I tried to install R packages required for the GRASS-R interface by 
using the following command (copied from 
/install.packages (c("sp", "spgrass6","rgdal","maptools"), dependencies 
rgdal package was installed successfully;
There were problems to find 'sp' and 'maptools' packages. The error 
message was /: dependencies 'sp' and 'maptools' are not available/.
I tried to download the packages from three different mirrors with the 
same result  ( http://cran.fr.r-project.org/ , 
http://cran.mirroring.de/, http://probability.ca/cran/ ) 
I then failed to download 'spgrass6' since it required to download first 
can anybody tell me what mistake I did and how (where?) I can get these 
Thank you very much by advance

Philippe Lagacherie
Ingénieur de Recherche HDR
Animateur équipe " Organisation Spatiale et Fonctionnement des Paysages 
INRA LISAH Montpellier
Tel +33 (0)4 99 61 25 78.
fax +33 (0)4 67 63 26 14

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