[R] NNet value and convergence

2003-09-30 Thread Hannah Wood

I'm using the R nnet package and have a few simple (?) questions.  

What is the value  that is output after every 10 iterations during the training of 
the network and how is it calculated? 

# weights:  177
initial  value 506.134586 
iter  10 value 128.222774
iter  20 value 95.399782
iter  30 value 87.184564

Is the value the error, if not, is there any way to see the error values during 

Also, how does the network decide when it has converged?  



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[R] FW: error predicting values from the LME

2003-09-30 Thread Andrej Kveder
HI all,

I might add some more information in order to possibly solve my problem. I'm
really stuck and no obvious solutions do the trick.
I'm using R 1.7.1 on Windows 2000 with the packages regurarly updated.
I'm using hypothetical data constructed as a pseudo population conforming to
a certain Var-Cov structure.
I might add that just


works. But when I add the new dataset it doesn't. Following a suggestion I
even tried refactoring of the grouping variable (inter) after I created the
subset. It didn't work. I have no other factor variables in the model. I
really have got no clue what could be wrong.

There is a sample from my data:
Grouped Data: y ~ v11 + v21 + v22 + v23 | inter
 v11 v21  v22 v23inter
4 5.55186635 5.6620022 24.18033 5.003409 1
13 2.03852426 5.6620022 24.18033 5.003409 1
15 2.19825772 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
16 4.51368278 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
18 3.35322702 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
19 2.46414346 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
20 2.66670834 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2

and this is the model:
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: d.n.gr.2
Log-restricted-likelihood: -533.0011
Fixed: model$fixed
(Intercept) v11 v21 v22 v23 v11:v21
3.205519074 0.298941539 -0.017743958 0.016007280 -0.410760471 0.002700954
v11:v22 v11:v23
-0.003680952 -0.018005717
Random effects:
Formula: ~v11 | inter
Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev Corr
(Intercept) 0.385620605 (Intr)
v11 0.003147431 -0.048
Residual 0.450012367
Number of Observations: 729
Number of Groups: 50
If this give you some more insight to my problem.

I would reallly appreciate any suggestion.



-Original Message-
From: Andrej Kveder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 7:05 PM
To: R-Help
Subject: predicting values from the LME

Dear listers,

I experinced a problem prdicting the values using the LME with multilevel
I have NA's in my dependent variable and the model is fitted only on the
completed cases.
I want to estimate the predicted values for the rest of the data (those
cases with missing dep. variable)
I extracted a subset from the original file containing the variables used in
the model as well as the second level indicator.
I used the following command


where level2 is my LME model.
But, I get the following error:

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : 1 argument passed to $ which requires

I tried with omitting the level specification (which is 0 by default) and I
transformed the new data to be groupedData with no luck.

I have tried the example from the Pinheiro,Bates book and it works - mine
doesn't. Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?

Thanks for all the suggestions.


Andrej Kveder, M.A.
Institute of Medical Sciences SRS SASA; Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
phone: +386 1 47 06 440   fax: +386 1 42 61 493

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Re: [R] shared object

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
p hu wrote:

Dear R-helper,
I have one question for creating shared objects (C code) on Unix.
Since there is a set of softwares (such as Rtools, Perl, etc.) to be dowloaded for 
generating shared objects on windows, I am wondering whether I need to install a set 
of these kind of softwares to generating shared objects on unix.
Assume I have a c code called foo.c, I just simly typed
it tells me that 'make' not found.
Therefore could you tell me what software I need to install for generating shared objects on unix???
Well, at least make and some compiler, of course.
For details see  Appendix Essential and useful other programs in the 
R Installation and Administration manual.

Uwe Ligges


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Re: [R] shared object

2003-09-30 Thread Martin Maechler
 on Mon, 29 Sep 2003 23:38:24 -0400 (EDT) writes:

Hu Dear R-helper, I have one question for creating shared
Hu objects (C code) on Unix.  Since there is a set of
Hu softwares (such as Rtools, Perl, etc.) to be dowloaded
Hu for generating shared objects on windows, I am wondering
Hu whether I need to install a set of these kind of
Hu softwares to generating shared objects on unix.

What is unix here?
There are many flavors of Unix around the most famous nowadays
is Linux which I guess you are *not* using.

Tell us what
 uname -a
gives (or other relevant information about your Unix).

Hu Assume I have a c code called foo.c, I just simly typed
Hu R CMD SHLIB foo.c 

Hu it tells me that 'make' not found.

which I guess is because make is not in your PATH, while it
still exists on your computer / file server.

Hu Therefore could you tell me what software I need to
Hu install for generating shared objects on unix???
Do you have a system administrator (person!) for your unix
environment?  If yes, ask her/him !
If no, you probably should learn quite a bit more about your
unix by reading a basic introduction...

Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408  fax: ...-1228   

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] using identify() together with plot () and pixmap()

2003-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear R users
I have a two-dimensional array, whose values I want to plot, using the
pixmapGrey class. Plotting works fine, and now I would like to be able
to identify some of the points in the plot using identify(). But I get
the following message while pressing the left mouse button:

warning: no point with 0.25 inches

pressing the right mouse button I get:

what is the problem  here and how can I solve it?

many thanks for your help



Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Biclassification

2003-09-30 Thread Dowkiw, Arnaud
Is there any R package/function for biclassification (hierarchical reciprocal 
clustering of 2 factors) ?



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Re: [R] using identify() together with plot () and pixmap()

2003-09-30 Thread Barry Rowlingson
Christoph Lehmann wrote:

warning: no point with 0.25 inches

pressing the right mouse button I get:
what is the problem  here and how can I solve it?
 The problem is that there is no method for identifying points on a 
pixmap (and anyway, you are feeding identify() a matrix).

 You'll need to write an identify.pixmapGrey function. This would do 
something like use the 'locator()' function to get clicks on the screen, 
and then it would compute which grid cell the coordinates of those 
clicks were in. pixmap objects store enough information for you to work 
this out from the attributes - look at the 'bbox' attribute for example.

 It would make a nice addition to the pixmap library. Although one 
thing that just suprised me was that the different flavours of pixmap - 
pixmapGrey, pixmapIndexed, pixmapRGB - dont all inherit from a 'pixmap' 
class, which might make it easier to write a single identify function 
for all the types.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] using identify() together with plot () and pixmap()

2003-09-30 Thread Friedrich . Leisch
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:16:11 +0200,
 Christoph Lehmann (CL) wrote:

   Dear R users
   I have a two-dimensional array, whose values I want to plot, using the
   pixmapGrey class. Plotting works fine, and now I would like to be able
   to identify some of the points in the plot using identify(). But I get
   the following message while pressing the left mouse button:

   warning: no point with 0.25 inches

identify() needs x and y values, you are passing it the z values of
the image.

Maybe you want to use locator()?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] BIC or AIC from nnet

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
Paul Green wrote:

Is AIC or BIC available when using the
nnet package?
Given you are talking about multinom(): Yes, it returns the AIC for the 
fit, but that's already mentioned in the help file...

Uwe Ligges

Thank you

Paul Green

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Re: [R] using identify() together with plot () and pixmap()

2003-09-30 Thread Friedrich . Leisch
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:38:31 +0100,
 Barry Rowlingson (BR) wrote:

   Christoph Lehmann wrote:
   warning: no point with 0.25 inches
   pressing the right mouse button I get:
   what is the problem  here and how can I solve it?

 The problem is that there is no method for identifying points on a 
   pixmap (and anyway, you are feeding identify() a matrix).

 You'll need to write an identify.pixmapGrey function. This would do 
   something like use the 'locator()' function to get clicks on the screen, 
   and then it would compute which grid cell the coordinates of those 
   clicks were in. pixmap objects store enough information for you to work 
   this out from the attributes - look at the 'bbox' attribute for example.

 It would make a nice addition to the pixmap library. Although one 
   thing that just suprised me was that the different flavours of pixmap - 
   pixmapGrey, pixmapIndexed, pixmapRGB - dont all inherit from a 'pixmap' 

But they do, and class pixmap has the necessary geometry
information, i.e., size, bounding box and resolution of the image.

   which might make it easier to write a single identify function 
   for all the types.

yes, shouldn't bbe too hard (all contributions welcome).


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] NNet value and convergence

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
Hannah Wood wrote:


I'm using the R nnet package and have a few simple (?) questions.  

What is the value  that is output after every 10 iterations during the training of the network and how is it calculated? 

# weights:  177
initial  value 506.134586 
iter  10 value 128.222774
iter  20 value 95.399782
iter  30 value 87.184564

Is the value the error, if not, is there any way to see the error values during training?  
From ?nnet:
value of fitting criterion plus weight decay term.

Also, how does the network decide when it has converged?  
More than one criterion. You can adjust the criterions with arguments to 
nnet(), see ?nnet.

Please read the references given in ?nnet for more details:

- Ripley, B. D. (1996) Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Cambridge.
- Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics 
with S. Fourth edition. Springer.

