Re: [R] mutlidimensional in.convex.hull(

2009-12-18 Thread Keith Jewell
Syntax suggestions implemented.
Inhull's original author consulted.
Function submitted for potential inclusion in geometry package.

Seasons greetings to all.

Keith Jewell
"baptiste auguie"  wrote in message

Excellent, thanks for doing this!

I had tried the 2D case myself but I was put off by the fact that
Octave's convhulln had a different ordering of the points to R's
geometry package (an improvement to Octave's convhulln was made after
it was ported to R). I'm not sure how you got around this but it's
good to see that the result was worth the effort!

Below are a few minor syntax suggestions,

# p <- dim(calpts)[2]   # columns in calpts
# and other similar lines could be replaced with

# length(degenflag[degenflag])
# can probably be written

# center = apply(calpts, 2, mean)
# more efficient

Would you consider submitting this function to the maintainer of the
geometry package, after checking it's OK with inhull's original

Best regards,


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Re: [R] mutlidimensional in.convex.hull (

2009-12-18 Thread baptiste auguie

Excellent, thanks for doing this!

I had tried the 2D case myself but I was put off by the fact that
Octave's convhulln had a different ordering of the points to R's
geometry package (an improvement to Octave's convhulln was made after
it was ported to R). I'm not sure how you got around this but it's
good to see that the result was worth the effort!

Below are a few minor syntax suggestions,

# p <- dim(calpts)[2]   # columns in calpts
# and other similar lines could be replaced with

# length(degenflag[degenflag])
# can probably be written

# center = apply(calpts, 2, mean)
# more efficient

Would you consider submitting this function to the maintainer of the
geometry package, after checking it's OK with inhull's original

Best regards,


2009/12/18 Keith Jewell :
> Hi All,
> I couldn't resist doing this the "right" way!
> A colleague explained the vector algebra to me (thanks Martin!) and I've
> followed the structure of the Matlab code referenced below, but all errors
> are mine!
> I don't pretend to great R expertise, so this code may not be optimal (in
> time or the memory issue addressed by the Matlab code), but it is a lot
> faster than the other algorithm discussed in this thread. These timings are
> on the real example data described in my previous message in this thread.
>> system.time(inhull(xs,ps))  # the "right" way
>   user  system elapsed
>   1.34    0.07    1.41
>> system.time({phull <-  convhulln(ps) # the other algorithm
> + phull2 <- convhulln(rbind(ps,xs))
> + nrp <- nrow(ps)
> + nrx <- nrow(xs)
> + outside <- unique(phull2[phull2>nrp])-nrp
> + done <- FALSE
> + while(!done){
> +     phull3 <- convhulln(rbind(ps,xs[-(outside),]))
> +     also.outside <- (1:nrx)[-outside][unique(phull3[phull3>nrp])-nrp]
> +     outside <- c(outside,also.outside)
> +     done <- length(also.outside)==0
> + }})
>   user  system elapsed
>  15.09    0.09   15.22
> Although I really must move on now, if anyone has comments, criticisms,
> suggestions for improvement I would be interested.
> Enjoy!
> Keith Jewell
> inhull <- function(testpts, calpts, hull=convhulln(calpts),
> tol=mean(mean(abs(calpts)))*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
> #
> # R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated
> 30 Oct 2006)
> # downloaded from
> # with some modifications and simplifications
> #
> # Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in n dimensions
> #
> #% arguments: (input)
> #%  testpts - nxp array to test, n data points, in p dimensions
> #%       If you have many points to test, it is most efficient to
> #%       call this function once with the entire set.
> #%
> #%  calpts - mxp array of vertices of the convex hull, as used by
> #%       convhulln.
> #%
> #%  hull - (OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln
> #%       If hull is left empty or not supplied, then it will be
> #%       generated.
> #%
> #%  tol - (OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the
> #%       convex hull. You can think of tol as the distance a point
> #%       may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
> #%       as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
> #%       nothing can ever be done exactly here. I might guess a
> #%       semi-intelligent value of tol to be
> #%
> #%         tol = 1.e-13*mean(abs(calpts(:)))
> #%
> #%       In higher dimensions, the numerical issues of floating
> #%       point arithmetic will probably suggest a larger value
> #%       of tol.
> #%
> # In this R implementation default
> tol=mean(mean(abs(calpts)))*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
> #       DEFAULT: tol = 1e-6
> #
> # VALUE: Matlab returns a vector of TRUE (inside/on) or FALSE (outside)
> #       This R implementation returns an integer vector of length n
> #       1 = inside hull
> #      -1 = inside hull
> #       0 = on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
> #
>   require(geometry, quietly=TRUE)  # for  convhulln
>   require(MASS, quietly=TRUE)      # for Null
> # ensure arguments are matrices (not data frames) and get sizes
>   calpts <- as.matrix(calpts)
>   testpts <- as.matrix(testpts)
>   p <- dim(calpts)[2]   # columns in calpts
>   cx <- dim(testpts)[1]  # rows in testpts
>   nt <- dim(hull)[1]    # number of simplexes in hull
> # find normal vectors to each simplex
>   nrmls <- matrix(NA, nt, p)         # predefine each nrml as NA,
> degenerate
>   degenflag <- matrix(TRUE, nt, 1)
>   for (i in  1:nt) {
>    nullsp <- t(Null(t(calpts[hull[i,-1],] -
> matrix(calpts[hull[i,1],],p-1,p, byrow=TRUE
>    if (dim(nullsp)[1] == 1) { nrmls[i,] <- nullsp
>       degenflag[i] <- FALSE}}
> # Warn of degenerate faces, and remove corresponding normals
>   if(length(degenflag[degenflag]) > 0)
> warning(len

Re: [R] mutlidimensional in.convex.hull (

2009-12-18 Thread Keith Jewell
Hi All,

I couldn't resist doing this the "right" way!
A colleague explained the vector algebra to me (thanks Martin!) and I've 
followed the structure of the Matlab code referenced below, but all errors 
are mine!

