Re: [R] Dickey-Fuller Test

2005-05-23 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
tseries (adf.test)

On Monday 23 May 2005 12:27, Amir Safari wrote:
> Hi All ,
> Could you please tell using which library ,Dickey-Fuller Test can be run?
> Thanks a lot
> __
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Miguel A. Arranz

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Re: [R] Load package using R code rather than GUI Package menu

2005-06-03 Thread Miguel A. Arranz

On Friday 03 June 2005 18:00, John Sorkin wrote:
> Is there any way to load a package using R code rather than the Load
> Package command in the Package menu? I would like to load the boot
> package.
> R.2.1.0 Patched
> Win 2k.
> Thanks,
> John
> John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
> Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
> Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC and
> University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude Pepper OAIC
> University of Maryland School of Medicine
> Division of Gerontology
> Baltimore VA Medical Center
> 10 North Greene Street
> GRECC (BT/18/GR)
> Baltimore, MD 21201-1524
> 410-605-7119
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Miguel A. Arranz

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Re: [R] Compilation package error

2005-10-24 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
Please, tell us more about the packages and libraries installed. I did compile  
and installed gstat on a machine running sid64 (unstable) with no problems. 
The only thing is that I did not compile with the -mieee-with-inexact switch.

Hope this helps.

On Monday 24 October 2005 17:07, Poizot Emmanuel wrote:
> Dear all,
> I tried to install gstat package and add the following compilation error :
> >
> * Installing *source* package 'gstat' ...
> creating cache ./config.cache
> checking for gcc... gcc
> checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
> checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
> checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
> checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
> checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
> checking for AIX... no
> checking for minix/config.h... no
> checking for POSIXized ISC... no
> checking for ANSI C header files... yes
> checking for working const... yes
> checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
> checking for 8-bit clean memcmp... yes
> checking for vprintf... yes
> checking for strstr... yes
> checking for strtod... yes
> checking for strtol... yes
> checking for drand48... yes
> checking for gettimeofday... yes
> checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
> checking for memory.h... yes
> checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
> checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C...
> checking for function prototypes... yes
> checking for working const... (cached) yes
> checking for complex.h... yes
> checking for malloc.h... yes
> checking for varargs.h... no
> checking for size_t... yes
> checking for working const... (cached) yes
> checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... (cached) no
> checking for u_int
> computing machine epsilon(s)
> gcc -o macheps ./src/meschach/dmacheps.c
> gcc -o macheps ./src/meschach/fmacheps.c
> computing M_MAX_INT
> gcc -o maxint maxint.c
> ./src/meschach/maxint.c: In function 'main':
> ./src/meschach/maxint.c:37: warning: incompatible implicit declaration
> of built-in function 'printf'
> checking char \\0 vs. float zeros
> checking for bcopy... yes
> checking for bzero... yes
> checking for function prototypes
> checking for function prototypes in structures
> updating cache ./config.cache
> creating ./config.status
> creating makefile
> creating src/config.h
> creating src/machine.h
> ** libs
> gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -mieee-with-inexact  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c block.c
> -o block.o
> gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -mieee-with-inexact  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c
> chfactor.c -o chfactor.o
> gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -mieee-with-inexact  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c copy.c
> -o copy.o
> gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include   -mieee-with-inexact  -fPIC  -g -O2 -c data.c
> -o data.o
> /tmp/ccXDZili.s: Messages de l'assembleur:
> /tmp/ccXDZili.s:8032: ERREUR: Opérande de relocalisation inconnue:
> !lituse_jsrdirect
> make: *** [data.o] Erreur 1
> ERROR: compilation failed for package 'gstat'
> ** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/gstat'
> ** Restoring previous '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/gstat'
> --->
> R run on a dec alpha station under Debian Sarge 64 bits (alpha version
> of course).
> Compiler version is gcc 4.0.2.
> Regards
> Emmanuel Poizot
> Cnam/Intechmer
> B.P. 324
> 50103 Cherbourg Cedex
> Phone (Direct) : (00 33)(0)233887342
> Fax : (00 33)(0)233887339

Miguel A. Arranz

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Re: [R] Writing output to a file in a loop

2005-02-10 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
That is correct, you have to specify with print or cat what you want to sink. 
This should work for you:

I hope this helps.

On Thursday 10 February 2005 11:40, Wojtek Slusarski wrote:
> Hello,
> My problem is, that I have to build hundreds of GARCH models to obtain
> volatility forecasts. I would like to run a loop, that would build those
> forecasts for me. There is no problem, with writing only the results of
> the forecasts, but I'd like to have stored results of the models in some
> file, that I could check later, what are the models like, to be able to
> compare if I should use GARCH(1,1) or GARCH(0,4) or any other, that
> suits the data best. The data file looks like that:
> WIG20;19940414;1000,00;1000,00;1000,00;1000,00;71600
> WIG20;19940418;1050,47;1050,47;1050,47;1050,47;99950
> WIG20;19940419;1124,92;1124,92;1124,92;1124,92;138059
> ...
> I wrote a script to do that, but when I use sink() to save the results
> in a text file, after running the script files are empty. I read in FAQ,
> that in a loop R only computes and prints only some warning messages,
> but I don't know how to do that in any other way, to ommit this problem.
> Below I enclose the code:
> library(tseries)
> wig20 <- read.csv("wig20.txt", sep=";", dec=",")
> m <- 2321#upper bound of time series
> niter <- 10#length(wig20$CLOSE)- m
> fcv <- 0
> for (i in 1:niter){
>  m <- m + 1
>  r <- 100*diff(log(wig20$CLOSE[1:m]))
>  y <- r - mean(r)
>  fit <- garch(y, order = c(1,1))
>  sink("garch21.txt", append = TRUE)
>   summary(fit)
>   logLik(fit)
>  sink()
>  cv <- predict(fit, genuine=TRUE)
>  fcv <- c(fcv,cv[length(cv)/2,1])
>  postscript("",encoding="ISOLatin2",
>title = paste("Day: ",wig20$DTMMDD[m]),
>paper = "a4",
>family = "URWTimes",
>append = TRUE)
>   plot(fit, ask=FALSE)
> }
> sink("forecasts.txt")
>  fcv
> sink()
> ###
> The most wondering thing for me is that, plots are stored in the ps
> file, but only the ones from last iteration. In manuals there is:
> append: logical; currently *disregarded*; just there for
>compatibility reasons.
> What does *disregarded* actually mean and when I will be able to add a
> title before each set of plots, because now the option title is not
> adding anything to file.
> I will be very thankfull for any help.
> Best regards,
> Wojtek Slusarski
> __
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Re: [R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
You probably want to have a look at help(embed). It might be all you need.

