Re: [R] Help with Matrix package

2005-10-13 Thread rob foxall \(IFR\)
Thanks Prof. Ripley for your prompt reply. With regards to Rblas.dll my
current situation is that I have taken the Rblas.dll from CRAN:
contrib/ATLAS/P4/, and replaced the default Rblas.dll in my R /bin with
this one.


-Original Message-
From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 October 2005 11:33
To: rob foxall (IFR)
Subject: Re: [R] Help with Matrix package

The first thing is to ensure that you are using an optimized BLAS.  On 
Windows, use Goto's BLAS if you have it (is not currently available and 
redistribution is not allowed) or one of the pre-built ATLAS-based 
Rblas.dll on CRAN or (best of all) optimize your own build of ATLAS.

The Matrix package depends on an optimized BLAS even more crucially than

base R.

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, rob foxall (IFR) wrote:

> Hello all,
>   A colleague at work set me the challenge to convert some MATLAB
> code into R, to see which is faster. We'd seen that benchmark
> MATLAB 6.5 to R1.90 (and others), and so I thought that I should be
> to get roughly comparable speeds. The code has lots of multiplications
> of matrixes, transposes, and MATLAB's "repmat". I did the code
> conversion, and R was about 6 times slower, so I had a closer look at
> the benchmark comparison and it seems that I should be using the
> "Matrix" package.
>   Is there any dummies-level help available for this package? I am
> struggling even to apply simple functions such as "sum" and "mean" to
> matrixes constructed from this class (not that I need to yet), and
> importantly "kronecker", to convert from "repmat". (The help for
> "kronecker" from the Matrix package doesn't seem to mention kronecker,
> so I am a bit stuck). Any guidance greatly accepted -- I have read the
> overview, looked through the various Matrix-listed functions, and
> unsuccessfully tried searching R-help.
> Using R version 2.2.0, windows xp.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] Help with Matrix package

2005-10-13 Thread rob foxall \(IFR\)
Hello all,
A colleague at work set me the challenge to convert some MATLAB
code into R, to see which is faster. We'd seen that benchmark comparing
MATLAB 6.5 to R1.90 (and others), and so I thought that I should be able
to get roughly comparable speeds. The code has lots of multiplications
of matrixes, transposes, and MATLAB's "repmat". I did the code
conversion, and R was about 6 times slower, so I had a closer look at
the benchmark comparison and it seems that I should be using the
"Matrix" package.
Is there any dummies-level help available for this package? I am
struggling even to apply simple functions such as "sum" and "mean" to
matrixes constructed from this class (not that I need to yet), and more
importantly "kronecker", to convert from "repmat". (The help for
"kronecker" from the Matrix package doesn't seem to mention kronecker,
so I am a bit stuck). Any guidance greatly accepted -- I have read the
overview, looked through the various Matrix-listed functions, and
unsuccessfully tried searching R-help.

Using R version 2.2.0, windows xp.


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[R] lda predict

2004-09-21 Thread rob foxall (IFR)
Dear R-helpers,

I have a model created by lda, and I would like to use this
model to make predictions for new or old data. The catch is, I want to
do this without using the "predict" function, i.e. only using
information directly from the foo.lda object to create my posterior
probabilities. In anticipation of likely responses, I will be brushing
up my lda knowledge using the given references when I have time, but am
being hassled for an answer asap!




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[R] anova subhypotheses

2003-03-06 Thread rob foxall (IFR)
Hello all,

A really noddy question for you all: I'm trying without success to do some 
subhypothesis testing. Using simple anova model, with a toy dataset from a book. I 
have four factors A,B,C,D, and wish to test mu_C = mu_D. This is what I have tried:


> contrasts(infants$group,how.many=1) <- c(0,0,1,-1)

> contrasts(infants$group)





D   -1

> fit <- aov(age~group,data=infants)

> summary(fit)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

group1  0.740   0.740  0.2693 0.6092

Residuals   21 57.727   2.749   


Now I know from the book, hand calculations and SPSS that for "group", Sum Sq = Mean 
Sq = 1.12, not 0.740. Also from the standard anova:


> contrasts(infants$group) <- "contr.treatment"

> fit <- aov(age~group,data=infants)

> summary(fit)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

group3 14.778   4.926  2.1422 0.1285

Residuals   19 43.690   2.299 


So I'd like to have the (correct) Mean Sq value divided by 2.299 and not 2.749, with 
19 and not 21 df. Any advice on how to correctly use contrasts for subhypothesis 
testing, including where to find it in the manuals, would be much appreciated.





(Other info)


Using R 1.6.2, windows xp, 



> infants

   group   age

1  A  9.00

2  A  9.50

3  A  9.75

4  A 10.00

5  A 13.00

6  A  9.50

7  B 11.00

8  B 10.00

9  B 10.00

10 B 11.75

11 B 10.50

12 B 15.00

13 C 11.50

14 C 12.00

15 C  9.00

16 C 11.50

17 C 13.25

18 C 13.00

19 D 13.25

20 D 11.50

21 D 12.00

22 D 13.50

23 D 11.50

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[R] cat in windows vs linux

2003-02-25 Thread rob foxall (IFR)
Hi all,
Easy question for you (which I failed to find the answer to in the FAQ etc). 
I've recently been forced to switch from linux to windows (currently windows NT), and 
my usual habit of putting lots of "cat" statements in slow functions to get an idea of 
the progress rate is no longer useful. Why -- because R waits until the function is 
completely finished before printing the cat statements all at once to the screen. 
Don't know if this is an R thing or a windows thing, but if there is a way to get cat 
statements printed to the screen as soon as the function calls it, I'd like to hear 
it! Using R version 1.6.2.


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