Re: [R] install problem from Github or downloaded file

2017-03-01 Thread David Winsemius

> On Mar 1, 2017, at 5:44 PM, Jianling Fan  wrote:
> Thanks,
> I also tried other packages from github and I got the same error. So I
> think this should not be the probelm for the  "artyfarty" package.
> There should be something wrong with my computer. I also uninstalled R
> and re-installed it. The error happens again...

What part of "contact [him] (or anyone to whom this question might be 
addressed)  with a lot more detail about your setup than you have provided to 
this point" have you failed to comprehend?

David "astonished" Winsemius

> Thanks anyway.
> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 7:07 PM, David Winsemius  
> wrote:
>> Installation proceeded without error on a Mac ("El Cap") running R 3.3.2 
>> using the first call to devtools::install_github. This is the DESCRIPTION 
>> file:
>> Package: artyfarty
>> Type: Package
>> Title: Themes for ggplot2
>> Version: 0.0.1
>> Authors@R: person("Bart","Smeets", email="", 
>> role=c("aut","cre"))
>> Description: A combination of ggplot2 themes, palettes and convenience 
>> functions.
>> License: MIT + file LICENSE
>> LazyData: TRUE
>> Imports: grid, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, grDevices, jsonlite, readbitmap
>> Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, RColorBrewer, testthat
>> VignetteBuilder: knitr
>> RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
>> Author: Bart Smeets [aut, cre]
>> Maintainer: Bart Smeets 
>> Built: R 3.3.2; ; 2017-03-02 01:00:59 UTC; unix
>> RemoteType: github
>> RemoteHost:
>> RemoteRepo: artyfarty
>> RemoteUsername: bart6114
>> RemoteRef: master
>> RemoteSha: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1
>> GithubRepo: artyfarty
>> GithubUsername: bart6114
>> GithubRef: master
>> GithubSHA1: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1
>> So it has a Maintainer and you may want to contact him with a lot more 
>> detail about your setup than you have provided to this point.
>> --
>> David.
>>> On Mar 1, 2017, at 3:30 PM, Jeff Newmiller  wrote:
>>> CRAN is notorious for being picky, performing hundreds of quality checks 
>>> before allowing a package to be shared there. Has it occurred to you that 
>>> "artyfarty", not having been through CRAN, might simply be broken?
>>> Yes the directories you ask about are only present temporarily while the 
>>> package is checked and moved into your package library, so they are 
>>> "temporary" even though they are not in your TMP or TEMP directories. The 
>>> missing file is almost certainly the R file, not the directory.
>>> --
>>> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
>>> On March 1, 2017 2:44:40 PM PST, Jianling Fan  wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I can install packages from CRAN, but I got some problem for
 installing packages from Github or downloaded package files. I got
 this problem in recent weeks.
> devtools::install_github('bart6114/artyfarty')
 Downloading GitHub repo bart6114/artyfarty@master
 from URL
 Error in utils::unzip(src, exdir = target) :
 cannot open file
 No such file or directory
 so, I downloaded the package and try to install it from local folder:
> install.packages("C:/Users/FanJ/Downloads/",
 repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
 Error in install.packages : cannot open file
 No such file or directory
 It seems R try to create an extra folder "file2318185d1b3c".
 I googled this problem. some people said it is caused by TMP dir. But
 that seems not my case:
> Sys.getenv(c("TMP","TEMP","TMPDIR"))
> .Options$unzip
 [1] "internal"
> sessionInfo()
 R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
 Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
 Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
 [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252
 [4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
 other attached packages:
 [1] agricolae_1.2-4 Evapotranspiration_1.10 zoo_1.7-14
 [5] purrr_0.2.2 readr_1.0.0 tidyr_0.6.1
 [9] ggplot2_2.2.1   tidyverse_1.1.1
 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] gtools_3.5.0  reshape2_1.4.2splines

Re: [R] install problem from Github or downloaded file

2017-03-01 Thread Jianling Fan

I also tried other packages from github and I got the same error. So I
think this should not be the probelm for the  "artyfarty" package.
There should be something wrong with my computer. I also uninstalled R
and re-installed it. The error happens again...

