[R-pkg-devel] Package submission to CRAN

2021-10-19 Thread Simon Bonner
Hi all,

I have a question re package submission that I'm hoping someone might be able 
to help with.

A package I maintain (dalmatian) was archived last year because one of the 
packages it depends on (dglm) was removed from CRAN. The dglm package has been 
fixed and is back on CRAN, and I have resubmitted my package. There have been 
no changes to my package and I resubmitted the same version with the same 
version number. I noted this in my submission.

All checks passed, but I received the following from log CRAN-pretest:

Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64
Check: CRAN incoming feasibility, Result: WARNING
  Maintainer: 'Simon Bonner simon.bon...@uwo.ca<mailto:simon.bon...@uwo.ca>'

  New submission

  Package was archived on CRAN

  Insufficient package version (submitted: 0.6.1, existing: 0.6.1)

  CRAN repository db overrides:
X-CRAN-Comment: Archived on 2020-10-18 as requires archived package

  This build time stamp is over a month old.

It seems that I am not allowed to submit the package with the same version, but 
 it also seems odd to increment the version to get around this when nothing at 
all has changed in the package.

Is there another solution?



Simon Bonner (he/him)
Associate Professor of Environmetrics
Vice-Director, Western Data Science Solutions
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
University of Western Ontario

Office: Western Science Centre rm 276

Email: sbonn...@uwo.ca<mailto:sbonn...@uwo.ca> | Telephone: 519-661-2111 x88205 
| Fax: 519-661-3813
Twitter: @bonnerstatslab | Website: http://simon.bonners.ca/bonner-lab/wpblog/

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R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Package can't be imported with Suggests

2020-08-07 Thread Simon Bonner
Hi all,

Thanks for the suggestions and comments. I found a way to allow nimble to work 
and avoid the note when checking the package. My solution is to use:


I have a feeling that this may be against the spirit of the check (I believe 
that it essentially replicates library()), but it does allow nimble to find its 
own functions without any notes.



Simon Bonner
Assistant Professor of Environmetrics
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
University of Western Ontario
Office: Western Science Centre rm 276
Email: sbonn...@uwo.ca | Telephone: 519-661-2111 x88205 | Fax: 519-661-3813
Twitter: @bonnerstatslab | Website: http://simon.bonners.ca/bonner-lab/wpblog/

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Package can't be imported with Suggests

2020-08-05 Thread Simon Bonner
Hi all,

I’m wondering if someone an offer advice on a problem I’m facing in developing 
a package.

My package essentially generates code and formats data for one of two MCMC 
sampling engines, JAGS accessed via rjags or nimble (a native R package), calls 
the engines, and then provides functions to access the results. Since only one 
of the engines is needed I would like to include rjags and nimble in Suggests 
in the DESCRIPTION and use requireNamespace() to load the appropriate package 
when its functionality is needed.

Unfortunately, nimble will not work with this mechanism. It relies on a complex 
mechanism to compile C++ code to run the sampler, and some of the functions 
cannot be found when the package is loaded in this way. I’ve been in touch with 
the maintainers and they are aware of the issue but the current fix is to 
include the package under Depends. However, this forces a user to install 
nimble (which itself requires compiling lengthy C++ code) even if the user 
intends to run the sampler in JAGS.

I thought I’d solved the problem by including nimble in Suggests and then 
loading it via library() so that all of its functions are attached. This works, 
but produces a note during the check:
❯ checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
  'library' or 'require' call to ‘nimble’ in package code.
Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual

What is the recommendation?

I see two options:

  1.  Include nimble in Depends and force user to install it.
  2.  Ignore the note and explain the problem when I resubmit to CRAN.

Am I missing anything?

Thanks in advance!


Simon Bonner
Assistant Professor of Environmetrics
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
University of Western Ontario

Office: Western Science Centre rm 276

Email: sbonn...@uwo.ca<mailto:sbonn...@uwo.ca> | Telephone: 519-661-2111 x88205 
| Fax: 519-661-3813
Twitter: @bonnerstatslab | Website: http://simon.bonners.ca/bonner-lab/wpblog/

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