Re: [R] A coding question involving variable assignments in ifelse()

2007-04-28 Thread AJ Rossini

I agree entirely with Gabor.  My advice would be to just ignore the people who 
think differently -- however, if you want those particular folks to respond, 
you'll have to play by their rules.  (and if you don't play by their rules, 
you'll just have to ignore the consequences -- this _IS_ the internet, after 

On Friday 27 April 2007, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 I don't think there is any requirement to identify yourself in any
 way nor should their be.  Many people on the list are in academia
 and in those cases they probably want their name in lights but
 others may wish to have a lower profile and its common to use
 an alias on the net for privacy.

 On 4/27/07, xpRt.wannabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is this an ad hominem comment or a comment of brevity?  Unless my eyes
  are playing tricks on me, I can't seem to find any language in the
  Posting Guide on what is considered a reasonable vs. unreasonable
  request from an anonymous poster.  Kindly point me to it if it exists.
  In any case, thanks for your time and suggestion.
  On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 4/26/2007 5:21 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
I made a few slight modifications to the original model in an effort
to see the inner workings of the code:
deductible - 1
coverage.limit - 2
insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit
loss - abs(rnorm(rpois(1, 5), 1, 3))
n - length(loss)
accept - runif(n)  0.8
payout - runif(n)  0.999
sum(ifelse(accept  payout, ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold,
loss - coverage.limit, pmin(loss, deductible)), 0))
[1] 6.188817
To tease out the data as well as to see the effect of 'accept 
payout', I did the following:
[1] 3.401663 4.570620 4.068667 4.718488
[1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE  # The second loss claim is NOT accepted
by the insurance company.
accept  payout
[1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE  # The second entry is FALSE because of
the second entry in 'accept.'
Based on the inner ifelse() expression, the original loss numbers
become : 1.401663, 2.570620, 2.068667, 2.718488, respectively (which
is fine and what I wanted).
Because the second entry in 'accept  payout' is FALSE, the second
altered loss number (2.570620) becomes 0, making sum(...) equal
6.188817.  Unfortunately this is _not_ what I want, and I apologize
for not being clear in the first place.  What I want is: for any
FALSE entry, the original loss number is unaltered, as opposed to
become 0. So in the example above, the four numbers that should have
been added are: 1.401663, 4.570620, 2.068667, 2.718488, yielding
10.759438 instead of 6.188817.
Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
   I'm sorry, but from an anonymous poster that's not a reasonable
   request. Just work it out yourself.
   Duncan Murdoch
On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 4/26/2007 2:31 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
Just to be sure, is what I have below the right intepretation of
your suggestion:
Yes, that's what I suggested.
Duncan Murdoch
deductible - 15
coverage.limit - 75
insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit
tmpf - function() {
loss - rlnorm(rpois(1, 3), 2, 5)
n - length(loss)
accept - runif(n)  0.8
payout - runif(n)  0.999
sum(ifelse(accept  payout, ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold, loss
- coverage.limit, pmin(loss, deductible)), 0))
net - replicate(100, tmpf())
On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 4/26/2007 12:48 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
Dear List,
Below is a simple, standard loss model that takes into account
the terms of an insurance policy:
deductible - 15
coverage.limit - 75
insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit
tmpf - function() {
loss - rlnorm(rpois(1, 3), 2, 5)
sum(ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold, loss - coverage.limit,
pmin(loss, deductible)))
net - replicate(100, tmpf())
Now, I would like to enhance the model by incorporating the
following two probabilities:
1. Probability of claim being accepted by the insurance company,
say, 0.8 2. Probability of payout by the insurance company, say,
Could anyone suggest how one might do this?
A general way to generate events with probability p is runif(n) 
p.  So I'd add
n - length(loss)
accept - runif(n)  0.8
payout - runif(n)  0.999
and then require accept  payout  before any payment at all,
sum(ifelse(accept  payout, [ your old ifelse expression ], 0))
There are a lot of implicit independence assumptions here; they
may not be very realistic.

[R] Converting list of data frame to data frame

2007-04-28 Thread Ajit Pawar
  This might be something very simple but a nice solution eludes me!!

   I have a function that I call within sapply that generates data frame
in each call. Now when sapply returns me back the result - it's in the form
of a list of data frames. so in order to extract the information into a
single data frame I have to loop thru the following code:

   for(i=1:n) {
   my.df = rbind(my.df,list.from.sapply[,i]);

   Is there anyway to code it better?

Thanks in advance.


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[R] Hmisc curve label size cex

2007-04-28 Thread Brian O'Connor

I need to produce high resolution line plots and place labels on the 
curves. It seems that cex must be high relative to the other cex 
values in order to produce sufficiently large  legible tick labels 
at high resolutions. But high cex values cause the curve labels to 
become gigantic when using Hmisc. I've struggled and searched the 
archives, but cannot find a way of controlling the sizes of the curve 
labels in this situation.

These commands produce the problem on my PC using XP:

png(trial.png, width=3000, height=2400, res = 600, pointsize=12 )
par(ann=F, font.main=1, font.lab=1, font.axis=1, cex=5, cex.main=1, 
cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1,
lwd=12, las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2)   )

x = seq(-2.5, 2.5, length=100)

labcurve( list( One=  list( x,sin(x)), Two=  list( x,cos(x)),
   Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
   keys=c('1','2','3','4'),  keyloc=none, pl=TRUE )

Thanks for your time.

Brian O'Connor
Ontario, Canada

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Re: [R] Hmisc curve label size cex

2007-04-28 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Brian O'Connor wrote:
 I need to produce high resolution line plots and place labels on the 
 curves. It seems that cex must be high relative to the other cex 
 values in order to produce sufficiently large  legible tick labels 
 at high resolutions. But high cex values cause the curve labels to 
 become gigantic when using Hmisc. I've struggled and searched the 
 archives, but cannot find a way of controlling the sizes of the curve 
 labels in this situation.
 These commands produce the problem on my PC using XP:
 png(trial.png, width=3000, height=2400, res = 600, pointsize=12 )
 par(ann=F, font.main=1, font.lab=1, font.axis=1, cex=5, cex.main=1, 
 cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1,
 lwd=12, las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2)   )
 x = seq(-2.5, 2.5, length=100)
 labcurve( list( One=  list( x,sin(x)), Two=  list( x,cos(x)),
Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
keys=c('1','2','3','4'),  keyloc=none, pl=TRUE )
 Thanks for your time.

cex.main .lab .axis etc. are relative so yo need for your case to 
specify something like cex.axis=1/5

Not sure why you are using keys of 1-4 when you've already given nice 
labels.  I tried

  labcurve( list( One=  list( x,sin(x)), Two=  list( x,cos(x)),
 Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
 pl=TRUE )

and got some nice output after reducing cex.*


Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
  Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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[R] normalizing affy data caused an error

2007-04-28 Thread Thomas Funke

Hi all,

I tried to do normalization of affymetrix data with bioconductor on a 
Linux  server. When I read in the cel files all seemed ok. But the next 
step caused an error. With Win XP all works fine. Did anyone experience 
similar problems?