Uwe Ligges


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] CP for rpart

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
weidong zhang wrote:

Hi All,

I have some questions on using library rpart. Given my data below, the 
plotcp gives me increasing 'xerrors' across different cp's with huge 
xstd (plot attached). What causes the problem or it's not a problem at 
all? I am thinking 'xerror's should be decreasing when 'cp' gets 
No. Why? BTW: It's calculated by cross validation.

 Also what the 'xstd' really tells us? If the error bars for
each xerror overlap for different cp's, does that mean we don't have 
significant improvement for misclassification rate when we split the tree?

My data have are two classes with 138 observations and 129 attributes. 
Your problem is called overfitting, I guess.

Are you sure the class variable can be explained by the other 
variables in a way? Do you think the linear and othogonal separation of 
classes is appropriate for your problem?

You might want to look into a good book on Classification Theory.

Uwe Ligges

Here is what I did:

[1] 138 130

man.dt1 - rpart(Target~.,data=man.dat[,c(1,8:136)], 
method='class',cp=1e-5, parms=list(split='information'))



Classification tree:
rpart(formula = Target ~ ., data = man.dat[, c(1, 8:136)], method = 
   parms = list(split = information), cp = 1e-05)

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] CHX.V  CYN.Cu SPF.Bi
Root node error: 25/138 = 0.18116

n= 138

  CP nsplit rel error xerrorxstd
1 0.18667  0  1.00   1.00 0.18098
2 0.1  3  0.44   1.12 0.18897
I would appreciate your help on this,


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[R] cluster mgcv update

2003-09-30 Thread Martin Wegmann

After reinstalling the whole OS and R as well, I tried to update.packages() 
and get the follwing error message:

concerning the mgcv update: atlas2-base is installed and blas as well (on 
debian). I haven't found lf77blas, I assume it's a library or something 
similar associated with blas.

any suggestion how to solve that, thanks Martin

* Installing *source* package 'cluster' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c 
clara.c -o clara.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c daisy.f -o daisy.o
make: g77: Command not found
make: *** [daisy.o] Error 127
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'cluster'

* Installing *source* package 'mgcv' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c gcv.c -o gcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c magic.c -o magic.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mat.c -o mat.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c matrix.c -o matrix.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mgcv.c -o mgcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c qp.c -o qp.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c tprs.c -o tprs.o
gcc -shared  -o mgcv.so gcv.o magic.o mat.o matrix.o mgcv.o qp.o tprs.o 
-L/usr/lib/R/bin -lRlapack -lf77blas -latlas 
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3 -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3/../../.. 
-lfrtbegin -lg2c-pic -lm -lgcc_s  -L/usr/lib/R/bin -lR
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lf77blas
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mgcv.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'mgcv'

Delete downloaded files (y/N)? y

Warning messages:
1: Installation of package cluster had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,
2: Installation of package mgcv had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] cluster mgcv update

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
Martin Wegmann wrote:


After reinstalling the whole OS and R as well, I tried to update.packages() 
and get the follwing error message:

concerning the mgcv update: atlas2-base is installed and blas as well (on 
debian). I haven't found lf77blas, I assume it's a library or something 
similar associated with blas.

any suggestion how to solve that, thanks Martin

* Installing *source* package 'cluster' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c 
clara.c -o clara.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c daisy.f -o daisy.o
make: g77: Command not found
make: *** [daisy.o] Error 127
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'cluster'

The Fortran Compiler g77 is missing (at least not in your path), as well 
as some related libraries (see error message below).

Uwe Ligges

* Installing *source* package 'mgcv' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c gcv.c -o gcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c magic.c -o magic.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mat.c -o mat.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c matrix.c -o matrix.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mgcv.c -o mgcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c qp.c -o qp.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c tprs.c -o tprs.o
gcc -shared  -o mgcv.so gcv.o magic.o mat.o matrix.o mgcv.o qp.o tprs.o 
-L/usr/lib/R/bin -lRlapack -lf77blas -latlas 
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3 -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3/../../.. 
-lfrtbegin -lg2c-pic -lm -lgcc_s  -L/usr/lib/R/bin -lR
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lf77blas
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mgcv.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'mgcv'

Delete downloaded files (y/N)? y

Warning messages:
1: Installation of package cluster had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,
2: Installation of package mgcv had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] cluster mgcv update

2003-09-30 Thread Martin Wegmann

 You need to add atlas2-base-dev:

 $ apt-get install atlas2-base-dev

I installed atlas2-base-dev and g77 but know I get the error messages pasted 
below. Both (cluster and mgcv) requires lfrtbegin, but that does not seem to 
be programm which I can install via apt-get. 


* Installing *source* package 'cluster' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c 
clara.c -o clara.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c daisy.f -o daisy.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c fanny.f -o fanny.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c meet.f -o meet.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c mona.f -o mona.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c pam.f -o pam.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c 
spannel.c -o spannel.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c twins.f -o twins.o
gcc -shared  -o cluster.so clara.o daisy.o fanny.o meet.o mona.o pam.o 
spannel.o twins.o  -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3 
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3/../../.. -lfrtbegin -lg2c-pic -lm -lgcc_s 
-L/usr/lib/R/bin -lR
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfrtbegin
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [cluster.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'cluster'
* Installing *source* package 'mgcv' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c gcv.c -o gcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c magic.c -o magic.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mat.c -o mat.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c matrix.c -o matrix.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c mgcv.c -o mgcv.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c qp.c -o qp.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -mieee-fp -Wall -pedantic  
-fPIC  -g -O2 -c tprs.c -o tprs.o
gcc -shared  -o mgcv.so gcv.o magic.o mat.o matrix.o mgcv.o qp.o tprs.o 
-L/usr/lib/R/bin -lRlapack -lf77blas -latlas 
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3 -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3/../../.. 
-lfrtbegin -lg2c-pic -lm -lgcc_s  -L/usr/lib/R/bin -lR
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfrtbegin
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mgcv.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'mgcv'

Delete downloaded files (y/N)? y

Warning messages:
1: Installation of package cluster had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,
2: Installation of package mgcv had non-zero exit status in: 
install.packages(update[, Package], instlib, contriburl = contriburl,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] overlay two pixmap

2003-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
when I try to overlay a completely transparent pixmap on another pixmap,
I get an error.

For reproduction: just the transparent pixmap itself gives an error:

tmp - array(0,c(x.dim,y.dim))
tmp - pixmapIndexed(tmp[,])
for (x in 1:x.dim) {
for (y in 1:y.dim) {
} }


Error in image.default(x = X, y = Y, z = t([EMAIL PROTECTED]([EMAIL PROTECTED]):1, ]), 
invalid z limits
In addition: Warning messages:
1: no finite arguments to min; returning Inf
2: no finite arguments to max; returning -Inf

what happened here? 

many thanks


On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 12:44, Roger Bivand wrote:
 Christoph Lehmann wrote:
  I need to overlay two pixmaps (library (pixmap)). One, a pixmapGrey, is
  the basis, and on this I need to overlay a pixmapIndexed, BUT: the
  pixmapIndexed has set only some of its pixels to an indexed color,
  many of its pixels should not cover the basis pixmapGrey pixel, means,
  for this in pixmapIndexed not defined pixels it should be transparent.
  What would you recommend me to do? Should I go for another solution than
 Determine which of the indexed colours in the pixmapIndexed object are to 
 be transparent, and change them to NA - you access them in say:
 x - read.pnm(system.file(pictures/logo.ppm, package = pixmap)[1])
 xx - as(x, pixmapIndexed)
 z - pixmapRGB(c(z1, z2, z3), 100, 100, bbox = c(0, 0, 100, 100))
 plot(xx, add=T)
 Here [EMAIL PROTECTED] was white aka #FF, you could use col2rgb() to help 
 set thresholds. Admittedly, this is messy if you don't know your 
Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] checking generic/method consistency

2003-09-30 Thread Arne Henningsen
Hi *,

thanks for all your answers and discussions. And additionally special thanks 
to Henrik Bengtsson for writing the first draft of the R Coding 
Conventions. I think that this document contains a lot of good ideas to make 
the code more readable. Since my package is *new* code, I adjusted it 
according to most recommendations of the RCC.

However, one thing is still unclear to me: According to the RCC I gave the 
class of result of my function linProg also the name linProg, but the RCC 
says that classes must start with uppercase, while functions must start with 
lowercase, which is contradictory in this case. In one of the examples of the 
RCC, a function that returns an object with a class attribute starts with 
 Line - function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
   line - list(x=c(x0,y0), y=(x1,y1));
   class(line) - Line;
Does this mean that the names of these functions should start with uppercase?

Best wishes,

On Friday 26 September 2003 17:43, you wrote:
 Hi, it looks from the names of your argument that your function is a
 plain function, i.e. it is not a function specific to a class. If this
 is true, I would avoid the period and rename your function to

   solveLP - function(cvec, bvec, Amat, maximum, maxiter, verbose) ...

