Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread Jim Lemon

On 10/07/2011 07:28 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
in the result:

1) Subj: factor
2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

Hi Gang,
I don't know whether this is the format you want, but:



__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread Gang Chen

Yes, I was wrong! The variables should be:

1) Subj: factor
2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
4) F/J: within-subject factor (2 levels: F / J)
5) Time: within-subject factor (2 levels: 1 / 2)
6) Value

So your mData3 is what I was looking for. Thanks a lot!


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Dennis Murphy wrote:

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 I don't see how you can get all of 3-5 given the way your data is
 structured. The problem is that each column contains two of the three
 variables you want, but not all three. I can see a way to get

 Subj   Group  Ref   Time  F   J
  S1       s      Me     1     4   5
  S1       s      Me     2     3   6
  S1       s     She    1     6  10
  S1       s     She    2     6   9

 or an 8 line version with Ref (4 Me, 4 She), Factor (F1, J1, F2, J2)
 repeated twice and the appropriate response vector, but not a way
 where you have three columns for Ref, F and J. For example, what is
 the 'J' for MeF1 or the F for SheJ2?

 With that, here are a few stabs using the reshape2 package. The first
 step is to do a little renaming of your data frame so that one can use
 the colsplit() function to generate a new set of variables.

 names(myData) - c(Group, Me_F_1,  Me_J_1,  She_F_1, She_J_1,
                   Me_F_2,  Me_J_2,  She_F_2, She_J_2, Subj)


 # collapses the eight columns to be reshaped into a factor named
 # variable with a corresponding variable named value
 mData - melt(myData, id = c('Subj', 'Group'))

 # Split the original variables into three new columns, named
 # Ref, Var and Time, respectively:
 newvars - colsplit(mData$variable, '_', c('Ref', 'Var', 'Time'))

 # Append these to the melted data frame and remove 'variable'
 mData2 - cbind(mData, newvars)[, -3]

 # This comes closest to your original intent:
 mData3 - arrange(mData2, Subj, Ref, Var, Time)
 head(mData3, 8)

   Subj Group value Ref Var Time
 1    S1     s     4  Me   F    1
 2    S1     s     3  Me   F    2
 3    S1     s     5  Me   J    1
 4    S1     s     6  Me   J    2
 5    S1     s     6 She   F    1
 6    S1     s     6 She   F    2
 7    S1     s    10 She   J    1
 8    S1     s     9 She   J    2

 # Some rearrangements to consider:
 mData4 - cast(mData3, Subj + Group + Ref + Time ~ Var, value_var = 'value')
 head(mData4, 4)

  Subj Group Ref Time  F  J
 1   S1     s  Me    1  4  5
 2   S1     s  Me    2  3  6
 3   S1     s She    1  6 10
 4   S1     s She    2  6  9

 mData5 - cast(mData3, Subj + Group + Ref + Var ~ Time, value_var = 'value')
 head(mData5, 4)

  Subj Group Ref Var  1  2
 1   S1     s  Me   F  4  3
 2   S1     s  Me   J  5  6
 3   S1     s She   F  6  6
 4   S1     s She   J 10  9

 If you like this one, it's probably a good idea to rename the last two
 columns 'Time1' and 'Time2' or something similar.


 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Gang Chen wrote:
 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 As this is the first time I'm learning such a conversion, could
 someone help me out?

 Many thanks,


   Group MeF1 MeJ1 SheF1 SheJ1 MeF2 MeJ2 SheF2 SheJ2 Subj
 1      s    4    5     6    10    3    6     6     9   S1
 2      s    6    5     5     6    4    3     5     6   S2
 3      s    7    4     6     5    7    4     5     3   S3
 4      s    8    5     8     7    7    1     8     6   S4
 5      s   10    6     4     7    9    6     4     6   S5
 6      s    5    2     4     7    4    1     4     2   S6
 7      s   13    2    10     4   11    2     4     3   S7
 8      s    8    1     3    11    6    0     3    10   S8
 9      s    6    9     5     8    6    8     5     6   S9
 10     s   14    5     6    10   13    5     5    10  S10
 11     s   15    2    18     2   14    1    18     2  S11
 12     s    6    9     4     9    5   11     3     8  S12
 13     s    5    5     0    12    4    3     0     8  S13
 14     s    5    6     4     9    4    6     2     6  S14
 15     s   14    5    12     3   12    3    11     3  S15
 16     s    7    2    11     3    5    2    10     2  S16
 17     s    1    7     4     5    1    6     3     5  S17
 18     s    6    2     7     4    6    2     7    

Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread Gang Chen
Jim, I really appreciate your help!

