[R] Questions concerning function 'svm' in e1071 package

2006-07-03 Thread Van Kerckhoven, Johan
Greetings everyone,

I have the following problem (illustrating R-code at bottom of mail):
Given a training sample with binary outcomes (-1/+1), I train a linear
Support Vector Machine to separate them. Afterwards, I compute the
weight vector w in the usual way, and obtain the fitted values as
w'x + b  0  ==  yfitted = 1, otherwise -1.

However, upon verifying with the 'predict' method, the outcomes do not
match up as they should. I've already tried to find information
concerning this issue on the R-help board, but to no avail. Can any of
you point me in the right direction?


Johan Van Kerckhoven
ORSTAT and University Center of Statistics
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


#initialization of the problem




n = 50
d = 4
p = 0.5

x = matrix(rnorm(n*d), ncol=d)

mushift = c(1, -1, rep(0, d-2))

y = runif(n)  p
y = factor(2*y - 1)

x = x - outer(rep(1, n), mushift)
x[y == 1, ] = x[y == 1] + 2*outer(rep(1, sum(y == 1)), mushift)

svclass = svm(x, y, scale=FALSE, kernel=linear)

#Computation of the weight vector

w = t(svclass$coefs) %*% svclass$SV
if (y[1] == -1) {
   w = -w

#Derivation of predicted class lavels

#Using method in documentation
yfit = (x %*% t(w) + svclass$rho)  0
yfit = factor(2*yfit - 1)

#Extracting them directly from the model
yfit2 = svclass$fitted

#Display where predictions differ from each other
yfit != yfit2

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[R] [R-pkgs] ggplot: a new system for drawing graphics in R

2006-07-03 Thread hadley wickham
ggplot provides a new system for drawing graphics in R, based on the
Grammar of Graphics. It combines the advantages of both base and
lattice graphics: conditioning and shared axes are handled
automatically, and you can still build up a plot step by step from
multiple data sources. It also implements a more sophisticated
multidimensional conditioning system and a consistent interface to map
data to visual attributes.  ggplot (along with reshape) received the
John Chambers Award for Statistical Computing.

ggplot is available now from CRAN (install.packages(ggplot)) and
more information is available at my website (http://had.co.nz/ggplot)
including copies of talks, examples, and a guide showing how to
convert your existing lattice code.

To get started I recommend you look at:

 * the introductory vignette: vignette(introduction, ggplot)
 * help for the quick plotting command: ?qplot
 * help for the full plotting commands: ?ggplot

I want to provide great documentation, so if there is anything you
think I am missing, please let me know.



R-packages mailing list

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[R] could i change the ouput style on summary?

2006-07-03 Thread zhijie zhang
Dear friends,
summary() doesn't give a good ouput style,e.g.:
  grasssoiltem  airtem gheight
humidity  altitude
diluo  :38   Min.   :15.90   Min.   :17.70   Min.   : 8.00   Min.   :
0.2360   high: 43
huanghuacai:32   1st Qu.:19.32   1st Qu.:22.60   1st Qu.:40.00   1st Qu.:
0.3190   low :119
hucao  :46   Median :20.20   Median :25.30   Median :60.00   Median :
yuhao  :46   Mean   :20.52   Mean   :26.43   Mean   :51.93   Mean   :
  3rd Qu.:21.48   3rd Qu.:29.73   3rd Qu.:70.00   3rd Qu.:
  Max.   :28.60   Max.   :42.10   Max.   :90.00   Max.   :

could i get a result like the following: colums are statistical indices and
the rows are variables

*min  1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. variance
*soiltem *
 which could be copy and used in the papers easily?
 Thanks very much!
Kind Regards,
Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Fudan University

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Re: [R] sparse matrix tools

2006-07-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 JJTh == Thaden, John J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Sun, 2 Jul 2006 07:38:21 -0500 writes:

JJTh Dear R-Help list: I'm using the Matrix library to
JJTh operate on 600 X ~5000 element unsymmetrical sparse
JJTh arrays. So far, so good, but if I find I need more
JJTh speed or functionality, 

Can you be more specific?  
   For asymmetric matrices, in our view, the most important gap to
   fill is the  LU  decomposition and hence solve() features.

Speed: Are you sure the time your R code spends is spent in 
   functions from Matrix?  {Did you use 'Rprof()' ?}
   If yes, which ones?

JJTh how hard would it be to
JJTh utilize other sparse matrix toolsets from within R,
JJTh say MUMPS, PARDISO or UMFPACK, that do not have
JJTh explicit R interfaces?  More information on these is
JJTh available here

JJTh www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack/
JJTh www.computational.unibas.ch/cs/scicomp/software/pardiso
JJTh www.enseeiht.fr/lima/apo/MUMPS/ 

From these, only the first one is open source.
Unfortunately, the PARDISO people seem to believe in money
making with scientific software -- a particular shame for since
they only work at most an hour away from me.
MUMPS is said to be public domain, but then you only get it
after filling out a web form and only for a specific hardware.  Also,
it is about massively parallel computation, very interesting for
sparse matrices, but AFAIK not yet in our main focus.

UMFPACK is different, and even ships with the Matrix
package, because we have planned to interface to it, but haven't
yet got to that.  What parts of UMFPACK functionality would you
be interested in ?

JJTh and in these reviews

JJTh ftp://ftp.numerical.rl.ac.uk/pub/reports/ghsNAGIR20051r1.pdf
JJTh http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/codes/ 

JJTh neither of which reviewed the R Matrix package, unfortunately.

JJTh Thanks, - John Thaden, Ph.D., U. Arkansas for
JJTh Med. Sci., Little Rock.

Martin Maechler,  ETH Zurich

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[R] Calculation of lags

2006-07-03 Thread Ronaldo Reis-Jr.

If I have the follow situation:

A dependent variable (i.e. number of insects) that is affected by an 
independent variable (i.e. rain). The problem is that the measure of rain 
affect the population in other moment. So there exit a lag between the rain 
and the number of insects. Exist in R any tool to find what is this lag? 

Explain better.

Suppose that I have a linear relationship between rain and insects. More rain 
make more insects. If I try to model the rain and insects in the same moment 
I cant see this relationship because the rain today affect the number of 
insects in the future. Thus, I need to model the present rain with the number 
of insect in the future. But when is this future? 1 day after, 2 days after, 

How the best way to calculate this lag?

Todos chegamos um dia como a agua e nos vamos como o vento
-- Graham Greene
 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. Ecologia Evolutiva
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8190 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: [R] lme convergence

2006-07-03 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Dimitris:

  The change you suggested sounds constructive.  Unfortunately, it did 
NOT solve the problem, at least for the modification of the example from 
the 'lme' help page I tested.

  However, one other similar change (and adding 'nlme:::' to the calls 
for functions hidden in an nlme namespace, identified partly with 
'traceback()') produced a version of 'lme.formula' that actually 
returned an answer for my test case:

  fm1 - lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont,
+  returnObject=TRUE))
Warning message:
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1 ; message = iteration limit 
reached without convergence (9) in: lme.formula(distance ~ age, data = 
Orthodont, control = lmeControl(msMaxIter = 1,

  Below please find (1) the 2 changes and (2) a complete version of 
'lme.formula' that worked for this example.