 Under the S3 style of programming with classes methods coupled to
 classes are written in the format

   method.class - function(object, arg1, arg2, ...

 That is, the part before the period is the name of a generic function
 and the part after is the name of the class. This is why R CMD check
 believe your that you have written a method 'solve' for class 'LP'. All
 methods named 'solve' should have a argument signature that match the
 generic function 'solve' and your solve.LP doesn't. I do not think this
 was your intention, correct? See help.start() - R Language Definition
 - Object-oriented programming: for more details about the S3 style.

 To avoid problems like these I am working on a R Coding Conventions
 (RCC), http://www.maths.lth.se/help/R/RCC/ (see Naming Conventions). It
 is an early version and not everyone agrees with it, but the intention
 is to find a style that avoid problems like yours, where it says that
 you should avoid periods in function names except if you use it for S3
 class methods. Feedback is appreciated.


 Henrik Bengtsson
 Lund University

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arne Henningsen
  Sent: den 26 september 2003 17:03
  Subject: [R] checking generic/method consistency
  I wrote a package for linear programming and want to submit
  it to CRAN.
  Since the package 'quadprog' has a function with the name
  'solve.QP' to
  perform Quadratic Programming, I named my (main) function 'solve.LP'.
  However 'R CMD check' gives one warning:
  * checking generic/method consistency ... WARNING
function(a, b, ...)
function(cvec, bvec, Amat, maximum, maxiter, verbose)
  while 'R CMD check' gives no warnings when the function has the name
  What do you recommend me to do?
  1) Ignore the warning and upload the package to CRAN as it is?
  2) Rename the function? (any suggestions?)
  3) Change something that avoids this problem without renaming
  the functions?
  I would prefer the third point, but I don't know how.
  Thank you for your answers,
  Arne Henningsen
  Department of Agricultural Economics
  Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel 24098 Kiel, Germany
  Tel: +49-431-880-4445
  Fax: +49-431-880-1397
  http://www.uni- kiel.de/agrarpol/ahenningsen.html
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo /r-help

Arne Henningsen
Department of Agricultural Economics
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
24098 Kiel, Germany
Tel: +49-431-880-4445
Fax: +49-431-880-1397 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] cluster mgcv update

2003-09-30 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 02:04:23PM +0200, Martin Wegmann wrote:
  You need to add atlas2-base-dev:
  $ apt-get install atlas2-base-dev
 I installed atlas2-base-dev and g77 but know I get the error messages pasted 
 below. Both (cluster and mgcv) requires lfrtbegin, but that does not seem to 
 be programm which I can install via apt-get. 


When R is built, certain configure values are recorded, see (on Debian) the
files in /etc/R/:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/R grep frtb * 
Makeconf:FLIBS =  -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.2
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.2/../../.. -lfrtbegin -lg2c-pic -lm -lgcc_s

If your Makeconf has values stored that your system doesn't have, then you
may have a mismatch between the compiler used for building R (i.e. the
binary you got yourself) and the one currently installed to build the package.

Let's discuss off-line exactly what Debian 'flavour' and gcc/g77 versions
you are using.  

One way out for you would be to rebuild R locally. We can discuss that too.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-- Groucho Marx

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[R] non-linear trends in kriging model

2003-09-30 Thread David Pleydell
I am struggling to fit a non-linear trend using the
likfit function in geoR.

Specifically I want a sigmoidal function, something
like SSfpl in the nls package to fit the trend.  But
it seems trend.spatial in geoR only works with lm or
glm type models.

Any ideas how I can specify the model to calculate the
kriging parameters using REML, including the
parameters of a sigmoidal trend function (such as


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] non-linear trends in kriging model

2003-09-30 Thread Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr

Indeed, the trend term in geoR must be a linear one.
You can:
1) fit you model by alternating between using nls() and passing the
residuals to the functions in geoR
2) try trying to fit using the functions in the nlme() package


On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, David Pleydell wrote:

 I am struggling to fit a non-linear trend using the
 likfit function in geoR.

 Specifically I want a sigmoidal function, something
 like SSfpl in the nls package to fit the trend.  But
 it seems trend.spatial in geoR only works with lm or
 glm type models.

 Any ideas how I can specify the model to calculate the
 kriging parameters using REML, including the
 parameters of a sigmoidal trend function (such as


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
Departamento de Estatística
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Caixa Postal 19.081
CEP 81.531-990
Curitiba, PR  -  Brasil
Tel: (+55) 41 361 3471
Fax: (+55) 41 361 3141

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Re: [R] FW: error predicting values from the LME

2003-09-30 Thread Spencer Graves
 Could you dumb it down to a toy example with 4 observations for a 
model like y ~ 1 | inter, 2 observations for each of 2 levels of 
inter?  If that works, then you can play with the example that works 
and the example that doesn't;  this is one of the strategies mentioned 
in Poly (1971) How to Solve It (Princeton U. Pr.).  With luck, this will 
help you figure out what you need to do to get the answers you want.  If 
not, it should help you produce a small toy example that doesn't work, 
which you can then send us.  Please include a data.frame call, so 
someone can copy your example into R and try it in 2 seconds.  That 
should increase the chances that you would get a helpful reply. 

 Also, have you read Pinhiero and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effect Models 
in S and S-Plus (Springer)?  I've found that book to be indispensible 
for using lme. 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves

Andrej Kveder wrote:

HI all,

I might add some more information in order to possibly solve my problem. I'm
really stuck and no obvious solutions do the trick.
I'm using R 1.7.1 on Windows 2000 with the packages regurarly updated.
I'm using hypothetical data constructed as a pseudo population conforming to
a certain Var-Cov structure.
I might add that just


works. But when I add the new dataset it doesn't. Following a suggestion I
even tried refactoring of the grouping variable (inter) after I created the
subset. It didn't work. I have no other factor variables in the model. I
really have got no clue what could be wrong.
There is a sample from my data:


Grouped Data: y ~ v11 + v21 + v22 + v23 | inter
v11 v21  v22 v23inter
4 5.55186635 5.6620022 24.18033 5.003409 1
13 2.03852426 5.6620022 24.18033 5.003409 1
15 2.19825772 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
16 4.51368278 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
18 3.35322702 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
19 2.46414346 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
20 2.66670834 7.5676798 31.03986 4.746891 2
and this is the model:


Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: d.n.gr.2
Log-restricted-likelihood: -533.0011
Fixed: model$fixed
(Intercept) v11 v21 v22 v23 v11:v21
3.205519074 0.298941539 -0.017743958 0.016007280 -0.410760471 0.002700954
v11:v22 v11:v23
-0.003680952 -0.018005717
Random effects:
Formula: ~v11 | inter
Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev Corr
(Intercept) 0.385620605 (Intr)
v11 0.003147431 -0.048
Residual 0.450012367
Number of Observations: 729
Number of Groups: 50
If this give you some more insight to my problem.
I would reallly appreciate any suggestion.



-Original Message-
From: Andrej Kveder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 7:05 PM
To: R-Help
Subject: predicting values from the LME
Dear listers,

I experinced a problem prdicting the values using the LME with multilevel
I have NA's in my dependent variable and the model is fitted only on the
completed cases.
I want to estimate the predicted values for the rest of the data (those
cases with missing dep. variable)
I extracted a subset from the original file containing the variables used in
the model as well as the second level indicator.
I used the following command

where level2 is my LME model.
But, I get the following error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : 1 argument passed to $ which requires
I tried with omitting the level specification (which is 0 by default) and I
transformed the new data to be groupedData with no luck.
I have tried the example from the Pinheiro,Bates book and it works - mine
doesn't. Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?
Thanks for all the suggestions.


Andrej Kveder, M.A.
Institute of Medical Sciences SRS SASA; Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
phone: +386 1 47 06 440   fax: +386 1 42 61 493
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Re: [R] debugging R

2003-09-30 Thread Douglas Bates
Francisco J Molina [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 To debug R from within Xemacs I have tried two different things: 
 C-u M-x R RET - d SPC gdb RET to start an inferior R process with arguments
 @option{-d gdb}
 This is the way described in the official documentation of R.
 and also 
 M-x R and then start GUD (M-x gdb) giving the R binary (using its full path
 name: /usr/bin/R ) as the program to debug. Use the program @command{ps} to find the
 process number of the currently running R process then use the attach
 command in gdb to attach it to that process.
 I have had problems with the last way: R freezes.

That is because gdb has interrupted the R process.  At this point I
usually set a breakpoint at the function of interest, go to the gdb
window and restart R by sending the 0 signal

gdb sig 0

Then you are able to get a response in the ESS window with R.

This technique is particularly useful if you have compiled code in a
package because you can attach the package and load the shared object
before invoking the debugger.

 Has anyone been succesfull in debugging R in last way?

