Re: [racket-users] Re: Fast way to map over a list many times, changing ONE element each time?

2015-06-22 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Hi Luke,

With 5000 numbers I got the numbers below with a slightly modified
If one method generates garbage and triggers a garbage collection while
running the following method, then the numbers will be unfair. To avoid
this I call collect-garbage before calling time.

map-once method number 1:
cpu time: 2832 real time: 3406 gc time: 1970
cpu time: 1895 real time: 1973 gc time: 1472
cpu time: 1941 real time: 2070 gc time: 1514

map-once method number 2:
cpu time: 2212 real time: 2288 gc time: 1687
cpu time: 2320 real time: 2395 gc time: 1766
cpu time: 2344 real time: 2451 gc time: 1815

map-once method number 3:
cpu time: 12547 real time: 13146 gc time: 11738
cpu time: 10687 real time: 10824 gc time: 9930
cpu time: 10615 real time: 10786 gc time: 9860

map-once method number 4:
cpu time: 1718 real time: 1795 gc time: 1379
cpu time: 1796 real time: 1827 gc time: 1403
cpu time: 1751 real time: 1816 gc time: 1380

map-once method number 5:
cpu time: 1311 real time: 1381 gc time: 1081
cpu time: 1346 real time: 1401 gc time: 1119
cpu time: 1375 real time: 1491 gc time: 1129

vector method:
cpu time: 1063 real time: 1154 gc time: 365
cpu time: 942 real time: 1024 gc time: 366
cpu time: 921 real time: 1002 gc time: 391

#lang racket
; testing for post on racket mailing list

;; Luke
(define (map-once/1 f ls)
  (let M ([sooner null] [later ls])
(if (null? later) null
(cons (append sooner (list (f (car later))) (cdr later))
  (M (append sooner (list (car later))) (cdr later))

(define (list-set ls i new-val)
  (let-values ([(sooner later) (split-at ls i)])
(append sooner (list new-val) (cdr later

(define (map-once/2 f ls)
  (for/list ([i (in-naturals)]
 [elm (in-list ls)])
(list-set ls i (f elm

;; Jon
(define (map-once/3 fn xs)
  (for/list ([i (in-range (length xs))])
(for/list ([(x j) (in-indexed (in-list xs))])
  (cond [(= i j) (fn x)]
[else x]

(define (map-once/v fn xs)
  (build-vector (vector-length xs)
(λ (i)
  (define v (vector-copy xs))
  (vector-set! v i (fn (vector-ref v i)))

;; Jens
(define (list-splits xs)
  (define (loop ys zs)  ; xs = (append (reverse ys) yz)
(match zs
  ['()  '()]
  [(cons z zs*) (cons (list ys zs)
  (loop (cons z ys) zs*))]))
  (loop '() xs))

(define (map-once/4 f xs)
  (for/list ([ys+zs (list-splits xs)])
(match ys+zs
  [(list ys '()) '()]
  [(list ys (cons z zs)) (append (reverse ys) (cons (f z) zs))])))

(require (only-in srfi/1 append-reverse))

(define (map-once/5 f xs)
  (for/list ([ys+zs (list-splits xs)])
(match ys+zs
  [(list ys '()) '()]
  [(list ys (cons z zs)) (append-reverse ys (cons (f z) zs))])))

;;; actual testing

(define num-test-cases 5000)
(define num-runs-per-f 3)

(define ls (for/list ([__ (in-range num-test-cases)]) (random)))

(define normal-map-onces
  (list map-once/1 map-once/2 map-once/3 map-once/4 map-once/5))

(for ([map-once (in-list normal-map-onces)]
  [i (in-naturals)])
  (printf "\n\nmap-once method number ~a:\n" (+ i 1))
  (for ([__ (in-range num-runs-per-f)])
(time (void (map-once sqr ls)

(define v (for/vector ([__ (in-range num-test-cases)]) (random)))
(printf "\n\nvector method:\n")
(for ([__ (in-range num-runs-per-f)])
  (time (void (map-once/v sqr v

2015-06-19 23:08 GMT+02:00 Luke Miles :

> My 1000 numbers were so small that they weren't reliable.
> Change the `num-runs-per-f` and experiment yourself, if you'd like.
> The code is attached.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Racket Users" group.
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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"Racket Users" group.
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Re: [racket-users] Re: Fast way to map over a list many times, changing ONE element each time?