Thanks anyway.

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 7:07 PM, David Winsemius  wrote:
> Installation proceeded without error on a Mac ("El Cap") running R 3.3.2 
> using the first call to devtools::install_github. This is the DESCRIPTION 
> file:
> Package: artyfarty
> Type: Package
> Title: Themes for ggplot2
> Version: 0.0.1
> Authors@R: person("Bart","Smeets", email="", 
> role=c("aut","cre"))
> Description: A combination of ggplot2 themes, palettes and convenience 
> functions.
> License: MIT + file LICENSE
> LazyData: TRUE
> Imports: grid, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, grDevices, jsonlite, readbitmap
> Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, RColorBrewer, testthat
> VignetteBuilder: knitr
> RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
> Author: Bart Smeets [aut, cre]
> Maintainer: Bart Smeets 
> Built: R 3.3.2; ; 2017-03-02 01:00:59 UTC; unix
> RemoteType: github
> RemoteHost:
> RemoteRepo: artyfarty
> RemoteUsername: bart6114
> RemoteRef: master
> RemoteSha: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1
> GithubRepo: artyfarty
> GithubUsername: bart6114
> GithubRef: master
> GithubSHA1: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1
> So it has a Maintainer and you may want to contact him with a lot more detail 
> about your setup than you have provided to this point.
> --
> David.
>> On Mar 1, 2017, at 3:30 PM, Jeff Newmiller  wrote:
>> CRAN is notorious for being picky, performing hundreds of quality checks 
>> before allowing a package to be shared there. Has it occurred to you that 
>> "artyfarty", not having been through CRAN, might simply be broken?
>> Yes the directories you ask about are only present temporarily while the 
>> package is checked and moved into your package library, so they are 
>> "temporary" even though they are not in your TMP or TEMP directories. The 
>> missing file is almost certainly the R file, not the directory.
>> --
>> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
>> On March 1, 2017 2:44:40 PM PST, Jianling Fan  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I can install packages from CRAN, but I got some problem for
>>> installing packages from Github or downloaded package files. I got
>>> this problem in recent weeks.
>>> example:
>>> Downloading GitHub repo bart6114/artyfarty@master
>>> from URL
>>> Error in utils::unzip(src, exdir = target) :
>>> cannot open file
>>> 'C:/Users/FanJ/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp6PonUm/devtools23184c742bf4/Bart6114-artyfarty-abf831d/R/helpers.R':
>>> No such file or directory
>>> so, I downloaded the package and try to install it from local folder:
>>> repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
>>> Error in install.packages : cannot open file
>>> 'C:/Users/FanJ/Documents/R/R-3.3.2/library/file2318185d1b3c/artyfarty-master/R/helpers.R':
>>> No such file or directory
>>> It seems R try to create an extra folder "file2318185d1b3c".
>>> I googled this problem. some people said it is caused by TMP dir. But
>>> that seems not my case:
>>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>>> [1] "internal"
>>> R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>>> locale:
>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252
>>> LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252
>>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] agricolae_1.2-4 Evapotranspiration_1.10 zoo_1.7-14
>>> dplyr_0.5.0
>>> [5] purrr_0.2.2 readr_1.0.0 tidyr_0.6.1
>>> tibble_1.2
>>> [9] ggplot2_2.2.1   tidyverse_1.1.1
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] gtools_3.5.0  reshape2_1.4.2splines_3.3.2 haven_1.0.0
>>> lattice_0.20-34   colorspace_1.3-2
>>> [7] expm_0.999-1  AlgDesign_1.1-7.3 withr_1.0.2
>>> foreign_0.8-67DBI_0.5-1 sp_1.2-4
>>> [13] modelr_0.1.0  readxl_0.1.1  plyr_1.8.4
>>> stringr_1.2.0 munsell_0.4.3 combinat_0.0-8
>>> [19] gtable_0.2.0  rvest_0.3.2   devtools_1.12.0
>>> memoise_1.0.0 coda_0.19-1   psych_1.6.12
>>> [25] forcats_0.2.0 curl_2.3  p

