use a large set put it in a new data.frame and pass it to nls().

And if you want to repeat that calculation for many different sets of x,y
(each one of them corresponding to a different wavelength) you could do
that in a loop.

Carlos Ortega

2012/4/9 Karen Vandepoel 

> Hi,
> I will try to explain what it is I need to do, how far I am in doing it yet
> and where my problem is:
> I have a lot of x,y values I need to fit a non linear function through.
> Subsequently, I need to find the intersection point of this fitted curve
> with y=1.01
> The problem is I have a lot of values so I want to be able to do it all at
> once.
> I already imported my excel file of the points I have to use.
> The things I already have are following (not all of the data is visible
> because otherwise the file would be too long for this email, but i just
> showed part of my data so you could better understand my problem):
> __
>  X1242   X1242.5 X1243   X1243.5 X1244   X1244.5
> X1245   X1245.5 X1246   X1246.5 X1247   X1247.5 X1248
> X1248.5 X1249 =>  names of each data set ( corresponds to wavelengths,
> ranges from 400 to 2500 with 0.5 steps => a lot of points!)
> 18.14 0.9860316 0.9860272 0.9860203 0.9860121 0.9860044 0.9859994 0.9859971
> 0.9859976 0.985 0.9860035 0.9860069 0.9860103 0.9860128 0.9860151
> 0.9860178
> 15.8  0.9857134 0.9857106 0.9857063 0.9857011 0.9856958 0.9856917 0.9856887
> 0.9856874 0.9856880 0.9856893 0.9856906 0.9856919 0.9856922 0.9856916
> 0.9856912
> 13.77 0.9930109 0.9930015 0.9929921 0.9929833 0.9929765 0.9929714 0.9929674
> 0.9929637 0.9929603 0.9929569 0.9929533 0.9929501 0.9929469 0.9929440
> 0.9929416
> 9.03  0.9875374 0.9875321 0.9875242 0.9875140 0.9875024 0.9874921 0.9874840
> 0.9874793 0.9874780 0.9874802 0.9874835 0.9874869 0.9874877 0.9874857
> 0.9874801
> 6.14  0.9900554 0.9900465 0.9900376 0.9900286 0.9900204 0.9900122 0.9900032
> 0.9899924 0.9899802 0.9899669 0.9899544 0.9899445 0.9899372 0.9899333
> 0.9899317
> 4.27  1.0050327 1.0050242 1.0050175 1.0050129 1.0050107 1.0050101 1.0050094
> 1.0050070 1.0050025 1.0049959 1.0049885 1.0049812 1.0049746 1.0049691
> 1.0049647
> 2.77  0.9892697 0.9892585 0.9892454 0.9892311 0.9892164 0.9892030 0.9891906
> 0.9891796 0.9891704 0.9891624 0.9891550 0.9891480 0.9891401 0.9891320
> 0.9891235
> 1.52  0.9979284 0.9979430 0.9979548 0.9979644 0.9979739 0.9979850 0.9979984
> 0.9980137 0.9980312 0.9980498 0.9980691 0.9980897 0.9981105 0.9981323
> 0.9981542
> These are my x-values and y-values
>X1249.5 X1250   X1250.5 X1251   X1251.5 X1252
> X1252.5 X1253   X1253.5 X1254   X1254.5 X1255   X1255.5
> X1256   X1256.5
> 18.14 0.9860214 0.9860261 0.9860320 0.9860377 0.9860425 0.9860456 0.9860462
> 0.9860449 0.9860433 0.9860422 0.9860417 0.9860428 0.9860444 0.9860456
> 0.9860456
> 15.8  0.9856911 0.9856918 0.9856934 0.9856958 0.9856984 0.9857014 0.9857040
> 0.9857069 0.9857099 0.9857132 0.9857153 0.9857156 0.9857132 0.9857080
> 0.9857016
> 13.77 0.9929406 0.9929405 0.9929425 0.9929445 0.9929464 0.9929476 0.9929476
> 0.9929455 0.9929431 0.9929409 0.9929377 0.9929356 0.9929331 0.9929304
> 0.9929279
> 9.03  0.9874721 0.9874641 0.9874578 0.9874542 0.9874529 0.9874541 0.9874556
> 0.9874563 0.9874565 0.9874551 0.9874527 0.9874498 0.9874461 0.9874415
> 0.9874371
> 6.14  0.9899318 0.9899319 0.9899304 0.9899263 0.9899192 0.9899095 0.9898986
> 0.9898873 0.9898777 0.9898703 0.9898641 0.9898591 0.9898546 0.9898495
> 0.9898439
> 4.27  1.0049605 1.0049564 1.0049528 1.0049495 1.0049466 1.0049435 1.0049404
> 1.0049357 1.0049298 1.0049230 1.0049155 1.0049093 1.0049049 1.0049019
> 1.0049002
> 2.77  0.9891158 0.9891100 0.9891058 0.9891036 0.9891013 0.9890986 0.9890943
> 0.9890873 0.9890789 0.9890691 0.9890583 0.9890485 0.9890395 0.9890323
> 0.9890266
> 1.52  0.9981760 0.9981970 0.9982176 0.9982372 0.9982565 0.9982753 0.9982935
> 0.9983102 0.9983259 0.9983408 0.9983533 0.9983647 0.9983749 0.9983841
> 0.9983929
>  X1257   X1257.5 X1258   X1258.5 X1259   X1259.5
> X1260   X1260.5 X1261   X1261.5 X1262   X1262.5 X1263
> X1263.5 X1264
> 18.14 0.9860445 0.9860437 0.9860438 0.9860467 0.9860527 0.9860613 0.9860705
> 0.9860782 0.9860830 0.9860844 0.9860832 0.9860806 0.9860774 0.9860746
> 0.9860716
> 15.8  0.9856955 0.9856925 0.9856930 0.9856967 0.9857032 0.9857098 0.9857162
> 0.9857213 0.9857248 0.9857268 0.9857283 0.9857298 0.9857314 0.9857340
> 0.9857374
> 13.77 0.9929253 0.9929242 0.9929234 0.9929239 0.9929254 0.9929276 0.9929302
> 0.9929321 0.9929329 0.9929328 0.9929315 0.9929294 0.9929275 0.9929257
> 0.9929243
> 9.03  0.9874330 0.9874313 0.9874312 0.9874335 0.9874375 0.9874418