I don't pretend to great R expertise, so this code may not be optimal (in 
time or the memory issue addressed by the Matlab code), but it is a lot 
faster than the other algorithm discussed in this thread. These timings are 
on the real example data described in my previous message in this thread.

> system.time(inhull(xs,ps))  # the "right" way
   user  system elapsed
> system.time({phull <-  convhulln(ps) # the other algorithm
+ phull2 <- convhulln(rbind(ps,xs))
+ nrp <- nrow(ps)
+ nrx <- nrow(xs)
+ outside <- unique(phull2[phull2>nrp])-nrp
+ done <- FALSE
+ while(!done){
+ phull3 <- convhulln(rbind(ps,xs[-(outside),]))
+ also.outside <- (1:nrx)[-outside][unique(phull3[phull3>nrp])-nrp]
+ outside <- c(outside,also.outside)
+ done <- length(also.outside)==0
+ }})
   user  system elapsed
  15.090.09   15.22

Although I really must move on now, if anyone has comments, criticisms, 
suggestions for improvement I would be interested.


Keith Jewell

inhull <- function(testpts, calpts, hull=convhulln(calpts), 
tol=mean(mean(abs(calpts)))*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
# R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated 
30 Oct 2006)
# downloaded from
# with some modifications and simplifications
# Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in n dimensions
#% arguments: (input)
#%  testpts - nxp array to test, n data points, in p dimensions
#%   If you have many points to test, it is most efficient to
#%   call this function once with the entire set.
#%  calpts - mxp array of vertices of the convex hull, as used by
#%   convhulln.
#%  hull - (OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln
#%   If hull is left empty or not supplied, then it will be
#%   generated.
#%  tol - (OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the
#%   convex hull. You can think of tol as the distance a point
#%   may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
#%   as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
#%   nothing can ever be done exactly here. I might guess a
#%   semi-intelligent value of tol to be
#% tol = 1.e-13*mean(abs(calpts(:)))
#%   In higher dimensions, the numerical issues of floating
#%   point arithmetic will probably suggest a larger value
#%   of tol.
# In this R implementation default 
#   DEFAULT: tol = 1e-6
# VALUE: Matlab returns a vector of TRUE (inside/on) or FALSE (outside)
#   This R implementation returns an integer vector of length n
#   1 = inside hull
#  -1 = inside hull
#   0 = on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
   require(geometry, quietly=TRUE)  # for  convhulln
   require(MASS, quietly=TRUE)  # for Null
# ensure arguments are matrices (not data frames) and get sizes
   calpts <- as.matrix(calpts)
   testpts <- as.matrix(testpts)
   p <- dim(calpts)[2]   # columns in calpts
   cx <- dim(testpts)[1]  # rows in testpts
   nt <- dim(hull)[1]# number of simplexes in hull
# find normal vectors to each simplex
   nrmls <- matrix(NA, nt, p) # predefine each nrml as NA, 
   degenflag <- matrix(TRUE, nt, 1)
   for (i in  1:nt) {
nullsp <- t(Null(t(calpts[hull[i,-1],] - 
matrix(calpts[hull[i,1],],p-1,p, byrow=TRUE
if (dim(nullsp)[1] == 1) { nrmls[i,] <- nullsp
   degenflag[i] <- FALSE}}
# Warn of degenerate faces, and remove corresponding normals
   if(length(degenflag[degenflag]) > 0) 
warning(length(degenflag[degenflag])," degenerate faces in convex hull")
   nrmls <- nrmls[!degenflag,]
   nt <- dim(nrmls)[1]
# find center point in hull, and any (1st) point in the plane of each 
   center = apply(calpts, 2, mean)
   a <- calpts[hull[!degenflag,1],]
# scale normal vectors to unit length and ensure pointing inwards
   nrmls <- nrmls/matrix(apply(nrmls, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), nt, p)
   dp <- sign(apply((matrix(center, nt, p, byrow=TRUE)-a) * nrmls, 1, sum))
   nrmls <- nrmls*matrix(dp, nt, p)
# if  min across all faces of dot((x - a),nrml) is
#  +ve then x is inside hull
#  0   then x is on hull
#  -ve then x is outside hull
# Instead of dot((x - a),nrml)  use dot(x,nrml) - dot(a, nrml)
   aN <- diag(a %*% t(nrmls))
   val <- apply(testpts %*% t(nrmls) - matrix(aN, cx, nt, byrow=TRUE), 
# code  values inside 'tol' to zero, return sign as integer
   val[abs(val) < tol] <- 0

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