[R-SIG-Finance] Bloomberg Data

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Vince
I'm trying to obtain data for certain South African stocks through the
Bloomberg site, like:


and am wondering if there is not an api available much like there is with
yahoo or google that anyone is aware of.


R. Vince

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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Bloomberg Data

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Vince
Thank you Brian,

I wasn't sure of this (thinking perhaps it has been created and I wasn't
aware). Thank yo ufor confirming thisto me. Ralph Vince

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Brian G. Peterson br...@braverock.comwrote:

 On 09/02/2013 10:21 AM, Ralph Vince wrote:

 I'm trying to obtain data for certain South African stocks through the
 Bloomberg site, like:


 and am wondering if there is not an api available much like there is with
 yahoo or google that anyone is aware of.


 There is, to the best of my knowledge, no way to download historical data
 from the Bloomberg website.  These 'Download' links are the hooks taken
 advantage of by the getSymbols methods for Yahoo, Google, the Fed, and
 other data sources.

 There is of course the 'Rbbg' (formerly RBloomberg) package which can
 extract information from a Bloomberg terminal, if you have one handy.



 Brian G. Peterson
 Ph: 773-459-4973
 IM: bgpbraverock

 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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 -- Also note that this is not the r-help list where general R questions
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Statistical analysis

2012-12-22 Thread Ralph Vince
Percentage of time at equity highs, within 1% of equity highs, 5%, 10%, 20%.

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Ron Michael ron_michae...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hi all, I employed in a company which actively trades on various stocks, 
 currency etc. Assuming those entire trading activities as a single portfolio, 
 this portfolio's components are fixed (i.e. the constituent assets) however 
 there are daily buy, sell happen on those assets.

 I was asked to provide Statistical insight on this portfolio, over last month.

 Can friends here give me some suggestions what should I put on such analysis? 
 I am really looking for some bang therefore just do not want to create some 
 mere time series of this portfolio's returns and VaR estimates!

 Thanks for your inputs.

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[R-SIG-Finance] Linux Commandline and Packages

2012-10-22 Thread Ralph Vince
I frequently use RKWard IDE. However, Ive been trying to run a script
from the command line (in either Centos 6, or Ubuntu 10,10). I have
all of my packages installed in ~/R/Packages, and am invoking

~/R/R CMD BATCH ~/R/Work/myscript.R

and, in doing so, it doesn't seem to find the installed packages ( in
this case, quantmod and plan) as seen in the output:

How do I get the comandline to recognize my installed packages?
Thanks, Ralph VInce

R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
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[Previously saved workspace restored]

Loading required package: quantmod
Warning message:
In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
logical.return = TRUE,  :
  there is no package called 'quantmod'
Error in library(plan) : there is no package called 'plan'
Execution halted

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[R-SIG-Finance] Slow data EOD

2012-10-09 Thread Ralph Vince
I'm downloading certain equity data from yahoo on an eod basis, using
the code, below. It works wonderfully, formatting the data and dates
precisely as I am looking for EXCEPT often the data is late. Often,
the latest market day's data is not up until 10, 11 pm that night.

Is there something I am doing wrong here? Surely, yahoo must have the
data by the close. is the way I am invoking calling the file, below,
causing this? Or is there a way to obtain it from google earlier? I;d
be very grateful for any help along these lines. Ralph Vince

brsym - c(
for (i in 1:length(brsym)) {
j - paste(http://table.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=,brsym[[i]],sep=;);
j - paste(j,g=dignore=.csv,sep=);
X - read.csv(j, header=TRUE);
# Convert the Date column from a factor class to a Date class
X$Date - as.Date(X$Date)
# Sort the X object by the Date column -- order(-X$Date) will sort it
in the other direction
X - X[order(X$Date),]
# Format the date column as you want
X$Date - format(as.Date(X$Date),%Y%m%d);
X - X[,1:6]
kk - trim.whitespace(brsym[[i]]);
k - paste(/home/oracle/broadbaseddata/, kk, sep=);
k - trim.whitespace(k);
k - paste(k,.csv, sep=);
write.table(X, k, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = ,,
eol = \n, na = NA, dec = ., row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c(escape, double));
ko - paste(X$Date[1], -,X$Date[length(X$Date)]);
}, interrupt = function(ex) {
cat(An interrupt was detected.\n);
}, error = function(ex) {
cat(An error was detected.\n);
}, finally = {

R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Slow data EOD

2012-10-09 Thread Ralph Vince
Thanks Garrett, Im really just looking for timely end-of-day data on
this though. Ralph

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:40 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Ralph,

 You can get real time intraday data from yahoo or google:

 Or you can get delayed data with quantmod::getQuote.

 Maybe that will work better for you.