On Friday 25 February 2005 12:49, Georg Hoermann wrote:
> Hello world,
> I am trying to create a matrix of lagged time series with the
> following code fragment (I know that I can use acf-function...).
> I want to set the variable/column name to something like
> "lag 1" etc. If I try to do it I get text like
> "lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1" where does this come from?
> After a conversion to a data.frame it works as expected.
> What did I miss?
> Thanks and greetings,
> Georg
> ==
>  > lagtest <- as.ts(seq(1:100)) ;
>  > for (i in 1:4) {lagtest <- cbind(lagtest,lag(ts_test,i));
> colnames(lagtest)[i+1]<- paste("lag",i)}
>  > colnames(lagtest)[1]<-"H_GW";
>  > colnames(lagtest)
> [1] "H_GW"  "lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1"
> "lagtest.lagtest.lag 2"
> [4] "lagtest.lag 3" "lag 4"
> # this works...
>  >  t5 <-
>  > for (i in 1:4) {names(t5)[i+1] <- paste("var",i) }
>  > names(t5)
> [1] "H_GW"  "var 1" "var 2" "var 3" "var 4"
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Re: [R] LOCFIT: What's it doing?

2005-04-14 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
You should definitely read Loader's book. Anyway, in the meantime, you should 
look an introductory paper that you will find at the Locfit web page. I think 
that you can set Locfit to estimate at all the sample points, which it does 
not by default, and also to use a prespecified constant bandwidth, but notice 
that its definition of the h parameter is not the standard one.

Hope this helps,

Miguel A. 

On Thursday 14 April 2005 10:47, Jacho-Chavez,DT  (pgr) wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> One of the main reasons I moved from GAUSS to R (as an econometrician) was
> because of the existence of the library LOCFIT for local polynomial
> regression. While doing some checking between my former `GAUSS code' and my
> new `R code', I came to realize LOCFIT is not quite doing what I want. I
> wrote the following example script:
> #--
>--- # Plain Vanilla NADARAYA-WATSON
> estimator (or Local Constant regression, e.g. deg=0) # with gaussian kernel
> & fixed bandwidth
> mkern<-function(y,x,h){
> Mx <- matrix(x,nrow=length(y),ncol=length(y),byrow=TRUE)
> Mxh <- (1/h)*dnorm((x-Mx)/h)
> Myxh<- (1/h)*y*dnorm((x-Mx)/h)
> yh <- rowMeans(Myxh)/rowMeans(Mxh)
> return(yh)
> }
> # Generating the design Y=m(x)+e
> n <- 10
> h <- 0.5
> x <- rnorm(n)
> y <- x + rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=0.5)
> # This is what I really want!
> mhat <- mkern(y,x,h)
> library(locfit)
> yhl.raw <-
> locfit(y~x,alpha=c(0,h),kern="gauss",ev="data",deg=0,link="ident")
> # This is what I get with LOCFIT
> print(cbind(x,mhat,residuals(yhl.raw,type="fit"),knots(yhl.raw,what="coef")
> #--
> Questions:
> 1) Why are residuals(.) & knots(.) results different from one another? If I
> want m^(x[i]) at each evaluation point i=1,...,n, which one should I use? I
> do not want interpolation whatsoever. 2) Why are they `close' but not equal
> to what I want?
> I can accept differences for higher degrees and multidimensional data at
> the boundary of the support (given the way we must do the regression in
> areas with sparse data) But why are these difference present for deg=0
> inside the support as well as at the boundary? The computer would still
> give us a result even with a close-to-zero random denominator (admittedly,
> not a reliable one). Unfortunately, I cannot get access to a copy of
> "Loader, C. (1999) Local Regression and Likelihood, Springer" from my local
> library, so a small explanation or advice would be greatly appreciated.
> I do not mind using an improved version of `what I want', but I would like
> to understand what am I doing?
> Thanks in advanced for your help,
> David Jacho-Chávez
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[R] Multiple periodicities

2005-04-26 Thread Miguel A. Arranz
Derar all,

This is a problem that I am unable to solve. I am interested in analyzing some 
high-frequency data which show two periodicities (periods 5 and 260), It is 
clear how to estimate models with one periodicity with arima() but I have not 
been able to include both periodicities. Is there some good way to handle tis 
kind of problem?

Thanks in advane,

Miguel A.

Miguel A. Arranz

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