I like the power of rep_n_stack, but how can I use rep_n_stack to get
the following result?

  Subj Group value Ref Var Time
1S1 s 4  Me   F1
2S1 s 3  Me   F2
3S1 s 5  Me   J1
4S1 s 6  Me   J2
5S1 s 6 She   F1
6S1 s 6 She   F2
7S1 s10 She   J1
8S1 s 9 She   J2

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
 On 10/07/2011 07:28 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 Hi Gang,
 I don't know whether this is the format you want, but:



__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread David Winsemius

On Oct 7, 2011, at 7:40 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

Jim, I really appreciate your help!

I like the power of rep_n_stack, but how can I use rep_n_stack to get
the following result?

 Subj Group value Ref Var Time
1S1 s 4  Me   F1
2S1 s 3  Me   F2
3S1 s 5  Me   J1
4S1 s 6  Me   J2
5S1 s 6 She   F1
6S1 s 6 She   F2
7S1 s10 She   J1
8S1 s 9 She   J2

I was not able to construct a one step solution with `reshape` that  
will contains all the columns. You can do it in about 4 steps by first  
making the data long and then adding annotation columns. Using just  
rows 1 and 26 you might get:

reshape(myData[c(1,26), ], idvar=c(Group,Subj),
   v.names=c(value) )
Group Subj time value
s.S1.1  s   S11  4
w.S26.1 w  S261  5
s.S1.2  s   S12  5
w.S26.2 w  S262  9
s.S1.3  s   S13  6
w.S26.3 w  S263  4
s.S1.4  s   S14 10
w.S26.4 w  S264  7
s.S1.5  s   S15  3
w.S26.5 w  S265  3
s.S1.6  s   S16  6
w.S26.6 w  S266  7
s.S1.7  s   S17  6
w.S26.7 w  S267  3
s.S1.8  s   S18  9
w.S26.8 w  S268  5

The 'time' variable is not really what you wanted but refers to the  
sequence along the original wide column names
You can add the desired  Ref, Var and Time columms with these  

 str(times-rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 num [1:408] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
 str(times-rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 chr [1:408] F F J J F F J J F F ...
 str(times-rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 chr [1:408] Me Me Me Me She She She She ...

longData - reshape(myData, idvar=c(Group,Subj),
   v.names=c(value) )
longData$Time - rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )
longData$Var - rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )
longData$Ref - rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )
longData - longData[order(longData$Subj), ]

Looking at Jim Lemon's response, I think he just misinterpreted the  
structure of your data but gave you a perfectly usable response. You  
could have done much the same thing with a minor modification:

'data.frame':   408 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ Group : Factor w/ 2 levels s,w: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Subj  : Factor w/ 51 levels S1,S10,S11,..: 1 12 23 34 45 48  
49 50 51 2 ...
 $ group1: Factor w/ 8 levels Me.F.1,Me.F.2,..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
1 ...

 $ value1: int  4 6 7 8 10 5 13 8 6 14 ...

Now you can just split apart the 'group1' column with sub() to make  
the three specified columns.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:

On 10/07/2011 07:28 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
in the result:

1) Subj: factor
2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

Hi Gang,
I don't know whether this is the format you want, but:



__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread David Winsemius

On Oct 7, 2011, at 1:30 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

On Oct 7, 2011, at 7:40 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

Jim, I really appreciate your help!

I like the power of rep_n_stack, but how can I use rep_n_stack to get
the following result?

