[R] Danish characters i R2.0.1 vs R1.9.1 under winXP

2004-11-22 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Sorry for not reporting earlier, but the same problem exists with Swedish 
of Windows XP together with R 2.0.0 patched (but not with R 1.9.1) and the last
characters in our alphabet.
[1] "\344" 
[1] "\366" 
[1] "å"
[1] "\326" 
[1] "\304" 
[1] "\305" 

Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental science
Umeå University, Sweden

The problem is in your OS, which thinks the character \370 is not 
printable in your locale.

Apparently this is a WinXP problem, for it also thinks \366 is not 
printable in German (and other versions of Windows thinks it is).
(Uwe Ligges pointed that out a few hours ago.)

R 1.9.1 did not check, and so made a mess of trying to print non-printable 
characters, in particular nuls and control characters.

There is no simple workaround, as you do want octal representation for 
non-printable characters (e.g. embedded nuls).  What I have proposed is 
that we override Windows' view for upper (>= 0x80) characters.

It does not seem to be common: the only reports before today were for
Chinese, which is not expected to work.

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Ladelund, Steen wrote:

/ Hi all.
/>>/ After upgrading to R2.0.1 i get
/>>>/ "æ"
/>>/ [1] "æ"
/>>>/ "ø"
/>>/ [1] "\370"
/>>>/ "å"
/>>/ [1] "å"
/>>/ Whereas under R1.9.1 i get
/>>>/ "æ"
/>>/ [1] "æ"
/>>>/ "ø"
/>>/ [1] "ø"
/>>>/ "å"
/>>/ [1] "å"
/>>/ Any hints apreciated.
/>>/ Steen
/>>/ Steen Ladelund, statistician
/>>/ +4543233275 stelad01.FUNNYAglostruphospDOTkbhamt.dk
/>>/ Research Center for Prevention and Health
/>>/ Glostrup University Hospital, Denmark
/>>/ www.fcfs.kbhamt.dk
/>>/ __
/>>/ R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help> 
mailing list
/>>/ https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
/>>/ PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
Brian D. Ripley,  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk 
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/ 
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Filled triangles in lattice graphics?

2003-08-20 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Dear R users,

I can get a filled triangle pointing upwards by specifying pch=17 in 
xyplot or lpoints, but how do I get a filled triangle that points downwards?

In the standard plot function it's possible to use 
plot(x,y,pch=25,bg="black"), but bg= doesn't seem to work with lattice 
and lpoints.


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University, Sweden
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Fw: [R] SIMCA algorithm implementation

2003-10-16 Thread Hans Gardfjell
/ Dear All
/>/ Is there a SIMCA (Soft Independent Modelling Class Analogy) implementation
/>/ on R or does anyone know if is it possible to replicate the SIMCA
/ using existing R functions?
/>/ Thanks
/>/ Mike White
I haven't seen any implementation in R, but check out the 'chemiometrics' home page 
here at
Umeå University, http://www.acc.umu.se/%7Etnkjtg/chemometrics/publications.html
Hans Gardfjell
Dept of Ecology and Environmental science
Umeå University, Sweden
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] R on kubuntu

2005-07-11 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Dear R users,

It's possible to install newer versions of R from the Ubuntu depositories,
but the new version of R can only be found in 'breezy', the 'unstable'
version of Ubuntu. You can however create a mixed system with most of your 
from the old 'hoary' and only some (like R) from the unstable 'breezy' by using 
pinning mechanism in apt-get. Check out the instructions on pinning in the
Ubuntu wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto?highlight=%28apt-get+-t%29

In short it works like this:

1. Put in links to other depositories in /etc/apt/sources.list
2. Set the pinning priorities in /etc/apt/preferences
3. Install newer R-base with "apt-get -t breezy install r-base"


Hans Gardfjell
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University, Sweden

 >Hello all,
 >I am planning to redeploy my workstation under KUBUNTU.
 >Does any body has any r experience installing/using r on this platform?
 >Best regards.
 >Constant Depièreux
 >Managing Director
 >Applied QUality Technologies Europe sprl
 >Rue des Déportés 123, B-4800 Verviers
 >(Tel) +32 87 292175 - (Fax) +32 87 292171 - (Mobile) +32 475 555 818
 >(Web) http://www.aqte.be - (Courriel) constant.depiereux at aqte.be 
 >(Skype) cdepiereux

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how do I "relate" tables in R?

2006-02-11 Thread Hans Gardfjell


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden
phone:  +46 907865267
mobile: +46 705984464

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] aggregate vs tapply; is there a middle ground?

2006-02-11 Thread Hans Gardfjell
I faced a similar problem. Here's what I did

tmp <- 
tmp1 <- with(tmp,aggregate(C,list(A=A,B=B),sum))
tmp2 <- expand.grid(A=sort(unique(tmp$A)),B=sort(unique(tmp$B)))

At least fewer than 10 extra lines of code. Anyone with a simpler solution?

