[R] ecdf plots, lines, and y values

2004-06-03 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I have a question for the group, perhaps someone can help me 
figure this out.  I've already looked in the help files and they were 
no help to me.  

I have a vector of values and I am plotting an ecdf graph. 

1. How can i draw a continuous line through the ecdf points? (lines 
and type for the plot with an ecdf object does not work)

2. Supposing I have this line drawn. I can add a vertical line of a 
known x value which intersects the graph. How can I determine the 
y value of the graph point that is intersected by the abline? 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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[R] Continuous-lag Markov chains?

2004-06-11 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi again,

I am wondering if there is any R package which does continuous-
lag Markov chains modelling? I discovered MCMCpack but i am not 
sure it does continuous-lags.

Thanks for your answers,

Manchester University

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[R] Automatic routine - help

2004-06-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I would like to write a little automatic routine in R, but i am a too 
much of a beginner for that. I will appreciate any help regarding this 
particular problem.

Let’s suppose I have a data.frame with j columns (from 1 to n) and i 
rows (from 1 to p). I would like to write a procedure which reads 
every column j (j from 1 to n) and compare each value with the 
interval [0,1]. If z(i,j) is less than 0, then replace z(i,j) with 0. If z(i,j) 
is greater than 1, then replace z(i,j) with 1. If z(i,j) is inside the 
interval [0,1] then don’t change. In the end I would like to have a 
new data.frame with the new values. 

I am not sure how complicated or long such a procedure might be, 
so I will be very grateful for any help.

Thank you in advance,


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Re: [R] Automatic routine - help. THANKS!

2004-06-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

Thank you so much for the little example - this was exactly what i 
was looking for. Just i didn't know what to search after in R. I will 
change it for my data needs.

Thanks again,


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RE: [R] Automatic routine - help

2004-06-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

This works beautifully as well.



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[R] Automatic routine - NEW

2004-06-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi Again,

First of all thank you for all the responses to my previous query. 
Your answers were very helpful and I did the job ;-). Now I hope you 
can answer as quick the following (sorry I am invading you with 
trivial questions):

Let’s use again the following data.frame example:
DF <- data.frame(x=rnorm(5), y=rnorm(5))

I want to obtain a new data.frame (or matrix) that contains only n 
rows (from the i rows DF has), and all the columns. If I have to do it 
step by step I would do something like that, for example:

a3 <- DF[3,]
a4 <- DF[4,]
a5 <- DF[5,]
b <- data.frame(a3, a4, a5)
c <- matrix(b, nrow=3, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)

Now I want to do the same in one go, so I wrote:

for (i in 3:5)
d[i] <- DF[i,]
e <- data.frame(d[i])
f <- matrix(e, ncol=2, nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

Which of course gives me errors and the matrix f has all elements 
equal with DF[5,5]. If I don’t use [i] after d, the resulting f matrix is 
made up from the DF[5,] elements (which is quite normal since i 
replaces itself ...). So …. How is this done correctly?

I am really appreciating your time and effort to answer me,


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Re: [R] Automatic routine - NEW

2004-06-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi Spencer,

Your answer is very helpful. I was wondering if i should write again 
to the list to ask where i suppose to read about indices and things 
liek that since it seems they are very useful in lots of things. But 
you already gave me the answer. 

Thanks again,


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[R] Ord-Getis O statistics

2004-07-14 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi list,

I am wondering if anybody knows if the Ord-Getis O statistics of 
local spatial autocorrelation in the presence of the global spatial 
association is implemented in any of the R packages - and of 
course in which package ;-)). I am not interested in Getis-Ord G 
statistics, for now.

Thank you in advance,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Bld. 3.21
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
England, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 275 8689

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[R] Memory failure!!!!

2004-08-09 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to increase the memory R can use. I am running R 
under Windows on a machine with 2 GB of physical RAM and 4GB 
of paged memory.

I wrote in the R property windows --sdi --max-mem-size=4094M, 
but the R itself when it is doing a bayesian modelling (geoR) it 
stops at 1,096K and i get memory errors because it cannot 
allocate a new segment of about 500K of memory.

I don't have Visual Basic so i cannot use the other commands 
suggested in Help.