Re: [R] install problem from Github or downloaded file

2017-03-01 Thread David Winsemius
Installation proceeded without error on a Mac ("El Cap") running R 3.3.2 using 
the first call to devtools::install_github. This is the DESCRIPTION file:

Package: artyfarty
Type: Package
Title: Themes for ggplot2
Version: 0.0.1
Authors@R: person("Bart","Smeets", email="", 
Description: A combination of ggplot2 themes, palettes and convenience 
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: grid, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, grDevices, jsonlite, readbitmap
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, RColorBrewer, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Author: Bart Smeets [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Bart Smeets 
Built: R 3.3.2; ; 2017-03-02 01:00:59 UTC; unix
RemoteType: github
RemoteRepo: artyfarty
RemoteUsername: bart6114
RemoteRef: master
RemoteSha: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1
GithubRepo: artyfarty
GithubUsername: bart6114
GithubRef: master
GithubSHA1: abf831d5c7cf092f5c402b903ad31196bda0a2f1

So it has a Maintainer and you may want to contact him with a lot more detail 
about your setup than you have provided to this point.


> On Mar 1, 2017, at 3:30 PM, Jeff Newmiller  wrote:
> CRAN is notorious for being picky, performing hundreds of quality checks 
> before allowing a package to be shared there. Has it occurred to you that 
> "artyfarty", not having been through CRAN, might simply be broken?
> Yes the directories you ask about are only present temporarily while the 
> package is checked and moved into your package library, so they are 
> "temporary" even though they are not in your TMP or TEMP directories. The 
> missing file is almost certainly the R file, not the directory. 
> -- 
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> On March 1, 2017 2:44:40 PM PST, Jianling Fan  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I can install packages from CRAN, but I got some problem for
>> installing packages from Github or downloaded package files. I got
>> this problem in recent weeks.
>> example:
>>> devtools::install_github('bart6114/artyfarty')
>> Downloading GitHub repo bart6114/artyfarty@master
>> from URL
>> Error in utils::unzip(src, exdir = target) :
>> cannot open file
>> 'C:/Users/FanJ/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp6PonUm/devtools23184c742bf4/Bart6114-artyfarty-abf831d/R/helpers.R':
>> No such file or directory
>> so, I downloaded the package and try to install it from local folder:
>>> install.packages("C:/Users/FanJ/Downloads/",
>> repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
>> Error in install.packages : cannot open file
>> 'C:/Users/FanJ/Documents/R/R-3.3.2/library/file2318185d1b3c/artyfarty-master/R/helpers.R':
>> No such file or directory
>> It seems R try to create an extra folder "file2318185d1b3c".
>> I googled this problem. some people said it is caused by TMP dir. But
>> that seems not my case:
>>> Sys.getenv(c("TMP","TEMP","TMPDIR"))
>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>> "C:\\Users\\FanJ\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
>>> .Options$unzip
>> [1] "internal"
>>> sessionInfo()
>> R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>> locale:
>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252
>> LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252
>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
>> other attached packages:
>> [1] agricolae_1.2-4 Evapotranspiration_1.10 zoo_1.7-14
>> dplyr_0.5.0
>> [5] purrr_0.2.2 readr_1.0.0 tidyr_0.6.1
>> tibble_1.2
>> [9] ggplot2_2.2.1   tidyverse_1.1.1
>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> [1] gtools_3.5.0  reshape2_1.4.2splines_3.3.2 haven_1.0.0
>> lattice_0.20-34   colorspace_1.3-2
>> [7] expm_0.999-1  AlgDesign_1.1-7.3 withr_1.0.2
>> foreign_0.8-67DBI_0.5-1 sp_1.2-4
>> [13] modelr_0.1.0  readxl_0.1.1  plyr_1.8.4
>> stringr_1.2.0 munsell_0.4.3 combinat_0.0-8
>> [19] gtable_0.2.0  rvest_0.3.2   devtools_1.12.0
>> memoise_1.0.0 coda_0.19-1   psych_1.6.12
>> [25] forcats_0.2.0 curl_2.3  parallel_3.3.2
>> spdep_0.6-11  broom_0.4.2   Rcpp_0.12.9
>> [31] scales_0.4.1  gdata_2.17.0  jsonlite_1.2
>> deldir_0.1-12 mnormt_1.5-5  digest_0.6.12
>> [37] klaR_0.6-12   hms_0.3   stringi_1.1.2
>> gmodels_2.16.2grid_3.3.2tools_3.3.2
>> [43] LearnBayes_2.15   magrittr_1.5  lazyeval_0.2.0
>> cluster_2.0.5 MASS_7.3-45   Matrix_1.2-8
>> [49] xml2_1.1.1lubridate_1.6.0   assertthat_0.1httr_1.2.1
>> R

