Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Maciek Godek
Hi Bob!

W dniu czwartek, 11 lipca 2019 03:36:32 UTC+2 użytkownik Bob Heffernan 
> On 19-07-10 02:46, Maciek Godek wrote: 
> > A while ago, I wrote a booklet which used almost the same problem to 
> > introduce to, what you called nicely in the title of this thread, 
> "thinking 
> > in Scheme", so if you're interested, you may want to check out the first 
> > chapter ("Introduction"): 
> Maciek, 
> Thank you for your reply. 
> I skimmed through your booklet some time ago.  (I too dislike the R 
> language, although some attempts have been made in recent years to make 
> it less awful).  I read through the introduction again this morning and 
> enjoyed it. 
> The reason I like racket (and scheme-like languages in general) is that 
> they encourage the style of programming you are advocating (I think) 
> where the program is expressive and can be read and appreciated by 
> humans.  In theory, my favourite style of programming is one that is 
> elegant and readable by humans. 
> My original email had to do with the problem of when this comes into 
> conflict with a prosaic computational task where my main aim is simply 
> to get the job done efficiently and my brain defaults to writing the 
> program in something like C. 
> For instance, another way of writing something like my original program 
> might be something like: 
> (define (f n) (- (expt 2 n) 3)) 
> (define (good? n) (and (positive? n) (prime? n))) 
> (length (filter good? (map f (range 1 100 
> which is, I think, fairly expressive.  It is still, however, relatively 
> inefficient.  A python programmer might write something like 
> count = 0 
> for n in range(1, 1000): 
> if 2 ** n - 3 >= 0 and isprime(2 ** n - 3): 
>   count += 1 
> print(count) 
> and happily report that her program ran quite a bit faster than mine. 
> I'm not sure how I'd advocate for Racket (or scheme) in a situation like 
> this. 
I agree that the subject isn't easy.
I used to think that the Haskell code similar to your Racket code 
(or my code from the pamphlet) could be made as efficient 
under lazy evaluation as the imperative Python code you wrote above.
In principle, this should be possible, but as I have measured similar
Haskell code, it turned out to be orders of magnitude more resource hungry
(both time and memory).

I also recall that I once wrote a graph searching program for my professor
at a university. He wrote his version in C, but he had a bug that he 
find. My version written in Scheme ran for around 2 weeks (in Chez).
His version ran in under 2 hours (after we fixed the bug).

Yet it's correctness, rather than performance, that should be our priority,
which is why learning to think systematically is important.

I prefer to use Racket over Python because of the versioning hell
that Python has gotten itself into. Racket comes bundled with a fairly
nice framework for developing GUI applications, which works on
Windows, Linux and OS X. Python has an excellent yet little known framework
for GUI apps called Enaml (I really wish Racket had something similar),
but deploying it is a hell.

I also think that functional programming perhaps seems to make little sense
in a small scale, but as your programs grow large, it becomes increasingly 

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread James Geddes
I am also interested in this problem, because many of my colleagues use Python 
and "isn't Python faster?" is a common argument. (Albeit one that I think is 
more of a rationalisation than an reason.)

In this case, however, I would not have thought that there's any prima facie 
reason why the Python version should be faster, even compared to the "filter 
and map" Racket version. 

Indeed, I would have thought that the calculation time would be entirely 
dominated by the test for primality, and especially what happens once the 
candidate primes are bigger than 2^64 and can no longer be represented by a 
single word.