Also, if i am using memory.size(max=TRUE) i get a value 
corresponding to about 1024K, and if i am using 
memory.limit(size=NA) i get a value of about 4000K.

How can i force R to use more memory?

thank you for any suggestion,

Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Bld. 3.21
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
England, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 275 8689

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[R] R-help: beginner question

2003-08-28 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am a beginner user of R. I have a trivial question – I am almost 
ashamed I cannot figure it out does not matter how many times I 
am reading the help.

I have a table in .txt format, tab delimited. I can read it with 
‘read.delim()’ with no problems.

Afterwards I would like to use boxplot function to see if there 
are any outliers in the column 5 of my data called TPAH16.ppm

In the boxplot help I saw that I have to declare my data with 
‘data()’. I am getting errors does not matter how I am calling 
‘data()’, only with the name of the table, with 
data(read.delim()), or in any other way. So in the end I was not 
able to use boxplot at all.

I will appreciate any help “for dummies” you can give me. Also, 
if you know any other way to identify outliers, or to use Cook 
dimension to identify them, I will really appreciate.



Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] R-help: beginner question - Thank you! OUTLIERS

2003-08-28 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

Thank you so much for all your rapid answers. I am impressed.

What i didn't know was that i have to assign my data to an object 
to work further on. It was not clear from the help (at least for me) 
that 'data()' itself is calling data already in R packages. All of you 
make that clear.

Now, if you can suggest any good package to use for identifying 
outliers it will be great ;-)) 

Hopefully from now one, since i understood how i am using the 
examples, what 'data()' means and how i am using my own data, i 
will put less trivial questions.

thank you so much indeed,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] vardiag package help

2003-08-29 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

First of all a big THANK YOU to all who answered me 

I am back to my problems with outliers. I did a qqnorm on my 
data (as somebody suggested), but I will like to compare results 
doing other plots as well. I used ‘cook.distance’ on lm and glm 
objects, but still I am not happy with that. 

So now I am loading the “vardiag” package. First thing is to 
transform my data (frame.data) into a matrix – which I did with 
‘as.matrix’. I verify my new object as being amatrix – and it is, 
and I list it to be sure that in is a matrix of n rows with 3 colums.

Now I want to use the command ‘varobj’ to transform my 
matrix into a variogram object.

The param are:
varobj(m, iter = 50, tolerance = 2e-04, trace = 1, loo = F)
where, m is a n by 3 matrix with spatial data.

My matrix has a column for x value, for y value and for pah16 

I always get the following error:
Error in matrix(i1[row(i1) < col(i1)], n1, n1) : 
cannot allocate vector of length 1223600400

What does this means and what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] plot only partial plots

2003-09-03 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi everybody,

I would like to plot only a part of a data frame, and identify the 
IDs for all the points with  values higher than a certain value. I 
will try to be more explicit: 

I did a qqnorm plot of my data. It is obvious from the plot that 
all the sample quantiles which are in Theoretical Quantiles = or > 
than 1 belong to another group. To be sure about that I plot the 
cooks.distance for the same data, and sure enough the data with 
the indices grater than 250 (x axis) have obvious higher Cook ‘s 
distance than the majority of the data. The data indices on the 
Cook’s distance plot are different than my data ID (in my data 
table) which is “character type”. How do I identify the IDs of the 
data I am interested into, and how I can plot only the data with 
Theoretical Quantiles equal or grater than 1? 

And, of course, how can I plot only the Cook’s distance for the 
data with indices higher than a certain number, or Cook’s 
distance higher than a certain number

And, on the same line, how can I sort a tab-delimited table after 
the values from one column? I know how to assign one column 
to a vector and sort that vector, but what if I want to sort the 
whole table, like in Excel for example?

Thank you in advance for all your time and answers,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] aov and data behind plots

2003-09-21 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi y'all,

First of all many thanks to Christian, Petr and Spencer for their 
replies. Your answers helped me to learn few more triks since then 

Now i have a question relating "aov". When i use aov i end up with 
4 plots. How do i "see" the data behind those plots? I know about 
summary - but this gives me only some statistical info. Also, if i 
want to identify which of my set of values gives a certain segment 
of the plot - how do i identify these values? 