Yes - more times than I would care to count.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] checking generic/method consistency

2003-09-30 Thread Martin Maechler
 Arne == Arne Henningsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:18:11 +0200 writes:

Arne Hi *,

Arne thanks for all your answers and discussions. And
Arne additionally special thanks to Henrik Bengtsson for
Arne writing the first draft of the R Coding
Arne Conventions. I think that this document contains a
Arne lot of good ideas to make the code more
Arne readable. Since my package is *new* code, I adjusted
Arne it according to most recommendations of the RCC.

Arne However, one thing is still unclear to me: According
Arne to the RCC I gave the class of result of my function
Arne linProg also the name linProg, but the RCC says
Arne that classes must start with uppercase, while
Arne functions must start with lowercase, which is
Arne contradictory in this case. In one of the examples of
Arne the RCC, a function that returns an object with a
Arne class attribute starts with uppercase:

 Line - function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
  line - list(x=c(x0,y0), y=(x1,y1));
  class(line) - Line;

do not end lines with ; in S (i.e. R or S-plus); it's
superfluous and considered ugly by many (incl. me) and teaches
(by example) a wrong idea.

Arne Does this mean that the names of these functions
Arne should start with uppercase?

While I agree that Henrik has put up several well thought out
recommendations {and very helpful postings such as the one you
cite below!} , these are *Henrik*'s recommendations and are
still subject to discussion and feedback.
The S language has quite a long tradition and existing function
and class base which cannot be changed mostly for compatibility
One thing in this tradition is to have function foobar return
objects of class foobar (identical spelling including case).
This particularly applies to the old or S3 class/method system
on which still very much of the basic S models are based.
When using S3 classes (as you are above), I'd definitely keep
that S tradition.

This naming scheme can well change when the S4 class/methods
system is used (as it is more and more), since there, you
construct objects rather by   
  as(obj, classname, )

Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408  fax: ...-1228   

Arne On Friday 26 September 2003 17:43, you wrote:
 Hi, it looks from the names of your argument that your function is a
 plain function, i.e. it is not a function specific to a class. If this
 is true, I would avoid the period and rename your function to
 solveLP - function(cvec, bvec, Amat, maximum, maxiter, verbose) ...
 Under the S3 style of programming with classes methods coupled to
 classes are written in the format
 method.class - function(object, arg1, arg2, ...
 That is, the part before the period is the name of a generic function
 and the part after is the name of the class. This is why R CMD check
 believe your that you have written a method 'solve' for class 'LP'. All
 methods named 'solve' should have a argument signature that match the
 generic function 'solve' and your solve.LP doesn't. I do not think this
 was your intention, correct? See help.start() - R Language Definition
- Object-oriented programming: for more details about the S3 style.
 To avoid problems like these I am working on a R Coding Conventions
 (RCC), http://www.maths.lth.se/help/R/RCC/ (see Naming Conventions). It
 is an early version and not everyone agrees with it, but the intention
 is to find a style that avoid problems like yours, where it says that
 you should avoid periods in function names except if you use it for S3
 class methods. Feedback is appreciated.
 Henrik Bengtsson
 Lund University
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arne Henningsen
  Sent: den 26 september 2003 17:03
  Subject: [R] checking generic/method consistency
  I wrote a package for linear programming and want to submit
  it to CRAN.
  Since the package 'quadprog' has a function with the name
  'solve.QP' to
  perform Quadratic Programming, I named my (main) function 'solve.LP'.
  However 'R CMD check' gives one warning:
  * checking generic/method consistency ... WARNING
function(a, b, ...)
function(cvec, bvec, Amat, maximum, maxiter, verbose)
  while 'R CMD check' gives no warnings when the function has the name
  What do you recommend me to do?
  1) Ignore the warning and 

[R] Stepwise procedures

2003-09-30 Thread MZodet
Is there a function in R which performs stepwise estimation in ways similar
to SAS/STATA (i.e., allows the analyst to specify the significance levels
for removal/addition of terms).


I've been asked to evaluate two final models:  one resulting from a
backwards selection in R (stepAIC) and one resulting from a backwards
selection using PROC LOGISTIC in SAS.  The final terms are slightly
different and I'm trying to understand the differences between the two
packages (approaches) so I can explain why the final terms might be


Thanks for your help.




Marc W. Zodet, MS

Health Statistician

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality




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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] checking generic/method consistency

2003-09-30 Thread Arne Henningsen
On Tuesday 30 September 2003 15:23, Martin Maechler wrote:
  Arne == Arne Henningsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  on Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:18:11 +0200 writes:

 Arne Hi *,

 Arne thanks for all your answers and discussions. And
 Arne additionally special thanks to Henrik Bengtsson for
 Arne writing the first draft of the R Coding
 Arne Conventions. I think that this document contains a
 Arne lot of good ideas to make the code more
 Arne readable. Since my package is *new* code, I adjusted
 Arne it according to most recommendations of the RCC.

 Arne However, one thing is still unclear to me: According
 Arne to the RCC I gave the class of result of my function
 Arne linProg also the name linProg, but the RCC says
 Arne that classes must start with uppercase, while
 Arne functions must start with lowercase, which is
 Arne contradictory in this case. In one of the examples of
 Arne the RCC, a function that returns an object with a

 Arne class attribute starts with uppercase:
  Line - function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
   line - list(x=c(x0,y0), y=(x1,y1));
   class(line) - Line;

 do not end lines with ; in S (i.e. R or S-plus); it's
 superfluous and considered ugly by many (incl. me) and teaches
 (by example) a wrong idea.

Fortunately, I adjusted my code according to *most* (and not all) 
recommendations of the RCC and e.g. did *not* add the (also in my opinion) 
ugly semicolons.

 Arne Does this mean that the names of these functions
 Arne should start with uppercase?

 While I agree that Henrik has put up several well thought out
 recommendations {and very helpful postings such as the one you
 cite below!} , these are *Henrik*'s recommendations and are
 still subject to discussion and feedback.
 The S language has quite a long tradition and existing function
 and class base which cannot be changed mostly for compatibility
 One thing in this tradition is to have function foobar return
 objects of class foobar (identical spelling including case).
 This particularly applies to the old or S3 class/method system
 on which still very much of the basic S models are based.
 When using S3 classes (as you are above), I'd definitely keep
 that S tradition.

Thanks for your comment. Now I don't feel so bad if I ignore some of Henrik's 
RCCs ;-). However, I think it's important for us to agree on some coding 
conventions since the inconsistency of the syntax between R packages is a 
drawback of R (see e.g. Jeff Racine, Rob Hyndman: Using R to teach 
econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics 17 (2002), p. 176, 
I there a discussion on R coding conventions taking place at the moment?

Best wishes,

 This naming scheme can well change when the S4 class/methods
 system is used (as it is more and more), since there, you
 construct objects rather by
   as(obj, classname, )

 Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
 Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16  Leonhardstr. 27
 ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
 phone: x-41-1-632-3408fax: ...-1228   

 Arne On Friday 26 September 2003 17:43, you wrote:
  Hi, it looks from the names of your argument that your function is a
  plain function, i.e. it is not a function specific to a class. If
  this is true, I would avoid the period and rename your function to
  solveLP - function(cvec, bvec, Amat, maximum, maxiter, verbose) ...
  Under the S3 style of programming with classes methods coupled to
  classes are written in the format
  method.class - function(object, arg1, arg2, ...
  That is, the part before the period is the name of a generic
  function and the part after is the name of the class. This is why R
  CMD check believe your that you have written a method 'solve' for
  class 'LP'. All methods named 'solve' should have a argument
  signature that match the generic function 'solve' and your solve.LP
  doesn't. I do not think this was your intention, correct? See
  help.start() - R Language Definition

 - Object-oriented programming: for more details about the S3 style.

  To avoid problems like these I am working on a R Coding Conventions
  (RCC), http://www.maths.lth.se/help/R/RCC/ (see Naming Conventions).
  It is an early version and not everyone agrees with it, but the
  intention is to find a style that avoid problems like yours, where
  it says that you should avoid periods in function names except if
  you use it for S3 class methods. Feedback is appreciated.
  Henrik Bengtsson
  Lund University
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[R] Generation of labels for 2 factors

2003-09-30 Thread Xavier Fernández i Marín

I have a data set with 10 countries, 10 sectors of public policy and 15 years 
country sector  year
a   aa  1980
a   aa  1981
a   bb  1980
a   bb  1981
b   aa  1980
b   aa  1981
b   bb  1980
b   bb  1981

with 1500 observations.

My cases are the couple country/sector. So, I want to have 100 cases over 15 
years. (both country and sector are factors)

I want to assign to each case a label (e.i. country 'a' + sector 'aa' have 
value '1', country 'a' + sector 'b' have value 2...) and I have been trying 
differents ways, but I can't.

Is there a function to do it directly or I have to write a function? 

