Re: [R-sig-eco] ANCOVA with random effects for slope and intercept

2014-11-05 Thread Ben Bolker
peterhouk1 . peterhouk@... writes:

 Greetings Mollie -
 Sure, the first general approach without explicitly telling R of my
 grouping factor (not sure if that makes a difference, but second example
 below does this).  My best guess is that the full model has significance,
 but the random effects model does not.  However, simple partial
 correlations show that within many grouping factors
 the relationship holds,
 but not in all.  If this were the case, why would our Corr = 0?

  There are a few things going on here.

* Plotting your data (see below), it looks pretty clear that
you've already mean-corrected it (all groups have mean value
of zero at the center point of the data) -- you probably want
to take this into account in your model.

* Even with this correction, you still get an estimate of zero
for the variance in slopes among groups.  This is not terribly
surprising for small-to-moderate sized, fairly
noisy (large residual variance) data sets.  This does indeed
mean that you will get essentially the same answer from a
plain old linear model.

* I did the stuff below with lmer, but I'd expect similar answers
from lme  . I used lmerTest for easy access to denominator df

* The overall effect is not super-strong (R^2 ~ 0.12), but
very clearly statistically significant (depending on how you
do the calculation, p-value ranges from 0.001 to 0.009 ...)

## get data, draw pictures
mydata - read.table(header=TRUE,houk.txt)
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())

## make grouping variable into a factor; not totally necessary
## but doesn't hurt/probably a good idea
mydata - transform(mydata,group_factor=factor(group_factor))
meanpred - mean(mydata$predictor)

## centered version of predictor
mydata - transform(mydata,cpred=predictor-meanpred)

## original random-slopes model
(m1 - lmer(response~predictor+(predictor|group_factor), data=mydata))

## model with centered predictor; suppress among-group variation in
## intercept
(m2 - lmer(response~cpred+(cpred-1|group_factor), data=mydata))

summary(m2B - lm(response~cpred, data=mydata))

## get p-value, using common-sense/classical value of 10 for denominator df
(cc1 - coef(summary(m2)))
tval - cc1[cpred,t value]

## refit model with lmerTest for convenient access to df estimates
(m3 - lmer(response~cpred+(cpred-1|group_factor), data=mydata))
anova(m3,ddf=Kenward-Roger)  ## gives denDF=8.67, p-value=0.0097
anova(m3,ddf=Satterthwaite)  ## gives denDF=69.9 (?), p-value=0.001
## essentially equivalent to lm() because denDF are estimated to be large


 Mlme1-lme(response ~ predictor,
random = ~1 + predictor | group_factor, data=mydata)
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: mydata
AIC  BIClogLik
   74.80524 88.29622 -31.40262
 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 + predictor | group_factor
  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
 StdDev   Corr
 (Intercept) 1.106112e-05 (Intr)
 predictor   1.577405e-10 0
 Fixed effects: response ~ predictor
   Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
 (Intercept)  0.29852308 0.09774997 60  3.053945  0.0034
 predictor   -0.03258404 0.00970759 60 -3.356554  0.0014
 predictor -0.907
 Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
  Min   Q1  Med   Q3  Max
 -2.560560620 -0.688713759 -0.008759271  0.71008  2.136060167
 Number of Observations: 72
 Number of Groups: 11
 Second example where I explicitly tell R of the grouping factor:
 mydata$fgroup_factor - factor(mydata$group_factor)
 Mlme1-lme(response ~ predictor,
random = ~1 + predictor | fgroup_factor, data=mydata)
 Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: mydata
AIC  BIClogLik
   74.80524 88.29622 -31.40262
 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 + predictor | fgroup_factor
  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
 StdDev   Corr
 (Intercept) 1.106112e-05 (Intr)
 predictor   1.577405e-10 0
 Fixed effects: response ~ predictor
   Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
 (Intercept)  0.29852308 0.09774997 60  3.053945  0.0034
 predictor   -0.03258404 0.00970759 60 -3.356554  0.0014
 predictor -0.907
 Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
  Min   Q1  Med   Q3  Max
 -2.560560620 -0.688713759 -0.008759271  0.71008  2.136060167
 Number of Observations: 72
 Number of Groups: 11
 On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Mollie Brooks mbrooks at wrote:
  Hi Dr. Houk,
  You say you get the same result from the lmer model 

