[R] Gradient problem in nlm

2006-09-30 Thread singyee ling
Hello everyone!

I am having some trouble supplying the gradient function to nlm in R for
windows version 2.2.1.

What follows are the R-code I use:

value<-sum(mcs39[1:len]*fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],theta[3],c(8:(7+len))) -
pcs39[1:len] * log(fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],theta[3],c(8:(7+len)
a1<-theta[1]; b1<-theta[2]; b2<-theta[3]
df.a1<-sum(-mcs39[1:len] + pcs39[1:len]/(a1+exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len)
df.b1<-sum( -mcs39[1:len] * exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len))) + (pcs39[1:len] *
exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len))) ) /(a1+exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len)
df.b2<- sum(-mcs39[1:len] * exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len))) * c(8:(7+len))  +
(pcs39[1:len] * exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len)))  * c(8:(7+len))  )
/(a1+exp(b1+b2*c(8:(7+len )


theta.start<-c(0.01 ,-1.20, -0.0005)

Error in nlm(loglikcs39, theta.start, len = 50) :
probable coding error in analytic gradient

Any light that can be shed on this would be highly appreciated.
Many thanks

Singyee Ling

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[R] warning message in nlm

2006-09-26 Thread singyee ling
Dear R-users,

I am trying to find the MLEs for a loglikelihood function (loglikcs39) and
tried using both optim and nlm.

sum(mcs39[1:len]*fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],c(8:(7+len))) - pcs39[1:len] *

1. The output from using optim is as follow

> optcs39
[1] -1.27795226 -0.03626846

[1] 7470.551

function gradient
 133   23

[1] 0


2. The output from using nlm is as follow

> outcs39<-nlm(loglikcs39,theta.start,len=120)
Warning messages:
1: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
2: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
3: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
4: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
5: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
6: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
7: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
> outcs39
[1] 7470.551

[1] -1.27817854 -0.03626027

[1] -8.933577e-06 -1.460512e-04

[1] 1

[1] 40

As you can see, the values obtained from using both functions are very
similar.  But, what puzzled is the warning message that i got from using
nlm. Could anyone please shed some light on how this warning message come
about and whether it is a cause for concern?

Many thanks in advance for any advice!


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[R] question about survSplit

2006-05-17 Thread singyee ling
Dear R-users,

I use the survsplit function in the survival package to change my data into
counting-process format

and the transformed format is as follow:

start  stop   event   DP  age 
0  5 01   20
5 1001   20
1025   11   20

looking at the above three entries  that belong to the same person, if an
event happen at time 5,  won't the person  actually enter the risk set twice
since there is another entry that start at time 5 and Cox proportional
hazard model "won't know" that it actually belong to the same person.

Shouldn't it be like this?

start  stop   event   DP  age 
0  5 01   20
610 01   20
11   2511   20

or  the R-function coxph has already take this into account when calculating
its risk set although  I believe (a) is actually the correct one.
Your advice is greatly appreciated!

sing yee

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[R] left-truncation in survreg

2006-04-26 Thread singyee ling
Dear R-users,

I know that a few people have asked whether survreg handles left-truncation
data and the reply that i have seen so far is that it does.

However, when I try to use survreg on left-truncated data, I got the
following  error message.

> survcs3<-survreg(Surv(start,end,status)~AG, data=DPONEcs3,

Error in survreg(Surv(start, end, status) ~ AG, data = DPONEcs3, dist =
"exponential") :
Invalid survival type

Then i tried

> cc<-survreg(Surv(end,status)~AG, data=DPONEcs3, dist="exponential")

and it works perfectly fine.

