[R] Running a likelihood ratio test for a logit model

2006-05-18 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   I have to calculate a likelihood ratio test for a logit model.  I
found logLik, but I need to calculate the log likelihood for the model
without any predictors.  How can I specify this in glm?  If the full
model is glm(y ~ x1), is the one without predictors (y ~ 0)?  Or (y ~
   Is there a more direct way of getting this?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] Running a likelihood ratio test for a logit model

2006-05-18 Thread Chris Bergstresser
On 5/18/06, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 18 May 2006, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:

  the print method for glm object already shows you the null and
  residual deviance with the associated df; look also at the Value
  section of ?glm.

 Note though that deviances are not (log) likelihood ratios, but
 differences in deviances are twice log LRT (pace a previous answer).

   Ah, that's what I wanted.  I was confused because the book I'm
working out of (Agresti's _An Introduction to Categorical Data
Analysis_) never refers to the components of the log LRT as deviances.

 anova() is a good way to get suitable tests out of model fits:
 in this case

  anova(glm(y ~ x1, family=binomial))

 shows you the appropriate 2 log LRT

I've been using that for comparing models, but got a little
confused because it didn't spit out an associated p-value.  I tried
summary(anova) but that's just ridiculous.
   Does aov compute basically the same test, but using the F
distribution rather than the chisq?

-- Chris

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[R] Adding error bars to a trellis barchart display

2006-05-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   I'm using trellis to generate bar charts, but there's no built-in
function to generate error bars or confidence intervals, as far as I
can tell.  I assumed I could just write my own panel function to add
them, so I searched the archive, and found a posting from the author
of the package stating ... placing multiple bars side by side needs
specialized calculations, which are done within panel.barchart. To add
bars to these, you will need to reproduce those calculations.
   Just so I'm clear on this -- there's no capacity to add bars to the
plot, nor to find out the coordinates of the bars in the graphs
themselves.  If you want them, you have to completely rewrite
panel.barchart.  Is this correct?  Are there really so few people
using error bars with bar charts?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] Specifying an appropriate error term in a hierarchical regression

2006-04-18 Thread Chris Bergstresser
On 17 Apr 2006 23:55:14 +0200, Peter Dalgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Confusing nesting and nesting...

 The / operator is designed to handle cases like this

 a b
 1 1
 1 2
 2 1
 2 2

 in which the numbering of b only makes sense within a - no connection
 between b=1 when a=1 and when a=2 (think group1, member1). In this
 case, the interaction a:b makes sense, but a main effect of b does

   This makes sense.  It sounds like there's no need for the /
operator, assuming the factors are numbered appropriately.  Is this

 It is not clear to me what B(A) is supposed to mean in Kirk's
 terminology. Sounds like it could be the total sum of squares for the
 b stratum, which is the effect of b ignoring a (?).

SSB(A), as Kirk defines it, is the pooled simple main effects of
treatment B at each level of treatment A.  Or [AB] - [A], if you

   I suppose my primary problem is specifying a different denominator
for each level of the F test in the ANOVA.  I can specify an overall
error term (using Error in the model specification) but for the
example in the book the F-test for factor A is MSA/MSB(A), while the
F-test for factor B(A) is MSB(A)/MSerror.
   It doesn't seem like it's possible to do this using a single aov
command; I have to run it once with each appropriate error term or do
the F-test by hand.  That can't be right, can it?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] Specifying an appropriate error term in a hierarchical regression

2006-04-17 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   So I obtained a copy of _Statistical Models in S_, which I hoped
would answer my question, but it doesn't quite.  On page 151, it
discusses nested terms, which is what I'm working with.  So I tried
using value ~ a/b which apparently should fit factor b within factor
a.  But the summary is the exact same summary that value ~ a + b and
value ~ a * b produces, which doesn't seem right.  And the F value
reported for A is wrong; it should compare the mean square of A with
the mean square of B(A), not the residual mean square as it does.
   What am I doing wrong?

On 4/11/06, Chris Bergstresser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all --

So I'm working through my statistics homework again, and trying to
 reproduce the examples in the book (Kirk's _Experimental Design_,
 third edition) in R.  This is a completely randomized hierarchical
 design (CRH-28(A)).  The B factor is completely nested within the A
 factor.  Pages 480-482, for those playing along at home.