Thanks a lot,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Z aware interpolation

2003-09-21 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hello again,

There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations? 
It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into 
consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but 
also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i 
didn't find the right one.

The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical 
Information System) for further analysis.

Alternatively, maybe you know a source for codes for normal IDW 
(Inverse Distance Weight) interpolation (i mean the one which 
takes into consideration only x and y coordinates) so i can try to 
modify it to take into consideration z values as well. I am not sure 
it will work, or i can do it - but it worth a try - of course if this is not 
already done. 



Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Z aware interpolation - clarification

2003-09-21 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Date sent:  Sun, 21 Sep 2003 15:50:49 +0200 (CEST)
From:   Roger Bivand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:     Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: [R] Z aware interpolation


Well, i guess i was not very clear. My points have x, y, z 
coordinates, and PAH concentration values. I need to do my 
interpolation for PAH taking into consideration all my x, y, z 
coordinates. Otherwise my data seems not to behave - which could 
be normal since the data points are not in the same plan. Besides, 
if i project the points into a XY plan ... the distance between points 
will change, points quite far apart in an xyz coordinate system can 
be very close into a projected XY system. So i need to work with 
"real" distances taking into consideration z values as well. Maybe 
there is an other way to do it in which z can be translated as a kind 
of "weight" for distance  if i work only in a XY system. I don't 
know yet  so i hope somebody will give me a clue.

Thanks again,


On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy wrote:

> Hello again,
> There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations? 
> It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into 
> consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but 
> also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i 
> didn't find the right one.

Assuming that you have points with x and y coordinates, and a z attribute 
that you want to interpolate to a grid, then the akima package provides 
spline interpolation as interp(). See Chapter 15 in Venables and Ripley 
(2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S for more ideas.

> The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical 
> Information System) for further analysis.
> Alternatively, maybe you know a source for codes for normal IDW 
> (Inverse Distance Weight) interpolation (i mean the one which 
> takes into consideration only x and y coordinates) so i can try to 
> modify it to take into consideration z values as well. I am not sure 
> it will work, or i can do it - but it worth a try - of course if this is not 
> already done. 
> Thanks,
> Monica
> Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
> University of Manchester
> School of Geography
> Mansfield Cooper Building 
> Oxford Road, Manchester
> M13 9PL, UK. 
> __
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93

Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] R(D)-COM stat conenctor for ArcGIS

2003-10-10 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

Hi everybody, 

  I heard about "R(D)-COM Stat connector" for ArcGIS, but i am not 
sure what that is. I did a search in the archive but it seems i am 
not getting anything back. 
can anybody explain me what that is, and where i can find more 
info about it? There is any possibility to run R from inside 
there is more than RArcInfo and Shapefile which can import 
kind of files in R environment?
Sorry, but i have no clue ;-)
Thanks a lot,


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[R] spatial outliers

2003-10-30 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hello everybody,

I have some questions about identifying spatial clustering in 
spatial autocorrelated data. It seems that there are some 
problems with the usual methods for cluster identification 
because they don’t take into consideration the spatial 
autocorrelation of data. 

I am wondering if there is any R procedure / packages which 
implement the OPTICS method? I am referring here to Ankerst 
et. al., 1999, OPTICS: Ordering Points to Identify the 
Clustering Structure, Proc. ACM SIGMOD’99 Int. Conf. On 
Management of Data, Philadelphia, PA, 
{ HYPERLINK "http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~joerg/papers/OPTICS-final.pdf"; 

Any help, as usual, is greatly appreciated,


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[R] cumulative distribution functions

2003-11-17 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
hi y'all,

I am wondering if there is any special command, function, 
package, etc to help me doing a cumulative distribution function, 
with y-scale - probability scale.

I tried the help in R and i got the following answers:
cumsum(base)Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
ecdf(stepfun)   Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
cpgram(ts)  Plot Cumulative Periodogram

But i could not find either (stepfun) nor (ts) packages to read the 
specific help. Are they discarded? The "cumsum" seems not to do 
what i really was after.

Any help as usual very much appreciated ;-)


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Re: [R] cumulative distribution functions

2003-11-17 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

the packages i mentioned are not in the list of packages from 
CRAN even if they appear in the help i just mention an email later 
about cumulative distribution functions. they are "stepfun" and "ts". 
Maybe that helps to clarify my question - in the sense that i know 
how to look after packages on CRAN and how to install them.



