[racket-users] "Contracts can have significant overhead" but Typed Racket cannot?

2016-02-29 Thread Nota Poin
I'm not sure what the qualitative distinction is between contracts and Typed 
Racket. They seem like two syntaxes for what mostly amount to the same thing. 
Is it just a matter of implementation, or perhaps what their developers focus 
on? You could in theory read through a list of contracts, and of the contracts 
that guarantee the operation you want on the data you have, pick the most 
efficient one. And that's what Typed Racket does for the most part, I thought.

Is it just that the algorithm for doing that with contracts hasn't been 
written, so Typed Racket can't take advantage of it? Is it that contracts are 
more general, not always necessarily contracts of functions that operate on 
types? /Does/ Typed Racket actually have significant overhead, when compiling 
perhaps? If not, would that overhead they mentioned about contracts be 
eliminated if those contracts were only utilized to decide what function to 
use, and not checked every time that function is called?

Just something that was puzzling me in the documentation.

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Re: [racket-users] Re: how to transform syntax post-expansion?

2016-02-15 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 5:43:38 PM UTC, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> The macro should use `local-expand` rather than `expand`. See the docs 
> for `local-expand`, since it takes more arguments. I would guess you 
> probably want to pass along `(syntax-local-context)` and use an empty 
> stop list.

Oh, awesome! I'll look into that, thanks!

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Re: [racket-users] (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 8:50:31 PM UTC, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Flame_(automobile)

Oh, that's beautiful.

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Re: [racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 3:29:23 PM UTC, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Nota Poin wrote on 02/15/2016 05:40 AM:
> You seem to be itemizing complaints that come to your mind,

Sorry, I shouldn't have been complaining.

> but I don't 
> see how all of them are responding to the question you quoted, of "how 
> is it that such Wonderland is not discovered by much more people?"

I was trying to help him empathize with why people might be turned off to the 
language. I know I've spent many nights in ear bleeding frustration trying to 
deal with some of these problems.

> For example, this sounds like you're arguing against high-level 
> languages in general,

Languages in general suck, it's true. I was arguing against them as a way to 
show that the answer to the question why "nobody" knows about Racket has not a 
simple answer. "Racket has problem A, which people don't like. Except 
everything else does too, so I dunno."

> It's abstract, optimized at runtime, 
> inscrutable, not what you think it is, rewritten, transformed magic? Uh 
> huh, I'm just gonna go call a function in C thanks."

java bytecode is anything but inscrutable. There have even been decompilers 
written for it, as much as developers have tried to push them out of existence. 
It's basically assembly language, with instructions that need translation for a 
given platform. If you want to claim that Racket isn't the only language with 
crazy underlying runtime optimization that nobody really understands, pypy is a 
good example of that. It translates every possible python statement into C, 
compiles them, and then uses those bits of machine code to JIT new python code 
as loaded, which is freaking insane. You know how long it takes to compile C 
code for every possible logical pathway in python code?

> In language forums, people have mixed feelings about posts that are a 
> laundry list of complaints.

Sorry if I upset you. I'm not always in the most pleasant of moods. 

> Someone more industrious than me might later today try to address the 
> complaints one-by-one

Oh, please don't. They're poorly thought out opinions, and even if any manage 
to be valid and vitally important to address, you can rationalize anything, so 
people will address them just to show us all why bad is actually good, and 
we're the ones who are wrong, not the language or implementation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfd75YRG34 (Don't blame the controller!)

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[racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Nota Poin
On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 5:35:09 PM UTC, Saša Janiška wrote:
> So, at the end I just wonder how is it that such Wonderland is not
> discovered by much more people?

Startup is slow. Intractable problem, JIT compiling just takes time, and can't 
be cached beforehand. Like with pypy vs cpython, efficient JIT means more 
number crunching at startup. When people are willing to throw out optimal code 
for fast startup, maybe racket can support that, but it isn't exactly a high 
priority. Complex flexible syntax means even compiled code takes longer to JIT 
than say for instance java bytecode.

Big requirements. Lots of memory, lots of CPU. Not a viable target for embedded 
systems or mobile devices. Takes forever to compile. At least it's not spending 
80% of the compilation anymore, creating that massive javascript blob that they 
call "documentation". Not such a problem on systems where it's already 
compiled, but some people actually like open source.

