Re: [R-pkg-devel] R package with Java issue, out of mem heap error

2017-11-10 Thread MTurgeon


This sounds like a problem you should discuss with/report to the 
maintainer of the particular package you are using, and you can get 
their email address from the DESCRIPTION file.



On 2017-11-10 07:23 AM, Cho, In-Ho [CCE E] wrote:

Dear R developers:

My group are facing a problem while using an R package of extream random trees.

Using a slightly large data set (13000 rows×27 columns), the R package, specifically at 
the prediction task, aborts with error message like "Java outofmem .. heap...". 
I tested this on both Macpro and Window os.

Any advice as to this issue will be really appreciated.

Warm regards,

In Ho

In Ho Cho, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Iowa State University
326 Town Engineering
Ames, Iowa 50011-3232, USA
office: 1-515-294-3241

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Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] R Package Submission Problem

2017-09-27 Thread MTurgeon

Hi Younathan,

You can ignore the first note: it simply says that this is a new package.

The second note highlights a few possible problems with your DESCRIPTION 
file. It flags the word "Plasmode" as being possibly misspelled; if it 
isn't, you can ignore the comment. Then it points out that the Title 
field contains the name of the package; as per CRAN policy, you 
shouldn't do that (cf. the manual,

Finally, the third note says that there is a file in the tarball that 
shouldn't be there, namely Plasmode.Rproj. You can control what is 
omitted from the tarball using the .Rbuildignore file. In particular, 
you could add the following line:



On 2017-09-27 11:47 AM, Abdia, Younathan wrote:


My name is Younathan and I am trying to submit it but every time it gives me 
message that my package does not pass the incoming checks automatically and it 
gives me 3 NOTES. I tried to fix them but I am unable to do so. If possible do 
you know how to take care of the 3 Notes. The three notes are as following:

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Younathan Abdia '

New submission

Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
   Plasmode (3:8)

The Title field starts with the package name.

The build time stamp is missing.

* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE

Checking should be performed on sources prepared by 'R CMD build'.

* checking top-level files ... NOTE

Non-standard file/directory found at top level:


You can also see the NOTES by clicking on the link.

Please let me know if there is any question or concern. Thank you for help.



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Re: [R-pkg-devel] \Sexpr{} expressions but no 'build/partial.rdb' file

2017-07-25 Thread MTurgeon

Hi Phil,

As you said yourself, if you can't reproduce the message locally, it 
will be difficult to fix. But maybe the following will help: I looked at 
your Github repository, Tand it seems the only changes that were made to 
your files in the man/ directory since your successful release of 
mirtCAR 1.5 to CRAN is the doi's that you added. In particular, you're 
using the macro \doi. As explained in WRE 
since R 3.2.0 users can define their own Latex-like macros to be used in 
the documentation files. I don't know how to fix your error, but I would 
look into that first. Maybe it's a matter of a missing dependency (e.g. 
one of the base packages), maybe you need to add an extra file to your 
package when you use macros. But it still doesn't explain why the error 
doesn't appear on all/most platforms...

Hope my comments help,


On 2017-07-25 02:42 PM, Phil Chalmers wrote:

Hi all,

First time posting here, so hopefully I'm following the correct etiquette.

I recently received the error:

"Package has help file(s) containing build-stage \Sexpr{} expressions but
no 'build/partial.rdb' file."

when submitting a package to CRAN (source code:
philchalmers/mirtCAT). However, I'm having difficulty reproducing the exact
problem on my Windows and Linux computers with the latest R dev version
(2017-07-25 r72968). Moreover, I don't really understand the issue, as I do
not use \Sexpr{} anywhere in the package.

After a quick search, I found a link on SO (
questions/32357637/two-note-messages-from-r-cmd-check-as-cran), but it does
not appear too helpful as far as I can tell (I don't explicitly use
\package_() commands anywhere). Can anyone shed some light on this
warning and my difficulty in reproducing the message? Thank you in advance.