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Re: [R] cumulative distribution functions - solved;-))

2003-11-17 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I see what i did  i though stepfun and ts are two packages on 
CRAN - i didn't realized they are libraries already "installed" under 
R  now i found them  mea culpa!

Thanks a lot,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] kriging prediction intervals

2004-02-12 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi everybody,

I am interested in calculating kriging prediction intervals. Any 
suggestions will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance,


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[R] shared library load - failure

2004-03-04 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

Somebody was kind enough to help me with R and have sent a 
shared library. When i try to load it with dyn.load i get the following 
error: LoadLibrary failure:  %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Now the library was done on a Linux machine and i am working on 
a Windows machine. How can i translate the library from Linux to 

Thank you for your help,


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[R] selecting certain rows from a data.frame

2004-03-05 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

First of all - thank you for the answers regarding shared library. If i 
am attempting to translate the library from Linux to Windows - i 
think i will need some heavy baby-sitting ;-))) It is way out of my 
league - for now.

Meanwhile i have this new question: suppose i have a data.frame 
with x and y columns and 10 rows, 1 to 10. I also have a variable m 
(or an array if you like) with 5 numbers that represent some of the 
row order numbers in my data.frame. Let's make m(1, 4, 5, 8, 10). 
How can i select from my data.frame the rows number 1, 4, 5, 8, 
and 10?

Thank you in advance for any help,


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[R] Error message - what does it mean???

2004-03-09 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to calculate mahalanobis distances for a matrix x with 
n*p variables. I am getting the following error:

md2 <- mahalanobis(x, center, cov)
Error in solve.default(cov, tol = tol.inv) : 
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition 
number = 2.11165e-009

What does it means?

Thank you so much for any help,


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[R] geoR - help for bayesian modelling

2004-03-24 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to do a bayesian prediction for soil pollution data above 
a certain threshold, using geoR. 

Everything is working fine until i am doing the krig.bayes. I tried to 
do the prediction on a grid 67 by 113 cells and my computer is 
freezing to death. At larger numbers of cells it tells me after a while 
that it reaches the max. memory of 511 Mb. My computer has only 
512 Mb of RAM. What RAM capacity should i look for to do a 150 
x 250 cell grid???

If i want to do the prediction on my initial data locations (well, 
actually the prediction points are shifted 1 m in X and respectively 
Y direction, so the raw data coordinates don't coincide with the 
prediction coordinates) i am getting the following error using the 

zn.bayes <- krige.bayes(zn.gdata, loc = xy, model = 
model.control(cov.model = “exponential”, lambda = 0), prior = 
prior.control(phi.prior =”exponential”, phi = 89.1894), 
output=output.control(n.predictive=2, mean.var = TRUE, quantile = 
c(0.025,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), threshold = c(300)))

Error in cond.sim(env.loc = base.env, env.iter = iter.env, 
loc.coincide = get("loc.coincide",  : 
chol: matrix not pos def, diag[13]= -1.279220e-018

I will really appreciate any suggestion you may have.

Thank you so much,


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[R] colors, lines, characters .... documentation

2004-03-24 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

Very so often when i am plotting something, doing a histogram, or 
whatever i am struggling to find out which are the numbers for 
different colors, palette names, types of lines, symbols, etc. Is 
there any documentation on line with all these numbers / names 
and the associated symbol / color???

For example if i am using the command image it uses a palette 
from red to yellow, with red the lowest value, and yellow the highest 
value. What if i want a reverse palette, with green the lowest value 
and yellow middle values and red highest value??? Or much more 
simple, just yellow lowest value and red highest value???

Thank you for assistance,


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[R] geoR - help for bayesian modelling

2004-04-19 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to do a bayesian prediction for soil pollution data above 
a certain threshold, using geoR. 

