Re: [racket-users] Help in understanding 'letrec' example

2021-05-14 Thread Utkarsh Singh
Hi David,

On 2021-05-13, 13:12 -0400, David Storrs  wrote:

> Incidentally, a more concise way of doing this would be:
> (define target (build-path "tarzan")) ; convert to path only once
> (for/or ([item (in-directory "/tmp/test")]) ; or whatever directory
> you want to start in
>   (equal? target (file-name-from-path item)))

Thanks! This looks good.

Utkarsh Singh

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[racket-users] Re: Help in understanding 'letrec' example

2021-05-09 Thread Utkarsh Singh

> We are finding a file (or directory) with name "tarzan" inside all
> directories inside given path upto given depth.
> Recursion is needed here, because  tarzan-near-top-of-tree? calls 
> tarzan-in-directory? and  tarzan-in-directory? calls 
> tarzan-near-top-of-tree? for each file in given directory.

Thanks! I finally understood it.

Here is the explanation (for reference):

Consider a sample directory called test with following structure (ASCII
art using 'tree' command):

├── dir1
│   └── subdir1
│   └── file1
└── dir2

Our code will first recursively search for all file in dir1 upto depth 4
and then move to dir2.  Using ormap insures that search for 'tarzan'
will stop at first match (or first true result).
Utkarsh Singh

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[racket-users] Help in understanding 'letrec' example

2021-05-08 Thread Utkarsh Singh

First of all I would like to thank Racket community for creating and
maintaining top quality documentation at
and even providing a local copy for it.

Currently I am having some difficulties in understanding this letrec
example from Racket Guide docs

(letrec ([tarzan-near-top-of-tree?
  (lambda (name path depth)
(or (equal? name "tarzan")
(and (directory-exists? path)
 (tarzan-in-directory? path depth]
  (lambda (dir depth)
  [(zero? depth) #f]
(λ (elem)
  (tarzan-near-top-of-tree? (path-element->string elem)
(build-path dir elem)
(- depth 1)))
(directory-list dir))]))])
  (tarzan-near-top-of-tree? "tmp"
(find-system-path 'temp-dir)

I having some problem on how recursion is working here and what is the
problem we are solving here.  Are we finding a file with (name?
"tarzan") or something else?

Utkarsh Singh

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