Re: [R] the proper way to use panel functions in lattice package?

2006-02-14 Thread Roger Bivand
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:

 On 2/10/06, simon chou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was trying to stack a topographic map readed in from esri shapefile with a
  contour map and a vector map. However, the plotMap(maptools) and
  contourplot(lattice) do not seem to work well on top of each other. Here is
  part of my code.
basemap - read.shape(Twn25_town_dxf_Polygon.shp)
contourplot(var1.pred~x+y, spcgrid, aspect = xy,
  I have tried to put panel function under plot.Map() but it gave some error
  message about  some argoument matches other arguments.
+contourplot(var1.pred~x+y, spcgrid, aspect = xy,
Error in plot.default(xylims$x,xylims$y, asp=1,type=n,...):
  argument 9 matches multiple formal arguments
  I also tried to put plotMap() into contourplot()'s panel but plotMap cover
  up the conour. Maybe, there is something I miss in here.
 Yes, namely that `standard graphics' (the 'graphics' package)
 functions (like plotMap) don't (easily) work with grid graphics (the
 'grid' package) which lattice uses. Unfortunately, I have no idea if
 there are any grid compatible equivalents of plotMap.

In `standard graphics' this is not a problem, and can be built up by just 
by using the add=TRUE argument (using contour). You may find that, with 
many polygon boundaries and contours, you need to set line widths and/or 
colours to differentiate what is representing what.

The lattice contourplot function also fills the inter-contour surfaces, so 
you would need to draw the polygon boundaries on top of the filled colour. 
As you can see from the example in the spatial graph gallery:

this is far from easy, but with determination can be done (recall that 
lattice graphics are excellent for multiple plots conditioning on other 
variables, which is not the case here as far as you have explained). The 
example in the graph gallery is for kriged output, by the way.

Using the maptools package and sp classes (see R-News), I would say:

col - readShapePoly(system.file(shapes/columbus.shp, package=maptools)[1])
plot(col, border=grey)
library(akima) # to make a grid
crds - coordinates(col)
contour(interp(crds[,1], crds[,2], col$CRIME), add=TRUE)

or for an image:

image(interp(crds[,1], crds[,2], col$CRIME), axes=FALSE)
plot(col, border=grey35, add=TRUE)

For these kinds of questions, the Task View (left panel on CRAN) called 
Spatial and the R-sig-geo mailing list might have helped.

  What went wrong there? Also, is there any diffeence between
  contourplot(lattice) and counterLine(base)? These 2 functions seem to give
  difference contour from the same data set. contourplot(lattice) seem to give
  better looking contour than contourLine() or contour().
 contourplot uses contourLines (which I assume is what you meant)
 internally, so any differences probably stem from the choice of
 default arguments.
  ps. I krige 1700+ simulated observations into 4000+ regular spaced data to
  get contour.
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43

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Re: [R] transforming data frame for use with persp

2006-02-14 Thread Roger Bivand
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Denis Chabot wrote:

 This is probably documented, but I cannot find the right words or  
 expression for a search. My attempts failed.
 I have a data frame of 3 vectors (x, y and z) and would like to  
 transform this so that I could use persp. Presently I have y-level  
 copies of each x level, and a z value for each x-y pair. I need 2  
 columns giving the possible levels of x and y, and then a  
 transformation of z from a long vector into a matrix of x-level rows  
 and y-level columns. How do I accomplish this?

Well, image() and friends have a rather strange representation, so it 
isn't obvious (see the help page:

 Notice that 'image' interprets the 'z' matrix as a table of
 'f(x[i], y[j])' values, so that the x axis corresponds to row
 number and the y axis to column number, with column 1 at the
 bottom, i.e. a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation of the
 conventional printed layout of a matrix.).


Depth - seq(40,220, 20)
Temp - seq(-1, 6, 0.5) - expand.grid(Depth=Depth, Temp=Temp)
predgam - -0.5*$Depth + 12.5*$Temp + 8*rnorm(nrow( - data.frame(, predgam)
levelplot(predgam ~ Depth + Temp, # for sanity check
z - t(matrix(predgam, nrow=length(Temp), byrow=TRUE)) # see Notice 
image(Depth, Temp, z)
persp(Depth, Temp, z)

should do it, since the data are already in a regular grid.

 In this example, I made a set of x and y values to get predictions  
 from a GAM, then combined them with the predictions into a data  
 frame. This is the one I'd like to transform as described above: - expand.grid(Depth=seq(40,220, 20), Temp=seq(-1, 6, 0.5))
 predgam - predict.gam(dxt.gam,, type=response) - data.frame(, predgam) has 150 lines and 3 columns.
 Thanks for your help,
 Denis Chabot
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43

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[R] combine elements of a character vector into a character

2006-02-14 Thread Taka Matzmoto
Hi R users

I have a simple question to ask

x - c(a,b,c)
[1] a b c

I like to have abc instead of having a b c

I tried to use paste and other functions related to character.

Is there any function (command) that enable me to combine elements of a 
character vector into one character ?


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Re: [R] Fitdistr and MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution

2006-02-14 Thread Bernardo Rangel tura
At 09:35 AM 2/10/2006, Gregor Gorjanc wrote:

I would like to get MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution. I
can use fitdistr() for this. After looking a bit into the code of this
function I can see that value for lambda and its standard error is
estimated via

estimate - mean(x)
sds - sqrt(estimate/n)

Is this MLE? With my poor math/stat knowledge I thought that MLE for
Poisson parameter is (in mixture of LaTeX code)

l(\lambda|x) \propto \sum^n_{i=1}(-\lambda + x_iln(\lambda)).

Is this really equal to (\sum^n_{i=1} x_i) / n

Lep pozdrav / With regards,
  Gregor Gorjanc


If I understood your LaTeX You is rigth.

If you don´t know have a command wich make this for you:  fitdistr()


  d- rpois(50,5)
  [1]  6  4  6  4  5  5  4 11  7  5  7  3  5 
10  4  9  4  2  4  5  4  4  9  3 10
[26]  4  3  9  6  7  5  4  2  7  3  6  7  8  6  6  3  3  3  2  5  4  3  8  5  7


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[R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread WPhantom
Hi R-help members,

I have read a lot in the Archive about the Type I vs Type III sum 
of square. I think I have read confusing post so
I want to have a clear idea of the problem.

Here is an example.
I have 3 groups of subjects of unequal sample size (G1 (n=7), G2 
(n=7), G3 (n=4)).
for Each subject I have 4 measures corresponding to  the crossing of 
2 factor  (A  B) of two levels each.

my dependant variable is X.

After reading a lot of tutorials on R I have tried the
summary(aov(X~GROUP*A*B+Error(SUJECT/(A*B) )

This results are with type I SS.

What's wrong with these results ? Should I use type III SS and, if so 
how to enter my design in Anova (car package, I still have not the 
J.  Fox's book) ?
I have clearly not understood the difference between type I  III 
(with the limits of each approach).  A link to a good tutorial on 
this topic will help me a lot.

Neuropsychology  Auditory Cognition Team

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Re: [R] combine elements of a character vector into a character

2006-02-14 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
probably you missed the 'collapse' argument of paste(); try this:

paste(x, collapse = )


Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven

Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015

- Original Message - 
From: Taka Matzmoto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:32 AM
Subject: [R] combine elements of a character vector into a character

 Hi R users

 I have a simple question to ask

 x - c(a,b,c)
 [1] a b c

 I like to have abc instead of having a b c

 I tried to use paste and other functions related to character.

 Is there any function (command) that enable me to combine elements 
 of a
 character vector into one character ?


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Re: [R] combine elements of a character vector into a character

2006-02-14 Thread Diethelm Wuertz
Taka Matzmoto wrote:

Hi R users

I have a simple question to ask

x - c(a,b,c)
[1] a b c


paste(x, collapse = )


I like to have abc instead of having a b c

I tried to use paste and other functions related to character.

Is there any function (command) that enable me to combine elements of a 
character vector into one character ?


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Re: [R] Fitdistr and MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution

2006-02-14 Thread Gregor Gorjanc
Bernardo Rangel tura wrote:
 At 09:35 AM 2/10/2006, Gregor Gorjanc wrote:

 I would like to get MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution. I
 can use fitdistr() for this. After looking a bit into the code of this
 function I can see that value for lambda and its standard error is
 estimated via

 estimate - mean(x)
 sds - sqrt(estimate/n)

 Is this MLE? With my poor math/stat knowledge I thought that MLE for
 Poisson parameter is (in mixture of LaTeX code)

 l(\lambda|x) \propto \sum^n_{i=1}(-\lambda + x_iln(\lambda)).

 Is this really equal to (\sum^n_{i=1} x_i) / n

 Lep pozdrav / With regards,
  Gregor Gorjanc
 If I understood your LaTeX You is rigth.
 If you don´t know have a command wich make this for you:  fitdistr()
 d- rpois(50,5)
  [1]  6  4  6  4  5  5  4 11  7  5  7  3  5 10  4  9  4  2  4  5  4  4 
 9  3 10
 [26]  4  3  9  6  7  5  4  2  7  3  6  7  8  6  6  3  3  3  2  5  4  3 
 8  5  7

Thanks for this, but I have already said in the first mail, that
fitdistr can help me with this. I was just surprised or knowledge
undernourished, that there is closed form solution for this. Look into
the source of fitdistr.