I can use:

 summary(aov(value ~ a + Error(b), data = ex));

to get the correct F value for the main effect of A.  I can use

 summary(aov(value ~ b, data = ex));

to get the correct values for B(A) and the within cell SS.  But I
 can't find any documentation about constructing the Error term to get
 this output in a single analysis (except for
 http://www.psych.upenn.edu/~baron/rpsych/rpsych.html, but Kirk doesn't
 talk about these tests in terms of Error strata, so it's a little hard
 to figure out the correspondence).
Also, the documentation on the Error term in ?aov is rather
 perfunctory.  There's no mention of the / operator, for example.

 ex = scan()
  3  6  3  3
  1  2  2  2
  5  6  5  6
  2  3  4  3
  7  8  7  6
  4  5  4  3
  7  8  9  8
 10 10  9 11

 a = factor(rep(paste(a, 1:2, sep = ), each = 16));
 b = factor(rep(paste(b, 1:8, sep = ), each = 4));

 ex = data.frame(value = ex, a, b);

 summary(aov(value ~ a + Error(b), data = ex));
 summary(aov(value ~ b, data = ex));

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Re: [R] extremely simple for loop question

2006-04-12 Thread Chris Bergstresser
On 4/12/06, Paul Roebuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to do a for loop in which m takes on the values
  1, 5, 10, 15, 20.  What is the syntax for doing that?
  I had been doing a loop for m in 1:20, but I only want
  those values above.


... which doesn't handle the 1 in that sequence very elegantly.  You can do this

for (m in c(1, seq(5, 20, 5)))

   for the general case, but for the specific circumstance I'd do

for (m in c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20))

-- Chris

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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[R] Specifying an appropriate error term in a hierarchical regression

2006-04-11 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   So I'm working through my statistics homework again, and trying to
reproduce the examples in the book (Kirk's _Experimental Design_,
third edition) in R.  This is a completely randomized hierarchical
design (CRH-28(A)).  The B factor is completely nested within the A
factor.  Pages 480-482, for those playing along at home.

   I can use:

summary(aov(value ~ a + Error(b), data = ex));

   to get the correct F value for the main effect of A.  I can use

summary(aov(value ~ b, data = ex));

   to get the correct values for B(A) and the within cell SS.  But I
can't find any documentation about constructing the Error term to get
this output in a single analysis (except for
http://www.psych.upenn.edu/~baron/rpsych/rpsych.html, but Kirk doesn't
talk about these tests in terms of Error strata, so it's a little hard
to figure out the correspondence).
   Also, the documentation on the Error term in ?aov is rather
perfunctory.  There's no mention of the / operator, for example.

ex = scan()
 3  6  3  3
 1  2  2  2
 5  6  5  6
 2  3  4  3
 7  8  7  6
 4  5  4  3
 7  8  9  8
10 10  9 11

a = factor(rep(paste(a, 1:2, sep = ), each = 16));
b = factor(rep(paste(b, 1:8, sep = ), each = 4));

ex = data.frame(value = ex, a, b);

summary(aov(value ~ a + Error(b), data = ex));
summary(aov(value ~ b, data = ex));

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[R] Grid graphics issues

2006-04-04 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

So I'm trying to use lattice graphics, but I want to use a
sunflower plot, which doesn't seem to be part of lattice.  No problem,
I put together the following code, which mostly works -- *except* for
the first graph it generates.  If it opens the graphic device, then it
draws the xygrid, clears the device, then draws the sunflowerplot. 
All subsequent output operations work fine, as does rerunning the code
with the graphic device open.
   What's going on?  How can I fix this?  I tried looking through the
family of dev.* to no success.  I can use trellis.device to open the
device, but that causes the same problem.

