Re: [racket-users] On Richard P. Gabriel’s “The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution”

2018-04-30 Thread Sean Kanaley
> and using version control as the primary source of truth. Reproducibility
is important.

> we got ourselves confused on occasion and the more it happened, the more
it became clear to me that we needed to shift to a more static view

I want to voice what I think is agreement that reliability of the rest of
the universe is important (all that is not "the code right in front of
me"). Correct output is a function of correct input and the correct
function that processes it. So users are intentionally guarded against and
programmers are responsible for config files and source. Everything else
*has* to work. It's extremely confusing (time-wasting) to debug your code
only to later learn the server has the old version of code on it, for
example, or that, god forbid, gcc compiles 2+3 to 2+4 on 13 Aug every year.
The config file is bad enough, but I don't know a solution to that, and
it's under my control in my dev environment. It can definitely get
confusing when the production environment malfunctions due to a config
issue. But, the more confidence the programmer has in their code and the
universe as a whole, the more easily they can just declare "it's probably
the config".

Programming Systems introduce additional mutations of the universe beyond
the source code that effectively undermine the source code. The
"referential transparency" between programmer thought and users' code
execution is lost, unless the programmer manages to perfectly mutate their
thoughts in parallel with the changes to the runtime environment. But we
make mistakes with plain old code, so I'm gonna say, "not happening".

On the other hand, mutation is for efficiency. If there's a case where
refreshing all deployments after a source change takes far too long, a
compromise may be needed. But I don't work in a sufficiently complex
product that would benefit from ditching reliability in favor of
tinkerability, and if it was that complex, I'd probably prefer reliability!

So, I recommend sticking with "Racket AST implies the set of program

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Re: [racket-users] On Richard P. Gabriel’s “The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution”

2018-04-29 Thread Matthias Felleisen

Back in ’12, Dick sent out the essay for early comments to a bunch of us. I 
replied to him personally with some longish emails and I am excerpting two 
relevant pieces below. I have erased my response to  Dick’s comments on Mixins 
and his conclusion visa some “revolution” from this single paper. In my mind, 
he fails to see how academic PL researchers work, how conferences evolved and 
‘killed’ PS publications, why this was easy for them (and remains easy). What 
you see below is a rationale why this may not even be a bad thing. 

;; - - - 

Here is a direct response to this thread. ~~ The PL vs PS distinction is also 
one of “static” vs “dynamic”. As far as I am concerned, this isn’t binary at 
all. It’s a spectrum, and as always, both ends are problematic and the true 
solution sits in the middle. Lisp and, with it, Scheme definitely started out 
in the “systems” camp. Lips machines made this totally clear (we owned two, and 
Shriram still has one of them in its office) but even the way I grew up on the 
Scheme REPL was “systemish.” As Dan Friedman and I worked in the REPL though 
(for the books), we got ourselves confused on occasion and the more it 
happened, the more it became clear to me that we needed to shift to a more 
static view. 

What I wanted from a static view as the unencumbered freedom to work with an 
untyped language — not just with a “universal type” in a statically typed 
language, which is NOT the same as what we do but I don’t know how to tell 
“adults” — and to gradually shift to a more static program.

The first thing was the REPL. Dan and I would still use the REPL on rare 
occasions as the thing where you can patch a closure, go back into the top 
level REPL, and resume the computation. Is this useful? Of course, every 
long-running or slow program needs this. The faster we got, the less important 
this was. BECAUSE when you did this, you easily confused yourself. So we 
re-started the REPL almost every time and experimented there. See where the Dr 
repl comes from? 

Here is a simple inside-the-PL example. Imagine a world where everything is 
encoded as a list, a world w/o records. As Perlis says, you’re better off with 
a data type and a 100 functions than 10 data types with 10 functions each. 
Nice, so all data is represented with lists. You cannot imagine how easy it is 
to confuse one form (“type”) of data with another one in such a program. It’s 
like in ASM. As long as there’s a bit pattern, the CPU will process it until 
the hardware crashes. Same for Scheme programs that use lists for everything. 

We introduced structures and life got infinitely better. Can you imagine living 
without structs? 

At the ’86 Scheme workshop, I proposed a separation of data cons from syntax 
cons. People laughed at me. Can you imagine programming with plain 
S-expressions when you deal with syntax? 

So yes, Racket shifted from a PS to more of a PL and my philosophy is visible. 
We are in the middle now. As always, it is hard to defend the middle because 
nuance is hard to defend. And with the creation of the ‘Web, we finally have a 
place where nuance got totally buried. 

;; - - - 

Email excerpts from my 2012 response to Dick’s “early warning” 

> Your essay points to 'programming systems' as one possibility, which to me 
> means "MIT/Stanford/Lisp machine companies" and "Smalltalk". From what I 
> understand 'MIT' Lispers thought of Lisp programming as walking up to a Lisp 
> machine and adding more material to the always-running REPL. As Carolyn put 
> it one day, "push the ball of mud a bit further through the mud" and she said 
> she was quoting John. 

