Re: [R-sig-Geo] adding maps to spplot

2013-05-16 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2013/5/16 Alemu Tadesse

 I am plotting a krigged values of irrdiance with the following command.

 spplot(p1, zcol=insol.pred, col.regions=terrain.colors(30), cuts=30,
 sp.layout=list(pts1), contour=TRUE, labels=TRUE, pretty=TRUE, col='brown',

 I want to overlay California (for that matter any future state for which I
 do similar work) on the plot

 How am I going to do that. Where am I going to get the map information and
 which command is used. I was trying gadm and there was no success for me. I
 think I am missing something very basic.

just define something like that

CAL.POL - list(sp.polygons, california, lwd=1.5)

where california is a shape file you want to read into R with

california - readShapePoly('path_to_your_shape_file')

then, according to your spplot, add CAL.POL to your sp.layout list

spplot(p1, zcol=insol.pred, col.regions=terrain.colors(30), cuts=30,
sp.layout=list(pts1, CAL.POL), contour=TRUE, labels=TRUE, pretty=TRUE,

Of course I've used upper case just for highlights purpose

hope this helps

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] reading PostGIS table into sp data frame

2012-12-19 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/12/19 Edward Vanden Berghe

 I wanted to create a global map with squares in lat-lon. I have PostGIS
 tables to define these squares – but I haven’t been able to figure out an
 efficient way of reading those tables into R. The code I am using now is:

crs - CRS(+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84)
s - paste(select id, st_astext(geom) as geom from geo.cs10d;,
r - dbGetQuery(con, s)
p - readWKT(r$geom[1],id=r$id[1],p4s=crs)
for(i in 2:length(r$id)){
   p - rbind(p, readWKT(r$geom[i], id=r$id[i], p4s=crs))

 where geo.cs10d is the table with squares, id the primary key of the
 table, and geom the binary geometry field.

 The code above works fine for the larger squares, such as 10 degrees, of
 which I only need 648 to cover the globe. For finer resolutions, the above
 takes just too long – I assume because the rbind function rewrites the
 whole sp object each time it executes. I’ve seen other R scripts that
 initiate an empty data frame of the correct length to go round similar
 problems with the rbind function; I haven’t been able to find an equivalent
 for spatial polygons. How can I initiate an empty data frame with the right
 structure, and the right length?

 A preferable solution would be if there would be a single function to load
 a complete PostGIS table, rather than having to load the polygons one by
 one in a loop. Is there such a function?

 I’m using PostgreSQL 8.4, PostGIS 1.5, R 2.15.2, platform
 x86_64-w64-mingw32; IDE is StatET 3.0.1 plugin for Eclipse 3.7.2.

 Any help would be much appreciated.


Use postgis st_transfom to convert your table in epsg:4326, I would suggest
to use a view for that.
Then use readOGR (in package rgdal) to read the table/view (geom and
attributes) in a sp object with :

sp.object - readOGR(PG:dbname=your_db host=your_host user=username
password=xxx, geo.cs10d )


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] Raster memory problem

2012-12-12 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/12/12 Marie Auger-Methe

 Dear list,

 I am using large raster bricks for my analyses and I am running out of
 memory. I get the following message:

 Error: cannot allocate vector of size 231.0 Mb

 and this whether I do all my brick manipulations by loading the brick in
 R's memory or not (i.e., whether I use the option filename=name of my
 The strangest characteristic of the problem I have is that I get an
 error message when I handle smaller brick and not when handle larger brick.

 I have clean up my computer, defragmented it, increase my virtual
 memory, etc, and I still get an error.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated,


Welcome to the band called Three of us (can't handle such big rasters)


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Re: [R-sig-Geo] installing rgdal on Debian

2012-12-07 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/12/7 Eduardo Bieñkowski

 Hi all.
 For those who had the same problem:
 The solution was:
 In Ubuntu / Debian
 sudo apt-get install-dev libgdal1
 sudo apt-get install-dev libproj


install-dev it's not an apt-get option...

He's on Debian and according to the release he's using he needs libgdal-dev
(testing/wheezy) or libgdal1-dev (stable/squeeze)

Keep in mind that ubuntu it's debian based but it's not Debian...


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Re: [R-sig-Geo] installing rgdal on Debian

2012-12-06 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/12/6 Hodgess, Erin


 I'm trying to install rgdal on Debian.

 I keep getting the  checking for error.

 I have updated

 I also put the /usr/include and /usr/include/gdal in my PATH.

 Any ideas as to what is wrong, please?

 I have a feeling that it is something very simple.

 PS on R-2.15.2

According to

you need libgdal-dev and it should be enough... BTW you could try running
ldconfig (but it's really not needed in debian unless you are installing
from sources)


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] [plain text] Error: cannot allocate vector of size 274.7 Mb

2012-11-14 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/11/13 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
 On 13/11/12 11:20, Raffaele Morelli wrote:

 sorry for double posting but I saw my messages were scrubbed from html
 garbage and don't know if nobody replies for that, but just in case...
 apologize if not.

 I am having trouble with this error when calculating a density on a
 point pattern dataset with 34480 points.
 My script exit when calculating

 z-density(mypattern, 3000, dimyx=3000)

 The machine the script it's running on it's a debian/amd64 OS with
 16Gb RAM, I have set to unlimited the memory limits (the output of
 ulimit -a follows)

 Any ideas?



 and read 'Circle 2' of the R_inferno



Circle 2 is interesting but it's not my case, I do not costruct object
that way and fetch data from a postgres/postgis database.
Putting in the code lines such as
cat('point 1 mem', memory.size(), memory.size(max=TRUE), 'nn')
doesn't help because those commands are windows specific and I work on linux.

