Re: [R-sig-eco] inference from GLMM fit using glmer

2014-03-04 Thread Highland Statistics Ltd


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 16:45:58 +
From: "Howe, Eric (MNR)" 
To: "" 
Subject: [R-sig-eco] inference from GLMM fit using glmer


Content-Type: text/plain

Good day R.sig.ecology members.

We seem to have detected highly significant fixed effects from a GLMM fit using 
glmer, despite having a fairly small sample size (30 observations, 4 groups in 
the random factor).  We are hoping that group members can either verify that we 
are interpreting these results correctly or tell us where we've gone wrong.  We 
are working in R for Windows version 3.0.2 and using the latest version of lme4.

With a sample of this size (30 observations, 2 covariates, a random 
effect with only 4 levels) you should seriously reconsider whether you 
want to apply a GLMM.

There is this general rule that you need about 10-15-20-ish observations 
per parameter. And the 4 levels for the random intercept is also too 
low. What you should do is simulate some data (say with 100 levels, each 
with 50 observations) and then cripple the data so that it matches the 
size of your data. And compare results. You may be in for a shock. See 
Section 4.7 in our 'Beginner's Guide to GAMM' book for an example how to 
do this (comes out in 2 weeks).

And yes...Bob is correct in mentioning overdispersion and negative 
binomial GLMM. He Bob...since when are you suggesting to do 
transformations? That is not in line with your MEE paper..:-))

Kind regards,


We sought to simultaneously test for (1) effects of annual variation in natural 
food availability for black bears (measured using a rank bear food index; bfi) 
on the number of occurrences of human-bear conflict (oc), and (2) a temporal 
trend (across years) in oc.  oc and bfi were measured annually in different 
administrative districts (dist) within the larger region of interest.  Not all 
districts provided data in all years.

Our data look like this:
dist   yr lyr  bfi   oc
1   ban 2004   1 2.30  852
2  pemb 2004   1 2.70  105
3ps 2004   1 1.10  969
4   ban 2005   2 2.05  657
5  pemb 2005   2 1.86  269
6ps 2005   2 1.69 1119
7   ban 2006   3 2.57  275
8   mid 2006   3 2.66  271
9  pemb 2006   3 2.17   57
10   ps 2006   3 2.08  429
11  ban 2007   4 1.75  530
12  mid 2007   4 2.17  606
13 pemb 2007   4 2.03  189
14   ps 2007   4 1.23 1567
15  ban 2008   5 2.86  363
16  mid 2008   5 3.00  467
17 pemb 2008   5 3.13   95
18   ps 2008   5 2.32  770
19  ban 2009   6 2.19  672
20  mid 2009   6 1.47  653
21 pemb 2009   6 2.03  471
22   ps 2009   6 1.90 1522
23  ban 2010   7 2.00  409
24  mid 2010   7 2.10  640
25 pemb 2010   7 2.10  176
26   ps 2010   7 1.90 1218
27  ban 2011   8 2.50  466
28  mid 2011   8 2.40  462
29 pemb 2011   8 2.40  117
30   ps 2011   8 2.00  963

We used a GLMM to test for effects of bfi and lyr (a dummy variable 
representing the # of years since the beginning of the study), with district as 
the only random effect.  The log-link function improved linearity.

Code for fitting the model, and the summary of the model, appear below: = glmer(oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1|dist), data = dat, family = 
poisson(link = log))

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
  Family: poisson ( log )
Formula: oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1 | dist)
Data: dat

   AIC   BIClogLik  deviance
1960.3134 1965.9182 -976.1567 1952.3134

Random effects:
  Groups NameVariance Std.Dev.
  dist   (Intercept) 0.3006   0.5483
Number of obs: 30, groups: dist, 4

Fixed effects:
  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  7.040105   0.277215  25.396   <2e-16 ***
bfi -0.486053   0.019922 -24.398   <2e-16 ***
lyr  0.035638   0.003598   9.905   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
 (Intr) bfi
bfi -0.132
lyr -0.019 -0.295

The results indicate a negative effect of bfi (more conflict when natural foods 
are scarce, as expected) and a slight increasing trend across years.  However, 
we were surprised by the reported p-values for the fixed effects, given our 
relatively small sample size.

We found the "Getting p-values for fitted models" help page for the lme4 

We fitted parameter-reduced models for comparison: = glmer(oc ~ 1 + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = log)) = glmer(oc ~ bfi + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = log))

AIC and BIC values were greater by 100 when we excluded the effect of year, and 
were greater by 500 when we also excluded the effect of the bfi.  These results 
seem to agree with the summary of the more general model, 

Re: [R-sig-eco] inference from GLMM fit using glmer

2014-03-03 Thread Bob O'Hara
On 03/03/14 17:45, Howe, Eric (MNR) wrote:
> Good day R.sig.ecology members.
> We seem to have detected highly significant fixed effects from a GLMM fit 
> using glmer, despite having a fairly small sample size (30 observations, 4 
> groups in the random factor).  We are hoping that group members can either 
> verify that we are interpreting these results correctly or tell us where 
> we've gone wrong.  We are working in R for Windows version 3.0.2 and using 
> the latest version of lme4.
It looks like you're ignoring any overdispersion, so you're assuming 
that the variance equals the mean. For example, a mean of 900 has a 
standard deviation of 30. This is smaller than the range of your data. 
Because of this, the model assumes there is almost no residual error, 
which forces teh effects to have a small error.

