[R] post hoc comparison following with multcomp?

2006-03-22 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear R community,

I would like to check differences between treatment (Trait) following a 
glm. From R help list, I tried in the following way using the multcom 
library. Please, is it a correct manner to do post hoc comparison with 
the data below.

Thank you in advance. Sincerely

*> tabp<-read.delim("ponteM1.txt")*
*> tabp*
   Trait totponte
1  T   10
2  T   11
3  T   11
4  T9
5  T7
6  T7
7  T9
8  T   12
9  T9
10 T   10
11 M9
12 M   10
13 M8
14 M8
15 M   10
16 M8
17 M8
18 M9
19 M   11
20 M7
21 F8
22 F8
23 F5
24 F9
25 F5
26 F7
27 F5
28 F7
29 F6
30 F3
*> attach(tabp)*
*> glm1<-glm(totponte~Trait,family=poisson)* **
*> anova(glm1,test="F")*
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: totponte
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
  Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  F  Pr(>F) 
NULL 2916.3879
Trait  2   7.177027 9.2109 3.5885 0.02764 *
* *
*> library(multcomp)*
*> (coefglm1<-coef(glm1))*
 (Intercept)  TraitM  TraitT
  1.8405496   0.3342021   0.4107422
*> (vc.trait<-vcov(glm1))*
(Intercept)  TraitM  TraitT
(Intercept)  0.01587301 -0.01587301 -0.01587301
TraitM  -0.01587301  0.02723665  0.01587301
TraitT  -0.01587301  0.01587301  0.02639933
*> (CM<-contrMat(table(tabp$Trait),type="Tukey"))*
 F  M T
M-F -1  1 0
T-F -1  0 1
T-M  0 -1 1
* *
*> csimint(coefglm1,df=27,covm=vc.trait,cmatrix=CM)*
Simultaneous confidence intervals: user-defined contrasts
95 % confidence intervals
Estimate  2.5 % 97.5 %
M-F   -1.506 -2.177 -0.836
T-F   -1.430 -2.097 -0.763
T-M0.077 -0.286  0.439

Department of Environmental Biology
Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technology

University of Franche-Comte
Place Leclerc
25030 Besançon cedex
Tel : +33 (0)381 665 741
Fax : +33 (0)381 665 797


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] post-hoc comparisons following glmm

2006-02-14 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear Mr Graves,

this seems work on my data. Thank you very much for your help.


