Re: [R-pkg-devel] different build tools

2024-05-28 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel
[Sorry: Outlook doesn't quote messages the "normal" way]

-Original Message-
From: Simon Urbanek  
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 4:10 PM


R CMD build is the only offical way to build a (source) package in R.

All other "tools" are just convenience wrappers []

Please note that CRAN has nothing to do with any of the above - a package 
submitted to CRAN is the resulting package source tar ball which the author 
created by calling R CMD build - CRAN is not involved in the source package 
creation, it only requires it to be created with R CMD build for submission. 
Whether you desire some pre-processing, before you call R CMD build yourself, 
it's up to you.


Is it required that the package submitted to CRAN have been built with R CMD 
build rather than some other tool?  When you say "CRAN has nothing to do with 
any of the above [different tools]" it sounds as if one can use anything; but 
"a package submitted to CRAN is ... created by calling R CMD build"  sounds as 
if  that's mandatory.


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] different build tools

2024-05-28 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel
-Original Message-
From: Duncan Murdoch  
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 3:30 PM
To: Boylan, Ross ;
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] different build tools

On 2024-05-28 6:20 p.m., Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel wrote:
> There are at  least 4 ways to build a package:
>1.  R CMD build
>2.  pkgbuild::build(), which I  believe calls 1.
>3.  devtools::build(), which calls 2.
>4.  RStudio GUI, which calls 3.
> I recently discovered these don't all behave the same.  Invoking 
> bootstrap.R at  the start requires 2 or greater.

What is bootstrap.R?

Duncan Murdoch


It's a script one can enable to run at the start of the build.  There is no  
standard script; it is up to the author(s) to provide it.

The devtools::build help says there is a configuration option in DESCRIPTION:

Config/build/bootstrap can be set to TRUE to run ⁠Rscript bootstrap.R⁠ in the 
source directory prior to running subsequent build steps.

I'm using it to build some custom documentation.  Furthermore, I put boostrap.R 
in .Rbuildignore so that package consumers won't try to run software that they 
may not have.

In other words, I'm using it to do some special master-copy-only processing, 
though I doubt that was the intent of the feature.


P.S. Another difference between the RStudio build and R CMD build is that 
RStudio adds directories to PATH with the additional software it supplies, like 
pango, which builds require.  Plain R CMD build did not have access to them and 
failed for that reason until I added them to PATH.  Alternately I could have 
done a separate installation of the necessary tools, but that seemed a wasteful 

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[R-pkg-devel] different build tools

2024-05-28 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel
There are at  least 4 ways to build a package:

  1.  R CMD build
  2.  pkgbuild::build(), which I  believe calls 1.
  3.  devtools::build(), which calls 2.
  4.  RStudio GUI, which calls 3.

I recently discovered these don't all behave the same.  Invoking bootstrap.R at 
 the start
requires 2 or greater.  And invoking 3 directly produced different behavior 
than 4,
apparently because of  different defaults for the clean_doc option of 2.

Similar remarks apply to R CMD check.

I'm puzzled by the plethora of tools and options.  In particular I had assumed 
that if check
and build worked in RStudio, I'd get the same results from R CMD.  I assume the 
latter is
used on CRAN, and so it would be reasonable to expect the package would build 

Can anyone help me understand what's going on?  More specifically, what are the 
goals of the different tools.  Clearly if devtools::build were the same as 
pkgbuild:build there
would be no reason for the former to exist.


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] handling documentation build tools

2024-05-21 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel
Thanks for the pointer.  You may have been thrown off by some goofs I made in 
the intro, which said
> I would like to build the automatically, with requiring either users or 
> repositories to have the tools.  

The intended meaning, with corrections in **, was
> I would like to build the  *custom documentation* automatically, with*out* 
> requiring either users or repositories to have the tools.

So I want to build the document only locally, as you suggest, but am not sure 
how to accomplish that.

Regarding the trick, I'm puzzled by what it gains.  It seems like a complicated 
way to get the core pdf copied to inst/doc.

Also, my main concern was how to automate production of the "core" pdf, using 
the language of the blog post.


From: Dirk Eddelbuettel 
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 2:15 PM
To: Boylan, Ross
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] handling documentation build tools

  This Message Is From an External Sender
  This message came from outside your organization.

