Re: [R] The quadprog package

2007-09-03 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Thomas,

On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 10:08:08 +0200

 What's wrong with my code?

library(quadprog) ? :)

 # muss als quadratische Matrix eingegeben werden
 dvec-matrix(0,7,1) # muss als Spaltenvektor eingegeben werden
 mu-0 # (in Mio. €)
 bvec-c(1,mu,matrix(0,7,1)) # muss als Spaltenvektor eingegeben werden
 mu_r-c(19.7,33.0,0.0,49.7, 82.5, 39.0,11.8)  
 # muss als Matrix angegeben werden, wie sie wirklich ist

With the commands above, I get on my system:

Error in solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat = t(Amat), bvec = bvec, meq = 2) : 
constraints are inconsistent, no solution!

Which is a bit strange, since Dmat is the identity matrix, so there
should be little room for numerical problems.

OTOH, it is known that the Goldfarb-Idnani algorithm can have problem
in rare occasions if the problem is ill-scaled; see the work of

Changing the definition of Amat to


leads to a successful call to solve.QP.  And since mu=0, I really
wonder why you scaled up the vector mu_r by a factor of 7 when putting
it into Amat :)


Now, with the solution I obtained the rest of your commands show:

 loesung$solution %*% mu_r
[1,] 6.068172e-15
[1] 1
 for (i in 1:7){
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE

  for (i in 1:7){
a-loesung$solution[i]=- .Machine$double.eps*1000

[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE

  for (i in 1:7) print(loesung$solution[i])
[1] 0
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] -4.669169e-17
[1] -1.436586e-17
[1] 8.881784e-16

This is a consequence of finite precision arithmetic.  Just as you
should not compare to numeric numbers directly for equality but rather
that the absolute value of their difference is smaller than an
appropriate chosen threshold, you should not check whether a number is
bigger or equal to zero, but whether it is bigger or equal to an
appropriately chosen negative threshold.  More information are given in
FAQ 7.31.




=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore 
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] question on using gl1ce from lasso2 package

2007-07-25 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Li,

On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 00:50:43 -0400

 I tried several settings by using the family=gaussian
 in gl1ce, but none of them works. [...]
 Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object etastart not found
 Does anyone have experience with this function?
 Any help will be appreciated,


 gl1ce(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length, data=iris,
+ family=gaussian)

should work.  No need to say `family=gaussian()'.

However, omitting the brackets leads to an even more obscure error
message and using traceback() makes me believe that the function
`family()' must have been changed since this code was ported from
S-Plus to R.  

The version with brackets does not seem to work since the function that
tries to determine initial values for the iterative process of
fitting a GLM tries to access an object called `etastart', which exist
in the list of formal parameters of glm() but is not a formal parameter
of gl1ce(). I am not sure whether this problem always existed or is also
new due to changes in glm() and accompanying functions.  (Time to
re-work the whole lasso2 package, I guess.)

A way to solve your problem is to issue the following commands:

 etastart - NULL
 gl1ce(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length, data=iris,
+ family=gaussian())

However, since you are using the gaussian family, why not use l1ce()
directly?  The following command leads to the same output:

 l1ce(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length, data=iris,
+ absolute=TRUE)

Hope this helps.



=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] Optimization

2007-07-17 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Massimiliano,

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 22:49:32 +0200
massimiliano.talarico [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,
 I need a suggest to obtain the max of this function:
 Max x1*0.021986+x2*0.000964+x3*0.02913
 with these conditions:

Note that given the constraint x1+x2+x3=1 and the positivity constraints on x1,
x2 and x3, the conditions that all of them should be =1 are redundant.

I would go about as follows:

x1+x2+x3=1 means x1=1-x2-x3

plug this into the next constraint to obtain:

a*(1-x2-x3)^2+b*x2^2+c*x3^2=0.04^2 for suitable a, b, c.

Note that for any value of x3, you can solve this equation for x2.

Hence, take a grid of x3 values between 0 and 1 and calculate the correpsonding
x2 values.  From x3 and x2 calculate x1.  Discard all tuples that do not
fulfill the positivity constraints and calculate the function values for the
remaining ones.  

If the grid of x3 values is fine enough, that should give you an idea what the
solution should be.

Alternatively, you could write a function that takes values of x3 and does all
the computations outline above (return -Inf if the value x3 is not feasible)
and then pass the function to optimise() for numerical optimisation...

Hope this helps.



=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore  
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] Optimization

2007-07-17 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Moshe,

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 17:32:52 -0700 (PDT)
Moshe Olshansky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is partially true since both the function to be
 maximized and the constraint are non-linear. 

I am not sure what your definition of non-linear is, but in my book,
and I believe by most mathematical/statistical definitions, the
objective function is linear.

The only non-linearity comes in through the second constraint.

 One may substitute 1-x1-x2 for x3 and use (let say) Lagrange
 multipliers to get two non-linear equations with 2
 unknowns for which there should be a function solving

Why would you want to use Lagrange multipliers?  Isn't that a bit of an
overkill?  Once you substitute 1-x1-x2 for x3 in the second constraint,
you have a quadratic equations in x1 and x2.  So for any given value of
x1 you can solve for x2 (or for any given value of x2 you can solve for
x1).  They still teach how to solve quadratic equations at school,
don't they? ;-)

 Then you must find the points where the
 constraint function intersects with the triangle
 {x1=0,x2=0,x1+x2=1}, which is easier (for each of
 the 3 edges you get a non-linear equation in one

Even easier.  Take an x1 between 0 and 1.  If for that x1 the quadratic
equation in x2 has no real solution, then x1 is not feasible.
Otherwise find the values of x2 that solve the equation.  Use each of
these values together with x1 to calculate corresponding values of x3.
Then check these tuples for feasibility.  If they are feasible,
evaluate the objective function and return the tuple with the larger
function value.

All the calculations outlined in the paragraph above are easily
implemented in R, e.g. the function polyroot() returns the roots of a



=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore 
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] The R Book by M. J. Crawley

2007-07-04 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Uwe,

On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 14:33:05 +0200
Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pietrzykowski, Matthew (GE, Research) wrote:
   I saw the new book,
  The R Book, by Michael J. Crawley and wanted to know what R users
  thoughts of it.
 The author seems to be an expert in (almost?) all available
 statistical programming languages 

I would have thought that honour would go to Brian S. Everitt. :-)

M.J. Crawley only seems to write books using S-PLus and R.  His book on
Statistical Computing (using S-Plus) is about 750 pages and his book
Statistics: An introduction using R is about 320 pages.  

I do not know and have not seen The R Book yet, so I cannot comment
on it.  The statistical material presented in the other two books is
pretty sound and well explained.  M.J. Crawley definitely has some
strong opinions on how certain data should be analysed and how
statistics should be used. The S-Plus code or R code he uses can, on
occasions, be somewhat improved.



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Re: [R] [ANN] Static and dynamic graphics course, July 2007, Salt Lake City

2007-06-12 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Hadley,

On Wed, 30 May 2007 10:57:54 +0200
hadley wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're pleased to announce a one day course covering static and dynamic
 graphics using R, ggplot and GGobi. The course will be held just
 before the JSM, on Saturday, 28 July 2007, in Salt Lake City. The
 course will be presented by Dianne Cook and Hadley Wickham.

Where exactly is the course held?  I guess Salt Lake City is big, so is
it close to the place where the JSM is held or at the other end of
town?  I am considering of coming a day early and to attend the course.

Thanks for your help.



=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore 
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] R is not a validated software package..

2007-06-09 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Marc,

On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 14:11:48 -0500
Marc Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 2007-06-08 at 16:02 +0200, Giovanni Parrinello wrote:
  Dear All,
  discussing with a statistician of a pharmaceutical company I
  received this answer about the statistical package that I have
  planned to use:
  As R is not a validated software package, we would like to ask if
  it would rather be possible for you to use SAS, SPSS or another
  approved statistical software system.
  Could someone suggest me a 'polite' answer?
 The polite answer is that there is no such thing as 'FDA approved'
 software for conducting clinical trials. The FDA does not approve,
 validate or otherwise endorse software.

I like this one. :)

My polite answer would have been: Sure, can do.  If you pay for the
license of the finally agreed upon statistical software system and pay
for the time it takes me to learn it so that I can do the analysis
using that system instead of R.  Most clients I know would withdraw
such requests if they notice that it will probably double or triple
their bill. ;-)



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Re: [R] Bad optimization solution

2007-05-07 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Paul,

On Mon, 7 May 2007 22:30:32 +0100
Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to perform the below optimization problem, but getting
 (0.5,0.5) as optimal solution, which is wrong; 


As far as I can tell you are trying to minimize |x1-x2| where x1 and x2
are between 0 and 1.  The minimal value that the absolute function can
take is zero and any point (x1,x2)=(x,1-x) where x is between 0 and 1
will achieve this value and also respect the constraints that you have
imposed.  Hence, any such point, including (0.5,0.5) is a solution to
your problem.

 the correct solution should be (1,0) or (0,1).

Why?  Unless there are some additional constraint that you have not
told optim() (and us) about, these are two possible solutions from an
infinite set of solutions.  As I said, any point of the form (x, 1-x)
with x between 0 and 1 is a solution to your problem, unless I am
missing something



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Re: [R] Bad optimization solution

2007-05-07 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Paul,

On Mon, 7 May 2007 23:25:52 +0100
Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Furthermore, X^2 is everywhere differentiable and notwithstanding the
 reported problem occurs with
 myfunc - function(x) {
   x1 - x[1]
   x2 - x[2]

Same argument as with abs(x1-x2) holds.  (x1-x2)^2 is non-negative for
all x1, x2.  All points of the form (x, 1-x) where x is between 0 and 1
satisfy the constraints and achieve a function value of 0.  Hence, all
such points are solutions.

There is no problem.  Except if there are further constraints that
reduce the set of possible solutions which you have not told us about.



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Re: [R] Bad optimization solution

2007-05-07 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day all,

On Tue, 8 May 2007 12:10:25 +0800
Berwin A Turlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to perform the below optimization problem, but getting
  (0.5,0.5) as optimal solution, which is wrong; 
 As far as I can tell you are trying to minimize |x1-x2| 

It was pointed out to me that you are actually trying to maximise the
function, sorry, didn't read the command carefully enough.

And I also noticed that my comments were anyhow wrong, for
minimisation the points (x,x) and not (x, 1-x) would be the solutions;
must have also misread the function as |x1+x2|...

Looks as if I need more coffee to wake up and get my brain going...

Please ignore my last two mails on this issue and apologise to the



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Re: [R] ED50 from logistic model with interactions

2007-05-02 Thread Berwin A Turlach

On Wed, 02 May 2007 11:37:22 +1000
Kate Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [...] My model is:
 fit - glm(Mature ~ Season * Size - 1, family = binomial, data=dat)
 where Mature is a binary response, 0 for immature, 1 for mature. There
 are 3 Seasons.

I would use:

fit - glm(Mature ~ Season/Size - 1, family=binomial, data=dat)

With this parameterisation you get the three intercepts and the three
slopes directly (together with there standard errors from summary()).
Makes life simpler for your calculations.

 In Faraway(2006) he has an example using the delta method to calculate
 the StdErr, but again without any interactions. I can apply this for
 the first Season, as there is just one intercept and one slope
 coefficient, but for the other 2 Seasons, the slope is a combination
 of the Size coefficient and the Size*Season coefficient, [...]

Not with the above parameterisation, so life is easier.  I don't have
my copy of Faraway (2006) handy at the moment, so I cannot vouch that
you can use the method the describes now directly.  But I expect you
can. :)

 I could divide the data and do 3 different logistic regressions, one
 for each season, but while the Mat50 (i.e. mean Size at 50% maturity)
 is the same as that calculated by the separate lines regression, Im
 not sure how this may change the StdErr?