Michael Coeurdassier

Spencer Graves a écrit :
>   The following appears to be an answer to your question, though 
> I'd be pleased to receive critiques from others.  Since your example 
> is NOT self contained, I modified an example in the "glmmPQL" help file:
> (fit <- glmmPQL(y ~ factor(week)-1+trt, random = ~ 1 | ID,
> +  family = binomial, data = bacteria))
> iteration 1
> iteration 2
> iteration 3
> iteration 4
> iteration 5
> iteration 6
> Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
>   Data: bacteria
>   Log-likelihood: -551.1184
>   Fixed: y ~ factor(week) - 1 + trt
>  factor(week)0  factor(week)2  factor(week)4  factor(week)6 
> factor(week)11
>  3.3459650  3.5262521  1.9102037  1.7645881  
> 1.7660845
>trtdrug   trtdrug+
> -1.2527642 -0.7570441
> Random effects:
>  Formula: ~1 | ID
> (Intercept)  Residual
> StdDev:1.426534 0.7747477
> Variance function:
>  Structure: fixed weights
>  Formula: ~invwt
> Number of Observations: 220
> Number of Groups: 50
> > anova(fit)
>  numDF denDF   F-value p-value
> factor(week) 5   166 10.821682  <.0001
> trt  248  1.889473  0.1622
> > (denDF.week <- anova(fit)$denDF[1])
> [1] 166
> > (denDF.week <- anova(fit)$denDF[1])
> [1] 166
> > (par.week <- fixef(fit)[1:5])
>  factor(week)0  factor(week)2  factor(week)4  factor(week)6 
> factor(week)11
>   3.345965   3.526252   1.910204   1.764588   
> 1.766085
> > (vc.week <- vcov(fit)[1:5, 1:5])
>factor(week)0 factor(week)2 factor(week)4 factor(week)6
> factor(week)0  0.3351649 0.1799365 0.1705898 0.1694884
> factor(week)2  0.1799365 0.3709887 0.1683038 0.1684096
> factor(week)4  0.1705898 0.1683038 0.2655072 0.1655673
> factor(week)6  0.1694884 0.1684096 0.1655673 0.2674647
> factor(week)11 0.1668450 0.1665177 0.1616748 0.1638169
> factor(week)0   0.1668450
> factor(week)2   0.1665177
> factor(week)4   0.1616748
> factor(week)6   0.1638169
> factor(week)11  0.2525962
> > CM <- array(0, dim=c(5*4/2, 5))
> > i1 <- 0
> > for(i in 1:4)for(j in (i+1):5){
> +   i1 <- i1+1
> +   CM[i1, c(i, j)] <- c(-1, 1)
> + }
> > CM
>   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
>  [1,]   -11000
>  [2,]   -10100
>  [3,]   -10010
>  [4,]   -10001
>  [5,]0   -1100
>  [6,]0   -1010
>  [7,]0   -1001
>  [8,]00   -110
>  [9,]00   -101
> [10,]000   -11
> > library(multcomp)
> > csimint(par.week, df=denDF.week, covm=vc.week,cmatrix=CM)
> Simultaneous confidence intervals: user-defined contrasts
> 95 % confidence intervals
>   Estimate  2.5 % 97.5 %
>  [1,]0.180 -1.439  1.800
>  [2,]   -1.436 -2.838 -0.034
>  [3,]   -1.581 -2.995 -0.168
>  [4,]   -1.580 -2.967 -0.193
>  [5,]   -1.616 -3.123 -0.109
>  [6,]   -1.762 -3.273 -0.250
>  [7,]   -1.760 -3.244 -0.277
>  [8,]   -0.146 -1.382  1.091
>  [9,]   -0.144 -1.359  1.070
> [10,]0.001 -1.206  1.209
> > csimtest(par.week, df=denDF.week, covm=vc.week,cmatrix=CM)
> Simultaneous tests: user-defined contrasts
> Contrast matrix:
>   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
>  [1,]   -11000
>  [2,]   -10100
>  [3,]   -10010
>  [4,]   -10001
>  [5,]0   -1100
>  [6,]0   -1010
>  [7,]0   -1001
>  [8,]00   -110
>  [9,]00   -101
> [10,]000   -11
> Adjusted P-Values
>   p adj
>  [1,] 0.011
>  [2,] 0.013
>  [3,] 0.014
>  [4,] 0.015
>  [5,] 0.020
>  [6,] 0.024
>  [7,] 0.985
>  [8,] 0.985
>  [9,] 0.985
> [10,] 0.997
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, i386-pc-mingw32
> attached base packages:
> [1] "methods"   "stats" "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils" 
> "datasets"
> [7] "base"
> other attached packages:
>   multcompmvtnorm   MASSstatmod   nlme
>"0.4-8""0.7-2"   "7.2-24""1.2.4" "3.1-68.1"
>   If this does NOT answer your question (or eve

[R] post-hoc comparisons following glmm

2006-02-07 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear R community,

I performed a generalized linear mixed model using glmmPQL (MASS 
library) to analyse my data i.e : y is the response with a poisson 
distribution, t and Trait are the independent variables which are 
continuous and categorical (3 categories C, M and F) respectively, ind 
is the random variable.

Do you think it is OK?

Trait is significant (p < 0.0001) and I would like to perform post-hoc 
comparisons  to check  where the difference among  Trait categories but 
I did not find  a solution  in R help list or others.