May I know why survreg does not accept my left-truncated data? I used
similar set of data on coxph and it works fine

Many many thanks for your time and any comments given

kind regards,
sing yee

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[R] andersen plot vs score process or scaled Schoenfeld residuals to test for proporti0nal hazards

2006-03-31 Thread singyee ling
Dear all,

I use the Andersen plot to check for proportional hazards assumption for a
factor (say x) in the Cox regression model and obtained a straight line that
pass through the origin. However, the formal test done by the  R-function
cox.zph, which is based on the plot of Schonefeld residuals against time,
indicates that proportional hazards assumption is violated. Further, a plot
of the score process (cumulative sums of schoenfeld residuals) against time
again give the same conclusion as the cox.zph function and i am really
stumped by this. Klein et al (1997, pp 354) mentioned that graphical checks
for proportional hazards assumption is often preferred to formal test as
formal test based on a large enough sample (in my case is 4000 data
entries), will often reject the null hypothesis of proportionality. Is that
what is happening in my case? any suggestion?


kind regards,
singyee ling

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[R] breslow estimator for cumulative hazard function

2006-03-07 Thread singyee ling
Dear R-users,

I  am checking the proportional hazard assumption of a cox model  for a
given covariate, let say Z1, after adjusting for other relavent covariates
in the model. To this end, I fitted cox model stratified on the discrete
values of Z1 and try to get beslow estimator for the baseline cumulative
hazard function (H(t)) in each stratum. As far as i know, if the
proportionality assumption holds,  the  plot of ln[H(t)] of each stratum
versus time should be approximately parallel.


My question is on whether the cumulative hazard given by the above command
is actually a breslow estimator for baseline cumulative hazard ,i.e,
estimator=sum(  number of death/ (sum(risk score in risk set))   or  a
nelson-Aalen estimator. if the above command does not give me breslow
estimator, please advise on how I can get it.

Thanks for any help given.

kind regards,
sing yee

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[R] question about plotting survfit object on log-log scale

2006-02-14 Thread singyee ling
Dear all,

I tried to plot cumulative hazard H(t) against t on a log-log sclale by
putting the optional function "fun ='cloglog'" in the plot function.

However, I came across the following error message

> survcs20fit2<-survfit(Surv(start,end,status)~sx,data=ALLDPcs20)
Error in rep.default (2, n2 - 1) : invalid number of copies in rep ( )
In addition : Warning message:
2  x values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot in : xy.coords ( x, y,
xlabel, ylabel, log)

What does the error message :" Error in rep.default (2, n2 - 1) : invalid
number of copies in rep ( )" actually means and what can I do to rectify it.

Thanks for any help given!

kind regards,
sing yee

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[R] cox.zph

2006-01-25 Thread singyee ling
Dear R-users,

I am sorry if this is obvious. I am testing the proportional hazard
assumptions using cox.zph. If i am not wrong, a g(t) function must be
assumed. Four possibilities available in R  are "km","identity" and "rank".
may i know what functions of time are these transformation assuming?

Thanks a lot in advance for your wisdom.

kind regards,
sing yee ling

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[R] questions about coxph.detail

2006-01-20 Thread singyee ling
Dear R- users,

I obtained a  coxph object using the coxph function and use the coxph.detail
function to understand what coxph function actually does.

what follow are the R output

detail<- coxph.detail(fit)

 .(rows of events time)

..(a matrix consisting of mean of each variable at event time)

..( number of event at unique event time)

..(number of ppl at risk at each event time)

...(hazard at each event time)


okay, my question is on how the hazard at each event time is calculated. I
suspect that it is h(t) = (nevent(t)/nrisk(t))* exp( sum(coeff* means(t)).
Am I right? if not, how is the hazard actually calculated?

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[R] rescale x-axis

2005-11-25 Thread singyee ling
Dear all,

I am trying to draw a survival curve with probability of surviving as
the y-axis and days (0- 500 days )as the x-axis. however, i do not
want the days to be equally spaced on the x-axis as i am more
interested in looking at the behaviour of the curve in the first 50
days. I am reluctant to use  xlim=c(0,1000) as i want to see the whole
picture. Hence, what I am interested in is a scale in which the days
are not equally spaced. By that , I mean the length of the interval
between the days get smaller and smaller, which gives greater emphasis
to the intial period. (i.e the length of the interval betwen 0-1 days
is longer then the interval between 1-2 days and so on) .Hope what i
say above make sense. any advise?


sing yee

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