-- Chris


trellis.par.set(theme = col.whitebg());
outer.plot.limits = c(0.75, 5.25);
inner.plot.limits = c(0.92, 5.08);
sunpanel - function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, just = center));
par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE);
sunflowerplot(x, y, axes = FALSE, xlab = , ylab = ,
  xlim = inner.plot.limits, ylim = inner.plot.limits);

for (i in 1:10) {
x = round(runif(100, 1, 5));
y = round(runif(100, 1, 5));
print(xyplot(y ~ x, xlim = outer.plot.limits, ylim = outer.plot.limits,
 main = i, aspect = iso, between = list(x = 1, y = 0),
 panel = sunpanel));

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Re: [R] Random effects ANOVA?

2006-03-30 Thread Chris Bergstresser
On 3/30/06, Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think you want print or summary rather than anova.  anova() is not very
 useful for aov() models even without error strata.

That's sort of better.  summary(aov(time ~ drink + Error(video),
data = df));

gives me:

Error: video
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(F)
Residuals  2160  80

Error: Within
  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F valuePr(F)
drink  1 240.000 240.000  44.211 1.313e-08 ***
Residuals 56 304.000   5.429
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

...what I'm really looking for is something akin to the output from
SAS, which is:

Source DF Anova SSMean Square   F ValuePr  F
DRINK   1  240.000240.000 12.000.0742
VIDEO   2  160.000 80.000  4.000.2000

 I didn't follow how the videos were chosen.  Random effects apply when the
 'treatments' were chosen from a large population (which might apply if
 each subject watched (on separate occasions) three videos chosen randomly
 from a larger pool), and if the interest is in the variability of the
 response over videos in the pool.  If subjects were observed more than
 once then I suspect you most likely want a random effect for subjects.

   This problem comes directly from the final for my Experimental
Stats class, which is why it feels a little odd.  The videos were
randomly selected from a library.  Subjects watched one of the three
videos, drank one of the two drinks, and completed the tasks.  There
were no repeated measures, so we can't block on subjects.
   The hypothesis test, according to SAS, treats DRINK*VIDEO as an
error term.  Setting aside whether this is the right analysis, how can
I replicate this analysis in R?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] Random effects ANOVA?

2006-03-30 Thread Chris Bergstresser
On 30 Mar 2006 22:41:51 +0200, Peter Dalgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not quite sure whether

   time ~ drink + video + Error(video:drink)

 works. It might, although it is a bit unnatural to have a random
 interaction between to systematic effects.

   This exactly reproduces the given SAS output.  Whether it's
actually the right model to use, given the problem, is a different
question.  And luckily not one I have to answer.

-- Chris

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[R] Random effects ANOVA?

2006-03-29 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

So I have a very simple dataset, which consists of 60 subjects,
who watched one of three videos, drank one of two drinks, and
completed a task.  The response variable is the time to complete the
task.  The ANOVA command is simple enough:  anova(aov(time ~ drink *
video, data = df));

   However, the videos were randomly selected; I need to use the
random effects model for them.  So I tried anova(aov(time ~ drink +
Error(video), data = df));  This gives me a no applicable method for
'anova' error.

   The command aov works, but doesn't give me anything I can interpret
effectively.  Is there a simpler command I should be using?  Am I
doing something wrong?

-- Chris

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Re: [R] RGui crashes on wle call

2005-06-14 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Chris Bergstresser wrote:
I'm seeing the following commands reliably produce a crash in RGui,
 version 2.0.1, for both my home and office machine:

  rm(list = ls(all = TRUE));
  data.wle = wle.lm(abortion ~ year * lib.con + age + gender +
 + urbanism + census + income + church.att + children + educ +
 + religion.imp, data = data.set);

 1) Re-do the tests in the current version of R, preferably a beta of 2.1.1.

Yeah -- I upgraded to R 2.1.0, and it still reliably crashes.

 2) Read the rw-FAQ, do the debugging reported there (with Dr MinGW or 
 gdb) and find where it is crashing.  (This is very likely to be in wle.)
 If it is in wle, send a report to the maintainer.  If it is in R, send a 
 report to R-bugs.

I'm a little loath to download and install a debugger, as I've never 
done it before.  I don't even know what to look for if I were to install it.

  In either case, supply enough data to reproduce the

I can easily provide the datafile which seems to be causing it. 
It's only 200k, so if anyone is interested in pursuing the matter I'd be 
happy to send it to them.  This is on Windows XP, btw.