Cheers, Hans

lebouton wrote:
>Dear all,
>I'm wanting to do a series of comparisons among 4 categorical variables:
>a <- aggregate(y, list(var1, var2, var3, var4), sum)
>This gets me a very nice 2-dimensional data frame with one column per 
>variable, BUT, as help for aggregate says, <removed>>.  I don't see in help(aggregate) how I can change this.
>In contrast,
>a <- tapply(y, list(var1, var2, var3, var4), sum)
>gives me results for everything including empty subsets, but in an 
>awkward 4-dimensional array that takes me another 10 lines of 
>inefficient code to turn into a 2D data.frame.
>Is there a way to directly do this calculation INCLUDING results for 
>empty subsets, and still obtain a 2D array, matrix, or data.frame?  OR 
>alternatively is there a simple way to mush the 4D result from the 
>tapply into a 2D matrix/data.frame?
>thanks very much in advance for any help!
>Joseph P. LeBouton
>Forest Ecology PhD Candidate
>Department of Forestry
>Michigan State University
>East Lansing, Michigan 48824
>Office phone: 517-355-7744
>email: lebouton at msu.edu <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help>


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden
phone:  +46 907865267
mobile: +46 705984464

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] aggregate vs tapply; is there a middle ground?

2006-02-12 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Thanks Peter!

I had a "feeling" that there must be a simpler, better, more elegant 


Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> hadley wickham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I faced a similar problem. Here's what I did
>>> tmp <-
>>> data.frame(A=sample(LETTERS[1:5],10,replace=T),B=sample(letters[1:5],10,replace=T),C=rnorm(10))
>>> tmp1 <- with(tmp,aggregate(C,list(A=A,B=B),sum))
>>> tmp2 <- expand.grid(A=sort(unique(tmp$A)),B=sort(unique(tmp$B)))
>>> merge(tmp2,tmp1,all.x=T)
>>> At least fewer than 10 extra lines of code. Anyone with a simpler solution?
>> Well, you can almost do this in with the reshape package:
>> tmp <-
>> data.frame(A=sample(LETTERS[1:5],10,replace=T),B=sample(letters[1:5],10,replace=T),C=rnorm(10))
>> a <- recast(tmp, A + B ~ ., sum)
>> # see also recast(tmp, A  ~ B, sum)
>> add.all.combinations(a, row="A", cols = "B")
>> Where add.all.combinations basically does what you outlined above --
>> it would be easy enough to generalise to multiple dimensions.
> Anything wrong with
>> as.data.frame(with(tmp,as.table(tapply(C,list(A=A,B=B),sum
>A B   Freq
> 1  A a NA
> 2  B a -0.2524320
> 3  C a  3.8539264
> 4  D a NA
> 5  A c  0.7227294
> 6  B c -0.2694669
> 7  C c  0.4760957
> 8  D c NA
> 9  A e NA
> 10 B e  0.1800500
> 11 C e NA
> 12 D e -1.0350928
> (except the silly colname, responseName="sum" should fix that).


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden
phone:  +46 907865267
mobile: +46 705984464

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Constructing a transition matrix

2005-12-07 Thread Hans Gardfjell
If you order your factor levels in your vectors in the order you want in the 
then the prop.table(prop()) command will give you what you want.

But you have to reorder the factor levels so that the levels commands give the 
following output:

[1] "seed" "veg" "repr"

[1] "seed" "veg" "repr" "dead"

That means that you  need to include "seed" as a factor level in fate 
(even if that level is unused). The prop.table(table()) command
will then produce a 3 by 4 table. Remove the last row (that contains the 
proportion dead), and your set.

Hans Gardfjell
Dept of Ecology and Environmental science
Umeå University, Sweden

Chris Stubben wrote:

Hi again,

I almost figured this out, but still need some help on the last part.

I can use prop.table to get survival probabilities...

A <- t(prop.table( table(trans$class, trans$fate),1) )

rep seed veg
dead 0.000 0.333 0.000
rep 0.500 0.000 1.000
veg 0.500 0.667 0.000

so now I just need to format the matrix. I thought I could create a
matrix of zeroes using size class names,

dev<- c("seed","veg", "rep").