  Thanks for your contribution.
  Spencer Graves
### change 1 ##
 if (!needUpdate(lmeSt)) {
 msg - paste(controlvals$opt,
 problem, convergence error code =,
 optRes$convergence, ; message =,
### change 2 #
 if (numIter  controlvals$maxIter) {
   msg - paste(Maximum number of iterations,
  (lmeControl(maxIter)) reached without convergence.)
   if (controlvals$returnObject) {
   } else {
### lme.formula revised ###
lme.formula -
   data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
   random = pdSymm( eval( as.call( fixed[ -2 ] ) ) ),
   correlation = NULL,
   weights = NULL,
   method = c(REML, ML),
   na.action = na.fail,
   control = list(),
contrasts = NULL,
keep.data = TRUE)
   Call - match.call()
   miss.data - missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)

   ## control parameters
   controlvals - lmeControl()
   if (!missing(control)) {
 if(!is.null(control$nlmStepMax)  control$nlmStepMax  0) {
   warning(Negative control$nlmStepMax - using default value)
   control$nlmStepMax - NULL
 controlvals[names(control)] - control

   ## checking arguments
   if (!inherits(fixed, formula) || length(fixed) != 3) {
 stop(\nFixed-effects model must be a formula of the form \resp ~ 
   method - match.arg(method)
   REML - method == REML
   reSt - reStruct(random, REML = REML, data = NULL)
   groups - getGroupsFormula(reSt)
   if (is.null(groups)) {
 if (inherits(data, groupedData)) {
   groups - getGroupsFormula(data)
   namGrp - rev(names(getGroupsFormula(data, asList = TRUE)))
   Q - length(namGrp)
   if (length(reSt) != Q) { # may need to repeat reSt
if (length(reSt) != 1) {
  stop(Incompatible lengths for \random\ and grouping factors)
 randL - vector(list, Q)
 names(randL) - rev(namGrp)
 for(i in 1:Q) randL[[i]] - random
 randL - as.list(randL)
reSt - reStruct(randL, REML = REML, data = NULL)
   } else {
names(reSt) - namGrp
 } else {
   ## will assume single group
   groups - ~ 1
   names(reSt) - 1
   ## check if corStruct is present and assign groups to its formula,
   ## if necessary
   if (!is.null(correlation)) {
 if(!is.null(corGrpsForm - getGroupsFormula(correlation, asList = 
TRUE))) {
   corGrpsForm - unlist(lapply(corGrpsForm,
function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))
   corQ - length(corGrpsForm)
   lmeGrpsForm - unlist(lapply(splitFormula(groups),
 function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))
   lmeQ - length(lmeGrpsForm)
   if (corQ = lmeQ) {
 if (any(corGrpsForm != lmeGrpsForm[1:corQ])) {
   stop(paste(Incompatible formulas for groups in \random\,
  and \correlation\))
 if (corQ  lmeQ) {
   warning(paste(Cannot use smaller level of grouping for,
 \correlation\ than for \random\. Replacing,
 the former with the latter.))
   attr(correlation, formula) -
 eval(parse(text = paste(~,
  |, deparse(groups[[2]]
   } else {
 if (any(lmeGrpsForm != corGrpsForm[1:lmeQ])) {
   stop(paste(Incompatible formulas for groups in \random\,
  and \correlation\))
 } else {
   ## using the same grouping as in random
   attr(correlation, formula) -
 eval(parse(text = paste(~,

Re: [R] large dataset!

2006-07-03 Thread Anupam Tyagi
JENNIFER HILL jh1030 at columbia.edu writes:

 Hi, I need to analyze data that has 3.5 million observations and
 about 60 variables and I was planning on using R to do this but
 I can't even seem to read in the data.  It just freezes and ties
 up the whole system -- and this is on a Linux box purchased about
 6 months ago on a dual-processor PC that was pretty much the top
 of the line.  I've tried expanding R the memory limits but it 
 doesn't help.  I'll be hugely disappointed if I can't use R b/c
 I need to do build tailor-made models (multilevel and other 
 complexities).   My fall-back is the SPlus big data package but
 I'd rather avoid if anyone can provide a solution
 Jennifer Hill
Dear Jennifer, you may want to look at the R newsletters. A few years ago it had
an article on using DBMS with R, like MySQL, Oracle, etc. This is a frequently
asked question: There are also some posts over the past few years that may be
helpful. I have successfully read large database into MySQL, and accessed it
from R---it was larger than your database. I hope that helps. Anupam Tyagi.

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[R] [R-pkgs] Rassist - Student-friendly package

2006-07-03 Thread Andrew Robinson
The Rassist package has been loaded to CRAN.  This package is designed
to make R easier for new users, by providing extra checks and

Presently the package functionality includes:

* offers an alternative help facility, eg(.), with examples first,
  with additional examples included.  eg() offers a start help menu,
  and eg(.) incorporates help.search(.) automatically.  It also
  locates the relevant package if not loaded.

* Some mathematical functions validate input received.  They give
  feedback on units used, and when in error, prompt the user to
  correct the input.

* plot(.) offers feedback and cautions about input format.  

* deskcheck incorporates debug(), in straight forward testing.

* source(.), under development, in error produces a directory listing.

We believe that much remains to be done, but we wanted to solicit
community feedback from interested parties. Please pass on suggestions
for other functions, or better ways to achieve the same goals, to me.



Andrew Robinson  
Department of Mathematics and StatisticsTel: +61-3-8344-9763
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia Fax: +61-3-8344-4599
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au

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Re: [R] rownames, colnames, and date and time

2006-07-03 Thread Brandt, T. (Tobias)
Hi all

I was wondering whether there has ever been an update on the rownames and
colnames behaviour as described by Eric below?

I still get the same behaviour, exactly as described by Eric, on my WinXP
installation of R-2.3.0.  I also posted a message to r-help on Friday but
looking through the online archives it seems to have not made it to the
list.  I would agree with Eric that a consistent use of the typecast would
be a reasonable solution.

Any comments?

Tobias Brandt
Quantitative Analyst 
Taquanta Asset Managers 
Nedbank Clock Tower 
Victoria  Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town 8001 
Tel : +27 (0) 21 416 6602 
Fax : +27 (0) 21 416 9945 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erich Neuwirth
Sent: 21 March 2006 01:31 PM
To: R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Cc: Christian Prinoth
Subject: [R] rownames, colnames, and date and time

I noticed something surprising (in R 2.2.1 on WinXP) According 
to the documentation, rownames and colnames are character vectors.
Assigning a vector of class POSIXct or POSIXlt as rownames or 
colnames therefore is not strictly according to the rules.
In some cases, R performs a reasonable typecast, but in some 
other cases where the same typecast also would be possible, it 
does not.

Assigning a vector of class POSIXct to the rownames or names 
of a dataframe creates a reasonable string representation of 
the dates (and possibly times).
Assigning such a vector to the rownames or colnames of a 
matrix produces rownames or colnames consisting of the integer 
representation of the date-time value.
Trying to assign a vector of class POSIXlt in all cases 
(dataframes and matrices, rownames, colnames, names) produces an error.

Demonstration code is given below.

This is somewhat inconsistent.
Perhaps a reasonable solution could be that the typecast used 
for POSIXct and dataframes is used in all the other cases also.






# the following lines will not work and
# produce errors


Erich Neuwirth
Institute for Scientific Computing and
Didactic Center for Computer Science
University of Vienna
phone: +43-1-4277-39464  fax: +43-1-4277-39459

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Re: [R] median of gamma distribution

2006-07-03 Thread Matthias Kohl

to compute the median (or expectation, var, sd, IQR, mad, ...) you can also use 
package distrEx.
(G - Gammad())


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: [R] median of gamma distribution
Gesendet: Fri, 30. Jun 2006

 On 30-Jun-06 Philip He wrote:
  Doese anyone know a R function to find the median of a gamma
 qgamma will do it. Test:
 [1] 0.6931472
 [1] 0.6931472
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
 Date: 30-Jun-06   Time: 16:53:16
 -- XFMail --
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

--- original Nachricht Ende 

Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Kohl

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Re: [R] could i change the ouput style on summary?

2006-07-03 Thread jim holtman
Try this function:

 #create some data
 x - data.frame(a=runif(100), b=runif(100,100,200),
 # need to transpose the output of sapply
 t(sapply(x, function(z){
+ .res - c(quantile(z, c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1)), mean(z), var(z))
+ names(.res) - c('Min', '1st Qu', 'Median', '3rd Qu', 'Max', 'Mean',
+ .res
+ }
+ ))
   Min   1st Qu   Median   3rd Qu Max
Mean  Var
a 8.147703e-030.24776050.53650740.76446150.995281
0.5142281 8.596908e-02
b 1.000605e+02  122.9294392  147.0742970  176.0785627  199.484326
147.973 9.092492e+02
c 1.010171e+03 1173.8183349 1498.1997677 1719.2519408 1996.363311
1467.8446420 8.932657e+04

On 7/3/06, zhijie zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear friends,
 summary() doesn't give a good ouput style,e.g.:
 grasssoiltem  airtem gheight
 humidity  altitude
 diluo  :38   Min.   :15.90   Min.   :17.70   Min.   : 8.00   Min.   :
 0.2360   high: 43
 huanghuacai:32   1st Qu.:19.32   1st Qu.:22.60   1st Qu.:40.00   1st Qu.:
 0.3190   low :119
 hucao  :46   Median :20.20   Median :25.30   Median :60.00   Median :
 yuhao  :46   Mean   :20.52   Mean   :26.43   Mean   :51.93   Mean   :
  3rd Qu.:21.48   3rd Qu.:29.73   3rd Qu.:70.00   3rd Qu.:
  Max.   :28.60   Max.   :42.10   Max.   :90.00   Max.   :

 could i get a result like the following: colums are statistical indices
 the rows are variables

 *min  1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. variance
 *soiltem *
 which could be copy and used in the papers easily?
 Thanks very much!
 Kind Regards,
 Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
 Department of Epidemiology
 School of Public Health
 Fudan University

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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390 (Cell)
+1 513 247 0281 (Home)

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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[R] help a newbie with a loop

2006-07-03 Thread Boks, M.P.M.

