On 01/22/2012 05:50 PM, sergio vignali wrote:
I have a problem with the R2WinBUGS package,
when I run the bugs() function with the argument debug=TRUE, WinBUGS
executes the calculations
but R is blocked, instead with the option debug=FALSE it is all ok!
Is there anybody who can help me?
Sergio Vignali
Uwe Ligges (lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de) is the maintainer. But
isn't this expected behaviour? The help says
debug if FALSE (default), WinBUGS is closed automatically when the
script has fin-
ished running, otherwise WinBUGS remains open for
further investigation
IIRC, you just need to close WinBUGS, and it'll return to R.
You only need to use debug=T if BUGS is trapping or throwing errors (and
have fun understanding the traps).
Bob O'Hara
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre
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