[R] What does KalmanRun$states really return?

2005-11-26 Thread charles loboz
For Kalman Filter Durbin/Koopman give at p67 equations  4.13:
 v = y - Z a,  F = Z P Z' + H,  K = T P Z' / F + H,
 a[t+1] = T a + K v,  P[t+1] = T P L' + R Q R'
  for P1 = 0, Q=0,  T=Z=R=1 that reduces to:
 v = y - a,  F = H,  K = H,  a[t+1] = a + K v,  P[t+1] = 0
 (equivalent to exponential moving average, Durbin/Koopman p49)
  for vector y = c(1,2,3,4,5), H = 0.66 manual calculations
  using the equations above give a = c(1,1.66,2.55,3.51,4.50).
  KalmanRun with these parameters gives res$states = (1,1,1,1,1).
  Looking into the code of arima.c we have at line 109 an equivalent of
  a[t+1] = anew + Pnew * resid0 / gain
  where gain = mod$h = H (by line 97), resid0 = y-a = v (by lines 94-96)
  Since Pnew = 0, then a[t+1] = a, which explains why the computation
  returns res$states = c(1,1,1,1,1).
  The help file says "'states', the contemporaneous state estimates",
  which I assumed to mean 'a' in the equations above. But that
  assumption does not agree with the numerical results. It also
  does not agree with the coding(?) as  a[t+1] = a + K v  differs
  substantially from   a[t+1] = anew + Pnew * resid0 / gain.
  So, what does 'states' contain? Where did I go wrong?


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[R] unexpected result from KalmanRun (KalmanLike, StructTS)

2005-11-30 Thread charles loboz
(re-formulate, re-send, without html) 

  for vector y = c(1,2,3,4,5), H = 0.66 manual
  using the equations below give a =
  KalmanRun with these parameters gives res$states =

for Kalman Filter Durbin/Koopman give at p67 eqs 
 v = y - Z a,  F = Z P Z' + H,  K = T P Z' / F +
 a[t+1] = T a + K v,  P[t+1] = T P L' + R Q R'
  for P1 = 0, Q=0,  T=Z=R=1 that reduces to:
 v = y - a,  F = H,  K = H,  a[t+1] = a + K v, 
P[t+1] = 0
 (also equivalent to exponential moving average,
Durbin/Koopman p49)
  So I am getting a serious discrepancy between manual
and KalmanRun computations. To make things more
interesting, looking into the code of arima.c we have
at line 109 an equivalent of
  a[t+1] = anew + Pnew * resid0 / gain
  where gain = mod$h = H (by line 97), resid0 = y-a =
v (by lines 94-96)
  Since Pnew = 0, then a[t+1] = a, which explains why
the computation
  returns res$states = c(1,1,1,1,1).
  The help file says "'states', the contemporaneous
state estimates",
  which I assumed to mean 'a' in the equations above.
But that
  assumption does not agree with the numerical
results. It also
  does not agree with the coding(?) as  a[t+1] = a + K
v  differs
  substantially from   a[t+1] = anew + Pnew * resid0 /
gain. (all the previous lines of coding follow the
kalman filter equations, but this one does not seem to
- do we have some strong reformulation of the
equations in the basic form?).
  So, what does 'states' contain?

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[R] R and databases - a comment

2005-12-03 Thread charles loboz
1. That was a part of a private email exchange. It has
been suggested that more people may be interested. 