A0<-matrix(numeric(9), nrow=3, dimnames=list(dev,dev) )
seed veg rep
seed 0 0 0
veg 0 0 0
rep 0 0 0

but how do I assign values in A to the corresponding rows and columns in
A0? I hope there is an easy solution that I'm overlooking.

seed veg rep
seed 0 0 0
veg 0.67 0 0.5
rep 0 1 0.5



Chris Stubben wrote:
 >/ Hi,
/>/ I would like to construct a transition matrix from a data frame with
/>/ annual transitions of marked plants.
/>/ plant<-c(1:6)
/>/ class<-c("seed","seed", "seed", "veg", "rep", "rep")
/>/ fate<-c("dead", "veg","veg","rep", "rep", "veg")
/>/ trans<-data.frame(plant, class, fate)
/>/ plant class fate
/>/ 1 1 seed dead
/>/ 2 2 seed veg
/>/ 3 3 seed veg
/>/ 4 4 veg rep
/>/ 5 5 rep rep
/>/ 6 6 rep veg
/>/ I have been using sql queries to do this, but I would like to construct
/>/ the matrix in R since I plan to resample transitions using
/>/ trans[sample(nrow(trans), 6, replace=T), ]
/>/ I know I can get the original size vector using table()
/>/ data.matrix(table(trans$class))
/>/ [,1]
/>/ rep 2
/>/ seed 3
/>/ veg 1
/>/ but I don't know how to get counts of each class-fate combination where
/>/ fate does NOT equal dead
/>/ seed veg = 2
/>/ veg rep = 1
/>/ rep rep = 1
/>/ rep veg = 1
/>/ or how to divide the class-fate count by the original class count in 
/>/ size vector to get survival probabilities
/>/ seed veg = 2 / 3 seed = 0.67
/>/ veg rep = 1 / 1 veg = 1
/>/ rep rep = 1 / 2 rep = 0.5
/>/ rep veg = 1 / 2 rep = 0.5
/>/ or construct the square matrix with rows and columns in the same
/>/ developmental sequence like dev<- c("seed","veg", "rep").
/>/ seed veg rep
/>/ seed 0 0 0
/>/ veg 0.67 0 0.5
/>/ rep 0 1 0.5
/>/ Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
/>/ Thanks,
/>/ Chris Stubben
/>/ --
/>/ Los Alamos National Lab
/>/ BioScience Division
/>/ MS M888
/>/ Los Alamos, NM 87545

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[R] Labeling a range of bars in barplot?

2005-12-13 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Is this what you want...



Hans Gardfjell
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental science
Umeå University, Sweden

Dan Bolser wrote:

Hi, I am plotting a distribution of (ordered) values as a barplot. I 
would like to label groups of bars together to highlight aspects of the 
distribution. The label for the group should be the range of values in 
those bars.

As this is hard to describe, here is an example;

x <- rlnorm(50)*2


y <- quantile(x, seq(0, 1, 0.2))



That last plot is to highlight that I want to label lots of the small 
columns together, and have a few more labels for the bigger columns 
(more densely labeled). I guess I will have to turn out my own labels 
using low level plotting functions, but I am stumped as to how to 
perform the calculation for label placement.

I imagine drawing several line segments, one for each group of bars to 
be labeled together, and putting the range under each line segment as 
the label. Each line segment will sit under the group of bars that it 

Thanks for any help with the above!


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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[R] Environment problems

2006-05-23 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Dear list readers,

Can someone of you explain this behavior. Here's a toy example:

Start by constructing a function tmp


In the default editor enter this one-liner:

close the editor and run environment on the function.

 > environment(tmp)

Open the editor and remove the last parenthesis, this will make the 
editor choke.

 > fix(tmp)
Error in edit(name, file, title, editor) :
an error occurred on line 4
 use a command like
 x <- edit()
 to recover

Put the paranthesis back:

 > edit()->tmp

 > environment(tmp)

 > tmp()
Error in tmp() : could not find function "hist"

And as you can see, the function doesn't work anymore...
Yes, I know I can manually change the environment back to .GlobalEnv, 
but is this the way it supposed to work?

This example is done in

 > R.Version()$version.string
[1] "Version 2.3.0 Patched (2006-04-25 r37924)"

on WindowsXP

Cheers, Hans


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden
phone:  +46 907865267
mobile: +46 705984464

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Plotting female and male signs

2006-06-08 Thread Hans Gardfjell
Dear R-users,

Just like other users (as seen from previous posts on the list), I would 
like to use female and male signs in plots. I found B. Ripley's post 
about using Unicode characters. However, it doesn't works for me.

 > text(locator(1),"\u2640")  produces the following error:
Error: invalid \u sequence

But I can specify other Unicode characters as long I don't exceed 00FF, 
so this works

 > text(locator(1),"\u00FF") or
 > text(locator(1),"\u00E6") and also without preceeding 00
 > text(locator(1),"\uE6")

Can someone give me a hint?
I'm using a Swedish locale on WindowsXP and my R version is 2.3.1 
Patched (2006-06-04 r38279)


Hans Gardfjell


Hans Gardfjell
Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
90187 Umeå, Sweden
email: hans.gardfjell at emg.umu.se
phone:  +46 907865267
mobile: +46 705984464

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html