I am new in R and stumbled on a problem my (more experienced) friends
can not help with with. Why isnt this code working?
The function is working, also with the loop and the graph appears, 

only when I build another loop around it  (for different values of p) ,
R stays in a loop?

Can't it take more then 2 loops in one program?

{   sx-(sum(x^2)-(sum(x)^2)/length(x))/length(x)
if(n0==n1) break


#use the function and plot  for different values of ind and p 
for ( p in c(0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.40,0.50)) 
{  risk-p*(2-p)
for (ind in 1:500)
.80,alpha=0.05,dominant met p=0.25)} 

 I would appreciate the help,

MPM Boks, MD PhD,

Department of Psychiatry, B01.206

University Medical Centre Utrecht,

PO box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht

The Netherlands.

Tel: +31 30 2506370

Fax: +31 30 2505509



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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Determine file access modifiers at file creation

2006-07-03 Thread statwi01

is in R a command or option to a command which allows to set the file 
access modifiers for newly created files under Linux ? Currently a new 
file (e.g. with cat) is created with rw-r--r-- and I would like to 
have rw-rw-r. And I do not want to use umask.

Thanks in advance


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread John Sorkin
R 2.2 on windows XP
I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
have any success.

John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence

University of Maryland School of Medicine
Division of Gerontology
Baltimore VA Medical Center
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-1524


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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] legend with filled boxes AND lines

2006-07-03 Thread florian . koller

Dear all,

Is there a straightforward way to create a legend box that has both filled
boxes and lines?
So far I have built around this problem by creating two legends (with bty =
n) and manually drawing a box around both (but this is cumbersome,
because I have to check upon the y coordinates of the legends every time).

If I do something like  legend( ...,c(X1,X2, mean), fill = c(red,
blue, 0), lty = (0,0,2))  , I cannot get rid of the unfilled box or
change the color of the fill box border (from its default color black),
and I end up with two filled boxes and an empty, black-lined box plus the
line as a legend for the third argument mean. This trick therefore only
works if I define black as the bg color for the complete legend box
(because it masks the empty  box from the fill argument). So, if there is a
command to modify the color of the fill box border line (not the legend box
border line), this would help me, too (still not ideal, though...).


Florian Koller
GfK Fernsehforschung GmbH
Research Consulting  Development
Nordwestring 101
D-90319 Nürnberg
Fon  +49 (0)911 395-3554
Fax  +49 (0)911 395-4130
www.gfk.de / www.gfk.com


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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] rownames, colnames, and date and time

2006-07-03 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Note that if you are really trying to represent time series using
rownames as the time variable then you might consider using
the zoo or its packages (or ts class if they are regular) instead.


z - zoo(mymat, mydates)

On 7/3/06, Brandt, T. (Tobias) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I was wondering whether there has ever been an update on the rownames and
 colnames behaviour as described by Eric below?

 I still get the same behaviour, exactly as described by Eric, on my WinXP
 installation of R-2.3.0.  I also posted a message to r-help on Friday but
 looking through the online archives it seems to have not made it to the
 list.  I would agree with Eric that a consistent use of the typecast would
 be a reasonable solution.

 Any comments?

 Tobias Brandt
 Quantitative Analyst
 Taquanta Asset Managers
 Nedbank Clock Tower
 Victoria  Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town 8001
 Tel : +27 (0) 21 416 6602
 Fax : +27 (0) 21 416 9945

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erich Neuwirth
 Sent: 21 March 2006 01:31 PM
 To: R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Cc: Christian Prinoth
 Subject: [R] rownames, colnames, and date and time
 I noticed something surprising (in R 2.2.1 on WinXP) According
 to the documentation, rownames and colnames are character vectors.
 Assigning a vector of class POSIXct or POSIXlt as rownames or
 colnames therefore is not strictly according to the rules.
 In some cases, R performs a reasonable typecast, but in some
 other cases where the same typecast also would be possible, it
 does not.
 Assigning a vector of class POSIXct to the rownames or names
 of a dataframe creates a reasonable string representation of
 the dates (and possibly times).
 Assigning such a vector to the rownames or colnames of a
 matrix produces rownames or colnames consisting of the integer
 representation of the date-time value.
 Trying to assign a vector of class POSIXlt in all cases
 (dataframes and matrices, rownames, colnames, names) produces an error.
 Demonstration code is given below.
 This is somewhat inconsistent.
 Perhaps a reasonable solution could be that the typecast used
 for POSIXct and dataframes is used in all the other cases also.
 # the following lines will not work and
 # produce errors
 Erich Neuwirth
 Institute for Scientific Computing and
 Didactic Center for Computer Science
 University of Vienna
 phone: +43-1-4277-39464  fax: +43-1-4277-39459
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

 Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/09/06. The following link displays the names 
 of the Nedbank Board of Directors and Company Secretary. [ 
 http://www.nedbank.co.za/terms/DirectorsNedbank.htm ]
 This email is confidential and is intended for the addressee only. The 
 following link will take you to Nedbank's legal notice. [ 
 http://www.nedbank.co.za/terms/EmailDisclaimer.htm ]

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Re: [R] Calculation of lags

2006-07-03 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Represent your series as a ts object and see ?lag
Also lag.plot may or may not be of use to  you.

On 7/2/06, Ronaldo Reis-Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I have the follow situation:

 A dependent variable (i.e. number of insects) that is affected by an
 independent variable (i.e. rain). The problem is that the measure of rain
 affect the population in other moment. So there exit a lag between the rain
 and the number of insects. Exist in R any tool to find what is this lag?

 Explain better.

 Suppose that I have a linear relationship between rain and insects. More rain
 make more insects. If I try to model the rain and insects in the same moment
 I cant see this relationship because the rain today affect the number of
 insects in the future. Thus, I need to model the present rain with the number
 of insect in the future. But when is this future? 1 day after, 2 days after,

 How the best way to calculate this lag?

Todos chegamos um dia como a agua e nos vamos como o vento
-- Graham Greene
  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. Ecologia Evolutiva
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8190 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: [R] Determine file access modifiers at file creation

2006-07-03 Thread jim holtman
Try using 'system':

system(chmod 664 filename)

On 7/3/06, statwi01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is in R a command or option to a command which allows to set the file
 access modifiers for newly created files under Linux ? Currently a new
 file (e.g. with cat) is created with rw-r--r-- and I would like to
 have rw-rw-r. And I do not want to use umask.

 Thanks in advance


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390 (Cell)
+1 513 247 0281 (Home)

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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Re: [R] help a newbie with a loop

2006-07-03 Thread jim holtman
You need to debug your function.  If you put some 'cat(p, ind)' statements:

for (ind in 1:500)
{cat(p, ind, '\n')

Here is the place where it seemed to 'stall' on me:

0.3 250
0.3 251
0.3 252
0.3 253
0.3 254
0.3 255
0.3 256

It looks like at this point there was probably a loop in your function.  You
will have to learn how to use debug to trace through what it is doing at
this point.  It had produced the graphs for the other values of 'p'.  So
there must be a 'bug' there.

On 7/3/06, Boks, M.P.M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am new in R and stumbled on a problem my (more experienced) friends
 can not help with with. Why isnt this code working?

 The function is working, also with the loop and the graph appears,

 only when I build another loop around it  (for different values of p) ,
 R stays in a loop?

 Can't it take more then 2 loops in one program?

 {   sx-(sum(x^2)-(sum(x)^2)/length(x))/length(x)
if(n0==n1) break



 #use the function and plot  for different values of ind and p
 for ( p in c(0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.40,0.50))
 {  risk-p*(2-p)

 for (ind in 1:500)

 .80,alpha=0.05,dominant met p=0.25)}

 I would appreciate the help,


 MPM Boks, MD PhD,

 Department of Psychiatry, B01.206

 University Medical Centre Utrecht,

 PO box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht

 The Netherlands.

