[R] The question is on Symmetry model for square table.

2003-07-10 Thread Adejumo Adebowale Olusola
Please help,
I tried a program on S-plus, and it worked. Also I tried the same 
program on R but not worked. Here is the programme. I put it in a 
function form. The model and assumption are at the bottom.

which is name.data, i is row size and j is the column size.
function(i, j, name.data)
	row <- (c(1:i))
	col <- (c(1:j))
	name.data <- expand.grid(A = row, B = col)
	name.data$counts <- c(counts)
	name.data$symm <- paste(pmin(as.numeric(name.data$A),   		 
as.numeric(name.data$B)), pmax(as.numeric(name.data$A), 		 
as.numeric(name.data$B)), sep = ",")
	symmetry <- glm(counts ~ symm, family = poisson(link = log), 			data = 
> summary(symmetry(4,4,counts))

Call: glm(formula = counts ~ symm, family = poisson(link = log), data = 
Deviance Residuals:
   Min 1Q Median3Q  Max
 -4.123106 -0.9044956 -3.846197e-008 0.6543513 2.562617

 Value Std. Errort value
(Intercept)  0.7912419  2.1128915  0.3744830
  symm1 -0.9191397  0.2169745 -4.2361653
  symm2 -0.7239676  0.2465491 -2.9364038
  symm3 -2.3094242  5.2703608 -0.4381909
  symm4  0.5614798  1.0575027  0.5309488
  symm5  0.3965751  0.7045443  0.5628817
  symm6 -0.1128162  0.5223163 -0.2159920
  symm7  0.4499711  0.3777980  1.1910362
  symm8  0.1895939  0.2946399  0.6434767
  symm9  0.1679270  0.2368599  0.7089720
(Dispersion Parameter for Poisson family taken to be 1 )

Null Deviance: 190.398 on 15 degrees of freedom

Residual Deviance: 39.17989 on 6 degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring Iterations: 6

Also in R. program, here is the same program together with the complain.
name.data=counts (above).

> symmetry
> symmetry(4,4,counts)
Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, 
extranames,  : invalid variable type

I tried to print out the table with symm pathern. and the function for 
symm below.

> i<-4
> j<-4
> A<-(c(1:i))
> B<-(c(1:j))
> name.data<-expand.grid(A=A,B=B)
> name.data$counts<-(c(counts))
+ pmax(as.numeric(name.data$A),as.numeric(name.data$B)),sep=",")
> name.data
   A B counts symm
1  1 1 22  1,1
2  2 1  2  1,2
3  3 1  2  1,3
4  4 1  0  1,4
5  1 2  5  1,2
6  2 2  7  2,2
7  3 2 14  2,3
8  4 2  0  2,4
9  1 3  0  1,3
10 2 3  2  2,3
11 3 3 36  3,3
12 4 3  0  3,4
13 1 4  0  1,4
14 2 4  1  2,4
15 3 4 17  3,4
16 4 4 10  4,4
> symm
function (x, levels = sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE),
labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = is.ordered(x))
if (is.null(x))
x <- list()
exclude <- as.vector(exclude, typeof(x))
levels <- levels[is.na(match(levels, exclude))]
f <- match(x, levels)
names(f) <- names(x)
nl <- length(labels)
attr(f, "levels") <- if (nl == length(levels))
else if (nl == 1)
paste(labels, seq(along = levels), sep = "")
else stop(paste("invalid labels; length", nl, "should be 1 or",
class(f) <- c(if (ordered) "ordered", "factor")
The model and Assumptions
log(m_ij)= lambda + lambda_i + lambda_j + lambda_ij

lambda_ij = lambda_ji for i not equal to j
and lambda_i(A) = lambda_i(B)
Likelihood equation is
m_ij =(n_ij + n_ji)/2

For symmetry m_(ij)=m_(ji)

"R program" does not recognised "symm" pathern, that is (1,1), (1,2) and 
so on but "S-plus" do. So please I need your assistance.

Thanks for your usual contibutions.



Adebowale Olusola Adejumo
Department of Statistics
LMU,University of Muenchen
Ludwigstraße 33/III
D - 80539 München
Tel:  ++49 89 2180 3165
Fax:  ++49 89 2180 5042
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Re: [R] The question is on Symmetry model for square table.