2. I did use various databases (significant part of my
job) for the last 15 years. Some with R for the last 3
years as a hobby. Some comments on the ones used
below. Sorry, no links - I am time-constrained at the
moment - please google if interested in details. The
remarks are from the point of view of R user, not that
of 'general database user'.
3. SQLITE. www.sqlite.org - probably the best datase
to use with R. No setup, no administration, embedded -
so less connection overhead. All data in one file - so
easy to transfer. Solid. Very functional SQL, fast if
you play it right (almost as fast as SQLServer on
Windows...) . Some limitations - no stored procedures.
Some preprocessing/parsing can be done using TCL -
well integrated with sqlite if you need that. Due to
the implementation quirk you can even compute
recursive functions (like exponential moving average
or Fibonacci numbers) with SQL :-). Easy import/export
of data to text files. After trying few other dbs I
settled down on this one. Even considered writing a
tutorial on SQLite use with R (like how to process
gigabytes of data on a 128mb computer :-) ) - but time
constraints stopped me. [Personally I think that
SQLite should come bundled with the standard R
installation. Could even be used to keep a lot of R's
internal stuff, would probably simplify overall
coding. But that is for others to decide]
All other databases (including mysql) require typical
setup - installation, administration, user rights,
keeping track of ports, services/daemons, directories,
backups etc - so some db administrative skills are
required.I am not sure how many R users are willing to
go through that. The ones who may be interested in the
stuff below
4. www.postgres.org Postgres. Free. As complete as one
can wish, small download, great functionality.
Interfaces well to other languages, so you can do
numerics in C++ and store that in the database (though
why not do numerics in R?). Current version 8.1, much
5. Firebird. open source verion of Interbase. Easy
setup and can have all data in one file. But... slow
development - not many developers there. SQL full but
somewhat quirky (when porting from other dialects). 
6. Mysql. the inheritance from the original ISAM
system still shows. Nice user interface, but... if you
need real db why not use postgres? if you need
something simpler, without administration, why not use
SQLITE? No doubt mysql is fine for many simple
websites etc - this is mysql's niche.
7. derby and hsqldb. both are written in Java, open
source. HSQLDB (used now by OpenOffice) allows
creation of in-memory tables and it's fast there - but
it's usage from inside R is tricky - there is no
easily available, installable and current ODBC driver.
Similar for derby - the ODBC driver is there, but
installation can be tricky to non-professionals. May
be in the future...
There are three 'express' versions of commercial
databases. They all share some restrictions, like max
disc data size 2-4gb, max mem size 1-2gb and usage of
single processor only. Plus various licensing
restrictions, so be careful how you use them. 
 - Microsoft - in beta now, over 100mb download
(windows only) (the old version, MSDE, is also
 - Oracle - 150mb download, if i remember correctly
even free to distribute, but check the license
 - DB2 - 500mb download, currently 90 day version, IBM
strong rumour is that early next year the new version
will be free. 
Each commercial DB has some OLAP capability, but I am
not sure how much of it is/will be available in the
Express version.


Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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Re: [R] Reasons to Use R (no memory limitations :-))

2007-04-15 Thread charles loboz
This thread discussed R memory limitations, compared handling with S and SAS. 
Since I routinely use R to process multi-gigababyte sets on computers with 
sometimes 256mb of memory - here are some comments on that. 

Most memory limitations vanish if R is used with any relational database. [My 
personal preference is SQLite (RSQLite packaga)  because of speed and no-admin 
(used in embedded mode)]. The comments below apply to any relational database, 
unless otherwise stated.

Most people appear to think about database tables as dataframes - that is to 
store and load the _whole_ dataframe in one go - probably because appropriate 
function names are suggesting this approach. Also, it is a natural mapping. 
This is convenient if the data set can fit fully in memory - but limits the 
size of the data set the same way as without using the database.

However, using SQL language directly one can expand the size of the data set R 
is capable of operating on - we just have to stop treating database tables as 
'atomic'. For example, assume we have a set of several million patients and 
want to analyze some specific subset - the following SQL statement 
  SELECT * FROM patients WHERE gender='M" AND AGE BETWEEN 30 AND 35
will result in bringing to R much smaller dataframe than selection of the whole 
table. [Also, such subset selection may take _less_time_ then selecting from 
the total dataframe - assuming the table is properly indexed]. 
Also, direct SQL statements can be used to pre-compute some characteristics 
internally in the database and bring only the summaries to R:
 SELECT AVG(age) FROM patients GROUP BY gender
will bring a data frame of two rows only.