Re: [R-sig-eco] ANCOVA with random effects for slope and intercept

2014-11-04 Thread Mollie Brooks
Hi Dr. Houk,

You say you get the same result from the lmer model as a linear model. 
Can you show us the summary of both models so that we might help you interpret 


Mollie Brooks, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group
Institute of Evolutionary Biology  Environmental Studies, University of Zürich

 On 4Nov 2014, at 13:30, peterhouk1 . wrote:
 Greetings -
 Looking for advice and insight into ANCOVA models that allow for random
 slope and intercept effects.  I have been using lme and lmer, but I can't
 seem to figure out where I've gone wrong.  I have a grouping factor,
 predictor, and response.  The response~predictor relationship should be
 nested within grouping factor, with a desire to allow for random effects of
 the slope and y-intercept.  Data and my code are found below, greatly
 appreciate insight.
 I get the same response from both approaches:
   random = list(group_factor = ~1 | predictor), data=mydata)
 Second approach
 Mlmer1-lmer(response~predictor + (1 + predictor|group_factor), data=mydata)
 Taking both approaches, I get the same results as a simple linear model
 that does not account for nesting within the group factor.
  group_factor predictor response  1 13.75584744 -0.257259794  1 3.059971584
 0.703113472  1 14.00447296 -0.260892287  1 6.705509001 -0.33269593  1
 6.592728067 0.053814446  1 9.211047122 -0.002776485  2 12.50497696
 0.22727311  2 7.059077939 0.18586719  2 6.617249805 -0.022951714  2
 1.559557719 0.833397702  2 12.1962121 -0.57159955  2 11.29647955
 -0.963754818  2 15.54334219 0.489700014  3 8.93626518 -0.421471799  3
 1.681675438 0.383260174  3 13.43826892 -0.330882653  3 10.8971089 0.47675377
 3 7.600869443 -0.227033926  3 15.004137 0.104257183  4 12.61327214
 0.131460302  4 3.788474342 0.079758467  4 14.37299098 0.294254076  4
 3.564225024 -0.006581881  4 13.63301652 -0.498890965  5 4.36777119
 0.90215334  5 5.150130473 0.098069832  5 7.875920526 0.468166528  5
 13.91344257 -0.291551635  5 10.1061938 -0.35162982  5 13.32810817
 0.133439251  5 15.64845612 -0.439418202  5 1.857959976 -0.468857357  5
 11.31495202 -0.050371938  6 7.851162116 0.126588358  6 5.285251391
 0.212699384  6 15.82353883 -0.202005195  6 11.90209318 0.34412633  6
 5.547563146 -0.446233668  6 5.645270991 -0.303913602  6 8.668938138
 0.268738394  7 15.66063395 -0.194882955  7 11.11830972 0.196309336  7
 3.174056086 0.188199892  7 12.39006821 0.61643  7 3.034014836
 0.039201594  7 13.13551529 -0.451089511  8 9.990570964 -0.128411654  8
 2.382739273 0.145897042  8 4.870002628 0.875223363  8 5.99541207 0.155610264
 8 16.56247927 -0.461697164  8 14.58286908 -0.514244888  8 12.72137648
 -0.072376963  9 7.436676598 -0.306969441  9 5.196390457 -0.222063871  9
 7.213670545 -0.411344562  9 9.243636562 0.095582355  9 7.029863529
 0.31586562  9 6.074354561 0.459471079  9 8.282168564 0.632851023  9
 13.85105359 -0.298326302  9 5.972744894 -0.180974348  9 14.0954
 -0.084091553  10 5.304552826 0.265618935  10 4.089248332 0.270559629  10
 7.482418571 0.049764287  10 16.44388769 0.008163962  10 13.78009474
 -0.594106812  11 10.34249094 -0.206619307  11 4.491492572 -0.207263365  11
 7.350436798 0.083703414  11 8.38636562 0.330179258
 Peter Houk, PhD
 Assistant Professor
 University of Guam Marine Laboratory
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Re: [R-sig-eco] ANCOVA with random effects for slope and intercept

2014-11-04 Thread peterhouk1 .
Greetings Mollie -

Sure, the first general approach without explicitly telling R of my
grouping factor (not sure if that makes a difference, but second example
below does this).  My best guess is that the full model has significance,
but the random effects model does not.  However, simple partial
correlations show that within many grouping factors the relationship holds,
but not in all.  If this were the case, why would our Corr = 0?