With counts this high I would start by simply square root transforming 
the data and analysing that: the variance should be fairly well 
stabilised and the residuals should be pretty much normally distributed.

Alternatively, you could add overdispersion by using either a negative 
binomial distribution, or an extra random effect with a level for each 
observation (this would be equivalent to an Poisson log-normal assumption).


> We sought to simultaneously test for (1) effects of annual variation in 
> natural food availability for black bears (measured using a rank bear food 
> index; bfi) on the number of occurrences of human-bear conflict (oc), and (2) 
> a temporal trend (across years) in oc.  oc and bfi were measured annually in 
> different administrative districts (dist) within the larger region of 
> interest.  Not all districts provided data in all years.
> Our data look like this:
> dist   yr lyr  bfi   oc
> 1   ban 2004   1 2.30  852
> 2  pemb 2004   1 2.70  105
> 3ps 2004   1 1.10  969
> 4   ban 2005   2 2.05  657
> 5  pemb 2005   2 1.86  269
> 6ps 2005   2 1.69 1119
> 7   ban 2006   3 2.57  275
> 8   mid 2006   3 2.66  271
> 9  pemb 2006   3 2.17   57
> 10   ps 2006   3 2.08  429
> 11  ban 2007   4 1.75  530
> 12  mid 2007   4 2.17  606
> 13 pemb 2007   4 2.03  189
> 14   ps 2007   4 1.23 1567
> 15  ban 2008   5 2.86  363
> 16  mid 2008   5 3.00  467
> 17 pemb 2008   5 3.13   95
> 18   ps 2008   5 2.32  770
> 19  ban 2009   6 2.19  672
> 20  mid 2009   6 1.47  653
> 21 pemb 2009   6 2.03  471
> 22   ps 2009   6 1.90 1522
> 23  ban 2010   7 2.00  409
> 24  mid 2010   7 2.10  640
> 25 pemb 2010   7 2.10  176
> 26   ps 2010   7 1.90 1218
> 27  ban 2011   8 2.50  466
> 28  mid 2011   8 2.40  462
> 29 pemb 2011   8 2.40  117
> 30   ps 2011   8 2.00  963
> We used a GLMM to test for effects of bfi and lyr (a dummy variable 
> representing the # of years since the beginning of the study), with district 
> as the only random effect.  The log-link function improved linearity.
> Code for fitting the model, and the summary of the model, appear below:
>> = glmer(oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1|dist), data = dat, family = 
>> poisson(link = log))
>> summary(
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
>   Family: poisson ( log )
> Formula: oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1 | dist)
> Data: dat
>AIC   BIClogLik  deviance
> 1960.3134 1965.9182 -976.1567 1952.3134
> Random effects:
>   Groups NameVariance Std.Dev.
>   dist   (Intercept) 0.3006   0.5483
> Number of obs: 30, groups: dist, 4
> Fixed effects:
>   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept)  7.040105   0.277215  25.396   <2e-16 ***
> bfi -0.486053   0.019922 -24.398   <2e-16 ***
> lyr  0.035638   0.003598   9.905   <2e-16 ***
> ---
> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>  (Intr) bfi
> bfi -0.132
> lyr -0.019 -0.295
> The results indicate a negative effect of bfi (more conflict when natural 
> foods are scarce, as expected) and a slight increasing trend across years.  
> However, we were surprised by the reported p-values for the fixed effects, 
> given our relatively small sample size.
> We found the "Getting p-values for fitted models" help page for the lme4 
> package.
> We fitted parameter-reduced models for comparison:
>> = glmer(oc ~ 1 + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = 
>> log))
>> = glmer(oc ~ bfi + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = 
>> log))
> AIC and BIC values were greater by 100 when we excluded the effect of year, 
> and were greater by 500 when we also excluded the effect of the bfi.  These 
> results seem to agree with the summary of the more general model, but they 
> also seem a bit extreme given our small sample size.
> Model comparisons using PBmodcomp from the pbkrtest package also seem to 
> support the inclusion of both fixed effects.
>> mc.oc.bfi.nobfi = PBmodcomp(,, nsim = 100)
>> mc.oc.yr.noyr = PBmodcomp(,, nsim = 100)

[R-sig-eco] inference from GLMM fit using glmer

2014-03-03 Thread Howe, Eric (MNR)
Good day R.sig.ecology members.