Admittedly, if the data set is really large and we cannot operate on its 
subsets, the above does not help. Though I do not believe that this would the 
the majority of the situations. 

Naturally, going for a 64bit system with enough memory will solve some problems 
without using the database -  but not all of them. Relational databases can be 
very efficient at selecting subsets as they do not have to do linear scans 
[when the tables are indexed] - while R has to do a linear scan every time(??? 
I did not look up the source code of R - please correct me if I am wrong). Two 
other areas where a database is better than R, especially for large data sets:
 - verification of data correctness for individual points [a frequent problem 
with large data sets]
 - combining data from several different types of tables into one dataframe

In summary: using SQL from R allows to process extremely large data sets in a 
limited memory, sometimes even faster then if we had a large memory and kept 
our data set fully in it. Relational database perfectly complements R 

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] how-to: installing R on Knoppix

2006-03-05 Thread charles loboz
Installing R on Knoppix

Knoppix is a small LINUX distribution
(http://www.knoppix.net/) runnable from a CD (without
an installation) It can be also installed on a hard
drive from a single CD.  The idea was to reuse an old
laptop with 6gb hard drive and 128mb memory.

I had few days experience with Linux and few years
experience with R. The latter was not required :-)

The Knoppix installation went on flawlessly - using
defaults. Partitioning required rerun, as I preferred
to have a separate swap partition and a separate boot
partition. Putting everything in one big partition
would be less fussy, but I wanted to experiment.
Important: I found several description on how to
install Knoppix onto a hard drive, but all of them
were too long - so I used
The longer descriptions may be useful when you try to
install Knoppix on a computer to run in parallel with
other systems or for older Knoppix versions.

After installing Knoppix looked very impressively -
neat graphics, a lot  of apps (including OpenOffice) 
KDE windowing system. All of  that from one CD -
version 4.0.2. This is a really neat-looking system -
even OpenOffice 2.0 (beta) was there.

The laptop was not connectable to the Internet, so I
had to transfer the packages through an USB drive. To
use the usb drive I created first a mount point
   mkdir /mnt/usbhd
then I mounted the usb drive 
   mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhd

On my uSB drive I had a package downloaded from CRAN,
debian distribution (Knoppix is 'related' to Debian so
I assumed there will be less problems when using
Debian's packages - I did not try rpms).
As per my mount point I tried to install it as
   dpkg -i
which, naturally, resulted in multiple dependency
errors, because many of the libraries were missing.
After some trial  and error I found that following
packages need to be installed:

dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/gcc-3.4-base_3.4.5-3_i386.deb
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/libg2c0_3.4.5-3_i386.deb
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/f2c_20020621-3.4_i386.deb 
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/libpng2_1.0.18-1_all.deb
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/atlas2-base_3.2.1ln-15_i386.deb  
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/tcl8.3_8.3.5-5_i386.deb
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/tk8.3_8.3.5-4_i386.deb
dpkg -i /mnt/usbhd/zlib-bin_1.2.3-9_i386.deb

after that I rerun the original
dpkg -i
which went through without problems
then I changed to directory 
cd /usr/bin
and executed 

no problems. I did not have time to test installation
of other R packages - that was just the core.

Observations: 128mb memory is not sufficient - KDE
uses much more. Most likely for a computer like that
much better approach would be to use Damn Small Linux
- a 50mb distribution, descending from  Knoppix I did
not try to install R there, but DSL - when booted -
takes only 30mb of memory, leaving plenty for R
computations. I must try it one weekend...

That's all. I am no LINUX expert - last 10 years I did
spend on Windows (though earlier I did work on UNIX).
Installation was rather easy -  except for hunting for
all these packages.  While all the dependencies are
stated, it is rather tedious to hunt them down.