Thank you,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Stepwise procedures

2003-09-30 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:24:20 -0400

 Is there a function in R which performs stepwise estimation in ways similar
 to SAS/STATA (i.e., allows the analyst to specify the significance levels
 for removal/addition of terms).
 I've been asked to evaluate two final models:  one resulting from a
 backwards selection in R (stepAIC) and one resulting from a backwards
 selection using PROC LOGISTIC in SAS.  The final terms are slightly
 different and I'm trying to understand the differences between the two
 packages (approaches) so I can explain why the final terms might be
 Thanks for your help.


Stepwise variable selection doesn't work well for the sample size you are using.

Frank E Harrell JrProfessor and ChairSchool of Medicine
  Department of BiostatisticsVanderbilt University

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] ts - unit conversion

2003-09-30 Thread michaell taylor

I've been using R for a while, but now find myself needing to understand
time-series objects for a short course I am teaching.  I am putting
together some daily financial datasets for illustration, but having some
trouble in aggregating the data to months or weeks. I am getting a
cannot change frequency from 1 to 12 message.  

I am not sure that aggregation is where I want to go anyway.  Assuming
for the moment that I had one full year of data, I would like the
observations to relate to real months with various numbers of days, not
simply 1/12th of a year.  It is unclear to me how sophisticated the
aggregator is in this regard.

I have VR but it seems there may be some SPlus/R differences here. Any
suggestions for documents that addresses these issues would be
wonderful.  Thanks.

 ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01')
trying URL
Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
opened URL

downloaded 8990 bytes

time series starts 2002-12-30
time series ends   2003-09-25

Just to check what I have

[1] 270   4


[1] Open  High  Low   Close

[1] 37621 37890 1

[1] mts ts

Attempting to pull monthly means .

Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change frequency from 1 to

I thought perhaps I had a non-integer number of months in the data which
may be causing problems.

[1] 1080
[1] 90

Alternatively...making the data coordinate to real months...
 ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01',end='2003-08-31')
trying URL
Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
opened URL
downloaded 8082 bytes

time series starts 2002-12-30
time series ends   2003-08-28
Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change frequency from 1 to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Grouped bar plots

2003-09-30 Thread Matjaz Kukar
Dear R experts!

I'm wondering if it is possible in R to make
a certain type of bar plots, in S-Plus
known as Grouped Bar Plots (see the attachment
for an example).

In S-Plus they can be created with 
the guiPlot function.

Thank you for any answers.

Best regards,

Matjaz.inline: grouped_barplot.png__
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Grouped bar plots

2003-09-30 Thread Uwe Ligges
Matjaz Kukar wrote:
Dear R experts!

I'm wondering if it is possible in R to make
a certain type of bar plots, in S-Plus
known as Grouped Bar Plots (see the attachment
for an example).
In S-Plus they can be created with 
the guiPlot function.

Thank you for any answers.

Uwe Ligges

Best regards,


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] R Production Performance

2003-09-30 Thread Joe Conway
Zitan Broth wrote:
Right but R is only preloaded once?
Yes. The plr shared library gets loaded and initialized (which in turn 
loads and initializes libR) only once -- on Postgres's postmaster 
startup. From that point forward, every new database connection gets a 
forked copy of the postmaster, and hence a preinitialized copy of the R 

Of course (as I think I mentioned already, but it is worth repeating) to 
get this performance enhancement you need to be using either Postgres 
7.4 beta or a patched version of Postgres 7.3 (found at the URL on the 
original post), and have the following line in your postgresql.conf:

preload_libraries = '$libdir/plr:plr_init'

This is getting a bit off topic, so if you have any more PL/R specific 
questions, please write me off list.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [R] Generation of labels for 2 factors

2003-09-30 Thread Liaw, Andy
Not sure exactly what you want, but try:

  countrySector - factor(paste(df$country, df$sector, sep=:))

where df is the data frame.  This creates a factor for the combination.  If
you want numeric code, just coerce with as.numeric().


 -Original Message-
 From: Xavier Fernández i Marín [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:42 AM
 Subject: [R] Generation of labels for 2 factors
 I have a data set with 10 countries, 10 sectors of public 
 policy and 15 years 
 country   sector  year
 a aa  1980
 a aa  1981
 a bb  1980
 a bb  1981
 b aa  1980
 b aa  1981
 b bb  1980
 b bb  1981
 with 1500 observations.
 My cases are the couple country/sector. So, I want to have 
 100 cases over 15 
 years. (both country and sector are factors)
 I want to assign to each case a label (e.i. country 'a' + 
 sector 'aa' have 
 value '1', country 'a' + sector 'b' have value 2...) and I 
 have been trying 
 differents ways, but I can't.
 Is there a function to do it directly or I have to write a function? 
 Thank you,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list 
 https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo /r-help

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RE: [R] ts - unit conversion

2003-09-30 Thread Heywood, Giles
Financial data, as you point out, is generally irregular, which is
in essence what prompted the devlopment of the irregular time-series
(its) package, which is posted on CRAN (v0.1.2 posted today, incidentally).
In the its class, the time-stamps of the rows of a matrix are represented 
using the POSIXct class, so irregularity can be represented accurately.

Inspection of get.hist.quote() shows that it would be quite straightforward
to adapt it to return an 'its'.  I would do so myself, but have no
spare time in the short term to do this (and I'm behind a proxy/firewall
which seems to complicate matters).


 -Original Message-
 From: michaell taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 30 September 2003 16:51
 Subject: [R] ts - unit conversion
 I've been using R for a while, but now find myself needing to 
 time-series objects for a short course I am teaching.  I am putting
 together some daily financial datasets for illustration, but 
 having some
 trouble in aggregating the data to months or weeks. I am getting a
 cannot change frequency from 1 to 12 message.  
 I am not sure that aggregation is where I want to go anyway.  Assuming
 for the moment that I had one full year of data, I would like the
 observations to relate to real months with various numbers of 
 days, not
 simply 1/12th of a year.  It is unclear to me how sophisticated the
 aggregator is in this regard.
 I have VR but it seems there may be some SPlus/R differences 
 here. Any
 suggestions for documents that addresses these issues would be
 wonderful.  Thanks.
  ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01')
 trying URL
 Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
 opened URL
 downloaded 8990 bytes
 time series starts 2002-12-30
 time series ends   2003-09-25
 Just to check what I have
 [1] 270   4
 [1] Open  High  Low   Close
 [1] 37621 37890 1
 [1] mts ts
 Attempting to pull monthly means .
 Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change 
 frequency from 1 to
 I thought perhaps I had a non-integer number of months in the 
 data which
 may be causing problems.
 [1] 1080
 [1] 90
 Alternatively...making the data coordinate to real months...
  ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01',end='2003-08-31')
 trying URL
 Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
 opened URL
 downloaded 8082 bytes
 time series starts 2002-12-30
 time series ends   2003-08-28
 Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change 
 frequency from 1 to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

This is a commercial communication from Commerzbank AG.\ \ T...{{dropped}}

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RE: [R] ts - unit conversion

2003-09-30 Thread Gabor Grothendieck

Change the line in get.hist.quote that pastes the url together
so that g=d (i.e. daily) is replaced with g=m (i.e. monthly).  
That will cause monthly data to be downloaded.  With this new
get.hist.quote try this:

ibm - get.hist.quote(ibm)
ibm - ts( ibm[!is.na(rowSums(ibm)),], end=c(2003,8), freq=12 )

 --- On Tue 09/30, michaell taylor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
I've been using R for a while, but now find myself needing to understand
time-series objects for a short course I am teaching. I am putting
together some daily financial datasets for illustration, but having some
trouble in aggregating the data to months or weeks. I am getting a
cannot change frequency from 1 to 12 message. 

I am not sure that aggregation is where I want to go anyway. Assuming
for the moment that I had one full year of data, I would like the
observations to relate to real months with various numbers of days, not
simply 1/12th of a year. It is unclear to me how sophisticated the
aggregator is in this regard.

I have VR but it seems there may be some SPlus/R differences here. Any
suggestions for documents that addresses these issues would be
wonderful. Thanks.

 ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01')
trying URL
Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
opened URL

downloaded 8990 bytes

time series starts 2002-12-30
time series ends 2003-09-25

Just to check what I have

[1] 270 4


[1] Open High Low Close

[1] 37621 37890 1

[1] mts ts

Attempting to pull monthly means .

Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change frequency from 1 to

I thought perhaps I had a non-integer number of months in the data which
may be causing problems.

