[racket-users] Re: dynamically creating and traversing slides

2018-09-09 Thread Vincent Nys
Went for a walk and had an idea. I think this sample illustrates the answer 
to my own question:

#lang slideshow
(define (retract-up-to s retracted)
  (let ([newly-retracted (retract-most-recent-slide)])
(if (eq? newly-retracted s)
(cons newly-retracted retracted)
(retract-up-to s (cons newly-retracted retracted)

 #:title "Slide 1")
 #:title "Slide 2")
 #:title "Slide 3")

 #:title "Branching slide"
  (t "1")
  (λ ()
(let* ([remainder (retract-up-to remainder-start (list))]
   [branch-start #f]
   [_ (begin
(slide #:title "1"
(t "a")
(λ ()
  (slide #:title "a"
  (t "resume remainder")
  (λ ()
(retract-up-to branch-start '())
(re-slide (car remainder))
(for ([rem-sl (cdr remainder)])
  (re-slide rem-sl)
(set! branch-start (most-recent-slide)))])
(define branching-slide (most-recent-slide))

 #:title "Remainder 1")
(define remainder-start (most-recent-slide))
 #:title "Remainder 2")
 #:title "Remainder 3")

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[racket-users] dynamically creating and traversing slides

2018-09-09 Thread Vincent Nys

I'm working on some lecture slides and I'd like my students to list some 
examples. My idea was to have a few question marks on my slides that I 
would click to reveal the example whenever someone calls it out. But I'm 
stuck, because while I can add a slide at the end of the presentation and 
go there with start-at-recent-slide, I don't know how to get back to the 
slide after the one with the question marks once all the examples have been 
listed. Is there a general way to dynamically generate new slides and then 
get back to the original structure? Is this sort of thing intended to be a 
part of slideshow or is this more related to the viewer?



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[racket-users] Re: Legal/Business Case Management DSLs

2018-08-25 Thread Vincent Nys
Hi Richard,

My first impulse would be to write the document DSL or DSLs as a Scribble 
dialect. Scribble allows you to freely insert code in text documents and 
enables PDF rendering. I'm not sure if there is a best practice for writing 
Scribble languages, but I've found that it's easier to start from an 
existing, simple Scribble dialect and add/remove some functionality to get 
a hang of it. It could also handle the "general Documents language": most 
Scribble dialects inherit functionality from scribble/base, so there's a 

As for the records and reports: if I understand correctly, you don't want 
separate DSLs for these, but you want to be able to create these from 
within a "#lang documents/..." file? For instance so that an administrative 
employee can schedule a meeting directly in the invite, keep contact info 
in correspondence in sync with records, and so on? I'm pretty sure you can 
write a Scribble-based language so that you get side effects when you run 
programs written in it, so executing the document could read/write from/to 
a database and connect to an email server or web server. I guess you'll 
still want to review any documents even if the syntax is valid, so posting 
a preview document to a company-internal web server or sending a preview 
email, possibly with a link to send out the document definitively and 
something to roll back/permanently record the changes made to the database 
are all options.

I'm sure others know more how the technical details would work, but it 
sounds like a fascinating project. I can't commit to anything right now, 
but it'd be great if you could keep us posted.



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Re: [racket-users] Trying to prove a property of a semantics for logic (Prolog-like) programs: could Redex help?

2017-12-05 Thread Vincent Nys
So many reasons to dig into things I've wanted to look at for a while!

Op dinsdag 5 december 2017 18:23:37 UTC+1 schreef Matthias Felleisen:
> You may also wish to look into Rosette, a Racket-based SMT DSL. Emina 
> Torlak is the creator and you should be able to find it from her web site — 
> Matthias
> On Dec 5, 2017, at 1:37 AM, Vincent Nys <vince...@gmail.com > 
> wrote:
> Matthias,
> Thank you for your input. I will look into enlisting a proof assistant.
> Regards,
> Vincent
> Op maandag 4 december 2017 19:23:16 UTC+1 schreef Matthias Felleisen:
>> > On Dec 4, 2017, at 9:47 AM, Vincent Nys <vince...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > Hi, 
>> > 
>> > I'm currently working on a program transformation technique for logic 
>> programs. The technique uses abstract interpretation, so I have an abstract 
>> program semantics and the main operation is an abstraction of resolution. I 
>> would like to prove a particular property of this semantics (namely that 
>> the number of non-equivalent abstract conjunctions that can be obtained 
>> through resolution is finite unless there are recursive calls which can be 
>> characterized in a specific way). I can't seem to do it by hand. Would 
>> Redex be of help if I used it to code an interpreter for these abstract 
>> semantics? I don't necessarily mean that it should produce a complete 
>> proof, but, for example, could it demonstrate that the property holds for a 
>> logic program with at most N clauses of length L, where neither is 
>> symbolic, by exhausting a search space? 
>> Let me first clarify a misunderstanding. Redex is not really a tool for 
>> writing an interpreter. If you want to write interpreters, use Racket or 
>> Typed Racket. Redex is a tool for specifying either a reduction semantics 
>> or a relation semantics. It’s unique for the former and one among others 
>> for the latter. 
>> Let me then state a surprising admission. Even though I started as a 
>> Prologer and have always thought of reduction semantics as a unique and 
>> amazing tool for specifying a semantics, I have never done so for a logic 
>> language. Interesting. 
>> Now as to your question, Redex can check things but it’s hard to prove 
>> them, even for finite cases. In the past some of my PhD students have 
>> developed Redex model to experiment with a semantics and Isabelle/Coq 
>> proofs to prove things. Modeling in Redex tends to be fast and easy; it 
>> really feels like it imposes only a slightly higher overhead than 
>> paper-and-pencil modeling. 
>> Many wish that proof systems and Redex were more integrated. Alas they 
>> are not. 
>> — Matthias 
> -- 
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Re: [racket-users] Trying to prove a property of a semantics for logic (Prolog-like) programs: could Redex help?