(One possible explanation might be that the Racket math library is written in 
Typed Racket; when calling it from untyped Racket, there is some type checking 
using contracts -- it's possible, I suppose, that this is causing a performance 

I am going to investigate but if anyone knows more than me I'd appreciate 



> On 11 Jul 2019, at 02:36, Bob Heffernan  wrote:
> On 19-07-10 02:46, Maciek Godek wrote:
>> A while ago, I wrote a booklet which used almost the same problem to 
>> introduce to, what you called nicely in the title of this thread, "thinking 
>> in Scheme", so if you're interested, you may want to check out the first 
>> chapter ("Introduction"):
> Maciek,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I skimmed through your booklet some time ago.  (I too dislike the R
> language, although some attempts have been made in recent years to make
> it less awful).  I read through the introduction again this morning and
> enjoyed it.
> The reason I like racket (and scheme-like languages in general) is that
> they encourage the style of programming you are advocating (I think)
> where the program is expressive and can be read and appreciated by
> humans.  In theory, my favourite style of programming is one that is
> elegant and readable by humans.
> My original email had to do with the problem of when this comes into
> conflict with a prosaic computational task where my main aim is simply
> to get the job done efficiently and my brain defaults to writing the
> program in something like C.
> For instance, another way of writing something like my original program
> might be something like:
> (define (f n) (- (expt 2 n) 3))
> (define (good? n) (and (positive? n) (prime? n)))
> (length (filter good? (map f (range 1 100
> which is, I think, fairly expressive.  It is still, however, relatively
> inefficient.  A python programmer might write something like
> count = 0
> for n in range(1, 1000):
>if 2 ** n - 3 >= 0 and isprime(2 ** n - 3):
>  count += 1
> print(count)
> and happily report that her program ran quite a bit faster than mine.
> I'm not sure how I'd advocate for Racket (or scheme) in a situation like this.
> Regards,
> Bob
> -- 
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Re: [racket-users] Advice for porting Interactive Brokers API to Racket

2019-07-11 Thread Greg Hendershott
Some systems provide a way to query for a capability: COM has
QueryInterface, Racket dynamic-require, Emacs fboundp, and so on. When
such a query method is available, you can simply ask for the thing you
need or prefer. If it's available, great. If not, act appropriately:
Fail, or use your own "back fill" that does something similar or is just
a no-op, or whatever is appropriate.

[IMHO this is more sensible than using version numbers as proxies for
the thing you really care about. Especially lawyerly systems like
so-called semantic versioning. But I digress. :)]

The Racket flavor is something like the following. Let's say
some/module/path maybe has a new fribble function. If that's not
present, or if indeed that whole module isn't even installed, we want to
use our own our-fribble function as a default:

(define (our-fribble _x)

(define fribble
  (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ our-fribble)])
(dynamic-require 'some/module/path

For example, I use this and also Emacs' fboundp in Racket Mode, to
support various versions of Racket and Emacs, both.

I don't know if/how this would help your case. Their API uses the
futzing-with-version-numbers approach. Even so, _maybe_ you'd want to
localize the version number checks in one module, which provides the
functions for your other code to use? The functions will end up being
either the real broker thing, or your own default.

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Re: [racket-users] Specializing functions accepting keywords

2019-07-11 Thread Philip McGrath
The easiest way I know is to use `curry`, since Alexis fixed its keyword
argument support

last year:

#lang racket

(define (fish #:name[name   #f]
  #:color   [color  #f]
  #:studio  [studio #f]
  #:eyes[eyes   2])
  (~a "The fish " name " is " color ", appears in a movie from " studio "
and has " eyes " eyes."))

(define disney-fish
  (curry fish #:studio "Disney"))

(disney-fish #:name "Nemo" #:color "orange")

… but it might be useful to have some other library functions for this sort
of thing: maybe a "curry once" or something like the `adjust-keyword-default
used in the `#lang slideshow` implementation.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 1:25 PM Jens Axel Søgaard 