Lep pozdrav / With regards,
Gregor Gorjanc

University of Ljubljana PhD student
Biotechnical Faculty
Zootechnical Department URI:
Groblje 3   mail: gregor.gorjanc at

SI-1230 Domzale tel: +386 (0)1 72 17 861
Slovenia, Europefax: +386 (0)1 72 17 888

One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it,
 you have no certainty until you try. Sophocles ~ 450 B.C.

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Re: [R] indexing via a character matrix?

2006-02-14 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Roger Levy wrote:

 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Roger Levy wrote:
 Is it possible to index via a character matrix?  For example, I would
 like to do the following:
 cont.table - table(df1$A,df1$B) # df1 a data frame with factors A and B
 cont.table[cbind(df2$A,df2$B)]   # df2 a smaller data frame with some
  # pairings of values for A and B
 but the second step does not work -- I guess that matrices to be used
 for indexing this way must be numeric.  Is there a way to index multiple
 Numeric or logical.
 character tuples out of a contingency table without resorting to writing
 What are you trying to do here?  One possibility is that you meant
 comt.table[df2$A, df2$B]
 and another is
 ind1 - match(df2$A, df1$A)
 ind2 - match(df2$B, df1$B)
 cont.table[cbind(ind1, ind2)]
 and I am not certain which.

 Hmm, I think neither one is what I wanted.  After thinking more about it, I 
 think what I would need is

 ind1 - match(df2$A,levels(df1$A))
 ind2 - match(df2$B,levels(df2$B))

 Does this make sense?  Is there a more natural way to express this?

Not really.

You said character, but you seem to have a factor (by the use of levels). 
It is the case that cont.table will have dims indexed by the levels of 
df1$A and df1$B, so perhaps you want

ind1 - match(df2$A,levels(df1$A))
ind2 - match(df2$B,levels(df1$B))

That gives you a vector along rows of df2 giving the count of that A,B
combination in df1 (provide all such occur).  If some might not occur,
use matchdf2$A,levels(df1$A), NA) etc.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] about list

2006-02-14 Thread XinMeng
Hello sir:
A question about the usage of list:

The data of a list:

  genename  comp  diff   lwr   uprp.adj
g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.3732 1.754308e-04
g3-g1  NewU1-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.3732 8.869357e-05
g4-g1  NewU1-R g4-g1  440.6667  345.3732  535.9602 2.055929e-06

  genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.37315 1.754308e-04
g3-g2  NewU1-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
g4-g2  NewU1-R g4-g2  683.  588.0398  778.62685 4.785440e-08

  genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
g3-g1  NewU2-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.37315 8.869357e-05
g3-g2  NewU2-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3  707.  612.0398  802.62685 3.713499e-08

  genename  comp diff  lwr  uprp.adj
g4-g1  NewU2-R g4-g1 440.6667 345.3732 535.9602 2.055929e-06
g4-g2  NewU2-R g4-g2 683. 588.0398 778.6268 4.785440e-08
g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3 707. 612.0398 802.6268 3.713499e-08

Actually, [[1]] and [[2]] are from the same group, [[3]] and [[4]] are from the 
same group.
And how can I arrange [[1]] [[2]] together(the same as [[3]] and [[4]])?
In other words,the result I want is:

  genename  comp  diff   lwr   uprp.adj
g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.3732 1.754308e-04
g3-g1  NewU1-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.3732 8.869357e-05
g4-g1  NewU1-R g4-g1  440.6667  345.3732  535.9602 2.055929e-06

  genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.37315 1.754308e-04
g3-g2  NewU1-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
g4-g2  NewU1-R g4-g2  683.  588.0398  778.62685 4.785440e-08

  genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
g3-g1  NewU2-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.37315 8.869357e-05
g3-g2  NewU2-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3  707.  612.0398  802.62685 3.713499e-08

  genename  comp diff  lwr  uprp.adj
g4-g1  NewU2-R g4-g1 440.6667 345.3732 535.9602 2.055929e-06
g4-g2  NewU2-R g4-g2 683. 588.0398 778.6268 4.785440e-08
g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3 707. 612.0398 802.6268 3.713499e-08


My best

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Re: [R] how I can perform Multivariate Garch analysis in R

2006-02-14 Thread Patrick Burns
It is too late now, but this would have been better
asked on the R-sig-finance list.

On 2005-09-22 there was an answer to a question
on R-help MGARCH estimation that gave the address
of a package for BEKK estimation.

There is a working paper on the Burns Statistics website
that explains how to do multivariate GARCH estimation
when you only have software for univariate estimation.

Patrick Burns
+44 (0)20 8525 0696
(home of S Poetry and A Guide for the Unwilling S User)

Arun Kumar Saha wrote:

Hope I am not disturbing you. Can you tell me how I can perform Multivariate
Garch analysis in R. Also please, it is my humble request let me know some
resource materials on Multivariate Garch analysis itself.

Sincerely yours,

Arun Kumar Saha, M.Sc.[C.U.]
S T A T I S T I C I A N[Analyst]
Transgraph Consulting []
Hyderabad, INDIA
Contact # Home: +91-033-25558038
   Office: +91-040-55755003
   Mobile: 919849957010

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Re: [R] about list

2006-02-14 Thread Uwe Ligges
XinMeng wrote:

 Hello sir:
 A question about the usage of list:
 The data of a list:
   genename  comp  diff   lwr   uprp.adj
 g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.3732 1.754308e-04
 g3-g1  NewU1-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.3732 8.869357e-05
 g4-g1  NewU1-R g4-g1  440.6667  345.3732  535.9602 2.055929e-06
   genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
 g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.37315 1.754308e-04
 g3-g2  NewU1-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
 g4-g2  NewU1-R g4-g2  683.  588.0398  778.62685 4.785440e-08
   genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
 g3-g1  NewU2-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.37315 8.869357e-05
 g3-g2  NewU2-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
 g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3  707.  612.0398  802.62685 3.713499e-08
   genename  comp diff  lwr  uprp.adj
 g4-g1  NewU2-R g4-g1 440.6667 345.3732 535.9602 2.055929e-06
 g4-g2  NewU2-R g4-g2 683. 588.0398 778.6268 4.785440e-08
 g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3 707. 612.0398 802.6268 3.713499e-08
 Actually, [[1]] and [[2]] are from the same group, [[3]] and [[4]] are from 
 the same group.
 And how can I arrange [[1]] [[2]] together(the same as [[3]] and [[4]])?
 In other words,the result I want is:

For example for a List L:

   list(L[1:2], L[3:4])

Uwe Ligges

   genename  comp  diff   lwr   uprp.adj
 g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.3732 1.754308e-04
 g3-g1  NewU1-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.3732 8.869357e-05
 g4-g1  NewU1-R g4-g1  440.6667  345.3732  535.9602 2.055929e-06
   genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
 g2-g1  NewU1-R g2-g1 -242.6667 -337.9602 -147.37315 1.754308e-04
 g3-g2  NewU1-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
 g4-g2  NewU1-R g4-g2  683.  588.0398  778.62685 4.785440e-08
   genename  comp  diff   lwruprp.adj
 g3-g1  NewU2-R g3-g1 -266.6667 -361.9602 -171.37315 8.869357e-05
 g3-g2  NewU2-R g3-g2  -24. -119.2935   71.29352 8.497181e-01
 g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3  707.  612.0398  802.62685 3.713499e-08
   genename  comp diff  lwr  uprp.adj
 g4-g1  NewU2-R g4-g1 440.6667 345.3732 535.9602 2.055929e-06
 g4-g2  NewU2-R g4-g2 683. 588.0398 778.6268 4.785440e-08
 g4-g3  NewU2-R g4-g3 707. 612.0398 802.6268 3.713499e-08
 My best
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Re: [R] Trying to save a *.jpg file from a PHP system call

2006-02-14 Thread Uwe Ligges
Court Arning wrote:

This  is  my first time making a request so please feel free to school
me  on how to improve on how to make an inquiry.  I am running R-1.9.1
in  UNIX  via  a  PHP script with a system command to generate a *.jpg
image  from  a list created by a perl script.  This R script runs fine
when  run  from  a  Unix command line or through a system command from
Perl.   In  my  debug  efforts  I  had PHP print out the last executed
command  from  R.  The R script hangs on my jpeg(), touch(), and X11()
commands in the script.  If I comment these out the rest of the script
will  run  through.  I am running R under my html directory and I have
ensured  all  permissions  are fully open.  I also set Sys.putenv() to
the  machine  I  am  working  on.   Your constructive response will be

I guess you cannot open an X11 device ...

Uwe Ligges

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Re: [R] Extracting Data form Simpleboot Output

2006-02-14 Thread Uwe Ligges
Terry W. Schulz wrote:

 I am new to R, so forgive my ignorance on what is probably simple.
 I find package simpleboot quite useful for LOESS bootstrapping and 
 generation of plots.
 I want to calculate the standard error for x=60 of the 100 grid points 
 and 50 bootstraps.
 The code below gives the first fitted value.
 How can I grab the other 49 values easily?
 I could do it one at a time for 50 bootstraps, but this becomes tedious 
 for say 2000 bootstraps.
 Thanks for any help.
 lo - loess(y ~ z, data=cholost, span=.5, degree=2, family=gaussian, 
 lo.b - loess.boot(lo, R=50, rows = TRUE, new.xpts = NULL, ngrid = 100, 
 weights = NULL)

   sapply(lo.b$boot.list, function(x) x$fitted)

gives you the corresponding 100x50 matrix ...