As far as I can tell, there should be no difference.  Compare the
estimates and their standard errors that you obtain from the 3
different logistic fits with the estimates and standard errors from the
parameterisation that I suggested.  They should be the same. 

Hope this helps.



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Re: [R] Wikibooks

2007-03-31 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Kaltja,

On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:19:00 +0300 (EEST)

 [...] I did not even now there was R wiki. I couldn't find a link
 from the R organization pages to it or am I just blind?

If you talk about CRAN (e.g. then no, but
if you really talk about The R Project for Statistical Computing
pages, i.e. then yes. :) 

On you have the following links under documentation:

Note that CRAN (and mirrors) have a link called R Homepage under
About R.



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Re: [R] Strange integer result on Debian/amd64

2007-03-20 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Dave,

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 14:59:38 +
Dave Ewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All help/suggestions/appreciated!

The calculations are done in floating point arithmetic, not integer
arithmetic. From the help page on `choose' one might already guess
so much, but reading R-2.4.1/src/nmath/choose.c definitely confirms
this fact.

Thus, your problem is covered by FAQ 7.31:




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Re: [R] order of values in vector

2007-03-19 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Tord,

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:05:47 +0100
Tord Snäll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 but I was hoping to get this:
 [1,] 2 20
 [2,] 3 30
 [3,] 5 50
 [4,] 4 40
 [5,] 6 60
 [6,] 1 10

You did try rank(), didn't you?

 x= c(20,30,50,40,60,10)
 cbind(rank(x), x)
[1,] 2 20
[2,] 3 30
[3,] 5 50
[4,] 4 40
[5,] 6 60
[6,] 1 10




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Re: [R] Sweave question: prevent expansion of unevaluated reused code chunk

2007-03-13 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Kevin,

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:18:11 -0500
Kevin R. Coombes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [1] In the example I presented, you're right; I can just use a
 verbatim environment. In the following more complicated example [...]
 I would still want to be able to see the outline of what is going on, 
 and a verbatim environment wouldn't work.

If you want to have a literate programming environment in R, in
particular one where you can refer to code chunks that are only defined
later in the document, then I would investigate the package relax by
Peter Wolf.  See:

And, for an example output just like you what you want:




=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore 
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] problem with help.start and ?somefunction

2007-02-28 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Jenny,

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 16:41:18 -0600 (CST)

 I am going to be teaching a workshop next week using R and
 Bioconductor in one of our university's computer labs. They have
 recently installed R 2.4.1 for me, and I'm checking all my scripts. I
 just noticed that using the ?somefunction call to access the
 documentation for that function is not working. On my own PC, the ?
 call output changed between R 2.3 and 2.4; before it would open some
 sort of plain text file and now it opens a nice browser with all the
 functions of that package listed in a side frame and the function
 documentation listed in the main window. 

Yes, as far as I know, one of the changes on MS Windows from R 2.3.x to
R 2.4.x was that the compiled html help system became the default.  

 At the computer lab, calling ?somefunction opens the browser with
 the functions in the side frame, but the main window says The page
 cannot be displayed

On MS Windows (which is not my preferred platform, so I might use some
inaccurate terminology in the sequel) I always preferred the compiled
html help system.  So I usually asked our IT guys to make that the
default via the etc/ configuration file, and ran into the
same problem you have about a year ago.

In a nutshell, yet another security issue was discovered if compiled
html help files are run over a network.  Hence MS released a patch that
switched this possibility off.  If I remember correctly, the discussion

proved to be very helpful to us and enabled us to allow again the use
of compiled help files over the network.  But I never really understood
what the security implications are and what issues really existed.  I
trusted our IT guys to understand that and to decide whether it was
o.k. to make the necessary registry changes to allow compiled html help
again. :-)

 If I try help.start(), I get the warnings below, but it does open the
 html search page. I'm guessing the two are related, 

No, they are not related. :-)

As the warnings message says, if you say help.start() R tries to update
a file to which it does not have write permissions.  

As I understand it, help.start() runs by default with update=TRUE (you
may want to try update=FALSE) on MS Windows.  The update=TRUE
options means that the functions make.packages.html() and are called to update some information (details are
on the help pages of these two functions).  The updated information is
written to a file, in your case
P:\xpapps\R\R-2.4.1/doc/html/search/index.txt, but you have no write
access to this file.  Hence the warning.  This is a problem with how
the permissions are set up on your lab/network.  Not sure how to solve
this one, our lab had a setup where users had write access to the
location of that file, so we never experienced the problem (except
once, when due to a server upgrade the permissions on the lab machines
got messed up).

Hope this helps.



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Re: [R] How to optimize this loop ? (correction)

2007-01-18 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Martin and others,

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 15:22:07 +0100
Martin Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, I accidentaly lost one line of the function code (result -0), 
 see below...

But even with that line, the code doesn't work properly. :)
Since you changed the order of the for loop (from i in 1:(len-1) to
i in (len-1):1) you broke the logic of the code and the result
returned is wrong (should be something like result - len-i instead
of result - i-1).

I agree that your function is faster than the one based on rle(),
presumably because rle() does just too many additional computations
that are not necessary to solve the problem at hand.  But I still don't
like to see for() loops in R code. :)  I would suggest the following
solution (which is only marginally slower than yours on these example

myfun2 - function(x){
  len - length(x)
  which.max(c(x[len] = rev(x[-len]), TRUE) ) - 1

The concatenation of TRUE at the end of the logical vector is necessary
for the case that all elements before the last are smaller than the
last one.  It also has the side benefit that myfun(2) will return 0
instead of numeric(0) (or something similar).  On my machine:

 system.time(for (i in 1:1) erg-my_fun(c(3, 4, 10,14,8,3,4,6,9)))
[1] 2.860 0.016 2.950 0.000 0.000
 system.time(for (i in 1:1) erg-myfun1(c(3, 4, 10,14,8,3,4,6,9)))
[1] 0.256 0.000 0.256 0.000 0.000
 system.time(for (i in 1:1) erg-myfun2(c(3, 4, 10,14,8,3,4,6,9)))
[1] 0.280 0.000 0.283 0.000 0.000



=== Full address =
Berwin A TurlachTel.: +65 6515 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability+65 6515 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science  FAX : +65 6872 3919   
National University of Singapore 
6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Singapore 117546

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Re: [R] A faster way to calculate Trace?

2006-10-26 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Yongwan,


YC I want to know how to get trace of product of matrices
YC **faster** when the matrices are really big. Unfortunately the
YC matrices are not symmetric. If anybody know how to get the
YC trace of it, please help me. An example is as below.  
The first one is quite simple to speed up:

 n - 2500
 a - matrix(rnorm(n*n),n,n)
 b - matrix(rnorm(n*n),n,n)
 sum(diag(a %*% b))
[1] 1890.638

 tb - t(b)
[1] 1890.638

For the second one, you may try:

  sum(diag(a %*% b %*% a %*% b))
[1] 10668786
 cmat - a %*% b
[1] 10668786

It gives somewhat a speedup, since you only have to multiply two huge
matrices once instead of thrice, but I wonder whether further
improvements are possible.

Hope this helps.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Sweave and the [ function

2006-09-05 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day all,

 RD == Ross Darnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RD Hi Vincent This would seem logical but in this case doesn't
RD work.
Well, he said that it was untested. :)

Same idea, but with a slightly different implementation (and this one
works, I have tested it):

echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE=




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] From two plot() to two X11-vindows?

2006-09-03 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 AT == kone  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AT but how to send the information from different plot- and
AT lines-commands to a certain window?




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Re: [R] Solve non-linear equatuion, grid search... [Was] RE: minimization of a quadratic form with some coef fixed and someconstrained

2006-08-10 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Yingfu,

 YX == Yingfu Xie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

YX Thanks a lot for answering! I prefer the first method, which
YX seems easier to carry out. So, what I need now is some method
YX to solve the non-linear equation [...]  I searched the R
YX archive somehow, but didn't find anything valuable. Is there
YX any function in R available for this problem? I am grateful of
YX any hints.
You have to code the function
f(lam) = c'(M_11-lam*I)^(-2)c-1
in R.  Note that lam is univariate.

If you could easily find lam1 and lam2 with f(lam1)0 and f(lam2)0,
then you could use uniroot().  But optim() could be easier to use for
finding lam s.t. f(lam)=0, just try to minimise f(lam)^2.

YX When c=0, my problem reduces to the typical minimization of
YX b'M_11b w.r.t b'b=1. The solution is the normalized
YX eigenvector associated with the minimum eigenvalue of M_11,
YX right?
Depends on your M_11, if M_11 is the identity matrix, then you have
infinitely many solutions.  Intuitively, I would have thought that the
solution is the normalised eigenvector (and its negation, so there are
at least two solutions) of the maximum eigenvalue of M_11, but I might
be drawing the wrong picture in my mind.  It should be either the
maximum or minimum.  Note, if that eigenvalue has geometric
multiplicity  1, then there will be infinitely many solutions.

YX PS: There is a type error in the first condition for b: the
YX '+' should write to '-'.
I believe both versions are correct.

We are enforcing an equality constraint, not an inequality
constraint.  So it doesn't matter whether we write the Lagrangian as
objective function + lam *(b'b-1)
objective function - lam *(b'b-1)
In the KKT conditions, we will only have the complimentary condition
that lam*(b'b-1)=0, no condition that lam=0.

When you enforce inequality constraints, then you have to take care
with your signs and how you write the Lagrangian.



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Re: [R] minimization a quadratic form with some coef fixed and some constrained

2006-08-09 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 YX == Yingfu Xie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

YX Thanks for reply! But I think that solution is right without
YX the constrain b'b=1. With this constrain, the solution is not
YX so simple. :(
But simple enough. :)

Write down the Lagrange function for the problem.  Say, 'lam' is the
Lagrange parameter for enforcing the constraint b'b=1.  Then, using
Rolf's notation:
RT [...]  Write M as

RT | M_11 c |
RT | c'   m |

Then the system of equations that b and the Lagrange parameter have to
fulfill is:

b = (M_11 + lam*I)^{-1} c   (with I being the identity matrix)
and   lam = b' M_11 b - b'c

You can either use the first equation and do a (grid) search for the
value of 'lam' that gives you b'b=1 (could be negative!), or start
with lam=0 and then alternate between the two equations until

At least I think that this will solve your problem. :)  Thinking a bit
about the geometry of the problem, I actually believe that if c=0, you
might have an identifiability problem, i.e. there are at least two 
solutions, or, depending on M_11, infinitely many.

Hope this helps.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] order() 'decreasing =' argument must be typed in full

2006-07-28 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day John,

 JT == Thaden, John J [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JT Isn't is standard practice to have R base functions accept
JT truncated argument names as long as they are unambiguous?
No. :)

The help page of order states:


 order(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE)

Standard practice in R is that arguments behind ... are only matched
by exact matching, i.e., you have to specify the tag of that
argument in full.  Details on how arguments are matched are in the
section Argument matching of The R Language Definition (and all
though this is a draft, that part seems to be authoritative :) ).



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] How to pass eval.max from lme() to nlminb?

2006-07-23 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Andrew,

 AR == Andrew Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AR I'm fitting a complex mixed-effects model that requires
AR numerous iterations and function evaluations.  I note that
AR nlminb accepts a list of control parameters, including
AR eval.max.  Is there a way to change the default eval.max value
AR for nlminb when it is being called from lme?
Looking at the code of lme.formula, I can only find this snippet:

optRes - if (controlvals$opt == nlminb) {
nlminb(c(coef(lmeSt)), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, 
lmePars), control = list(iter.max = controlvals$msMaxIter, 
trace = controlvals$msVerbose))
else {
optim(c(coef(lmeSt)), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, 
lmePars), control = list(trace = controlvals$msVerbose, 
maxit = controlvals$msMaxIter, reltol = if (numIter == 
  0) controlvals$msTol else 100 * .Machine$double.eps), 
method = controlvals$optimMethod)

this seems to indicate that you can only change the values for
'iter.max' and 'trace' in the call to 'nlminb()' by setting values for
'msMaxIter' and 'msVerbose', using 'lmeControl', when calling 'lme()'.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Parameterization puzzle

2006-07-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day all,

 BDR == Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BDR R does not know that poly(age,2) and poly(age,1) are linearly
BDR dependent.
Indeed, I also thought that this is the reason of the problem.

