Dear all,

the CRAN Package Check Results for my package GFD indicate an error on windows (, which I am unable to fix. In my package, I'm using RGtk2 for creating a GUI. Since this produced errors before, I first check if RGtk2 is available via

requireNamespace("RGtk2", quietly = TRUE)
  if(!("package:RGtk2" %in% search())){attachNamespace("RGtk2")}

It all works fine on linux (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)) and on R version 3.2.5 on windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)), so I suspect that it's not actually an error in my package but something between RGtk2 and the new R version on windows. Anyway, a workaround would be greatly appreciated! Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,

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