Uwe Ligges

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[R] AID / Tree Analysis in R

2006-02-14 Thread Markus Preisetanz
Dear Colleagues,


I've been looking for a function that can perform a tree analysis, similar to 
CHAID or QUEST. The key point is that in this case the variables are not binary 
but nominal (10 different values), so tree (from the tree package) won't 
work. Does anybody know help?





Markus Preisetanz



Client Vela GmbH

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Re: [R] Parallel computing in R for dummies--how to optimize an external model?

2006-02-14 Thread Jasjeet Singh Sekhon

Hi Scott,

It is difficult to debug your issue without more information.  Would
it be possible to email me code of a simple example?


Jasjeet S. Sekhon 
Associate Professor 
Travers Department of Political Science
Survey Research Center  
UC Berkeley
V: 510-642-9974  F: 617-507-5524

Waichler, Scott R writes:
  I am trying to use the optimizing function genoud() with the snow
  package on a couple of i686 machines running Redhat Linux WS4 .  I don't
  know anything about PVM or MPI, so I just followed the directions in
  snow and rgenoud for the simplest method and started a socket cluster.
  My function fn for genoud involves updating an input file for a separate
  numerical model with the latest parameter set from the optimizer,
  running the (compiled) model on the input file with system(), and
  processing the output including calculation of objective function.  The
  whole process works on the localhost machine in one cpu, and I can see
  that an R session is created in the second, non-localhost machine, but
  it doesn't seem to be doing anything.  All of the model runs generated
  by the application of genoud take place in the cpu.  What am I missing?
  I can see where there would be a conflict in having multiple processors
  trying to access the same system model input file at once, but I don't
  see any indication of that type of problem.
  Grateful for any help,
  Scott Waichler
  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Re: [R] AID / Tree Analysis in R

2006-02-14 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Markus Preisetanz wrote:

 I've been looking for a function that can perform a tree analysis, 
 similar to CHAID or QUEST. The key point is that in this case the 
 variables are not binary but nominal (10 different values), so tree 
 (from the tree package) won't work. Does anybody know help?

What makes you say that?  It comes with examples of categorical variables.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
More to the point, you are confusing multistratum AOV with single-stratuam 
AOV.  For a good tutorial, see MASS4 (bibliographic information in the R 
FAQ).  For unbalanced data we suggest you use lme() instead.

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, WPhantom wrote:

 Hi R-help members,

 I have read a lot in the Archive about the Type I vs Type III sum
 of square. I think I have read confusing post so
 I want to have a clear idea of the problem.

 Here is an example.
 I have 3 groups of subjects of unequal sample size (G1 (n=7), G2
 (n=7), G3 (n=4)).
 for Each subject I have 4 measures corresponding to  the crossing of
 2 factor  (A  B) of two levels each.

 my dependant variable is X.

 After reading a lot of tutorials on R I have tried the
 summary(aov(X~GROUP*A*B+Error(SUJECT/(A*B) )

 This results are with type I SS.

 What's wrong with these results ? Should I use type III SS and, if so
 how to enter my design in Anova (car package, I still have not the
 J.  Fox's book) ?
 I have clearly not understood the difference between type I  III
 (with the limits of each approach).  A link to a good tutorial on
 this topic will help me a lot.

 Sylvain CLEMENT
 Neuropsychology  Auditory Cognition Team
 Lille, FRANCE

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] question about plotting survfit object on log-log scale

2006-02-14 Thread singyee ling
Dear all,

I tried to plot cumulative hazard H(t) against t on a log-log sclale by
putting the optional function fun ='cloglog' in the plot function.

However, I came across the following error message

Error in rep.default (2, n2 - 1) : invalid number of copies in rep ( )
In addition : Warning message:
2  x values = 0 omitted from logarithmic plot in : xy.coords ( x, y,
xlabel, ylabel, log)

What does the error message : Error in rep.default (2, n2 - 1) : invalid
number of copies in rep ( ) actually means and what can I do to rectify it.

Thanks for any help given!

kind regards,
sing yee

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Re: [R] Periodic B-spline surface

2006-02-14 Thread Simon Wood
There's a periodic cubic spline smoother built into package mgcv's gam
function (although it happens not to use a B-spline basis). This can be
used in tensor product smooth surfaces. e.g.




  is there any funcrion in R to fit a periodic B-spline Surface


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Re: [R] AID / Tree Analysis in R

2006-02-14 Thread Torsten Hothorn

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Markus Preisetanz wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I've been looking for a function that can perform a tree analysis, similar to 

`ctree' in package `party' implements unbiased recursive partitioning in a 
way inspired by CHAID. The methodological details are in

key = {566},
author = {Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis},
title = {Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Conditional Inference
journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
year = 2006,
note = {in press}

A preprint is available from

The package vignette explains the operational details.



The key point is that in this case the variables are not binary but 
nominal (10 different values), so tree (from the tree package) won't 
work. Does anybody know help?



Markus Preisetanz


Client Vela GmbH

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Randall C Johnson [Contr.]
Hello Erin,
Have you tried changing the font to a large, bold face font in the GUI
preferences? This may take care of the resolution issues without needing to
use power point, and give you the flexibility of a live R session.


On 2/14/06 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear R People:
 I'm using R in a time series class.  This class is being
 broadcast live to 2 remote sites via closed circuit TV.
 My people at the remote sites are having a terrible time
 seeing the computer screen as it is broadcast(resolution issues).  I have
 decided to put together Power Point slides for the teaching.
 I am currently saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them
 into PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there
 might be a simpler method.
 Does anyone have any suggestions for the Power Point, please?
 Thanks so much!
 R Version 2.2.1 Windows
 Erin Hodgess
 Associate Professor
 Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
 University of Houston - Downtown
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Randall C Johnson
Bioinformatics Analyst
SAIC-Frederick, Inc (Contractor)
Laboratory of Genomic Diversity
NCI-Frederick, P.O. Box B
Bldg 560, Rm 11-85
Frederick, MD 21702
Phone: (301) 846-1304
Fax: (301) 846-1686

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Re: [R] read.table

2006-02-14 Thread Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen
Diethelm Wuertz wrote:
 Thanks a lot that works fine!
 Next problem, if I would have my own package, and the file test.csv
 would be located in the data directory
 How to use the function data to get

Also put in the data subdirectory the file test.R
with the commands to read  test.csv


 resulting in:
 %y-%m-%d VALUE
 1 1999-01-01   100
 2 2000-12-31   999
 Again Thanks in advance Diethelm Wuertz
 Phil Spector wrote:
 Look at the check.names= argument to read.table -- you want to set it
 to FALSE.  But rememeber that you'l have to put quotes around the name
 whenever you use it, as in x$'%y-%m-%d'

- Phil Spector
  Statistical Computing Facility
  Department of Statistics
  UC Berkeley

 On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Diethelm Wuertz wrote:

 I have a file named test.csv with the following 3 lines:


 read.table(test.csv, header = TRUE, sep = ;)

   X.y..m..d VALUE
 1 1999-01-01   100
 2 2000-12-31   999

 I would like to see the following ...

%y-%m-%d VALUE
 1 1999-01-01   100
 2 2000-12-31   999


 readLines(test.csv, 1)

 [1] %y-%m-%d;VALUE

 Is this possible ???

 Thanks DW

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Re: [R] reshaping data

2006-02-14 Thread Roger Mason
Thank you Berton, I will look into that method.


Berton Gunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 -- Bert Gunter
 Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
 South San Francisco, CA

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Re: [R] how I can perform Multivariate Garch analysis in R

2006-02-14 Thread Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen
Arun Kumar Saha wrote:
 Dear aDVISOR,
 Hope I am not disturbing you. Can you tell me how I can perform Multivariate
 Garch analysis in R. Also please, it is my humble request let me know some
 resource materials on Multivariate Garch analysis itself.

You could   or

But for me this only leads to univariate garch (at least two 


 Sincerely yours,
 Arun Kumar Saha, M.Sc.[C.U.]
 S T A T I S T I C I A N[Analyst]
 Transgraph Consulting []
 Hyderabad, INDIA
 Contact # Home: +91-033-25558038
Office: +91-040-55755003
Mobile: 919849957010
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Re: [R] post-hoc comparisons following glmm

2006-02-14 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear Mr Graves,

this seems work on my data. Thank you very much for your help.