-- Chris

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[R] RGui crashes on wle call

2005-06-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

I'm seeing the following commands reliably produce a crash in RGui, 
version 2.0.1, for both my home and office machine:

  rm(list = ls(all = TRUE));
  data.wle = wle.lm(abortion ~ year * lib.con + age + gender +
+ urbanism + census + income + church.att + children + educ +
+ religion.imp, data = data.set);

dataset.R is moderately sized (about 200k compressed), and the 
command works just fine with lm rather than wle.lm.  Since I'm not 
sure where the bug lies -- in wle, in R, or in RGui -- I'm not sure 
where I should report this, or if it's already been reported.
What should I do?

-- Chris

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[R] Factor Analysis functions...

2005-04-21 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
I'm running a Factor Analysis on my dataset, and I've located the 
factanal() and princomp() methods.  I don't want to do a PCA, so it 
looks like I should use factanal(), but factanal() requires specifying 
the number of factors you expect from the analysis.
   Are there any packages out there explicitly for Exploratory Factor 
Analysis that do not require specifying the number of expected factors?

-- Chris
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[R] Clipboard size?

2005-04-20 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   I have a matrix of doubles (roughly 30x80) which I'd like to copy to 
the clipboard.  However, as the following shows:

 dm = matrix(runif(30 * 80), nrow = 80)
 write.table(dm, clipboard, sep = \t)
Warning message:
clipboard buffer is full and output lost
   Is there any way to increase the buffer?  Obviously, other programs 
don't have the same limitations (i.e., I can copy the same volume of 
data from Excel or my text editor and paste it into R without a problem)

-- Chris
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Re: [R] Ack! Odd correlation matrix problem

2005-04-16 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Spencer Graves wrote:
Does the following answer the question:
  cor(B, use=complete.obs)
** snip **
  cor(B, use=pairwise.complete.obs)
   Yep.  That's exactly the issue.  I had thought the reference to 
casewise deletion in the help for complete.obs was referring solely to 
the two variables involved, not the entire dataset.
   The documentation might be a little clearer on this point for those 
just starting out in statistics, although I suppose it's only an issue 
if you're working with correlation matrices, which might imply you're 
really *not* just starting out in statistics, and should know better.

-- Chris
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Re: [R] Ack! Odd correlation matrix problem

2005-04-16 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Spencer Graves wrote:
 Does the following answer the question:
   cor(B, use=complete.obs)
** snip **
   cor(B, use=pairwise.complete.obs)
   Yep.  That's exactly the issue.  I had thought the reference to 
casewise deletion in the help for complete.obs was referring solely to 
the two variables involved, not the entire dataset.
   The documentation might be a little clearer on this point for those 
just starting out in statistics, although I suppose it's only an issue 
if you're working with correlation matrices, which might imply you're 
really *not* just starting out in statistics, and should know better.

-- Chris
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[R] Ack! Odd correlation matrix problem

2005-04-15 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   Obviously, I'm missing something frightfully basic with the 
following.  What's likely going wrong?

 cr = cor(cluster.data, use = complete.obs);
 cr[tax, spend]
[1] -0.6138096
 cor(cluster.data[[tax]], cluster.data[[spend]],
+ use = complete.obs)
[1] -0.4925006
 df = data.frame(tax = cluster.data$tax,
+ spend = cluster.data$spend);
 cr = cor(df, use = complete.obs);
 cr[tax, spend]
[1] -0.4925006
 cor(df[[tax]], df[[spend]], use = complete.obs)
[1] -0.4925006
-- Chris
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[R] Normalization and missing values

2005-04-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   I've got a large dataset which consists of a bunch of different 
scales, and I'm preparing to perform a cluster analysis.  I need to 
normalize the data so I can calculate the difference matrix.
   First, I didn't see a function in R which does normalization -- did 
I miss it?  What's the best way to do it?
   Second, what's the best way to deal with missing values?  Obviously, 
I could just set them to 0 (the mean of the normalized scales), but I'm 
not sure that's the best way.

-- Chris
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Re: [R] Normalization and missing values

2005-04-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
   I'd just like to thank everyone who wrote in in response to my 
questions -- it's been greatly helpful, and appreciated.

