[R] lme4 install error

2006-11-05 Thread Shravan Vasishth
Dear all,

I'm trying to install lme4 (after having installed R 2.4.0 from source, and
having installed the latest Matrix package). lme4 fails with the following

pedigree.o definition of _lme4_xSym in section (__DATA,__common)
pedigree.o definition of _lme4_ySym in section (__DATA,__common)
make: *** [lme4.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'lme4'
** Removing

Others have apparently also had this problem, but their error message
appeared to signal a missing or unfindable Matrix header file. This does not
seem to be the case here. What is likely to be the problem? This install is
on a Mac OS 10.3.9. I've done R upgrades many times before; this is the
first time I''ve had a problem.

The full error message for lme4 can be seen at:


One other unusual thing was that there were many warning messages during the
Matrix install.

Warning in matchSignature(signature, fdef, where) :

 in the method signature for function coerce no definition for
class: matrix.csr
Warning in matchSignature(signature, fdef, where) :
 in the method signature for function coerce no definition for
class: matrix.csr
Warning in matchSignature(signature, fdef, where) :
 in the method signature for function coerce no definition for
class: matrix.csc

I have put the entire history of that install here:


Shravan Vasishth,Empirical Methods in Syntax
Juniorprofessor, Institute for Linguistics, Potsdam
Tel: +49-(0)331-977-2016, -2457  Fax: -2087

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Re: [R] Prosodic/phonetic analysis with R

2004-12-26 Thread Shravan Vasishth
You might want to look at EMU:


Praat has a scripting language associated with it, their web page
describes it, and others have tutorials on Praat scripting (just
search on Google). People I know in this area use EMU as well as
Praat.  From your description of your needs the Praat scripting
language is probably the starting point for you.

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 12:20:45 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 From: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [R] Prosodic/phonetic analysis with R
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Hi Folks,
 I'm interested in looking (in a beginner's amateurish way)
 at prosodic/phonetic analysis of recorded speech.
 In particular I would want to use R to formulate and
 evaluate specific models.
 So I would like to ask R people for their recommendations
 for a program which would
 a) Take as input a sound file in one of the common formats
(.wav, .au)
 b) perform at least basic phonetic analysis (formants, F0,
spectrograms, ... )
 b) Save to file a representation of the basic phonetic
analysis which it has done, in a form which R can readily
import and use.
 I've come across 'praat':
 which seems to offer a spohisticated range of analyses, though
 it's not too clear from the above URL what can be saved and
 in what format.
 I'd be grateful for any comments on using 'praat' with R,
 and/or for any suggestions for other software with commments.
 I only want to hear about software which (like 'praat') is
 GPL or similar.
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
 Date: 26-Dec-04   Time: 10:31:14
 -- XFMail --

Prof. Dr. Shravan Vasishth   Tel (direct): +49-(0)331-977-2457
Juniorprofessor:Empirical Methods in Syntax Research
Institute for Linguistics, Potsdam University, PO Box 601553
14415 Potsdam, Germany  Tel (secretary): -2016; Fax: -2087

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Truncating y axis

2003-06-28 Thread Shravan Vasishth
Hi folks,

I want to have a y-axis using matplot where the y axis is truncated as
shown schematically below:


3000 |   x
800  |x
 | x 

The ~ is supposed to stand for a curved line showing a break. The issue is
that I want to plot the points shown by the x's, but if I plot a
continuous y axis then the confidence intervals about the points at
positions 2 and 3 are not clearly visible...

Can someone suggest how this might be done? I did study the manuals and
contributed manuals first, and searched the archives and FAQs, just
couldn't find any discussion of such a situation.

Thanks much in advance,

Shravan Vasishth   Phone: +49 (681) 302 4504
Computational Linguistics, Universität des Saarlandes, Postfach 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbrücken, Germany http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~vasishth

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