Michael Coeurdassier

Spencer Graves a écrit :
   The following appears to be an answer to your question, though 
 I'd be pleased to receive critiques from others.  Since your example 
 is NOT self contained, I modified an example in the glmmPQL help file:

 (fit - glmmPQL(y ~ factor(week)-1+trt, random = ~ 1 | ID,
 +  family = binomial, data = bacteria))
 iteration 1
 iteration 2
 iteration 3
 iteration 4
 iteration 5
 iteration 6
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
   Data: bacteria
   Log-likelihood: -551.1184
   Fixed: y ~ factor(week) - 1 + trt
  factor(week)0  factor(week)2  factor(week)4  factor(week)6 
  3.3459650  3.5262521  1.9102037  1.7645881  
trtdrug   trtdrug+
 -1.2527642 -0.7570441

 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 | ID
 (Intercept)  Residual
 StdDev:1.426534 0.7747477

 Variance function:
  Structure: fixed weights
  Formula: ~invwt
 Number of Observations: 220
 Number of Groups: 50
  numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 factor(week) 5   166 10.821682  .0001
 trt  248  1.889473  0.1622
  (denDF.week - anova(fit)$denDF[1])
 [1] 166
  (denDF.week - anova(fit)$denDF[1])
 [1] 166
  (par.week - fixef(fit)[1:5])
  factor(week)0  factor(week)2  factor(week)4  factor(week)6 
   3.345965   3.526252   1.910204   1.764588   
  (vc.week - vcov(fit)[1:5, 1:5])
factor(week)0 factor(week)2 factor(week)4 factor(week)6
 factor(week)0  0.3351649 0.1799365 0.1705898 0.1694884
 factor(week)2  0.1799365 0.3709887 0.1683038 0.1684096
 factor(week)4  0.1705898 0.1683038 0.2655072 0.1655673
 factor(week)6  0.1694884 0.1684096 0.1655673 0.2674647
 factor(week)11 0.1668450 0.1665177 0.1616748 0.1638169
 factor(week)0   0.1668450
 factor(week)2   0.1665177
 factor(week)4   0.1616748
 factor(week)6   0.1638169
 factor(week)11  0.2525962
  CM - array(0, dim=c(5*4/2, 5))
  i1 - 0
  for(i in 1:4)for(j in (i+1):5){
 +   i1 - i1+1
 +   CM[i1, c(i, j)] - c(-1, 1)
 + }
   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
  [1,]   -11000
  [2,]   -10100
  [3,]   -10010
  [4,]   -10001
  [5,]0   -1100
  [6,]0   -1010
  [7,]0   -1001
  [8,]00   -110
  [9,]00   -101
 [10,]000   -11
  csimint(par.week, df=denDF.week, covm=vc.week,cmatrix=CM)

 Simultaneous confidence intervals: user-defined contrasts

 95 % confidence intervals

   Estimate  2.5 % 97.5 %
  [1,]0.180 -1.439  1.800
  [2,]   -1.436 -2.838 -0.034
  [3,]   -1.581 -2.995 -0.168
  [4,]   -1.580 -2.967 -0.193
  [5,]   -1.616 -3.123 -0.109
  [6,]   -1.762 -3.273 -0.250
  [7,]   -1.760 -3.244 -0.277
  [8,]   -0.146 -1.382  1.091
  [9,]   -0.144 -1.359  1.070
 [10,]0.001 -1.206  1.209

  csimtest(par.week, df=denDF.week, covm=vc.week,cmatrix=CM)

 Simultaneous tests: user-defined contrasts

 Contrast matrix:
   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
  [1,]   -11000
  [2,]   -10100
  [3,]   -10010
  [4,]   -10001
  [5,]0   -1100
  [6,]0   -1010
  [7,]0   -1001
  [8,]00   -110
  [9,]00   -101
 [10,]000   -11

 Adjusted P-Values

   p adj
  [1,] 0.011
  [2,] 0.013
  [3,] 0.014
  [4,] 0.015
  [5,] 0.020
  [6,] 0.024
  [7,] 0.985
  [8,] 0.985
  [9,] 0.985
 [10,] 0.997
 R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, i386-pc-mingw32

 attached base packages:
 [1] methods   stats graphics  grDevices utils 
 [7] base

 other attached packages:
   multcompmvtnorm   MASSstatmod   nlme
0.4-80.7-2   7.2-241.2.4 3.1-68.1

   If this does NOT answer your question (or even if it does), 
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!  I'd prefer not to have to 
 guess whether you would think the example I chose was relevant.

   hope this helps,
   spencer graves

 Michaël Coeurdassier wrote:

 Dear R community,

 I performed a generalized linear mixed model using glmmPQL (MASS 
 library) to analyse my data i.e : y is the response with a poisson 
 distribution, t and Trait are the independent variables which are 
 continuous and categorical (3 categories C, M and F) respectively, 
 ind is the random variable.

 Do you think it is OK?

 Trait is significant (p  0.0001) and I would like to perform 
 post-hoc comparisons  to check  where the difference among  Trait 

[R] lattice: calling functions

2006-02-14 Thread Wolfram Fischer
I defined three functions:

 fun0 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) xyplot( y ~ x, ... )

 fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
 fun2 - function( ... ) xyplot( ... )

The call of fun0() works as expected.

The call of fun1() causes the following error:
'Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object y not found'

How should I define fun2 to avoid the error?

Thanks - Wolfram

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Kubovy
On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
 I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put  
 together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently  
 saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into  
 PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a  
 simpler method.

Hi Erin,

For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.  
The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at  
first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.  
But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.

I'd be happy to share templates.
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
USPS: P.O.Box 400400Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400
Parcels:Room 102Gilmer Hall
 McCormick RoadCharlottesville, VA 22903

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Re: [R] lattice: calling functions

2006-02-14 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 2/14/2006 8:56 AM, Wolfram Fischer wrote:
 I defined three functions:
 fun0 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) xyplot( y ~ x, ... )
 fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
 fun2 - function( ... ) xyplot( ... )
 The call of fun0() works as expected.
 The call of fun1() causes the following error:
 'Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object y not found'
 How should I define fun2 to avoid the error?

fun2 is fine, it's fun1 that has problems.  It is passing a formula 
through fun2 to xyplot without telling xyplot where to evaluate the 
arguments.  If you change it to

fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, data=enviroment(), ... )

it will tell xyplot to look in the current environment at the time of 
the call, i.e. the fun1 evaluation environment where x and y live.

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] How to handle large dataframes?

2006-02-14 Thread Christian Bieli
Dear all

I imported a Stata .dta file with the read.dta-function from the 
foreign-package. The dataframe's dimensions are

[1] 15806  1300

Importing needs up to 15 min and calculations with these data are rather 
slow  (although I subset the data before starting analyses).

My questions are:
1. Has someone experiences importing Stata files (alternatives to 
read.dta) ?
2. To my knowledge R should not have problems handling dataframes of 
this size. Is there something I can do after importing that makes data 
handling faster?

My hardware is up-to-date (Intel P4, 3 Ghz, 1 GB RAM) and I work on a 
Windows XP platform.
I am working on a Windows XP platform with R version 2.1 (all packages 

Thanks for your answers.

Christian Bieli, project assistant
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
University of Basel, Switzerland
Steinengraben 49
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 270 22 12
Fax:  +41 61 270 22 25

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
 On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
 I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put  
 together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently  
 saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into  
 PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a  
 simpler method.
 Hi Erin,
 For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.  
 The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at  
 first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.  
 But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.
 I'd be happy to share templates.

Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer, and 
don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

Duncan Murdoch

P.S.  How do I add page numbers to slides?  I see in the manual a 
section called The Headline and Footline that apparently tells me how 
to do it using an option [page number], but I don't see where to put that.

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Re: [R] lattice: calling functions

2006-02-14 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
On 2/14/06, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 8:56 AM, Wolfram Fischer wrote:
  I defined three functions:
  fun0 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) xyplot( y ~ x, ... )
  fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
  fun2 - function( ... ) xyplot( ... )
  The call of fun0() works as expected.
  The call of fun1() causes the following error:
  'Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object y not found'
  How should I define fun2 to avoid the error?

 fun2 is fine, it's fun1 that has problems.  It is passing a formula
 through fun2 to xyplot without telling xyplot where to evaluate the
 arguments.  If you change it to

 fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, data=enviroment(), ... )

 it will tell xyplot to look in the current environment at the time of
 the call, i.e. the fun1 evaluation environment where x and y live.

Although this does seem to be how xyplot works, I think it indicates
there is a problem with it.

The help file for xyplot indicates that for the xyplot formula method
the default
environment is the caller environment whereas it ought to be the environment
of the formula:

data: For the 'formula' method, a data frame containing values for
  any variables in the formula, as well as 'groups' and
  'subset' if applicable.  By default the environment where the
  function was called from is used.

For example, if we replace xyplot with lm it does work as expected:

   fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
   fun2 - function( ... ) lm( ... )

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[R] R, AMD Opteron 64, and Rmpi

2006-02-14 Thread Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Dear All,

I found Andy Liaw's suggestion about using a NUMA (instead of SMP) kernel when 
running R on amd64 with  1 CPU

A couple of questions:

1. Is this still the case with the newer dual-core opterons (e.g., the 275 et 
al., families) running Linux (kernel 2.6)?

2. How does this affect using Rmpi (and snow, papply, et al.) on multi-server 
clusters with  1 CPU? If I understand correctly, and if the situation is 
what Andy described, if we use a SMP kernel we will suffer a within-node 
penalty in one of the Rmpi processes. Is this correct?



Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
Bioinformatics Unit
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
(Spanish National Cancer Center)
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029 Madrid (Spain)
Fax: +-34-91-224-6972
Phone: +-34-91-224-6900
PGP KeyID: 0xE89B3462

**NOTA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD** Este correo electrónico, y en s...{{dropped}}

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Re: [R] lattice: calling functions

2006-02-14 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 2/14/2006 9:38 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 On 2/14/06, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 8:56 AM, Wolfram Fischer wrote:
  I defined three functions:
  fun0 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) xyplot( y ~ x, ... )
  fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
  fun2 - function( ... ) xyplot( ... )
  The call of fun0() works as expected.
  The call of fun1() causes the following error:
  'Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object y not found'
  How should I define fun2 to avoid the error?

 fun2 is fine, it's fun1 that has problems.  It is passing a formula
 through fun2 to xyplot without telling xyplot where to evaluate the
 arguments.  If you change it to

 fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, data=enviroment(), ... )

 it will tell xyplot to look in the current environment at the time of
 the call, i.e. the fun1 evaluation environment where x and y live.

