[R] Repeated Measures design using lme

2007-04-08 Thread Scott Norton
I have what I believe is a repeated-measures dataset that I'm trying to analyze 
using lme().  This is *not* homework, but an exercise in my trying to 
self-teach myself repeated-measure ANOVA for other *real* datasets that I have 
and that are extremely similar to the following design.

I'm fairly sure the dataset described below would work with lme() -- but it'd 
be great if anybody can confirm that after I describe the dataset below) 

The study involves measuring the effect of a drug on blood pressure. There were 
16 patients in all and 6 replicate measures per patient of their blood pressure 
on one week (one measure per day). Two weeks later, a drug was introduced to 8 
randomly selected patients in such a way that I had equal representation of the 
4 age groups among the two treatment groups. Then, another two weeks later, 6 
replicate measures per patient (per day) of blood pressure was retaken.  So 
each patient had 12 total measures whether they were in the treatment group or 
in the control group (6 reads (R1-R6) in the baseline-week and another 6 reads 
(R1-R6) in the post-treatment week).  

Background: 16 patients 
Response measure: Blood pressure 
Fixed Factor: 4 Age groups 
Fixed Factor: Drug vs. NoDrug 
Random factor: Day of the read (i.e. 6 replicate reads (R1-R6) at the baseline 
time, and 6 replicate reads (R1-R6) after the drug has had time to take effect) 
Random Factor: Subjects 1-16 

PatientAgeGroupBP(Blood Pressure)Read (replicate reads)
120-2983   R1   
220-2981   R1   
320-2974   R1   
420-2985   R1   
530-3982   R1   
320-2974   R2   
120-2983   R1   
 post   Treat 
220-2982   R1   
 post   Control 
320-2986   R1   
 post   Treat 
420-2984   R1   
 post   Control 

I'm trying to do an analysis of variance to decide whether there is a 
measurable change in blood pressure between the Treat and Control groups.

Another issue is that some of the 16 patients didn't get all 6 replicate reads 
in their pre/post treatment weeks, so I need to include the na.omit function.

What I think I'm having the most trouble with is the repeated reads (R1 through 
R6) in the pre/post treatment weeks.  I'm fairly sure this is a random variable 
-- their order or identify (R1 in pre-treatment week has no relation to R1 in 
the post-treatment week, etc).  By placing Read as a random variable, am I 
covering myself there?
If I execute:

 summary(lme(BP ~ Group, random = ~ 1 | Patient, data = bloodpress, 

I get a result, but I'm not sure it's correct -- do I need to tell the model 
about the Read factor (R1-R6 in pre/post weeks)?  

I'm really trying to set the right form of the lme() function call to decide 
1) if there is a statistical difference between the Treat/Control groups and,
2) if one takes into account AgeGroup, is there a statistical difference 
between Treat/Control Groups, and finally
3) if I don't see a statistical difference, can someone recommend an R function 
that might solve the supplemental question, given the noise in day-to-day 
blood pressure reads, and given that I wanted to have enough statistical power 
to observe a say, a 5% benefit in blood pressure, how many additional reads or 
patients I would need.

Basically, is lme() the proper function, and can someone offer any pointers on 
what my call to this function should look like to make the above to 


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

[R] Parsing results from boot

2004-06-14 Thread Scott Norton
This probably has a super easy answer...but I claim newbie status! (I did
search help lists but this question is hard to isolate keyword-wise)

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to parse the results from executing
boot().  I'm mainly interested in assigning the standard error estimate to a
scalar variable.

For example:
 b.boot - boot(b, function(b,i) median(b[i]), R=1000)


boot(data = b, statistic = function(b, i) median(b[i]), R = 1000)

Bootstrap Statistics :
original  biasstd. error
t1*  130  354.75450.9763
I'm interested in the value for std.error (i.e. 450.9763).  

Now executing the folling:
  Length Class  Mode 
t0   1   -none- numeric  
t 1000   -none- numeric  
R1   -none- numeric  
data 9   -none- numeric  
seed   626   -none- numeric  
statistic1   -none- function 
sim  1   -none- character
call 4   -none- call 
stype1   -none- character
strata   9   -none- numeric  
weights  9   -none- numeric  
seems to imply that it's not actually assigned to an output variable...but
it is shown when I just type b.boot 
Where is the std.error being assigned? and how to I access it?

