[R] fit a nonlinear model using nlm()

2007-07-17 Thread William Simpson
I am trying to fit a nonlinear model using nlm().
My application of nlm() is a bit complicated.
Here is the story behind the model being fit:

The observer is trying to detect a signal corrupted by noise.
On each trial, the observer gets stim=signal+rnorm().

In the simulation below I have 500 trials. Each row of stim is a new trial.
On each trial, if the cross-correlation between the stim and
the signal is above some criterion level (crit=.5 here), the
observer says signal (resp=1), else he says no signal

So the situation is this: I know resp and stim for each trial.
I would like to estimate crit and signal from these.
(You might say that I already know the signal and crit. But the
idea here is that the observer cross-correlates the stim with an
internal template that will not be identical to the actual signal.
I want to estimate this template. Also the observer's crit may
differ from the correct one.)

In the code below, please help me get the f() and nlm() bits right.
I want to estimate signal and crit given stim and resp.

Thanks very much for any help!



# each row is a new stim (trial). 500 trials
for (i in 1:500)
stim[i,]-signal+rnorm(n=length(signal), mean=0, sd=noisesd)
if (sum(stim[i,]*signal)crit) (resp[i]-1) else (resp[i]-0)

for (i in 1:500)

fit-nlm(f, stim[1,])

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[R] dose-response on a grid

2007-07-12 Thread William Simpson
I have the following problem. I have measured a dose response curve
(binary response, continuous dose) on a grid of x,y positions. I would
like to produce a grey-level plot that shows the LD50 at each (x,y)

I am thinking that I have to do something like
fit-glm(resp ~ x*y + dose, family = binomial)
Corrections welcome.

But from here I don't know how to get LD50, and certainly not at each
x,y, position.

Thanks very much for any help.


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[R] lme() F-values disagree with aov()

2006-08-14 Thread William Simpson
I have used lme() on data from a between-within subjects experiment. The correct
ANOVA table is known because this is a textbook example (Experimental Design by
Roger Kirk Chapter 12: Split-Plot Factorial Design). The lme() F-values differ 
the known results. Please help me understand why.

for(j in 1:4) d[,j] - factor(d[,j])  ### Make vars into type factor

##lme() results
fit-lme(y~a*b*c,random=~1|s, data=d)

##correct anova table
##subjects are nested within a; a between, b  c within
fit2-aov(y ~ a*b*c + Error(s/(c*b)), data=d)

I suspect I need a different random=... statement in lme().
Thanks very much for any help

The data file is attached -- kirkspf2.dat
Here it is again:

s a c b y
1 1 1 1 3
1 1 1 2 7
1 1 2 1 4
1 1 2 2 7
2 1 1 1 6
2 1 1 2 8
2 1 2 1 5
2 1 2 2 8
3 1 1 1 3
3 1 1 2 7
3 1 2 1 4
3 1 2 2 9
4 1 1 1 3
4 1 1 2 6
4 1 2 1 3
4 1 2 2 8
5 2 1 1 1
5 2 1 2 5
5 2 2 1 2
5 2 2 2 10
6 2 1 1 2
6 2 1 2 6
6 2 2 1 3
6 2 2 2 10
7 2 1 1 2
7 2 1 2 5
7 2 2 1 4
7 2 2 2 9
8 2 1 1 2
8 2 1 2 6
8 2 2 1 3
8 2 2 2 11
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Re: [R] lme() F-values disagree with aov()

2006-08-14 Thread William Simpson
 Your lme statement is OK. To get the usual split-plot anova, your aov
 statement should be

 fit2 - aov(y ~ a*b*c + Error(s), data = d)

No, this gives wrong F-values. By wrong I mean it does not agree with the
published table.