We seem to have detected highly significant fixed effects from a GLMM fit using 
glmer, despite having a fairly small sample size (30 observations, 4 groups in 
the random factor).  We are hoping that group members can either verify that we 
are interpreting these results correctly or tell us where we've gone wrong.  We 
are working in R for Windows version 3.0.2 and using the latest version of lme4.

We sought to simultaneously test for (1) effects of annual variation in natural 
food availability for black bears (measured using a rank bear food index; bfi) 
on the number of occurrences of human-bear conflict (oc), and (2) a temporal 
trend (across years) in oc.  oc and bfi were measured annually in different 
administrative districts (dist) within the larger region of interest.  Not all 
districts provided data in all years.

Our data look like this:
   dist   yr lyr  bfi   oc
1   ban 2004   1 2.30  852
2  pemb 2004   1 2.70  105
3ps 2004   1 1.10  969
4   ban 2005   2 2.05  657
5  pemb 2005   2 1.86  269
6ps 2005   2 1.69 1119
7   ban 2006   3 2.57  275
8   mid 2006   3 2.66  271
9  pemb 2006   3 2.17   57
10   ps 2006   3 2.08  429
11  ban 2007   4 1.75  530
12  mid 2007   4 2.17  606
13 pemb 2007   4 2.03  189
14   ps 2007   4 1.23 1567
15  ban 2008   5 2.86  363
16  mid 2008   5 3.00  467
17 pemb 2008   5 3.13   95
18   ps 2008   5 2.32  770
19  ban 2009   6 2.19  672
20  mid 2009   6 1.47  653
21 pemb 2009   6 2.03  471
22   ps 2009   6 1.90 1522
23  ban 2010   7 2.00  409
24  mid 2010   7 2.10  640
25 pemb 2010   7 2.10  176
26   ps 2010   7 1.90 1218
27  ban 2011   8 2.50  466
28  mid 2011   8 2.40  462
29 pemb 2011   8 2.40  117
30   ps 2011   8 2.00  963

We used a GLMM to test for effects of bfi and lyr (a dummy variable 
representing the # of years since the beginning of the study), with district as 
the only random effect.  The log-link function improved linearity.

Code for fitting the model, and the summary of the model, appear below:

> = glmer(oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1|dist), data = dat, family = 
> poisson(link = log))
> summary(

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
 Family: poisson ( log )
Formula: oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1 | dist)
   Data: dat

  AIC   BIClogLik  deviance
1960.3134 1965.9182 -976.1567 1952.3134

Random effects:
 Groups NameVariance Std.Dev.
 dist   (Intercept) 0.3006   0.5483
Number of obs: 30, groups: dist, 4

Fixed effects:
 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  7.040105   0.277215  25.396   <2e-16 ***
bfi -0.486053   0.019922 -24.398   <2e-16 ***
lyr  0.035638   0.003598   9.905   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) bfi
bfi -0.132
lyr -0.019 -0.295

The results indicate a negative effect of bfi (more conflict when natural foods 
are scarce, as expected) and a slight increasing trend across years.  However, 
we were surprised by the reported p-values for the fixed effects, given our 
relatively small sample size.

We found the "Getting p-values for fitted models" help page for the lme4 

We fitted parameter-reduced models for comparison:
> = glmer(oc ~ 1 + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = 
> log))
> = glmer(oc ~ bfi + (1|dist), data = dat, family = poisson(link = 
> log))

AIC and BIC values were greater by 100 when we excluded the effect of year, and 
were greater by 500 when we also excluded the effect of the bfi.  These results 
seem to agree with the summary of the more general model, but they also seem a 
bit extreme given our small sample size.

Model comparisons using PBmodcomp from the pbkrtest package also seem to 
support the inclusion of both fixed effects.
> mc.oc.bfi.nobfi = PBmodcomp(,, nsim = 100)
> mc.oc.yr.noyr = PBmodcomp(,, nsim = 100)
> mc.oc.bfi.nobfi
Parametric bootstrap test; time: 26.13 sec; samples: 100 extremes: 0;
large : oc ~ bfi + (1 | dist)
small : oc ~ 1 + (1 | dist)
 stat df   p.value
LRT513.43  1 < 2.2e-16 ***
PBtest 513.43 0.009901 **

> mc.oc.yr.noyr
Parametric bootstrap test; time: 39.83 sec; samples: 100 extremes: 0;
large : oc ~ bfi + lyr + (1 | dist)
small : oc ~ bfi + (1 | dist)
 stat df   p.value
LRT98.323  1 < 2.2e-16 ***
PBtest 98.323 0.009901 **

We calculated bootstrap confidence intervals using "confint".  They seem to 
indicate that the estimated effects were unambiguous, but we were unsure 
whether our sample size was adequate to apply this method.

> confint (, method = c("boot"))
Computing bootstrap confidence intervals ...
  2.5 %  97.5 %
sd_(Intercept)|dist  0.13871500  0.83969172
(Intercept)  6.54440740  7.56234905
bfi -0.53389761 -0.44979598
lyr  0.02835891  0.04325712

Simple diagnos