As lyx is not listed in 'Writing R Extensions', the one (authorative) manual
describing how to build packages for R, I would not assume it to be present
on every CRAN machine building packages. Also note that several user recently
had to ask here how to deal with less common fonts for style files for

So I would recommend 'localising' the pdf creation to your own machine, and
to ship the resulting pdf. You can have pre-made pdfs as core of a vignette,
I trick I quite like to make package building simpler and more robust.  See;!!LQC6Cpwp!vcNeLBuZJDE3hWqjhjwi0NVVeEkEHhrSe847H98Eqj9ZEEBspCetgb6g-F7a518JPRd35jL-7xkOlj0$
for details.

Cheers, Dirk

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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[R-pkg-devel] handling documentation build tools

2024-05-21 Thread Boylan, Ross via R-package-devel
I have some documentation that requires external tools to build.  I would like 
to build the automatically, with requiring either users or repositories to have 
the tools.  What's the best way to accomplish that.

Specifically one document is written using the LyX word processor, so the 
"source" is msep.lyx.  To convert that into something useful, a pdf, one must 
run lyx, which in turn requires latex.

I'm looking for recommendations about how to approach this.

A purely manual approach would be to place msep.lyx in .Rbuildignore and 
manually regenerate the pdf if I edit the file.

This has 2 drawbacks: first, it does not guarantee that the pdf is consistent 
with the current source; second, if I want to generate plain text or html 
versions of the document as well, the manual approach gets more tedious and 
error prone.

Currently I use pkgbuild::build's option to run bootstrap.R to run the lyx->pdf 
conversion automatically with each build.  The script is pretty specific to my 
build environment, and I think if I uploaded the package CRAN would end up 
trying to run bootstrap.R, which would fail.

Maybe the script should go in tools/? But then it won't run automatically.  
Maybe the script in tools goes in .Rbuildignore and the bootstrap.R script 
simply checks if the tools/ script exists and runs it if present.


I'm also unsure what directory msep.lyx should go in, though that's a secondary 
issue.  Currently it's in inst/doc, which led to problems with the build system 
sometimes wiping it out.  I've solved that problem.


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] relation between vignettes and help files

2016-07-15 Thread Boylan, Ross
One issue with integrating vignettes into the help system is that vignettes are 
more likely to have material (figures, math) that renders poorly or not at all 
as text.
I also mostly use ESS on terminal rather than graphical interface, and so
like the  plain text version of things.  OTOH, I used Sweave specifically so
I could put math in the vignette.

Does anyone have any thoughts about the substantive division of info between 
help files and

From: Martin Maechler []
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 5:32 AM
To: Duncan Murdoch
Cc: Enrico Schumann; Boylan, Ross;
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] relation between vignettes and help files

It is even worse, isn't it: Nowadays html help pages are (almost)
always created *dynamically* via R's help() or help.start();
For my setup of 1000s of packages in my libraries in .libPaths(),
generating all the html pages is too costly
[I think Rstudio is now smart and does this in the background
 for its *own* package data base ?? -- I wish we would enable to
 do this easily in base R !]

and I am using (ESS with) "text" help_type, and so these links
to the url in doc/html  would not work for me.

I wonder if we should not think harder about this, and provide a
portable solution.

I do agree that it should be very desirable to have links portably,
in *both* directions between
  our "reference manuals"  ( = the help pages)  and
  our "user's manuals" ( = the vignettes ).


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[R-pkg-devel] DLL 'cmprsk' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?

2016-06-14 Thread Boylan, Ross
I keeping getting the error in the subject when I try to install a package from 
source on Windows 7.
When using the same code outside of a package there is no problem; the cmprsk 
package is installed and its dll is present (in both the x64 and i386 

Our package is attempting to call the cmprsk dll directly, e.g.,
z <- .Fortran("cinc", as.double(d$time[cgind]), 
as.integer(causeind[cgind]), as.integer(ncg), 
x = tmp, f = tmp, v = tmp, PACKAGE = "cmprsk")

We've tried a number of variants.  Currently NAMESPACE is 

and the DESCRIPTION file includes
 Depends: cmprsk

Any ideas?

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