 PI - ReadAffy()
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=712x712 features (14 kb)
cdf=ATH1-121501 (??? affyids)
number of samples=6
number of genes=506944
Warning messages:

1: Line starting 'TITLEError/TITLE ...' is malformed!
2: Line starting 'BODY ...' is malformed!
3: Line starting 'H1Error/H1 ...' is malformed!
4: missing cdf environment! in show(AffyBatch)

R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)


attached base packages:
[1] tools stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets
[7] methods   base

other attached packages:
   affy   affyio  Biobase
1.14.0  1.4.0 1.14.0

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[R] pacf

2007-04-28 Thread tom soyer

I wanted to understand exactly how acf and pacf works, so I tried to
calculate ac and pac manually. For ac, I used the standard acf formula:
acf(k) = sum(X(t)-Xbar)(X(t-k)-Xbar))/sum(X(t)-Xbar)^2. But for pac, I could
not figure out how to calculate it by hand. I understand that in both R and
EVIEWS, it is done using the Durbin-Levinson algorithm by the computer.
However, I don't understand exactly how the algorithm works just by looking
at the algorithm. Does anyone know if there is a short cut to calculate pac
by hand (or in a spreadsheet), or is it too complex of a procedure that a
computer is absolutely necessary? It seems that there should be a natural
relationship between ac and pac so that once ac is calculated, pac can be
easily calculated based on ac.


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Re: [R] Write text in the

2007-04-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Matt == Matthew Neilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 15:54:20 +0100 writes:

Matt Hey Felix,
Matt So basically what you want is a figure containing a block of four 
plots, with a main title for the figure? If that's the case then something like 
this should work:


Matt par(oma=c(0,0,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2))
Matt for(i in 1:4){
Matt plot(NA,xlim=range(0,10),ylim=range(-5,5))
Matt title(paste(Plot ,i,sep=))
Matt }

Matt par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,0))
Matt mtext(Main Title, 3, outer = TRUE, cex = par(cex.main))

Matt # END CODE #

Matt You can play about with the margins, but I think that's the general 
idea. Is this what you're after?

Yes, and since this is so often desired, with our sfsmisc
package, you can simply say

  sfsmisc::mult.fig(4, main = Main Title)
  for(i in 1:4){
  title(paste(Plot ,i,sep=))

If you're a good R-citizen, you will want to be able to reset
the graphics parameters, which would extend the above to

  op - sfsmisc::mult.fig(4, main = Main Title) $ old.par
  for(i in 1:4){
  title(paste(Plot ,i,sep=))

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

Matt On Fri Apr 27 15:34 , Felix Wave [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

 I started a graphic device:
 par(oma = c(2,0,0,0), mfrow=c(2,2) )
 in the cols and rows are three images.
 Now I want to write a text in the device region, it's the
 main title of the graphic device. But when I use mtext() I can
 only write in the figure region of my four plots.
 Has anybody an idea?
 Thanks a lot.
 My R Code:
 par(oma = c(2,0,0,0), mfrow=c(2,2) )
 mtext(Main title, side = 3, line = 0)
 image(zMEDIAN )  
 |MAIN TITLE   device region 
 |   figure region|   figure region|
 |  --||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  -- |
 |  |   
 |   figure region|   figure region|
 |  --||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  | |||  ||
 |  -- |
 |  |

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Re: [R] Converting list of data frame to data frame

2007-04-28 Thread Douglas Bates
On 4/28/07, Ajit Pawar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This might be something very simple but a nice solution eludes me!!

I have a function that I call within sapply that generates data frame
 in each call. Now when sapply returns me back the result - it's in the form
 of a list of data frames. so in order to extract the information into a
 single data frame I have to loop thru the following code:

for(i=1:n) {
my.df = rbind(my.df,list.from.sapply[,i]);

Is there anyway to code it better?, my.df.list.from.sapply)

__ mailing list
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[R] The confidence level of p-value of ks.boot

2007-04-28 Thread Gala
I need to compare 2 datasets whether they come from the same distribution. I 
use function ks.boot{Matching}. And what is the confidence level of the 
p-value, returned by ks.boot function?

The code is:


Thank you!

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] A coding question involving variable assignments in ifelse()

2007-04-28 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 4/28/2007 6:20 AM, AJ Rossini wrote:
 I agree entirely with Gabor.  My advice would be to just ignore the people 
 think differently 

That's fairly bad advice, in that many of the people who actually 
provide helpful advice are old-fashioned, and like to know who they're 
providing it to.  If xpRt.wannabe had followed your advice a few days 
ago, s/he would have seen no help at all.

Or maybe you meant to say, ignore their wishes, and not ignore their 

 -- however, if you want those particular folks to respond, 
 you'll have to play by their rules.  (and if you don't play by their rules, 
 you'll just have to ignore the consequences -- this _IS_ the internet, after 

And if you want anyone else to respond, you may just be out of luck.

Duncan Murdoch

 On Friday 27 April 2007, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 I don't think there is any requirement to identify yourself in any
 way nor should their be.  Many people on the list are in academia
 and in those cases they probably want their name in lights but
 others may wish to have a lower profile and its common to use
 an alias on the net for privacy.

 On 4/27/07, xpRt.wannabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this an ad hominem comment or a comment of brevity?  Unless my eyes
 are playing tricks on me, I can't seem to find any language in the
 Posting Guide on what is considered a reasonable vs. unreasonable
 request from an anonymous poster.  Kindly point me to it if it exists.

 In any case, thanks for your time and suggestion.

 On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/26/2007 5:21 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
 I made a few slight modifications to the original model in an effort
 to see the inner workings of the code:

 deductible - 1
 coverage.limit - 2
 insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit


 loss - abs(rnorm(rpois(1, 5), 1, 3))
 n - length(loss)
 accept - runif(n)  0.8
 payout - runif(n)  0.999
 sum(ifelse(accept  payout, ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold,
 loss - coverage.limit, pmin(loss, deductible)), 0))

 [1] 6.188817


 To tease out the data as well as to see the effect of 'accept 

 payout', I did the following:
 [1] 3.401663 4.570620 4.068667 4.718488

 [1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE  # The second loss claim is NOT accepted
 by the insurance company.


 accept  payout
 [1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE  # The second entry is FALSE because of
 the second entry in 'accept.'

 Based on the inner ifelse() expression, the original loss numbers
 become : 1.401663, 2.570620, 2.068667, 2.718488, respectively (which
 is fine and what I wanted).

 Because the second entry in 'accept  payout' is FALSE, the second
 altered loss number (2.570620) becomes 0, making sum(...) equal
 6.188817.  Unfortunately this is _not_ what I want, and I apologize
 for not being clear in the first place.  What I want is: for any
 FALSE entry, the original loss number is unaltered, as opposed to
 become 0. So in the example above, the four numbers that should have
 been added are: 1.401663, 4.570620, 2.068667, 2.718488, yielding
 10.759438 instead of 6.188817.

 Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
 I'm sorry, but from an anonymous poster that's not a reasonable
 request. Just work it out yourself.

 Duncan Murdoch

 On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/26/2007 2:31 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
 Just to be sure, is what I have below the right intepretation of
 your suggestion:
 Yes, that's what I suggested.