Thank you in advance for your help


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp

2005-03-10 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
0.027  0.135 0.110
control-Al2000.225  -1.5930.132 0.116  0.466 0.341
Al800-Al400 -0.217  -1.4750.152 0.145  0.466 0.341
Al600-Al400 -0.149  -1.0640.138 0.292  0.583 0.466
Al800-Al600 -0.068  -0.4490.145 0.655  0.655 0.655

 > #a friend told me that it is possible to do multiple comparisons for lme 
in a simplest way, i.e. :
 > anova(lm1,L=c("treatmentcontrol"=1,"treatmentAl200"=-1))
F-test for linear combination(s)
   treatmentAl200 treatmentcontrol
   numDF denDF  F-value p-value
1 112 2.538813  0.1371

 > anova(lm1,L=c("treatmentcontrol"=1,"treatmentAl400"=-1))
F-test for linear combination(s)
   treatmentAl400 treatmentcontrol
   numDF denDF  F-value p-value
1 112 17.30181  0.0013

 > anova(lm1,L=c("treatmentcontrol"=1,"treatmentAl600"=-1))
F-test for linear combination(s)
   treatmentAl600 treatmentcontrol
   numDF denDF  F-value p-value
1 112 25.72466   3e-04

 > anova(lm1,L=c("treatmentcontrol"=1,"treatmentAl800"=-1))
F-test for linear combination(s)
   treatmentAl800 treatmentcontrol
   numDF denDF F-value p-value
1 112 27.9043   2e-04

 > # however, p values are different that those obtained above. Is this way 
OK or not?

Thank you in advance.


Michael Coeurdassier

Department of Environmental Biology
Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technology

University of Franche-Comte
Place Leclerc
25030 Besançon cedex
Tel :   +33 (0)381 665 741
Fax :   +33 (0)381 665 797


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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp

2005-03-09 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear R-help list,

I would like to perform multiple comparisons for lme.  Can you report to me 
if my way to is correct or not?  Please, note that I am not nor a 
statistician nor a mathematician, so, some understandings are sometimes 
quite hard for me.   According to the previous helps on the topic in R-help 
list May 2003 (please, see Torsten Hothorn advices) and books such as 
Venables & Ripley or Pinheiro & Bates. I need multcomp library. I followed 
the different examples and get these results :

In this example, response is the mass of earthworms after one month of 
exposure to different concentrations of pollutants (treatment). The 
experimental design was three containers per treatment with five animals in 
each container (or less if mortality occurred). Containers were referred as 
box and considered as the random variable.

 > tab<-read.delim("example1.txt")
 > tab
treatment box response
1control   a  1.8
2control   a  2.3
3control   a  1.3
4control   a  0.8
5control   a  2.0
6control   b  1.1
7control   b  2.2
8control   b  1.3
9control   b  2.0
10   control   b  1.3
11   control   c  1.5
12   control   c  1.4
13   control   c  2.1
14   control   c  1.7
15   control   c  1.3
16 Al100   d  1.6
17 Al100   d  2.1
18 Al100   d  0.7
19 Al100   d  1.8
20 Al100   d  1.2
21 Al100   e  1.5
22 Al100   e  1.5
23 Al100   e  2.0
24 Al100   e  1.0
25 Al100   e  1.6
26 Al100   f  0.9
27 Al100   f  2.0
28 Al100   f  1.9
29 Al100   f  1.7
30 Al100   f  1.7
68 Al800   q  1.0
69 Al800   r  0.8
70 Al800   r  0.9
71 Al800   r  0.9
72 Al800   r  0.6
73 Al800   s  0.9
74 Al800   s  1.0
75 Al800   s  0.8
76 Al800   s  0.8
77 Al800   s  0.7

 > attach(tab)
 > library(nlme)
 > lm1<-lme(response~treatment,random=~1|box)
 > library(multcomp)
Loading required package: mvtnorm

