Re: [R-sig-Geo] raster: stackApply problems..

2019-11-23 Thread Leonidas Liakos via R-sig-Geo
Ok, I think it's a bug and I'd like your help to confirm this. When the
x parameter (a raster stack in this case) of stackApply is quite heavy,
then the result of the stackApply is written to the disk and for some
reason the name indexes are shuffled. Conversely, when the provided
raster stack  is lightweight, the result is stored in memory, and the
name indexes match the provided indices correctly. I am posting a gist
again where I create a heavy raster stack to replicate the problem.
Please ensure that the raster stack is heavy enough for your machine
that the result of the stackApply is written to the disk.
Could you please confirm it?
Here is the gist:

On 11/22/19 6:31 PM, wrote:
> Leonidas,
> I see that you are not happy with the output, but it is not so clear
> what you actually expect to see.
> If you use stackApply directly, the indices are used in the names.
> Layer 1 and 8 belong to the group with index 4. It is the first group
> in the list of indexes, so the first layer of the output is then
> referred to as index_4. Then comes index_5 with layers 2, 10 and 15 of
> your input. The order of these names will follow the order of the
> first appearance of your indices. The indices gets lost with the use
> of clusterR, so it gives you the same output, but with names layer.1 -
> layer.7.
> You could change the names of the result from clusterR with:
> names(ResClusterR) = paste0("index_", unique(indices))
> If you want your result (from stackApply or clusterR) to follow the
> order of your indices, you should be able to get this with:
> sResClusterR = ResClusterR[[order(names(ResClusterR))]]
> Does this help you further?
> Jon
> --
> Jon Olav Skøien
> European Commission
> Joint Research Centre – JRC.E.1
> Disaster Risk Management Unit
> Building 26b 1/144 | Via E.Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA) Italy, TP 267
> Tel: +39 0332 789205 Disclaimer: Views
> expressed in this email are those of the individual and do not
> necessarily represent official views of the European Commission.
> *From:* R-sig-Geo  on behalf of
> Leonidas Liakos via R-sig-Geo 
> *Sent:* 21 November 2019 08:52
> *To:* Ben Tupper;
> *Subject:* Re: [R-sig-Geo] raster: stackApply problems..
> Unfortunately the names are not always in ascending order. This is the
> result of my data.
> names  : index_4, index_5, index_6, index_7, index_1, index_2, index_3
> min values :   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3
> max values :   307.0,   297.5,   311.0,   313.0,   468.0,   290.0,   302.0
> And worst of all, it is not a proper match with indices.
> If I run it with clusterR then the result is different:
> names  : layer.1, layer.2, layer.3, layer.4, layer.5, layer.6, layer.7
> min values :   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3
> max values :   307.0,   297.5,   311.0,   313.0,   468.0,   290.0,  
> 302.0 
> The solution is to reorder the layers of the stack so that the
> stackApply indices are in ascending order e.g. 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3 ...
> My indices of my data was like that:
> 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7
> I've reported this behavior here
> On 11/20/19 3:05 PM, Ben Tupper wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > That is certainly is unexpected to have two different naming styles.
> > It's not really solution to take to the bank, but you could simply
> > compose your own names assuming that the layer orders are always
> > returned in ascending index order.
> > Would that work for you
> >
> > ### start
> > library(raster)
> >
> > # Compute layer names for stackApply output
> > #
> > # @param index numeric, 1-based layer indices used for stackApply
> function
> > # @param prefix character, prefix for names
> > # @return character layers names in index order
> > layer_names <- function(index = c(2,2,3,3,1,1), prefix = c("layer.",
> > "index_")[1]){
> >   paste0(prefix, sort(unique(index)))
> > }
> >
> > indices <- c(2,2,3,3,1,1)
> >
> > r <- raster()
> > values(r) <- 1
> > # simple sequential stack from 1 to 6 in all cells
> > s <- stack(r, r*2, r*3, r*4, r*5, r*6)
> > s
> >
> > beginCluster(2)
> > res <- clusterR(s, stackApply, args = list(indices=indices, fun = mean))
> > raster::endCluster()
> > names(res) <- layer_names(indices, prefix = "foobar.")
> > res
> >
> > res2 <- stackApply(s, indices, mean)
> > names(res2) <- layer_names(indices, prefix = "foobar.")
> > res2
> > ### end
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 1:36 AM Leonidas Liakos via R-sig-Geo
> >  wrote:
> >> This is not a reasonable solution. It is not efficient to run
> stackapply
> >> twice to get 