 Duncan Murdoch

 deductible - 15
 coverage.limit - 75
 insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit

 tmpf - function() {
 loss - rlnorm(rpois(1, 3), 2, 5)
 n - length(loss)
 accept - runif(n)  0.8
 payout - runif(n)  0.999
 sum(ifelse(accept  payout, ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold, loss
 - coverage.limit, pmin(loss, deductible)), 0))
 net - replicate(100, tmpf())

 On 4/26/07, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/26/2007 12:48 PM, xpRt.wannabe wrote:
 Dear List,

 Below is a simple, standard loss model that takes into account
 the terms of an insurance policy:

 deductible - 15
 coverage.limit - 75
 insurance.threshold - deductible + coverage.limit

 tmpf - function() {
 loss - rlnorm(rpois(1, 3), 2, 5)
 sum(ifelse(loss  insurance.threshold, loss - coverage.limit,
 pmin(loss, deductible)))
 net - replicate(100, tmpf())

 Now, I would like to enhance the model by incorporating the
 following two probabilities:

 1. Probability of claim being accepted by the insurance company,
 say, 0.8 2. Probability of payout by the insurance company, say,

 Could anyone suggest how one might do this?
 A general way to generate events with probability p is runif(n) 
 p.  So I'd add

 n - length(loss)
 accept - runif(n)  0.8
 payout - runif(n)  0.999

 and then require accept  payout  before any payment at all,

 sum(ifelse(accept  payout, [ your old ifelse expression ], 0))

 There are a lot of implicit 

[R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista

2007-04-28 Thread Dimitri Szerman

I have a new computer with Windows Vista and I am trying to use
RWinEdt, which I have always used. I am using R version 2.5.

The installation of the RWinEdt library is funny. First, it didn't
install at all. Then, I uninstalled/reinstalled both R and WinEdt,
downloaded the package again from the CRAN repositary, got some error
messages, but RWinEdt initialized. I closed R and WinEdt, launched R
again, type library(RWinEdt), and got several dialogue boxes
(again), asking if I wanted to creat shortcuts, etc. Then, RWinEdt
didn't work anymore.

I'm sorry for the messy email, but I've done so many
installations/uninstallations/re installations, that I am alos

I guess the ultimate questions is: are there any known issued between
R, RWinEdt and Windows Vista?

I appreciate any help.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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[R] Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?

2007-04-28 Thread Matthew Neilson

Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular)
symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough (||), but I 
haven't been
able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation
doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't
exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired 

Any help will be much appreciated,


__ mailing list
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[R] Using factors in R

2007-04-28 Thread Pedro Sobral
Dear R super-users,

I am quite new in using R and I am not  managing to edit factors.

Lest suppose that one has the following data:

Factor A
 Factor B
 Factor C

Factor A has 3 factors (1,2 and 3). To simplify the glm model I only want to
have 2 factor (let's say 1 and 3).

I should I do this?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
Pedro Sobral

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Re: [R] Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?

2007-04-28 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Its available in the Hershey fonts:

plot(0, 0, type = n)
text(0, 0, A \\pp B, vfont = c(serif, plain))

On 4/28/07, Matthew Neilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular)
 symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough (||), but I
 haven't been
 able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation
 doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't
 exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired

 Any help will be much appreciated,


 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
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__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista

2007-04-28 Thread Charles Annis, P.E.

Several of us early Vista users have encountered difficulties that
ultimately were related to Vista's treating only the Administrator as having
permission to make some changes.  Even if you are the only user, you still
do not have administrative privileges by default.  (I think this is a good
thing since it diminishes accidental or malicious changes). 

With R the problem surfaces when trying to install packages.  The problem is
easily mitigated by running R as the administrator and installing the
packages or updates.  (Subsequent R sessions can be run by double clicking
on the icon, as usual.)  To do that, right-click on the program's icon and
choose Run as administrator.  Perhaps this will solve your RWinEdt
problems as well.

Best wishes!

Charles Annis, P.E.

phone: 561-352-9699
eFax:  614-455-3265
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitri Szerman
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:51 AM
To: R-Help
Subject: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista


I have a new computer with Windows Vista and I am trying to use
RWinEdt, which I have always used. I am using R version 2.5.

The installation of the RWinEdt library is funny. First, it didn't
install at all. Then, I uninstalled/reinstalled both R and WinEdt,
downloaded the package again from the CRAN repositary, got some error
messages, but RWinEdt initialized. I closed R and WinEdt, launched R
again, type library(RWinEdt), and got several dialogue boxes
(again), asking if I wanted to creat shortcuts, etc. Then, RWinEdt
didn't work anymore.

I'm sorry for the messy email, but I've done so many
installations/uninstallations/re installations, that I am alos

I guess the ultimate questions is: are there any known issued between
R, RWinEdt and Windows Vista?

I appreciate any help.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista

2007-04-28 Thread Uwe Ligges

Charles Annis, P.E. wrote:
 Several of us early Vista users have encountered difficulties that
 ultimately were related to Vista's treating only the Administrator as having
 permission to make some changes.  Even if you are the only user, you still
 do not have administrative privileges by default.  (I think this is a good
 thing since it diminishes accidental or malicious changes). 
 With R the problem surfaces when trying to install packages.  The problem is
 easily mitigated by running R as the administrator and installing the
 packages or updates.  (Subsequent R sessions can be run by double clicking
 on the icon, as usual.)  To do that, right-click on the program's icon and
 choose Run as administrator.  Perhaps this will solve your RWinEdt
 problems as well.

Indeed, I think you will have to install the package and load the 
package the first time with administrator privileges.
Please report whether it works or not, since I do not have a Vista 
machine available to try it out myself. Thanks.

Uwe Ligges
(as the package maintainer of RWinEdt)

 Best wishes!
 Charles Annis, P.E.
 phone: 561-352-9699
 eFax:  614-455-3265
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitri Szerman
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:51 AM
 To: R-Help
 Subject: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista
 I have a new computer with Windows Vista and I am trying to use
 RWinEdt, which I have always used. I am using R version 2.5.
 The installation of the RWinEdt library is funny. First, it didn't
 install at all. Then, I uninstalled/reinstalled both R and WinEdt,
 downloaded the package again from the CRAN repositary, got some error
 messages, but RWinEdt initialized. I closed R and WinEdt, launched R
 again, type library(RWinEdt), and got several dialogue boxes
 (again), asking if I wanted to creat shortcuts, etc. Then, RWinEdt
 didn't work anymore.
 I'm sorry for the messy email, but I've done so many
 installations/uninstallations/re installations, that I am alos
 I guess the ultimate questions is: are there any known issued between
 R, RWinEdt and Windows Vista?
 I appreciate any help.
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] normalizing affy data caused an error

2007-04-28 Thread Uwe Ligges

Thomas Funke wrote:
 Hi all,
 I tried to do normalization of affymetrix data with bioconductor on a 
 Linux  server. When I read in the cel files all seemed ok. But the next 
 step caused an error. With Win XP all works fine. Did anyone experience 
 similar problems?

There is the Bioconductor mailing list for questions related to 
BioConductor. People on that list are more likely to be of help on 
related questions.