Jonathan Baron wrote:
On 04/13/05 11:36, Chris Bergstresser wrote:
 First, I didn't see a function in R which does normalization -- did
 I miss it?  What's the best way to do it?
Look at scale().  Might be what you mean.
   Yeah; I should have remembered that.  I did search the help files 
for normalization and normalize but that isn't in the help files. 
Somewhat oddly, I think, since it's exactly what scale is doing.

 But, in general, the right way
to deal with missing data depends on the assumptions you make.
As a novice, I found the following article to be helpful:
Schafer, J. L.,  Graham, J. W. (2002). Missing data: Our view of 
the state of the art. Psychological Methods, 7, 147-177.
   This article is great; thanks for providing it.  The authors 
recommend either using ML Estimation or Multiple Imputation to fill 
in the missing data.  They don't talk much about which is better for 
certain situations, however.
   I don't think my data are particularly sensitive to the method I use 
-- I've got about 1,100 cases, with 85 variables, and there are only 
about 1,000 missing values overall, spread pretty evenly across the data 
   Are there any recommendations for specific packages?  transcan() 
and aregImpute() look promising; based on the documentation (and what 
I can understand from it) I'm assuming they both provide Multiple 

-- Chris
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[R] Getting the row/column of matrix for some values?

2005-04-13 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   Quick (I hope) question: I've got a correlation matrix.  Is there a 
quick way to find all the row/column names for those correlations higher 
than some value, like 0.4?

-- Chris
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[R] Errors reading data file?

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   I tried loading a data file with the following command:
 data = read.table(filename.txt, header = TRUE, sep = ,)
   This appeared to work fine, except it silently skipped 400 records 
(out of 1200).  It turns out, some of the text fields included quotes, 
and I needed to use 'quote = '.
   Why wasn't there an error message?  Is there some way to enable one?

-- Chris
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[R] How to convert a factor to a numeric?

2005-03-01 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --
   I've got two columns, both of which correspond to three factor 
levels (e.g., column1 is a, b, or c; column2 is x, y, or z). 
 I'd like to generate a third column, consisting on whether the two 
factors are correctly aligned for a given case (in this example, a 
corresponds to x, b to y, and c to z).  For example:

   a   x   TRUE
   a   y   FALSE
   b   y   TRUE
   c   z   TRUE
   b   x   FALSE
   Several questions:
   The easiest way seemed to me to be comparing the numeric values 
across columns, but the encodings are (a=1, b=2, c=3) and (x=1, y=3, 
z=2).  Is there a way to change the underlying value representing each 
factor, so I could just run an equality on them?
   Is there a simple way to check for correspondence without recoding 
the factors?
   In the help for factor(), it says In particular, 'as.numeric' 
applied to a factor is meaningless, and may happen by implicit coercion. 
 To revert a factor 'f' to its original numeric values, 
'as.numeric(levels(f))[f]' is recommended and slightly more efficient 
than 'as.numeric(as.character(f))'.  However, I get the following 
results.  What's going on?

 f = gl(3, 1, 6, labels=c(a, b, c))
[1] a b c a b c
Levels: a b c
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
[1] 1 2 3 1 2 3
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[R] Linear Trend Analysis?

2005-01-26 Thread Chris Bergstresser
Hi all --

   I'm trying to use R for my Analysis of Categorical Data class, but I
can't figure out how to do a weighted linear trend analysis.  I have a table
of categorical data, to which I've assigned weights to the rows and columns.
I need to calculate r and M^2, which is apparently done in SAS using PROC
FREQ and in STATA using correlate var1 var2 fw=count.  What's the command
for R?

-- Chris

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RE: [R] Linear Trend Analysis?

2005-01-26 Thread Chris Bergstresser
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim F Liao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In a course I recently taught, I used the
 following code to generate individual data from grouped data,
 which would give the same results as using fweight=count in Stata.
 where Y is the dependent variables and X1 and X2 are two
 explanatory variables and freq is your count variable.

   That had occurred to me, but some of the frequencies are around 17,000,
so it seemed there had to be a more elegant way.

-- Chris

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