[1] 1080
[1] 90

Alternatively...making the data coordinate to real months...
 ibm - get.hist.quote('ibm',start='2003-01-01',end='2003-08-31')
trying URL
Content type `application/octet-stream' length unknown
opened URL
downloaded 8082 bytes

time series starts 2002-12-30
time series ends 2003-08-28
Error in aggregate.ts(ibm, 12, mean) : cannot change frequency from 1 to

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Remove comma (,) in data set

2003-09-30 Thread Muhammad Subianto
Dear R-helper,
I am new learning R. Now, I have a data set like:
... with 3730 rows
I want to remove comma (,) in data set. The result like:

24 2 3  3 1 1 2 3 0 1
45 1 3 10 1 1 3 4 0 1
43 2 3  7 1 1 3 4 0 1
42 3 2  9 1 1 3 3 0 1
36 3 3  8 1 1 3 2 0 1
19 4 4  0 1 1 3 3 0 1
38 2 3  6 1 1 3 2 0 1
21 3 3  1 1 0 3 2 0 1
27 2 3  3 1 1 3 4 0 1
45 1 1  8 1 1 2 2 1 1
How can I do it. Thanks you for your help.

Best regards,

Muhammad Subianto

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Remove comma (,) in data set

2003-09-30 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 18:51:52 +0200, Muhammad Subianto

Dear R-helper,
I am new learning R. Now, I have a data set like:

... with 3730 rows

I want to remove comma (,) in data set. The result like:

24 2 3  3 1 1 2 3 0 1
45 1 3 10 1 1 3 4 0 1
How can I do it. Thanks you for your help.

I assume you're talking about reading a file with commas, and writing
one without.

Use one of the read functions (e.g. read.csv, read.table, or scan)
which can deal with the commas on input.  Then write using write.table
with the default separator, a space.

You'll likely want non-default choices for the row.names and col.names

Duncan Murdoch

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] subsetting a matrix

2003-09-30 Thread Rajarshi Guha
  I'm trying to take a set of rows and columns out of a matrix. I hve
been using the index aray approach. My overll matrix is X and is 179 x
65. I want to take out 4 columns and 161 rows.

Thus I made a 161 x 2 array I and filled it up with the row,col indices.
However doing,

X[ I ] gives me a vector of the extracted elements. Is there anyway I
can coerce this into a 161 x 4 matrix?

Rajarshi Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://jijo.cjb.net
GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
Disembowelling takes guts.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] lme vs. aov

2003-09-30 Thread array chip

I have a question about using lme and aov for the
following dataset. If I understand correctly, using
aov with Error term in the formula is equivalent to
using lme with default settings, i.e. both assume
compound symmetry correlation structure. And I have
found that equivalency in the past. However, with the
follwing dataset, I got different answers, can anyone
explain what happened here? I have 2 differnt response
variables x and y in the following dataset, with
y, I achieved the equivalency between lme and
aov, but with x, I got different p values for the
ANOVA table.





 using x as dependable variable



Error: subject
  Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value  Pr(F)  
treat  1 0.210769 0.210769  6.8933 0.05846 .
sex1 0.005775 0.005775  0.1889 0.68627  
treat:sex  1 0.000587 0.000587  0.0192 0.89649  
Residuals  4 0.122304 0.030576  
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.'
0.1 ` ' 1 

Error: Within
   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
time2 0.00102 0.00051  0.0109 0.9891
treat:time  2 0.00998 0.00499  0.1066 0.9002
sex:time2 0.02525 0.01263  0.2696 0.7704
treat:sex:time  2 0.03239 0.01619  0.3458 0.7178
Residuals   8 0.37469 0.04684 

   numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)1 8 3.719117  0.0899
treat  1 4 5.089022  0.0871
sex1 4 0.139445  0.7278
time   2 8 0.012365  0.9877
treat:sex  1 4 0.014175  0.9110
treat:time 2 8 0.120538  0.8880
sex:time   2 8 0.304878  0.7454
treat:sex:time 2 8 0.391012  0.6886

 using y as dependable variable



Error: subject
  Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
treat  1 0.147376 0.147376  2.0665 0.2239
sex1 0.000474 0.000474  0.0067 0.9389
treat:sex  1 0.006154 0.006154  0.0863 0.7836
Residuals  4 0.285268 0.071317   

Error: Within
   Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
time2 0.009140 0.004570  0.1579 0.8565
treat:time  2 0.012598 0.006299  0.2177 0.8090
sex:time2 0.043132 0.021566  0.7453 0.5049
treat:sex:time  2 0.069733 0.034866  1.2050 0.3488
Residuals   8 0.231480 0.028935   

   numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)1 8 3.0667809  0.1180
treat  1 4 2.0664919  0.2239
sex1 4 0.0066516  0.9389
time   2 8 0.1579473  0.8565
treat:sex  1 4 0.0862850  0.7836
treat:time 2 8 0.2177028  0.8090
sex:time   2 8 0.7453185  0.5049
treat:sex:time 2 8 1.2049883  0.3488

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] subsetting a matrix

2003-09-30 Thread Thomas W Blackwell
Rajarshi  -

Why not simply subscript your matrix X to return the rows and
columns you want to keep ?  For example,

new - X[16:176, c(3,5,7,9)]

assuming those are the rows and columns you want.
See  help(Extract).

-  tom blackwell  -  u michigan medical school  -  ann arbor  -

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Rajarshi Guha wrote:

   I'm trying to take a set of rows and columns out of a matrix. I hve
 been using the index aray approach. My overll matrix is X and is 179 x
 65. I want to take out 4 columns and 161 rows.

 Thus I made a 161 x 2 array I and filled it up with the row,col indices.
 However doing,

 X[ I ] gives me a vector of the extracted elements. Is there anyway I
 can coerce this into a 161 x 4 matrix?

 Rajarshi Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://jijo.cjb.net
 GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] generic function object

2003-09-30 Thread Mathieu Drapeau
I would like to know if there is a way to see the code of a generic 
Like when I only type the function name, it prints the source of that 
function. But I cannot see the code of a generic function, it prints:
function (object, ...)
environment: 0x8e9e368
Methods may be defined for arguments: object

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Preserving names from p to f in nlm (was: can't get names from vector in nlm calls)

2003-09-30 Thread Spencer Graves
Perhaps someone else can help you figure out how to preserve the names 
from argument p to function f in calls to nlm, but I'm now beyond 
the limits of my knowledge.  I'm sorry, but I can't help further with 

Spencer Graves

Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
I started looking at the R and C code to examine where to change this and
found the
SEXP do_nlm(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)

function, but I'm not really sure how to modifiy yet to preserve the
variable names, if there are variable names when it gets to that function.
Plus I'd have to install lots of new and potentially conflicting tools on my
win32 machine and then debug to the code... so i think I'm going to have to
find another solution to my problem, which is a drag as the solution I
originally thought of (get the names from p vector) would be the best one so

- Original Message - 
From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Jeff D. Hamann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [R] can't get names from vector in nlm calls

I've written functions to ask first if the input vector had
names.  If it didn't, I checked the length and then assigned the names I
expected it to have.  Then I checked the names.  That worked for me.
 I believe it would be possible to get nlm/optim to preserve the
names, as you ask.  However, it would not be easy, and it might slow
down the code.  To check this, I typed nlm and optim at a command
prompt and read the code.  When I did that, I found that most of the
work in both is done via a call to .Internal, which passes control to
a compiled function.  R is open source, which means you could get the
source code and modify it to do what you want.  However, that would be
difficult, at least for me.
 hope this helps.  spencer graves

Jeff D. Hamann wrote:

optim give the same results. is it possible to get nlm/optim to


the names?

- Original Message -
From: Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jeff D. Hamann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [R] can't get names from vector in nlm calls

  I have not used nlm, but it may not preserve the names of the
starting values in p.

  hope this helps.  spencer graves

Jeff D. Hamann wrote:

I've been trying to figure out how to get the names of the parameter


variables when inside the function that nlm calls to return the
function value:

knls - function( theta, eqns, data, fitmethod=OLS, instr=NULL,



   ## print( names( theta ) )  # returns NULL
   ## get the values of the parameters
   for( i in 1:length( theta ) )
   val - theta[i]
   storage.mode( val ) -  double
   assign( names( theta )[i], val )  # gags here cause I


get the names...

   ## resids = eval( lhs ) - eval( rhs )
   for( i in length( eqns ) )
   lhs[[i]] - eval( formula( eqns[[i]] )[2] )
   rhs[[i]] - eval( formula( eqns[[i]] )[3] )
   residi[[i]] - lhs[[i]] - rhs[[i]]
   r - rbind( r, as.matrix( residi[[i]] ) )

   ## blah, blah, blah

   knls - obj

print( calling nlstest )
demand2 - q ~ d0 + d1 * p + d2 * d
supply2 - q ~ s0 + s1 * p + s2 * f + s3 * a
system2 - list( demand2, supply2 )
sv2 - c(d0=3,d2=4,d1=4.234,s0=-2.123,s2=2.123,s3=4.234,s1=0.234)

### call the nlm function to get the estimates...
estnew - nlm( knls, sv2, hessian=TRUE, print.level=1, eqns=system2,
data=kmenta, fitmethod=OLS )

My question is why can't I simply call names on the vector (sv2) that


passed into the nlm function to get the parameters?


Jeff D. Hamann
Hamann, Donald and Associates, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
(office) 541-754-1428
(cell) 541-740-5988

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] generic function object

2003-09-30 Thread James MacDonald
getMethods(normalize) should do the trick.