Uwe Ligges

   PI - ReadAffy()
 AffyBatch object
 size of arrays=712x712 features (14 kb)
 cdf=ATH1-121501 (??? affyids)
 number of samples=6
 number of genes=506944
 notes= Warning messages:
 1: Line starting 'TITLEError/TITLE ...' is malformed!
 2: Line starting 'BODY ...' is malformed!
 3: Line starting 'H1Error/H1 ...' is malformed!
 4: missing cdf environment! in show(AffyBatch)
 R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)
 attached base packages:
 [1] tools stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets
 [7] methods   base   
 other attached packages:
affy   affyio  Biobase
 1.14.0  1.4.0 1.14.0
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Re: [R] Drawing Tangent

2007-04-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Arun == Arun Kumar Saha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 23:44:03 +0530 writes:

Arun Dear all R-users,
Arun I would like to draw a tangent of a given function for a particular 
Arun point. However the straight line representing it should not cut any 
axis, it
Arun should be a small line. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

You will eventually call segments() to draw that short line.

par(usr) {and maybe e.g. par(pin)} will probably be relevant when
determining how long the line segment(s) should be.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] Using factors in R

2007-04-28 Thread Uwe Ligges
Pedro Sobral wrote:
 Dear R super-users,
 I am quite new in using R and I am not  managing to edit factors.
 Lest suppose that one has the following data:
 Factor A
  Factor B
  Factor C
 Factor A has 3 factors (1,2 and 3). To simplify the glm model I only want to
 have 2 factor (let's say 1 and 3).

You mean factor A has 3 *levels*, I think.

The question is how you want to remove level 2: exclude the observations 
or join those in 2 with those of another level (hence making them 
observations with level 1 or 3)?

BTW: A more worked out example would be helpful to provide example code 
that solves your problem - as the posting guide suggests.

Uwe Ligges

 I should I do this?
 Thank you in advance.
 Kind regards,
 Pedro Sobral
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[R] Calculating Variance-covariance matrix for a multivariate normal distribution.

2007-04-28 Thread stat stat
Dear all R users,

I wanted to calculated a sample Variance covariance matrix of a five-variate 
normal distribution. However I stuck to calculate each element of that matrix. 
My question is should I calculate ordinary variance and covariances, taking 
pairwise variables? or I should take partial covariance between any two 
variables, keeping other fixed. In my decent opinion is I should go for the 
second option?

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


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Re: [R] error returned by make check in R-2.5.0

2007-04-28 Thread Eric Thompson
Professor Ripley,

Thank you for your comments.

On 4/28/07, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How big is abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps ?

Here is the result on my system:

 abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 60 18 17  0 12

which is quite surprising to me that the maximum value exactly equals
the cutoff, so perhaps this is not such a big problem. I changed the
value to 61 in the reg-tests-1.R file, and then make check runs with
no errors.

 This could be one of those cases where your system (which CPU, what
 compilers?) is unusually inaccurate, but Linux systems do not usually
 differ much in their accuracies on the same CPU.

It is somewhat disconcerting that my system is unusually inaccurate.
I'm running Intel Xeon 3.20GHz CPUs and I've been using gcc 4.1.1 and
ifort to compile R (these are what the compile script choose by
default on my system). Perhaps it is a bad idea to mix the GNU and
Intel compilers?

 I've checked several systems, as see maximum values of around 40.

 R 2.5.0 has an updated LAPACK so it will be different from 2.4.1.  My
 hunch is that this is a compiler optimization bug, so you could see what
 happens at lower optimization levels.

I'm not sure how to do this, but from reading R-admin.html, my guess
is that setting the CFLAGS for ./configure will change the
optimization level for LAPACK compilation, so I used

./configure CFLAGS=-g -O

And after make, I find the exact same values as before.

So I thought I'd try to set the Fortran compiler to a GNU compiler, to
be consistent with gcc. When I set F77=g77, make check finishes fine,
and running the same test

 abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 32  8 17  1  2

which makes me more comfortable. Also, if I use the g95 compiler
(./configure F77=g95), the eigen test gives

 abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
[1] 48.0 10.0 10.5  9.0  6.0

So, I suppose I will use the g77 compiler.

Eric Thompson
Tufts University
Civil  Environmental Engineering
Graduate Student

 On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Eric Thompson wrote:

  Today I tried to install the R-2.5.0 (currently running R-2.4.1) on
  Mandriva Linux. The ./configure and make commands seem to run fine,
  but make check gives the following messages:
  running regression tests
  make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
  running code in 'reg-tests-1.R' ...make[3]: *** [reg-tests-1.Rout] Error 1
  make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
  make[2]: *** [test-Reg] Error 2
  make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
  make[1]: *** [test-all-basics] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ethomp04/R-2.5.0/tests'
  make: *** [check] Error 2
  Regarding make check, the R-admin.html page says Failures are not
  necessarily problems as they might be caused by missing
  So, looking at the file, I see that the error
  occurs here:
  ## eigen
  Meps - .Machine$double.eps
  set.seed(321, kind = default)   # force a particular seed
  m - matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
  sm - m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
  em - eigen(sm); V - em$vect
  print(lam - em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
  [1]  5.1738946  3.1585064  0.6849974 -1.6299494 -2.5074489
  +  abs(sm %*% V - V %*% diag(lam))   60*Meps,
  +  abs(sm   - V %*% diag(lam) %*% t(V))  60*Meps)
  ##--- Symmetric = FALSE:  -- different to above : ---
  em - eigen(sm, symmetric = FALSE); V2 - em$vect
  print(lam2 - em$values) # ordered decreasingly in ABSolute value !
  [1]  5.1738946  3.1585064 -2.5074489 -1.6299494  0.6849974
  print(i - rev(order(lam2)))
  [1] 1 2 5 4 3
  stopifnot(abs(lam - lam2[i])  60 * Meps)
  Error: abs(lam - lam2[i])  60 * Meps is not all TRUE
  Execution halted
  Interestingly, running these same tests on R-2.4.1 on the same system
  does not give an error:
  Meps - .Machine$double.eps
  set.seed(321, kind = default) # force a particular seed
  m - matrix(round(rnorm(25),3), 5,5)
  sm - m + t(m) #- symmetric matrix
  em - eigen(sm); V - em$vect
  print(lam - em$values) # ordered DEcreasingly
  [1]  5.17389456321  3.15850637323  0.68499738238 -1.62994940108 
  +  abs(sm %*% V - V %*% diag(lam))   60*Meps,
  +  abs(sm  - V %*% diag(lam) %*% t(V))  60*Meps)
  ##--- Symmetric = FALSE:  -- different to above : ---
  em - eigen(sm, symmetric = FALSE); V2 - em$vect
  print(lam2 - em$values) # ordered decreasingly in ABSolute value !
  [1]  5.17389456321  3.15850637323 -2.50744891774 -1.62994940108  
  print(i - rev(order(lam2)))
  [1] 1 2 5 4 3
  stopifnot(abs(lam - lam2[i])  60 * Meps)
  abs(lam - lam2[i])  60 * Meps
  I'm not sure what to do next, or how serious of a problem this might
  be. I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. I thought maybe this
  was due to something about how my system is setup, but since I don't
  get the error in R-2.4.1, that seems to imply to me that there is
  something different in R-2.5.0 that 

Re: [R] error returned by make check in R-2.5.0

2007-04-28 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Sat, 28 Apr 2007, Eric Thompson wrote:

 Professor Ripley,

 Thank you for your comments.

 On 4/28/07, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How big is abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps ?

 Here is the result on my system:

 abs(lam - lam2[i])/Meps
 [1] 60 18 17  0 12

 which is quite surprising to me that the maximum value exactly equals
 the cutoff, so perhaps this is not such a big problem. I changed the
 value to 61 in the reg-tests-1.R file, and then make check runs with
 no errors.

 This could be one of those cases where your system (which CPU, what
 compilers?) is unusually inaccurate, but Linux systems do not usually
 differ much in their accuracies on the same CPU.

