Dear all,
I am preparing a package and using "LazyData: true" in DESCRIPTION makes
things a little more smooth as I have function calling my own data. My
problem is that doing so seem to uncompress the data at installation and
convert them into a Rdata.rdb that is > 1MB, which makes R CMD check, which
them threw a note. Adding "LazyDataCompression: xz" did help a bit, but I
am still far off the 1MB limit (9MB). Since I would rather keep both the
data and the LazyData, I wonder:
- if CRAN would only care about the size of the data within the tarball
(there, all is fine).
- if there is a way not to lazyload _all_ data objects, but only some of
them as I do not need the biggest file to be lazyloaded, just some small
Sorry if I failed to spot the relevant section in the R manuals... I did
look for it.

Alexandre Courtiol

*"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts"*, R. Feynman

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