Subj Group value Ref Var Time
1S1 s 4  Me   F1
2S1 s 3  Me   F2
3S1 s 5  Me   J1
4S1 s 6  Me   J2
5S1 s 6 She   F1
6S1 s 6 She   F2
7S1 s10 She   J1
8S1 s 9 She   J2

I was not able to construct a one step solution with `reshape` that  
will contains all the columns. You can do it in about 4 steps by  
first making the data long and then adding annotation columns.  
Using just rows 1 and 26 you might get:

reshape(myData[c(1,26), ], idvar=c(Group,Subj),
  v.names=c(value) )
   Group Subj time value
s.S1.1  s   S11  4
w.S26.1 w  S261  5
s.S1.2  s   S12  5
w.S26.2 w  S262  9
s.S1.3  s   S13  6
w.S26.3 w  S263  4
s.S1.4  s   S14 10
w.S26.4 w  S264  7
s.S1.5  s   S15  3
w.S26.5 w  S265  3
s.S1.6  s   S16  6
w.S26.6 w  S266  7
s.S1.7  s   S17  6
w.S26.7 w  S267  3
s.S1.8  s   S18  9
w.S26.8 w  S268  5

The 'time' variable is not really what you wanted but refers to the  
sequence along the original wide column names
You can add the desired  Ref, Var and Time columms with these  

 str(times-rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
num [1:408] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
 str(times-rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
chr [1:408] F F J J F F J J F F ...
 str(times-rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
chr [1:408] Me Me Me Me She She She She ...

It occured to me that the ordering operation probably should have  
preceded teh ancillary column creation so this method is tested:

longData - reshape(myData, idvar=c(Group,Subj),
   direction=long,#fixed the direction argument
  v.names=c(value) )
longData - longData[order(longData$Subj), ]
longData$Time - rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )
longData$Var - rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )
longData$Ref - rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )

   Group Subj time value Time Var Ref
s.S1.1 s   S11 41   F  Me
s.S1.2 s   S12 52   F  Me
s.S1.3 s   S13 61   J  Me
s.S1.4 s   S14102   J  Me
s.S1.5 s   S15 31   F She
s.S1.6 s   S16 62   F She
s.S1.7 s   S17 61   J She
s.S1.8 s   S18 92   J She

Looking at Jim Lemon's response, I think he just misinterpreted the  
structure of your data but gave you a perfectly usable response. You  
could have done much the same thing with a minor modification:


'data.frame':   408 obs. of  4 variables:
$ Group : Factor w/ 2 levels s,w: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Subj  : Factor w/ 51 levels S1,S10,S11,..: 1 12 23 34 45 48  
49 50 51 2 ...
$ group1: Factor w/ 8 levels Me.F.1,Me.F.2,..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
1 ...

$ value1: int  4 6 7 8 10 5 13 8 6 14 ...

Now you can just split apart the 'group1' column with sub() to make  
the three specified columns.

Lemon's method has the advantage that it properly carries along the  
column information


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:

On 10/07/2011 07:28 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five  

in the result:

1) Subj: factor
2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

Hi Gang,
I don't know whether this is the format you want, but:



David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-07 Thread Gang Chen
David, thanks a lot for the code! I've learned quite a bit from all
the generous help...


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:37 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

 On Oct 7, 2011, at 1:30 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

 On Oct 7, 2011, at 7:40 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

 Jim, I really appreciate your help!

 I like the power of rep_n_stack, but how can I use rep_n_stack to get
 the following result?

 Subj Group value Ref Var Time
 1    S1     s     4  Me   F    1
 2    S1     s     3  Me   F    2
 3    S1     s     5  Me   J    1
 4    S1     s     6  Me   J    2
 5    S1     s     6 She   F    1
 6    S1     s     6 She   F    2
 7    S1     s    10 She   J    1
 8    S1     s     9 She   J    2

 I was not able to construct a one step solution with `reshape` that will
 contains all the columns. You can do it in about 4 steps by first making the
 data long and then adding annotation columns. Using just rows 1 and 26 you
 might get:

 reshape(myData[c(1,26), ], idvar=c(Group,Subj),
      v.names=c(value) )
       Group Subj time value
 s.S1.1      s   S1    1      4
 w.S26.1     w  S26    1      5
 s.S1.2      s   S1    2      5
 w.S26.2     w  S26    2      9
 s.S1.3      s   S1    3      6
 w.S26.3     w  S26    3      4
 s.S1.4      s   S1    4     10
 w.S26.4     w  S26    4      7
 s.S1.5      s   S1    5      3
 w.S26.5     w  S26    5      3
 s.S1.6      s   S1    6      6
 w.S26.6     w  S26    6      7
 s.S1.7      s   S1    7      6
 w.S26.7     w  S26    7      3
 s.S1.8      s   S1    8      9
 w.S26.8     w  S26    8      5

 The 'time' variable is not really what you wanted but refers to the
 sequence along the original wide column names
 You can add the desired  Ref, Var and Time columms with these

  str(times-rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 num [1:408] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
  str(times-rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 chr [1:408] F F J J F F J J F F ...
  str(times-rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )  )
 chr [1:408] Me Me Me Me She She She She ...