Here follows a link to my script and RData, lines commented are not
needed because objects are in the RData

I've just purged unusued objects from RData.


R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] [plain text] Error: cannot allocate vector of size 274.7 Mb

2012-11-14 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/11/13 Roman Luštrik
 Would it be at all possible if you made your problem reproducible?


Here follows a link to my script and RData, lines commented are not
needed because objects are in the RData


R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] [plain text] Error: cannot allocate vector of size 274.7 Mb

2012-11-13 Thread Raffaele Morelli
sorry for double posting but I saw my messages were scrubbed from html
garbage and don't know if nobody replies for that, but just in case...
apologize if not.

I am having trouble with this error when calculating a density on a
point pattern dataset with 34480 points.
My script exit when calculating

z-density(mypattern, 3000, dimyx=3000)

The machine the script it's running on it's a debian/amd64 OS with
16Gb RAM, I have set to unlimited the memory limits (the output of
ulimit -a follows)

Any ideas?

rmorelli@amb-asa1:~/R$ ulimit -a
core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size   (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 128594
max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files  (-n) 1024
pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority  (-r) 0
stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes  (-u) 128594
virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks  (-x) unlimited

L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti,
alla protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] [plain text] Error: cannot allocate vector of size 274.7 Mb

2012-11-13 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/11/13 Roman Luštrik
 Would it be at all possible if you made your problem reproducible?


I can upload my .RData (~45Mb) on a server and the script if you're
willing to try.

In the meanwhile I am doing some test with my owin taken from the maps
dataset, I guess the one I am using is too much detailed.


R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] rgdal spatstat: gtiff

2012-11-06 Thread Raffaele Morelli

I am using this code snippet to produce Gtiff images from density.ppp

  z-density(mypattern, 6000,dimyx=200)
  zgrid -
  writeGDAL(zgrid, 01.tif, type=Byte, options=INTERLEAVE=PIXEL)

Gtiff image is generated but gdalinfo among others reports that:
Image Structure Metadata: INTERLEAVE=BAND
Band 1 Block=200x40 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray

The problem is I can not use the Gtiff image as a raster layer in mapserver
and other webgis that relies on it.
I need a three band interleave=pixel image in order to do that.

Any hints is appreciated.


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

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[R-sig-Geo] kernel2d - raster/grid

2012-10-15 Thread Raffaele Morelli

how can I convert kernel2d estimation to a raster in order to use it as a
mapserver layer?
I saw maptools can save kernel2d to contour to shape file
with ContourLines2SLDF.

Any hints?

*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

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Re: [R-sig-Geo] Splancs and polymap

2012-03-30 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/3/29 Roger Bivand

 On Thu, 29 Mar 2012, Raffaele Morelli wrote:


 I am working on a simple kernel2d analisys and would like to create a
 polymap from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, let's stay US states.
 how can I accomplish this task? can you point me to the right direction?

 Why? Please include sample code. I assume that you realise that the poly=
 argument in this function requires a single polygon ring, so you would
 first have to define your window and go from there.

I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame all over Italy and I am calculating
kernel2d for each district (24 administrative boundaries, eg. Lazio,
Piemonte, Sicilia, Sardegna...)

# I fetch Italy boundaries and the spdf from postgres with:

districts - readOGR(PG:dbname= host=xxx user=xxx password=xxx,
points - readOGR(PG:dbname=xxx host=xxx user=xxx password=xxx,

# I want to calculate kernel 2d for districts then the need to extract
the poly for EACH of them using administrative boundaries for poly
argument, so:

regione - districts[districts$ditricts_id==cod,]  # where cod is the
district id

# and then I solved the thread question using:
poly - as.matrix(district@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

plot(regione, asp=1)
image(kernel2d(as.points(points@coords), poly, h0=5000, nx=450, ny=450),
add=TRUE, col=terrain.colors(10))

plot(regione, lwd=3, border=grey50, add=TRUE, axes=TRUE)

I hope this is clear, apologize for my english :(

Actually I am facing with another issue. Each dictrict can have isles, so I
should guess the number of polygons object for each district

Formal class 'Polygons' [package sp] with 5 slots
  ..@ Polygons :List of 37

and I should calculate kernel2d for each isle.

So, how can I guess the list lenght (37 in the example above)?
I tried using

with no success...


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale.*

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[R-sig-Geo] Splancs and polymap

2012-03-29 Thread Raffaele Morelli

I am working on a simple kernel2d analisys and would like to create a
polymap from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, let's stay US states.
how can I accomplish this task? can you point me to the right direction?


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale.*

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[R-sig-Geo] bbox

2011-11-09 Thread Raffaele Morelli

once a Postgis layer X is retrieved, how can I juggle with subsets of X?

eg. I am working with bubble plots on a EU dataset but I want to do test it
only using a 30x30Km in the nearby of Rome and I have no attribute data but
the value I use for the bubbles. Should I use subset? Can I set a kinda
of custom bbox?


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[R-sig-Geo] readShapePoints issue

2011-09-26 Thread Raffaele Morelli

I am working with R and using pgsql2shp to export shape files from pg. The
shapes are created by pgsql2shp but when I try to import them in a R
enviromnent I get this error

Error in res[i, ] - Map$Shapes[[i]]$verts : replacement has length zero

So, I can load the shape files in Qgis but not in R. Moreover, if I load one of
those files in Qgis and then export it again... this file is correctly
loaded by R.

I really can't guess what's wrong. Any idea?


L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti,
alla protesta violenta e viscerale.

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