Mlme1-lme(response ~ predictor,
   random = ~1 + predictor | group_factor, data=mydata)

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Data: mydata
   AIC  BIClogLik
  74.80524 88.29622 -31.40262

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 + predictor | group_factor
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev   Corr
(Intercept) 1.106112e-05 (Intr)
predictor   1.577405e-10 0

Fixed effects: response ~ predictor
  Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)  0.29852308 0.09774997 60  3.053945  0.0034
predictor   -0.03258404 0.00970759 60 -3.356554  0.0014
predictor -0.907

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
 Min   Q1  Med   Q3  Max
-2.560560620 -0.688713759 -0.008759271  0.71008  2.136060167

Number of Observations: 72
Number of Groups: 11

Second example where I explicitly tell R of the grouping factor:

mydata$fgroup_factor - factor(mydata$group_factor)

Mlme1-lme(response ~ predictor,
   random = ~1 + predictor | fgroup_factor, data=mydata)

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Data: mydata
   AIC  BIClogLik
  74.80524 88.29622 -31.40262

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 + predictor | fgroup_factor
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev   Corr
(Intercept) 1.106112e-05 (Intr)
predictor   1.577405e-10 0

Fixed effects: response ~ predictor
  Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)  0.29852308 0.09774997 60  3.053945  0.0034
predictor   -0.03258404 0.00970759 60 -3.356554  0.0014
predictor -0.907

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
 Min   Q1  Med   Q3  Max
-2.560560620 -0.688713759 -0.008759271  0.71008  2.136060167

Number of Observations: 72
Number of Groups: 11

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Mollie Brooks wrote:

 Hi Dr. Houk,

 You say you get the same result from the lmer model as a linear model.
 Can you show us the summary of both models so that we might help you
 interpret it?

 Mollie Brooks, PhD
 Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group
 Institute of Evolutionary Biology  Environmental Studies, University of

 On 4Nov 2014, at 13:30, peterhouk1 . wrote:

 Greetings -

 Looking for advice and insight into ANCOVA models that allow for random
 slope and intercept effects.  I have been using lme and lmer, but I can't
 seem to figure out where I've gone wrong.  I have a grouping factor,
 predictor, and response.  The response~predictor relationship should be
 nested within grouping factor, with a desire to allow for random effects of
 the slope and y-intercept.  Data and my code are found below, greatly
 appreciate insight.

 I get the same response from both approaches:

   random = list(group_factor = ~1 | predictor), data=mydata)

 Second approach

 Mlmer1-lmer(response~predictor + (1 + predictor|group_factor),

 Taking both approaches, I get the same results as a simple linear model
 that does not account for nesting within the group factor.


  group_factor predictor response  1 13.75584744 -0.257259794  1 3.059971584
 0.703113472  1 14.00447296 -0.260892287  1 6.705509001 -0.33269593  1
 6.592728067 0.053814446  1 9.211047122 -0.002776485  2 12.50497696
 0.22727311  2 7.059077939 0.18586719  2 6.617249805 -0.022951714  2
 1.559557719 0.833397702  2 12.1962121 -0.57159955  2 11.29647955
 -0.963754818  2 15.54334219 0.489700014  3 8.93626518 -0.421471799  3
 1.681675438 0.383260174  3 13.43826892 -0.330882653  3 10.8971089
 3 7.600869443 -0.227033926  3 15.004137 0.104257183  4 12.61327214
 0.131460302  4 3.788474342 0.079758467  4 14.37299098 0.294254076  4
 3.564225024 -0.006581881  4 13.63301652 -0.498890965  5 4.36777119
 0.90215334  5 5.150130473 0.098069832  5 7.875920526 0.468166528  5
 13.91344257 -0.291551635  5 10.1061938 -0.35162982  5 13.32810817
 0.133439251  5 15.64845612 -0.439418202  5 1.857959976 -0.468857357  5
 11.31495202 -0.050371938  6 7.851162116 0.126588358  6 5.285251391
 0.212699384  6 15.82353883 -0.202005195  6 11.90209318 0.34412633  6
 5.547563146 -0.446233668  6 5.645270991 -0.303913602  6 8.668938138
 0.268738394  7 15.66063395 -0.194882955  7