 It occured to me that the ordering operation probably should have preceded
 teh ancillary column creation so this method is tested:

 longData - reshape(myData, idvar=c(Group,Subj),
       direction=long,    #fixed the direction argument
      v.names=c(value) )
 longData - longData[order(longData$Subj), ]
 longData$Time - rep(c(1,2), length=nrow(myData)*8 )
 longData$Var - rep(c(F,J), each=2, length=nrow(myData)*8 )
 longData$Ref - rep(c(Me,She), each=4, length=nrow(myData)*8 )

       Group Subj time value Time Var Ref
 s.S1.1     s   S1    1     4    1   F  Me
 s.S1.2     s   S1    2     5    2   F  Me
 s.S1.3     s   S1    3     6    1   J  Me
 s.S1.4     s   S1    4    10    2   J  Me
 s.S1.5     s   S1    5     3    1   F She
 s.S1.6     s   S1    6     6    2   F She
 s.S1.7     s   S1    7     6    1   J She
 s.S1.8     s   S1    8     9    2   J She

 Looking at Jim Lemon's response, I think he just misinterpreted the
 structure of your data but gave you a perfectly usable response. You could
 have done much the same thing with a minor modification:

 'data.frame':   408 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ Group : Factor w/ 2 levels s,w: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Subj  : Factor w/ 51 levels S1,S10,S11,..: 1 12 23 34 45 48 49 50
 51 2 ...
 $ group1: Factor w/ 8 levels Me.F.1,Me.F.2,..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ value1: int  4 6 7 8 10 5 13 8 6 14 ...

 Now you can just split apart the 'group1' column with sub() to make the
 three specified columns.

 Lemon's method has the advantage that it properly carries along the column


 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:

 On 10/07/2011 07:28 AM, Gang Chen wrote:

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 Hi Gang,
 I don't know whether this is the format you want, but:



 David Winsemius, MD
 West Hartford, CT

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-06 Thread Andrew Miles
Take a look here.

Andrew Miles
Department of Sociology
Duke University

On Oct 6, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Gang Chen wrote:

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 As this is the first time I'm learning such a conversion, could
 someone help me out?

 Many thanks,


   Group MeF1 MeJ1 SheF1 SheJ1 MeF2 MeJ2 SheF2 SheJ2 Subj
 1  s45 61036 6 9   S1
 2  s65 5 643 5 6   S2
 3  s74 6 574 5 3   S3
 4  s85 8 771 8 6   S4
 5  s   106 4 796 4 6   S5
 6  s52 4 741 4 2   S6
 7  s   13210 4   112 4 3   S7
 8  s81 31160 310   S8
 9  s69 5 868 5 6   S9
 10 s   145 610   135 510  S10
 11 s   15218 2   14118 2  S11
 12 s69 4 95   11 3 8  S12
 13 s55 01243 0 8  S13
 14 s56 4 946 2 6  S14
 15 s   14512 3   12311 3  S15
 16 s7211 35210 2  S16
 17 s17 4 516 3 5  S17
 18 s62 7 462 7 4  S18
 19 s94 8 5   104 6 3  S19
 20 s82 6 592 6 4  S20
 21 s65 5 766 5 5  S21
 22 s88 3 767 5 3  S22
 23 s   114 6 711 6 4  S23
 24 s63 2 464 2 2  S24
 25 s44 6 623 4 6  S25
 26 w59 4 737 3 5  S26
 27 w76 3 541 0 4  S27
 28 w   10414 28410 2  S28
 29 w97 5 684 5 3  S29
 30 w92 7 562 6 5  S30
 31 w67 6 765 5 8  S31
 32 w7612 76310 7  S32
 33 w   123 8 9   113 4 7  S33
 34 w   12210 592 6 3  S34
 35 w6310 453 5 3  S35
 36 w93 9 963 7 8  S36
 37 w5   11 7 74   11 3 4  S37
 38 w74 4 673 1 5  S38
 39 w65 1 833 0 8  S39
 40 w   10310 273 7 2  S40
 41 w1   11 7 518 4 3  S41
 42 w   105 610   104 3 9  S42
 43 w63 9 242 6 0  S43
 44 w9511 454 7 3  S44
 45 w85 6 384 2 3  S45
 46 w84 8 741 2 6  S46
 47 w   122 6 2   101 5 2  S47
 48 w   106 9 875 7 8  S48
 49 w   13615 1   12414 0  S49
 50 w78 11247 111  S50
 51 w   123 9 491 7 4  S51

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Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-06 Thread Gang Chen
Thanks for the pointer! I still couldn't figure out how to convert my
data because the example at stackoverflow seems to have only one
variable (Year) while there are three within-subject variables plus
one between-subjects variable. Any further help?