> Consider the following fishy example wherein we try to
> reuse a function with keyword arguments.
> (define (fish #:name[name   #f]
>   #:color   [color  #f]
>   #:studio  [studio #f]
>   #:eyes[eyes   2])
>   (~a "The fish " name " is " color ", appears in a movie from " studio "
> and has " eyes " eyes."))
> Let's check see an example:
> > (fish #:name "Nemo"   #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> "The fish Nemo is orange, appears in a movie from Disney and has 2 eyes."
> A few examples later one quickly realizes that Disney has
> a lot of fish in their movies:
> (fish #:name "Nemo"   #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Dory"   #:color "blue"   #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Marlin" #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Wanda"  #:color "gold"   #:studio "MGM")
> (fish #:name "Blinky" #:color "orange" #:studio "Fox" #:eyes 3)
> No worries, we can quickly define a  disney-fish  that simply
> calls  fish  using the #:studio keyword and passes other keywords
> along. The new  disney-fish must accept the same keywords as fish
> (except for the studio one), so  procedure-reduce-keyword-arity
> is needed to restrict the accepted keywords.
> (define disney-fish
>   (let ()
> (define (make-disney-fish kws kw-args . rest)
>   (keyword-apply/sort fish kws kw-args rest #:studio "Disney"))
> (define-values (fish-required fish-allowed) (procedure-keywords fish))
> (define fish-arity (procedure-arity fish)) ; number of by-position
> arguments
> (procedure-reduce-keyword-arity
>(make-keyword-procedure make-disney-fish)
>(remove '#:studio fish-required)
>(remove '#:studio fish-allowed
> Now we can write:
> (disney-fish #:name "Nemo" #:color "orange")
> The new  disney-fish  accepts only keywords accepted by fish,
> so any error reporting works as expected.
> But ... the above solution wasn't quick - it took more work than I
> initially expected.
> Am I missing something that makes reusing functions accepting
> keyword arguments easier?
> /Jens Axel
> -- full example --
> #lang racket
> (require kw-utils/keyword-apply-sort)
> (define (fish #:name[name   #f]
>   #:color   [color  #f]
>   #:studio  [studio #f]
>   #:eyes[eyes   2])
>   (~a "The fish " name " is " color ", appears in a movie from " studio "
> and has " eyes " eyes."))
> (fish #:name "Nemo"   #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Dory"   #:color "blue"   #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Marlin" #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> (fish #:name "Blinky" #:color "orange" #:studio "Fox" #:eyes 3)
> (define disney-fish
>   (let ()
> (define (make-disney-fish kws kw-args . rest)
>   (keyword-apply/sort fish kws kw-args rest #:studio "Disney"))
> (define-values (fish-required fish-allowed) (procedure-keywords fish))
> (define fish-arity (procedure-arity fish)) ; number of by-position
> arguments
> (procedure-reduce-keyword-arity
>  (make-keyword-procedure make-disney-fish)
>  fish-arity
>  (remove '#:studio fish-required)
>  (remove '#:studio fish-allowed
> (disney-fish #:name "Nemo" #:color "orange"
>  #:studio "foo")
> ; Notes:
> ; > (disney-fish #:name "Nemo" #:color "orange" #:studio "Disney")
> ; correctly shows error (#:studio not expected)
> --
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Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Bob Heffernan
On 19-07-11 09:31, James Geddes wrote:
> Indeed, I would have thought that the calculation time would be
> entirely dominated by the test for primality, and especially what
> happens once the candidate primes are bigger than 2^64 and can no
> longer be represented by a single word.


I assume that you are right.  The isprime procedure in my python code is
the one from sympy (I didn't bother to include the import line in my
previous email).  The prime? procedure in my Racket code is that from
the math/number-theory library.

I don't know anything about sympy, but I seem to recall that Python
libraries for these sorts of things often rely on fast routines written
in C.  I suppose it might be interesting to implement the same
prime-checking in both Python and Racket and *then* compare speeds.

I'm afraid I've not really looked into Typed Racket yet, although I
probably should.


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Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Bob Heffernan
On 19-07-11 00:44, Maciek Godek wrote:
> I also think that functional programming perhaps seems to make little sense
> in a small scale, but as your programs grow large, it becomes increasingly 
> important.


You know, I think you might be right and I think this might be at the
root of my frustration.

I found my simple Racket program much harder to write than my simple
Python program.  Now, this is mostly due to my own inexperience with
Racket and the functional style.

However, there might be a sense in which I should just be using the
right tool for the job (which may well be Octave or Julia for something
like this).