BDR (And indeed they only are for some functions 'poly'.)
I am surprised about this.  Should probably read the help page of
'poly' once more and more carefully.

BDR I cannot reproduce your example ('l' is missing), [...]
My guess is that 'l' is 'pyears'.  At least, I worked under that

Interestingly, on my machine (using R 2.3.1, 2.2.1 and 2.1.1) I cannot
fit any of the Poisson GLM that Murray tried.  I always get the error

Error: no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting 

But I have to investigate this further.  I can fit binomial models
that give me similar answers.

BDR [...] but perhaps
BDR glm(deaths ~ poly(age,2) + poly(age,1)*Smoke + offset(l),
BDR poisson)
BDR was your intention?
In this parameterisation a 'poly(age,1)' term will appear among the
coefficients with an estimated value of NA since it is aliased with
'poly(age, 2)1'.  So I don't believe that this was Murray's intention.

The only suggestion I can come up with is:

 summary(glm(cbind(deaths, l-deaths) ~ age*Smoke+I(age^2), family=binomial))


  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
(Intercept)  -10.798950.45149 -23.918   2e-16 ***
age2.378920.20877  11.395   2e-16 ***
SmokeYes   1.445730.37347   3.871 0.000108 ***
I(age^2)  -0.197060.02749  -7.168  7.6e-13 ***
age:SmokeYes  -0.308500.09756  -3.162 0.001566 ** 


Which doesn't use orthogonal polynomials anymore.  But I don't see how
you can fit the model that Murray want to fit using orthogonal
polynomials given the way R's model language operates.

So I guess the Poisson GLM that Murray wants to fit is:

glm(deaths~ age*Smoke+I(age^2)+offset(l), family=poisson)



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Test for equality of coefficients in multivariate multipleregression

2006-07-19 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day John,

 JF == John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JF Simply stacking the problems and treating the resulting
JF observations as independent will give you the correct
JF coefficients, but incorrect coefficient variances
Yes, after Andrew's (off-list) answer I realised this too.  If I am
not mistaken, all variances/covariances should be off by a factor of
1/2 or something like that.

JF and artificially zero covariances.
Well, I must admit that I misread Ulrich's code for most of the day.
I hadn't realised that the variable `tmp' introduces a correlation
between `y1' and `y2' in his code:


for some reason, my brain kept parsing this as generate *one* random
intercept for y1 and *one* random intercept for y2, not that each
individual observation has a random intercept.  Under the model that
my brain kept parsing, one would have zero covariances. :)

Now I understand why Andrew suggested the use of mixed models and
would go down that way too.  But I believe your approach is valid too.

JF (BTW, it's a bit unclear to me how much of this exchange was
JF on r-help,
Easy, all those that have r-help either in the TO: or CC: field.
Those were Ulrich's original message and the answer by you and Andrew,
I kept all my mails so far off-list.

JF but I'm copying to r-help since at least one of Ulrich's
JF messages referring to alternative approaches appeared there.
Yes, I noticed that and answered off-list.  In that message, if I read
it correctly, he had confused Andrew and me.

JF I hope that's OK.)
Sure, why not? :)



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Re: [R] Problems using quadprog for solving quadratic programming problem

2006-06-06 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Fabian,

 FB == Fabian Barth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

FB I'm using the package quadprog to solve the following
FB quadratic programming problem.

FB I want to minimize the function 
FB (b_1-b_2)^2+(b_3-b_4)^2
FB by the following constraints b_i, i=1,...,4:

FB b_1+b_3=1
FB b_2+b_4=1

FB 0.1=b_1=0.2
FB 0.2=b_2=0.4
FB 0.8=b_3=0.9
FB 0.6=b_4=0.8

FB In my opinion the solution should be b_1=b_2=0.2 und b_3=b_4=0.8.
This could well be the correct solution.  For these values for the b_i
the function evaluates to zero and you definitely won't get anything
smaller than that. :)

FB Unfortunately R doesn't find this solution and what's
FB surprising to me, evaluation the solution of solve.QP with my
FB function doesn't lead the minimal value calculated by
FB solve.QP

FB I would be very happy, if anyone could help and tell me,
FB where's my mistake.
Mmh, the first code that you are sending seems to involve only three
unknowns.  Did you try to eliminate one by hand?  If so, which one.
Also, in that part of the code you do not tell solve.QP that there are
equality constraints.  So I am a bit confused what problem the first
part is supposed to solve. :-)

The second code, labelled `my non working sample' seems to implement
the above problem directly.  The problem with that code is that the
matrix Dmat that you construct is not symmetric, there is the
(apparently undocumented and unchecked) assumption that Dmat is
symmetric.  (Note if the matrix D in the quadratic form is not
summetric, then you can always replace it by (D+D^T)/2 without
changing the objective function.  Thus, without loss of generality,
the matrix D in the objective function is always assumed to be
symmetric).  So adding code like
  Dmat - (Dmat+t(Dmat))/2
in front of your `print(Dmat)' statement would be necessary.

Two minor observations.  First, note that the help page for solve.QP
states that the function to be minimised is
-d^T b + 1/2 b^T D b
where D is passed in Dmat and d is passed in dvec.  In your case it
might not matter, but strictly speaking, you should multiply your Dmat
by 2 to take care of the 1/2 factor in the definition of the objective
function.  Secondly, the FORTRAN code that is used by solve.QP only
uses the upper triangular part of the matrix Dmat that is passed to
solve.QP.  Thus, essentially you were minimizing
min 1/2 (b_1^2 + b_2^2 + b_3^2 + b_4^2)
under all the conditions stated.  And, for that problem solve.QP gave
the correct answer.

Once you correct the problem, and a faster way of coding your problem
is probabably the following:

 Dmat1 - matrix(c(2, -2, -2, 2), 2, 2)
 Dmat2 - matrix(0, 2, 2)
 Dmat - rbind(cbind(Dmat1, Dmat2), cbind(Dmat2, Dmat1))
 dvec - rep(0,4)
 Amat - cbind(c(1,0,1,0), c(0,1,0,1), diag(4), -diag(4))
 bvec - c(1, 1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6, -0.2, -0.4, -0.9, -0.8)

you will see that there is still a problem:

 solve.QP(Dmat,dvec,Amat,bvec=bvec, meq=2)
Error in solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec = bvec, meq = 2) : 
matrix D in quadratic function is not positive definite!

The Goldfarb-Idnani algorithm starts off by calculating the
unconstrained solution.  Thus, it requires that the matrix D in the
objective function is positive definite.  In your problem the matrix
is indefinite.

Hope this helps.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] predict function does not provide SE estimates for multivariate timeseries VAR models?

2006-06-01 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 Michael == Michael  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael What can I do?
Implement this feature and send it to the person responsible for the
code for inclusion?

Michael Thanks a lot!
Indeed, you contribution would be very much appreciated.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-23 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Duncan,

 DM == Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM On 5/22/2006 3:55 AM, Berwin A Turlach wrote:

 I agree with you on this.  Probably I was to terse in my
 writing and produced misunderstandings.  I never intended to
 say something about the rights that the user has with regards
 to P alone.  My comments were directed towards the linked
 product P+Q.  In particular, it is not clear to me whether one
 can execute such a product without violating copyright laws.

DM The GPL is quite explicit on this: as Deepayan said, it
DM confers rights to copy, modify and redistribute P. [..]
Yes, so he did.  But I refer above to copyright laws, not the GPL.  It
is not clear to me under which rules/licence/laws the combined product
falls and whether you have the right to execute it.  And in some
places, including Australia, copyright laws are getting really
strange and restrictive, so it seems.

DM Now, I suppose you might argue that executing P+Q makes a copy
DM of it in memory, [...]
Yes, I read arguments along these lines on gnu.misc.disucss.
Personally, I wouldn't use them because I know too little about these
processes (and what happens under static linking, dynamic linking and
so on) to make any statements on such issues.  From following such
discussion, I only got the impression that these points seem to be
relevant in defining when (under copyright law) a derivative work is

DM but I think countries that have modernized their copyright
DM laws recognize that this is something you have a right to do
DM with a legally acquired copy.
I doubt it, I don't think that the lawyers understand these
technicalities either. ;-))



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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-23 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Deepayan,

 DS == Deepayan Sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS On 5/22/06, Berwin A Turlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
DS [...]

 [...] Should perhaps better be formulated as:
 My understanding was that in that moment a product was created
 that would have to be wholly under the GPL, so the person who
 did the linking was violating the GPL and it is not clear
 whether anyone is allowed to use the linked product.

DS I think you are still missing the point.  [...]
Quite possible, as I said early on IANAL.  And these discussion really
starts to remind me too much of those that I read in
gnu.misc.discuss.  Since I never participated in them, I don't see why
I should here.  And that group is probably a better forum to discuss
all these issues.  If some of the guys who always tried to argue that
they found a way to circumvent the GPL are still hanging around, I am
sure they are happy if you come along and confirm that according to
your understanding of the GPL eveything they are doing is o.k.. :)

DS The act of creating a derivative work is NOT governed by the
Yes, as a part of the GPL that I quoted earlier states. it is the
(local?) copyright law which defines when a derivative work is
created.  The GPL just stipulates under which licence this derivative
work has to be.

DS so it cannot possibly by itself violate the GPL.
Fair enough.  There are probably several people in gnu.misc.discuss
who would be happy to hear this. :)

DS The question of violation only applies when the creator of
DS this derivative work wishes to _distribute_ it. This is like
DS me writing a book that no one else ever reads; it doesn't
DS matter if I have plagiarized huge parts of it. This point is
DS not as academic as you might think.
Hey, I work in an academic environment, so it is hard to imagine that
I would view any point as being too academic. :)

DS It is well known that Google uses a customized version of
DS Linux for their servers; however, they do not distribute this
DS customized version, and hence are under no obligation to
DS provide the changes (and they do not, in fact). This is NOT a
DS violation of the GPL.
I agree and would have never claimed anything different.  You are
stating the obvious here.

 [...] If one scenario is not on, I don't see how the other one
 could be acceptable either.  Except that in the first scenario
 there is a clear intend of circumventing the GPL.  [...]
DS That's your choice, but the situations are not symmetric, and
DS quite deliberately so.
That's why I studied mathematics and not law.  I readily accept that
there is some logic in law, it is just that I never got it.  For me,
if I make someone else link a GPL product P with a non-GPL product Q,
then this is the same, whether I was the provider of P or Q.

DS The FSF's plan was not to produce a completely independent and
DS fully functional 'GNU system' at once (which would be
DS unrealistic), but rather produce replacements of UNIX tools
DS one by one. It was entirely necessary to allow these new
DS versions to operate within the older, proprietary system.
Wasn't your argument above, in response to the scenario that I was
describing, that it is not necessary to explicitly allow this because
a user can never violate the GPL?  As long as you operate on a
proprietary system and not distributing anything, why would there all
of a sudden be a problem?

DS In fact, GCC was not the first piece of software released
DS under the GPL,
My guess is that the first piece of software released under the GPL
was Emacs, but it is quite likely that I will be corrected on this

DS and until then the only way to use GPL software was to compile
DS them using a non-free compiler.
I know, I have compiled a lot of GPL software with non GCC compilers;
and I have been using GCC when it was still standing for GNU C
Compiler.  But thanks for the history lesson anyhow. :)



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Re: [R] Accessing The Output of NLS

2006-05-23 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 LI == Lorenzo Isella [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LI Hi, Probably a trivial question: if you do type something
LI like: out-nls( here goes the model ), then you can type out
LI or summary(out) to see the fitted parameters, the quality of
LI the fit etc...  but what if you want to get the fitted
LI parameters as a vector to re-use them straight away in the
LI following computations?
?coef ??