Re: [R-sig-Geo] sp/rgdal workflows with PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3

2019-11-23 Thread Roger Bivand
A description of the status now with regard to a prototype resolution is 
online at:

I'm planning to stream a talk about this at 09:15-11:00 CET on Tuesday 3 
December. I need a volunteer to test the streaming link in advance during 
next week. I'm unsure which technology to use for remote participants to 
provide feedback.

Contributions/comments welcome!


On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:

The development version of rgdal on R-Forge is now at rev 894, and is now 
ready for trying out with PROJ6/GDAL3 workflows, and workflows that may 
migrate within 6 months to modern CRS representations. The motivating RFC is 
also updated to cover coordinate operations, the use of prepared 
(pre-searched) coordinate operations, and should be read carefully by anyone 
using rgdal::spTransform(). Note further that rgdal::project() will not be 
adapted for PROJ6, and is effectively deprecated.

I'll be running reverse dependency checks, and may be bugging package 
maintainers. I would really prefer that mainainers of packages using 
spTransform() checked themselves and joined this thread or the associated 
twitter thread:

Be ready for modern PROJ and GDAL, they are already being deployed across 
open source geospatial software, like GRASS, QGIS, pyproj, spatialite etc.

Waiting, hopefully not in vain, for contributions.


On Wed, 13 Nov 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:

 And this link explains the CDN proposal for grid distribution:


 On Wed, 13 Nov 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:

  Because PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3 change the way that PROJ strings
  (representations of coordinate reference systems) are handled, steps are
  being taken to find ways to adapt sp/rgdal workflows. A current proposal
  is to store the WKT2_2018 string as a comment to CRS objects as defined
  the sp package.

  A draft development-in-progress version of rgdal is available at, and for sp at (this version of sp requires rgdal >=
  1.5-1). This adds the WKT comments to CRS objects on reading vector and
  raster data sources, and uses WKT comments if found when writing vector
  and raster objects (or at least does as far as I've checked, possibly

  An RFC with tersely worked cases for using CRS object comments to carry
  WKT strings but maintaining full backward compatibility is online at

  If you have other ideas or concerns about trying to use this mechanism
  sp CRS objects, please contribute at your earliest convenience. shows
  beginning of the next step, to query transformation operations to find
  viable coordinate operation pipelines.

  I'm assuming that the previous behaviour (transform without considering
  accuracy with whatever is to hand) is not viable going forward, and that
  we will need two steps: list coordinate operations between source and
  target CRS (using the WKT comments as better specifications than the
  strings), possibly intervene manually to install missing grids, then
  undertake the coordinate operation.

  The fallback may be simply to choose the least inaccurate available
  coordinate operation, but this should be a fallback. This means that all
  uses of spTransform() will require intervention.

  Is this OK (it is tiresome but modernises workflows once), or is it not
  (no user intervention is crucial)?

  These behaviours may be set in an option, so that package maintainers
  users may delay modernisation, but all are undoubtedly served by rapid
  adaptation (GRASS 7.8.1 released yesterday, libspatialite, pyproj, QGIS
  development versions all state that they list candidate coordinate

  We cannot ship all the grids, they are very bulky, and probably nobody
  needs sub-metre accuracy world-wide. Work in PROJ is starting to create
  content delivery network for trusted download and mechanisms for
  registering downloaded grids on user platforms. We would for example not
  want Windows users of rgdal and sf to have to download the same grid

  Comments welcome here and at or


Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail:

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