For another example, if you're manipulating a CSV file it may well make
more sense to use awk rather than Python or Racket or anything else.

Then again, I want to write all my programs in Racket so I can get
experience writing programs in Racket!


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Re: Re: [racket-users] Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread James Geddes
Dear Bob,

My sense is that there are, perhaps, two questions: first, what's the advantage 
of Racket when faced with a "prosaic computational task where ... my brain 
defaults to writing in something like C"?; and second, how to advocate for 
Racket when Python (appears to be) "quite a bit faster".

I’m interested in both of these because I am trying to understand where my 
colleagues are coming from (and possibly changing their minds).

On the first question, this discussion has perhaps produced four different 
versions of the prime-counting program:

1. Python (using a for-loop);
2. Racket (using accumulator-passing style);
3. Racket (using a for-loop);
4. Racket (using map/filter).

(Actually, I can’t find an example of (4) in the email chain, but there’s one 
at the bottom of this email.)

It’s certainly been educational for me to see all four. On reflection, do you 
still have the sense that (1) is the “most natural”? 

On the second question, let me report some rough-and-ready timings on my 
machine for counting the number of primes of the form 2^n + 3 for n < 1000 (the 
code is at the end of the email):

Python: 265 ms
Racket (filter/map version): 760 ms
Racket (for loop version): 670 ms.

My own feeling is that /for this particular application/, there's just not that 
much difference. 

I strongly suspect that all of the difference comes from the implementation of 
the primality testing functions. It turns out that, for sufficiently large 
numbers, both sympy and math/number-theory actually check for pseudoprimality. 
So there may be implementation-dependent details (which I don't understand) 
that are different, such as the probability that a composite number is 
incorrectly identified as a prime.

Indeed, maybe the answer to your second question is that, I rather suspect, 
Racket is quite a bit faster than Python, so one could reasonably turn the 
question around. 

I implemented a cheap-and-cheerful, deterministic primality test (from 
Wikipedia, code again at the end of the email). I’m pretty sure I’ve written 
essentially identical code in Python and Racket: Python using `while` and 
mutation; Racket using `for/and`. Here are the times I get for testing the 
primality of 2^55 + 3 (which is in fact prime):

Python: 7 s
Racket: 0.8 s  

Make of that what you will!

Best regards,


=== Python, count special primes ===

import timeit
import sympy

def count_special_primes(N):
count = 0
for n in range(N):
if sympy.isprime(2 ** n + 3):
count = count + 1
return count

print(timeit.timeit('count_special_primes(1000)', globals = globals(), number = 

=== Racket, count special primes ===

#lang racket

(require math/number-theory)

;; "filter/map" variation   
;; Count primes of the form 2^n + 3 for n < N

(define (count-special-primes N)
  (define (f n) (+ (expt 2 n) 3))
   (filter prime?
   (map f (range N)

 (count-special-primes 1000))

;; “for-loop" variation

(define (count-special-primes/quicker N)
  (define (f n) (+ (expt 2 n) 3))
  (for/sum ([n (in-range N)])
(if (prime? (f n)) 1 0)))

 (count-special-primes/quicker 1000))

=== Python, primality test ===

Import timeit
import math

## Quick and dirty test for primality
## from

def is_prime(n):

if n <= 3:
return (n > 1)
elif (n % 2 == 0) or (n % 3 == 0):
return False
k = 5
k_max = int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1
while k < k_max:
if (n % k == 0) or (n % (k + 2) == 0):
return False
k = k + 6
return True

print(timeit.timeit('is_prime(2 ** 55 + 3)', globals = globals(), number = 1))

=== Racket, primality test ===

;; integer? -> integer? 
;; Quick-and-dirty test for primality
;; from

(define (prime/slow? n)
  (if (<= n 3)
  (> n 1)
  (if (or (= (modulo n 2) 0)
  (= (modulo n 3) 0))
  (prime-aux n