Too many ways to do core things. Do you want to use the foof-loop macro? 
cl-loop? for? for/fold? foldl? (let loop ([arg arg]))? ((lambda (boing arg) 
(boing boing arg)) (lambda (next arg) ...) arg)? (define (recurse arg) (recurse 
arg arg))? 

When you take a simple example and try to customize it to your needs, more 
often than not (I at least) end up buried in pages of fiddling with the guts of 
the algorithm, because as soon as you depart from the norm it quickly becomes 
overwhelmingly complex as you expose the innards of whatever system you're 
trying to adapt to your needs.

Too pedantic. This isn't hygenic! That's not allowed! More often than not it's 
saving you from screwing up, but with errors like "permission denied" and "bad 
syntax" it feels like you're being chided by a 70 year old librarian. At least 
it's not as bad as java. Lots of full on phrases, when typing abbreviations 
would be easier. (require (only-in a b)) vs "from a import b" or "import a: b"

Racket is a _lot_ better at that lately. It used to have things like (eval) 
didn't work, because there was no %app syntax transformer by default, because 
that would be correct, as opposed to what anybody actually wants. You can 
actually throw away hygiene without a lot of horrible overrides, and it's 
better at intuiting just what you mean by turning datum into syntax.

Not bare metal enough. Not because of speed, but because of barriers to 
understanding. Okay, so a computer is a bunch of switches, and some switches 
turn others on or off. Cool, and that's how you make an adder circuit. Now what 
switches will make a lambda? It's abstract, optimized at runtime, inscrutable, 
not what you think it is, rewritten, transformed magic? Uh huh, I'm just gonna 
go call a function in C thanks.

Too meta. Flexible syntax is awesome for simplifying and compartmentalizing 
logic, but when you have syntax that produces syntax it gets harder to 
understand just what you're doing. People don't realize this, so write lots of 
crazy racket code that throws away first order functions for the "faster" 
syntax transformations when the former would work fine and not leave people at 
a loss to figure what the letters you typed are supposed to do.

Too powerful. It's a language that can define new languages from whole cloth. 
It's a compiler of compilers. It's like trying to use a jet engine to propel 
your tricycle.

Too interdependent. Writer of cool module A sees cool module B, uses that, 
which uses cool module C, which uses D, E and F, etc. It's not as bad as perl, 
and not nearly as bad as C++, but reducing module interdependency, at the cost 
of redundant code, is a slow process to get right.

Continuations are slower than jumps. Can't implement the latter with the 
former, since you always have to be ready to capture the current continuation. 
Racket's one of the best schemes at fast continuations, but every scheme except 
bigloo (which cops out by disabling continuations) faces the problem that 
"create a closure, and jump" is more expensive than "jump."

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[racket-users] Re: how to transform syntax post-expansion?

2016-02-14 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 4:07:53 AM UTC, Nota Poin wrote:
> (define-syntax (transform-post-expansion stx)
>   (syntax-case (expand stx) ()
> (...)))

Right, expand the syntax to expand the syntax... that'll work out great...

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[racket-users] Re: how to transform syntax post-expansion?

2016-02-14 Thread Nota Poin
I suppose I could do something like this:

(define-syntax (transform-post-expansion stx)
  (syntax-case (expand stx) ()

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[racket-users] how to transform syntax post-expansion?

2016-02-14 Thread Nota Poin
I was trying to transform the syntax produced by an (include/...) statement, 
specifically (include/text) from scribble/text. But when I did this:
(transform (include "somefile.scribble")) it transformed the syntax #'(include 
"somefile.scribble"), not the syntax produced from its expansion.

I'm really hoping I don't have to do this:

(eval #`(transform #,@(include/text "somefile.scribble"))

Should I do like... (transform (expand (include/text "somefile.scribble"))) 
or... how would I transform what some syntax expanded into, rather than what it 
started out as?

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Re: [racket-users] splicing conditional results in the surrounding block?

2016-02-12 Thread Nota Poin
On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 12:29:04 PM UTC, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket-html-template/

This does almost exactly what I was thinking about! Looking at the code makes 
me go cross-eyed, but if you (expand-once #'(html-template ...)) enough, it 
turns the SXML tree structure into a linear sequence of (write-bytes) 
statements. It would definitely be possible to instead generate a linear 
sequence of strings, that could be cached and then possibly written with one 
single (write-bytes).

Certainly not worth the trouble, but possible. And very fascinating!

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Re: [racket-users] splicing conditional results in the surrounding block?