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] glmmADMB and the GPL -- formerly-- How to buy R.

2006-05-23 Thread Berwin A Turlach
about 18 months old, and glmmADMB is at version 0.3.  I also note that
the person seeking advice was asking specifically whether what he
wanted to do was possible to be done using R.  In my opinion, he got a
sensible and correct answer at that time.

DF [...]  The R code that Anders wrote is simply an interface
DF which takes the R specification for the model and outputs a
DF data file in the format the an ADMB program expects.  The ADMB
DF program is a stand alone exe. The R script then reads the ADMB
DF output files and presents the results to the user in a more
DF familiar R format.  [...]
Yes, by looking at the package and the R code that is there, it is
quite obvious that this is what is done.

DF [...] Now it appears at some revision someone put a GPL notice
DF on this package although Anders states that he did not do so,
DF and and he is certain that it was not originally included by
DF him. [...]
Yes, someone must have done this.  If you cannot figure out who did
it, you have to tighten the procedures in your company.  A question
which could be of interest here is whether the person who put the GPL
notice into the package had the authority to do so?  Of course, to
answer that question you first have to find out who did it.

DF [...] In any event the R script is easily extracted from the
DF package by those who know how to do so [...]
Yes, download glmmADMB_0.3.tar.gz from your site (it was still there
yesterday after Hans Skaug's e-mail), uncompress it and untar it.

DF [...] and we have no problem with making the ADMB-RE source to
DF the exe (TPL file) available.  In fact the original was on our
DF web site but was modified as we made to program more robust to
DF deal with difficult data sets.  The compiled TPL file links
DF with our proprietary libraries and we have no intention of
DF providing the source for these, [...]
Well, speak with your lawyers.  They can probably advise you want your
obligations under the GPL is.  My understanding is that if you release
the exe under GPL, then releasing the ADMB-RE source for the exe would
be the minimum, possibly even the source to all the libraries that the
exe links too.  But, as I said several times in the last days, IANAL.

DF  [...] Prof.  Ripley  seems to  feel  that he  is a  qualified
DF spokesman for the open source community. I have no idea what
DF the community at large feels about this.
Well, I have no idea how Brian feels or what the community at large
feels but:
1) The R community, and you are posting to an R mailing list, is only
   a small part of a community that at large subscribe to the ideas of
   the GPL.
2) open source is a term that encompasses many things and, IIRC,
   Richard Stallman and the FSF are very critical about open source
   and that community.  
3) If asked about who are spokesman for the open source community,
   other names would spring to my mind.  And, see 2), these names
   would not include Richard Stallman or the FSF.

DF What follows is Hans Skaug's post with Prof. Ripley's reply.
Which seems to be a private e-mail and, hence, completely a matter
between Hans and Brian.

DF Hans' post was an attempt to reach some sort of consensus with
DF the R community so that users who so wished could continue to
DF use the glmmADMB software.  So far this is the only response
DF we have received.
I was tempted to respond, if only to point out that
glmmADMB_0.3.tar.gz was still available from your web-site.  But then,
since IANAL, I refrained since:
a) I don't feel qualified on giving you advice on how to sort out your
   licencing issues; and
b) I already pointed out earlier in a reply to Spencer Grave how the
   license of glmmADMB should probably be formulated to be above water
   and not in conflict with the GPL.  Just read up that e-mail.

DF I guess it is up to the R community to decided whether
DF Prof. Ripley speaks for all of you.
I might flog a dead horse here, but I hope that you will eventually
get the message:

   It was a private, off-list e-mail.  You can't seriously expect that
   opinions expressed in such an e-mail can be taken as speaking for
   the R community.

Even if it had been an e-mail to the R mailing list, such e-mails nly
express the opinions of the sender, not that of the members of the
mailing list and not that of the R community (which could encompass
more than the readers of a mailing list) at large.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-22 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Deepayan,

 DS == Deepayan Sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS let me first summarize this sub-discussion so far: [...]
Sound like a perfect summary. :)

DS As far as I can tell (and please correct me if I'm wrong),
DS your contention is that by linking a GPL component P with a
DS non-GPL component Q, a user may lose the rights granted to him
DS by the GPL to the GPL-d part P.
I don't think that I said this explicitly, but I can see how what I
said can be interpreted in such a way.  The point is rather that at
the moment component P and Q are linked (and I perhaps carelessly
assumed that the user was doing this) a product is produced that
should be completely under the GPL.  Obviously it is not.  Hence, the
status of this linked product, and whether it can be used by anybody,
is an open question.  And the answer is probably given by the
copyright laws (and others?) of the country in the linking happens.  

DS Let's assume this is true. All that means is that the user has
DS lost his rights to copy, modify and redistribute P. He does
DS NOT lose the rights to use P.
I agree with you on this.  Probably I was to terse in my writing and
produced misunderstandings.  I never intended to say something about
the rights that the user has with regards to P alone.  My comments
were directed towards the linked product P+Q.  In particular, it is
not clear to me whether one can execute such a product without
violating copyright laws. 

Thus, the last sentence of mine that you quoted:

 My understanding was that in that moment a product was
 created that would have to be wholly under the GPL, so the
 user was violating the GPL and lost the write to use your

Should perhaps better be formulated as:

 My understanding was that in that moment a product was
 created that would have to be wholly under the GPL, so the
 person who did the linking was violating the GPL and it is
 not clear whether anyone is allowed to use the linked product.

 A simple google search would have confirmed to you that the
 linux kernel is developed under the GPL.  [...]
DS Linux is under GPL2, and not GPL2 or later. [...]
Oh, I wasn't aware that they did not use the typical(?) or later
phrase.  Thanks for pointing this out and I note that we both agree
that the linux kernel is definitely not under LGPL.

DS In any case, this is the complete opposite of the situation we
DS were originally discussing: [...]
 [...]  So I have to wonder to what you are referring to as the
 situation we were originally discussing.

DS I was referring to your question (quoted above) about use of
DS GPL'd code in S-PLUS, which is what I was replying to. As I
DS was saying, that situation is the opposite of the one in your
DS example.
O.k., sorry, I used a different scale with the time point of origin at
Spencer's e-mail and my answer to that mail.  Now I am with you.

Agreed, the situation is the opposite, but that was the example
discussed in gnu.misc.discuss.  From an abstract point of view the
situations are the same.  You make someone else link a GPL product
with a non-GPL product creating a derived work, the derived work would
have to be under the GPL but is not.  Hence, the derived work has a
legal status that is in limbo and it is not clear whether anyone has
to right to use it.  

The discussions on gnu.misc.discuss were centred on cases were people
provided non-GPL binaries, asked their users to download GPL software
from elsewhere, compile and link everything together and then use the
combined product.  

As you say it is the exact opposite (and hence mirror image) from the
situation that I was worried about, where I provide GPL software and
ask others to compile and link it with non-GPL binaries and then use
the combined product.

If one scenario is not on, I don't see how the other one could be
acceptable either.  Except that in the first scenario there is a clear
intend of circumventing the GPL.  But I was not sure whether such kind
of intent makes any difference.  Thus, to avoid all these problems I
decided to rather use the LGPL since that licence definitely seemed to
allow both.  

Hope this clarifies some of my comments.



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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Brian,

 BDR == Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BDR The issue in the glmmADMB example is not if they were
BDR required to release it under GPL
I should probably bow to your superior command of the English language
and trust that you can interpret Spencer's questions much better than
I, but I was addressing, amongst other things, the following comment:
SG A boundary case is provided by the glmmADMB package.  As I
SG read the GPL, this package must operate under GPL.
which to me seems to ask exactly about this issue.

BDR (my reading from the GPL FAQ is that they probably were not,
BDR given that communication is between processes and the R code
BDR is interpreted).
So, it seems we agree. :) (Though for different reasons)

BDR Rather, it is stated to be under GPL
Indeed, and I noted so.  Furthermore, I thought it was rather
pointless to confirm that under the licence of the package as it is
stated at the moment they would actually be required to provide the
source code of the binaries.  My apologies for not doing a thorough
discussion of all possible scenarios.  I just pointed out that if the
developers of this package do not want to provide the source code for
these binaries, they should probably state another licence for them in
the DESCRIPTION file and, since the binaries are not loaded
dynamically, they would not be obliged to release the source code;
a statement that you seem to agree to.  

BDR [...]  As the executables are not for my normal OS and I
BDR would like to exercise my freedom to try the GPLed code, I
BDR have requested the sources from the package maintainer.
Good luck. :)

BDR Once again, the GPL FAQ and its references,
BDR, are a more informed
BDR source than mailing lists.  If you think you understand it,
BDR try the exam at


BDR (cheaper than testing in court).
Well, if you read this material, you get the opinions of the FSF on
these matters, other people might have other opinions/interpretations.
If you read the material really careful, you will notice that there is
one point, namely what exactly constitutes combining two parts into
one program, for which even the FSF concedes that it is a legal
question, which ultimately judges will decide.  And it is exactly
this point which often raises discussions about the GPL, e.g. (parts
of) the current discussion.  Luckily, the GPL is very well written and
so far nobody with deep enough pockets was found who really wanted to
have a definite answer to this question.



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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Deepayan,

 DS == Deepayan Sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS A user can never violate the GPL. The GPL does not govern use,
DS it governs distribution. Specifically,
As I said, I stopped reading gnu.misc.discuss long time ago, but if I
remember correctly sometimes in the (early?) '90s the following case
was discussed.  

A company made a binary module available for download and gave the
instructions go to the FSF site (or a mirror), download version X.Y.Z
of program U and compile it with these options, then link our module
and start the program, now you can use these features of ours and are
in business.  (Remember, these were the days when most free
software was only available in .tar.gz form, people were used to
compile their own software and slackware was the dominant (only?)
linux distribution, no .rpm or .deb files.)

Note also that they did not distribute any GPL code, they said go and
get it.  As far as I remember, they were told by the FSF that they
cannot do this and had to stop.  And, IIRC, the argument was that
whether they did the linking or let the end user do the linking was
the same and, hence, the GPL was violated.

But it is quite possible that the argument was based on other sections
of the GPL.  And, obviously, there must be some mechanism in the GPL
that prohibits the above procedure, otherwise it would be very easy to
circumvent the GPL.  (This idea of circumventing the GPL was regularly
floated on gnu.misc.discuss while I followed it.)



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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Deepayan,

 DS == Deepayan Sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS On 5/21/06, Berwin A Turlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
DS A user can never violate the GPL. The GPL does not govern use,
DS it governs distribution. Specifically,
 As I said, I stopped reading gnu.misc.discuss long time ago,
 but if I remember correctly sometimes in the (early?) '90s the
 following case was discussed.
 A company made a binary module available for download and gave
 the instructions go to the FSF site (or a mirror), download
 version X.Y.Z of program U and compile it with these options,
 then link our module and start the program, now you can use
 these features of ours and are in business.  (Remember, these
 were the days when most free software was only available in
 .tar.gz form, people were used to compile their own software
 and slackware was the dominant (only?)  linux distribution, no
 .rpm or .deb files.)
 Note also that they did not distribute any GPL code, they said
 go and get it.  As far as I remember, they were told by the FSF
 that they cannot do this and had to stop.  And, IIRC, the
 argument was that whether they did the linking or let the end
 user do the linking was the same and, hence, the GPL was

DS I'll readily concede that my interpretation may be flawed, but
DS this example doesn't seem to contradict anything I said. This
DS binary module was clearly (in the opinion of the FSF) a
DS derivative work of something that was GPL, and hence the
DS company was violating the GPL by distributing the binary
DS module under a license other than the GPL.
Well, the question is whether the binary module is a derivative work.
Note, the GPL makes four (4) references to derivatives and derivative
work.   The one most relevant in this discussion is probably the one
in paragraph 0.:
[...] The Program, below, refers to any such program or
work, and a work based on the Program means either the
Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to
say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either
verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. [...]