 I'm not sure about your particular issue, but one of the issues with
 yahoo's daily data is that sometimes it has duplicate timestamps (and
 different volume) for the most recent observation.


 On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm downloading certain equity data from yahoo on an eod basis, using
 the code, below. It works wonderfully, formatting the data and dates
 precisely as I am looking for EXCEPT often the data is late. Often,
 the latest market day's data is not up until 10, 11 pm that night.

 Is there something I am doing wrong here? Surely, yahoo must have the
 data by the close. is the way I am invoking calling the file, below,
 causing this? Or is there a way to obtain it from google earlier? I;d
 be very grateful for any help along these lines. Ralph Vince

 brsym - c(
 for (i in 1:length(brsym)) {
 j - paste(http://table.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=,brsym[[i]],sep=;);
 j - paste(j,g=dignore=.csv,sep=);
 X - read.csv(j, header=TRUE);
 # Convert the Date column from a factor class to a Date class
 X$Date - as.Date(X$Date)
 # Sort the X object by the Date column -- order(-X$Date) will sort it
 in the other direction
 X - X[order(X$Date),]
 # Format the date column as you want
 X$Date - format(as.Date(X$Date),%Y%m%d);
 X - X[,1:6]
 kk - trim.whitespace(brsym[[i]]);
 k - paste(/home/oracle/broadbaseddata/, kk, sep=);
 k - trim.whitespace(k);
 k - paste(k,.csv, sep=);
 write.table(X, k, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = ,,
 eol = \n, na = NA, dec = ., row.names = FALSE,
 col.names = FALSE, qmethod = c(escape, double));
 ko - paste(X$Date[1], -,X$Date[length(X$Date)]);
 }, interrupt = function(ex) {
 cat(An interrupt was detected.\n);
 }, error = function(ex) {
 cat(An error was detected.\n);
 }, finally = {

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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Slow data EOD

2012-10-09 Thread Ralph Vince
Ah, okthen I can create a function to perhaps append it onto the
file I am downloading entirely end of day or something like that.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:02 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Garrett, Im really just looking for timely end-of-day data on
 this though. Ralph

 For example, getQuote(SPY), will return end of day data if you call
 it late in the afternoon ;-)

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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Dividend-adjusted data

2012-10-02 Thread Ralph Vince
Ah right right. Exactly what I am looking for, thank you.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Zachary Mayer zach.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 I use quantmod::adjustOHLC to adjust for splits and dividends, based on

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:

 How do you guys get dividend-adjusted data (from, say, yahoo) ? In
 other words, if a stock goes ex-div today, on a 50 cent/share dividend
 today, how do I obtain that data with  it 50 cents less each day
 prior? Is there a way to get yahoo or google data like that ? Thanks

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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
Thanks for the replies. I'm not looking for data adjusted for splits
and dividends, but rather the ex-dates when the dividend or split will
be affecting prices, and the amount of the dividends/ splits. It
appears Yahoo finance might have this information, Im just not sure
how, in R, to extract anything other than prices in R. Ralph Vince

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 6:48 AM, FJ M chicagobrownb...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Tickdata provides daily and intraday data very early the next morning. Their
 1-minute intraday data is cheaper than every single trade data. Tickdata.com

 Yahoo Finance provides daily data available between 7 PM CST and 9 PM each

 Google Finance provides daily data also, not sure about when it is

 Dividend adjusted data is problematic. If you want just log normal price
 returns, you will want to exclude the dividend from the close on ex-dividend
 eve when calculating the return on ex-dividend day. If you are looking to
 calculate your cost basis by subtracting out the cumulative dividend, you
 need to pick a starting point. If you want the cumulative return you can add
 the dividend to the stock price, but you need to pick a starting point. If
 you want to re-invest the dividend, you will need to keep track of both the
 dividend, the pay date to be accurate and pick a start date. Yahoo Finance
 provides the dividend on the ex-dividend date. I do not have a source for
 the pay date. I suspect most analysts re-invest the dividend on the
 ex-dividend date at the ex-dividend price.

 Good luck.

 Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 21:39:04 -0400
 From: rvinc...@gmail.com
 To: r-sig-finance@r-project.org
 Subject: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

 I'm looking for a reliable vendor of equity data, one that also
 provides information regarding corporate actions (dividends, splits,
 ex-dates, etc). Anyone know of any good sources? R. Vince

 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
Ah, thank you! It must be in the Quantmod API / Thank you. Ralph Vince

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 9:05 AM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the replies. I'm not looking for data adjusted for splits
 and dividends, but rather the ex-dates when the dividend or split will
 be affecting prices, and the amount of the dividends/ splits. It
 appears Yahoo finance might have this information, Im just not sure
 how, in R, to extract anything other than prices in R. Ralph Vince


 That is much more on topic that can someone tell me where to get some
 data? ;-)


R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
I don't think this is going to do what I'm trying to accomplish here,
which is determine the next, future, pending ex-date for dividends or
splits, if there is one announced, so that I can prepare the systems
for this in advance. It seems to be an nasty problem and  I'm trying
to get out of maintaining this by hand!