 It is somewhat disconcerting that my system is unusually inaccurate.
 I'm running Intel Xeon 3.20GHz CPUs and I've been using gcc 4.1.1 and
 ifort to compile R (these are what the compile script choose by
 default on my system). Perhaps it is a bad idea to mix the GNU and
 Intel compilers?

Ah, ifort is less accurate than gfortran quite often, because it cares 
more about speed.  It all depends on the version: on my Opteron x86_64 
system and icc/ifort 9.1 the test passes, whereas on a i686 (older Xeons) 
with icc/ifort 9.0 quite a few tests fail unless optimization is turned 
down.  (I guess those Xeons could be either architecture.)

We will raise the limit a bit, as this seems a little too strigent.


Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] weight

2007-04-28 Thread Petr Klasterecky

Natalie O'Toole napsal(a):
 Does anyone know why it is giving me this error? Any help would be greatly 
 mysubset$Y_Q02 -mysubset$DVSELF -NULL
 mysubset2$Y_Q10B -mysubset2$GP2_07 -NULL
 df-mysubset2[, 2:5] * mysubset2[, 6]

HERE it has to stop with the error message you provided, not below. The 
code might run for a few more lines, but the problem is here. Your 
mysubset2, btw. we have no idea what that might be, aparently does not 
have 2 dimensions.

Besides, your code is very dirty and it is indeed very easy to make a 
mistake in such code.

You really should start reading some introductory manual as someone 
suggested before. You are not likely to recieve more (different) answers 
to questions of this kind.


 happyguys-subset(df, PROV==48  GRADE == 7   Y_Q10A  9)
 where it is bolded, i'm getting the following error: Error in mysubset2[, 
 2:5] : incorrect number of dimensions


Petr Klasterecky
Dept. of Probability and Statistics
Charles University in Prague
Czech Republic

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Re: [R] Randomising matrices

2007-04-28 Thread Charles C. Berry
Nick Cutler s0455078 at writes:

 I would like to be able to randomise presence-absence (i.e. binary) 
 matrices whilst keeping both the row and column totals constant. Is 
 there a function in R that would allow me to do this?
 I'm working with vegetation presence-absence matrices based on field 
 observations. The matrices are formatted to have sites as rows and 
 species as columns. The presence of a species on a site is indicated 
 with a 1 (absence is obviously indicated with a 0).
 I would like to randomise the matrices many times in order to construct 
 null models. However, I cannot identify a function in R to do this, and 
 the programming looks tricky for someone of my limited skills.
 Can anybody help me out?


For a 1001 x 1001 matrix, this method takes less than 2 seconds on my 2 year old
Windows PC.

ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) returns a table of 0's and 1's according to the marginal

ck.ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) checks that all the constraints were honored.

msample - function(x,marg)
  ## Purpose: sample at most one each from each cell of a margin
  ## --
  ## Arguments: x - number to sample, marg - a vector of integers
  ## --
  ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:17
  ## GPL 2.0 or better

  if (!(x=sum(marg)  all(marg=0))) browser()
  wm - which(marg!=0)
  if (length(wm)==1) {
  } else {
sample( seq(along=marg), x, prob=marg )

ronetab - function(m1,m2,debug=F)
  ## Purpose: sample from a table with fixed margins and {0,1} cell values
  ## --
  ## Arguments: m1, m2 - two margins
  ## --
  ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:21
  ## GPL 2.0 or better

  stopifnot( sum(m1)==sum(m2)|| max(m1)length(m2) || max(m2)length(m1) )
  i.list - j.list - list()
  k - 0
  while( sum(m1)0 ){
k - k+1
if ( sum(m1!=0)  sum(m2!=0) ){
  i - which.max( m1)
  j - msample( m1[i], m2 )
  i.list[[ k ]] - rep( i, m1[i] )
  j.list[[ k ]] - j
  m1[i] - 0
  m2[ j ] - m2[ j ] - 1
} else {
  j - which.max( m2 )
  i - msample( m2[j], m1 )
  i.list[[ k ]] - i
  j.list[[ k ]] - rep( j, m2[j] )
  m2[j] - 0
  m1[ i ] - m1[ i ] - 1
  res - array(0, c(length(m1), length(m2) ) )
  res[ cbind( unlist(i.list), unlist(j.list) ) ] - 1

ck.ronetab - function(m1,m2){
  tab - ronetab(m1,m2) - all(m1==rowSums(tab)) - all(m2==colSums(tab)) - all( tab %in% 0:1 )
  res -
  if (!res) attr(res,tab) - tab

I'll warn you that I have not worked through what looks to be a tedious proof
that this randomly samples matrices under the constraints. The heuristics seem
right, and a few simulation spot checks look reasonable. If you do not want to
trust it, you can still use it to generate a starting value for an MCMC run.



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Re: [R] Hmisc curve label size cex

2007-04-28 Thread Brian O'Connor
Thanks for your reply Frank.

I realize that the cex values are relative. The problem is that for 
high resolutions, cex has to be high (e.g., around 5) for the tick 
and curve labels to be legible. The curve and tick labels were tiny 
when I used cex=1 and set the other cex values to 1/5. But when cex 
is high, then the Hmisc curve labels become too large. I don't doubt 
that I'm doing something wrong, I just can't figure out what.

And I want the integer curve labels because I will have many lines 
and multiple plots, and need to keep the labels brief.


Brian O'Connor wrote:

I need to produce high resolution line plots and place labels on 
the curves. It seems that cex must be high relative to the other 
cex values in order to produce sufficiently large  legible tick 
labels at high resolutions. But high cex values cause the curve 
labels to become gigantic when using Hmisc. I've struggled and 
searched the archives, but cannot find a way of controlling the 
sizes of the curve labels in this situation.

These commands produce the problem on my PC using XP:

png(trial.png, width=3000, height=2400, res = 600, pointsize=12 )
par(ann=F, font.main=1, font.lab=1, font.axis=1, cex=5, cex.main=1, 
cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1,
 lwd=12, las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2)   )

x = seq(-2.5, 2.5, length=100)

labcurve( list( One=  list( x,sin(x)), Two=  list( x,cos(x)),
Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
keys=c('1','2','3','4'),  keyloc=none, pl=TRUE )

Thanks for your time.

cex.main .lab .axis etc. are relative so yo need for your case to 
specify something like cex.axis=1/5

Not sure why you are using keys of 1-4 when you've already given 
nice labels.  I tried

  labcurve( list( One=  list( x,sin(x)), Two=  list( x,cos(x)),
 Three=list( x,(x*x)), Four= list( x,exp(x)) ),
 pl=TRUE )

and got some nice output after reducing cex.*


Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
  Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

Brian O'Connor
Department of Psychology
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
P7B 5E1
(807) 343-8322
Fax: (807) 346-7734

alternate e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] pacf

2007-04-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 tom == tom soyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 08:15:39 -0500 writes:

tom I wanted to understand exactly how acf and pacf works,
tom so I tried to calculate ac and pac manually. For ac, I
tom used the standard acf formula: acf(k) =
tom sum(X(t)-Xbar)(X(t-k)-Xbar))/sum(X(t)-Xbar)^2. But for
tom pac, I could not figure out how to calculate it by
tom hand. I understand that in both R and EVIEWS, it is
tom done using the Durbin-Levinson algorithm by the
tom computer.  However, I don't understand exactly how the
tom algorithm works just by looking at the algorithm. Does
tom anyone know if there is a short cut to calculate pac by
tom hand (or in a spreadsheet), or is it too complex of a
tom procedure that a computer is absolutely necessary? It
tom seems that there should be a natural relationship
tom between ac and pac so that once ac is calculated, pac
tom can be easily calculated based on ac.

easily, yes, by the Durbin-Levinson algorithm  ;-)

   (is this a homework problem?)