 Tel: +31 30 2506370

 Fax: +31 30 2505509


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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390 (Cell)
+1 513 247 0281 (Home)

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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Re: [R] Determine file access modifiers at file creation

2006-07-03 Thread statwi01
 Try using 'system':

 system(chmod 664 filename)
That's my plan, if I can not do it in R directly.

Thanks Sigbert

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Re: [R] sparse matrix tools

2006-07-03 Thread Thaden, John J
So far I've used only 'new(dgC.Matrix,...)' and
'new(dgT.Matrix,...)'!  I did not mean to malign
Matrix speed/functionality -- I've not tested these
yet -- nor do I quite know yet what function(s) I
needto perform on my matrices! My questions were  
hypothetical.  Thanks for the additional information
on packages I mentioned. As I become able to reply 
regarding my needs for (Matrix or UMFPACK) functions,
I shall reply offlist.  Thanks and best regards, 
-John Thaden (operating R v.2.3.0 within Windows XP)

 MM = Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 replied on Monday, July 03, 2006 2:45 AM:

 JJTh == Thaden, John J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Sun, 2 Jul 2006 07:38:21 -0500 writes:

JJTh Dear R-Help list: I'm using the Matrix library to
JJTh operate on 600 X ~5000 element unsymmetrical sparse
JJTh arrays. So far, so good, but if I find I need more
JJTh speed or functionality, 

MM Can you be more specific?  
MM Functionality:
MMFor asymmetric matrices, in our view, the most 
MMimportant gap to fill is the LU  decomposition
MMand hence solve() features.
MM Speed: Are you sure the time your R code spends is
MMspent in functions from Matrix?  {Did you use
MM 'Rprof()' ?}? If yes, which ones?

JJTh how hard would it be to
JJTh utilize other sparse matrix toolsets from within R,
JJTh say MUMPS, PARDISO or UMFPACK, that do not have
JJTh explicit R interfaces?  More information on these is
JJTh available here

JJTh www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack/
JJTh www.computational.unibas.ch/cs/scicomp/software/pardiso
JJTh www.enseeiht.fr/lima/apo/MUMPS/ 

From these, only the first one is open source.
Unfortunately, the PARDISO people seem to believe in money
making with scientific software -- a particular shame for since
they only work at most an hour away from me.
MUMPS is said to be public domain, but then you only get it
after filling out a web form and only for a specific hardware.  Also,
it is about massively parallel computation, very interesting for
sparse matrices, but AFAIK not yet in our main focus.

UMFPACK is different, and even ships with the Matrix
package, because we have planned to interface to it, but haven't
yet got to that.  What parts of UMFPACK functionality would you
be interested in ?

JJTh and in these reviews

JJTh ftp://ftp.numerical.rl.ac.uk/pub/reports/ghsNAGIR20051r1.pdf
JJTh http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/codes/ 

JJTh neither of which reviewed the R Matrix package, unfortunately.

JJTh Thanks, - John Thaden, Ph.D., U. Arkansas for
JJTh Med. Sci., Little Rock.

Martin Maechler,  ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Peter Dalgaard
John Sorkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 R 2.2 on windows XP

(that's a bit old...)

 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
 have any success.

Some people have indicated that they might want to try their hand and
write a macro facility for R, at some time in the future. (There are
some parts of the R internals that would benefit from such a facility

Meanwhile, update() is your friend.

mdl - lm(y1-y2 ~ x1+x2+x3,)
summary(update(mdl, y3 - y4 ~ .))

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 7/3/2006 7:39 AM, John Sorkin wrote:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
 have any success.

I think the substitute function in R does most of what you would want 
from a macro facility.

For example,

  analyze - function(dependent, data) {
+   formula - as.formula(substitute(dep ~ x1 + x2 + x3,
+ list(dep=substitute(dependent
+   lm(formula=formula, data=data)
+ }
  dat - data.frame(y = rnorm(10)+1:10, x1=rnorm(10)+1:10, 
x2=rnorm(10), x3=rnorm(10))
  analyze(y, dat)

lm(formula = formula, data = data)

(Intercept)   x1   x2   x3
  1.1256   0.8248   0.1671  -0.1907

I used substitute twice:  the inner call gets the unevaluated expression 
that was passed as dependent; the outer one puts that in place of the 
dep variable.

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] Workspace size

2006-07-03 Thread statwi01

Can I determine the approximate size of a workspace on the harddisk 
before saving it via sys.save.image(name) ?

Thanks in advance


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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Chuck Cleland
John Sorkin wrote:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
 have any success.

Also try RSiteSearch(macro, restrict=functions).  And have a look at 
Thomas Lumley's column in the following issue of Rnews:


 John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
 Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
 Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
 University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
 University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
 Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence
 University of Maryland School of Medicine
 Division of Gerontology
 Baltimore VA Medical Center
 10 North Greene Street
 Baltimore, MD 21201-1524
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
NDRI, Inc.
71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
tel: (732) 512-0171 (M, W, F)
fax: (917) 438-0894

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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try this:

# test data
mat - matrix(rnorm(900), nc = 9)
colnames(mat) - letters[1:9]
DF - as.data.frame(mat)

# run lm's and display coefs
for(i in seq(1, 5, 2)) {
dat - cbind(z = DF[,i] - DF[,i+1], DF[7:9])
Coef - coef(lm(z ~., dat))
cat(y: DF[,, i, ] - DF[,, i+1, ], coef: , Coef, \n)

On 7/3/06, John Sorkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
 have any success.

 John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
 Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
 Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
 University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
 University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
 Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence

 University of Maryland School of Medicine
 Division of Gerontology
 Baltimore VA Medical Center
 10 North Greene Street
 Baltimore, MD 21201-1524


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

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[R] help a newbie with a loop

2006-07-03 Thread Simon Knapp
On 7/3/06, Boks, M.P.M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am new in R and stumbled on a problem my (more experienced) friends
 can not help with with. Why isnt this code working?

 The function is working, also with the loop and the graph appears,

 only when I build another loop around it  (for different values of p) ,
 R stays in a loop?

 Can't it take more then 2 loops in one program?

You can have as many as you like (as far as I know)

 {   sx-(sum(x^2)-(sum(x)^2)/length(x))/length(x)
if(n0==n1) break



 #use the function and plot  for different values of ind and p
 for ( p in c(0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.40,0.50))
 {  risk-p*(2-p)

 for (ind in 1:500)

 .80,alpha=0.05,dominant met p=0.25)}

I modified your function as follows:

if(n0==n1) break else cat(p = , p, , ind = , ind, , n0 =
, n0, , n1 = , n1, \n, sep='')

and got, for example, the following output:

p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2288, n1 = 2289
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2289, n1 = 2288
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2288, n1 = 2289
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2289, n1 = 2288
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2288, n1 = 2289
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2289, n1 = 2288
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2288, n1 = 2289
p = 0.2, ind = 278, n0 = 2289, n1 = 2288

so your in an infinite loop. Maybe you can check the difference
between n0 and n1 instead, or perhaps better, do something like:

n0.1 - n1.1 - Inf
if(n0==n1) break
if(n0.1==n1  n1.1==n0) break
n0.1 - n0
n1.1 - n1

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos

- Original Message - 
From: Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [R] macro facility in R

 Try this:

 # test data
 mat - matrix(rnorm(900), nc = 9)
 colnames(mat) - letters[1:9]
 DF - as.data.frame(mat)

 # run lm's and display coefs
 for(i in seq(1, 5, 2)) {
 dat - cbind(z = DF[,i] - DF[,i+1], DF[7:9])
 Coef - coef(lm(z ~., dat))
 cat(y: DF[,, i, ] - DF[,, i+1, ], coef: , Coef, \n)

In case of lm(), this could also be written as:

y - mat[, c(1, 3, 5)] - mat[, c(2, 4, 6)]
x - mat[, 7:9]
lm(y ~ x)


Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven

Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015
Web: http://med.kuleuven.be/biostat/

 On 7/3/06, John Sorkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns 
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would 
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in 
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and 
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro 
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did 
 have any success.

 John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
 Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
 Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
 University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
 University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
 Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence

 University of Maryland School of Medicine
 Division of Gerontology
 Baltimore VA Medical Center
 10 North Greene Street
 Baltimore, MD 21201-1524


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

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Re: [R] Optional variables in function?