James W. MacDonald
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
7410 CCGC
Ann Arbor MI 48109

 Mathieu Drapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/30/03 02:14PM

I would like to know if there is a way to see the code of a generic 
Like when I only type the function name, it prints the source of that 
function. But I cannot see the code of a generic function, it prints:
function (object, ...)
environment: 0x8e9e368
Methods may be defined for arguments: object


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RE: [R] subsetting a matrix

2003-09-30 Thread Ted Harding
On 30-Sep-03 Rajarshi Guha wrote:
   I'm trying to take a set of rows and columns out of a matrix. I hve
 been using the index aray approach. My overll matrix is X and is 179 x
 65. I want to take out 4 columns and 161 rows.
 Thus I made a 161 x 2 array I and filled it up with the row,col
 However doing,
 X[ I ] gives me a vector of the extracted elements. Is there anyway I
 can coerce this into a 161 x 4 matrix?


should do it. E.g.


Alternatively you can make index vectors iR (for rows), iC (for cols)
which have values TRUE for what you want to select and FALSE for the
rest; then


will also do it. There are other approaches -- you should choose
whichever most closely fits in with your criteria for row and column
selection. E.g.


would also do! What it all boils down to is an expression of the form

  X[rowselector, colselector]

Hope this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 30-Sep-03   Time: 19:48:09
-- XFMail --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] cluster mgcv update

2003-09-30 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 02:04:23PM +0200, Martin Wegmann wrote:
  You need to add atlas2-base-dev:
  $ apt-get install atlas2-base-dev
 I installed atlas2-base-dev and g77 but know I get the error messages pasted 
 below. Both (cluster and mgcv) requires lfrtbegin, but that does not seem to 
 be programm which I can install via apt-get. 

FWIW this appears to have been in inconsistency between the newest Knoppix
version and Debian testing/unstable which Martin was able to solve by
grabbing the current gcc, g77 and g++ from Debian unstable. 


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-- Groucho Marx

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[R] fitdistr, mle's and gamma distribution

2003-09-30 Thread Lourens Olivier Walters
Dear R Users, 

I am trying to obtain a best-fit analytic distribution for a dataset
with 11535459 entries. The data range in value from 1 to 3. I
use: fitdistr(data, gamma) to obtain mle's for the parameters.
I get the following error:

Error in optim(start, mylogfn, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
non-finite finite-difference value [1]

And the following warnings:

NaNs produced in: dgamma(x, shape, scale, log)

I have the same problem with the exponential distribution, but the
lognormal and weibull distributions don't have this problem. 

I suspect the problem has to do with:

It means that in computing derivatives by finite differencing, one 
of the values is NA, +Inf or -Inf. Put some print values in 
your objective function and find out why it is giving a non-finite
value. - quote by Prof Ripley from r-help

as from the warnings it is clear that some of the values obtained during
maximum likelihood computations are NaN. I cannot however print values
of the objective function, as in my case it is dgamma which is called by
fitdistr, over which I don't have control.  

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?


Lourens Olivier Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science Masters Student
University of Cape Town
South Africa

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] subsetting a matrix

2003-09-30 Thread Jason Turner
(Ted Harding) wrote:

On 30-Sep-03 Rajarshi Guha wrote:

 I'm trying to take a set of rows and columns out of a matrix. I hve
been using the index aray approach. My overll matrix is X and is 179 x
65. I want to take out 4 columns and 161 rows.
This is documented in An Introduction to R, under the section Arrays 
and Matricies.  There's lots of good stuff in there.  From R:


And click on An Introduction to R.

The short answer to this particular question:
a) negative indicies remove rows or columns.  Since you only want to 
remove 4 columns, I'd use that.
b) Since you only want to keep 18 rows, I'd use the numbers of the rows 
you want to keep.

As a toy example, say you wanted to remove columns 51 to 54, and keep 
the last 18 rows:

newX - X[162:179,-(51:54)]

There's even more handy stuff in the document mentioned above.


Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Problem with R1.8beta

2003-09-30 Thread Phguardiol
I trying to use r.180beta on a XPPro PC with Athlon 2.0
I downloaded the zip file and when I unzipped it using winzip last version
I had this message:
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\doc\manual\refman.pdf
An error occured while trying to copy a file:
The source file is corrupted.

Anything to do with this or shall I just skip it ?
Philippe G

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] fitdistr, mle's and gamma distribution

2003-09-30 Thread Spencer Graves
 In my experience, the most likely cause of this problem is that 
optim may try to test nonpositive values for shape or scale.  I avoid 
this situation by programming the log(likelihood) in terms of log(shape) 
and log(scale) as follows: 

 gammaLoglik -
+ function(x, logShape, logScale, negative=TRUE){
+ lglk - sum(dgamma(x, shape=exp(logShape), scale=exp(logScale),
+ log=TRUE))
+ if(negative) return(-lglk) else return(lglk)
+ }
 tst - rgamma(10, 1)
 gammaLoglik(tst, 0, 0)
[1] 12.29849
Then I then call optim directly to minimize the negative of the 

 If I've guessed correctly, this should fix the problem.  If not, 
let us know. 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves

Lourens Olivier Walters wrote:

Dear R Users, 

I am trying to obtain a best-fit analytic distribution for a dataset
with 11535459 entries. The data range in value from 1 to 3. I
use: fitdistr(data, gamma) to obtain mle's for the parameters.
I get the following error:

Error in optim(start, mylogfn, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
   non-finite finite-difference value [1]
And the following warnings:

NaNs produced in: dgamma(x, shape, scale, log)

I have the same problem with the exponential distribution, but the
lognormal and weibull distributions don't have this problem. 

I suspect the problem has to do with:

It means that in computing derivatives by finite differencing, one 
of the values is NA, +Inf or -Inf. Put some print values in 
your objective function and find out why it is giving a non-finite
value. - quote by Prof Ripley from r-help

as from the warnings it is clear that some of the values obtained during
maximum likelihood computations are NaN. I cannot however print values
of the objective function, as in my case it is dgamma which is called by
fitdistr, over which I don't have control.  

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] subsetting a matrix

2003-09-30 Thread Rajarshi Guha
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:51, Jason Turner wrote:
 (Ted Harding) wrote:
  On 30-Sep-03 Rajarshi Guha wrote:
   I'm trying to take a set of rows and columns out of a matrix. I hve
 been using the index aray approach. My overll matrix is X and is 179 x
 65. I want to take out 4 columns and 161 rows.
 This is documented in An Introduction to R, under the section Arrays 
 and Matricies.  There's lots of good stuff in there.  From R:
 And click on An Introduction to R.
 The short answer to this particular question:
 a) negative indicies remove rows or columns.  Since you only want to 
 remove 4 columns, I'd use that.
 b) Since you only want to keep 18 rows, I'd use the numbers of the rows 
 you want to keep.

Thanks for all the answers. I had been writing loops and extracting
elements - I've been spending too much time in C :-/

Rajarshi Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://jijo.cjb.net
GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
Build a system that even a fool can use and only a fool will want to use

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] in addition R1.8b install

2003-09-30 Thread Phguardiol
this problem also occurred later in the installation process:
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\doc\manual\refman.pdf
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\mva\html\loadings.html
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\ctest\html\fisher.test.html
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\base\chtml\base.chm
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\afm\hvo.afm
An error occured while trying to copy a file:
The source file is corrupted.

however by the end R opened correctly
any suggestions ?

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] in addition R1.8b install

2003-09-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this problem also occurred later in the installation process:
 C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\doc\manual\refman.pdf
 C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\mva\html\loadings.html
 C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\ctest\html\fisher.test.html
 C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\base\chtml\base.chm
 C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\afm\hvo.afm
 An error occured while trying to copy a file:
 The source file is corrupted.
 however by the end R opened correctly
 any suggestions ?

The first thing to try would be to re-download the ZIP file to rule
in/out the possibility that the download was corrupted.


Marc Schwartz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] in addition R1.8b install

2003-09-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:35, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this problem also occurred later in the installation process:
  C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\doc\manual\refman.pdf
  C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\mva\html\loadings.html
  C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\ctest\html\fisher.test.html
  C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\library\base\chtml\base.chm
  C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\afm\hvo.afm
  An error occured while trying to copy a file:
  The source file is corrupted.
  however by the end R opened correctly
  any suggestions ?
 The first thing to try would be to re-download the ZIP file to rule
 in/out the possibility that the download was corrupted.
 Marc Schwartz

Correction, that should read EXE file...



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] fitdistr, mle's and gamma distribution

2003-09-30 Thread Ben Bolker

  Spencer Graves's suggestion of using shape and scale parameters on a log 
scale is a good one.

  To do specifically what you want (check values for which the objective 
function is called and see what happens) you can do the following 
(untested!), which makes a local copy of dgamma that you can mess with:

dgamma.old - dgamma
dgamma - function(x,shape,rate,...) {
   d - dgamma.old(x,shape,rate,...)