;; Test for primality assuming n > 3 and divisible by neither
;; 2 nor 3

(define (prime-aux n)
  (let ([k-max (ceiling (sqrt n))])
(for/and ([k (in-range 5 n 6)]
  #:break (> k k-max))
  (not (or (= (modulo n k) 0)
   (= (modulo n (+ k 2)) 0))

(time (prime/slow? (+ 3 (expt 2 55

> On 11 Jul 2019, at 02:36, Bob Heffernan  wrote:
> On 19-07-10 02:46, Maciek Godek wrote:
>> A while ago, I wrote a booklet which used almost the same problem to 
>> introduce to, what you called nicely in the title of this thread, "thinking 
>> in Scheme", so if you're interested, you may want to check out the first 
>> chapter ("Introduction"):
> Maciek,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I skimmed through your booklet some time ago.  (I too dislike the R
> language, although some attempts have been made in recent years to make
> it less awful).  I read through the introduction again this morning and
> en

Re: Re: [racket-users] Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread matthias

If I may, let me address the (at least) four dimensions of coding that have 
come up in this thread, as concretely as possible but with some generalizations 

1. Performance 

Generally speaking, Python is a thin layer over C. It comes with almost all the 
performance advantages of C and all the disadvantages (complete lack of 

Specifically, the “naive” Racket code (that was mentioned) allocates many 
intermediate list raising the pressure on memory. As a functional programmer, 
you need to pay attention to allocation (cons, structs, lambda, objects) when 
performance matters. ~~ Haskell performs some “loop fusion” aka “deforestation” 
but the overhead of uniform laziness gets in the way. If you were to ask on a 
Haskell mailing list, you’d be told “sprinkle ! everywhere” (meaning make the 
program as strict as possible). 

The performance of your program also suffers from linking Typed Racket code 
into Racket code in a critical place in the for loop. The for/ version in Typed 
Racket is the best you can do in terms of performance. 

2. What matters about code (systematic design) 

Performance, in many cases. 

But real code is code that survives long enough so that person 2 will open a 
file many weeks/months/years after after person 1 wrote it. (Person 2 could be 
an aged version of person 1.) The performance of person 2 on changing this file 
depends on 

— how systematically person 1 went about his work 
— how well person 1 expressed this systematic procedure 
(— how well person 2 is trained to understand these ideas) 

The goal of HtDP is to get this idea across. One day I’ll write HtD C/S to 
scale this up. 

2a. Functional programming 

… excels at designing systematically code at all scales. There are many 
reasons; here are 3 examples: 

— fp encourages type-driven design in a rich language of types (even if 
the types are informal as in HtDP). 
— fp drives people to match expressions to the type structure (if you 
add a variant it’s easy to find where to add an action) 
— fp makes testing very easy 

If 3 isn’t enough, give me an N and I’ll come up with more. 

2b. Functional programming can be done in almost any language, though some make 
it a bit harder than others. So don’t make judgments across entire languages. 

(Josh Bloch: “Favor Immutability” (item 13) and “Minimize Mutability” 
(item 15) in “Effective Java.” He designed the API.) 

3. Figuring out a good way of writing this Racket program goes as follows for 
experienced Racket/FP programmers: 

FP a la Racket encourages one more way of programming: 

— design systematically 
— then transform systematically 

So in Racket when you see 

(filter … (map …)) 

you know that 
(a) this allocates 
(b) can be transformed into a for/list comprehension that uses #:when 
(by practice) 
(c) (length (for/llist (.. #:when ..) ..)) can be transformed 
into (for/sum … #:when ) 1)

Now in a perfect world, you’d point a performance debugger at this (called 
optimization coach or profler) and it may tell you that calling isprime? from 
the Math library imposes a high cost and that adding types to your code will 
eliminate this “borderline cost” (but not the cost of primality checking). 

— Matthias

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Re: [racket-users] Contracts in lambda?

2019-07-11 Thread Kevin Forchione

> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen  
> wrote:
> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
> "hello”]

Nice! Thanks!


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Re: [racket-users] Contracts in lambda?