 > # first way to do (seem uncorrect)
 > summary(csimtest(coef(lm1),vcov(lm1),cmatrix=contrMat(table(treatment),
Error in csimtest(coef(lm1), vcov(lm1), cmatrix = 
contrMat(table(treatment), : estpar not a vector

 > #indeed
 > coef(lm1)
   (Intercept) treatmentAl200 treatmentAl400 treatmentAl600 treatmentAl800
a1.546679 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632
b1.546657 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632
c1.546664 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632
d1.546643 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632
s1.546667 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632
a 0.06
b 0.06
c 0.06
d 0.06
s 0.06

 > # second way to do could be to get a vector for lm1 coefficient removing 
intercept(is it correct?)
 > vect<-as.numeric(coef(lm1)[1,])
 > vect
[1]  1.5466787 -0.1648540 -0.4895219 -0.6383375 -0.7066632  0.060

  Simultaneous tests: user-defined contrasts

  user-defined contrasts for factor

Contrast matrix:
   Al100 Al200 Al400 Al600 Al800 control
Al200-Al100  -1 1 0 0 0   0
Al400-Al100  -1 0 1 0 0   0
Al600-Al100  -1 0 0 1 0   0
Al800-Al100  -1 0 0 0 1   0
control-Al100-1 0 0 0 0   1
Al400-Al200   0-1 1 0 0   0
Al600-Al200   0-1 0 1 0   0
Al800-Al200   0-1 0 0 1   0
control-Al200 0-1 0 0 0   1
Al600-Al400   0 0-1 1 0   0
Al800-Al400   0 0-1 0 1   0
control-Al400 0 0-1 0 0   1
Al800-Al600   0 0 0-1 1   0
control-Al600 0 0 0-1 0   1
control-Al800 0 0 0 0-1   1

Absolute Error Tolerance:  0.001

   Estimate t value Std.Err. p raw p Bonf p adj
Al800-Al100 -2.253 -10.4670.213 0.000  0.000 0.000
Al600-Al100 -2.185 -10.3890.207 0.000  0.000 0.000
Al400-Al100 -2.036  -9.8500.210 0.000  0.000 0.000
Al200-Al100 -1.712  -8.0510.215 0.000  0.000 0.000
control-Al100   -1.487  -7.2430.205 0.000  0.000 0.000
control-Al8000.767  -5.2820.143 0.000  0.000 0.000
control-Al6000.698  -5.0720.148 0.000  0.000 0.000
control-Al4000.550  -4.1600.155 0.000  0.001 0.001
Al800-Al200 -0.542  -3.4880.141 0.001  0.006 0.006
Al600-Al200 -0.473  -3.1910.140 0.002  0.014 0.012
Al400-Al200 -0.325  -2.2670.147 0.027  0.135 0.110
control-Al2000.225  -1.5930.132 0.116  0.466 0.341

[R] bootstrap function coefficients

2004-04-09 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear R community,

Please, can you help me with a problem concerning bootstrap. The data table 
called «RMika», contained times (Tps) and corresponding concentration of a 
chemical in a soil (SolA). I would like to get, by bootstraping, 10 
estimations of the parameters C0 and k from the function: SolA = 

# First, I fit the data and all is OK

 > tabMika<-read.delim("RMika.txt")
 > library(nls)
 > attach(tabMika)
 > Expon<-function(Tps,parm){
+ C0<-parm[1]
+ k<-parm[2]
+ }
 > DegSA.nls<-nls(SolA~C0*exp(-k*Tps),start=c(C0=35, k=1),tabMika)
 > summary(DegSA.nls)

Formula: SolA ~ C0 * exp(-k * Tps)

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
C0 25.682104   1.092113   23.52  < 2e-16 ***
k   0.087356   0.007582   11.52 6.36e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.584 on 32 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
k 0.7101

