Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-20 Thread David Winsemius

On Oct 16, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Sigrid wrote:

> Okay, I've now tried to the predict function and get the SE, although it seem
> to calculate SE for each observation from the line (I assume), while I want
> the CI-interval and SE for each line fitted line for the treatment. I do not
> really understand what  parameter mean these SEs are calculated from when
> there would be several means along the line...?. This is what I get with
> predict:
>> predict(model, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")
> Another way I can think of to show how well the lines fit the data is to
> look at the intercepts and slopes instead. I can specify the line for each
> level and would then get the estimate of slope and intercept, although I do
> not know how I show the standard errors of the slope and intercept. 
> lm(decrease[treatment=="A"]~colpos[treatment=="A"])
> Call:
> lm(formula = decrease[treatment == "A"] ~ colpos[treatment ==  "A"])
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept)  colpos[treatment == "A"]  
>  2.53570.4643  
> Please let me know if you know how to find st. errors for (or st. error for
> slope and intercept) of lines for each factor of a treatment.

The SE's for treatment "slope" will vary depending on the colpos values. Using 
`predict`, pick the mid-point of the colpos and rowpos variables (which is 
where the SE of the estimates will be minimized). This should be covered in any 
basic regression text.

model<-lm(decrease ~ rowpos  + colpos + treatment + treatment:colpos + 0, 

# I do not think the use of the non-intercept version matters here and it's not 
in general a good practice, but it allows all the parameters to be labeled as 
you apparently expect.

predict(model, newdata=data.frame(colpos=4.5, 
treatment=unique(OrchardSprays$treatment), rowpos=mean(OrchardSprays$rowpos) ), = TRUE, interval = "confidence")
 fitlwr   upr
1 35.000  20.331646  49.66835
2 63.125  48.456646  77.79335
3  7.625  -7.043354  22.29335
4 90.250  75.581646 104.91835
5 68.500  53.831646  83.16835
6 69.000  54.331646  83.66835
7 25.250  10.581646  39.91835
8  4.625 -10.043354  19.29335

7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 7.291375 

[1] 47

[1] 20.62312

> unique(OrchardSprays$treatment)
[1] D E B H G F C A
Levels: A B C D E F G H
> with(OrchardSprays, tapply(decrease, treatment, mean) )
 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H 
 4.625  7.625 25.250 35.000 63.125 69.000 68.500 90.250 


David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-20 Thread Sigrid
Hi again,
Thank you so much for the script. Unfortunately, I feel like I might not
have explained things clearly enough from the start. What I’m looking for is
the st. errors or CI intervals for the estimate the parameter for slope and
intercept for each level of each factor.

 From the summary table I can find the intercept and slope for all
treatments by adding them up. Here the printout from the summary table:
 (I’ll just do for level A and B to illustrate)
 Estimate   Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   18.00299   17.43720   1.032 0.307146
rowpos-2.887231.26369  -2.285 0.026886 *  
colpos-0.085663.19131  -0.027 0.978699
treatmentB 1.22690   22.73203   0.054 0.957186  
colpos:treatmentB  0.394024.50194   0.088 0.930628   

>From this I can find the lines of A and B by adding up the parameters
A, intercept: 18.00299+(-2.88723)= *15.14267*   
A, slope:  
B, intercept: 18.00299+(-2.88723)+1.22690)= *16.36957*  B, slope:

It would be nice if I could get the intercept and slope done for me, like

lm(formula = decrease[treatment == "B"] ~ colpos[treatment ==  "B"])

 (Intercept)  colpos[treatment == "B"]  
  but while I do that with my more complicated model, I get an error

Error in model.frame.default(formula = decrease[treatment == "B"] ~
rowpos[treatment ==  : 
  variable lengths differ (found for 'treatment')

So  back to the actual problem; how do I get the standard error of intercept
and slope or CI of those lines (A&B) calculated above? As the coefficients
given in the model are the difference between each factor from ‘A’ it does
not make sense to add them up in the same way as the parameters

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-17 Thread Rui Barradas


Thinking again, there are better ways of getting all the CI's for the 
fitted lines in one go. First, make a list of models, subsetting on each 
level of treatment. Then lapply predict.lm to the list of models.

levs <- levels(OrchardSprays$treatment)
model.lst <- lapply(levs, function(.lvl)
lm(decrease ~ colpos , subset = treatment == .lvl, data = 

pred.lst <- lapply(model.lst, predict, interval = "confidence") # Get 
all CI's

names(model.lst) <- names(pred.lst) <- levs

pred.lst$A  # Just level 'A'

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 16-10-2012 22:54, Rui Barradas escreveu:


If you want confidence intervals for the beta coefficients of the 
model, try the following.

ci_lm <- function(object, level = 0.95){
sfit <- summary(object)
beta <- sfit$coefficients[, 1]
se <- sfit$coefficients[, 2]
df <- sfit$df[1]
alpha <- 1 - level
lower <- beta + qt(alpha/2, df = df)*se
upper <- beta + qt(1 - alpha/2, df = df)*se
data.frame(beta, lower, upper)

model <- lm(decrease ~ rowpos + colpos * treatment, data = OrchardSprays)

On the other hand, if you want to run regressions on each factor level 
separately, use the argument 'subset' of lm().

model2 <- lm(decrease ~ colpos , subset = treatment == 'A', data = 


I believe that you might be looking for this last one.

