Re: [racket-users] Re: if you want to do a startup

2016-02-19 Thread Neil Van Dyke

jun lin wrote on 02/19/2016 04:24 AM:
I'm not sure using Racket is a good choice for a startup. Racket 
itself is a good language, but if you need do something serious, you 
also need bullet proof libraries. In the detail, I'm interested in web 
development, and looks like Racket don't have good ORM and web 
framework libraries.

It depends what you're trying to do, and how you want to do it. 
Sometimes it goes back to my comments in another thread here the other 
day, regarding "DIY":

Neil Van Dyke wrote on 02/13/2016 01:33 PM:

I'd say the biggest downside is that there is still lots of things 
that are off-the-shelf for some mainstream platforms, but require some 
in-house DIY work for Racket.  Sometimes this is something you can DIY 
faster and better than you can get an off-the-shelf solution 
integrated, but sometimes the DIY is just extra cost with no direct 

There is also a long discussion to be had about the countless different 
ways that people develop and deploy Web-based systems, and how that 
relates to Racket and startups.  Quick off-the-cuff brain dump for now, 
since had a non-decaf coffee this afternoon...

Not only is the sheer size/complexity and numbers of 'standards' and 
languages and frameworks *massive* now, but they're constantly growing.  
And still, unless your needs fit some now-conventional way of doing 
things, there's a significant chance you'll be unable to find a 
framework that does what you need well, and you'll only discover that 
after substantial investment in evaluating different ones.  (In support 
of that last assertion: notice that the houses of successful Web-ish 
companies with skilled developers, like 
Google/Amazon/Facebook/Twitter/Yahoo/Microsoft, usually end up 
developing their own frameworks and other infrastructure, even when 
that's not their business.)  I have worked on projects in which Racket 
DIY saved the day, when no off-the-shelf solution would've been viable, 
no matter what other language had been used.

So, depending on the nature of your startup's innovation, it might well 
be that you are doing something Web-related that doesn't actually fit an 
off-the-shelf Web framework anyway.  You're probably OK with 
off-the-shelf "Web" frameworks, if you're making yet another photo 
sharing site; possibly not, if you're doing yet another messaging/forum 
service or `sharing economy' middleman middleware, that scales and 
integrates with necessary devices/services; also possibly not, if doing 
needing "Web" bits that competitors/owners currently guard closely or 
that is just now emerging; also possibly not, if you're you're not just 
exhausting the combinatorics of mash-ups of well-known successful ideas 
like "We're like, but for hamsters!", and your ideas imply 
non-entirely-clerical-grunt-coding technical requirements.

That said, if your startup's innovation does fit off-the-shelf 
frameworks well, as they often do, then a Racket-inclined team 
especially will have to ask themselves, "What are the 
benefits/costs/risks of doing this in Racket, given what we can foresee 
about how our architecture would use off-the-shelf and DIY, and how does 
that compare to what we can foresee about other language-rooted 
platforms we might use instead?"  The decision could easily go either 
way, with many rapidly-moving early startups.  To contrast, for a stodgy 
corporate system, the decision will usually go with what the broader 
organization (or subset) already uses, or something otherwise 
politically safe to pitch and implement, in a "nobody ever got fired for 
buying IBM" way -- but startups tend to have more flexibility than that.

(Aside regarding contributing the hypothetical DIY bits back to Racket 
community... I do have a model/story for, when an organization does DIY 
some bits in Racket, how to maintain the non-proprietary DIY bits in a 
low-cost and possibly-beneficial (not altruistic) open source 
lifecycle.  This involves a particular correspondence between kinds of 
reusable open source components, and good practices for systems 
architecture and organizational software engineering process, and some 
tools to support that.  But, for an early startup, I would probably 
advise against open source contributions, except for patches to upstream 
of others' established stuff, because cost:benefit doesn't seem likely 
to work out for a startup in the near term.  My own open source bits are 
to promote the platform as a consultant, or just altruistic, not an 
example for startups, and I've also been sitting on some unreleased 
packages for reasons that a startup might.  Later, once the startup is 
more successful, they can look at retroactive open sourcing of bits, as 
a one-time dump for PR/hiring purposes, or even maintained that way, or 
possibly do new/ongoing development with a model/story of 
self-beneficial architecture/process/tools that happens to fit well with 
open sourcing, but that's after already successful.  

[racket-users] Re: if you want to do a startup

2016-02-19 Thread jun lin
在 2016年2月16日星期二 UTC+8上午7:05:59,Neil Van Dyke写道:
> CS students and other Racketeers planning to do a startup... You're 
> probably familiar with what Paul Graham, of Y Combinator fame, has said 
> about the merits of using Lisp (ahem, Racket) for the initial system.  
> And sometimes you can also use Racket for the eventual system.  So, 
> you're considering using Racket for your startup, right?
> My day job is money-grubbing, fancy-pants technical consultant to 
> established organizations.  But if you'd like to use Racket for your 
> startup, I'm up to being a technical advisor to a couple early cash-poor 
> startups, on an equity-only basis.  You'll of course need to assemble 
> your founders team with the key competencies for your business -- an 
> advisor is just there in the background, to help your team grow in the 
> right directions, and to quietly back you up on occasion.  Your founders 
> team will also need to be doing all the standard business-side things, 
> with the help of business advisers and perhaps an accelerator program, 
> and to be driving the startup with your own vision and wholehearted effort.
> I'm based in Boston, and often work online.
> Neil V.

I'm not sure using Racket is a good choice for a startup. Racket itself is a 
good language, but if you need do something serious, you also need bullet proof 
In the detail, I'm interested in web development, and looks like Racket don't 
have good ORM and web framework libraries.

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