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Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Help

2017-04-28 Thread MTurgeon

Hi Larisa,

This has been covered before; see

Essentially, it is reminder to check that this information is correct. 
As such, you can ignore it if it is indeed correct.


On 2017-04-28 09:15 AM, LARISA ZAMORA MATAMOROS wrote:

Dear sir.

I intended to upload a R package to the CRAN, but I received an e-mail with an 
attached file “00check.log”. The text of this file ends with two notes, I made 
modifications to resolve the last note:


* checking Rd line widths ... NOTE
Rd file 'ExpRep-package.Rd':
\examples lines wider than 100 characters:
S_Integral_Theorem(n=100, p=0.5, linf = 0, lsup = 50, Compare = TRUE, Table = 
TRUE, Graph = TRUE, GraphE = TRUE)

Rd file 'S_Integral_Theorem.Rd':
\usage lines wider than 90 characters:
S_Integral_Theorem(n = 200, p = 0.5, linf = 0, lsup = 100, Compare = TRUE, 
Table = TRUE, Graph = TRUE, GraphE = TRUE)
\examples lines wider than 100 characters:
S_Integral_Theorem (n = 200, p = 0.5, linf = 0, lsup = 100, Compare = TRUE, 
Table = TRUE, Graph = TRUE, GraphE = TRUE)

Rd file 'S_Local_Limit_Theorem.Rd':
\usage lines wider than 90 characters:
S_Local_Limit_Theorem(n = 170, p = 0.5, Compare = TRUE, Table = TRUE, Graph = 
TRUE, GraphE = TRUE)

Rd file 'S_Poisson_Theorem.Rd':
\usage lines wider than 90 characters:
S_Poisson_Theorem(n = 2000, p = 0.002, Compare = TRUE, Table = TRUE, Graph = 
These lines will be truncated in the PDF manual.


But I don’t know how to resolve the first note. I am sending the first 9 lines 
of the 00check.log file, where this note appears:

* using log directory 'd:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/ExpRep.Rcheck'

* using R version 3.4.0 beta (2017-04-10 r72503)

* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)

* using session charset: ISO8859-1

* checking for file 'ExpRep/DESCRIPTION' ... OK

* checking extension type ... Package

* this is package 'ExpRep' version '1.0'

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE

Maintainer: 'Larisa Zamora-Matamoros '

Therefore I am asking for help to resolve the note "* checking CRAN incoming 

I thank very much for the help.

Sincerely yours.

Larisa Zamora


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Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] R package with external C++ library

2016-08-03 Thread MTurgeon

Hi Ege,

For writing to standard output/error, you can use Rcout or Rcerr 
(defined by Rcpp; they even have a vignette showing how to use it in the 
Rcpp gallery). Alternatively, if you're using C code, you can replace 
printf by Rprintf (this is explained in Writing R extensions, section 6.5).

For abort, you can use error() instead (this is documented in WRE, 
section 6.2).

Hope this helps,


On 2016-08-03 03:36 PM, Ege Rubak wrote:


I would like to port Google's s2-library for spherical geometry (see 
e.g. for a fork on 
GitHub). It is not a standard library that can easily be installed on 
various systems, so I would like to include the source code in the R 
package. The catch is that I would like to modify the source code as 
little as possible :-)

I have package everything and added configure scripts and a tiny 
R-function that calls one of the C++-functions (using the antiquated 
.C interface for now -- that will of course be changed) in this repo:

It compiles into a working package on Ubuntu (travis-ci + my laptop), 
OSX (travis-ci), and Windows (appveyor + my surface pro), but R CMD 
check produces some warnings (and a note about the size of the shared 
object, but I assume that is less important).

The main things seem to be related to (travis log is at

1. Deprecated C++ headers  and .

2. Compiled code that calls entry points which might terminate R or 
write to stdout/stderr.

Is it hopeless to get on CRAN with warnings like these?
I'm not very used to writing C/C++ code, but I guess 1. can be fixed 
by a few sed commands with the replacement headers and corresponding 
new function names. Point 2. can probably also be fixed with a 
reasonable effort, but I haven't investigated yet, and I would like an 
opinion from the list before spending more time on this. In more 
generality the question could be phrased something like:

"When including C++ code from an upstream library which you do not 
control should R CMD check be completely spotless or is some 
flexibility to be expected in these circumstances?"


