[R] place 4 ini files

2004-08-16 Thread Thomas . Bock
Dear expeRts,

I collect some lab specific functions for a package.
Some of this functions need initial data 
(ini files written in R-code). My question is:
Where is the place in the package structure for such files; 
how to load the files?
I think something like:

source(paste(R.home(),"/library/__pkg__/data/__.ini.R", sep=""))

looks a bit clumsy.
I haven't find something about this 
in the "writing R extensions".


|| Thomas Bock c/o Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
|| Abbestr. 2-12; D-10587 Berlin, Germany
|| Tel/Fax: ++49-30-3481-354/490, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[R] Why does a[which(b == c[d])] not work?

2003-10-08 Thread Thomas Bock
Dear list,

I can not understand why the expression in
the subject does not work correct:
> dcrn[which(fn == inve[2])]
> inve[2]
[1] 406.7
> dcrn[which(fn == 406.7)]
[1] 1.3994e-07 1.3988e-07 1.3953e-07 1.3966e-07 1.3953e-07 1.3968e-07
Is this a kick self problem or an bug?

Thaks very much
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] first value from nlm (non-finite value supplied by nlm)

2003-10-24 Thread Thomas Bock
Dear expeRts,

first of all I'd like to thank you for the
quick help on my last which() problem.
Here is another one I could not tackle:
I have data on an absorption measurement which I want to fit
with an voigt profile:
 fn.1 <- function(p){
   for (i1 in ilong){
 ff <- f[i1]
 ex[i1] <- exp(S*n*L*voigt(u,v,ff,p[1],p[2],p[3])[[1]])
out <- nlm(fn.1, p = c(fo, GG, GL), hessian = TRUE, steptol = 1e-5, 
iterlim = 1000)
foN <-  out$estimate[1]
GGN <-  out$estimate[2]
GLN <-  out$estimate[3]

This works fine but the my start value of S is to poor,
so I like to fit S in a second run, with the initial values from the 
first run
(two runs because I know that S as an parameter is an problem):

 fn.2 <- function(p){
   for (i1 in ilong){
 ex[i1] <- exp(p[1]*n*L*voigt(u,v,f[i1],p[2],p[3],GLN)[[1]])
out <-nlm(fn.2, p = c(S,foN,GGN), hessian = TRUE,
  steptol = 1e-5, iterlim = 1000,print.level=2)
SN <-  out$estimate[1]
The problem is now that the first value from nlm() is positive (1E-6 !?)
and this leeds to an Inf:
 iteration = 0
[1] 0 0 0
[1] -3.80e-19  2.196660e+03  5.211179e-03
Function Value
[1] 0.5890603
[1]   Inf  11.23381 -23.61961 -
Error in nlm(fn.2, p = c(S, foN, GGN), hessian = TRUE, steptol = 1e-5,  :
   non-finite value supplied by nlm
In addition: Warning message:
NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
The number of parameters plays no role; same behaviour with p = c(S,GGN)

Can someone give a broad hint
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[R] (on) first value from nlm (non-finit value supplied by nlm)

2003-10-27 Thread Thomas Bock
Dear R-helpers,

if someone is interested in (last night I dreamed):
SH <- -3.8
fn.2 <- function(p){
   for (i1 in ilong){
 ex[i1] <- (1E-19*p[1]*n*L*voigt(u,v,f[i1],foN,p[2],p[3])[[1]])
out.2 <-nlm(fn.2, p = c(SH,GG,GL), hessian = TRUE,
  steptol = 1e-6, iterlim = 1000,print.level=2)
SN <-  out.2$estimate[1]*(1E-19)
GGN <- out.2$estimate[2]
GLN <-  out.2$estimate[3]
which works:
iteration = 10
[1] -3.83499  0.005181922  0.006242639
Function Value
[1] 1.068854
[1] -0.01561930  0.02665086 -0.01232618
Successive iterates within tolerance.
Current iterate is probably solution.
Another thing: 
Since I receive the R-help digest
I have this in my ~/.emacs:
'(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "green3"
'(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#f939ff"
(defun highlight-R-help ()
 (highlight-regexp "Message:" 'font-lock-keyword-face)
 (highlight-regexp "Date:" 'font-lock-string-face)
 (highlight-regexp "Subject:" 'font-lock-string-face)
 (highlight-regexp "From:" 'font-lock-string-face))

(defun unhighlight-R-help ()
 (unhighlight-regexp  "Message:" )
 (unhighlight-regexp  "Date:" )
 (unhighlight-regexp  "Subject:")
 (unhighlight-regexp  "From:"))
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] filter() function

2003-11-19 Thread Thomas Bock
Dear expeRts,

I have lots of time series vectors and I simply want to remove certain 
My problem is now that I can not find out how to calculate
automatic the filter coeff. for the filter() function which should 
remove this certain frequencies.
Is there an elegant way to do this?

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