 Although this does seem to be how xyplot works, I think it indicates
 there is a problem with it.
 The help file for xyplot indicates that for the xyplot formula method
 the default
 environment is the caller environment whereas it ought to be the environment
 of the formula:
 data: For the 'formula' method, a data frame containing values for
   any variables in the formula, as well as 'groups' and
   'subset' if applicable.  By default the environment where the
   function was called from is used.
 For example, if we replace xyplot with lm it does work as expected:
fun1 - function( x=1:5, y=1:5, ... ) fun2( y ~ x, ... )
fun2 - function( ... ) lm( ... )

You're right, I forgot formulas have associated environments.  I've 
added the lattice maintainer to the cc list.

Duncan Murdoch

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Re: [R] How to handle large dataframes?

2006-02-14 Thread Søren Højsgaard
I think it is well worth the effort to start using a database system like e.g. 
MySql for such purposes.
If you look at
then you'll find a short - and rudimentary - description of how to use MySql in 
connection with R and SAS (on Windows). 
The time you'll have to spend to get it up and running (about 30 minutes) is 
well spent. I suppose you can take your stata data and save as a comma separate 
file. Such a file is easy to put into a MySql database (although I haven't 
written how). Perhaps Stata can connect directly to MySql?
Best regards

Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Christian Bieli
Sendt: ti 14-02-2006 15:24
Til: R help list
Emne: [R] How to handle large dataframes?

Dear all

I imported a Stata .dta file with the read.dta-function from the
foreign-package. The dataframe's dimensions are

[1] 15806  1300

Importing needs up to 15 min and calculations with these data are rather
slow  (although I subset the data before starting analyses).

My questions are:
1. Has someone experiences importing Stata files (alternatives to
read.dta) ?
2. To my knowledge R should not have problems handling dataframes of
this size. Is there something I can do after importing that makes data
handling faster?

My hardware is up-to-date (Intel P4, 3 Ghz, 1 GB RAM) and I work on a
Windows XP platform.
I am working on a Windows XP platform with R version 2.1 (all packages

Thanks for your answers.

Christian Bieli, project assistant
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
University of Basel, Switzerland
Steinengraben 49
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 270 22 12
Fax:  +41 61 270 22 25

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Re: [R] How to handle large dataframes?

2006-02-14 Thread Wensui Liu
do you want to use the dataset as it is? if not, it might be better save the
data into a database, such as sqlite, and then odbc to it? Then you can use
sql to only fetch the data you want for analysis.

On 2/14/06, Christian Bieli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all

 I imported a Stata .dta file with the read.dta-function from the
 foreign-package. The dataframe's dimensions are

 [1] 15806  1300

 Importing needs up to 15 min and calculations with these data are rather
 slow  (although I subset the data before starting analyses).

 My questions are:
 1. Has someone experiences importing Stata files (alternatives to
 read.dta) ?
 2. To my knowledge R should not have problems handling dataframes of
 this size. Is there something I can do after importing that makes data
 handling faster?

 My hardware is up-to-date (Intel P4, 3 Ghz, 1 GB RAM) and I work on a
 Windows XP platform.
 I am working on a Windows XP platform with R version 2.1 (all packages

 Thanks for your answers.

 Christian Bieli, project assistant
 Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
 University of Basel, Switzerland
 Steinengraben 49
 CH-4051 Basel
 Tel.: +41 61 270 22 12
 Fax:  +41 61 270 22 25

 __ mailing list
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WenSui Liu
Senior Decision Support Analyst
Health Policy and Clinical Effectiveness
Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center

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Re: [R] How to handle large dataframes?

2006-02-14 Thread roger bos
Soren's suggestion is the right way to go provided you don't need all the
data all the time.  Another thing to try is once the data is imported,
convert the numeric part of the data frame to a matrix, as calculations on a
matrix are much faster than calculations on a data frame.

I'm too lazy to convert my data frames to matrix form, I program during the
day and let my computer do most of the calculations overnight.



On 2/14/06, Søren Højsgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it is well worth the effort to start using a database system like
 e.g. MySql for such purposes.

 If you look at
 then you'll find a short - and rudimentary - description of how to use
 MySql in connection with R and SAS (on Windows).

 The time you'll have to spend to get it up and running (about 30 minutes)
 is well spent. I suppose you can take your stata data and save as a comma
 separate file. Such a file is easy to put into a MySql database (although I
 haven't written how). Perhaps Stata can connect directly to MySql?

 Best regards


 Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Christian Bieli
 Sendt: ti 14-02-2006 15:24
 Til: R help list
 Emne: [R] How to handle large dataframes?

 Dear all

 I imported a Stata .dta file with the read.dta-function from the
 foreign-package. The dataframe's dimensions are

 [1] 15806  1300

 Importing needs up to 15 min and calculations with these data are rather
 slow  (although I subset the data before starting analyses).

 My questions are:
 1. Has someone experiences importing Stata files (alternatives to
 read.dta) ?
 2. To my knowledge R should not have problems handling dataframes of
 this size. Is there something I can do after importing that makes data
 handling faster?

 My hardware is up-to-date (Intel P4, 3 Ghz, 1 GB RAM) and I work on a
 Windows XP platform.
 I am working on a Windows XP platform with R version 2.1 (all packages

 Thanks for your answers.

 Christian Bieli, project assistant
 Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
 University of Basel, Switzerland
 Steinengraben 49
 CH-4051 Basel
 Tel.: +41 61 270 22 12
 Fax:  +41 61 270 22 25

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Re: [R] Extracting Data form Simpleboot Output

2006-02-14 Thread Terry W. Schulz
Thank you for the perfect solution. 

Uwe Ligges wrote:
 Terry W. Schulz wrote:

 I am new to R, so forgive my ignorance on what is probably simple.
 I find package simpleboot quite useful for LOESS bootstrapping and 
 generation of plots.
 I want to calculate the standard error for x=60 of the 100 grid 
 points and 50 bootstraps.
 The code below gives the first fitted value.
 How can I grab the other 49 values easily?
 I could do it one at a time for 50 bootstraps, but this becomes 
 tedious for say 2000 bootstraps.
 Thanks for any help.

 lo - loess(y ~ z, data=cholost, span=.5, degree=2, 
 family=gaussian, method=loess)
 lo.b - loess.boot(lo, R=50, rows = TRUE, new.xpts = NULL, ngrid = 
 100, weights = NULL)

   sapply(lo.b$boot.list, function(x) x$fitted)

 gives you the corresponding 100x50 matrix ...

 Uwe Ligges

Terry W. Schulz
Applied Statistician
1218 Pomegranate Lane
Golden, CO 80401

(303) 526-1461

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[R] Using optim() with a function which returns more than a scalar - alternatives?

2006-02-14 Thread Søren Højsgaard
I want to numerically maximize a function with optim (maximization over several 
arguments). optim() needs a function which returns a scalar only. However, it 
could be nice to be able to take other things out from the function as well. 
I'tried to create an attribute to the scalar with what I want to take out, but 
that attribute disappears in optim(). I looked into the code to see if it could 
(easily) be modified such that it could work on a function which returns e.g. a 
list or a vector (and then it should be maximized over the first element). But 
I gave up... Any suggestion will be appreciated...
Best regards

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Re: [R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread WPhantom
Thanks Brian for the reference.
  I just discover that it is available in our 
library so I going to take it  read it soon.
Actually, I don't even know the difference 
between a multistratum vs a single-stratum AOV. A 
quick search on google returned me the R materials so that I imagine
that these concepts are quite specific to R.

I will read the book first before asking for more informations.


Sylvain Clément

At 12:38 14/02/2006, you wrote:
More to the point, you are confusing 
multistratum AOV with single-stratuam AOV.  For 
a good tutorial, see MASS4 (bibliographic 
information in the R FAQ).  For unbalanced data 
we suggest you use lme() instead.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[R] Inf values in a matrix

2006-02-14 Thread Ita . Cirovic-Donev


I have some Inf values in a matrix, but I don't want to replace them with
some value but rather remove the rows that contain the Inf values. Also I
would like to record the rows which were removed. Is there an easy way to
do this instead of writing loops over the matrix? Thanks.

Ita Cirovic Donev

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Prager

 From an Rgui graphics window (windows() device), Ctrl-W will save the 
current graph to the clipboard as a metafile; Ctrl-C will save as a 
bitmap.  In PPt, Ctrl-V will paste either into a blank spot on a slide.

The metafile is a Windows vector spec that will be sharper and smaller.  
However, I have had trouble when viewing them on different PCs with 
different fonts installed.  Bitmaps will get around that but have all 
the usual limitations of ... bitmaps.


Erin Hodgess wrote on 2/14/2006 1:46 AM:
 Dear R People:

 I'm using R in a time series class.  This class is being
 broadcast live to 2 remote sites via closed circuit TV.

 My people at the remote sites are having a terrible time
 seeing the computer screen as it is broadcast(resolution issues).  I have
 decided to put together Power Point slides for the teaching.