Re: [R] R problem nls

2012-04-09 Thread Jean V Adams
Your formula could be simplified to
y ~ 1 + a * exp(-b * x)
Solve this equation for x
x = ln[(y - 1)/a]/b
Use this equation to find the intersection point at a given value of y.
For example, when
y = 1.01
x = ln(0.01/a)/b


Karen Vandepoel wrote on 04/09/2012 07:33:19 AM:

> Hi,
> I will try to explain what it is I need to do, how far I am in doing it 
> and where my problem is:
> I have a lot of x,y values I need to fit a non linear function through.
> Subsequently, I need to find the intersection point of this fitted curve
> with y=1.01
> The problem is I have a lot of values so I want to be able to do it all 
> once.
> I already imported my excel file of the points I have to use.
> The things I already have are following (not all of the data is visible
> because otherwise the file would be too long for this email, but i just
> showed part of my data so you could better understand my problem):
> __
>   X1242   X1242.5 X1243   X1243.5 X1244   X1244.5
> X1245   X1245.5 X1246   X1246.5 X1247   X1247.5 X1248
> X1248.5 X1249 =>  names of each data set ( corresponds to 
> ranges from 400 to 2500 with 0.5 steps => a lot of points!)
> 18.14 0.9860316 0.9860272 0.9860203 0.9860121 0.9860044 0.9859994 
> 0.9859976 0.985 0.9860035 0.9860069 0.9860103 0.9860128 0.9860151
> 0.9860178
> 15.8  0.9857134 0.9857106 0.9857063 0.9857011 0.9856958 0.9856917 
> 0.9856874 0.9856880 0.9856893 0.9856906 0.9856919 0.9856922 0.9856916
> 0.9856912
> 13.77 0.9930109 0.9930015 0.9929921 0.9929833 0.9929765 0.9929714 
> 0.9929637 0.9929603 0.9929569 0.9929533 0.9929501 0.9929469 0.9929440
> 0.9929416
> 9.03  0.9875374 0.9875321 0.9875242 0.9875140 0.9875024 0.9874921 
> 0.9874793 0.9874780 0.9874802 0.9874835 0.9874869 0.9874877 0.9874857
> 0.9874801
> 6.14  0.9900554 0.9900465 0.9900376 0.9900286 0.9900204 0.9900122 
> 0.9899924 0.9899802 0.9899669 0.9899544 0.9899445 0.9899372 0.9899333
> 0.9899317
> 4.27  1.0050327 1.0050242 1.0050175 1.0050129 1.0050107 1.0050101 
> 1.0050070 1.0050025 1.0049959 1.0049885 1.0049812 1.0049746 1.0049691
> 1.0049647
> 2.77  0.9892697 0.9892585 0.9892454 0.9892311 0.9892164 0.9892030 
> 0.9891796 0.9891704 0.9891624 0.9891550 0.9891480 0.9891401 0.9891320
> 0.9891235
> 1.52  0.9979284 0.9979430 0.9979548 0.9979644 0.9979739 0.9979850 