So they are actually referring to copyright law to define what a
derivative work is, and this law might be different in different
countries.  Thus, whether you violate the GPL or not may well depend
on where you are located.  

Another question is when does the work becomes a derived work?  I
believe few will disagree that at the moment the two components are
dynamically linked, a derivative work is produced.  Whether something
is a derivative work before the linking, is a debatable question.

But, as I wanted to illustrate with this example, even if you make the
user do the linking, in that moment a product is created that violates
the GPL and the user looses all rights to the GPL part of this new
product (at least that is may understanding).  Hence, a user can
(be made to) violate the GPL.

DS Also, as far as I can tell, your description applies to the
DS situation with Nvidia's binary kernel drivers for the Linux
DS kernel (which is GPL and not LGPL AFAIK),
A simple google search would have confirmed to you that the linux
kernel is developed under the GPL.  There are actually reports that
the developers are currently discussing to move to GPL 3 (a bit
strange, since GPL 3 is, AFAIK, open to discussion but not yet
released) and many of them wanting to stick with GPL 2.  (Another
thing I find strange, because given the standard clause, one can take
GPL 2 code, modify it and then release the new version under GPL 3 [or

DS which is obviously tolerated, so there must have been some
DS other nuances.
It is, but there are problems.  I have computers with an Nvidia card
and run Debian.  Quite often, when the kernel image pacakge is updated
(even if the same version numbers are kept!), my system breaks and
until I recompile the interface to the Nvidia binaries, I cannot use
X.  Interfacing proprietary binary modules to linux seems to be a
perennial problem.

Recently (0.5-1 year ago), there were some reports on relevant sites
that somebody who was providing support for binary drivers of some
digital camera got very upset with how it was made harder and harder
for him to provide this support.  And when some code was removed from
the kernel which made it possible for him to provide the support (and
the argument for the removal was that the code only serves this
purpose), he really spit the dummy and asked that his code and any
other code that he had provided to the linux kernel be removed.  As
far as I remember, Linus complied but a huge discussion ensued on
whether he was actully allowed to withdraw all his code.  I did not
follow this incidence though to see how it was eventually resolved.

DS In any case

Re: [R] intervals from cut() as numerics?

2006-05-20 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Gavin,

 GS == Gavin Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GS The problem is getting the range/interval for each group from
GS (4,4.3], so I can automate this.
Most likely there is an easier way, but this seems to work:

## get the levels of groups:
 tmp - levels(groups)
## remove the opening ( and closing ] from the string:
 tmp1 - sapply(tmp, function(x) substr(x, 2, nchar(x)-1))
## split into two character strings:
 tmp2 - strsplit(tmp1, ,)
## turn into results into two numbers:
 tmp3 - lapply(tmp2, as.numeric)

## Of course, we can do everything in one go:
 lapply(strsplit(sapply(levels(groups), function(x) substr(x, 2, nchar(x)-1)), 
 ,), as.numeric)
[1] 4.05 4.32

[1] 4.32 4.60

[1] 4.60 4.87

[1] 4.87 5.15

[1] 5.15 5.43

[1] 5.43 5.70

[1] 5.70 5.98

[1] 5.98 6.25

[1] 6.25 6.53

[1] 6.53 6.80



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] How can you buy R?

2006-05-20 Thread Berwin A Turlach
answers to these licences questions by testing them in court.  Good
luck if you choose to do so. :-)



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] No output in sourced R program

2006-05-17 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Sigbert,

 SK == Sigbert Klinke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SK Hi, If I type it in the command line I get, as expected:

SK [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
SK 23 24 25 [26] 26 27 28 29 30
SK Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n

SK If I create a program
SK 02e451444d6a46acf551996579092c911b90aa8e.R and run it I get

SK R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
SK Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)
SK Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n

SK mars:/srv/www/htdocs/mediawiki/teachwiki/Rfiles # more
SK 02e451444d6a46acf551996579092c911b90aa8e.R
SK rfiles-/srv/www/htdocs/mediawiki/teachwiki/Rfiles 1:30 q()

SK No output from 1:30 to the screen. Any idea what I do wrong ?
Autoprint of objects is only enabled on the command line, on all other
levels you have to explictly call the print() command.  So your script
should be:

BTW, interesting name for the file.  How do you select that one? ;-)



PS:  I heard rumours that Wiwi had HU-Berlin was using R instead of
 XploRe for some tasks. Slowly I start to believe it... :-))

== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] vector-factor operation

2006-04-14 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Murray,

 MJ == Murray Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MJ I found myself wanting to average a vector [vec] within each
MJ level of a factor [Fac], returning a vector of the same length
MJ as vec.
I presume that the vector that you want as result should not just have
the same length as vec, should it? :-)

MJ But there must be another way to do this, and it would be good
MJ to be able to apply other functions than mean() in this way.
Something like:

 Fac - sample(gl(2,4))
[1] 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2
Levels: 1 2
 vec - rnorm(length(Fac))
 tapply(vec, Fac, mean)
 1  2 
-0.6435816 -0.9267021 
 tapply(vec, Fac, mean)[Fac]
 2  1  1  2  2  1  1 
-0.9267021 -0.6435816 -0.6435816 -0.9267021 -0.9267021 -0.6435816 -0.6435816 
 tapply(vec, Fac, sum)[Fac]
2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 
-3.706808 -2.574326 -2.574326 -3.706808 -3.706808 -2.574326 -2.574326 -3.706808



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Odd anova(lm()) order phenomenon, looking for an explanation

2006-03-31 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Andrew,

 AR == Andrew Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AR I would have expected any term to explain less Sum Sq if
AR listed second than if listed first.  Is my intuition awry?
Yes.  :-)

I would not expect that *any* term explains less Sum Sq if listed
second, then life and (linear) modelling would be simple.  The problem
with multiple regression is that a covariate might look unimportant if
used first (i.e. has small Sum Sq associated with it in the anova
table), but if we first correct for other regressor, then this
covariate becomes important all of a sudden (i.e. has large Sum Sq
associated with it in the anova table).

What surprised me, was that you observed this phenomenon with respect
to both regressors.  If only one had displayed this behaviour, I would
have readily explained it as above, but that both display it, I found
surprising too.

AR Does anyone have any modelling insight to help me interpret
AR what I'm seeing?
Don't know if the following example, which shows the same behaviour,
leads to any insight. 

 n - 100
 x1 - runif(n, -1,1)
 x2 - runif(n, -1,1)
 y - x1*x1*x2 + rnorm(n, sd=0.05)
 y - y - mean(y)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value Pr(F)
x1 1 0.0055  0.0055   0.1485 0.7008
x2 1 5.0071  5.0071 134.3499 2e-16 ***
Residuals 97 3.6151  0.0373
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value Pr(F)
x2 1 4.9930  4.9930 133.9723 2e-16 ***
x1 1 0.0196  0.0196   0.5261   0.47
Residuals 97 3.6151  0.0373
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Derivative of a splinefun function.

2006-03-18 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Rolf,

 RT == Rolf Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RT Is there a way of calculating the derivative of a function
RT returned by splinefun()?
Yes, of course. :)
As somebody else once said: this is R, anything can be done, the
question is just how easy it is to do so.

It may depend on what kind of spline you are fitting with

RT Such a function is a cubic spline, whence it has a calculable
RT derivative, but is there a (simple) way of getting at it?
Depends on your definition of simple. ;-))

RT One workaround that I have thought of is to take a fine grid
RT of points, evaluate the function returned by splinefun() at
RT these points, put an interpolating spline through these points
RT using smooth.spline() with spar=0, and then calculate the
RT derivative with predict(...,deriv=1).
Why easy if one can also make it complicated?  There is the function
interpSpline() in the package splines for which, according to its help
page, the predict method also works.  So using smooth.spline with
spar=0 does indeed look a bit kludgy. :)

RT Is there a better way?
splinefun() essentially returns a function that contains one object in
its environment, namely z, which contains all the necessary
information for calculating the spline and whose body is just a call
to an internal C function.

The components y, b, c and d of the object z contain the piecewise
polynomial representation between knots of the spline if you choose
the methods fmm or natural.  If you use the method periodic then
the component e of the object z is used too, but I don't know whether
it is just used to hold intermediate results while calculating the
spline or whether it is actually necessary for calculating the
spline.  (An analysis of the C code that is called to calculate the
spline and to evaluate the spline should answer that question but
until now I never bothered of doing this since I didn't have use for
periodic splines yet.)

Thus, since the spline is stored in a piecewise polynomial fashion, it
shouldn't be hard to define a function that calculates the derivative
of the function returned by splinefun().  If my calculus is correct,
the following code should construct such a function:

 n - 9
 x - 1:n
 y - rnorm(n)
 f - splinefun(x, y)
 ls(envir = environment(f))
[1] z
 splinecoef - eval(expression(z), envir = environment(f))
 curve(f(x), 1, 10, col = green, lwd = 1.5)
 points(splinecoef, col = purple, cex = 2)

## construct a function that calculates the derivative of f()
 g - f
 environment(g) - new.env(parent=baseenv())
 z - get(z, envir=environment(f)) 
 z$y - z$b
 z$b - 2*z$c
 z$c - 3*z$d
 z$d - rep(0, z$n)
 assign(z, z, envir=environment(g))
 curve(g(x), 1, 10, col = green, lwd = 1.5)

As indicated above, I would only vouch for this method if splinefun()
is called with method=fmm or method=natural.  And the second
caveat is, of course, that you are assuming that I get my calculus
correct on a Saturday morning which might be a bit much to ask. ;-))

Hope that helps.



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Re: [R] Additional arguments in S3 method produces a warning

2006-03-16 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Martin,

 MM == Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM [...]
MM The grain of truth in Henrik's statement is that for a generic
MM function, S3 or S4, one should carefully consider which
MM arguments should be shared by all methods and which not.  But
MM having at least one `` non-... '' argument should be the rule,
MM and is even a necessity for S4.  Hence I'd strongly discourage
MM defining generic functions with only a (...) argument list.
I was pondering this question recently too and was already wondering
about sending an e-mail to ask for clarification to r-help or r-devel.

What are the arguments against having only a (...) argument list for
the generic?

I can think of several arguments why using only a (...) argument list
should be o.k.

First, I noticed that there are examples in R base that use this
construct, e.g.:

  function (...) 
  environment: namespace:base

Secondly, if I plan to write several methods for a generic and for
these methods the canonical name for the first parameter differ, it
would make sense to me to use only a (...) argument list for the
generic.  As an example from R, take the princomp() command:

  function (x, ...) 
  environment: namespace:stats
  Error: object princomp.default not found
  function (x, cor = FALSE, scores = TRUE, covmat = NULL, subset = 
  nrow(as.matrix(x))), ...) 
  environment: namespace:stats
  function (formula, data = NULL, subset, na.action, ...) 
  environment: namespace:stats

I would argue that it is natural to use formula as the first
argument to princomp.formula and x as the first argument to
princomp.default.  But as the generic is princomp(x, ...), the
princomp.formula method does not comply with two of the three
recommendations in the chapter on Generic functions and methods in
Writing R Extensions.

Thus, without more information what happens if these recommendations
are not followed, I would hesitate to use such code in my own
packages.  I would either make the generic of princomp have only a
(...) argument, or call the first argument of the princomp.formula
method x (which would obfuscate the code of that function a bit).