P.S. Tried to install Fedora Core 3 on that laptop -
took forever and was very slow afterwards. Did not
look as well as Knoppix either. I did not even try to
install FC4, as it requires twice more memory than the
laptop has.

P.P.S. Naturally, with larger memories and computers
Knoppix may not be the best solution - large
distributions like RedHat, FC, Ubuntu, Debian, or
Scientific Linux may be preferable and the
installation of R would be trouble-free. This was an
attempt to revitalize and old and tired computer.

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Re: [R] how-to: installing R on Knoppix

2006-03-05 Thread charles loboz
After some sleep and with clearer head I'd better
explain the background of my posting.
Going back to UNIX from Win I spent whole day trying
out various distros from available CDs (no time to
dowload the stuff). Knoppix was the last one and the
cutest. So I decided to put R on it. The other part
was trying to establish (my hobby) how an old laptop
with nonexpandable memory and limited disk space can
be revitilized. This is why the R part of the test was
so ... contradictory in nature... 

I grabbed whatever was available and tried to check
out how did UNIX change in the last 10 years :-) - and
it did a lot. 

This is why I did not  looked through R mailings
before embarking on that - apologies for posting
something already known. That mail was just a summary
of a long evening of testing. Still - I am not totally
repentant, because I got the Quantian thing out of
your answers - didn't run into it before - so many
thanks for that. [I use  R to process computer
performance logs in batch mode, stats are simple there
and all are in the R core]. 

Some other things I noticed - W2K
 I had to remove Win2K from that laptop. Before that I
managed to drop memory usage there to 43mb after
startup by disabling unused services, startups etc
(this laptop is not networked nor internettable). DSL
used (displayed) 30mb after startup. That was rather
surprising to me - always thought of W2K as a big
operating system, yet difference in memory with DSL
was only 12 mb. Naturally, some of that could have
been caused by different default size of the system
cache for both OSes, but I did not analyse it.

Debian. We just got the info that my paid job moves me
to RedHat (EL/AS) (because of hosting support) so it
looks like I won't be continuing with that
experimenting for a while. It was fun and I did learn
something about package managers on LINUX. Having said
that - something tells me that I may try this weekend
to try to install R on DSL 2.2. Any pointers welcomed

P.S. Can I use apt-get from Windows? Only Win at home.
Need to buy another computer next week...

P.P.S. I had a look at your site - amazing work to put
all that stuff in one big release. And on Knoppix :-)

--- Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Charles,
> Nice iniative for Linux newbie :) Some of us may
> have done a few things
> differently. I'll just point out one or two below.
> If you want to continue
> this discussion, why don't we carry it over to the
> r-sig-debian list that is
> more appropriate?  I'll set the reply-to header
> accordingly.
> On 5 March 2006 at 03:47, charles loboz wrote:
> | On my uSB drive I had a package downloaded from
> | debian distribution (Knoppix is 'related' to
> Debian so
> | I assumed there will be less problems when using
> | Debian's packages - I did not try rpms).
> | As per my mount point I tried to install it as
> |dpkg -i
> | /mnt/usbhd/r-base-core_2.1.1-0woody1_i386.deb
> Well, 2.1.1. is one release behind -- and we even
> offer you the current one,
> i.e. R 2.2.1, as a backport as is explained in the R
> FAQ itself (with thanks to
> Christian for building the backport of my Debian R
> packages).
> And in this particular case, I think you could also
> have installed R 2.2.1
> straight from Debian testing as well as the Knoppix
> 4.0.2 libraries should be
> current.
> | which, naturally, resulted in multiple dependency
> | errors, because many of the libraries were
> missing.
> | After some trial  and error I found that following
> Now that is a feasible strategy, but unfortunately
> the most laborious one.
> Debian has truly excellent package management and
> dependency resolution: the
> apt-get program is designed to do just that for you.
> You said you're new at
> Linux --- but I think you will find time spend on
> reading the documentation [
> you'll have to google for suitable intros ] to be a
> most excellent
> investment.
> | Observations: 128mb memory is not sufficient - KDE
> | uses much more. Most likely for a computer like
> that
> | much better approach would be to use Damn Small
> Linux
> | - a 50mb distribution, descending from  Knoppix I
> did
> Gabor and I had some off-line chats a few weeks back
> and he had success with
> Damn Small Linux running _in parallel_ to his
> Windows installation using
> coLinux.  I like running Quantian [ my Knoppix
> derivative that adds a few gb
> of software to Knoppix, see
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian ] using VMware
> Player running alongside my normal Linux (home) --
> or Windows (work) --
> workstation.  In either case, more memory is always
> better and 128mb is good
> for very few things these days.
> | insta