Rui Barradas
Em 16-10-2012 19:58, Sigrid escreveu:
Okay, I've now tried to the predict function and get the SE, although 
it seem
to calculate SE for each observation from the line (I assume), while 
I want
the CI-interval and SE for each line fitted line for the treatment. I 
do not
really understand what  parameter mean these SEs are calculated from 

there would be several means along the line...?. This is what I get with

predict(model, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")

Another way I can think of to show how well the lines fit the data is to
look at the intercepts and slopes instead. I can specify the line for 
level and would then get the estimate of slope and intercept, 
although I do

not know how I show the standard errors of the slope and intercept.

lm(formula = decrease[treatment == "A"] ~ colpos[treatment == "A"])

  (Intercept)  colpos[treatment == "A"]

Please let me know if you know how to find st. errors for (or st. 
error for

slope and intercept) of lines for each factor of a treatment.

Thank you

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-16 Thread Rui Barradas


If you want confidence intervals for the beta coefficients of the model, 
try the following.

ci_lm <- function(object, level = 0.95){
sfit <- summary(object)
beta <- sfit$coefficients[, 1]
se <- sfit$coefficients[, 2]
df <- sfit$df[1]
alpha <- 1 - level
lower <- beta + qt(alpha/2, df = df)*se
upper <- beta + qt(1 - alpha/2, df = df)*se
data.frame(beta, lower, upper)

model <- lm(decrease ~ rowpos + colpos * treatment, data = OrchardSprays)

On the other hand, if you want to run regressions on each factor level 
separately, use the argument 'subset' of lm().

model2 <- lm(decrease ~ colpos , subset = treatment == 'A', data = 


I believe that you might be looking for this last one.

Rui Barradas
Em 16-10-2012 19:58, Sigrid escreveu:

Okay, I've now tried to the predict function and get the SE, although it seem
to calculate SE for each observation from the line (I assume), while I want
the CI-interval and SE for each line fitted line for the treatment. I do not
really understand what  parameter mean these SEs are calculated from when
there would be several means along the line...?. This is what I get with

predict(model, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")

Another way I can think of to show how well the lines fit the data is to
look at the intercepts and slopes instead. I can specify the line for each
level and would then get the estimate of slope and intercept, although I do
not know how I show the standard errors of the slope and intercept.

lm(formula = decrease[treatment == "A"] ~ colpos[treatment ==  "A"])

  (Intercept)  colpos[treatment == "A"]

Please let me know if you know how to find st. errors for (or st. error for
slope and intercept) of lines for each factor of a treatment.

Thank you

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-16 Thread Sigrid
Okay, I've now tried to the predict function and get the SE, although it seem
to calculate SE for each observation from the line (I assume), while I want
the CI-interval and SE for each line fitted line for the treatment. I do not
really understand what  parameter mean these SEs are calculated from when
there would be several means along the line...?. This is what I get with

> predict(model, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")

Another way I can think of to show how well the lines fit the data is to
look at the intercepts and slopes instead. I can specify the line for each
level and would then get the estimate of slope and intercept, although I do
not know how I show the standard errors of the slope and intercept. 

lm(formula = decrease[treatment == "A"] ~ colpos[treatment ==  "A"])

 (Intercept)  colpos[treatment == "A"]  

Please let me know if you know how to find st. errors for (or st. error for
slope and intercept) of lines for each factor of a treatment.

Thank you

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-10 Thread Rui Barradas


Your model is equivalent to the model below. As for standard errors, try 
predict.lm with the appropriate argument.

model <- lm(decrease ~ rowpos + colpos*treatment, data = OrchardSprays)
predict(model, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
Em 10-10-2012 14:49, Sigrid escreveu:

I’m entirely stumped on this particular issue and really hoping someone has
some advice for me.
I am running a covariant model in lm I would like to give the standard

errors or the confidence intervals for the fitted lines. I’ve been using the
dataset OrangeSprays where I want lines for each level of treatment over the
covariant ‘colpos’. I’ve been able to calculate intercepts and slopes for
each lines by adding up the parameters, but this does not make sense when
the comes to the se’s.  I’ve run the summary (model) function, but only get
the differences in standard error between lines. Also by running
confint(model), I have the same problem.

How can I get standard error per or the CI-interval for each fitted line?
I’ve attached the coding underneath.

Thank you,


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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-10 Thread Sigrid
Hi Bert,

I just looked at An Introduction to R - and I do apologize if my questions
are trivial. I see that they use predict as a function in lm, but I'm not
sure how to incorporate it into a command.

Thank you,

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Re: [R] se's and CI's for fitted lines in multivariate regression analysis

2012-10-10 Thread Bert Gunter

Have you read An Inrtroduction  to R?

-- Bert

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 6:49 AM, Sigrid  wrote:
> I’m entirely stumped on this particular issue and really hoping someone has
> some advice for me.
> I am running a covariant model in lm I would like to give the standard
> errors or the confidence intervals for the fitted lines. I’ve been using the
> dataset OrangeSprays where I want lines for each level of treatment over the
> covariant ‘colpos’. I’ve been able to calculate intercepts and slopes for
> each lines by adding up the parameters, but this does not make sense when
> the comes to the se’s.  I’ve run the summary (model) function, but only get
> the differences in standard error between lines. Also by running
> confint(model), I have the same problem.
> How can I get standard error per or the CI-interval for each fitted line?
> I’ve attached the coding underneath.
> Thank you,
> Sigrid
>> data(OrchardSprays)
>> model<-lm(decrease~rowpos+colpos+treatment+treatment:colpos)
>> summary(model)
> --
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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