 I am currently saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them
 into PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there
 might be a simpler method.  

 Does anyone have any suggestions for the Power Point, please?

 Thanks so much!
 R Version 2.2.1 Windows
 Erin Hodgess
 Associate Professor
 Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
 University of Houston - Downtown

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Michael H. Prager, Ph.D.
Population Dynamics Team
NOAA Center for Coastal Habitat and Fisheries Research
NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Beaufort, North Carolina  28516  USA

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Re: [R] Using optim() with a function which returns more than a scalar - alternatives?

2006-02-14 Thread Barry Rowlingson
Søren Højsgaard wrote:

 I want to numerically maximize a function with optim (maximization
 over several arguments). optim() needs a function which returns a
 scalar only. However, it could be nice to be able to take other
 things out from the function as well. I'tried to create an attribute
 to the scalar with what I want to take out, but that attribute
 disappears in optim(). I looked into the code to see if it could
 (easily) be modified such that it could work on a function which
 returns e.g. a list or a vector (and then it should be maximized over
 the first element). But I gave up... Any suggestion will be

  Have your function return a scalar value and any additional data in an 
attribute, and then optimise. Then call your function one more time 
using the resulting parameters found by optim(), and you'll get the 

  Pro: No need to mess with the code of optim()
  Con: One more function call required. Probably not a problem since 
optim() will have called it a few times anyway.


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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Kubovy
Hi Duncan,

On Feb 14, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

 On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
 On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
 I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put   
 together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently   
 saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into   
 PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a   
 simpler method.
 Hi Erin,
 For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access  
 R.  The results are legible and attractive. The method is not  
 simple at  first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls  
 and Sweave.  But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.
 I'd be happy to share templates.

 Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer,  
 and don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

I'll do so soon, and let the list know. Before that, please ask, and  
I'll send you the .Rnw and .tex files.

 P.S.  How do I add page numbers to slides?  I see in the manual a  
 section called The Headline and Footline that apparently tells me  
 how to do it using an option [page number], but I don't see where  
 to put that.

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]

This works, but has side effects on the appearance of my theme (I use  
Warsaw) that I don't know yet how to deal with.
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
USPS: P.O.Box 400400Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400
Parcels:Room 102Gilmer Hall
 McCormick RoadCharlottesville, VA 22903

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
On 2/14/06, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
  On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
  I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put
  together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently
  saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into
  PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a
  simpler method.
  Hi Erin,
  For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.
  The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at
  first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.
  But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.
  I'd be happy to share templates.

 Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer, and
 don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

 Duncan Murdoch

 P.S.  How do I add page numbers to slides?  I see in the manual a
 section called The Headline and Footline that apparently tells me how
 to do it using an option [page number], but I don't see where to put that.

A ten second - I have to run - cross my fingers that I'm correct
reply: one way is to use pre-defined templates. Try to add


which should give you a line of author, short title, date, and *frame* number.


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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Earl F. Glynn
Erin Hodgess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am currently saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them
 into PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there
 might be a simpler method.

 Does anyone have any suggestions for the Power Point, please?

Instead of saving to a file first, have you tried cutting from R and pasting
directly to PowerPoint?

File | Copy to Clipboard | As a Metafile

Paste onto PowerPoint page

In PowerPoint, the graphic has no background.  Set a background color (if

Right click on graphic | Format Picture | Colors and Lines | Fill | Change
from No Fill to white, or desired background color

Sometimes resizing even with a metafile is a problem in PowerPoint (or
Word).  Drawing the right size in R before cutting and pasting often
solves that problem.

For some very complicated graphics (e.g., a large heatmap), use Copy to
Clipboard | As a Bitmap to avoid delays in redrawing the graphic whenever
the page is shown.


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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 2/14/2006 11:12 AM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
 On 2/14/06, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
  On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
  I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put
  together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently
  saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into
  PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a
  simpler method.
  Hi Erin,
  For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.
  The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at
  first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.
  But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.
  I'd be happy to share templates.

 Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer, and
 don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

 Duncan Murdoch

 P.S.  How do I add page numbers to slides?  I see in the manual a
 section called The Headline and Footline that apparently tells me how
 to do it using an option [page number], but I don't see where to put that.
 A ten second - I have to run - cross my fingers that I'm correct
 reply: one way is to use pre-defined templates. Try to add
 which should give you a line of author, short title, date, and *frame* number.

Thanks.  That gives a bit more than I want, but it gives me some leads 
to go fixing things...

Duncan Murdoch

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Terry W. Schulz
Another option.  I'm saving R screens as postscript files, opening them 
in Ghostview and copying and pasting to blank slides in Powerpoint. 
I can't detect any deterioration in quality.  Convenient when you have a 
lot of slides to make in a hurry.  Ghostview and
Ghostscript (required to run Ghostview) are freeware on the web. 

Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
 On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
 I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put  
 together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently  
 saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into  
 PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a  
 simpler method.
 Hi Erin,

 For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.  
 The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at  
 first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.  
 But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.

 I'd be happy to share templates.

 Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer, and 
 don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

 Duncan Murdoch

 P.S.  How do I add page numbers to slides?  I see in the manual a 
 section called The Headline and Footline that apparently tells me how 
 to do it using an option [page number], but I don't see where to put that.

 __ mailing list
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Terry W. Schulz
Applied Statistician
1218 Pomegranate Lane
Golden, CO 80401

(303) 526-1461

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Re: [R] Inf values in a matrix

2006-02-14 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
try the following:

mat - matrix(rnorm(40), 10, 4)
mat[sample(20, 5)] - Inf
index - rowSums(!is.finite(mat)) = 1
mat. - mat[!index, ]


I hope it helps.


Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven

Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:01 PM
Subject: [R] Inf values in a matrix


 I have some Inf values in a matrix, but I don't want to replace them 
 some value but rather remove the rows that contain the Inf values. 
 Also I
 would like to record the rows which were removed. Is there an easy 
 way to
 do this instead of writing loops over the matrix? Thanks.

 Ita Cirovic Donev

 __ mailing list
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Re: [R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread Peter Dalgaard
WPhantom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks Brian for the reference.
   I just discover that it is available in our 
 library so I going to take it  read it soon.
 Actually, I don't even know the difference 
 between a multistratum vs a single-stratum AOV. A 
 quick search on google returned me the R materials so that I imagine
 that these concepts are quite specific to R.

You have to be careful not to confuse Google's view of the world with

The concept of error strata is much older than R, and existed for
instance in Genstat, anno 1977 or so. However, Genstat seems to have
left little impression on the Internet. 
 I will read the book first before asking for more informations.

The executive summary is that the concept of error strata relies
substantially on having a balanced design (at least for the random
effects), so that the analysis can be decomposed into analyses of
means, contrasts, and contrasts of means. For unbalanced designs, you
usually get meaningless analyses.

 Sylvain Clément
 At 12:38 14/02/2006, you wrote:
 More to the point, you are confusing 
 multistratum AOV with single-stratuam AOV.  For 
 a good tutorial, see MASS4 (bibliographic 
 information in the R FAQ).  For unbalanced data 
 we suggest you use lme() instead.
 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 __ mailing list
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   O__   Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] Inf values in a matrix

2006-02-14 Thread Petr Pikal

something like

y - x[-which(is.infinite(x), arr.ind=T)[,1],]
y.removed -x[which(is.infinite(x), arr.ind=T)[,1],]
shall make the trick.

On 14 Feb 2006 at 17:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date sent:  Tue, 14 Feb 2006 17:01:12 +0100
Subject:[R] Inf values in a matrix

 I have some Inf values in a matrix, but I don't want to replace them
 with some value but rather remove the rows that contain the Inf
 values. Also I would like to record the rows which were removed. Is
 there an easy way to do this instead of writing loops over the matrix?
 Ita Cirovic Donev
 __ mailing list
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Petr Pikal

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Re: [R] Inf values in a matrix

2006-02-14 Thread Uwe Ligges

 I have some Inf values in a matrix, but I don't want to replace them with
 some value but rather remove the rows that contain the Inf values. Also I
 would like to record the rows which were removed. Is there an easy way to
 do this instead of writing loops over the matrix? Thanks.
 Ita Cirovic Donev
 __ mailing list
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  A - matrix(1:100, 10)
  A[cbind(3:4, 5:6)] - Inf
  recorded - which(apply(A, 1, function(x) any(is.infinite(x

Uwe Ligges

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Re: [R] R and Power Point

2006-02-14 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On 2/14/06, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/14/2006 9:08 AM, Michael Kubovy wrote:
  On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
  I'm using R in a time series class. ... I have decided to put
  together Power Point slides for the teaching. ... I am currently
  saving the R screen as WMF files and inserting them into
  PowerPoint.  While this works, it seems that there might be a
  simpler method.
  Hi Erin,
  For presentations I use LaTeX with beamer.cls and Sweave to access R.
  The results are legible and attractive. The method is not simple at
  first, since you must understand how to use beamer.cls and Sweave.
  But once you're in production mode, it's a delight.
  I'd be happy to share templates.

 Please put some up on the web somewhere!  I'm just learning beamer, and
 don't need it for R right now, but I'm sure I will eventually.

I recently packaged up a small example for someone else; it's still
available at



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Re: [R] Turning control back over to the terminal

2006-02-14 Thread Martin Morgan
Hi Ross --

Not a direct answer to your question, but here's an idea.