[R] Installing Damn Small Linux and R

2006-03-06 Thread charles loboz
Installing Damn Small Linux and R

Following my experiences with Knoppix (described in
another mail) I did similar test on Damn Small Linux
(dsl -http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ ). DSL was
interesting, because it is the smallest yet fully
functional version of Linux, hence more suited to
older and smaller computers than Knoppix. Importantly,
it uses lightweight windowing system (no KDE or GNOME)
so its memory requirements are much smaller. Also,  it
seems to have a lively user community, which saved me
a lot of work.

DSL can be used as 'live CD' but can also be installed
on a hard disk - I followed the instructions on
http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/dsl-hd-install.html ,
using the latest DSL 2.2b version . (I installed it to
an empty machine, so no dual-boot considerations were
important).  Upon startup the memory usage  reported
was 20mb (not 30 as I mentioned in my Knoppix

Trying to follow the same way of installing R as with
Knoppix I discovered that many more libraries are
missing or are older in DSL than in Knoppix.

There is a list of packages already prepared for
installation on DSL at
and to my joy one of them (under 'applications') was
R.tar.gz (version 2.0.1) 

Using identical procedure as described in the Knoppix
article I transferred that through an USB drive to
/opt directory, then executed
   tar -xvzf R.tar.gz
It created /opt/R directory. In bin directory I
executed R shell script and it simply worked. After
that I decided to get adventerous and, from the same
place (under 'system'), I downloaded tcltk8.3.dsl .
That is a special packaging for DSL extensions and
describes how to install them. Actually it is as
simple as opening the file manager EmelFM ,
higlighting the tcltk8.3 file and pressing the button

After that I could run Rtcltk script, which started
the R GUI. Memory usage was 40mb at that stage.

The whole process took less than one hour and at the
end of it I had fully functional R installation,
including GUI. And enough memory spare (80mb) for a
lot of calculations.

P.S. I tested also OpenOffice.uci - a mountable
version of OpenOffice 2.0 and it started and worked
without problems. The memory usage after starting
Writer was around 60mb (R was not running at that time
- just the Writer). I expected more, following dire
warnings on the DSL site.

P.P.S. Judging by these numbers there is a possiblity
that with DSL, any old computer with 64mb memory and
1gb hard drive can comfortably run R and OpenOffice.
The interface is not so cute as in Knoppix, but for a
working computer it quite comfortable and rather fast.

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[R] KalmanXXXX and deJong-Penzer statistic?

2005-02-23 Thread charles loboz
A question about: Kalman in R, time series and
deJong-Penzer statistic - how to compute it using
available artefacts of KalmanX?

Background. in the paper

'Diagnosing Shocks in TIme Series', de Jong and Penzer
construct a statistic (tau) which can be used to
locate potential shocks. [p15, Theorem 6.1 and below].
They also state that all the components of that
statistic (v_i, F_i, r_i, N_i) 'are computed with
Kalman Filter Smoother applied to the null model'.