2016-02-12 Thread Nota Poin
On Friday, February 12, 2016 at 1:26:05 AM UTC, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> Of course, you can also use the `at-exp` metalanguage from Scribble to 
> simplify text-heavy constructions like these, with variables interpolated 
> into strings:

> #lang at-exp racket
> (define (query condA condB (limit #f) (offset #f))
>   @~a{SELECT something FROM table WHERE @condA AND @condB @(if limit
> @limit @(if offset
>@~a{OFFSET @offset}

I could also do this:

(define (query condA condB (limit #f) (offset #f))
(list "SELECT something FROM table WHERE "
" AND "
(if limit
(list "LIMIT " limit
  (if offset
  (list "OFFSET " offset)

at-exp really is a fascinating language, but if a (flatten) isn't any more 
computationally expensive, you can just splice all the lists at the end and use 
the regular racket language. Either way would work fine, I suspect.

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[racket-users] splicing conditional results in the surrounding block?

2016-02-11 Thread Nota Poin
I run into this problem a lot whenever I'm generating some text. I'll be making 
what amounts to a sequence of strings being appended, and do something like 

(apply string-append 
  (list "" something ""))

Compared to un-parsing a representation of a document tree every single time, 
simplifying document production down to a bunch of string concatenations is 
pretty efficient. The problem happens when I introduce conditionals, like this:

  (if prev
(list "Prev")
  (if next
(list "Next")

Now I no longer have a sequence of strings, but instead a nested list of 
strings. Then I usually call (apply string-append (flatten list-of-strings)) 
and don't worry about it, but it'd be even cooler if I could proactively 
flatten it.

(if prev
  (if next
  (if next

Obviously that's horrible code, since I don't want to type the surrounding 
stuff for every possible logic pathway in my code. But it'd be relatively 
simple to concatenate whatever the result is! I guess what I'm asking is how 
would I take code like this:

  (splicing-if prev
(splicing-list "Prev")
  (splicing-if next
(splicing-list "Next")

...and have the result inherently be a flat list of strings? Not a complex tree 
that I then have to walk with (flatten), but genuinely just a list of strings?

Something with (reset) and (shift) maybe? Something with (and-let)? To make 
this happen, would I have to instrument the conditionals like (if)? Would I 
have to instrument the (list) forms that they result in?

Obviously if my conditionals produce simple strings it's easy:

  "things: "
  (if thing1
  (if (and thing1 thing2)
 " and "
  (if thing2

Even that is kind of cludgy though, because the "" fallthrough results in lists 
like (list "things: " thing1 "" "") instead of the ideal: (list "things: " 

One possible solution is to use mutable variables and shared state. (ugh)

(write "")
(when prev
(write "Prev"))
(when next
(write "Next"))
(write "")

Another thing I've tried is concatenations of concatenations:

(apply string-append 
  (if prev
(string-append "Prev")
  (if next
(string-append "Next")

That of course scatters fallthrough "" strings in the calculation, and since it 
calls string-append multiple times, the implementation can't exactly allocate 
the result all at once, and must spend more time fooling around with memory. 
Creating strings, only to destroy them as soon as they've been appended to the 
larger string.

But there's no way I've ever been able to figure to produce generated text that 
is just a flat list of strings, if I ever want to have conditional decisions 
about what to go in that list.

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Re: [racket-users] splicing conditional results in the surrounding block?

2016-02-11 Thread Nota Poin
On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 9:08:33 AM UTC-8, Matthew Butterick wrote:

> I'm supposing you know that Racket has at least two native representations 
> (X-expression and SXML) for HTML-like structures, so hacking HTML tags by 
> hand is unnecessary.

Yes, thank you for mentioning them. I was actually thinking of starting with 
SXML, but then turning it into a list of string fragments (with spaces left for 
the dynamically generated parts) as a simplification step once I've figured out 
where everything goes. But there are other languages besides HTML this is 
relevant for.

(define (query condA condB (limit #f) (offset #f))
  (list "SELECT something FROM table WHERE "
" AND "
(if limit
(list "LIMIT " limit
  (if offset
  (list "OFFSET " offset)

for instance.

> But if you must, there's a #lang for that:

I'll look at scribble/text, but I don't think a whole new language is necessary 
just to factor if-statements inside out. I suspect it does a (flatten) 
operation though, after having constructed a complex tree, since this problem 
seems like a difficult one, and (flatten) really isn't all that much trouble. I 
was just curious if it was possible to do this, but if I had to get 
scribble/text ready to release to the masses I'd just throw a (flatten) in 
there to splice the lists.