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] digest readability/ thunderbird email client/ R-help

2007-04-28 Thread Martin Maechler
Hi Sam,

 SamMc == Sam McClatchie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:21:56 -0700 writes:

SamMc System:Linux kernel 2.6.15 Ubuntu dapper

SamMc Has anyone figured out how to make the R-help digest
SamMc more easily readable in the Thunderbird mail client?
SamMc I think the digest used to be more readable than is
SamMc currently the case with all of the messages as
SamMc attachments.

SamMc I know the work around is to get individual messages
SamMc rather than the digest, use another mail client, or
SamMc just look at the archives on the web...

{and there are at least two alternatives to the standard
 archives, notably Gmane.
 BTW: Just found an URL that should list all R lists carried
  by them :

It had been pointed out more than once that Thunderbird
unfortunately is not adhering to the standard(s) of such
digests-- too bad it still is not.

One alternative is to get the digest as plain digest
((which BTW another standard-complying digest format, that
 e.g. emacs Rmail or VM can easily deal with))
which will most probably just appear as one long e-mail in
Thunderbird, with table of contents of all the subject lines,
but nothing clickable


Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] Calculating Variance-covariance matrix for a multivariate normal distribution.

2007-04-28 Thread Peter Dalgaard
stat stat wrote:
 Dear all R users,

 I wanted to calculated a sample Variance covariance matrix of a five-variate 
 normal distribution. However I stuck to calculate each element of that 
 matrix. My question is should I calculate ordinary variance and covariances, 
 taking pairwise variables? or I should take partial covariance between any 
 two variables, keeping other fixed. In my decent opinion is I should go for 
 the second option?

The definition is the former, though...

 Your help will be highly appreciated
 Thanks and regards,


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Re: [R] Calculating Variance-covariance matrix for a multivariate normal distribution.

2007-04-28 Thread Ranjan Maitra
Dear stat,

Interesting claim to a name!

In any case, var(X) where X is the data matrix with n rows of 5-variables 
should do the trick.

Btw, please read the posting guide: your question is legitimate, hiding your 
identity (stat stat) is not.

Best wishes,

On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:36:55 +0100 (BST) stat stat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all R users,
 I wanted to calculated a sample Variance covariance matrix of a five-variate 
 normal distribution. However I stuck to calculate each element of that 
 matrix. My question is should I calculate ordinary variance and covariances, 
 taking pairwise variables? or I should take partial covariance between any 
 two variables, keeping other fixed. In my decent opinion is I should go for 
 the second option?
 Your help will be highly appreciated.
 Thanks and regards,

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Re: [R] omit y=zero line in histogram

2007-04-28 Thread Paul Artes

Reply to self:
set border=NA, stupid.

Paul Artes wrote:
 Dear all,
 hist ( ) plots a horizontal line at y=0 when the respective bin is empty.
 I can deal with this by modifying the hist object before plotting it
 (x$density[x$density == 0] - NA), but I'm sure I've seen a more elegant
 way. Perhaps this was in truehist (MASS). I have looked but can't find it.
 Does anyone know?
 Best wishes

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[R] Comparing MCMClogit, glm and BRUGS

2007-04-28 Thread francogrex

I have two related questions, one about MCMClogit and the other about

Given the data on nausea due to diuretic and nsaid below:

nsaid   diureticyes no
0   0   185 6527
0   1   53  1444
1   0   42  1293
1   1   25  253

A logistic regression in glm gives:

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
(Intercept) -3.563350.07456 -47.794   2e-16 ***
nsaid0.136300.17361   0.785  0.43242
diuretic 0.258470.15849   1.631  0.10293
I(nsaid * diuretic)  0.854070.30603   2.791  0.00526 ** 

But in BRUGS:

for(i in 1:N) {
yes[i] ~ dbin(p[i],no[i])
logit(p[i]) -
beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.05)
beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.05)
beta2 ~ dnorm(0,0.05)
beta3 ~ dnorm(0,0.05)


 mean  sd MC_error val2.5pc  median val97.5pc start sample
beta0 -3.5370 0.07481 0.001134 -3.68800 -3.5370   -3.3910  1001  1
beta1  0.1332 0.17540 0.003035 -0.21610  0.13540.4663  1001  1
beta2  0.2591 0.15710 0.002757 -0.05212  0.26080.5610  1001  1
beta3  0.9142 0.30900 0.005573  0.30840  0.91761.5150  1001  1

The interaction term beta3 (0.9142) is a little different from the one of
glm, why?

Using the MCMClogit (same burnin and iterations as above) from the MCMC
package gives a closer estimate to glm

  Mean  SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
(Intercept)-3.5612 0.07678 0.0007678   0.003306
nsaid   0.1356 0.17240 0.0017240   0.007093
diuretic0.2453 0.16045 0.0016045   0.005340
nsaid:diuretic  0.8558 0.30756 0.0030756   0.011460

But the data cannot be entered in a summary like they are above (yes and no
counts), instead they have to be entered as such:
  nsaid diuretic nausea
 00  1
 00  1
 00  1
 00  1
 10  1 
etc... more 9800 rows!

Is there a way to use summary data (yes, no) with MCMClogit? THANKS
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Re: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista

2007-04-28 Thread Dimitri Szerman
Thanks Charles, it seems to be working fine now, But I had to
uninstall/reinstall both R and WinEdt.

2007/4/28, Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Charles Annis, P.E. wrote:
  Several of us early Vista users have encountered difficulties that
  ultimately were related to Vista's treating only the Administrator as having
  permission to make some changes.  Even if you are the only user, you still
  do not have administrative privileges by default.  (I think this is a good
  thing since it diminishes accidental or malicious changes).
  With R the problem surfaces when trying to install packages.  The problem is
  easily mitigated by running R as the administrator and installing the
  packages or updates.  (Subsequent R sessions can be run by double clicking
  on the icon, as usual.)  To do that, right-click on the program's icon and
  choose Run as administrator.  Perhaps this will solve your RWinEdt
  problems as well.

 Indeed, I think you will have to install the package and load the
 package the first time with administrator privileges.
 Please report whether it works or not, since I do not have a Vista
 machine available to try it out myself. Thanks.

 Uwe Ligges
 (as the package maintainer of RWinEdt)

  Best wishes!
  Charles Annis, P.E.
  phone: 561-352-9699
  eFax:  614-455-3265
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitri Szerman
  Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:51 AM
  To: R-Help
  Subject: [R] RWinEdt and Windows Vista
  I have a new computer with Windows Vista and I am trying to use
  RWinEdt, which I have always used. I am using R version 2.5.
  The installation of the RWinEdt library is funny. First, it didn't
  install at all. Then, I uninstalled/reinstalled both R and WinEdt,
  downloaded the package again from the CRAN repositary, got some error
  messages, but RWinEdt initialized. I closed R and WinEdt, launched R
  again, type library(RWinEdt), and got several dialogue boxes
  (again), asking if I wanted to creat shortcuts, etc. Then, RWinEdt
  didn't work anymore.
  I'm sorry for the messy email, but I've done so many
  installations/uninstallations/re installations, that I am alos
  I guess the ultimate questions is: are there any known issued between
  R, RWinEdt and Windows Vista?
  I appreciate any help.
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[R] Retraction WAS: Re: Randomising matrices

2007-04-28 Thread Charles C. Berry

Sorry folks,

With some further checking, it turns out that this sampling 
scheme does not conform to the relevant null.