2019-07-11 Thread Kevin Forchione

> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen  
> wrote:
> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
> "hello”]

Incidentally, I’m not sure why, it must be something to do with the way I take 
apart and put together the world (i.e. the way I “learn” :) , but until a few 
posts ago I hadn’t grasped that the (->i and (->* notation are applicable the 
various places contracts are used! I’d used them in the provide expression and 
for some reason didn’t  extrapolate beyond it. I had a similar experience with 
syntax parameters and the use of syntax- within syntax-x expressions. 
Very interesting meta-revelation. 


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Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Matthias Felleisen

If I may, let me address the (at least) four dimensions of coding that have 
come up in this thread, as concretely as possible but with some generalizations 

1. Performance 

Generally speaking, Python is a thin layer over C. It comes with almost all the 
performance advantages of C and all the disadvantages (complete lack of 

Specifically, the “naive” Racket code (that was mentioned) allocates many 
intermediate list raising the pressure on memory. As a functional programmer, 
you need to pay attention to allocation (cons, structs, lambda, objects) when 
performance matters. ~~ Haskell performs some “loop fusion” aka “deforestation” 
but the overhead of uniform laziness gets in the way. If you were to ask on a 
Haskell mailing list, you’d be told “sprinkle ! everywhere” (meaning make the 
program as strict as possible). 

The performance of your program also suffers from linking Typed Racket code 
into Racket code in a critical place in the for loop. The for/ version in Typed 
Racket is the best you can do in terms of performance. 

2. What matters about code (systematic design) 

Performance, in many cases. 

But real code is code that survives long enough so that person 2 will open a 
file many weeks/months/years after after person 1 wrote it. (Person 2 could be 
an aged version of person 1.) The performance of person 2 on changing this file 
depends on 

— how systematically person 1 went about his work 
— how well person 1 expressed this systematic procedure 
(— how well person 2 is trained to understand these ideas) 

The goal of HtDP is to get this idea across. One day I’ll write HtD C/S to 
scale this up. 

2a. Functional programming 

… excels at designing systematically code at all scales. There are many 
reasons; here are 3 examples: 

— fp encourages type-driven design in a rich language of types (even if 
the types are informal as in HtDP). 
— fp drives people to match expressions to the type structure (if you 
add a variant it’s easy to find where to add an action) 
— fp makes testing very easy 

If 3 isn’t enough, give me an N and I’ll come up with more. 

2b. Functional programming can be done in almost any language, though some make 
it a bit harder than others. So don’t make judgments across entire languages. 

(Josh Bloch: “Favor Immutability” (item 13) and “Minimize Mutability” 
(item 15) in “Effective Java.” He designed the API.) 

3. Figuring out a good way of writing this Racket program goes as follows for 
experienced Racket/FP programmers: 

FP a la Racket encourages one more way of programming: 

— design systematically 
— then transform systematically 

So in Racket when you see 

(filter … (map …)) 

you know that 
(a) this allocates 
(b) can be transformed into a for/list comprehension that uses #:when 
(by practice) 
(c) (length (for/llist (.. #:when ..) ..)) can be transformed 
into (for/sum … #:when ) 1)

Now in a perfect world, you’d point a performance debugger at this (called 
optimization coach or profler) and it may tell you that calling isprime? from 
the Math library imposes a high cost and that adding types to your code will 
eliminate this “borderline cost” (but not the cost of primality checking). 

— Matthias

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[racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Josh Rubin

On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 8:09:04 AM UTC-4, Bob Heffernan wrote:
> Dear all, 
> I recently wanted to count the number of primes in the sequences 2^n+3 
> and 2^n-3 (and a few more besides) where n is a positive integer. 

Hi Bob. This has nothing to do with Racket, and you may already know it, so 
I will just hint. If p is prime, the sequence a^n + b (mod p) is periodic 
with period (p-1). Divisibility by p depends only on [ n mod (p-1) ]. A 
fast test can eliminate n for which a^n + b is divisible by p. Do this for 
3 and 5. Check out "Fermat's little theorem" for the general case.