Table 12.10-2, page 559:
 Number of obs =  32 R-squared =  0.9920
 Root MSE  = .559017 Adj R-squared =  0.9589

Source |  Partial SSdf   MS   F Prob  F
 Model | 233.62525   9.345  29.90 0.0002
 a |   3.125 1   3.125   2.00 0.2070
   s|a |   9.375 6  1.5625
 b |  162.00 1  162.00 199.38 0.
   a*b |   6.125 1   6.125   7.54 0.0335
 b*s|a |   4.875 6   .8125
 c |   24.50 1   24.50  61.89 0.0002
   a*c |  10.125 1  10.125  25.58 0.0023
 c*s|a |   2.375 6  .39583
   b*c |8.00 18.00  25.60 0.0023
 a*b*c |   3.125 1   3.125  10.00 0.0195
  Residual |   1.875 6   .3125
 Total |  235.5031  7.59677419


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Re: [R] lme() F-values disagree with aov()

2006-08-14 Thread William Simpson
Thanks very much Peter!
  Your lme statement is OK. To get the usual split-plot anova, your aov
  statement should be
  fit2 - aov(y ~ a*b*c + Error(s), data = d)

 No, this gives wrong F-values. By wrong I mean it does not agree with the
 published table.

 Well, it's the model that is equivalent to your lme() model
Yes, I thought my lme() model was wrong but couldn't figure out how to do it 

 Thing is that you want to add random effects of s:b and s:c, which are
 crossed factors, so somewhat tricky to code with lme() (this sort of
 thing is easier in lmer() from the lme4 packages).
I am happy to do it that way if you show me how...

 The generic way to handle this in lme() is via something like


I see. Thanks very much Peter!!


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Re: [R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-04 Thread William Simpson
Well nobody answered :-(
Nobody on R-help is doing anovas I guess -- I don't blame them! (It's just for 

In the absence of any response and for no good reason I am doing:
fitn1 - aov(amplitude ~ stereo*site*stimulus + Error(subject), stereon1) This 
Bill Venables's way.
And when the data are unbalanced I am doing:
lme(amplitude ~ site+stimulus+stereo*stimulus, random=~1|subject, method=ML,

And I have no clue why.

Every discussion of between-within ANOVA I have read (practical or 
mathematical) is
either vacuous or opaque...

 I have 2 questions on ANOVA with 1 between subjects factor and 2 within 

 1. I am confused on how to do the analysis with aov because I have seen two
examples on the web with different solutions.

 a) Jon Baron (http://www.psych.upenn.edu/~baron/rpsych/rpsych.html) does 6.8.5
Example 5: Stevens pp. 468 - 474 (one between, two within)

 between: gp
 within: drug, dose
 aov(effect ~ gp * drug * dose + Error(subj/(dose*drug)), data=Ela.uni)

 b) Bill Venables answered a question on R help as follows.

 - factor A between subjects
 - factors B*C within subjects.

 aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject), Kirk)
 An alternative formula would be response ~ A/(B*C) + Error(subject), which 
only change things by grouping together some of the sums of squares.

 SO: which should I do
 aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject), Kirk)
 aov(response ~ A/(B*C) + Error(subject), Kirk)
 aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject/(B*C)), Kirk)

 2. How would I do the analysis in lme()?
 Something like

 Thanks very much for any help!
 Bill Simpson

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html 
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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] between-within anova: aov and lme

2006-08-03 Thread William Simpson
I have 2 questions on ANOVA with 1 between subjects factor and 2 within factors.

1. I am confused on how to do the analysis with aov because I have seen two 
on the web with different solutions.

a) Jon Baron (http://www.psych.upenn.edu/~baron/rpsych/rpsych.html) does
6.8.5 Example 5: Stevens pp. 468 - 474 (one between, two within)

between: gp
within: drug, dose
aov(effect ~ gp * drug * dose + Error(subj/(dose*drug)), data=Ela.uni)

b) Bill Venables answered a question on R help as follows.

- factor A between subjects
- factors B*C within subjects.

aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject), Kirk)
An alternative formula would be response ~ A/(B*C) + Error(subject), which
would only change things by grouping together some of the sums of squares.

SO: which should I do
aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject), Kirk)
aov(response ~ A/(B*C) + Error(subject), Kirk)
aov(response ~ A*B*C + Error(subject/(B*C)), Kirk)

2. How would I do the analysis in lme()?
Something like

Thanks very much for any help!
Bill Simpson

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