2003-07-10 Thread Spencer Graves
	  Did you try "traceback()"?  This might help you identify the 
offending line in your function.

	  If that doesn't help, I step through the function one line at a time 
(copy and paste from an editor) until R bombs on me.  If it doesn't 
bomb, then there is a "scoping" problem:  Are you using global variables 
in a function?  If yes, pass them explicitly as arguments.  I recently 
potentially similar problems this way.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Adejumo Adebowale Olusola wrote:
Please help,
I tried a program on S-plus, and it worked. Also I tried the same 
program on R but not worked. Here is the programme. I put it in a 
function form. The model and assumption are at the bottom.

which is name.data, i is row size and j is the column size.
function(i, j, name.data)
row <- (c(1:i))
col <- (c(1:j))
name.data <- expand.grid(A = row, B = col)
name.data$counts <- c(counts)
name.data$symm <- paste(pmin(as.numeric(name.data$A),
as.numeric(name.data$B)), pmax(as.numeric(name.data$A),  
as.numeric(name.data$B)), sep = ",")
symmetry <- glm(counts ~ symm, family = poisson(link = 
log), data = name.data)
 > summary(symmetry(4,4,counts))

Call: glm(formula = counts ~ symm, family = poisson(link = log), data = 
Deviance Residuals:
   Min 1Q Median3Q  Max
 -4.123106 -0.9044956 -3.846197e-008 0.6543513 2.562617

 Value Std. Errort value
(Intercept)  0.7912419  2.1128915  0.3744830
  symm1 -0.9191397  0.2169745 -4.2361653
  symm2 -0.7239676  0.2465491 -2.9364038
  symm3 -2.3094242  5.2703608 -0.4381909
  symm4  0.5614798  1.0575027  0.5309488
  symm5  0.3965751  0.7045443  0.5628817
  symm6 -0.1128162  0.5223163 -0.2159920
  symm7  0.4499711  0.3777980  1.1910362
  symm8  0.1895939  0.2946399  0.6434767
  symm9  0.1679270  0.2368599  0.7089720
(Dispersion Parameter for Poisson family taken to be 1 )

Null Deviance: 190.398 on 15 degrees of freedom

Residual Deviance: 39.17989 on 6 degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring Iterations: 6

Also in R. program, here is the same program together with the complain.
name.data=counts (above).

 > symmetry

 > symmetry(4,4,counts)
Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, 
extranames,  : invalid variable type

I tried to print out the table with symm pathern. and the function for 
symm below.

 > i<-4
 > j<-4
 > A<-(c(1:i))
 > B<-(c(1:j))
 > name.data<-expand.grid(A=A,B=B)
 > name.data$counts<-(c(counts))
+ pmax(as.numeric(name.data$A),as.numeric(name.data$B)),sep=",")
 > name.data
   A B counts symm
1  1 1 22  1,1
2  2 1  2  1,2
3  3 1  2  1,3
4  4 1  0  1,4
5  1 2  5  1,2
6  2 2  7  2,2
7  3 2 14  2,3
8  4 2  0  2,4
9  1 3  0  1,3
10 2 3  2  2,3
11 3 3 36  3,3
12 4 3  0  3,4
13 1 4  0  1,4
14 2 4  1  2,4
15 3 4 17  3,4
16 4 4 10  4,4
 > symm
function (x, levels = sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE),
labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = is.ordered(x))
if (is.null(x))
x <- list()
exclude <- as.vector(exclude, typeof(x))
levels <- levels[is.na(match(levels, exclude))]
f <- match(x, levels)
names(f) <- names(x)
nl <- length(labels)
attr(f, "levels") <- if (nl == length(levels))
else if (nl == 1)
paste(labels, seq(along = levels), sep = "")
else stop(paste("invalid labels; length", nl, "should be 1 or",
class(f) <- c(if (ordered) "ordered", "factor")

The model and Assumptions

log(m_ij)= lambda + lambda_i + lambda_j + lambda_ij

lambda_ij = lambda_ji for i not equal to j
and lambda_i(A) = lambda_i(B)
Likelihood equation is
m_ij =(n_ij + n_ji)/2

For symmetry m_(ij)=m_(ji)

"R program" does not recognised "symm" pathern, that is (1,1), (1,2) and 
so on but "S-plus" do. So please I need your assistance.

Thanks for your usual contibutions.



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