Thanks in advance...


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[R] Ordering bars in barplots

2004-01-15 Thread Scott Norton

I have a dataframe such that when I enter the dataframe name at the R prompt
and see the data, the order of the data is correct (ie. what I want -
ordered numerically by the factor, class).  The table is akin to the

df: (dataframe = df)
uniqueID  class age
a  132
b  121
c  113
d  111
e  315
f  316
g  331
h  325
i  423
j  432
k  431
l  711
m  76
n  720
o 1019
p 1025
q 1042

uniqueID and class are factors. Yesterday I think I managed to figure out
how to arrange the column class in numerical order (when it lists) even
though it's a character factor.  (although feel free to pipe in an answer
on that too - since I was trying a lot of different things!)

Now, when I execute the following command:

barplot(by(df[,age],df$class,FUN=function(x) quantile(x,0.95)))

the x-labels or class of each bar is in *character* order, not *numerical

Is there a way to rearrage this so that each bar label (categorical x-label)
is in numerical order?

Thanks in advance!!!

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[R] Collapsing a factor in R

2004-01-14 Thread Scott Norton
I'm trying to collapse the following table along the sub-group factor.  In
this case, collapsing means taking the average ages within a subgroup and
creating a new table.  I seem to be running into trouble trying to create
this new data frame. I can use the ave() function to find averages within a
subgroup but how do I maintain the Group/Gender factors after collapsing?
(see bottom table) Can anyone help??

Thanks in advance!!

Here's the starting point (table)

Age   Group  SubGroup   Gender
12  g1  a   f
32  g1  a   f
81  g1  a   f
63  g1  b   m
24  g1  b   m
24  g1  b   m
70  g1  c   f
82  g1  c   f
71  g1  c   f
61  g1  c   f
25  g2  d   m
29  g2  d   m
43  g2  e   f
17  g2  e   f
42  g2  e   f
55  g2  e   f
52  g2  f   f
19  g2  f   f
12  g2  f   f

The following is what I'm trying to achieve (as a new dataframe)

AvgAgeSubgroup  Group   SubgroupGender
41.67   g1  a   f
37  g1  b   m
71  g1  c   f
27  g2  d   m
39.25   g2  e   f
27.67   g2  f   f

Can anyone help?


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[R] How to create unique factor from two factors? + Boostrap Q

2003-11-09 Thread Scott Norton
This might be easy but I'm very new to R and this question doesn't seem to
have any nice keywords that bring up relevant search results when I search
the CRAN search engine.  Therefore, I'll plead (as I have in the recent
past) Newbie status.


I have a data frame with two factors (Factor 1 and 2) which together specify
another unique level.  I want to create a third factor in the data frame
that captures this uniqueness.

For example, say I had dataframe, Df, with Factors, 1 and 2.  I want to
create Factor 3 and add it to my Df dataframe.


Df dataframe:  WANT TO 

Row# Factor1  Factor2 CREATE THIS: Factor 3Data

11   11 23

21   22 43

31   22 19

41   22 11

51   43 3

61   43 13

73   14 52

83   14 12

93   14 9

10   3   35 21

11   3   35 43

12   4   16 32

13   4   16 18

14   4   27 52

15   4   27 21


and of course, I'm trying to create Factor 3 without loops..


My end goal here (which I add because maybe I don't need to create Factor 3
(although I'm still curious)), is to bootstrap sample Factor 3. I want to
repeatedly grab, say, 3 levels of Factor 3, and take the mean of those
levels (e.g. say in my first bootstrap sample, I grab levels 2,4, and 7 from
Factor 3, then I want to take the mean of rows, 2,3,4,7,8,9,14,15).  Of
course, each sample from Factor 3 for my bootstrap will most likely have a
differing number of rows since my experiment is not balanced.  I'm not sure
if this is an issue yet when I try to implement the boot function in R (I
haven't gotten to that point yet).  


Any help is appreciated!





Scott Norton, Ph.D.

Engineering Manager

Nanoplex Technologies, Inc.

2375 Garcia Ave.

Mountain View, CA 94043

www.nanoplextech.com http://www.nanoplextech.com/ 



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RE: [R] outer function problems

2003-10-28 Thread Scott Norton
Thanks Spencer and Tom for your help!