I guess you've got some script in a file

#! /bin/bash
R --no-save --no-restore --gui=none  `hostname`  21 BYE
# some mpi commands
# other mpi commands

and you do something like

mpiexec -np 10

Instead, you might create a file script.R



variousCmds - function() {
  ## some mpi commands
  if( mpi.comm.rank() == 0  interactive()) {
while( (res - readline( prompt=  )) != DONE ) {
  try(cat(eval(parse(text=res)), \n))
  ## or other, e.g., browser()
  ## other mpi commands

mpi.bcast.Robj2slave( variousCmds )
mpi.bcast.cmd( variousCmds())


Then just run R and


to debug, and

R --vanilla  script.R

to run. This assumes that the 'some' and 'other' mpi commands include
communication of results between nodes, so that you don't have to rely
on the the return value of variousCmds to harvest the results. This
could be great fun, because you can edit the script file (in emacs,
for e.g.) and rerun without exiting R. provided some
inspiration for this, thanks!


Ross Boylan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm invoking R from withing a shell script like this
 R --no-save --no-restore --gui=none  `hostname`  21 BYE
 # various commands here

 I would like to regain control from the invoking terminal at some point.
 I tried source(stdin()) but got a syntax error, presumably stdin is the
 little shell here snippet (the part between BYE
 and BYE).

 Is there some way to accomplish this?  I am trying to regain control
 inside an R session that has been launched inside an MPI environment
 (and I'm usually running inside emacs).  This is on a Mac OS X cluster.

 I suppose there might be a way to do this with expect, but I'm hoping
 for something simpler.  Potentially, I could make the script itself act
 differently on the head node (the only one I want to debug right now),
 including changing the redirection there.

 Ross Boylan  wk:  (415) 514-8146
 185 Berry St #5700   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics   fax: (415) 514-8150
 University of California, San Francisco
 San Francisco, CA 94107-1739 hm:  (415) 550-1062

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[R] how to add the 95% confidence bands for the normal QQ plot?

2006-02-14 Thread Jing Yang
I had the problem to do this.

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[R] read.table

2006-02-14 Thread Max Kauer
it appears to me that read.table is very slow for reading large data files
(mine are 200,000 rows). Is there a better way?

Maximilian O. Kauer, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics, White lab
333 Cedar St, NSB 386
PO Box 208005
New Haven, CT 06510

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Re: [R] read.table

2006-02-14 Thread roger bos
?scan is much faser.  Also, read.table has a colClasses optional argument
which can be used to speed up the reading of large files significantly.
read.table has a pretty good help section well worth reading.

 read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = , quote = \', dec = .,
row.names, col.names, = FALSE, na.strings = NA,
colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
comment.char = #, allowEscapes = FALSE)

2006/2/14, Max Kauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 it appears to me that read.table is very slow for reading large data files
 (mine are 200,000 rows). Is there a better way?

 Maximilian O. Kauer, Ph.D.
 Department of Genetics, White lab
 333 Cedar St, NSB 386
 PO Box 208005
 New Haven, CT 06510

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[R] figs parameter for split.screen()

2006-02-14 Thread Rodrigo Tsai
Dear all,

I would be pleased if anyone could help me.

The Rhelp description for the figs parameter is a two-element vector
the number of rows and colunns in a screen matrix.

So, why does my code (below) produce a 2x1 screen matrix instead of
a 1x2 one?

Thanks in advance,




plot(v16[vd==0], vdep[vd==0], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)

title(main = Female, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main = black)


plot(v16[vd==1], vdep[vd==1], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)

title(main = Male, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main = black)

*---  *


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[R] R/Splus April course *** (Raleigh, Miami, Houston, Baltimore etc) R/Splus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques

2006-02-14 Thread elvis

   XLSolutions Corporation ( is proud to
   announce  2-day R/S-plus Fundamentals and Programming
   Techniques in San Francisco:
    Raleigh,April  3-4
    Miami,  April 10-11
    Houston,April 13-14
    Boston, April 20-21
    Baltimore,  April 27-28
   Reserve your seat now at the early bird rates! Payment due AFTER
   the class
   Course Description:
   This two-day beginner to intermediate R/S-plus course focuses on a
   broad spectrum of topics, from reading raw data to a comparison of R
   and S. We will learn the essentials of data manipulation, graphical
   visualization and R/S-plus programming. We will explore statistical
   data analysis tools,including graphics with data sets. How to enhance
   your plots, build your own packages (librairies) and connect via
   We will perform some statistical modeling and fit linear regression
   models. Participants are encouraged to bring data for interactive
   With the following outline:
   - An Overview of R and S
   - Data Manipulation and Graphics
   - Using Lattice Graphics
   - A Comparison of R and S-Plus
   - How can R Complement SAS?
   - Writing Functions
   - Avoiding Loops
   - Vectorization
   - Statistical Modeling
   - Project Management
   - Techniques for Effective use of R and S
   - Enhancing Plots
   - Using High-level Plotting Functions
   - Building and Distributing Packages (libraries)
   - Connecting; ODBC, Rweb, Orca via sockets and via Rjava
   Email us for group discounts.
   Email Sue Turner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Phone: 206-686-1578
   Visit us:
   Please let us know if you and your colleagues are interested in this
   classto take advantage of group discount. Register now to secure your
   Interested in R/Splus Advanced course? email us.
   Elvis Miller, PhD
   Manager Training.
   XLSolutions Corporation
   206 686 1578
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[R] Legend in a HeatMap

2006-02-14 Thread Akkineni,Vasundhara
Is it possible to add a color legend to a heatmap , similar to the one in 
levelplot and filled.contour plot. The legend will represent the colors used in 
the heatmap along with values for each color range. Can this be done? Please 

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] figs parameter for split.screen()

2006-02-14 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Rodrigo Tsai wrote:

 Dear all,

 I would be pleased if anyone could help me.

 The Rhelp description for the figs parameter is a two-element vector
 the number of rows and colunns in a screen matrix.

 So, why does my code (below) produce a 2x1 screen matrix instead of
 a 1x2 one?

Does it? There is no way we can reproduce it as it is incomplete, but


does produce a 1x2 layout.

Perhaps your error is call in a subdivided layout: it makes no 
sense to select a screen and then move to the next frame.

 Thanks in advance,




 plot(v16[vd==0], vdep[vd==0], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
 xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)

 title(main = Female, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main = black)


 plot(v16[vd==1], vdep[vd==1], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
 xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)

 title(main = Male, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main = black)

 *---  *


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Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] figs parameter for split.screen()

2006-02-14 Thread Rodrigo Tsai
Dear Prof Brian Ripley,

Many thanks for your help. Before trying to split.screen (1x2) I had set the
mar parameter in par( ) in order to move each graph of another (2x1)
splitted figure. This setting might have caused the problem. Now it works.

Best regards,

On 2/14/06, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Rodrigo Tsai wrote:

  Dear all,
  I would be pleased if anyone could help me.
  The Rhelp description for the figs parameter is a two-element vector
  the number of rows and colunns in a screen matrix.
  So, why does my code (below) produce a 2x1 screen matrix instead of
  a 1x2 one?

 Does it? There is no way we can reproduce it as it is incomplete, but


 does produce a 1x2 layout.

 Perhaps your error is call in a subdivided layout: it makes no
 sense to select a screen and then move to the next frame.

  Thanks in advance,
  plot(v16[vd==0], vdep[vd==0], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
  xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)
  title(main = Female, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main =
  plot(v16[vd==1], vdep[vd==1], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
  xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)
  title(main = Male, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main = black)
  *---  *
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  __ mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Professor of Applied Statistics,
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] figs parameter for split.screen()

2006-02-14 Thread Berton Gunter
You may find that ?layout is an easier way to handle multiple plots on the
screen (I do), if you are not already aware of it.

-- Bert Gunter
Genentech Non-Clinical Statistics
South San Francisco, CA
The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning
process.  - George E. P. Box

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Tsai
 Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:31 PM
 To: Prof Brian Ripley
 Subject: Re: [R] figs parameter for split.screen()
 Dear Prof Brian Ripley,
 Many thanks for your help. Before trying to split.screen 
 (1x2) I had set the
 mar parameter in par( ) in order to move each graph of another (2x1)
 splitted figure. This setting might have caused the problem. 
 Now it works.
 Best regards,
 On 2/14/06, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Rodrigo Tsai wrote:
   Dear all,
   I would be pleased if anyone could help me.
   The Rhelp description for the figs parameter is a 
 two-element vector
   the number of rows and colunns in a screen matrix.
   So, why does my code (below) produce a 2x1 screen matrix 
 instead of
   a 1x2 one?
  Does it? There is no way we can reproduce it as it is 
 incomplete, but
  does produce a 1x2 layout.
  Perhaps your error is call in a subdivided 
 layout: it makes no
  sense to select a screen and then move to the next frame.
   Thanks in advance,
   plot(v16[vd==0], vdep[vd==0], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
   xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)
   title(main = Female, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, col.main =
   plot(v16[vd==1], vdep[vd==1], bg=aliceblue, cex= 0.5,
   xlab=Age,ylab=AvWei, main=, ylim=c(x1,xn), cex.lab=1.1)
   title(main = Male, cex.main = 1.1 , font.main = 1, 
 col.main = black)
   *---  *
 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
   __ mailing list
   PLEASE do read the posting guide!
  Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Professor of Applied Statistics,
  University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
  1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
  Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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[R] Installing packages without clicking

2006-02-14 Thread Mario Alfonso Morales Rivera
I need to install several (too many) packages from local *.zip

is there any form to do it  without clicking?