# Second, I try to use bootstrap to get the 10 estimates of k and C0

 > library(bootstrap)
 > theta<-function(tabMika){coef(eval(DegSA.nls$call))}
 > bootSolA.nls<-bootstrap(tabMika,10,theta)

Warning message:
multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(thetastar, func.thetastar, 
jack.boot.val, jack.boot.se,

 > bootSolA.nls
C0 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358
k   0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615
   [,7][,8][,9]   [,10]
C0 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358
k   0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615

# As you can notify, the 10 estimations have the same values for C0 and k. 
Moreover, this correspond to the values of k and C0 determined by fitting 
all the data without bootstrap!!!???
I cannot find what is wrong. Please, if you find a solution, thank you to 
send it to me.


Michael Coeurdassier

Department of Environmental Biology
Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technology

University of Franche-Comte
Place Leclerc
25030 Besançon cedex
Tel : +33 (0)381 665 741
Fax : +33 (0)381 665 797


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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Basic questions on nls and bootstrap

2004-03-12 Thread Michaël Coeurdassier
Dear R community,

I have currently some problems with non linear regression analysis in R.
My data correspond to the degradation kinetic of a pollutant in two 
different soil A and B, x data are time in day and y data are pollutant 
concentration in soil.
In a first time, I want to fit the data for the soil A by using the Ct = 
C0*exp(-k*Tpst) with Ct the concentration of pollutant at time t, C0 is the 
initial concentration (i.e. t=0), Tps is the time in days.
The table containing data is called «tabMika»

Here, you can find my R program:

 > tabMika<-read.delim("RMika.txt")
 > tabMika

Tps  SolA  Solb
10 32.97 35.92
20 32.01 31.35
31 21.73 22.03
41 23.73 18.53
52 19.68 18.28
62 18.56 16.79

# and continue like that until 29 days.

 > library(nls)
 > attach(tabMika)
 > Expon<-function(Tps,parm){
+ C0<-parm[1]
+ k<-parm[2]
+ }
 > DegSA.nls<-nls(SolA~C0*exp(-k*Tps),start=c(C0=35, k=1),tabMika)
 > summary(DegSA.nls)

Formula: SolA ~ C0 * exp(-k * Tps)

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
C0 25.682104   1.092113   23.52  < 2e-16 ***
k   0.087356   0.007582   11.52 6.36e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.584 on 32 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
k 0.7101

# until this step, I think (or may be hope) that it is OK.
#Then, I would like to use bootstrap function to obtain 10 estimations 
(more of course but 10 is retained for this example) of the parameters C0 
and t. I use this way:

 > library(bootstrap)
 > theta<-function(tabMika){coef(eval(DegSA.nls$call))}
 > bootSolA.nls<-bootstrap(tabMika,10,theta)

Warning message:
multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(thetastar, func.thetastar, 
jack.boot.val, jack.boot.se,

 > bootSolA.nls

C0 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358
k   0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615
   [,7][,8][,9]   [,10]
C0 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358 25.68210358
k   0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615  0.08735615




bootstrap(x = tabMika, nboot = 10, theta = theta)

# as you can notify, the 10 estimations of C0 and k are the same value 
(!!), so, my program is wrong but I cannot find where is the problem.

# In a second time, I would like to fit the same data with a new function 
Ct = C0*Tpsb. I did as follow and obtained the following results:

 > Pat<-function(Tps,parm){
+ a<-parm[1]
+ b<-parm[2]
+ }
 > PatSA.nls<-nls(SolA~a*(Tps^b),start=c(a=35, b=-1),tabMika)

Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an 
Infinity produced when evaluating the model

 > summary(PatSA.nls)

Error in summary(PatSA.nls) : Object "PatSA.nls" not found

# I cannot understand the mean of «Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], 
names(ind), env) : Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating 
the model», please, can you help me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Michael C

Department of Environmental Biology
Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technology

University of Franche-Comte
Place Leclerc
25030 Besançon cedex
Tel : +33 (0)381 665 741
Fax : +33 (0)381 665 797


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