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Lourens Olivier Walters wrote:

 Dear R Users, 
 I am trying to obtain a best-fit analytic distribution for a dataset
 with 11535459 entries. The data range in value from 1 to 3. I
 use: fitdistr(data, gamma) to obtain mle's for the parameters.
 I get the following error:
 Error in optim(start, mylogfn, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
 non-finite finite-difference value [1]
 And the following warnings:
 NaNs produced in: dgamma(x, shape, scale, log)
 I have the same problem with the exponential distribution, but the
 lognormal and weibull distributions don't have this problem. 
 I suspect the problem has to do with:
 It means that in computing derivatives by finite differencing, one 
 of the values is NA, +Inf or -Inf. Put some print values in 
 your objective function and find out why it is giving a non-finite
 value. - quote by Prof Ripley from r-help
 as from the warnings it is clear that some of the values obtained during
 maximum likelihood computations are NaN. I cannot however print values
 of the objective function, as in my case it is dgamma which is called by
 fitdistr, over which I don't have control.  
 Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

620B Bartram Hall[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zoology Department, University of Floridahttp://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
Box 118525   (ph)  352-392-5697
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525   (fax) 352-392-3704

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] truncated multivariate normal

2003-09-30 Thread Juliana Garcia Cespedes

I would like to know how to generate a truncated multivariate normal
distribution k - dimensional,X ~ NT(mu, Sigma),  where the
elements of X to be non-negative (except the first), and the first
dimension is strictly larger than zero.


X ~ NT_2(mu, Sigma),   

where mu=c(0.5, 0.5) and Sigma=c([120, 191], [191,154]), with X_10
and X_2=0  
Could anybody help me? 
Thanks in advanced.

Juliana G. Cespedes
Mestranda em Estatística e Experimentação Agronômica
Departamento de Ciências Exatas - ESALQ/USP
São Paulo - Brasil

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] fitdistr, mle's and gamma distribution

2003-09-30 Thread Ben Bolker

  PS.  11 MILLION entries??

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Ben Bolker wrote:

   Spencer Graves's suggestion of using shape and scale parameters on a log 
 scale is a good one.
   To do specifically what you want (check values for which the objective 
 function is called and see what happens) you can do the following 
 (untested!), which makes a local copy of dgamma that you can mess with:
 dgamma.old - dgamma
 dgamma - function(x,shape,rate,...) {
d - dgamma.old(x,shape,rate,...)
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Lourens Olivier Walters wrote:
  Dear R Users, 
  I am trying to obtain a best-fit analytic distribution for a dataset
  with 11535459 entries. The data range in value from 1 to 3. I
  use: fitdistr(data, gamma) to obtain mle's for the parameters.
  I get the following error:
  Error in optim(start, mylogfn, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
  non-finite finite-difference value [1]
  And the following warnings:
  NaNs produced in: dgamma(x, shape, scale, log)
  I have the same problem with the exponential distribution, but the
  lognormal and weibull distributions don't have this problem. 
  I suspect the problem has to do with:
  It means that in computing derivatives by finite differencing, one 
  of the values is NA, +Inf or -Inf. Put some print values in 
  your objective function and find out why it is giving a non-finite
  value. - quote by Prof Ripley from r-help
  as from the warnings it is clear that some of the values obtained during
  maximum likelihood computations are NaN. I cannot however print values
  of the objective function, as in my case it is dgamma which is called by
  fitdistr, over which I don't have control.  
  Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

620B Bartram Hall[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zoology Department, University of Floridahttp://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
Box 118525   (ph)  352-392-5697
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525   (fax) 352-392-3704

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Re: Help needed: plotting with no device

2003-09-30 Thread Ross Boylan
Thanks to everyone for your help.  I decided to see if the session could
be recovered if I connected back from the original, local terminal.

The local screen was locked by the KDE screensaver.  Either my unlocking
it, or the passage of time, seems to have got the process unstuck.  It
happened before I reattached to the screen session from a local


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] truncated multivariate normal

2003-09-30 Thread Ben Bolker

  Do you mean you want to generate deviates from this distribution or that 
you want the density function (or distribution function)?

mvrnorm in package MASS (library(MASS)) will generate multivariate normal
deviates.  A brute-force approach would just keep picking values until you
get ones in the right quadrant, although with your example (large
variance, small mean) that would mean you would be wasting 3/4 of your 
values -- so there are probably more efficient approaches.  Depends how 
much time you want to spend programming, how many values you want to draw, 
and how fast your computer is ...


On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Juliana Garcia Cespedes wrote:

 I would like to know how to generate a truncated multivariate normal
 distribution k - dimensional,X ~ NT(mu, Sigma),  where the
 elements of X to be non-negative (except the first), and the first
 dimension is strictly larger than zero.
 X ~ NT_2(mu, Sigma),   
 where mu=c(0.5, 0.5) and Sigma=c([120, 191], [191,154]), with X_10
 and X_2=0  
 Could anybody help me? 
 Thanks in advanced.
 Juliana G. Cespedes
 Mestranda em Estatística e Experimentação Agronômica
 Departamento de Ciências Exatas - ESALQ/USP
 São Paulo - Brasil
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

620B Bartram Hall[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zoology Department, University of Floridahttp://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
Box 118525   (ph)  352-392-5697
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525   (fax) 352-392-3704

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Help needed: plotting with no device

2003-09-30 Thread Ross Boylan
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 14:25, Luke Tierney wrote:
 Look at ?Signal and see if that would help.  You may need to rename
 the appropriate .RData beforehand to be safer.
For those who follow, note it's actually
you want. It talks about USR1 and USR2 (as did some other people in this

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] variables

2003-09-30 Thread forkusam
can someone please help me.
I will give a simple example of my problem. 
p - function()
 i - 1
 sr - function(){
 i- sqrt(i)
 This is just an example. My main problem is defining
i like a global variable which I can use in the sub-
and main functions without any complicated switches. 
Thanks in advance.

Sylvie B. Forkusam
Eppelheimer Str.52/A2-5-2
69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: (0049)-06221/346913
Mobile: 0179-6816276

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Problem with R1.8beta

2003-09-30 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 15:56:03 EDT, you wrote:

I trying to use r.180beta on a XPPro PC with Athlon 2.0
I downloaded the zip file and when I unzipped it using winzip last version
I had this message:
C:\Program Files\R\rw1080beta\doc\manual\refman.pdf
An error occured while trying to copy a file:
The source file is corrupted.

Anything to do with this or shall I just skip it ?

I'd check the md5sum for the file to see whether your download really
was corrupted or not.

Duncan Murdoch

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] variables

2003-09-30 Thread Jason Turner
forkusam wrote:
can someone please help me.
I will give a simple example of my problem. 
p - function()
 i - 1
 sr - function(){
 i- sqrt(i)
 This is just an example. My main problem is defining
i like a global variable which I can use in the sub-
and main functions without any complicated switches. 
Thanks in advance.
Within the function p(), it should just work.  Try this slight 
variation of your example:

p - function()
  i - 1
  sr - function(){
i- sqrt(i)
i #explicitly return the newly calculated value
  cat(sr() returned ,sr(),\n)
  #now check if i was actually modified outside sr()
  cat(i = ,i,\n)

When I load this into R...

sr() returned  2
i =  1
note that i is not visible outside the function p().  It disappears when 
p() exits.

Error: Object i not found
The internal function variables being available to sub-fuctions is an 
example of lexical scoping, and it's one of the things that makes R so 
nice to work with.  Try demo(scoping) for a very interesting use of 
lexical scoping.



Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd.
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[R] R icon for RedHat 9.

2003-09-30 Thread Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Dear R-helpers,

I just installed R on a RedHat 9 machine and when I was trying add a 
launcher on the panel to it, I could not find any R icon in png format. 
Is there any available? Do I have it and I could not find it in my file 

Thank you for your help.

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Sigma Consultores Estadísticos
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] R-icon for RH Linux 9.

2003-09-30 Thread Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Dear R helpers,

It is the first time I have to install R under Linux (Red Hat 9) and as 
I was setting up the panels, I could not find any png icon to launch the 
program. Does it exist and I have overlooked it? Can I get it somewhere?

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Sigma Consultores Estadísticos
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Remove comma (,) in data set

2003-09-30 Thread Philippe Glaziou
Muhammad Subianto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new learning R. Now, I have a data set like:
 ... with 3730 rows
 I want to remove comma (,) in data set. The result like:
 24 2 3  3 1 1 2 3 0 1
 45 1 3 10 1 1 3 4 0 1
 How can I do it. Thanks you for your help.

Assuming your dataset is stored in a flat ascii file, you need
not use R for this trivial translation of the character , into
a space  . From your shell (i.e., if standard shell tools are
available on your machine), type the following:

cat file1 | tr ,file2

Philippe Glaziou
Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

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