I'm asking for a R code that allow me perform these task.

Mario Alfonso Morales Rivera.
Profesor Asistente.
Departamento de Matemáticas y estadística.
Universidad de Córdoba.

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Re: [R] Installing packages without clicking

2006-02-14 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Mario Alfonso Morales Rivera wrote:

 I need to install several (too many) packages from local *.zip

 is there any form to do it  without clicking?

 I'm asking for a R code that allow me perform these task.

See ?install.packages.

You seem to be using Windows (you did not say).  So the help page says

repos: character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use,
   i.e., the URL of the CRAN master such as
   ';' or its Statlib mirror,
   ';'. Can be 'NULL' to install
   from local '.zip' files.

and so all you need is

install.packages(c(,, repos = NULL)

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] Installing packages without clicking

2006-02-14 Thread Ray Brownrigg
 I need to install several (too many) packages from local *.zip
Are you aware of being able to select multiple .zip files at one time
using SHIFT-click or CTRL-click?

 is there any form to do it  without clicking?
 I'm asking for a R code that allow me perform these task.
You could just do what the clicking does, i.e. call the function
install.packages() with appropriate parameters.  See

Hope this helps,
Ray Brownrigg

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[R] Assumption in Bassic Tobit regression

2006-02-14 Thread bambang pramono
Is it assumption Tobit regression like OLS ? :
1. Normal
2. No autocorrelation
3. Homogeneity of variance
4. No Multicolinearity

please make sure me !
I need answer because i want to Judisium/ kompre/thesis test

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Re: [R] Assumption in Bassic Tobit regression

2006-02-14 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 05:15:28 +0700 bambang pramono wrote:

 Is it assumption Tobit regression like OLS ? :
 1. Normal
 2. No autocorrelation
 3. Homogeneity of variance
 4. No Multicolinearity
 please make sure me !
 I need answer because i want to Judisium/ kompre/thesis test

This is the third time you ask the same question and it did not get
more meaningful! Please consult an econometrics textbook (e.g. Greene
or Cameron  Trivedi) for the theoretical background of tobit models.

Concerning available R implementations of various tobit flavours, you
have already been pointed to a useful thread in the mailing list

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Re: [R] How to generate a report with graphics and tables?

2006-02-14 Thread Edgar Urdas
how do i perform the stuff i just recorded?!

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[R] Simple network diagram

2006-02-14 Thread Rainer Hahnekamp

I'm trying to create a simple network diagram like that on 
Unfortunately I've not yet found any function that could do this.

I think this should not be a difficult task since I only need two 
vectors and perhaps the names of the dimensions as data source.

Could somebody help me please?


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[R] analysis of residual sum of squares in R

2006-02-14 Thread Sebastian Luque
Dear R-helpers,

There's a method named as in this message's subject that has been proposed

Chen Y, Jackson DA, Harvey HH (1992) A comparison of von Bertalanffy and
polynomial functions in modelling fish growth data.  Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:1228-1235.

which is used to compare a group of non linear models.  The method tests
whether all the fitted curves describe the same population of data.  The
test is an F ratio:

F = (RSSp - sum(RSSi) / DFp - sum(DFi)) / (sum(RSSi) / sum(DFi))

where the RSS and DF are the residual sum of squares and degrees of
freedom, respectively.  The 'p' and 'i' subscripts denote the pooled or
each individual curve, respectively.  If this procedure has already been
implemented in a package, I'd be happy to hear about it.  A search of the
archives and other sources didn't help.


Sebastian Luque

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Re: [R] Update problems of Rcmdr?

2006-02-14 Thread Kenneth Cabrera

Hi R users:

I am not sure how do I  fix it.
But I erase an old R library installation (2.2.0), and also I erase all 
file directories on the
R.2.2.1 library directory, and then I try library(Rcmdr) again and it 

Any way, how could I trace or debug, so I get a hint whats going on with 
a similar problem in the future?

Thank you very much for your help.


John Fox wrote:

Dear Kenneth,

After just running update.packages() myself, I can't duplicate this error
(using R 2.2.1 under Win XP). 

Can you provide a little more information? Are any but the standard packages
loaded when you issue the library(Rcmdr) command? Have you made any
modifications to a startup file, such as

I'm sorry that I can't offer any additional suggestions at this point.


John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth Cabrera

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:54 PM
Subject: [R] Update problems of Rcmdr?
Importance: High

Hi R users:

I got this messages when I try to use the Rcmdr library, 
after I make an update with update.packages() command.

I am using R221 in windows environment.

Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Loading required package: car
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error in *
Error: .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace'
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Rcmdr'

Thank you for your help



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Re: [R] Simple network diagram

2006-02-14 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Check out ?stars

On 2/14/06, Rainer Hahnekamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to create a simple network diagram like that on
 Unfortunately I've not yet found any function that could do this.

 I think this should not be a difficult task since I only need two
 vectors and perhaps the names of the dimensions as data source.

 Could somebody help me please?


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[R] no convergence using lme

2006-02-14 Thread Margaret Gardiner-Garden
Hi.  I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about how I can
overcome a problem of   iteration limit reached without convergence when
fitting a mixed effects model.


In this study:

Outcome is a measure of heart action

Age is continuous (in weeks)

Gender is Male or Female (0 or 1)

Genotype is Wild type or knockout (0 or 1)

Animal is the Animal ID as a factor

Gender.Age is Gender*Age

Genotype.Age is Genotype*Age

Gender.Genotype.Age is Gender*Genotype*Age


If I have the intercept (but not the slope) as a random effect the fit
converges OK

fit1 - lme(Outcome~Age + Gender + Genotype  + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age +

  random=~1|Animal, data=VC)



If I have the slope (but not the intercept) as a random factor it converges

fit2 - lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age

  random=~Age-1|Animal, data=VC)



If I have both slope and intercept as random factors it won't converge

fit3 - lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age +

  random=~ Age|Animal, data=VC)

Gives error:

Error in lme.formula(LVDD ~ Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age +
Genotype.Age +  : 

  iteration limit reached without convergence (9)




If I try to increase the number of iterations (even to 1000) by increasing
maxIter it still doesn't converge


fit - lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age +

+   random=~ Age|Animal, data=VC, control=list(maxIter=1000,
msMaxIter=1000, niterEM=1000))


NB.  I changed maxIter  value in isolation as well as together with two
other controls with iter in their name (as shown above) just to be sure (
as I don't understand how the actual iterative  fitting of the model works


I was wondering if anyone knew if there was anything else in the control
values I should try changing.   

Below are the defaults..


function (maxIter = 50, msMaxIter = 50, tolerance = 1e-06, niterEM = 25, 

msTol = 1e-07, msScale = lmeScale, msVerbose = FALSE, returnObject =

   gradHess = TRUE, apVar = TRUE, .relStep = (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), 

   minAbsParApVar = 0.05, nlmStepMax = 100, optimMethod = BFGS, 

natural = TRUE)


I was reading on the R listserve that lmer from the lme4 package may be
preferable to lme (for convergence problems) but lmer seems to need you to
put in starting values and I'm not sure how to go about chosing them.  I was
wondering if anyone had experience with lmer that might help me with this?


Thanks again for any advice you can provide.






Dr Margaret Gardiner-Garden

Garvan Institute of Medical Research

384 Victoria Street

Darlinghurst Sydney

NSW 2010 Australia


Phone: 61 2 9295 8348

Fax: 61 2 9295 8321



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Re: [R] Update problems of Rcmdr?

2006-02-14 Thread John Fox
Dear Kenneth,

It's very difficult for me to tell from the information that you've given
what the problem might have been. I'm glad, however, that things are working

One thought: Do you have the R_LIBS environment variable set? If so, it's
possible that you were picking up an old version of a package. Perhaps
someone else will come up with a better explanation.


John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth Cabrera
 Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 7:05 PM
 To: John Fox
 Subject: Re: [R] Update problems of Rcmdr?
 Importance: High
 Hi R users:
 I am not sure how do I  fix it.
 But I erase an old R library installation (2.2.0), and also I 
 erase all file directories on the
 R.2.2.1 library directory, and then I try library(Rcmdr) 
 again and it works!.
 Any way, how could I trace or debug, so I get a hint whats 
 going on with a similar problem in the future?
 Thank you very much for your help.
 John Fox wrote:
 Dear Kenneth,
 After just running update.packages() myself, I can't duplicate this 
 error (using R 2.2.1 under Win XP).
 Can you provide a little more information? Are any but the standard 
 packages loaded when you issue the library(Rcmdr) command? Have you 
 made any modifications to a startup file, such as
 I'm sorry that I can't offer any additional suggestions at 
 this point.
 John Fox
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario
 Canada L8S 4M4
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Kenneth Cabrera
 Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:54 PM
 Subject: [R] Update problems of Rcmdr?
 Importance: High
 Hi R users:
 I got this messages when I try to use the Rcmdr library, 
 after I make 
 an update with update.packages() command.
 I am using R221 in windows environment.
 Loading required package: tcltk
 Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
 Loading required package: car
 Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error in *
 Error: .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace'
 Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Rcmdr'
 Thank you for your help
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