Lastly, I would suggest if the generic for transform would have been:

  function (...) 
  environment: namespace:base

instead of the current

  function (x, ...) 
  environment: namespace:base

Then a certain R user would not have reported a 10 sec puzzle to
r-devel recently:
(And I guess for many other R users solving this puzzle would have
taken more than 10 sec.)
And it is hard to see what purpose the argument x is actually
serving in argument list of the generic.  So why not use a (...)
argument list?

Thus, what speaks against a (...) argument list for a S3 generic?



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Re: [R] Help - lm, glm, aov results inconsistent with other stati stical package

2006-03-01 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 BR == Ben Ridenhour [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BR Alright, I'll try to give some sample code.
BR # create A with 2 levels - 2 and 4
O.k., let us add a 


to make thinks reproducible.

BR  A-c(rep(2,times=30),rep(4,times=42)) 
BR # make A a factor
BR  A-as.factor(A)  
BR #generate 72 random x points
BR  x-rnorm(72)   
BR #create different slopes  intercepts for A=2 and A=4
BR #add a random error term 
BR  y-c(x[(1:30)]+1,2*x[(31:72)]-2)+rnorm(72,mean=0,sd=2)   
BR #use model y~A*x for lm (or glm)
BR  test.lm-lm(y~A*x)

BR This essentially creates something like my data set and uses
BR the same model.  In response to (1), I was just using 0/1
BR because these are codings for the 2 levels, correct?
Actually, no, the internal coding of the factor is with 1 and 2:
 Factor w/ 2 levels 2,4: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
[1] 1 2

and how factors are internally coded is documented on the help page of

BR In response to (2), yes, I do want different slopes for the
BR two categories (that is what I am interested in testing).
Whether you get estimates of different slopes does not depend on how
the factor is internally coded but how your design matrix is
constructed given your model specification and how the factor is coded
when the design matrix is created.  R has plenty of options here.

In your above example, you created data from 1+x for one group and
-2+2*x for the other groups.  Assuming that you have not changed the
way R treats factors, some possibilities would be:


lm(formula = y ~ x * A)

(Intercept)x   A4 x:A4  
 0.9515   1.2449  -3.1825   0.8744  

In this case, the first and second values are estimates for the
intercept and the slope, respectively, of the regression line in the
first group.  The other two values are the estimates for the
*differences* in intercept and slope for the two groups.  


lm(formula = y ~ A/x)

(Intercept)   A4 A2:x A4:x  
 0.9515  -3.1825   1.2449   2.1193  

In this case, the first value is the estimate for the intercept in the
first group.  The second value is the *difference* in intercept for
the two regression lines.  The last two values are estimates for the
slopes in the two groups.


lm(formula = y ~ A/(x - 1))

 A2   A4 A2:x A4:x  
 0.9515  -2.2309   1.2449   2.1193  

In this case, the first two values are the estimates for the
intercepts for the two regression lines and the last two values give
the two slopes.  Quite reasonable estimates in my book.

BR If I export the data created above to JMP and run what I
BR believe to be the same model, I get a different answer for my
BR equations :( 
Presumably because you are using different parameterisations and you
interpret the estimates incorrectly.  To interpret the output, you
have to know what parameters your estimates are estimating.  I do not
know what JMP is doing or what kind of parameterisation it uses given
a certain model specification.
 [...] Why can't I get the same answer from JMP as in R?  This
 is very disturbing to me!
Rest assured, no matter how disturbing this might be for you, it is
much more disturbing for us to see people using statistical packages
without knowing what they are doing. :)
And I would find it particular disturbing if there is no statistician
(or someone with sufficient statistical training) at Washigton State
University who could explain all this to you.

Best wishes,


== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] command line completion in R?

2006-02-10 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 DR == David Ruau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DR Hi, I was wondering if there were a option to have command
DR line completion in R like in the Bash shell?
Of course, via Emacs and ESS :-)

For ESS see:
For Emacs see:

In fact, I got so used to command line completion, that I am hopeless
on any other interface to R since I cannot remeber the correct spelling
of (some) commands ;-)




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] List Conversion

2006-02-08 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 LD == Liz Dem [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LD I have a list (mode and class are list) in R that is many elements long 
and of the form:
LD [1] 5778
LD [1] num1
LD [1] num2 num3
LD [1] num4
LD [1] NA

LD I'd like to convert the $ID2 value to be in one element rather
LD than in two.  It shows up as c(\num2\, \num3\) if I try to
LD use paste(list[2], collapse=).
You want list[[2]], not list[2]:

 tt - list(ID1=num1, ID2=c(num2, num3), ID3 = num4, ID4 =NA)
[1] num1

[1] num2 num3

[1] num4

[1] NA

 paste(tt[2], collapse=)
[1] c(\num2\, \num3\)
  paste(tt[[2]], collapse=)
[1] num2num3
  paste(tt[[2]], collapse= )
[1] num2 num3

LD I need to do this over the length of the entire list, however
LD list2 - apply(list, 1, paste, collapse=) tells me 'Error in
LD apply : dim(X) must have a positive length'.
You want to use `lapply' not `apply':
 tt1 - lapply(tt, paste, collapse= )
[1] num1

[1] num2 num3

[1] num4

[1] NA

LD What I want to get is:
LD [1] num1
LD [1] num2 num3
LD [1] num4
LD [1] NA
In that case, if you don't want NA's to turn into strings:

 tt2 - lapply(tt, function(x) if([1])) NA else paste(x, collapse= ))
[1] num1

[1] num2 num3

[1] num4

[1] NA




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] reading in a tricky computer program output

2006-02-05 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Taka,

 TM == Taka Matzmoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TM and then assign the character vector to the numeric vector by

TM names-first.10
TM first.10 = numeric.vector
TM - cbind(names,first.10)
TM container - diag(10)
TM for (i in 1:(10*10))
I don't really understand this loop.  If I reverse-engineer this code
correctly thenthe matrix `' is not a 2*100 matrix, so you
should get an error while exectuting this loop.

TM Is there any other neat way to do this?
Neat way to create those character vectors?  Or a neat way to read in
the data from a file?

If the latter, I would use the following code:

  matzmoto - function(file, diag=TRUE){
dat - scan(file)
  nvar - sqrt(2*length(dat)+0.25) - 0.5
  nn - nvar
  nvar - sqrt(2*length(dat)+0.25) + 0.5
  nn - nvar - 1
res - matrix(0,nvar,nvar)
ind - upper.tri(res, diag=diag)
rind - 1:5
while(nn  0){
  if( nn  5 ){
rind - rind[1:nn]
tmp - matrix(0,nn,nvar)
tmp - matrix(0,5,nvar)
  how.many - sum(ind[rind,])
  tmp[ind[rind,]] - dat[1:how.many]
  res[rind,] - tmp
  dat - dat[-(1:how.many)]
  rind - rind + 5
  nn - nn - 5
  res - matzmoto(matzmoto1.dat, TRUE)
  res - matzmoto(matzmoto2.dat, FALSE)

After storing the two examples that you posted into the files
matzmoto1.dat and matzmoto2.dat, respectively, and removing the part
that you said you have added, I get the following result on my machine
when sourcing the above code:

  Read 55 items
  [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]   [,7]  [,8]  [,9] [,10]
   [1,]  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [2,]  0.001  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [3,] -0.002  0.019  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [4,]  0.012 -0.004 -0.020  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [5,] -0.015  0.003  0.011  0.008  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [6,]  0.005 -0.008 -0.005  0.002  0.005  0.000  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [7,]  0.008 -0.007  0.013  0.003  0.007 -0.037  0.000 0.000  0.00 0
   [8,] -0.014 -0.011 -0.010 -0.025  0.002  0.010  0.027 0.000  0.00 0
   [9,]  0.006  0.003 -0.010  0.002 -0.020  0.032 -0.004 0.008  0.00 0
  [10,]  0.006  0.010 -0.006  0.005  0.008 -0.008 -0.011 0.015 -0.02 0
  Read 45 items
  [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]   [,7]   [,8]  [,9] [,10]
   [1,]  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [2,] -0.002  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [3,]  0.003 -0.053  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [4,] -0.026  0.010  0.045  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [5,]  0.023 -0.008 -0.025 -0.016  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [6,] -0.012  0.023  0.013 -0.005 -0.011  0.000  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [7,] -0.031  0.031 -0.054 -0.013 -0.027  0.127  0.000  0.000 0.000 0
   [8,]  0.040  0.042  0.031  0.075 -0.007 -0.035 -0.166  0.000 0.000 0
   [9,] -0.012 -0.009  0.023 -0.005  0.037 -0.083  0.015 -0.027 0.000 0
  [10,] -0.013 -0.027  0.014 -0.013 -0.020  0.021  0.047 -0.052 0.048 0

The documentation of the function is quite simple.  Just pass the name
of the file in which the output is and whether it is a file that
includes the output of the diagonal or not.  If you don't trust the
calculation of how many variables are involved, then you might want to
change the function so that this is another input paramter.




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Re: [R] reading in a tricky computer program output

2006-02-05 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 BAT == Berwin A Turlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 TM == Taka Matzmoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TM and then assign the character vector to the numeric vector by

TM names-first.10
TM first.10 = numeric.vector
TM - cbind(names,first.10)
TM container - diag(10)
TM for (i in 1:(10*10))
BAT I don't really understand this loop.  If I reverse-engineer this code
BAT correctly thenthe matrix `' is not a 2*100 matrix, so you
BAT should get an error while exectuting this loop.
This should have been:  ... `' is not a 100*2 matrix ...

TM Is there any other neat way to do this?
BAT Neat way to create those character vectors?  Or a neat way to read in
BAT the data from a file?

BAT If the latter, I would use the following code:
Before somebody else points out the obvious optimisation of my code,
here is a (slightly) improved version of the function

  matzmoto - function(file, diag=TRUE){
dat - scan(file)
nn - nvar - sqrt(2*length(dat)+0.25) - 0.5
  nvar - nvar + 1
res - matrix(0,nvar,nvar)
ind - upper.tri(res, diag=diag)
rind - 1:5
while(nn  0){
  if( nn  5 ){
rind - rind[1:nn]
  how.many - sum(ind[rind,])
  res[rind,][ind[rind,]] - dat[1:how.many]
  dat - dat[-(1:how.many)]
  rind - rind + 5
  nn - nn - 5



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Re: [R] How to convert decimals to fractions

2006-01-27 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Muhammad,

 MS == Muhammad Subianto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS Are there any functions to convert decimals to fractions in R?
MS I have the result:
Something like:

 as.fractions(c(0, 0.0133,   0.04,
 0.0667, 0.0933,  0.107,
  0.133,  0.147,   0.16,
  0.187,0.2,  0.227,
  0.253,  0.267,  0.293,
   0.32,  0.333,  0.347,

 [1] 0  1/75  1/25  1/15  7/75  8/75  2/15 11/75  4/25 14/75   1/5 17/75
[13] 19/75  4/15 22/75  8/25   1/3 26/75 28/75




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Re: [R] D(dnorm...)?

2006-01-26 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Spencer,

 SG == Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SG I'm not qualified to make this suggestion since I'm incapable
SG of turning it into reality, [...]
This statement applies to me too, nevertheless I would like to point
out the following GPL library:

I am wondering since some time how hard it would be to incorporate
that library into R and let it provide symbolic differentiation
capabilities for R.



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Re: [R] Powell's unconstrained derivative-free nonlinear least squares routine, VA05AD

2006-01-18 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day David,

 DK == David Kinniburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DK I have used Mike Powell's optimization routine (VA05AD) from
DK the Harwell Subroutine Library (HSL) for more than 20 years.
DK [...]