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Andrew Miles wrote:
 Take a look here.
 Andrew Miles
 Department of Sociology
 Duke University
 On Oct 6, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Gang Chen wrote:

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 As this is the first time I'm learning such a conversion, could
 someone help me out?

 Many thanks,


   Group MeF1 MeJ1 SheF1 SheJ1 MeF2 MeJ2 SheF2 SheJ2 Subj
 1  s    4    5 6    10    3    6 6 9   S1
 2  s    6    5 5 6    4    3 5 6   S2
 3  s    7    4 6 5    7    4 5 3   S3
 4  s    8    5 8 7    7    1 8 6   S4
 5  s   10    6 4 7    9    6 4 6   S5
 6  s    5    2 4 7    4    1 4 2   S6
 7  s   13    2    10 4   11    2 4 3   S7
 8  s    8    1 3    11    6    0 3    10   S8
 9  s    6    9 5 8    6    8 5 6   S9
 10 s   14    5 6    10   13    5 5    10  S10
 11 s   15    2    18 2   14    1    18 2  S11
 12 s    6    9 4 9    5   11 3 8  S12
 13 s    5    5 0    12    4    3 0 8  S13
 14 s    5    6 4 9    4    6 2 6  S14
 15 s   14    5    12 3   12    3    11 3  S15
 16 s    7    2    11 3    5    2    10 2  S16
 17 s    1    7 4 5    1    6 3 5  S17
 18 s    6    2 7 4    6    2 7 4  S18
 19 s    9    4 8 5   10    4 6 3  S19
 20 s    8    2 6 5    9    2 6 4  S20
 21 s    6    5 5 7    6    6 5 5  S21
 22 s    8    8 3 7    6    7 5 3  S22
 23 s   11    4 6 7    1    1 6 4  S23
 24 s    6    3 2 4    6    4 2 2  S24
 25 s    4    4 6 6    2    3 4 6  S25
 26 w    5    9 4 7    3    7 3 5  S26
 27 w    7    6 3 5    4    1 0 4  S27
 28 w   10    4    14 2    8    4    10 2  S28
 29 w    9    7 5 6    8    4 5 3  S29
 30 w    9    2 7 5    6    2 6 5  S30
 31 w    6    7 6 7    6    5 5 8  S31
 32 w    7    6    12 7    6    3    10 7  S32
 33 w   12    3 8 9   11    3 4 7  S33
 34 w   12    2    10 5    9    2 6 3  S34
 35 w    6    3    10 4    5    3 5 3  S35
 36 w    9    3 9 9    6    3 7 8  S36
 37 w    5   11 7 7    4   11 3 4  S37
 38 w    7    4 4 6    7    3 1 5  S38
 39 w    6    5 1 8    3    3 0 8  S39
 40 w   10    3    10 2    7    3 7 2  S40
 41 w    1   11 7 5    1    8 4 3  S41
 42 w   10    5 6    10   10    4 3 9  S42
 43 w    6    3 9 2    4    2 6 0  S43
 44 w    9    5    11 4    5    4 7 3  S44
 45 w    8    5 6 3    8    4 2 3  S45
 46 w    8    4 8 7    4    1 2 6  S46
 47 w   12    2 6 2   10    1 5 2  S47
 48 w   10    6 9 8    7    5 7 8  S48
 49 w   13    6    15 1   12    4    14 0  S49
 50 w    7    8 1    12    4    7 1    11  S50
 51 w   12    3 9 4    9    1 7 4  S51

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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Wide to long form conversion

2011-10-06 Thread Dennis Murphy

 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

I don't see how you can get all of 3-5 given the way your data is
structured. The problem is that each column contains two of the three
variables you want, but not all three. I can see a way to get

Subj   Group  Ref   Time  F   J
  S1   s  Me 1 4   5
  S1   s  Me 2 3   6
  S1   s She1 6  10
  S1   s She2 6   9

or an 8 line version with Ref (4 Me, 4 She), Factor (F1, J1, F2, J2)
repeated twice and the appropriate response vector, but not a way
where you have three columns for Ref, F and J. For example, what is
the 'J' for MeF1 or the F for SheJ2?

