
I read from the help on DateTimeClasses and various posts on this list that, quite logically, one needs to specify if DST is in function for the first hour after the change from DST to ST in autumn.

Hence, in my time zone and on Mac OS X, I can do this:

a <- as.POSIXct("2008-11-02 01:30:00", tz="EST5EDT") # to get automatic use of DST b <- as.POSIXct("2008-11-02 01:30:00", tz="EST") # to tell T this is the second occurrence of 1:30 that day, in ST

But why can't I do this, to handle several date-times at once?

c <- rep("2008-11-02 01:30:00", 2)
tzone = c("EST5EDT", "EST")

as.POSIXct(c, tz=tzone)
Erreur dans strptime(xx, f <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz) :
  valeur 'tz' incorrecte



Denis Chabot

R version 2.9.1 Patched (2009-07-09 r48929)


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