> Enjoy.

No problem!

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[racket-users] Re: splicing conditional results in the surrounding block?

2016-02-11 Thread Nota Poin
I guess this transformation is what I'm looking for:
 stuff ...
 (if test
 (list yes ...)
 (list no ...))
 more ...))


(if test
(transform (list stuff ... yes ... more ...))
(transform (list stuff ... no ... more ...)))

but of course you can't put anything after the ... in the same list in a 
syntax-rules pattern, not to mention there's no indication which ellipses 
correspond to what. I don't know how flattening using syntax-rules is even 

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[racket-users] send-generic vs send

2015-12-01 Thread Nota Poin
I don't really get what generics are. What is the difference between this:

(define show (generic window<%> show))

(send-generic a-window show #t)

and this:

(send a-window show #t)

If the former re...uses the (generic window<%> show) method to be "more" 
efficient, then why isn't show already a generic, and why don't we have (send) 
always use generics? Is it just that (send) existed before generics?

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[racket-users] cannot produce units from syntax transformers

2015-11-28 Thread Nota Poin
I'm not sure why, but this works:

  (import foo^)
  (export bar^)
  (+ foo bar)))

while this fails:

(define-syntax-rule (asyn body ...)
(import foo^)
(export bar^)
body ...))

(asyn (+ foo bar))

with the error "unit: undefined export" for any imported variables.

Somehow the (unit...) form is tied to the physical source location that it's 
written in, so if a syntax transformer tries to introduce a unit syntax, when 
the new syntax is used, the unit will consider the body spliced into it to be 
outside of it, since the body has a different source location than the actual 
definition of the syntax transformer itself.

Is there any way to work around this? I don't necessarily want to rely on 
units, so I made a general syntax that would let me swap them out according to 
my specific use of them, like (with-that-stuff etc ...) instead of (unit 
(import that-stuff^) (export) etc ...). But that doesn't work, because for no 
reason I can fathom, the etc... part gets evaluated before it gets spliced in, 
even though define-syntax says it gets spliced in before evaluation.

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Re: [racket-users] cannot produce units from syntax transformers

2015-11-28 Thread Nota Poin
On Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 11:24:28 PM UTC, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> That is, `import` is a binding form, just like `let`. 
Oh, that makes sense. So it gets swapped in the macro for a hygenic named 
variable, and the ones I pass by that name don't get swapped in the same 
fashion, thus aren't bound.

Maybe I'll try your non-hygenic thing. I could also just 

(define-syntax-rule (asyn imp^ body ...)
(import imp^)
body ...))

...or something. 

Probably not be very useful, since you might as well use the unit syntax if 
you're going to be specifying imports and exports with every invocation. I like 
your non-hygenic solution better. Which is to say I don't like it, but heck if 
I know a better way to make things that create a unit of one single specific 

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[racket-users] How to get information about where an error occurs, in a stack trace context?

2015-11-08 Thread Nota Poin
I'll have code like this:

#lang racket/base

(define (baz foo)
  (error 'whoops))

(define (bar ber)
  (baz ber))

(define (foo ber)
  (let ((a 3))
(if (and
 (= a 3)
 (= (* a 9) 27)
 (bar ber)
 (list? (list 1 2 3 4)))
(not ber

(foo 42)

And I get an error message like this:

error: whoops
   /extra/user/code/racket-stack.rkt: [running body]

That doesn't show the line number on which the error occurred, or even the 
location of the expression being evaluated. For a custom error, I could just 
grep through the code for "whoops", but for say an error like "string-append: 
contract violation" I may have many uses of string-append, and I might not be 
able to debug them if I can't tell what context they're being being evaluated 

How do I enable uh, "working" stack traces? --no-jit just removes stack traces 
entirely. -W debug says the functions are being inlined, but doesn't debug info 
for the inlining specify what function was inlined? racket has no debug flag 
that I can find. Setting --disable-inline in raco and running the bytecode 
produces no information in the stack trace either.

Sometimes (unpredictably AFAIK) I do get /some/ line information, but it's at 
most the function that the error happened in, not the error itself which could 
be anywhere inside it or any inlined function.

$ racket -V 
Welcome to Racket v6.2.1.