With that, here are a few stabs using the reshape2 package. The first
step is to do a little renaming of your data frame so that one can use
the colsplit() function to generate a new set of variables.

names(myData) - c(Group, Me_F_1,  Me_J_1,  She_F_1, She_J_1,
   Me_F_2,  Me_J_2,  She_F_2, She_J_2, Subj)


# collapses the eight columns to be reshaped into a factor named
# variable with a corresponding variable named value
mData - melt(myData, id = c('Subj', 'Group'))

# Split the original variables into three new columns, named
# Ref, Var and Time, respectively:
newvars - colsplit(mData$variable, '_', c('Ref', 'Var', 'Time'))

# Append these to the melted data frame and remove 'variable'
mData2 - cbind(mData, newvars)[, -3]

# This comes closest to your original intent:
mData3 - arrange(mData2, Subj, Ref, Var, Time)
head(mData3, 8)

   Subj Group value Ref Var Time
1S1 s 4  Me   F1
2S1 s 3  Me   F2
3S1 s 5  Me   J1
4S1 s 6  Me   J2
5S1 s 6 She   F1
6S1 s 6 She   F2
7S1 s10 She   J1
8S1 s 9 She   J2

# Some rearrangements to consider:
mData4 - cast(mData3, Subj + Group + Ref + Time ~ Var, value_var = 'value')
head(mData4, 4)

  Subj Group Ref Time  F  J
1   S1 s  Me1  4  5
2   S1 s  Me2  3  6
3   S1 s She1  6 10
4   S1 s She2  6  9

mData5 - cast(mData3, Subj + Group + Ref + Var ~ Time, value_var = 'value')
head(mData5, 4)

  Subj Group Ref Var  1  2
1   S1 s  Me   F  4  3
2   S1 s  Me   J  5  6
3   S1 s She   F  6  6
4   S1 s She   J 10  9

If you like this one, it's probably a good idea to rename the last two
columns 'Time1' and 'Time2' or something similar.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Gang Chen wrote:
 I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
 would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
 in the result:

 1) Subj: factor
 2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
 3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
 4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
 5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)

 As this is the first time I'm learning such a conversion, could
 someone help me out?

 Many thanks,


   Group MeF1 MeJ1 SheF1 SheJ1 MeF2 MeJ2 SheF2 SheJ2 Subj
 1      s    4    5     6    10    3    6     6     9   S1
 2      s    6    5     5     6    4    3     5     6   S2
 3      s    7    4     6     5    7    4     5     3   S3
 4      s    8    5     8     7    7    1     8     6   S4
 5      s   10    6     4     7    9    6     4     6   S5
 6      s    5    2     4     7    4    1     4     2   S6
 7      s   13    2    10     4   11    2     4     3   S7
 8      s    8    1     3    11    6    0     3    10   S8
 9      s    6    9     5     8    6    8     5     6   S9
 10     s   14    5     6    10   13    5     5    10  S10
 11     s   15    2    18     2   14    1    18     2  S11
 12     s    6    9     4     9    5   11     3     8  S12
 13     s    5    5     0    12    4    3     0     8  S13
 14     s    5    6     4     9    4    6     2     6  S14
 15     s   14    5    12     3   12    3    11     3  S15
 16     s    7    2    11     3    5    2    10     2  S16
 17     s    1    7     4     5    1    6     3     5  S17
 18     s    6    2     7     4    6    2     7     4  S18
 19     s    9    4     8     5   10    4     6     3  S19
 20     s    8    2     6     5    9    2     6     4  S20
 21     s    6    5     5     7    6    6     5     5  S21
 22     s    8    8     3     7    6    7     5     3  S22
 23     s   11    4     6     7    1    1     6     4  S23
 24     s    6    3     2     4    6    4     2     2  S24
 25     s    4    4     6     6    2    3     4     6  S25
 26     w    5    9     4     7    3    7     3