2006-07-03 Thread Joerg van den Hoff
jim holtman wrote:
 On 7/2/06, Jonathan Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a bit new to writing R functions and I was wondering what the best
 practice for having optional variables in a function is, and how to test
 for optional and non-optional variables?  e.g. if I have the following

 helpme - function(a,b,c) {


 In this example, I want c to be an optional variable, but a and b to be
 required.  How do I:
 1) test to see if the user has inputted c
 2) break out of the function of the user has NOT inputted a or b.

stop(need c)



depending on your problem it might be better to provide sensible default 
values for a,b,c in the function definition

helpme-function(a=A, b=B, c=C) {...}

instead of enforcing that every argument is specified?





 Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
 NRC Research Associate
 NASA Ames Research Center
 MS 242-4
 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
 Phone: 415-794-5043
 AIM: jgrn3007

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!


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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Michael Prager
Here is one user's perspective on this, with no pretense of being 
definitive.  In the S (R) world, the expression computing on the 
language is used to encompass what I would call the tasks of macro 
programming.  This involves uses of various S (R) expressions that 
convert between names of objects and the object themselves; pasting 
together expressions out of fixed and variable text; and executing 
them.  I for one have been able to do everything I could do in the SAS 
macro language, but it has taken trial and error.

To get started, you might consult section 3.5 of S Programming by 
Venables and Ripley.


John Sorkin wrote on 7/3/2006 7:39 AM:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.
 I know I can write a function to perform the analyses, however in order
 to make the analyses easy to do, I really need a macro scripting
 language that will allow preprocessing of the function and substitution
 of macro variables with parameters passed to the macro, i.e. I need
 someting akin to the macro facility in SAS. Is there a macro facility
 that I can use with R? I have tried help.search(macro) and did not
 have any success.

 John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
 Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
 Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC,
 University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude D. Pepper OAIC,
 University of Maryland Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, and
 Baltimore VA Center Stroke of Excellence

 University of Maryland School of Medicine
 Division of Gerontology
 Baltimore VA Medical Center
 10 North Greene Street
 Baltimore, MD 21201-1524


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Michael H. Prager, Ph.D.
Population Dynamics Team
NOAA Center for Coastal Habitat and Fisheries Research
NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Beaufort, North Carolina  28516  USA

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] problem with --vanilla in R

2006-07-03 Thread Katrin Braesel

I'm using the R Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) on Suse Linux 10.1.
With an older R and Linux version I could write a R-function into a file
 and execute it with the command:
R --vanilla  script.r

In the file script.r was code like this:

It worked fine, but now nothing happens. In the manual page this option
is still mentioned.
I don't know what to do, to make it working again.

Thanks for your help.
With kind regards,

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Re: [R] problem with --vanilla in R

2006-07-03 Thread Uwe Ligges
Katrin Braesel wrote:
 I'm using the R Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) on Suse Linux 10.1.
 With an older R and Linux version I could write a R-function into a file
  and execute it with the command:
 R --vanilla  script.r
 In the file script.r was code like this:
 It worked fine, but now nothing happens. In the manual page this option
 is still mentioned.
 I don't know what to do, to make it working again.

Works for me with R-2.3.1 using an appropriate shell.

Maybe you misspelled the filename or don't have write access? What 
happens after R --vanilla  script.r

BTW: I'd rather use R CMD BATCH, and I'd call the script script.R...

Uwe Ligges

 Thanks for your help.
 With kind regards,
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[R] do i set the correct argument?

2006-07-03 Thread zhijie zhang
Dear friends,
 In gls() of nlme package, there is some explanation on correlation:
gls(model, data, correlation, weights, subset, method, na.action,  control,

 correlation: an optional 'corStruct' object describing the within-group
  correlation structure. See the documentation of 'corClasses'
  for a description of the available 'corStruct' classes. If a
  grouping variable is to be used, it must be specified in the
  'form' argument to the 'corStruct' constructor. Defaults to
  'NULL', corresponding to uncorrelated  errors.
 Now i have two categorical variables: grass and altitude,
 Is the above argument that i use right?
thanks very much!

Kind Regards,
Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Fudan University

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Re: [R] large dataset!

2006-07-03 Thread rdporto1

we had a little discussion about this topic
last May when I had a similar problem.
It is archived at


You can follow the thread to see the various 
arguments and solutions. I tried to summarize
the possible suggested approachs at



Rogerio Porto.

-- Cabeçalho original ---

Para: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Data: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:12:25 -0400 (EDT)
Assunto: [R] large dataset!

 Hi, I need to analyze data that has 3.5 million observations and
 about 60 variables and I was planning on using R to do this but
 I can't even seem to read in the data.  It just freezes and ties
 up the whole system -- and this is on a Linux box purchased about
 6 months ago on a dual-processor PC that was pretty much the top
 of the line.  I've tried expanding R the memory limits but it 
 doesn't help.  I'll be hugely disappointed if I can't use R b/c
 I need to do build tailor-made models (multilevel and other 
 complexities).   My fall-back is the SPlus big data package but
 I'd rather avoid if anyone can provide a solution
 Jennifer Hill
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Re: [R] how to get the studentized residuals in lm()

2006-07-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 ronggui == ronggui  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Mon, 3 Jul 2006 12:29:42 +0800 writes:

ronggui You will see:
ronggui studres(MASS)   Extract Studentized Residuals from a 
Linear Model

Yes.   But you don't even need another package.  Thanks to 
John Fox, there's
etc, even in the 'stats' package, with methods for lm and for 
glm objects.

And now, in R-devel (2.4.0-to-be),
will show the 'influence.measures' help page which contains rstudent().

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

ronggui 2006/7/3, zhijie zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dear friends,
 In s-plus, lm()  generates the the studentized residuals
 automatically for us, and In R, it seems don't have the results: After
 i fitted lm(), i use attibutes() to see the objects and didn't find
 studentized residuals .
 How to get the the studentized residuals in lm(),have i missed something?
 thanks very much!
 Kind Regards,
 Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
 Department of Epidemiology
 School of Public Health
 Fudan University
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

ronggui -- 
ronggui __
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Re: [R] macro facility in R

2006-07-03 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Mon, 3 Jul 2006, John Sorkin wrote:
 R 2.2 on windows XP
 I have a dataset with multiple columns. Some of the columns represent
 independent variables, some represent dependent variables. I would like
 to run the same analyses on a fixed set of independent variables,
 changing only the dependent variable, e.g.
 y5-y6=x1+x2+x3, etc.

Other people have mentioned my defmacro() function in R-news, however when 
I have to do this sort of thing I usually use substitute or bquote

For example

for(i in 1+(1:5)*2){


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Re: [R] legend with filled boxes AND lines

2006-07-03 Thread Martin Maechler
Did you try  legend(.., lty=..., fill=...,  merge = TRUE) ?

In an example I just tried, this allowed to give filled boxes
*and* lines.

Please give a reproducible example of what you did -- maybe by
modifying one of the many  example(legend)  examples.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 florian == florian koller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Mon, 3 Jul 2006 13:40:33 +0200 writes:

florian Dear all,

florian Is there a straightforward way to create a legend
florian box that has both filled boxes and lines?  So far I
florian have built around this problem by creating two
florian legends (with bty = n) and manually drawing a box
florian around both (but this is cumbersome, because I have
florian to check upon the y coordinates of the legends
florian every time).

florian If I do something like  legend( ...,c(X1,X2,
florian mean), fill = c(red, blue, 0), lty = (0,0,2))
florian  , I cannot get rid of the unfilled box or change
florian the color of the fill box border (from its default
florian color black), and I end up with two filled boxes
florian and an empty, black-lined box plus the line as a
florian legend for the third argument mean. This trick
florian therefore only works if I define black as the bg
florian color for the complete legend box (because it masks
florian the empty box from the fill argument). So, if there
florian is a command to modify the color of the fill box
florian border line (not the legend box border line), this
florian would help me, too (still not ideal, though...).

florian Thanks,
florian Florian

florian __
florian Florian Koller
florian GfK Fernsehforschung GmbH
florian Research Consulting  Development
florian Nordwestring 101
florian D-90319 Nürnberg
florian Fon  +49 (0)911 395-3554
florian Fax  +49 (0)911 395-4130
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florian __
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Re: [R] help with coxme

2006-07-03 Thread Spencer Graves
  When I tried it, I seemed to get inconsistent results, the first of 
which was irreproducible.  The first error message said that 'rats2' was 
not a data.frame.  I don't know what I did to get that, but when I tried 
it again, I got the following:

Error in max(kindex) : object kindex not found
3: max(kindex)
2: max(kindex)
1: coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + x2, data = rats2, random = ~(1 +
x2) | litter)

  This sounds to me like a logic error in 'coxme';  I am therefore 
cc-ing the maintainer listed in help(package='kinship').