DK Now that I have converted to R, I will miss my trusted
DK friend. I have started using nls() but have not accumulated
DK enough experience to compare the two. It would be great if
DK VA05AD could be an option in there (algorithm=Powell). To
DK this end, I recently enquired of the custodians of the HSL
DK whether it would be possible to make it freely available to
DK the R community. The answer was basically 'yes'.  [...]
You better ask again. :-)

I presume VA05AD is in what is now called the HSL archive?  If it is
part of HSL 2004, then I don't see a way how it could be incorporated
into R given the information on their web site.  

Even for the HSL archive, it is stated at that

[...] HSL Archive codes are now available without charge to
anyone, so long as they are not then incorporated into a
commercial product; the latter is, of course, still permitted
subject to a commercial licence. [...]

which sounds as if it would be possible to interface (parts of) HSL
archive to R.  But then that URL goes on ans states:

Access to the Archive is by means of a short-lived individual
password-controlled account. Potential users are asked for
brief details of the use they intend to make of the package(s)
they aim to download. Users are also asked to accept a
conditions-of-use form, and are not permitted to divulge their
userid and password to anyone else, nor to distribute any
codes they obtain to a third party. 

IANAL, but as I understand the GPL, the last part of that sentence
will make it pretty impossible to incorporate into R (or distribute as
an R package) (parts of) the HSL archive routines.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] how to specify dev.print target by a variable?

2005-12-22 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Leif,

 LK == Leif Kirschenbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LK How do I do this such that I can specify FOO to be one of
LK several choices? (GDD, PNG, postscript, etc.)  If I make FOO a
LK character variable, then dev.print complains.
Mmh, I am not sure what the complaint of R 2.2.0 on MS Windows is, but
I guess it is the same as under linux:

 FOO - png
 dev.print(file=fname, device=FOO, width=DEVw, height=DEVh, bg=transparent)
Error in dev.copy(device = png, file = fname, width = DEVw, height = DEVh,  : 
'device' should be a function

Which is very informative.  `device' is supposed to be a function, not
a character variable, thus:

 FOO - png
 dev.print(file=fname, device=FOO, width=DEVw, height=DEVh, bg=transparent)
 FOO - pdf
 dev.print(file=fname, device=FOO, width=DEVw, height=DEVh, bg=transparent)

all seem to work.




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] How to simulate correlated data

2005-12-15 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Lisa,

 LW == Lisa Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LW I would like to simulate X --Normal (20, 5) Y-- Normal (40,
LW 10) and the correlation between X and Y is 0.6.

LW How do I do it in R?
That depends on what you want the joint distribution to be. :)

If you want the joint distribution to be normal, you could use the
function mvrnorm() from the MASS package.




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] R is GNU S, not C.... [was how to get or store .....]

2005-12-06 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 vic == vincent  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

vic ronggui a __ mailing list
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Re: [R] apply() and dropped dimensions

2005-12-05 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Robin,

 RH == Robin Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RH How do I rewrite jj() so that it consistently returns a
RH matrix?
How about explicitly returning a matrix with the desired dimensions?

matrix(apply(m1, 1, function(y) 
 apply(m2, 1, function(x)
   f(x, y, ...)
   nrow=nrow(m2), ncol=nrow(m1))

 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   70   75   80   85
[2,]   75   80   85   90

 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   60   65   70   75

Or, using the outer command:

outer(1:nrow(m2), 1:nrow(m1), function(i,j) apply(cbind(i,j), 1, 
function(ii)  f(m2[ii[1],], m1[ii[2],], ...)))

 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   70   75   80   85
[2,]   75   80   85   90

 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   60   65   70   75



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Re: [R] extracting rows of a dataframe

2005-12-02 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 RH == Robin Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RH Three questions:

RH (1)  why is as.vector(a[2,-1]) not a vector?
Did you read the help file of as.vector() ?

 a - data.frame(male=c(T,T,F),mass=c(1,4,3),height=c(4,3,2))
   male mass height
1  TRUE1  4
2  TRUE4  3
3 FALSE3  2
 x - as.vector(a[2,-1])
[1] list
`data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ mass  : num 4
 $ height: num 3

Clearly you want:

 x - as.vector(a[2,-1], mode=numeric)
 num [1:2] 4 3
[1] 4 3

RH (2) How come setting names to NULL gives me bad weirdness?
 names(x) - NULL
`data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ : num 4
 $ : num 3
  structure(4, class = AsIs) structure(3, class = AsIs)
2  4  3

With your names(x)-NULL command you are wiping out the names of the
variables in your data frame.  Looking at, the
answer to the so-called weirdness can presumably be found in 

RH (3) Can I structure my dataframe in a better way, so that
RH this problem does not occur?
Not really, it's more a question of the appropriate use of
as.vector(). :-))



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] floor()

2005-11-29 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Werner,

 WB == Werner Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WB [1] 4

WB I would expect 5, or am I wrong?
You are wrong. :)


[1] 5
 (5.05-floor(5))*100 - 5
[1] -1.776357e-14

and read FAQ 7.31



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] force apply() to return a list

2005-11-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Robin,

 RH == Robin Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RH Still, it's a little disconcerting that apply() as generally
RH used can return a list 99.9% of the time and a matrix the
RH other 0.1%.
It probably depends on how it is used. :-)

I usually use apply in situations where I know that the lengths of the
result is always the same and want a matrix returned.  Thus, in my
applications in 99.99% of the time a matrix is returned and the other
0.01% a list (and I forget that apply could return a list).

(BTW, 67.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot, just as the
last three presumably. :) )

RH It took me a long time to track this down when debugging my
RH code the other night.
It is called defensive programming (and it is great if it works). :-)
If your code expects a list, make sure that it gets a list and spits a
dummy if not, then these kind of problems are easy to find.

RH Does anyone else agree?  Would it be possible to add an
RH argument such as force.list (with default FALSE) to apply()
RH that makes apply() return a list under all circumstances?
RH Also, adding Dimitris's excellent workaround to apply()'s
RH manpage would be helpful.
If you supply appropriate patches against the SVN source, I am sure
that R core will consider it.

And although Dimitris solution is quite nice, I find that it obfuscate
the code a bit.  What is wrong with checking whether the result
returned by apply is a matrix, and if so turn the matrix into a list.
Probably the easiest way to turn a matrix into a list is to use, if you want that the printed version of the object
looks like a list, then use as.list() too:

 a2 - cbind(1:3,3:1)
 f - function(x){1:max(x[1],4)}
 [,1] [,2] [,3]
 res - apply(a2,1,f)
 if(is.matrix(res)) res - as.list(
[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] 1 2 3 4



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Re: [R] A 'sweave' strange problem !!!

2005-11-12 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Stéphane,

 SD == Stéphane Dray [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SD I have found a problem (bug?) with Sweave.  [...]  The value
SD of 'a' has change between the two Schunks. It seems that the
SD problem only appear when there are plot (fig=T) in the first
SD one.  Without plot, there are no problems: a remains
SD unchanged. Is it a bug or have I misundertsood something ?
You have misunderstood something :) But it is quite subtle and it took
me some time to realise what was going on.

Note, that if an Sweave chunk produces a figure, then by default a PDF
and an EPS version of the figure is produced.  But R can produce only
one figure at a time, thus the chunk will be executed at least twice
if you set 'fig=TRUE' (and do not change any of the other arguments).

I noticed that even if I add 'eps=FALSE' or 'pdf=FALSE', the value of
'a' changed, if 'fig=TRUE'.  Only with 'fig=TRUE' and 'eps=FALSE' and
'pdf=FALSE' (don't ask me why I tried it), did the value of 'a' not
change.  Hence, my guess is that chunks that have 'fig=TRUE' are
executed once to produce the output for the .tex file and then they
are executed again to produce EPS and/or PDF output.  Thus such a
chunk is executed once, twice or thrice; depending on the settings of
'eps'and 'pdf'.

Thus, it is not a good idea to have statements in such chunks that
produce (pseudo-)random results.  

SD Thanks a lot !
My pleasure. HTH.

SD R version 2.1.0 (Debian).
Well, I guess the standard on this mailing list is to point out that
this is quite an old version of R and that the current one is R
2.2.0 (but that one has the same behaviour). :)



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Optim with two constraints

2005-10-20 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 AD == Alexis Diamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AD I have a follow-up from Jens's question and Professor Ripley's
AD response.

AD Jens wants to do quadratic optimization with 2 constraints:

   # I need two constraints:
   # 1. each element in par needs to be between 0 and 1
   # 2. sum(par)=1, i.e. the elements in par need to sum to 1

AD how does one set both constraints in quadprog, per
AD Prof. Ripley's suggestion?  i know how to get quadprog to
AD handle the second constraint,
The first is actually not one constraint but 2*k constraints, where k
is the number of elements in par.  But there is quite some
redundancy in this set of equation.  It suffices to constrain each
element to be bigger or equal to 0 and that they should sum to 1.  If
these constraints are fulfilled, then each element must be less or
equal to one.

AD but not BOTH, since quadprog only takes as inputs the
AD constraint matrix A and constraint vector b--
So what stops you from coding the k constraints from 1.) in the form
that quadprog requires them?  From memory, i.e. untested:

m - length(par)
Amat - cbind(rep(1,m), diag(m))
bvec - c(1,rep(0,m))
meq - 1

solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq)

AD unlike in ipop (kernlab), there is no additional option for
AD box constraints.
Well, the problems that I had (and still have) usually don't involve
box constraints, but I see that other people use them again and again.
So probably it would be a good idea to implement them...  But, more
importantly, would be to implement Powell's modifications of the
Goldfarb-Idnani algorithm to make it numerically more robust...  Oh,
yeah, and a warm start option from a feasible point would be nice
too  Probably all in a future version which should be released
sometime before Xmas 20xx. :)

AD apologies if i am not seeing something obvious here.
Apologies accepted. :)



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Re: [R] Doubt about Sweave

2005-09-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Ronaldo,

 RRJ == Ronaldo Reis-Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RRJ I reading about Sweave and it make a good output. But all
RRJ example is made with R commands mades in a file. Is possible
RRJ to make an output with sweave interactively in R and after
RRJ the analysis end export the latex code to a file?
As far as I know, no.  But you may want to look at Peter Wolf's
package 'relax'; see:
That package may have the functionality that you are looking for.



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Re: [R] R binaries

2005-08-31 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Brian,

 BDR == Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BDR On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Berwin A Turlach wrote:
 available.packages() does not seem to have a type argument
 according to its documentation, so I guess that even if it is
 run under Windows that it returns a list of all source packages
 available in contrib.

BDR Depends on what contriburl is set to, but the default under
BDR Windows is binary packages.  See my article in the current
BDR R-Newsletter.

BDR The default argument is contrb.url(getOption(repos)), and
BDR contrib.url does have a type argument (and its default is
BDR getOption(pkgType) ).
Thanks for pointing this out;  seems as if I didn't read the
documentation in sufficient details.

Thus, since Nam-Ky works on a Linux box (private e-mail) the commands
should be

+ pkgType=source)
 download.packages(available.packages(), destdir=.)

to download all the source files; followed by 

 download.packages(available.packages(), destdir=.)

to download all contributed binary packages for Windows.



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Re: [R] R binaries

2005-08-30 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Nam-Ky,

 NKN == Nam-Ky Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NKN I intend to burn some R CDs to colleagues in Vietnam.  I want
NKN to put all binary files for base as well as contributed
NKN packages (for both Windows and Linux).
I don't believe that precompiled binary files for Linux exist, since
they would depend very much on which flavour of Linux you are running.