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 9:05 AM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the replies. I'm not looking for data adjusted for splits
 and dividends, but rather the ex-dates when the dividend or split will
 be affecting prices, and the amount of the dividends/ splits. It
 appears Yahoo finance might have this information, Im just not sure
 how, in R, to extract anything other than prices in R. Ralph Vince


 That is much more on topic that can someone tell me where to get some
 data? ;-)


R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
Yes, I'm willing to pay for it, but I would like to get it
automatically into a format I can parse and use, not even sure where
that exists at the moment. (Doesn't Yahoo Finance get their data from
CSI?) Ralph Vince

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Brian G. Peterson br...@braverock.com 
 The only way I know of to get out of maintaining it by hand is to pay for

 On the GUI side, Bloomberg, Factset, and Reuters have all been mentioned
 already I think.  Rbbg of course talks to Bloomberg.

 On the other vendor side, I think Interactive Brokers has this data, and it
 may be available via the IBrokers package if it is available via the IB API.
 Additional vendors, such as CSIdata, tickdata.com, Reuters, CRSP, Telekurs,
 etc all sell this data, at varying prices and quality.

 Interactive Brokers does provide an Upcoming Dividend Schedule for
 stocks, but it is a rough estimate that is often wrong.  Also, I don't
 think you can get it from their API (although if someone knows how,
 please speak up).  I think you have to go into the GUI, right-click a
 stock and select Dividend Schedule.


 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
THis looks pretty good, and could be parsed -- I just wish they had it
for cash dividends as well;
Ralph Vince

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jeff,

 Yes, but they only offer dividends not splits. I;ve been working off
 of sites like this and looking to automate it somehow, hopefully
 through R.

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Jeff Ryan jeff.a.r...@gmail.com wrote:
 You might be able to use this:



 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, I'm willing to pay for it, but I would like to get it
 automatically into a format I can parse and use, not even sure where
 that exists at the moment. (Doesn't Yahoo Finance get their data from
 CSI?) Ralph Vince

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Brian G. Peterson br...@braverock.com 
 The only way I know of to get out of maintaining it by hand is to pay for

 On the GUI side, Bloomberg, Factset, and Reuters have all been mentioned
 already I think.  Rbbg of course talks to Bloomberg.

 On the other vendor side, I think Interactive Brokers has this data, and 
 may be available via the IBrokers package if it is available via the IB 
 Additional vendors, such as CSIdata, tickdata.com, Reuters, CRSP, 
 etc all sell this data, at varying prices and quality.

 Interactive Brokers does provide an Upcoming Dividend Schedule for
 stocks, but it is a rough estimate that is often wrong.  Also, I don't
 think you can get it from their API (although if someone knows how,
 please speak up).  I think you have to go into the GUI, right-click a
 stock and select Dividend Schedule.


 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
 -- Subscriber-posting only. If you want to post, subscribe first.
 -- Also note that this is not the r-help list where general R questions 
 should go.

 Jeffrey Ryan


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Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince

This is great. Do you think it would be possible to pass in a given
ticker to get that informatoin, rather than getting the whole gulp?
Ralph Vince

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 2:27 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:

 This will parse that yahoo link you provided.  I'll add it (along with
 a wrapper) to the qmao package tonight.

 .getSplitsCalendar - function(YM=format(Sys.Date(), %Y%m)) {
   stopifnot(length(YM) == 1)
   if (is.timeBased(YM) || nchar(YM) == 10) {
 YM - format(as.Date(YM), %Y%m)
   } else if (nchar(YM) == 5) {
 YM - paste0(substr(YM, 1, 4), 0, substr(YM, 5, 5))
   } else if (nchar(YM) == 7  length(grep(-, YM) == 1)) {
 YM - sub(-, , YM)
   if (nchar(YM) != 6) stop('YM' should be 6 digits or a Date)
   Y - substr(YM, 3, 4)
   M - as.numeric(substr(YM, 5, 6))
   # there is a different URL for the current month than for other months
   URL - if (identical(format(Sys.Date(), %Y%m), YM)) {
   } else paste0(http://biz.yahoo.com/c/;, Y, /s, M, .html)
   rt - try(readHTMLTable(URL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
   if (inherits(rt, 'try-error')) return(NULL)
   dat - rt[[which.max(sapply(rt, nrow))]]
   colnames(dat) - make.names(dat[1, ])
   dat - dat[-c(1,2), -NCOL(dat)]
   #read.zoo(dat, index.column=1:2

   dat[[1]] - as.Date(paste(substr(YM, 1, 4), dat[[1]]), %Y %b %d)
   dat[[2]] - as.Date(paste(substr(YM, 1, 4), dat[[2]]), %Y %b %d)
   dat[, NCOL(dat)] - as.Date(paste(substr(YM, 1, 4), dat[, NCOL(dat)]),
   %Y %b %d)