> 0.9980137 0.9980312 0.9980498 0.9980691 0.9980897 0.9981105 0.9981323
> 0.9981542
> These are my x-values and y-values
> X1249.5 X1250   X1250.5 X1251   X1251.5 X1252
> X1252.5 X1253   X1253.5 X1254   X1254.5 X1255   X1255.5
> X1256   X1256.5
> 18.14 0.9860214 0.9860261 0.9860320 0.9860377 0.9860425 0.9860456 
> 0.9860449 0.9860433 0.9860422 0.9860417 0.9860428 0.9860444 0.9860456
> 0.9860456
> 15.8  0.9856911 0.9856918 0.9856934 0.9856958 0.9856984 0.9857014 
> 0.9857069 0.9857099 0.9857132 0.9857153 0.9857156 0.9857132 0.9857080
> 0.9857016
> 13.77 0.9929406 0.9929405 0.9929425 0.9929445 0.9929464 0.9929476 
> 0.9929455 0.9929431 0.9929409 0.9929377 0.9929356 0.9929331 0.9929304
> 0.9929279
> 9.03  0.9874721 0.9874641 0.9874578 0.9874542 0.9874529 0.9874541 
> 0.9874563 0.9874565 0.9874551 0.9874527 0.9874498 0.9874461 0.9874415
> 0.9874371
> 6.14  0.9899318 0.9899319 0.9899304 0.9899263 0.9899192 0.9899095 
> 0.9898873 0.9898777 0.9898703 0.9898641 0.9898591 0.9898546 0.9898495
> 0.9898439
> 4.27  1.0049605 1.0049564 1.0049528 1.0049495 1.0049466 1.0049435 
> 1.0049357 1.0049298 1.0049230 1.0049155 1.0049093 1.0049049 1.0049019
> 1.0049002
> 2.77  0.9891158 0.9891100 0.9891058 0.9891036 0.9891013 0.9890986 
> 0.9890873 0.9890789 0.9890691 0.9890583 0.9890485 0.9890395 0.9890323
> 0.9890266
> 1.52  0.9981760 0.9981970 0.9982176 0.9982372 0.9982565 0.9982753 
> 0.9983102 0.9983259 0.9983408 0.9983533 0.9983647 0.9983749 0.9983841
> 0.9983929
>   X1257   X1257.5 X1258   X1258.5 X1259   X1259.5
> X1260   X1260.5 X1261   X1261.5 X1262   X1262.5 X1263
> X1263.5 X1264
> 18.14 0.9860445 0.9860437 0.9860438 0.9860467 0.9860527 0.9860613 
> 0.9860782 0.9860830 0.9860844 0.9860832 0.9860806 0.9860774 0.9860746
> 0.9860716
> 15.8  0.9856955 0.9856925 0.9856930 0.9856967 0.9857032 0.9857098 
> 0.9857213 0.9857248 0.9857268 0.9857283 0.9857298 0.9857314 0.9857340
> 0.9857374
> 13.77 0.9929253 0.9929242 0.9929234 0.9929239 0.9929254 0.9929276 
> 0.9929321 0.9929329 0.9929328 0.9929315 0.9929294 0.9929275 0.9929257
> 0.9929243
> 9.03  0.9874330 0.9874313 0.9874312 0.9874335 0.9874375 0.9874418 
> 0.9874510 0.9874547 0.9874577 0.9874602 0.9874623 0.9874640 0.9874659
> 0.9874680
> 6.14  0.9898392 0.9898366 0.9898360 0.9898381 0.9898417 0.9898455 
> 0.9898489