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Thinking in scheme / racket

2019-07-11 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Den tor. 11. jul. 2019 kl. 15.40 skrev Bob Heffernan <>:

> On 19-07-11 09:31, James Geddes wrote:
> > Indeed, I would have thought that the calculation time would be
> > entirely dominated by the test for primality, and especially what
> > happens once the candidate primes are bigger than 2^64 and can no
> > longer be represented by a single word.

> I assume that you are right.  The isprime procedure in my python code is
> the one from sympy (I didn't bother to include the import line in my
> previous email).

I believe that sympy uses the C library GMP.

> The prime? procedure in my Racket code is that from
> the math/number-theory library.

> I don't know anything about sympy, but I seem to recall that Python
> libraries for these sorts of things often rely on fast routines written
> in C.  I suppose it might be interesting to implement the same
> prime-checking in both Python and Racket and *then* compare speeds.

If you want, you can use the prime test from GMP from Racket too.

#lang racket
(require gmp)

(define repetitions 25) ; manual says values between 15 and 50 are

(define (is-prime? n)
  (case (mpz_probab_prime_p (mpz n) repetitions)
[(2) #t]
[(1) 'probably]
[(0) #f]))

(for/list ([n (in-range 2 100)]
   #:when (is-prime? n))

See and
 for more information.

/Jens Axel

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Re: [racket-users] Contracts in lambda?

2019-07-11 Thread Kevin Forchione

> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen  
> wrote:
> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
> "hello”]

By the way, I’ve been playing around with this (and define/contract) and it 
seems that ‘a in the above refers to the function itself, while to the best of 
my knowledge ‘b refers to … the module pathname? Is that how this is supposed 
to report?  So in a macro I’d use something like (syntax-source #’#f) to 
retrieve that. But I’m suspicious that that is too simplistic. 

Are my assumptions correct? Not sure how a macro would know more than than the 
defining module, but I’m always being surprised. 


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Re: [racket-users] Contracts in lambda?

2019-07-11 Thread Alex Knauth

> On Jul 11, 2019, at 1:15 PM, Kevin Forchione  wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen  
>> wrote:
>> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
>> "hello”]
> By the way, I’ve been playing around with this (and define/contract) and it 
> seems that ‘a in the above refers to the function itself, while to the best 
> of my knowledge ‘b refers to … the module pathname? Is that how this is 
> supposed to report?  So in a macro I’d use something like (syntax-source 
> #’#f) to retrieve that. But I’m suspicious that that is too simplistic. 

That `b` position, represents the negative blame position, which should be the 
current contract region, which is often the current module. However, the forms 
from `racket/contract/region` (including define/contract) can change this using 

If you want to have that `b` be inferred as the current contract region for 
you, you can use

(with-contract a #:result (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x))

instead of (contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 

Alex Knauth

> Are my assumptions correct? Not sure how a macro would know more than than 
> the defining module, but I’m always being surprised. 
> Kevin

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Re: [racket-users] Contracts in lambda?

2019-07-11 Thread Kevin Forchione

> On Jul 11, 2019, at 12:34 PM, Alex Knauth  wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2019, at 1:15 PM, Kevin Forchione > > wrote:
>>> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen >> > wrote:
>>> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
>>> "hello”]
>> By the way, I’ve been playing around with this (and define/contract) and it 
>> seems that ‘a in the above refers to the function itself, while to the best 
>> of my knowledge ‘b refers to … the module pathname? Is that how this is 
>> supposed to report?  So in a macro I’d use something like (syntax-source 
>> #’#f) to retrieve that. But I’m suspicious that that is too simplistic. 
> That `b` position, represents the negative blame position, which should be 
> the current contract region, which is often the current module. However, the 
> forms from `racket/contract/region` (including define/contract) can change 
> this using current-contract-region.
> If you want to have that `b` be inferred as the current contract region for 
> you, you can use
> (with-contract a #:result (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x))
> instead of (contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 
> (current-contract-region)).

Thanks, Alex! 


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