  If it were my problem, I might list coxme and make a local copy of 
it.  It's easy to find the offending 'max(kindex)'.  It's harder to 
figure out what kindex should be in this context.  To attempt that, I 
might request debug(coxme), then try again the 'coxme' call that 
produced the error message and trace through it line by line until I 
figured it out.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

Lei Liu wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have a question on fitting data by coxme. In particular I want to fit a 
 random intercept and random slope cox model. Using the rats dataset as an 
 example, I generated another covariate x2 and want to specify a random slope 
 for x2. Here is my code:
 x2=matrix(rep(runif(50), 3), 50, 3)
 rats2=cbind(rats, x2)
 But when I used the coxme function as follows, it gave an error message. 
 What is the right way to do it? Thanks a lot!
   coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx+x2, data=rats2, random=~ (1+x2)|litter )
 Lei Liu
 Assistant Professor
 Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
 Dept. of Public Health Sciences
 School of Medicine
 University of Virginia
 3181 Hospital West Complex
 Charlottesville, VA 22908-0717
 1-434-982-3364 (o)
 1-434-806-8086 (c)
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[R] Antwort: Re: legend with filled boxes AND lines

2006-07-03 Thread florian . koller
Hi Martin,

I know about the merge command, but I want a line without the box in the
legend. Ideally I would need some argument that tells the fill subcommand
not only to suppress the box color (see example below), but also to
suppress the frame of the fill box. Alternatively if someone could tell me
how to modify the color of the frame, this would help, too, because I could
simply set it to the bg command.

x1 - rnorm(100)
x2 - rnorm(100, 2)
hist(x1, main = , col = orange,ylab = density, xlab = x, freq = F,
density = 55,
 xlim = c(-2, 5), ylim = c(0, 0.5))
par(new = T)
hist(x2, main = , col = green, ylab = , xlab = ,axes = F,
xlim = c(-2, 5), ylim = c(0, 0.5), density = 45, freq = F)
abline(v = mean(x1), col = orange, lty = 2, lwd = 2.5)
abline(v = mean(x2), col = green, lty = 2, lwd = 2.5)
legend(3, 0.45, legend = c(x1, x2, mean(x1), mean(x2)),
   col = c(orange, green), fill=c(orange,green, 0, 0),
   lty = c(0, 0, 2, 2), merge = T)

Thank you,
Florian Koller

Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 03/07/2006

 Did you try  legend(.., lty=..., fill=...,  merge = TRUE) ?

 In an example I just tried, this allowed to give filled boxes
 *and* lines.

 Please give a reproducible example of what you did -- maybe by
 modifying one of the many  example(legend)  examples.

 Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

  florian == florian koller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  on Mon, 3 Jul 2006 13:40:33 +0200 writes:

 florian Dear all,

 florian Is there a straightforward way to create a legend
 florian box that has both filled boxes and lines?  So far I
 florian have built around this problem by creating two
 florian legends (with bty = n) and manually drawing a box
 florian around both (but this is cumbersome, because I have
 florian to check upon the y coordinates of the legends
 florian every time).

 florian If I do something like  legend( ...,c(X1,X2,
 florian mean), fill = c(red, blue, 0), lty = (0,0,2))
 florian  , I cannot get rid of the unfilled box or change
 florian the color of the fill box border (from its default
 florian color black), and I end up with two filled boxes
 florian and an empty, black-lined box plus the line as a
 florian legend for the third argument mean. This trick
 florian therefore only works if I define black as the bg
 florian color for the complete legend box (because it masks
 florian the empty box from the fill argument). So, if there
 florian is a command to modify the color of the fill box
 florian border line (not the legend box border line), this
 florian would help me, too (still not ideal, though...).

 florian Thanks,
 florian Florian

 florian __
 florian Florian Koller
 florian GfK Fernsehforschung GmbH
 florian Research Consulting  Development
 florian Nordwestring 101
 florian D-90319 Nürnberg
 florian Fon  +49 (0)911 395-3554
 florian Fax  +49 (0)911 395-4130
 florian www.gfk.de / www.gfk.com

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 confidential and/or privileged
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 have received this
 florian e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately
 and destroy this
 florian e-mail. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or
 distribution of the
 florian material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.

 florian __
 florian R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 florian https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
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[R] gamm

2006-07-03 Thread Piet Bell
  I am a bit confused about gamm in mgcv. Consulting Wood (2006) or Ruppert et 
al. (2003) hasn't taken away my confusion.
  In this code from the gamm help file:

  Am I correct in assuming that we have a random intercept herebut that the 
amount of smoothing is also changing per level of the factor?? Or is it only 
the intercept that is changing?
  And where can I find some explanation on the magic output below?
  Random effects:
 Formula: ~Xr.1 - 1 | g.1
 Structure: pdIdnot
StdDev: 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679 1.680679
   Formula: ~Xr.2 - 1 | g.2 %in% g.1
 Structure: pdIdnot
  Xr.21   Xr.22   Xr.23   Xr.24   Xr.25   Xr.26   Xr.27   Xr.28
StdDev: 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598 1.57598
   Formula: ~Xr.3 - 1 | g.3 %in% g.2 %in% g.1
 Structure: pdIdnot
StdDev: 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377 20.06377
   Formula: ~Xr.4 - 1 | g.4 %in% g.3 %in% g.2 %in% g.1
 Structure: pdIdnot
StdDev: 0.0001063304 0.0001063304 0.0001063304 0.0001063304 0.0001063304
StdDev: 0.0001063304 0.0001063304 0.0001063304
   Formula: ~1 | fac %in% g.4 %in% g.3 %in% g.2 %in% g.1
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev:   0.6621173 1.007227
  Variance function:
 Structure: fixed weights
 Formula: ~invwt 
Fixed effects: y.0 ~ X - 1 
  Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
X(Intercept)  2.0870364 0.3337787 392  6.252755  0.
Xs(x0)Fx1-0.325 0.1028794 392 -0.000316  0.9997
Xs(x1)Fx1 0.3831694 0.0957323 392  4.002509  0.0001
Xs(x2)Fx1 1.4584330 0.3909237 392  3.730736  0.0002
Xs(x3)Fx1-0.0123951 0.0143162 392 -0.865809  0.3871



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Re: [R] lme and SAS Proc mixed

2006-07-03 Thread Spencer Graves
  Your example is entirely too complicated for me to parse in the time 
available, but I have a few questions that I hope might help:

  First, have you examined str(fit.lme) plus all the other help pages 
listed under See Also in the lme help page, especially lmeObject? 
  With luck, this may answer your questions.

  Second, are all your random effects nested, or are some crossed?  If 
the model is all standard nesting with no complicated inhomogeneity of 
variance or correlation structure, you may be working too hard:  The 
'nlme' package is designed to make standard nested mixed-model analysis 
as easily as Doug Bates could make it with a general tool in the S 
language paradigm.  Functions like 'pdBlocked' are relatively 
inefficient attempts to adapt the 'nlme' paradigm to support crossed 
random effects, etc.  If you have both crossed and nested random 
effects, you might try Bates' current project, 'lmer' associated with 
the 'lme4' package.  Unfortunately, that package currently has fewer 
helper functions for things like confidence intervals.  (It's Bates' 
leading edge development effort.)

  Third, can generate a much simpler, self-contained problem that 
exhibits the same features as your more complicated example?  If your 
email had contained a few lines of R code that someone like me could 
copy and paste into R and get what you got, it would increase your 
chances of getting a more informative reply quicker.  Without it, I'm 
left to guessing.