. . . [ Carolyn ~ Carolyn Talcott, John ~ John McCarty; Carolyn was John’s 
second wife ] . . . 

> let me add a piece that I pruned from the original message. The piece 
> concerns the difference between programming systems and programming languages 
> and why work on the latter is so appealing when you assume 'average' 
> programmer. [I personally consider this word meaningless because I think bad 
> programmers _subtract_ from projects, so I don't even know what it means to 
> calculate 'average'.] 
> At any point in time, a programming system is in a state. To program the 
> system means your contributions change this state and make the system act 
> differently. One of the insights from my dissertation is that it is (almost 
> always) possible to reify this state as a program. [This was later turned 
> into the standard method for stating and proving well-definedness for a PL or 
> as they say "type soundness" except that you can state/prove such theorems 
> for untyped PLs too.] In that light, programming a system isn't all that 
> different from working with "just" a programming language. 
> When you work in a programming language, the illusion of conference papers is 
> that you write a program P, which is a well-formed element of some grammar G 
> and has some semantics S -- and that is it. But this isn't true at 

Re: [racket-users] On Richard P. Gabriel’s “The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution”

2018-04-19 Thread Greg Hendershott
I will (probably foolishly) wade in first:

TL;DR: I think there's been a change in what it means to be a
"long-running system".

Once upon a time, you owned a single expensive hardware box with
_extremely_ limited/slow (by today's standards) RAM, CPU, I/O, and
persistent storage. (Maybe you owned more than one of these boxes, and
could network them, but that was relatively slow, too.)

In that scenario, the "system" is a precious thing you continually
mutate, tinker, and poke in-place. What else could you do?

It's similar to owning a house that you maintain and extend over
months and years -- and you have to live in it during the ongoing

These days, each computing instance has considerably more resources.
And also: The instances are disposable things you can provision
on-demand. And also: You can even allocate "containers" among one or
more of them.  Each of those containers can be immutable,
reproducible, and so on.

So I think the "system" is now this higher level of resource
allocation. Keeping it long-running doesn't mandate the language level
to be mutable and reflective and tinker-ish.

Instead of one precious house that must be maintained while you live
there -- it's more like you deal in blueprints or designs for a house
factory. Or, maybe it's like AirBnb. Analogies are hard. :)

Related: I think there's been a shift from primacy of the executable
image and hardware, to primacy of source code -- and using version
control as the primary source of truth. Reproducibility is important.
The executable and the thing it runs on are merely discardable
optimizations, like a cache.

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[racket-users] On Richard P. Gabriel’s “The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution”

2018-04-18 Thread Alexis King
Hello all,

I have a rather different sort of question to ask about from my usual
fare. A month or two ago, I read an essay written by Richard P. Gabriel
and published at Onward! 2012 called “The Structure of a Programming
Language Revolution”. The essay itself is available here to those
interested in reading it:

The essay covers a number of things, from CLOS and Smalltalk to the
concept of incommensurability, but one of the things I found most
intriguing was this thesis:

> The real paradigm shift? Systems versus languages. Before 1990, a
> person interested in programming could work comfortably both in
> programming languages and in programming systems, but not so easily
> after. To tell the truth, I never even noticed the different words —
> language versus system — never attached any significance to the word
> choice until this exploration. I used the phrases interchangeably for
> many years: Programming System / Programming Language.

Gabriel goes onto elaborate on the difference between so-called “systems
thinking” and “language thinking”. From his perspective, Common Lisp
sits squarely in the “systems” camp, and Scheme in the “language” camp.
He makes the claim that the amount of effort Common Lisp dedicates to
things like redefinition to support a running system are the effect of
systems thinking, which has more or less fallen out of favor in the
academic community in recent decades.

This got me thinking about Racket, since much of Racket sits firmly in
the language thinking camp. Racket focuses on the language being a
single source of truth, on soundness, on syntactic properties and formal
semantics. It discourages things like long-running systems and dynamic
reflection. On the other hand, Racket is clearly made up of many systems
in addition to its many languages: the macro system, the
chaperone/impersonator system, and the namespace system all come to
mind. (On the other hand, perhaps the line is much blurrier than Gabriel
would have one believe: do contracts really belong cleanly to either

Since then, I’ve wondered what thoughts other Racketeers would have in
response to Gabriel’s essay. The ability to have a live, dynamic system
akin to Common Lisp’s images is a useful feature, but it certainly
requires “systems thinking”, and it is unsatisfying from a “language
thinking” point of view. To pose a question to those who have been doing
this longer than me, do you think this proposed philosophical binary
really makes sense?  Does Racket really fit in more closely with one or
the other?  Philosophically, does Racket reject things like CLOS and
redefinition/long-running images just because they don’t work in the
edge cases, or is there some bigger picture here that I’m not seeing?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,

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