Everything is working fine until i am doing the krig.bayes ( I am 
using as a guide the geoR tutorial from the web page 
http://www.est.ufpr.br/geoR/geoRdoc/geoRintro.html#starting). I 
tried to do the prediction on a grid 67 by 113 cells and my 
computer is freezing to death. At larger numbers of cells it tells me 
after a while that it reaches the max. memory of 511 Mb. My 
computer has only 512 Mb of RAM. What RAM capacity should i 
look for to do a 150 x 250 cell grid??? (I tried the modelling on a 1 
Gb RAM computer and it didn't work either). I am interested to do a 
modelling where my resolution is 5 m x 5 m (150 x 250 grid cell).

If i want to do the prediction on my initial data locations (well, 
actually the prediction points are shifted 1 m in X and respectively 
Y direction, so the raw data coordinates don't coincide with the 
prediction coordinates) i am getting the following error using the 

zn.bayes <- krige.bayes(zn.gdata, loc = xy, model = 
model.control(cov.model = “exponential”, lambda = 0), prior = 
prior.control(phi.prior =”exponential”, phi = 89.1894), 
output=output.control(n.predictive=2, mean.var = TRUE, quantile = 
c(0.025,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), threshold = c(300)))

Error in cond.sim(env.loc = base.env, env.iter = iter.env, 
loc.coincide = get("loc.coincide",  : 
chol: matrix not pos def, diag[13]= -1.279220e-018

I will really appreciate any suggestion you may have.

Thank you so much,


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[R] Does R runs on IRIX 6.5 platforms?

2004-04-21 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am trying to do a bayesian modelling and my Windows PC 
seems not to have enough memory to do it. So now i would like to 
run GeoR on an IRIX 6.5 platform (UNIX related as i understood). 
Do you know if R is compatible with this type of platform? I am not 
allowed to try it until i have an answer to that.

Thank you so much,


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[R] GepR - bayesian modelling - please help!

2004-04-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am coming back with a question about GeoR hopping somebody 
can help.

I am doing a bayesian kriging and the prediction coordinates are 
shifted 0.1 m from the data coordinates.

I am using the following command and i am getting the following 

zn.bayes <- krige.bayes(zn.gdata, loc = loc1, model = 
model.control(cov.model = “exponential”, lambda = 0), 
prior = prior.control(phi.prior =”exponential”, phi = 
89.1948), output=output.control(n.predictive=2, 
mean.var = TRUE, quantile = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 
0.975), threshold = c(300)))

Error: Error in cond.sim(env.loc = base.env, env.iter = iter.env, 
loc.coincide = get("loc.coincide",  : 
chol: matrix not pos def, diag[13]= -3.487549e-019

What i am doing wrong? The location loc1 is a data frame with the 
shifted coord. values. Any suggestion is very well appreciated.



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Re: [R] GepR - bayesian modelling - please help! Corrections ....

2004-04-23 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
Hi again,

I was checking again everything after i sent you my data. It seems 
that the problem is the following. My prediction locations are 
different in number than my data locations . i forgot that when i 
built the geodata object few points had more than one value so i 
used the "first" option and my data number decreased. When i 
used the right number of locations shifted by 0.1 m the krige. 
bayes did work this time.

Now i have to figure out how much memory i do need to run the 
same function on a grid with about 15000 grid cells. If you have any 
info about that i will be really very grateful. 

Also i was searching for the "Ribeiro, P.J. Jr. and Diggle, P.J. 
(1999) _Bayesian inference in Gaussian model-based 
geostatistics_. Tech. Report ST-99-08, Dept Maths and Stats, 
Lancaster University.Available at: 

The link is invalidated now.

Thank you so much for all your help and time,


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[R] log Y scales for parplot

2004-05-14 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

I am doing a barplot, and the fist bar is very big (high values) and 
the rest of the bars are quite small (small values). So - is there any 
way to make the  Y scale logarithmic so that i have a wider 
distance from 0 to 50 for example than for 50 to 100, and so on? 

Thanks in advance for any help,


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[R] basics: how do you sort a table?

2004-05-17 Thread Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy

This may be a very basic question but it seems i cannot figure it 
out does not matter what.

how do you sort a table (ascending or descending) after the values 
in one particular column? I want to do something like the sort 
function in Xcel.

Also, is there any other plot function that accepts log for y axes 
like the parplot2() from gregmisc? Thanks for the tip Marc about 
barplot2. very useful indeed!

Thank you again for all the help,


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