2017-12-04 Thread Vincent Nys

Thank you for your input. I will look into enlisting a proof assistant.



Op maandag 4 december 2017 19:23:16 UTC+1 schreef Matthias Felleisen:
> > On Dec 4, 2017, at 9:47 AM, Vincent Nys <vince...@gmail.com 
> > wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I'm currently working on a program transformation technique for logic 
> programs. The technique uses abstract interpretation, so I have an abstract 
> program semantics and the main operation is an abstraction of resolution. I 
> would like to prove a particular property of this semantics (namely that 
> the number of non-equivalent abstract conjunctions that can be obtained 
> through resolution is finite unless there are recursive calls which can be 
> characterized in a specific way). I can't seem to do it by hand. Would 
> Redex be of help if I used it to code an interpreter for these abstract 
> semantics? I don't necessarily mean that it should produce a complete 
> proof, but, for example, could it demonstrate that the property holds for a 
> logic program with at most N clauses of length L, where neither is 
> symbolic, by exhausting a search space? 
> Let me first clarify a misunderstanding. Redex is not really a tool for 
> writing an interpreter. If you want to write interpreters, use Racket or 
> Typed Racket. Redex is a tool for specifying either a reduction semantics 
> or a relation semantics. It’s unique for the former and one among others 
> for the latter. 
> Let me then state a surprising admission. Even though I started as a 
> Prologer and have always thought of reduction semantics as a unique and 
> amazing tool for specifying a semantics, I have never done so for a logic 
> language. Interesting. 
> Now as to your question, Redex can check things but it’s hard to prove 
> them, even for finite cases. In the past some of my PhD students have 
> developed Redex model to experiment with a semantics and Isabelle/Coq 
> proofs to prove things. Modeling in Redex tends to be fast and easy; it 
> really feels like it imposes only a slightly higher overhead than 
> paper-and-pencil modeling. 
> Many wish that proof systems and Redex were more integrated. Alas they are 
> not. 
> — Matthias 

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[racket-users] Trying to prove a property of a semantics for logic (Prolog-like) programs: could Redex help?

2017-12-04 Thread Vincent Nys

I'm currently working on a program transformation technique for logic 
programs. The technique uses abstract interpretation, so I have an abstract 
program semantics and the main operation is an abstraction of resolution. I 
would like to prove a particular property of this semantics (namely that 
the number of non-equivalent abstract conjunctions that can be obtained 
through resolution is finite unless there are recursive calls which can be 
characterized in a specific way). I can't seem to do it by hand. Would 
Redex be of help if I used it to code an interpreter for these abstract 
semantics? I don't necessarily mean that it should produce a complete 
proof, but, for example, could it demonstrate that the property holds for a 
logic program with at most N clauses of length L, where neither is 
symbolic, by exhausting a search space?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [racket-users] I've started work on a Racket project book

2017-06-05 Thread Vincent Nys
Thank you, everyone, for the feedback!

Comparing even more solutions should be great for learning, so I'll think about 
an "official" channel for that. Right now, I need some more content first (like 
the rest of Chapter 1 :-)) but I've opened a ticket so I won't forget.

"Emu" is about 40% because the book is about learning by emulating and 60% 
because it allowed me to use the mascot I have attached here.



Op zondag 4 juni 2017 13:03:59 UTC+2 schreef Daniel Prager:
> Hi Vincent
> Very nice!
> I like the approach of giving exercises along the way, with multiple 
> solutions to then compare and review against. 
> I wonder whether it would be worth having a mechanism whereby readers can 
> share and discuss their solutions.
> Also: why "Emu"?
> Dan

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[racket-users] I've started work on a Racket project book

2017-06-02 Thread Vincent Nys

I recently read Beautiful Racket and I found it very inspiring, so I started my 
own Racket project book using Pollen. I'm not a great programmer, but that's 
the point.

Please have a look at it at http://users.telenet.be/vincent-nys/index.html. 
Feedback is welcome, preferably through 

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[racket-users] Re: Beautiful Racket v1.0

2017-03-16 Thread Vincent Nys
Congrats! I've gone through all the chapters and it has been the most 
entertaining programming book I have ever read. It's been practical, too, as I 
have already used bits of it in a medium-sized (first) Racket project. I would 
gladly buy it and will recommend it to many of my co-workers.



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