  Besides the other errors, I realized last night that I'm making a
fundmental error in my interpretation of the outer function.  The following
short code snippet highlights my confusion.

f-function(A,B) { sum(A+B) }
 [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   45   45   45
[2,]   45   45   45
[3,]   45   45   45

I had *thought* that outer() would give:
 [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   3 45
[2,]   4 56
[3,]   5 67

ie. take each combination from A = 1,2,3; B=2,3,4 such as A=1,B=2 put it in
the sum function, get [1,1]=3 ... 
Then grab A[2]=2,B[1]=2, put them in the sum() function to get [2,1]=4,
etc... That seems to be the way the instructions explain outer, i.e.
element-by-element computation of FUN() 

 The outer product of the arrays 'X' and 'Y' is the array 'A' with
 dimension 'c(dim(X), dim(Y))' where element 'A[c(arrayindex.x,
 arrayindex.y)] = FUN(X[arrayindex.x], Y[arrayindex.y], ...)'.

Since my interpretation is *definitely* wrong, could someone put in words
how OUTER handles the argument vectors and the functional call with
reference to the preceding example?  
Also, what I need to happen in my code is to actually take each combination
of elements from vectors, A and B, and feed them repeatedly into a
function, generating a matrix of results.  How then do I do that?

Thanks in advance!!! 

Scott Norton, Ph.D.
Engineering Manager
Nanoplex Technologies, Inc.
2375 Garcia Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043

-Original Message-
From: Spencer Graves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:13 AM
To: Scott Norton
Subject: Re: [R] outer function problems

  I don't know that this is your problem, but I see a potential 
scoping issue:  It is not obvious to me where Dk is getting n0 and w.  
I've solved this kind of problem in the past by declaring n0 and w as 
explicit arguments to Dk and then passing them explicitly via ... in 
outer.  In general, I prefer to avoid accessing globals from within 
functions.  This may not help you here, but it might help in the future. 

  hope this helps.  spencer graves

Scott Norton wrote:

I'm pulling my hair (and there's not much left!) on this one. Basically I'm
not getting the same result t when I step through the program and
each element separately than when I use the outer() function in the
FindLikelihood() function below.


Here's the functions:


Dk- function(xk,A,B) 


n0 *(A*exp(-0.5*(xk/w)^2) + B)



FindLikelihood - function(Nk)


A - seq(0.2,3,by=0.2)

B - seq(0.2,3,by=0.2)

k -7

L - outer(A, B, function(A,B) sum( (Nk*log(Dk(seq(-k,k),A,B))) -
Dk(seq(-k,k),A,B) ))





where Nk - c(70 , 67 , 75 , 77 , 74 ,102,  75, 104 , 94 , 74 , 78 , 79 ,
, 73 , 76)



Here's an excerpt from my debug session..




 [1]  70  67  75  77  74 102  75 104  94  74  78  79  83  73  76





debugging in: FindLikelihood(Nk)

debug: {

A - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

B - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

k - 7

L - outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, 

k), A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))



Browse[1] n

debug: A - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

Browse[1] n

debug: B - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

Browse[1] n

debug: k - 7

Browse[1] n

debug: L - outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k), 

A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))

Browse[1] sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k),0.2,0.2))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), 0.2,
0.2, 0.2 FOR A AND B

[1] 2495.242

Browse[1] outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k), 

+ A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))

  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]

 [1,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48
58389.48# BUT ELEMENT (1,1) WHICH SHOULD ALSO BE (A,B) = (0.2, 0.2),

 [2,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [3,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [4,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [5,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [6,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [7,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [8,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [9,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[10,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[11,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[12,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[13,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[R] outer function problems

2003-10-27 Thread Scott Norton
I'm pulling my hair (and there's not much left!) on this one. Basically I'm
not getting the same result t when I step through the program and evaluate
each element separately than when I use the outer() function in the
FindLikelihood() function below.


Here's the functions:


Dk- function(xk,A,B) 


n0 *(A*exp(-0.5*(xk/w)^2) + B)



FindLikelihood - function(Nk)


A - seq(0.2,3,by=0.2)

B - seq(0.2,3,by=0.2)

k -7

L - outer(A, B, function(A,B) sum( (Nk*log(Dk(seq(-k,k),A,B))) -
Dk(seq(-k,k),A,B) ))





where Nk - c(70 , 67 , 75 , 77 , 74 ,102,  75, 104 , 94 , 74 , 78 , 79 , 83
, 73 , 76)



Here's an excerpt from my debug session..