Re: [R] install problem from Github or downloaded file

2017-03-01 Thread Jeff Newmiller
CRAN is notorious for being picky, performing hundreds of quality checks before 
allowing a package to be shared there. Has it occurred to you that "artyfarty", 
not having been through CRAN, might simply be broken?

Yes the directories you ask about are only present temporarily while the 
package is checked and moved into your package library, so they are "temporary" 
even though they are not in your TMP or TEMP directories. The missing file is 
almost certainly the R file, not the directory. 
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On March 1, 2017 2:44:40 PM PST, Jianling Fan  wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I can install packages from CRAN, but I got some problem for
>installing packages from Github or downloaded package files. I got
>this problem in recent weeks.
>> devtools::install_github('bart6114/artyfarty')
>Downloading GitHub repo bart6114/artyfarty@master
>from URL
>Error in utils::unzip(src, exdir = target) :
>  cannot open file
>No such file or directory
>so, I downloaded the package and try to install it from local folder:
>> install.packages("C:/Users/FanJ/Downloads/",
>repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
>Error in install.packages : cannot open file
>No such file or directory
>It seems R try to create an extra folder "file2318185d1b3c".
>I googled this problem. some people said it is caused by TMP dir. But
>that seems not my case:
>> Sys.getenv(c("TMP","TEMP","TMPDIR"))
>> .Options$unzip
>[1] "internal"
>> sessionInfo()
>R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
>Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252
>[4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
>attached base packages:
>[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
>other attached packages:
> [1] agricolae_1.2-4 Evapotranspiration_1.10 zoo_1.7-14
>  dplyr_0.5.0
> [5] purrr_0.2.2 readr_1.0.0 tidyr_0.6.1
>  tibble_1.2
> [9] ggplot2_2.2.1   tidyverse_1.1.1
>loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] gtools_3.5.0  reshape2_1.4.2splines_3.3.2 haven_1.0.0
>  lattice_0.20-34   colorspace_1.3-2
> [7] expm_0.999-1  AlgDesign_1.1-7.3 withr_1.0.2
>foreign_0.8-67DBI_0.5-1 sp_1.2-4
>[13] modelr_0.1.0  readxl_0.1.1  plyr_1.8.4
>stringr_1.2.0 munsell_0.4.3 combinat_0.0-8
>[19] gtable_0.2.0  rvest_0.3.2   devtools_1.12.0
>memoise_1.0.0 coda_0.19-1   psych_1.6.12
>[25] forcats_0.2.0 curl_2.3  parallel_3.3.2
>spdep_0.6-11  broom_0.4.2   Rcpp_0.12.9
>[31] scales_0.4.1  gdata_2.17.0  jsonlite_1.2
>deldir_0.1-12 mnormt_1.5-5  digest_0.6.12
>[37] klaR_0.6-12   hms_0.3   stringi_1.1.2
>[43] LearnBayes_2.15   magrittr_1.5  lazyeval_0.2.0
>cluster_2.0.5 MASS_7.3-45   Matrix_1.2-8
>[49] xml2_1.1.1lubridate_1.6.0   assertthat_0.1httr_1.2.1
>  R6_2.2.0  boot_1.3-18
>[55] git2r_0.18.0  nlme_3.1-131
>Any suggestions?
>Thanks a lot!!
> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.