On Sat, 28 Apr 2007, Charles C. Berry wrote:

 Nick Cutler s0455078 at writes:

 I would like to be able to randomise presence-absence (i.e. binary)
 matrices whilst keeping both the row and column totals constant. Is
 there a function in R that would allow me to do this?

 I'm working with vegetation presence-absence matrices based on field
 observations. The matrices are formatted to have sites as rows and
 species as columns. The presence of a species on a site is indicated
 with a 1 (absence is obviously indicated with a 0).

 I would like to randomise the matrices many times in order to construct
 null models. However, I cannot identify a function in R to do this, and
 the programming looks tricky for someone of my limited skills.

 Can anybody help me out?


 For a 1001 x 1001 matrix, this method takes less than 2 seconds on my 2 year 
 Windows PC.

 ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) returns a table of 0's and 1's according to the 

 ck.ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) checks that all the constraints were honored.

 msample - function(x,marg)
  ## Purpose: sample at most one each from each cell of a margin
  ## --
  ## Arguments: x - number to sample, marg - a vector of integers
  ## --
  ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:17
  ## GPL 2.0 or better

  if (!(x=sum(marg)  all(marg=0))) browser()
  wm - which(marg!=0)
  if (length(wm)==1) {
  } else {
sample( seq(along=marg), x, prob=marg )

 ronetab - function(m1,m2,debug=F)
  ## Purpose: sample from a table with fixed margins and {0,1} cell values
  ## --
  ## Arguments: m1, m2 - two margins
  ## --
  ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:21
  ## GPL 2.0 or better

  stopifnot( sum(m1)==sum(m2)|| max(m1)length(m2) || max(m2)length(m1) )

  i.list - j.list - list()
  k - 0
  while( sum(m1)0 ){
k - k+1
if ( sum(m1!=0)  sum(m2!=0) ){
  i - which.max( m1)
  j - msample( m1[i], m2 )
  i.list[[ k ]] - rep( i, m1[i] )
  j.list[[ k ]] - j
  m1[i] - 0
  m2[ j ] - m2[ j ] - 1
} else {
  j - which.max( m2 )
  i - msample( m2[j], m1 )
  i.list[[ k ]] - i
  j.list[[ k ]] - rep( j, m2[j] )
  m2[j] - 0
  m1[ i ] - m1[ i ] - 1
  res - array(0, c(length(m1), length(m2) ) )
  res[ cbind( unlist(i.list), unlist(j.list) ) ] - 1

 ck.ronetab - function(m1,m2){
  tab - ronetab(m1,m2) - all(m1==rowSums(tab)) - all(m2==colSums(tab)) - all( tab %in% 0:1 )
  res -
  if (!res) attr(res,tab) - tab

 I'll warn you that I have not worked through what looks to be a tedious proof
 that this randomly samples matrices under the constraints. The heuristics seem
 right, and a few simulation spot checks look reasonable. If you do not want to
 trust it, you can still use it to generate a starting value for an MCMC run.



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Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
  Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   UC San Diego La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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Re: [R] weight

2007-04-28 Thread Natalie O'Toole

I'm getting an error message:

Error in df[, 1:4] * df[, 5] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
In addition: Warning message:
Incompatible methods (, Ops.factor) for * 

here is my code:

##reading in the file
happyguys-read.table(c:/test4.dat, header=TRUE, row.names=1)

##subset the file based on Select If

test-subset(happyguys, PROV==48  GRADE == 7   Y_Q10A  9)

##sorting the file

mydataSorted-mydata[ order(mydata$Y_Q10A), ]

##assigning  a different name to file


##trying to weight my data

df1-df[, 1:4] * df[, 5]

##getting error message here??

Error in df[, 1:4] * df[, 5] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
In addition: Warning message:
Incompatible methods (, Ops.factor) for * 

Does anyone know what this error message means?

I've been reviewing R code all day  getting more familiar with it




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Re: [R] Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?

2007-04-28 Thread Matthew Neilson
Thanks for your response, Gabor.

That works quite nicely. The documentation states that it is not possible to 
mix and match Hershey fonts with plotmath symbols. My *ideal* scenario would be 
to write the 
perpendicular symbol as a subscript (specifically, I would like to have  
\epsilon_{\perp}  as an axis label).

I have searched the help archive, and it turned up the following post from 2002:

which explains a way of faking subscripts when using the Hershey fonts, 
though it does have several drawbacks. Have things moved on in the last five 
years, or is this still the best 
known solution?

Many thanks for your help,


On Sat Apr 28 17:35 , 'Gabor Grothendieck' [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

Its available in the Hershey fonts:

plot(0, 0, type = n)
text(0, 0, A \\pp B, vfont = c(serif, plain))

On 4/28/07, Matthew Neilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular)
 symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough (||), but I
 haven't been
 able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation
 doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't
 exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired

 Any help will be much appreciated,


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Re: [R] weight

2007-04-28 Thread John Kane
IIRC you have a yes/no smoking variable scored 1/2 ?  

It is possibly being read in as a factor not as an

to see .  

--- Natalie O'Toole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting an error message:
 Error in df[, 1:4] * df[, 5] : non-numeric argument
 to binary operator
 In addition: Warning message:
 Incompatible methods (,
 Ops.factor) for * 
 here is my code:
 ##reading in the file
 happyguys-read.table(c:/test4.dat, header=TRUE,
 ##subset the file based on Select If
 test-subset(happyguys, PROV==48  GRADE == 7  
 Y_Q10A  9)
 ##sorting the file
 mydataSorted-mydata[ order(mydata$Y_Q10A), ]
 ##assigning  a different name to file
 ##trying to weight my data
 df1-df[, 1:4] * df[, 5]
 ##getting error message here??
 Error in df[, 1:4] * df[, 5] : non-numeric argument
 to binary operator
 In addition: Warning message:
 Incompatible methods (,
 Ops.factor) for * 
 Does anyone know what this error message means?
 I've been reviewing R code all day  getting more
 familiar with it

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Re: [R] Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?

2007-04-28 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
I don't think you can mix plotmath and Hershey but you could do this:

plot(1, xlab = quote(epsilon))
z - list(x = 1.00823, y = 0.4475955)
text(z$x, z$y, \\pp, vfont = c(serif, plain), xpd = TRUE, cex = .7)

You can set z via:

z - locator()

On 4/28/07, Matthew Neilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your response, Gabor.

 That works quite nicely. The documentation states that it is not possible to 
 mix and match Hershey fonts with plotmath symbols. My *ideal* scenario would 
 be to write the
 perpendicular symbol as a subscript (specifically, I would like to have  
 \epsilon_{\perp}  as an axis label).

 I have searched the help archive, and it turned up the following post from 

 which explains a way of faking subscripts when using the Hershey fonts, 
 though it does have several drawbacks. Have things moved on in the last five 
 years, or is this still the best
 known solution?