 [1]  70  67  75  77  74 102  75 104  94  74  78  79  83  73  76



debugging in: FindLikelihood(Nk)

debug: {

A - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

B - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

k - 7

L - outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, 

k), A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))



Browse[1] n

debug: A - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

Browse[1] n

debug: B - seq(0.2, 3, by = 0.2)

Browse[1] n

debug: k - 7

Browse[1] n

debug: L - outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k), 

A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))

Browse[1] sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k),0.2,0.2))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), 0.2,
0.2, 0.2 FOR A AND B

[1] 2495.242

Browse[1] outer(A, B, function(A, B) sum((Nk * log(Dk(seq(-k, k), 

+ A, B))) - Dk(seq(-k, k), A, B)))

  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]

 [1,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48
58389.48# BUT ELEMENT (1,1) WHICH SHOULD ALSO BE (A,B) = (0.2, 0.2),

 [2,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [3,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [4,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [5,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [6,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [7,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [8,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [9,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[10,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[11,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[12,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[13,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[14,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[15,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48


 [1,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [2,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [3,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [4,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [5,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [6,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [7,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [8,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

 [9,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[10,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[11,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[12,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[13,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[14,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48

[15,] 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48 58389.48



As commented above, when I evaluate a single A,B element (i.e. A=0.2,
B=0.2) I get a different result than when I use OUTER() which should also be
evaluating at A=0.2, B=0.2??


Any help appreciated.  I know I'm probably doing something overlooking
something simple, but can anyone point it out???





Scott Norton, Ph.D.

Engineering Manager

Nanoplex Technologies, Inc.

2375 Garcia Ave.

Mountain View, CA 94043



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[R] returning dynamic variable names from function

2003-10-16 Thread Scott Norton
Within a function I'm assigning dynamic variable names and values to them
using the assign function.  I want to pass back the results but am
uncertain how to do this.  


Basically, my function reads a number of data files and uses the filename of
each file as the variable name for a list-to-become-dataframe.  I want then
to pass all these lists back, but again, the names of the lists to pass back
have been assign-ed to the filename.  See code snippet below, especially
the *** WHAT DO I PUT HERE *** part! 


Thanks in advance for any help!!!






loadFiles - function()



 fullFileNames - choose.files(filters = c(Fluor file (*.data,*.Dat),

 numFiles - length(fullFileNames)

 fileNames - basename(fullFileNames)   # removes the all the paths from the
full filenames

 splitNames - strsplit(fileNames,_)# create a list of strings
separated by the _ character


 dfNames - sapply(splitNames,[,1)

 # or I could use  sapply(splitNames, function (x) x[1])   OR EVEN
unlist(lapply(splitNames, function(x)x[1]))   -- [Thanks to Andy Liaw,
Simon Blomberg, Gabor Grothendieck, 

 #James Holtman and Robert Keefe for their helpful responses on this
question - See posting on returning the first elements of a list of vectors]



 for (i in 1:numFiles)


# we use assign since we want the quoted string in dfNames to be assigned
the value of the function call

   # the ReadFileCreateList is a function that reads an
individual file and sends back a number of parameters in a list


 return(list( *** WHAT DO I PUT HERE***))




Scott Norton, Ph.D.

Engineering Manager

Nanoplex Technologies, Inc.

2375 Garcia Ave.

Mountain View, CA 94043



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[R] indexing a particular element in a list of vectors

2003-10-15 Thread Scott Norton
I have a list of character vectors.  I'm trying to see if there is a way
(in a single line, without a loop) to pull out the first element of all the
vectors contained in the list.




doesn't work.



If you want more details..

Here is my listOfVectors which is called uuu



[1] pt1pg  multi.expr



[1] 1ngml fluor.expr



[1] 1pgml fluor.expr



[1] 10ng   ml fluor.expr



[1] 10pg   ml fluor.expr


I'm basically interested in getting the following elements:

pt1pg, 1ng, 1pg, etc. as a list (or character vector)


Note, this might have an obvious solution but I claim Newbie status!


Thanks in advance!




Scott Norton, Ph.D.

Engineering Manager

Nanoplex Technologies, Inc.

2375 Garcia Ave.

Mountain View, CA 94043



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