  Fourth, if you want to know, which is more correct, have you 
considered Monte Carlo?  The nlme package includes a function 
simulate.lme, which might help you.  The lme4 package includes mcmcsamp.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

Kellie J. Archer, Ph.D. wrote:
 I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same
 results as when using the following SAS code:
 proc mixed;
 class refseqid probeid probeno end;
 model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth;
 random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs;
 lsmeans end / diff cl; run;
 There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with
 2 probeids nested within each refseqid, and 16 probenos nested within
 each of the probeids.
 I have specified in the SAS Proc Mixed procedure that the
 variance-covariance structure is to be compound symmetric. Therefore,
 the variance-covariance matrix is a block diagonal matrix of the form,
 V_1  0   0
 0   V_2  0
 00   V3
 where each V_i represents a RefSeqID. Moreover, for each V_i the
 structure within the block is 
 v_{11}   v{12}
 v_{21}   v{22}
 where v_{11} and v_{22} are different probeids nested within the
 refseqid, and so are correlated. The structure of
 both v_{11} and v_{22} are compound symmetric, and v_{12} and v{21}
 contain a constant for all elements of the matrix.
 I have tried to reproduce this using lme, but it is unclear from the
 documentation (and Pinheiro  Bates text) how the pdBlocked and
 compound symmetric structure can be combined.
 The point estimates are essentially the same comparing R and SAS for
 the fixed effects, but the 95% confidence intervals are much shorter
 using lme(). In order to find the difference in the algorithms used by
 SAS and R I tried to extract the variance-covariance matrix to look at
 its structure. I used the getVarCov() command, but it tells me that
 this function is not available for nested structures. Is there another
 way to extract the variance-covariance structure for nested models?
 Does anyone know how I could get the var-cov structure above using
 Kellie J. Archer, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics
 Fellow, Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 1101 East Marshall St., B1-066
 Richmond, VA 23298-0032
 phone: (804) 827-2039
 fax: (804) 828-8900
 website: www.people.vcu.edu/~kjarcher
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[R] xlab, ylab in balloonplot(tab)?

2006-07-03 Thread Jim Porzak
I'm not understanding something.

I'm trying to add xlab  ylab to a balloon plot of a table object. From docs
I thought following should work:

# From balloonplot example:
 # Create an example using table
 xnames - sample( letters[1:3], 50, replace=2)
 ynames - sample( 1:5, 50, replace=2)

 tab - table(xnames, ynames)


# Try xlab, ylab:
balloonplot(tab, xlab = MyX, ylab = MyY)

But second plot is no different from first.

R.version.string: Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
gplots version: 2.3.0
on WinXP SP1

Jim Porzak
Loyalty Matrix Inc.
San Francisco, CA

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[R] difficult data manipulation question

2006-07-03 Thread markleeds

hi everyone :

suppose i have a matrix in which some column names are identical so,
for example, TEMP

0  2  1 2  0  0
2  3  7 6  0  1
1.54  9 9  6  0
1.06  1011 3  3

I didn't even check  yet whether identical column names are allowed
in a matrix but i hope they are.

assuming that they are, then i would like to be able to take the matrix and  
make a new matrix with the following requirements.

1) whenever there is a unique column name, just take that column for the new 

2) whenever the column name is not unique, take the one
that has the most non zero elements ? ( in the case of
ties, i don't care which one is picked ).

so, in this case, the resulting matrix would just be the first 4 columns.

i realize ( or atleast i think ) that 
sum( TEMP[(TEMP[,columnname] !=0) ,columnname) will give me the
number of non elements in a column with the name columnmame
but how to use this deal with the non uniqueness to solve my particular problem 
is beyond me. plus, i think the command will
bomb because columnname will not always be unique ? 
Thanks for any help. I realize this is not a trivial problem so I really 
appreciate it.


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Re: [R] difficult data manipulation question

2006-07-03 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try this:

# test data
# read in header separately so R does not make column names unique
   0  2  1 2  0  0
   2  3  7 6  0  1
   1.54  9 9  6  0
   1.06  1011 3  3

DF - read.table(textConnection(Lines), skip = 1)
names(DF) - scan(textConnection(Lines), what = , nlines = 1)

f - function(x) x[which.max(colSums(DF[x]!=0))]
tapply(seq(DF), names(DF), f)


 hi everyone :

 suppose i have a matrix in which some column names are identical so,
 for example, TEMP

0  2  1 2  0  0
2  3  7 6  0  1
1.54  9 9  6  0
1.06  1011 3  3

 I didn't even check  yet whether identical column names are allowed
 in a matrix but i hope they are.

 assuming that they are, then i would like to be able to take the matrix and  
 make a new matrix with the following requirements.

 1) whenever there is a unique column name, just take that column for the new 

 2) whenever the column name is not unique, take the one
 that has the most non zero elements ? ( in the case of
 ties, i don't care which one is picked ).

 so, in this case, the resulting matrix would just be the first 4 columns.

 i realize ( or atleast i think ) that
 sum( TEMP[(TEMP[,columnname] !=0) ,columnname) will give me the
 number of non elements in a column with the name columnmame
 but how to use this deal with the non uniqueness to solve my particular 
 problem is beyond me. plus, i think the command will
 bomb because columnname will not always be unique ?
 Thanks for any help. I realize this is not a trivial problem so I really 
 appreciate it.


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[R] analogue of group option of SAS MIXED/random in R

2006-07-03 Thread Bruno L. Giordano
Dear list,

I am trying to use lme to build the analogue of the following SAS MIXED
random specification:

random int+Variable1+Variable2 /subject = Subject group=Condition type=vc;

which gives a Condition-blocked heterogeneity in the random effects
variance-covariance matrix.

Needless to say, I have a hard time in specifying Condition-specific
heterogeneities in the variance-covariance parameters.

I initially tried the following commands (without Condition-heterogeneity in
the random effects):


but have no idea about where to go from here (note that I don't want to nest 
Subject in Condition).



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[R] gamm and binomial data

2006-07-03 Thread Piet Bell
  I have a response variable that is a time series of 0's and 1's. And a couple 
of continous explanatory variables.
  I would like to fit a gamm with auto-correlation and binomial distribution 
using gamm in mgcv. Something simple like:
  tmp-gamm(y ~ s(x), correlation=corAR1(), binomial)
  However, I read in various messages on this newsgroup that glmmPQL (used by 
gamm) is using an overdispersion parameter. 
  Does this make my approach invalid?
  Thanks for any answer,
  Piet Bell


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[R] xlab, ylab in balloonplot(tab)?

2006-07-03 Thread Jim Porzak
Dear ListRs,

I'm not understanding something.

I'm trying to add xlab  ylab to a balloon plot of a table object. From
gplots docs I thought following should work:

# From balloonplot example:
 # Create an example using table
 xnames - sample( letters[1:3], 50, replace=2)
 ynames - sample( 1:5, 50, replace=2)

 tab - table(xnames, ynames)


# Try xlab, ylab:
balloonplot(tab, xlab = MyX, ylab = MyY)

But second plot is no different from first.

R.version.string: Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
gplots version: 2.3.0
on WinXP SP1

Jim Porzak
Loyalty Matrix Inc.
San Francisco, CA

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Re: [R] difficult data manipulation question

2006-07-03 Thread jim holtman
Here is a modification of Gabor's solution that will return the dataframe
with just the maximum columns:

# test data
# read in header separately so R does not make column names unique

  0  2  1 2  0  0
  2  3  7 6  0  1
  1.54  9 9  6  0
  1.06  1011 3  3

DF - read.table(textConnection(Lines), skip = 1)
names(DF) - scan(textConnection(Lines), what = , nlines = 1)

f - function(x) x[which.max(colSums(DF[x]!=0))]
tapply(seq(DF), names(DF), f)

#added code#
# compute the number of non-zeros in each column
MostZeros - colSums(DF != 0)
# determine which column is the maximum
x.max - lapply(unique(names(DF)), function(.name){
 .col - which(names(DF) == .name)  # find columns of matching names
 .max - which.max(MostZeros[.col]) # determine max
 .col[.max]  # return the column number of the max
DF[unlist(x.max)]  # select only the unique maximums

On 7/3/06, Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try this:

 # test data
 # read in header separately so R does not make column names unique
   0  2  1 2  0  0
   2  3  7 6  0  1
   1.54  9 9  6  0
   1.06  1011 3  3
 DF - read.table(textConnection(Lines), skip = 1)
 names(DF) - scan(textConnection(Lines), what = , nlines = 1)

 f - function(x) x[which.max(colSums(DF[x]!=0))]
 tapply(seq(DF), names(DF), f)

  hi everyone :
  suppose i have a matrix in which some column names are identical so,
  for example, TEMP
 0  2  1 2  0  0
 2  3  7 6  0  1
 1.54  9 9  6  0
 1.06  1011 3  3
  I didn't even check  yet whether identical column names are allowed
  in a matrix but i hope they are.
  assuming that they are, then i would like to be able to take the matrix
 and  make a new matrix with the following requirements.
  1) whenever there is a unique column name, just take that column for the
 new matrix
  2) whenever the column name is not unique, take the one
  that has the most non zero elements ? ( in the case of
  ties, i don't care which one is picked ).
  so, in this case, the resulting matrix would just be the first 4
  i realize ( or atleast i think ) that
  sum( TEMP[(TEMP[,columnname] !=0) ,columnname) will give me the
  number of non elements in a column with the name columnmame
  but how to use this deal with the non uniqueness to solve my particular
 problem is beyond me. plus, i think the command will
  bomb because columnname will not always be unique ?
  Thanks for any help. I realize this is not a trivial problem so I really
 appreciate it.
  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390 (Cell)
+1 513 247 0281 (Home)