Also, as I understand, that part has been implemented
in one of the S packages , SsfPack, as the book on
that states on p 531 'the standardized smoothed
disturbances may be interpreted as t-statistics for
impulse intervention variable in the transition and
measurement equations.' and equations for the
statistic are:
   eta_t / sqrt(var(eta_t), 
where eta_t and var have hats over them. The second
equation is identical, with 'eta' replaced by
'epsilon'. On page 524 we also have:
"the smoothed disturbance estimates are the estimates
of the measurement equation innovations epsilon and
transition equation innovations eta based on all
available information Y.  ... the computation of
hat(eta) and hat(epsilon) from the Kalman smoother
algorithm is described in Durbin and Koopman chapter
7, 'Time series analysis by state space methods', OUP
(2001) "

Local libraries do not have this book and it will take
several weeks to get it. 

Assuming I will get the book: does the KalmanXXX set
of functions produce all the necessary artefacts to
compute this statistic either as per deJong-Penzer or
as per SsfPack? 

Reading carefully through the manual I see that we
have artefacts of states and normalized residuals
(presumably of states - but how can I unscale them if
I need them)? What about other stats? How to compute
smoothed disturbance estimates? 

I am rather confused - that's my first approach to
Kalman filter and state models.

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[R] How can I change SQLite cache size for R session?

2005-04-15 Thread charles loboz
How can I change SQLite cache size for R session?

SQLite cache size can be set by a pragma, for the
duration of the session - or by default.
.pragma cache_size
.pragma default_cache_size
my questions are about RSQLite, version 0.4, running
on Windows:
 - what is the cache size set to when SQLite is
invoked from R?
 - if the page_size is set to 4096 what will be the
cache size in bytes when cache_size 1000 is specified?
(in other words: does R know about the page size

P.S. Very impressed with SQLite and its (embedded)
integration with R - using it fully really simplifies
a lot of programming as well as moving computations
between computers. It is also, for my current needs,
much faster than postgress and much less cumbersome in
operation (permissions, administration, mobility). The
price to pay - need to be careful with crafting SQL -
no optimizer here. However, controlling cache size is
an important thing for any database and I would like
to know how to do it for R. Documentation does not
mention it and quick scan of the source code of
RSQLite did not show any obvious comments.

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[R] string syntactic sugar in R? - long post

2005-05-07 Thread charles loboz
Currently in R, constructing a string containing
values of variables is done using 'paste' and can be
an error-prone and traumatic experience. For example,
when constructing a db query we have to write,
  paste("SELECT " value " FROM table  where
date ='",cdate,"'")
we are getting null result from it, because without
(forgotten...) sep=""  we get
 SELECT value FROM table where date='
2005-05-05 '
instead of
SELECT value FROM table where date='2005-05-05'
Adding sep="" as a habit results in other errors, like
column names joined with keywords - because of
forgotten spaces. Not to mention mixing up or
unbalancing quote marks etc. The approach used by
paste is similar to that of many other languages (like
early Java, VB etc) and is inherently error-prone
because of poor visualization. There is a way to
improve it.

In the Java world gstrings were introduced
specifically for this purpose. A gstring is a string
with variable names embedded and replaced by values
(converted to strings, lazy eval) before use. An
example in R-syntax would be:

>alpha <- 8; beta="xyz"
>gstr <- "the result is ${alpha} with the comment
  the result is 8 with the comment xyz

This syntactic sugar reduces significantly the number
of mistakes made with normal string concatenations.
Gstrings are used in ant and groovy - (for details see
http://groovy.codehaus.org/Strings, jump to GStrings).
They are particularly useful for creating readable and
error-free SQL statements, but obviously the simplify
'normal' string+value handling in all situations. [ps:
gstrings are not nestable]

I was wondering how difficult it would be to add such
syntactic sugar to R and would that create some
language problems? May be it is possible that it could
be done as some gpaste function, parsing the argument
for ${var}, extracting variables from the environment,
evaluating them and producing the final string?

I admit my bias - using ant for years and groovy for
months and having to do a lot of SQL queries does not
put me in the mainstream of R users - so it may be
that this idea is not usable to a wider group of

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