Hi, Ben:

          Thanks very much.

          This fixed my problem.

For others who may be reading this later, I missed a couple of points when first working through "https://deanattali.com/blog/migrating-travis-to-github/":

* On first pass, I missed the need to "git add" and "git commit" .github".

* And when using "usethis::use_readme_rmd()", I initially missed the need to "knit" the file to produce the README.md.

          Spencer Graves

On 5/13/21 7:04 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
   GitHub Actions


  Probably start here if you are moving from Travis: https://deanattali.com/blog/migrating-travis-to-github/

On 5/13/21 8:00 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
Hello, All:

       What are the current recommendations for automatic testing of an R package on GitHub?

       Section 19.3 in the current version of "R Packages" describes "Checking after every commit with Travis".  It recommends Travis.  It says to use Travis, first "Run usethis::use_travis()".[1]

       However, 'help("use_travis", package="usethis")' says it's deprecated, but I don't understand what is recommended as an alternative.

       What do you suggest?

       Spencer Graves


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