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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Re: [R] curiosity question: new graphics vs. old graphics subsystem

2006-07-03 Thread Paul Murrell

ivo welch wrote:
 I just read paul murrell's new book, R graphics.
 now, I have always used the traditional graphics system.  apparently,
 the new (trellis?) system is an entirely separate graphics system.
 after reading the book, I cannot figure out what the intrinsic
 capability advantage of the old graphics system is that cannot be
 replicated in the trellis system.
 if the new system's capabilities are practically a subset of the old
 system, why don't we design a compatibility layer so that we can just
 have one graphics subsystem, instead?  it seems weird that newbies
 learn the standard system first, and then, instead of building on it
 with more complex functions, are told to forget about things and start
 with something new.  I do like the simplicity of learning of the old
 system, but this would be the same if it were to come through a
 compatibility layer, too.  and then it would be easy to build learning
 on it.
 but maybe I have it all wrong.  maybe there is something unique about
 the old system that the new system cannot do.  curious:  what is it?

The main problem is that traditional graphics thinks everything is a
plot.  This is good because it makes things like this possible ...

text(1, 1, whoop-dee do)

... the important bit is that the 'text()' call has a reliable meaning:
it adds text to the current plot.  The downside is that if what you want
to draw is not a plot, you have to fight the system to do it.

The grid system thinks everything is a picture.  This is good because if
you want to draw something other than a plot, you can.  It is bad
because if I do something like ...

grid.text(la-dee da)

... that is not necessarily going to be added to a plot (unless I first
make sure that I am in an appropriate viewport).

There are other issues such as the fact that grid is generally more
memory hungry and slightly slower.

A compatibility layer has been discussed and it is perhaps possible,
BUT it would require reimplementing the traditional graphics system on
top of grid, which would be a pretty icky task.  Contributions always
welcome :)

 I also found the naming of the new system confusing.  there is
 trellis, there is lattice, there is grid.  how exactly should the new
 system be called?  paul calls the old system traditional.  the new
 one seems to rear its head in different forms.

Reread Section 1.2 :)  There are two basic graphical systems
(traditional and grid) and numerous graphical packages built on top of
each.  Lots of packages build on top of the traditional system.  Several
packages now exist on top of 'grid' (notably 'lattice', 'vcd', 'ggplot',
and 'hexbin').

 some other opinions (which follow the old rule that everyone has one):
 * if we had one graphics subsystem, paul's book, and for this matter
 any explanation of the R graphics system, would become more
 * R is, IMHO, the premier programmed graphics package today.  I may
 be complaining, but I also recognize that it is great.  so, please
 consider this to be only a suggestion.
 * we have a pixmap image function.  we should also have a pdf
 includegraphics function, which can import an existing graphics image.
  if a device (X11) is incapable of displaying it, we should just
 display a rectangle of the bounding box.  this would open up even more
 avenues to the ability of R to create graphics.

There is now a 'grImport' package on CRAN for this sort of thing (also
see http://www.r-project.org/useR-2006/Slides/Murrell.pdf).

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392

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Re: [R] postscript file too large : maybe an R question

2006-07-03 Thread Paul Murrell

 i created a postscipt file in R and then i downloaded a free version
 of ghostview to view it. unfortunately, i get the message
 fata error : dynamic memory exhausted
 when i try to view it.
 when i do a dir on windows xp, the file size is 149,034,475
 and i know there about 17,000 graphs. is there
 a way of possibly viewing this size postscript file in R itself ?

This postscript file presumably has more than one page(?).  Take a look
at the 'onefile' argument in '?postscript'.

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392

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[R] parameter las (function par / graphics) on right axis

2006-07-03 Thread Paulo Barata

Dear R users,

When trying to produce a graph with a scale on the right axis,
I came across a possible problem with graph making in R.

When using plot or barplot, when the parameter las (used
by the graphics function par) is set to 1 (axis labels always
horizontal), labels on the right axis are cropped when they
have more than two digits. It seems that the graphics window
does not allow for the extra space needed when scale labels
are horizontal and have more than two digits. Resizing the
graphics window does not make the graphs to show correctly.

Should outer regions of the graph, or figure regions, or figure
margins be somehow redefined when las = 1?

I use R 2.3.1, running under Windows XP. My monitor is a Samsung
SyncMaster 794MB+, resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels. (The problem
also occurs at the lower resolution 800 x 600 pixels).

Some simple examples - barplot:

# right scale shows correctly, labels are vertical
y - c(100,100,100,150,150,150,150)
barplot(y, ylim=c(0,200), axes=FALSE)

# the rightmost digit of (horizontal) scale labels is cropped
y - c(100,100,100,150,150,150,150)
barplot(y, ylim=c(0,200), axes=FALSE)

Some simple examples - plot:

# right scale shows correctly, labels are vertical
x - runif(25,0,2000)
y - runif(25,0,2000)

# the two rightmost digits of (horizontal) scale labels are cropped
x - runif(25,0,2000)
y - runif(25,0,2000)


Paulo Barata

Paulo Barata
Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz
Rua Leopoldo Bulhoes 1480 - 8A
21041-210  Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Fax: 55-21-2232-9218

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[R] Problems on testing moderating effect (or interactive effect).

2006-07-03 Thread Guo Wei-Wei
Hi everyone,

I want to do test on moderating effect. I have three factors, A, B,
and C. A has influence on B, and C moderating the influence.  The
relationship looks like this:

A - B

A, B, and C are all scale variables. I think I can test the moderating
effect by adding a interactive variable between A and C. But I'm not
sure how to do.

Is there a default way to do it in package sem?

I'm also thinking about create a interaction variable of A and C, but
I don't know how to it. A has n (n = 27) items and p (p = 288) cases
and C has m (m = 16) iterms and p (p = 288) cases.

Does anyone have any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

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Re: [R] analogue of group option of SAS MIXED/random in R

2006-07-03 Thread Bruno L. Giordano
just in case somebody is interested, the following R code gives the same
estimates as the SAS code below:

##R code###

SAS code
proc mixed data=InData;class Subject Condition;
model Response=Variable1 Variable2 Condition Variable2*Condition;
random int Variable1 Variable2/subject = Subject group=Condition type=vc;


- Original Message - 
From: Bruno L. Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 5:56 PM
Subject: [R] analogue of group option of SAS MIXED/random in R

 Dear list,

 I am trying to use lme to build the analogue of the following SAS MIXED
 random specification:

 random int+Variable1+Variable2 /subject = Subject group=Condition type=vc;

 which gives a Condition-blocked heterogeneity in the random effects
 variance-covariance matrix.

 Needless to say, I have a hard time in specifying Condition-specific
 heterogeneities in the variance-covariance parameters.

 I initially tried the following commands (without Condition-heterogeneity
 the random effects):


 but have no idea about where to go from here (note that I don't want to
 Subject in Condition).



 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Bruno L. Giordano, PhD
Schulich School of Music, McGill University
555 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, QC H3A 1E3

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[R] randomization test for a two-way ANOVA

2006-07-03 Thread Sebastian Luque

I've looked into ways of implementing this procedure, i.e. repeating the
two-way ANOVA many times, scrambling the order of cases across the
treatments, to produce a distribution of F ratios for each effect.  This
seemed a job for the 'boot' package.  However, I'm not sure I'm doing an
actual randomization test, as opposed to a bootstrap here.  This is how
I've coded the test (using the poisons data):

--cut here---start-

boot.lm - function(data, i)
mod - lm(time ~ treat * poison, data=data[i, ])
anova(mod)[F value][[1]][-4]  # the F ratios for each effect

poisons.boot - boot(poisons, boot.lm, R=1000, sim=permutation)
--cut here---end---

Is this the right way to ask for a randomization test using 'boot'?
Thanks in advance.



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