[racket-users] PLDI SRC 2022 -- Call for Submissions

2022-01-27 Thread 'PLDI Publicity Chair' via Racket Users
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# Call for Student Research Competition Submissions


The Student Research Competition (SRC) at PLDI allows students to present their 
research and get feedback from prominent members of the programming language 
research community. It’s an opportunity for students to network, practice 
presentation skills, and showcase their work. PLDI invites students (both at 
the graduate and undergraduate level) to submit their research.

We acknowledge that the past several years have been difficult for conference 
organization. As a community, we have worked together to implement various 
options for remote accessibility. We have found different formats have had 
different positive and negative components. For fully virtual conferences, we 
have missed seeing our friends and colleagues in person; on the other hand, for 
virtual conferences, we have enjoyed seeing more participation globally. 
However, many have found that a hybrid format inhibits engagement from all 
participants (remote and in-person). The Student Research Competition (SRC) at 
PLDI 2022 aims to incorporate the positive components (increased accessibility) 
while mitigating the negative components (limited engagement).

To that end, we are excited to pilot a **two-track PLDI SRC** this year.

# Two-Track SRC Model

This model comprises of two pools of submissions: (1) students who present 
their work primarily in-person, and (2) students who present their work 
primarily virtually. To aid with planning, students should select one of the 
tracks at submission time; however, due to the volatility of public health 
guidelines/restrictions, this year, students will be able to change their track 
after the submission.

Our hope is that the virtual track will allow more students to participate, 
regardless of travel restrictions or monetary constraints. However, we will 
note that virtual participants may have limited access to the rest of the 
conference depending on how the different programs are offered (e.g., if they 
are streamed or not). Thus, in-person attendees will likely be able to engage 
with the wider conference, and attendees, more fully.

*Note that the selection criterion of the Student Research Competition is not 
dependent on the mode of presentation. All students will be evaluated according 
to the same criteria.***

# Submission

The main body of the submission is a title and extended abstract consisting of 
the following:

**Problem and Motivation:** Clearly state the problem being addressed and 
explain the reasons for seeking a solution to this problem.

**Background and Related Work:** Describe the specialized (but pertinent) 
background necessary to appreciate the work in the context of PLDI areas of 
interest. Include references to the literature where appropriate, and briefly 
explain where your work departs from that done by others.

**Approach and Uniqueness:** Describe your approach in addressing the problem 
and clearly state how your approach is novel.

**Results and Contributions: Clearly show how the results of your work 
contribute to programming language design and implementation in particular and 
to computer science in general;** explain the significance of those results.

The final submission must also include the student author’s name, email 
address, institutional affiliation, research advisor’s name(s), ACM student 
member number, category (undergraduate or graduate), and mode of presentation 
(in-person or virtual). We recommend including all this information in the 
standard author contact information region.

Submissions must be original research that is not already published at PLDI or 
another conference or journal. One of the goals of the SRC is to give students 
feedback on ongoing, unpublished work. Furthermore, the abstract must be 
authored solely by the student. If the work is collaborative with others and/or 
part of a larger group project, the abstract should make clear what the 
student’s role was and should focus on that portion of the work.

The extended abstract must not exceed 1000 words and must not be longer than 2 
pages. Reference lists do not count towards these limits.

Please use the ACM Conference Proceedings Template found here 
https://www.overleaf.com/read/yggzbgjwjntv with line numbers turned on.

When you’re ready, submit your extended abstract at the submission site: 

Should you have any questions on if your work is a good fit for the SRC track, 
please reach out to the SRC Co-Chairs.

# Presentation and Attendance

Students accepted to the SRC based on their extended abstracts will proceed to 
the Poster (pre-Finale) Round. For the Poster Round, students must submit:

- a research poster to present at PLDI,
- a 5-minutes pre-recorded talk

In the two-track SRC model, the in-person track will be formatted as a 
traditional SRC: there will be an in-person poster session for three

[racket-users] Call for Participation PLDI 2022

2022-03-21 Thread 'William J. Bowman (PLDI Publicity Chair)' via Racket Users
Call for Participation for PLDI 2022, the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming 
Language Design and Implementation!

PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, 
including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance. 
Come join us, online or in San Diego, to discuss the latest programming 
languages research!

* Website : https://pldi22.sigplan.org/attending/Registration
* Time: 13th--17th June 2022
* Place   : Catamaran Resort in San Diego, California, USA + online option, 
comprising live streamed talks + Q&A and social interaction and events on 

### Important dates:
* Early Registration: On or before 16 May, 2022 

### Important rates:
Registration rates (in-person)  On or before 16 May, 2022After 16 May, 
Regular (ACM or SIGPLAN member) $650 $750
Regular (non-member)$725 $825
Student (ACM or SIGPLAN member) $350 $450
Student (non-member)$425 $500

Registration rates (virtual)On or before 16 May, 2022After 16 May, 
Regular (ACM or SIGPLAN member) $150 $175
Regular (non-member)$175 $200
Student (ACM or SIGPLAN member) $100 $125
Student (non-member)$125 $150 

### Co-located events:

Co-located Conferences:
- ISMM, ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management
- LCTES, ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, 
and Tools for Embedded Systems

- ARRAY, the Array Programming Workshop
- EGRAPH, the E-Graph Research, Applications, Practices, and Human-factors 
- INFER, the Infer Practitioners Workshop
- MAPS, the Annual Symposium on Machine Programming
- PLMW, the Programming Language Mentoring Workshop
- SOAP, the ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in 
Program Analysis


- Build your own optimizer with egg!
  Max Willsey, Zachary Tatlock
- Discover[i]: Taming Unbounded Distributed Systems with Modular, Bounded 
  Roopsha Samanta, Nouraldin Jaber, Christopher Wagner
- Filling the gap between the JavaScript language specification and tools using 
the JISET family
  Sukyoung Ryu, Jihyeok Park, Seungmin An
- Making C Programs Safer with Checked C
  Jie Zhou, Michael Hicks, John Criswell
- Reasoning About and Discovering LLVM Optimizations
  John Regehr, Nuno P. Lopes

Student Research Competition!
- https://pldi22.sigplan.org/track/pldi-2022-SRC

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