 Many thanks for your help,


 On Sat Apr 28 17:35 , 'Gabor Grothendieck' [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

 Its available in the Hershey fonts:
 plot(0, 0, type = n)
 text(0, 0, A \\pp B, vfont = c(serif, plain))
 On 4/28/07, Matthew Neilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular)
  symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough (||), but I
  haven't been
  able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation
  doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't
  exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired
  Any help will be much appreciated,
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[R] randomForest gives different results for formula call v. x, y methods. Why?

2007-04-28 Thread David L. Van Brunt, Ph.D.
Just out of curiosity, I took the default iris example in the RF
but seeing the admonition against using the formula interface for large data
sets, I wanted to play around a bit to see how the various options affected
the output. Found something interesting I couldn't find documentation for...

Just like the example...
 set.seed(12) # to be sure I have reproducibility

 form.rf-randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris)

 randomForest(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris)
   Type of random forest: classification
 Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of  error rate: 4.67%
Confusion matrix:
   setosa versicolor virginica class.error
setosa 50  0 00.00
versicolor  0 47 30.06
virginica   0  4460.08

 randomForest(x = iris[, 1:4], y = iris[, 5])
   Type of random forest: classification
 Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of  error rate: 4%
Confusion matrix:
   setosa versicolor virginica class.error
setosa 50  0 00.00
versicolor  0 47 30.06
virginica   0  3470.06

(Now, if I had non-contiguous columns for predictors, I'd have to call it
this way)


 randomForest(x = iris[, c(1:4)], y = iris[, 5])
   Type of random forest: classification
 Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of  error rate: 5.33%
Confusion matrix:
   setosa versicolor virginica class.error
setosa 50  0 00.00
versicolor  0 47 30.06
virginica   0  5450.10

Any idea why these two should give different results? I can only figure that
the seed, even though it's set, somehow gets altered by the use of a

 randomForest(x = iris[, c(1, 2, 3, 4)], y = iris[, 5])
   Type of random forest: classification
 Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of  error rate: 4.67%
Confusion matrix:
   setosa versicolor virginica class.error
setosa 50  0 00.00
versicolor  0 47 30.06
virginica   0  4460.08

Either that or I'm calling it wrong in the long example, or else there's a
bug. Not a life threatening situation, but I am curious as to the mechanics
of this. I use that sort of column identification all the time and it seems
to work OK, but here I get different results (form.rf v. long.rf or long2.rf)
or not (form.rf v. long3.rf)  depending how I call the function. Any

David L. Van Brunt, Ph.D.

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of
fighting a foreign enemy.
--James Madison

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[R] how to code the censor variable for survfit

2007-04-28 Thread Lu, Jiang
Dear r-helpers,

This is my first time to run survival analysis. Currently, I have a
data set which contains two variables, the variable of time to event
(or time to censoring) and the variable of censor indicator. For the
indicator variable, it was coded as 0 and 1. 0 represents right
censor, 1 means event of interest. Now I try to use survfit in the
package of survival. I wrote the following code:
 rptsurv - survfit(surv(time,censor)~1,data=x)

Before I run the code, I am concerned with my 0/1 coding to the censor
indicator because I did not see any argument in the syntax of
survfit, which may tell the program that value 1 means event. I
checked the documentations and R-help archive, but ended in vain.

Would you please kindly tell me how survfit treats censor variables?
In 0/1 coding, is it the default that 1 means event and 0 means right
censor? What if the censor was coded as 2 or 3 instead of 0 or 1? I
means how the survfit knows the difference. In SAS, if a lifetest
procedure (similar to survfit) is performed, there is an argument
specifying which value in the censor variable is treated as event.

I know I could just compare the results from R and from SAS to see the
difference. However, I really want to know exactly how survfit deals
with this problem. Thank you very much in advance.


Jiang Lu
University of Pittsburgh

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Re: [R] how to code the censor variable for survfit

2007-04-28 Thread Christos Hatzis
The Surv object contains the information on the type of censoring.  
Look at ?Surv
for an explanation of how censored events are represented.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lu, Jiang
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:10 PM
 Subject: [R] how to code the censor variable for survfit
 Dear r-helpers,
 This is my first time to run survival analysis. Currently, I 
 have a data set which contains two variables, the variable of 
 time to event (or time to censoring) and the variable of 
 censor indicator. For the indicator variable, it was coded as 
 0 and 1. 0 represents right censor, 1 means event of 
 interest. Now I try to use survfit in the package of 
 survival. I wrote the following code:
  rptsurv - survfit(surv(time,censor)~1,data=x)
 Before I run the code, I am concerned with my 0/1 coding to 
 the censor indicator because I did not see any argument in 
 the syntax of survfit, which may tell the program that 
 value 1 means event. I checked the documentations and R-help 
 archive, but ended in vain.
 Would you please kindly tell me how survfit treats censor variables?
 In 0/1 coding, is it the default that 1 means event and 0 
 means right censor? What if the censor was coded as 2 or 3 
 instead of 0 or 1? I means how the survfit knows the 
 difference. In SAS, if a lifetest
 procedure (similar to survfit) is performed, there is an 
 argument specifying which value in the censor variable is 
 treated as event.
 I know I could just compare the results from R and from SAS 
 to see the difference. However, I really want to know exactly 
 how survfit deals with this problem. Thank you very much in advance.
 Jiang Lu
 University of Pittsburgh
 __ mailing list
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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] how to code the censor variable for survfit

2007-04-28 Thread Petr Klasterecky
And be careful - R is case-sensitive. You have surv(...) instead of 
Surv(...) in your code, that will probably give an error.

The coding is as you have it - 1=failure, 0=censored.


Christos Hatzis napsal(a):
 The Surv object contains the information on the type of censoring.  
 Look at ?Surv
 for an explanation of how censored events are represented.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lu, Jiang
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:10 PM
 Subject: [R] how to code the censor variable for survfit

 Dear r-helpers,

 This is my first time to run survival analysis. Currently, I 
 have a data set which contains two variables, the variable of 
 time to event (or time to censoring) and the variable of 
 censor indicator. For the indicator variable, it was coded as 
 0 and 1. 0 represents right censor, 1 means event of 
 interest. Now I try to use survfit in the package of 
 survival. I wrote the following code:
 rptsurv - survfit(surv(time,censor)~1,data=x)
 Before I run the code, I am concerned with my 0/1 coding to 
 the censor indicator because I did not see any argument in 
 the syntax of survfit, which may tell the program that 
 value 1 means event. I checked the documentations and R-help 
 archive, but ended in vain.

 Would you please kindly tell me how survfit treats censor variables?
 In 0/1 coding, is it the default that 1 means event and 0 
 means right censor? What if the censor was coded as 2 or 3 
 instead of 0 or 1? I means how the survfit knows the 
 difference. In SAS, if a lifetest
 procedure (similar to survfit) is performed, there is an 
 argument specifying which value in the censor variable is 
 treated as event.

 I know I could just compare the results from R and from SAS 
 to see the difference. However, I really want to know exactly 
 how survfit deals with this problem. Thank you very much in advance.


 Jiang Lu
 University of Pittsburgh

 __ mailing list
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 __ mailing list
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 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Petr Klasterecky
Dept. of Probability and Statistics
Charles University in Prague
Czech Republic

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