2015-06-21 Thread Jon Zeppieri
If you're willing to use vectors, then maybe you're also willing to
use a custom data structure? You could get much better performance
that way. Here's a half-baked example of what I mean. `map-once/h`,
below, returns a (normal list) of hole-lists. ("hole-list" is not a
good name. The offset doesn't really designate a hole in the list, but
the offset where the function should be applied.)

#lang racket/base

(require racket/match)

(struct hole-list (xs hole-offset fn))

(define (hole-list-empty? hxs)
  (match hxs
[(hole-list (? pair?) _ _) #f]
[_ #t]))

(define (hole-list-nonempty? hxs)
  (not (hole-list-empty? hxs)))

(define (hcar hxs)
  (match hxs
[(hole-list (cons x _) 0 fn) (fn x)]
[(hole-list (cons x _) _ _) x]))

(define (hcdr hxs)
  (match hxs
[(hole-list (cons _ xs) n fn) (hole-list xs (sub1 n) fn)]))

(define-match-expander hcons
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x xs) (and (? hole-list?)
   (? hole-list-nonempty?)
   (app hcar x)
   (app hcdr xs))]))

(define-match-expander hnull
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_) (and (? hole-list?)
  (? hole-list-empty?))]))

(define (hole-list->list hxs)
  (match hxs
[(hnull) '()]
[(hcons x xs) (cons x (hole-list->list xs))]))

(define (map-once/h fn xs)
  (for/list ([i (in-range (length xs))])
(hole-list xs i fn)))

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Luke Miles  wrote:
> I timed all these with `sqr` on a list of 1 `(random)`.
> Luke's (my) first one:
> cpu time: 4706 real time: 4699 gc time: 3673
> Luke's second one:
> cpu time: 5401 real time: 5393 gc time: 4136
> Jon's first one:
> cpu time: 9734 real time: 9728 gc time: 8007
> Jon's second one (tested on a vector of course):
> cpu time: 1198 real time: 1195 gc time: 883
> Jens' first one:
> cpu time: 5622 real time: 5618 gc time: 4800
> Jens' second one:
> cpu time: 4393 real time: 4391 gc time: 3935
> I thought Jens' second one would be faster. The vector's results are 
> promising.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Racket Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> For more options, visit

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Fast way to map over a list many times, changing ONE element each time?

2015-06-19 Thread Luke Miles
My 1000 numbers were so small that they weren't reliable.

Change the `num-runs-per-f` and experiment yourself, if you'd like.
The code is attached.

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Description: Binary data

Re: [racket-users] Re: Fast way to map over a list many times, changing ONE element each time?

2015-06-19 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Hi Luke,

What are the result on lists of length 1000?

Also can you post the benchmarking code?

/Jens Axel

2015-06-19 22:33 GMT+02:00 Luke Miles :

> I timed all these with `sqr` on a list of 1 `(random)`.
> Luke's (my) first one:
> cpu time: 4706 real time: 4699 gc time: 3673
> Luke's second one:
> cpu time: 5401 real time: 5393 gc time: 4136
> Jon's first one:
> cpu time: 9734 real time: 9728 gc time: 8007
> Jon's second one (tested on a vector of course):
> cpu time: 1198 real time: 1195 gc time: 883
> Jens' first one:
> cpu time: 5622 real time: 5618 gc time: 4800
> Jens' second one:
> cpu time: 4393 real time: 4391 gc time: 3935
> I thought Jens' second one would be faster. The vector's results are
> promising.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Racket Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> For more options, visit

Jens Axel Søgaard

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[racket-users] Re: Fast way to map over a list many times, changing ONE element each time?

2015-06-19 Thread Luke Miles
I timed all these with `sqr` on a list of 1 `(random)`.

Luke's (my) first one:
cpu time: 4706 real time: 4699 gc time: 3673

Luke's second one:
cpu time: 5401 real time: 5393 gc time: 4136

Jon's first one:
cpu time: 9734 real time: 9728 gc time: 8007

Jon's second one (tested on a vector of course):
cpu time: 1198 real time: 1195 gc time: 883

Jens' first one:
cpu time: 5622 real time: 5618 gc time: 4800

Jens' second one:
cpu time: 4393 real time: 4391 gc time: 3935

I thought Jens' second one would be faster. The vector's results are promising.

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