Please tell me I'm not gonna have to say Guido was right...

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Re: [racket-users] How to get information about where an error occurs, in a stack trace context?

2015-11-08 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 1:38:56 AM UTC, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Use drracket. 
Yeah, I would, but it takes about 30 seconds to start up if I disable all the 
extensions, add another 10 or 20 for the debugger, and then when I type it lags 
behind at about 0.25s per character. Also it consumes huge amounts of memory, 
and that seems to increase without bounds if you leave it open.

> Or if you insist on command line usage, use error trace. 
What's wrong with command line usage? Anyway, I was going to say this:


That seems to enable stack traces that work.

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Re: [racket-users] Re: racket users fight for their right to colon keywords

2015-11-08 Thread Nota Poin
On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 3:17:59 AM UTC, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Note that, unlike some languages, I *don't* want `x` and `y` to be 
> optionally positional -- only keyworded.

In my opinion, supplying a default value should make an argument implicitly 
keywordable. So (define (a b c (d 3) (e 4)) ...) would have 2 required 
positional arguments, and d and e could be present or omitted. If an argument 
has a default, it means it should be possible to omit it, and if you cannot 
specify keywords for the arguments after it (with defaults) then you cannot 
omit it. That leads to things like this:

(define (foo a b (c #f) (d null) (e null)))
  (list a b c d e))

(let ((e '(1 2 3)))
(foo 1 2 #f null e)
(foo 1 2 #f null '(2 3 4))
(foo 1 2 #f e e)
(foo 1 2 #f e)))

Notice how in all cases the "optional" argument c had to be explicitly 
specified with its own default value. That is confusing because people can't 
tell if you mean "just ignore this and use the default" or "I really do think 
it important that c have this value."

So, optional /non-keywordable/ arguments are a bad idea, in my opinion. Being 
able to do something like this is very important for clarity:

(let ((e '(1 2 3)))
(foo 1 2 :e e)
(foo 1 2 :e '(2 3 4))
(foo 1 2 :d e :e e)
(foo 1 2 :d e)))

I don't have a real preference whether d and e should be allowed to be 
/positional/ though. It seems reasonable that it might be confusing to go (a 1 
2 3 4) where either 3 or 4 are optional arguments with defaults if omitted. A 
case-lambda would be the best form if you really want (a 1 2) (a 1 2 3) and (a 
1 2 3 4). But on the other hand, it doesn't seem too bad, as long as I have the 
option of specifying those optional arguments as keywords.

But I don't have that option, because I have to say "#:keyword-argument 
(keyword-argument default)" or it doesn't /let/ me use a keyword to specify 
that argument's value. That leads to me being forced to boilerplate in defaults 
for intermediary optional variables. So, that's my big beef with the 
lambda/define syntax.

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Re: [racket-users] Long-term Runtime session state

2015-10-30 Thread Nota Poin
On Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 12:30:54 AM UTC, Daniel Feltey wrote:
> Some of the verbosity of units can be reduced using the "inference" features 
> that Racket's unit system provides.

Hmm, I gave it a shot, and this seems to work. Not sure if it'd be especially 
useful. But fwiw

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Re: [racket-users] Long-term Runtime session state

2015-10-13 Thread Nota Poin
On Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 11:40:12 PM UTC, Alexis King wrote:
> Have you taken a look at parameters?
Short answer: yes. Long answer: they're convenient thread-local globals, but 
still feel like globals to me.

(define a (make-parameter 0))

(define (called-at-hopefully-regular-intervals)
  (a (+ (a) 1))

(define (something-stupid)
  (let ((b (a)))
(+ 3 b b b)))

A local variable session doesn't require me to for the internal implementation, 
write a bunch of abstraction-rich difficult-to-optimize inscrutable state code, 
whereas with parameters I always have to (call) them just in case their value 
just changed.

It's like parameters force the internal stuff to use the careful, externally 
exposed interface to access their own internal data.

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Re: [racket-users] Long-term Runtime session state

2015-10-13 Thread Nota Poin
On Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 11:40:12 PM UTC, Alexis King wrote:
> units

Oh uh, conceivably you could have "code" that provided a live session object on 
linking, and handled session refreshing internally, then just link that with 
units that have session dependant code. I just never found any good docs on how 
to do that. Near as I can tell, runtime linking of a unit is even MORE verbose 
and persnickety than just manually typing in all the procedures you want to 
pass to a callback.

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