NKN It is very time consuming if I download files by files. Is
NKN there a place a can buy a CD with all the mentioned files?
Not that I am aware off.  But I would do the following for easy
download of all contributed files:  Issue  from an R session the
following commands (mostly untested):

 tmp - available.packages()  # Or just use CRAN.packages() ??
## To download all source files
 download.packages(tmp, destdir=.)
## To download all windows binary
 download.packages(tmp, destdir=., type=win.binary)

If you do it from a Windows machine, you may have to adapt the destdir
argument in those commands.  Also, if you sit behind a proxy, then you
might have to first issue an appropriate
'Sys.putenv(http_proxy=put your proxy here)' command.

available.packages() does not seem to have a type argument according
to its documentation, so I guess that even if it is run under Windows
that it returns a list of all source packages available in contrib.
If some of those are not available as a precompiled windows binary,
the download.packages() command will probably fail with an error, so
you have to do the download in bits and pieces, removing offending
entries from `tmp' -- but that should be still faster than downloading
file by file (presumably by clicking in a web browser?).  (The
development version of R should now be more robust (Thanks again,
Brian) when downloading and just continue downloading the remaining
files if it encounters an error.  But I don't know where you run (or
what to run) R-devel ;-) ).

Hope this helps.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] lm.ridge

2005-08-25 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Daniel,

 DR == daniel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DR First: I think coefficients from lm(Employed~.,data=longley)
DR should be equal coefficients from
DR lm.ridge(Employed~.,data=longley, lambda=0) why it does not
DR happen?
Which version of R and which version of MASS are you using?


lm(formula = Employed ~ ., data = longley)

 (Intercept)  GNP.deflator   GNPUnemployed  Armed.Forces  
  -3.482e+03 1.506e-02-3.582e-02-2.020e-02-1.033e-02  
  Population  Year  
  -5.110e-02 1.829e+00  

 lm.ridge(Employed~.,data=longley, lambda=0)
   GNP.deflator   GNPUnemployed  Armed.Forces 
-3.482259e+03  1.506187e-02 -3.581918e-02 -2.020230e-02 -1.033227e-02 
   Population  Year 
-5.110411e-02  1.829151e+00 

These coefficients look pretty identical to me, except that they are
printed to different numbers of significant digits.

In fact, the following shows that they are identical (upto numerical

 fm1 - lm(Employed~.,data=longley)
 fm2 - lm.ridge(Employed~.,data=longley, lambda=0)
 coef2 - print(fm2)
   GNP.deflator   GNPUnemployed  Armed.Forces 
-3.482259e+03  1.506187e-02 -3.581918e-02 -2.020230e-02 -1.033227e-02 
   Population  Year 
-5.110411e-02  1.829151e+00 
[1] 7.275958e-12

DR Second: if I have for example Ridge-lm.ridge(Employed~.,
DR data=longley, lambda = seq(0,0.1,0.001)), I suppose intercept
DR coefficient is defined implicit,

DR why it does not appear in Ridge$coef?
If you look at the code of lm.ridge, you will see that, if an
intercept is included in the model, all non-constant regressors are
centered (i.e. made orthogonal to the intercept term) and scaled to
have the same variance.  Further more, the intercept term is typically
*not* penalised.  The components in Ridge$coef are the coefficients on
this transformed scale.  No need of including the intercept here,
since it is the same for all values of lambda.  If you print the
model, then the ridge coefficients on the original scale are
calculated, see:

A single object matching 'print.ridgelm' was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for print from namespace MASS
with value

function (x, ...) 
scaledcoef - t(as.matrix(x$coef/x$scales))
if (x$Inter) {
inter - x$ym - scaledcoef %*% x$xm
scaledcoef - cbind(Intercept = inter, scaledcoef)
print(drop(scaledcoef), ...)
environment: namespace:MASS

DR Third: I suppose that if I define
DR 1) y-longley$Employed
DR 2) X-as.matrix(cbind(1,Longley[,1:6])
DR 3) I = identity matrix the

DR following should be true: Coef=(X'X+kI)^(-1) X'y
No, as noted above, the intercept term is usually not penalised.

DR and if a take k=Ridge$kHKV, Coef should be approx equal to
DR Ridge$Coef[near value of kHKV]
No, as noted above the estimates in the coef component of an object
returned by lm.ridge are the coefficients on a different scale.

DR and it does not seem to happen, why?
Because the intercept is not penalised by lm.ridge and the
non-constant columns of the design matrix are rescaled; hence the
returned coefficients are on another scale.

DR Any help, suggestion or orientation?



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Re: [R] Kronecker matrix product

2005-07-13 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 RH == Robin Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RH I want to write a little function that takes a matrix X of
RH size m-by-n, and a list L of length m, whose elements are
RH matrices all of which have the same number of columns but
RH possibly a different number of rows.

RH I then want to get a sort of dumbed-down kronecker product in which
RH X[i,j] is replaced by X[i,j]*L[[j]]

RH where L[[j]] is the j-th of the m matrices.  For example, if

RH X = matrix(c(1,5,0,2),2,2)

RH and

RH L[[1]] = matrix(1:4,2,2)
RH L[[2]] = matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,10),ncol=2)

RH I want

RH [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
RH [1,]1300
RH [2,]2400
RH [3,]5522
RH [4,]5522
RH [5,]5   502   20

 tmp - sapply(1:length(L), function(j, mat, list) kronecker(X[j,,drop=FALSE], 
 L[[j]]), mat=X, list=L), tmp)
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[5,]5   502   20




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Kronecker matrix product

2005-07-13 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 BT == Berwin A Turlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 tmp - sapply(1:length(L), function(j, mat, list) 
kronecker(X[j,,drop=FALSE], L[[j]]), mat=X, list=L)

Uups, should proof read more carefully before hitting the send
button.  This should be, of course:

tmp - sapply(1:length(L),
  function(j, mat, list) kronecker(mat[j,,drop=FALSE], list[[j]]),
  mat=X, list=L)



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] nls(): Levenberg-Marquardt, Gauss-Newton, plinear - PI curve fitting

2005-06-21 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Chris,

 CK == Christfried Kunath [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CK With the nls()-function i want to fit following formula
CK whereas a,b, and c are variables: y~1/(a*x^2+b*x+c)

CK [...]

CK The algorithm plinear give me following error:
The algorithm plinear is inappropriate for your data and your model
since none of the parameters are linear.  You are actually trying to
fit the model
y ~ d/(a*x^2+b*x+c)

where `d' would be the linear parameter.

CK phi function(x,y) {
CK coef(k.nls) }

CK [...]

CK The commercial software Origin V.6.1 solved this problem
CK with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm how i want.  The
CK reference results are: a = 9.6899E-6, b = 0.00689, c = 2.72982

CK What are the right way or algorithm for me to solve this
CK problem and what means this error with alg=plinear?
The error means that at some point along the way a matrix was
calculated that needed to be inverted but was for all practical
purposes singular.  This can happen in numerical optimisation
problems, in particular if derivatives have to be calculated

How to solve this problem:

1) Don't use the algorithm plinear since it is inappropriate for
   your model.

2) You may want to specify the gradient of the function that you are
   minimising to make life easier for nls(), see Venables  Ripley
   (2002, page 215) for an example.

3) You can call nls() directly without specifying the plinear option:
   (I renamed the variables in the data frame to x and y for

  Nonlinear regression model
model:  y ~ 1/(a * (x^2) + b * x + c) 
 data:  k 
  a b c 
  -7.326117e-05  4.770514e-02  2.490643e+00 
   residual sum-of-squares:  0.1120086

   But the results seem to be highly depended on your starting values:

  Nonlinear regression model
model:  y ~ 1/(a * (x^2) + b * x + c) 
 data:  k 
  9.690204e-06 6.885570e-03 2.729825e+00 
   residual sum-of-squares:  0.000547369 

   Which is of some concern.

4) If you really want to fit the above model, you may also consider to
   just use the glm() command and fit it within a generalised linear
   model framework:

   glm(y ~ I(x^2) + x, data=k, family=gaussian(link=inverse))
  Call:  glm(formula = y ~ I(x^2) + x, family = gaussian(link = inverse), 
 data = k) 
  (Intercept)   I(x^2)x  
  Degrees of Freedom: 8 Total (i.e. Null);  6 Residual
  Null Deviance:0.09894 
  Residual Deviance: 0.0005474  AIC: -53.83 




== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] problem with model.matrix

2004-06-24 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 BN == Balasubramanian Narasimhan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BN Trevor's problem is reproducible on R 1.8.1 (which is what he
BN was using) on both Linux RHEL 3.0 and Solaris and R 1.8.0 on
BN Windows.
Yep, on my Linux box (details below) I have the same problem with R
1.8.1 but no problem under R 1.9.0 or R 1.9.1.

Time to upgrade I would say. :)



--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = i686-pc-linux-gnu
 arch = i686
 os = linux-gnu
 system = i686, linux-gnu
 status = 
 major = 1
 minor = 8.1
 year = 2003
 month = 11
 day = 21
 language = R

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, package:methods, package:ctest, package:mva, package:modreg, package:nls, 
package:ts, Autoloads, package:base

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Re: [R] problem with update.packages()

2004-03-29 Thread Berwin A Turlach
G'day Stefano,

 SC == Stefano Calza [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SC Hi.  I'm experiencing a problem with updating packages on R
SC 1.8.1 (2003-11-21) on Debian testing.  I get the following
SC message when updating for example Design:

SC ...  ...  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lg2c-pic ...
SC Any suggestion?

I ran into a similar problem some time ago.  I had no problems with my
original g77-3.3 from testing.  But then g77-3.3 was upgraded and when
I wanted to compile a package that contained Fortran code, I ran into
this problem.

A bit of investigation showed that the current g77-3.3 version in
testing has (on my machine) in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.3
symbolic links for libg2c-pic.a and to libg2c.a and, respectively, as if the latter libraries are in the same
directory.  But those two libraries are actually installed into
/usr/lib/.  So the symbolic links point into nirvana and ld can't find
the libraries.

My solution was to upgrade to g77-3.3 in unstable (by changing my
preference file in /etc/apt (attached below).  No problems since then.

Hope that helps.



Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 50

Package: g77-3.3
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 999
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Re: [R] Odd behaviour of step (and stepAIC)?

2004-03-20 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 JO == Jari Oksanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JO There seems to be some obscure features in step() when you
JO have interaction terms: their interpretation is order
JO sensitive. [...]  Just because R internally decides to order
JO terms differently than in the scope (this may happen even when
JO you have produced the scope by first fitting the maximal
JO model, and then extracting that using scope=formula()). I once
JO was diligent enough to trace this to a certain C function
JO where this ordering was done, but I was not clever enough to
JO instantly know how to change the behaviour.
It is well possible that this may be occasionally a problem.  (I
remember that a colleague of mine once showed me a problem were the
behaviour of step depended on how you specified the code.  However, I
believe more recent version of R don't show that behaviour anymore.)

But I don't believe that this is the problem in Bob's case:
 I'm getting the following from a stepwise selection (with both step 
 and stepAIC):
  step(lm(sqrt(Grids)~ SE + Edge + NH), scope=~ (Edge + SE + NH)^2)
 Start:  AIC= 593.56
 sqrt(Grids) ~ SE + Edge + NH
 Df Sum of Sq  RSSAIC
 none 2147.0  593.6
 + Edge:NH  1   3.0 2143.9  595.1
 + SE:NH4  23.2 2123.8  598.4
 - NH   1  75.8 .8  601.6
 - Edge 1 448.7 2595.7  646.4
 - SE   41033.7 3180.6  699.1
 My problem is that the SE:Edge term is not added.
If you look at the output, adding the SE:Edge term decreases RSS but
increases AIC.  The increase in parameters is not worth the decrease
in RSS, according to the AIC criterion.  step tries to find the best
AIC model, i.e., the current model is the best.



== Full address 
Berwin A Turlach  Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics+61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)  
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway   
Crawley WA 6009e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] Probit predictions outside (0,1) interval

2004-03-05 Thread Berwin A Turlach
 AM == Arnab mukherji [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AM Any advice would be really helpful.
Read the documentation of predict and then the one of predict.glm? ;-) 

I guess you actually wanted to do one of the following:

 yhat-predict(g, dat, type=response)
[1] 0.2760238 0.9229622


[1] 0.2760238 0.9229622



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