[R] R problem nls

2012-04-09 Thread Karen Vandepoel

I will try to explain what it is I need to do, how far I am in doing it yet
and where my problem is:

I have a lot of x,y values I need to fit a non linear function through.
Subsequently, I need to find the intersection point of this fitted curve
with y=1.01

The problem is I have a lot of values so I want to be able to do it all at

I already imported my excel file of the points I have to use.

The things I already have are following (not all of the data is visible
because otherwise the file would be too long for this email, but i just
showed part of my data so you could better understand my problem):

  X1242   X1242.5 X1243   X1243.5 X1244   X1244.5
X1245   X1245.5 X1246   X1246.5 X1247   X1247.5 X1248
X1248.5 X1249 =>  names of each data set ( corresponds to wavelengths,
ranges from 400 to 2500 with 0.5 steps => a lot of points!)
18.14 0.9860316 0.9860272 0.9860203 0.9860121 0.9860044 0.9859994 0.9859971
0.9859976 0.985 0.9860035 0.9860069 0.9860103 0.9860128 0.9860151
15.8  0.9857134 0.9857106 0.9857063 0.9857011 0.9856958 0.9856917 0.9856887
0.9856874 0.9856880 0.9856893 0.9856906 0.9856919 0.9856922 0.9856916
13.77 0.9930109 0.9930015 0.9929921 0.9929833 0.9929765 0.9929714 0.9929674
0.9929637 0.9929603 0.9929569 0.9929533 0.9929501 0.9929469 0.9929440
9.03  0.9875374 0.9875321 0.9875242 0.9875140 0.9875024 0.9874921 0.9874840
0.9874793 0.9874780 0.9874802 0.9874835 0.9874869 0.9874877 0.9874857
6.14  0.9900554 0.9900465 0.9900376 0.9900286 0.9900204 0.9900122 0.9900032
0.9899924 0.9899802 0.9899669 0.9899544 0.9899445 0.9899372 0.9899333
4.27  1.0050327 1.0050242 1.0050175 1.0050129 1.0050107 1.0050101 1.0050094
1.0050070 1.0050025 1.0049959 1.0049885 1.0049812 1.0049746 1.0049691
2.77  0.9892697 0.9892585 0.9892454 0.9892311 0.9892164 0.9892030 0.9891906
0.9891796 0.9891704 0.9891624 0.9891550 0.9891480 0.9891401 0.9891320
1.52  0.9979284 0.9979430 0.9979548 0.9979644 0.9979739 0.9979850 0.9979984
0.9980137 0.9980312 0.9980498 0.9980691 0.9980897 0.9981105 0.9981323
These are my x-values and y-values
X1249.5 X1250   X1250.5 X1251   X1251.5 X1252
X1252.5 X1253   X1253.5 X1254   X1254.5 X1255   X1255.5
X1256   X1256.5
18.14 0.9860214 0.9860261 0.9860320 0.9860377 0.9860425 0.9860456 0.9860462
0.9860449 0.9860433 0.9860422 0.9860417 0.9860428 0.9860444 0.9860456