PS: Extra question (prehaps particularly aimed at Dirk): When I will 
actually start to use the C++ library I expect it could be beneficial 
to use Rcpp. I have seen RcppModules mentioned somewhere, and I wonder 
if such an external C++ library would make sense to interface via 
RcppModules (again aiming at changing upstream sources as little as 


Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Regarding Fortran 77/95 Codes for building R package

2016-07-28 Thread MTurgeon
Hi Vineetha,

The key part of Writing R extensions is section 1.2.3., especially the 
following sentence: "Packages making use of Fortran 90/95 features 
should use file extension.f90or.f95for the source files".

Incidentally, your question has already been asked on this mailing list:



On 16-07-28 01:30 PM, Vineetha Warriyar Kodalore Vijayan wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm new to programming and now trying to build a R package which uses 
> Fortran 95 codes ( gfortran 6.1 compiler) with a view to submit to CRAN at 
> some point of time. I did go through the "Writing R extension" manual and got 
> an impression that the codes must be in FORTRAN 77.
> I would like to know if I can proceed with my fortran 95 codes or do I have 
> to change everything into FORTRAN 77.  I would really appreciate if you can 
> provide a right direction how to proceed.
> Thank you,
> Vineetha
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Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Warning that are Unintentionally OS-Specific (Maybe Bug in warning?)

2016-07-20 Thread MTurgeon

Hi Bill,

This is just a hypothesis, but it could have something to do with the 
fact that you're using parallel::mclapply inside your function pk.nca? 
This would certainly explain why you have different behaviours on 
Windows and Unix systems. It would also explain why you get a different 
behaviour between options(warn=0) and options(warn=1), since the master 
receives the exceptions at different times in both cases.


On 16-07-20 01:13 PM, Bill Denney wrote:

Hi François,

I thought that was the issue, too, but I confirmed it wasn't that by 
adding a print statement right above the warning in my code. The print 
statement displays the message even when the warning (one line below 
with no conditionals between) doesn't show anything.

Also, why would it behave differently when options(warn=1) is set 
rather than the default of options(warn=0)?



On 7/20/2016 3:06 PM, François Michonneau wrote:

Hi Bill,

   The problem is not with the warning() function but with your if()
test that triggers the warning. It probably has something to do with
slight differences in rounding. I suggest you use debug() or browser()
on each platform to see why your condition is TRUE or FALSE.

   -- François

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Bill Denney  wrote:


I'm developing the PKNCA package, and I've got an odd difference 
warning behavior on different operating systems that I can't figure 

When I run the following code on Windows 10 (with R 3.3.0), I get the
following warning:


tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24)
tmpconc$conc <- 0
tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc)
myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, conc~time|treatment+ID)
mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, dose~time|treatment+ID)
mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose)
myresult <- pk.nca(mydata)

Warning messages:
1: In = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  :
   Too few points for half-life calculation (min.hl.points=3 with 
only 0

2: In = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  :
   Too few points for half-life calculation (min.hl.points=3 with 
only 0


When I run the code on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 with R 3.3.1), I do not 
get a
warning.  When I run the code on Linux after "options(warn=1)", I 
get the
warning.  I have confirmed that the same code path is taken in both 
and Linux by simply inserting a print statement next to the 
warning.  The

actual warning code is:

   "Too few points for half-life calculation (min.hl.points=%g 
with only

%g points)",
   min.hl.points, nrow(dfK)))

This platform inconsistency is causing issues with my package 
because the
package expects the warnings, and the user should know about the 
I've got test cases expecting the warnings, and they fail everywhere 

Does anyone have an idea why warnings may behave differently on Windows
compared to non-Windows platforms?  Is this a bug in R somewhere?  
(I've not
been able to make a simpler example that triggers the issue, 



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Maxime Turgeon, PhD candidate

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
McGill University

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