 R .getSplitsCalendar()
  PayableEx.Date  Company Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
 3 2012-09-07 2012-09-10 Old Dominion   ODFL   Y   3-2 2012-08-13
 4 2012-09-18 2012-09-19  LKQLKQ   Y   2-1 2012-08-17
 5 2012-09-21 2012-09-24   Medivation   MDVN   Y   2-1 2012-08-28

 R .getSplitsCalendar('201208')
  PayableEx.DateCompany Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
 3 2012-08-10 2012-08-13   Brown-Forman   BF.B   Y   3-2 2012-06-14
 4   NA 2012-08-13  Coca-Cola KO   Y   2-1 2012-04-25
 5 2012-08-14 2012-08-15  Oi SA   OIBR   Y   3-1 2012-08-10
 6 2012-08-21 2012-08-22 Schweitzer-MauduitSWM   Y   2-1 2012-08-01

 getDividendsCalendar gets it's data from earnings.com which is Reuters
 data.  So, it should be good (except that it's way too much data if
 you only want to know the dividend date of a particular ticker)


 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 THis looks pretty good, and could be parsed -- I just wish they had it
 for cash dividends as well;
 Ralph Vince

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jeff,

 Yes, but they only offer dividends not splits. I;ve been working off
 of sites like this and looking to automate it somehow, hopefully
 through R.

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Jeff Ryan jeff.a.r...@gmail.com wrote:
 You might be able to use this:



 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, I'm willing to pay for it, but I would like to get it
 automatically into a format I can parse and use, not even sure where
 that exists at the moment. (Doesn't Yahoo Finance get their data from
 CSI?) Ralph Vince

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Brian G. Peterson br...@braverock.com 
 The only way I know of to get out of maintaining it by hand is to pay 

 On the GUI side, Bloomberg, Factset, and Reuters have all been mentioned
 already I think.  Rbbg of course talks to Bloomberg.

 On the other vendor side, I think Interactive Brokers has this data, 
 and it
 may be available via the IBrokers package if it is available via the IB 
 Additional vendors, such as CSIdata, tickdata.com, Reuters, CRSP, 
 etc all sell this data, at varying prices and quality.

 Interactive Brokers does provide an Upcoming Dividend Schedule for
 stocks, but it is a rough estimate that is often wrong.  Also, I don't
 think you can get it from their API (although if someone knows how,
 please speak up).  I think you have to go into the GUI, right-click a
 stock and select Dividend Schedule.


 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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 R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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 -- Also note that this is not the r-help list

Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-06 Thread Ralph Vince
Garrett, this is really great. So I only need to get the latest qmao
to do this? It's in CRAN? Ralph VInce

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 2:49 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 I guess since you really only care about the future, this would be
 more appropriate

 sc - getSplitsCalendar(from='2012-09-05', to='2012-12-31')
 sc[sc$Symbol ==LKQ, ]
  PayableEx.Date Company Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
 4 2012-09-18 2012-09-19 LKQLKQ   Y   2-1 2012-08-17

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:44 PM, G See gsee...@gmail.com wrote:
 That's not really how the website is setup.  So, I don't think that's
 how the function should be setup by default.  But, you can easily
 filter the results by Symbol.

 Here is the wrapper I mentioned.

 getSplitsCalendar - function(from, to) {
   qmao:::getCalendarByMonth(.getSplitsCalendar, from=from, to=to)

 This allows you to get and merge several months of splits calendars.

 sc - getSplitsCalendar(from='2012-01-01', to='2012-08-31')

 Now you have the splits calendar from January to August.  You can
 filter that by the symbol you care about.

 sc[sc$Symbol == ALK, ]
   PayableEx.DateCompany Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
 52 2012-03-16 2012-03-19 Alaska AirALK   Y   2-1 2012-02-16

 Good enough?


 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Ralph Vince rvinc...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is great. Do you think it would be possible to pass in a given
 ticker to get that informatoin, rather than getting the whole gulp?
 Ralph Vince

R-SIG-Finance@r-project.org mailing list
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-- Also note that this is not the r-help list where general R questions should 

[R-SIG-Finance] Equities Data

2012-09-05 Thread Ralph Vince
I'm looking for a reliable vendor of equity data, one that also
provides information regarding corporate actions (dividends, splits,
ex-dates, etc). Anyone know of any good sources? R. Vince

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