15.8  0.9856911 0.9856918 0.9856934 0.9856958 0.9856984 0.9857014 0.9857040
0.9857069 0.9857099 0.9857132 0.9857153 0.9857156 0.9857132 0.9857080
13.77 0.9929406 0.9929405 0.9929425 0.9929445 0.9929464 0.9929476 0.9929476
0.9929455 0.9929431 0.9929409 0.9929377 0.9929356 0.9929331 0.9929304
9.03  0.9874721 0.9874641 0.9874578 0.9874542 0.9874529 0.9874541 0.9874556
0.9874563 0.9874565 0.9874551 0.9874527 0.9874498 0.9874461 0.9874415
6.14  0.9899318 0.9899319 0.9899304 0.9899263 0.9899192 0.9899095 0.9898986
0.9898873 0.9898777 0.9898703 0.9898641 0.9898591 0.9898546 0.9898495
4.27  1.0049605 1.0049564 1.0049528 1.0049495 1.0049466 1.0049435 1.0049404
1.0049357 1.0049298 1.0049230 1.0049155 1.0049093 1.0049049 1.0049019
2.77  0.9891158 0.9891100 0.9891058 0.9891036 0.9891013 0.9890986 0.9890943
0.9890873 0.9890789 0.9890691 0.9890583 0.9890485 0.9890395 0.9890323
1.52  0.9981760 0.9981970 0.9982176 0.9982372 0.9982565 0.9982753 0.9982935
0.9983102 0.9983259 0.9983408 0.9983533 0.9983647 0.9983749 0.9983841
  X1257   X1257.5 X1258   X1258.5 X1259   X1259.5
X1260   X1260.5 X1261   X1261.5 X1262   X1262.5 X1263
X1263.5 X1264
18.14 0.9860445 0.9860437 0.9860438 0.9860467 0.9860527 0.9860613 0.9860705
0.9860782 0.9860830 0.9860844 0.9860832 0.9860806 0.9860774 0.9860746
15.8  0.9856955 0.9856925 0.9856930 0.9856967 0.9857032 0.9857098 0.9857162
0.9857213 0.9857248 0.9857268 0.9857283 0.9857298 0.9857314 0.9857340
13.77 0.9929253 0.9929242 0.9929234 0.9929239 0.9929254 0.9929276 0.9929302
0.9929321 0.9929329 0.9929328 0.9929315 0.9929294 0.9929275 0.9929257
9.03  0.9874330 0.9874313 0.9874312 0.9874335 0.9874375 0.9874418 0.9874468
0.9874510 0.9874547 0.9874577 0.9874602 0.9874623 0.9874640 0.9874659
6.14  0.9898392 0.9898366 0.9898360 0.9898381 0.9898417 0.9898455 0.9898484
0.9898489 0.9898469 0.9898432 0.9898392 0.9898363 0.9898354 0.9898371
4.27  1.0048982 1.0048966 1.0048942 1.0048923 1.0048914 1.0048917 1.0048929
1.0048939 1.0048933 1.0048910 1.0048865 1.0048803 1.0048742 1.0048693
2.77  0.9890227 0.9890210 0.9890197 0.9890184 0.9890164 0.9890143 0.9890120
0.9890102 0.9890088 0.9890087 0.9890089 0.9890086 0.9890073 0.9890056
1.52  0.9984034 0.9984168 0.9984328 0.9984514 0.9984707 0.9984899 0.9985069
0.9985223 0.9985357 0.9985479 0.9985593 0.9985694 0.9985778 0.9